Whenever we talk about our religions, regardless of their political pollution, people often assume that whatever our religious leaders say is based on spiritual truth—implying that everything is legitimate and full of integrity. 

Now, if everyone across the more than 4,200 religions believes their faith is purely spiritual and just, we’ve got some problems. Unfortunately, when it comes to our governing systems and religious beliefs, things get complicated because group politics demand individual irrelevance. To control their members, leaders may preach things that rob individuals of their self-esteem. While some may be ready to kill or die for their religion’s political side, not everyone is willing. Spiritual integrity can be immensely beneficial, but it can also tear individuals apart, especially when their spiritual values clash with their political loyalties.

Throughout history, humans have killed each other over their belief systems. To me, if you are spiritually aware, you can connect the dots: you didn’t just show up here because you wanted to be alive. With spiritual awareness, you can see God within yourself and others. When the politics of belonging pollute our religions, things go south, especially for us as individuals.

When group leaders mix religious beliefs with their political agendas, it becomes a toxic cocktail—much like mixing alcohols to increase intoxication. This is evident in history and still today. When politicians give inspiring speeches, individuals often become intoxicated with fervor, ready to kill or die for the cause. This intoxication is not unlike the effect of alcohol—it mixes with human chemicals, or hormones, that provoke alcohol-like emotional responses. If an individual is not the CEO of their own life and unaware of the power of these chemicals, things can quickly spiral out of control.

An emotionally intoxicated individual can’t see God within themselves or others. Regardless of religious beliefs, being spiritually blind or emotionally drunk on political belonging can lead to recklessness and a loss of spiritual integrity. When people speak of God, they often talk as if God is exclusive to their group, creating a version of God that is bigoted, prejudiced, and discriminatory. Would you want to commit that spiritual crime? Just look around and see how many of us are doing exactly that. God won’t tell you that you’re on the wrong path, and your religious leaders won’t let you question it. Right or wrong is secondary; group leaders care only about the politics of belonging.

If everyone is intoxicated by the lethal mixture of politics and religious beliefs, killing each other becomes easy—not in the name of God, but in the name of group or tribal belonging. When we talk about spirituality, justice, oxygen, water, food, love, favorable life circumstances, our mortal bodies, and humanity, what comes to mind is the universal nature of being human. If God were political, why would universality exist for all of us?

If you overcome the influence of your hormones and political affiliations, you will not only feel a direct connection to God but also to your own and others’ universal nature. That’s where you’ll understand the value of the atom of autonomy within you. Otherwise, you remain trapped in the group politics of belonging, just as humanity has been for thousands of years. You can choose to be an irrelevant political puppet or the CEO of your life. Politicians, whether using race, gender, nationalism, or religious rhetoric, are still human. So, the responsibility of letting others rob you of your self-esteem and self-respect ultimately falls on your own shoulders.

We need to critically examine our evolutionary nature, personal insecurities, and the political rhetoric of belonging. We are chemically influenced by the love of our families and communities, naturally drawn to the politics of belonging. It’s all fine until we start to go against our personal and spiritual nature, committing spiritual crimes in the name of our political affiliations and disregarding our own autonomy, which lies encased within us. This connection to the source, or God, can be confusing, especially because some deny its significance.

Some atheists may claim they don’t believe in God, making the encased irrelevant. To me, that’s being biased. On the other extreme, some focus solely on the encased and life after death, neglecting the importance of protecting the encasement. They believe God controls everything, rendering human action irrelevant—again, a biased and political stance. Whether you prioritize the encased or the encasement, you face a problem either way. The spiritual sound of life requires both hands—spirituality and physicality—to clap.

So why doesn’t God intervene before a crime is committed? Why do we experience inner conflicts, torn between belonging and freedom? Why can some be compassionate, loving, and giving, while others are the opposite? These questions can be answered by believing in your own atom of autonomy, which grants you free will and a personal sense of justice. Reflect on where you got these abilities; if you fail to use them, you can easily fall into the traps of politically dubious integrity set by others.

As individuals, we possess immense responsibility. Our ocean-like brains, free will, and sense of justice empower us to act justly—treat others as you would want to be treated. Yet, politics of belonging often lead us to inner conflicts, which can be a dangerous place for a mortal being. Group leaders thrive on making their followers feel insecure, ensuring their dependence and allegiance. An insecure individual feels the need to belong, whether to a gang, community, nation, or religion, to feel relevant. However, in pure spiritual reality, things are quite the opposite: without the physical input of individuals, God and groups lose their significance.

Since humans have free will and an evolving nature, things can and should change with our expanding knowledge. However, political pulls are exceptionally strong, and not everyone ventures into their ocean-like brains to make sense of their lives. It’s not often taught to believe in or understand the nature of our autonomy as the CEOs of our lives.

When we talk about justice and integrity, they should be universal and free from political influence. If one is not the CEO of their life, they may easily believe whatever their leaders preach, even if it’s a distorted version of truth masked as integrity. Politicians twist truth into something that serves their political ends, cloaked in so-called integrity.

When discussing universal concepts like God, spirituality, and justice, we must also speak of compassion, love, truth, and integrity. Otherwise, politically influenced individuals with emotionally compromised logic and dubious integrity become a danger to themselves and society. As autonomous beings, we carry more responsibility than we’re taught to believe. True justice is universal and unbiased for all of humanity. If justice serves only a group, it is politically tainted and not true justice. True integrity requires purity, free from the stain of group politics.

Look into human history, and you won’t find an era free of human bias. Group politics have always claimed innocent lives. Seeking pure spirituality and blind justice may seem like a dream, but we have an opportunity now. This is the first time in history where people are asking for and willing to fight for equal human rights. Students protest wars that go beyond their racial, national, or religious interests. This shift should serve as a wake-up call to those willing to kill for their groups. Humanity may finally be ready to evolve beyond divisive group politics.

How long will it take? That’s a question for future generations. They must be more spiritual than religious, more just than political, and more willing to give and receive equal rights than we are today. If they embrace these values, they will continue to thrive as a united humanity. They must prioritize humanity over group affiliations, climate control, and global issues over resource exploitation. There are clear signs that they are against racism, gender bias, bigotry, and discrimination. They live in melting pot societies, coming from all over the world, unified in their values. They can see the wrongs and seek spirituality over religion. They stand for universal justice and empathize with the suffering.

Governments have been toppled, and the future remains uncertain. But one thing is clear: the days of authoritarianism, religious politics, and localized justice are numbered. In this age of social media, scandals can destroy a politician overnight. Yet, despite all these changes, our religious beliefs remain intact. Why? Perhaps our loyalties to our groups prevent us from questioning the integrity of our faiths. As individuals, we all come with the ability to use free will and a personal sense of justice. If we fail to comply with our atom of autonomy, we risk falling victim to the politically dubious integrity that plagues our societies.

Look into the history of humanity and find a time or era that was free of human bias. There has never been—and still isn’t—a time when group politics didn’t claim innocent lives. Searching for pure spirituality and blind justice often seems like a dream for humanity. Yet, we have an opportunity now, as this is the first time in history that people are actively asking for, and willing to give and receive, equal human rights. It’s heartwarming to see students protesting against the war between Palestine and Israel, even when it’s far removed from their racial, national, and religious interests. This is unique and should be a sign to those who would kill in the name of their groups. Humanity might finally be ready to take the next step on the ladder of evolution, overcoming the politics of belonging to specific groups.

How long will this take? The answer lies with future generations from all groups, nations, and religions. If they are more spiritual than religious, more just than political, and more willing to grant equal rights to one another, they may achieve what we haven’t. All signs point toward a future where humanity can thrive, provided they prioritize the collective over group interests and wars, and focus on global issues like climate change instead of exploiting others for resources.

Today’s youth, against racism, gender bias, bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination, live in diverse, melting-pot societies, and yet they connect with humanity as a whole. They recognize injustice, seek spirituality over organized religion, and empathize with the suffering of others. Governments have been toppled by uprisings, raising questions about the future. Regardless of predictions, it’s clear that authoritarianism, religious-political rule, and localized justice are losing ground, thanks to the power of social media, which exposes corruption and deceit in real time. However, despite all the scandals, our religious beliefs remain largely unchallenged.

What makes us spiritually corrupt is our failure to question the integrity of our own religions. Is this due to our loyalties to our groups? It’s a question worth asking. As autonomous individuals, we each possess free will and a personal sense of justice. If we ignore these qualities, we risk being spiritually and politically torn apart from within.

History shows that many groups have tried to dominate the world, believing their race, nation, or religion to be superior. Not only did they oppress others, but they also distorted their spiritual principles to justify their actions. They followed bigotry, prejudice, and discrimination openly, cloaking these practices in the name of religion and constitution.

To those who are taught that God does everything and humans are merely puppets, I ask: how does anything happen without human action? If you see yourself as powerless, you risk losing faith in your abilities, your autonomy, and even the universal blessings we all share, like life itself. Life circumstances can challenge our beliefs, traditions, and rituals, leading us to blame God or our belief systems for our failures.

There are over 4,200 recorded religions, a testament to our search for answers in different belief systems. But changing religions is often more a shift in political alignment than a spiritual one; the essence of God and spirituality remains constant, untouched by human politics. If you blame God for your hardships, you need to reassess your belief system. The path may change instantly, but it alone cannot solve your problems.

Putting God on a pedestal while devaluing your own contributions leads to shattered expectations and lost faith. You must respect the physical aspect of your nature, which is crucial for spirituality to be meaningful. As we evolve, having faith grows more complex, and everything points towards our responsibility to take control of our lives. An individual with shattered expectations needs more than a preacher; they need to recognize their role in the broader spiritual landscape.

If your group diminishes your self-esteem and self-respect for political gain, you can’t look to them for solutions. You live in an era of equal human rights, and centuries-old answers may not suit modern problems. If your sense of irrelevance stems from beliefs instilled by group politics, you must learn who you truly are. If your shattered expectations stem from waiting on divine intervention that didn’t come, reflect on the unseen damage caused by your group’s politics.

Every human has a duty to turn spiritual principles into physical actions to make them meaningful. Even divine work involves human input—what more do you need to feel relevant? If you don’t see your own worth, no one else will convince you. Those with low self-esteem are easier for political forces to control. To rise above being a political puppet, you must understand your value as an individual. If you continue to feel irrelevant because of group influences, question yourself until you see your importance.

Believing in your irrelevance is like denying the significance of a thread in the creation of a grand tapestry. My message is simple: stay grounded in the era you were born into. Science and religion must find a middle ground within each individual to make sense of modern life. In an age of equal human rights, fostering inner and outer peace requires a balance between our spiritual and scientific understanding. As humanity evolves with scientific discoveries, we must not neglect our spiritual side, as inner peace remains closely tied to it.


When you start to dig within yourself, you will find that various groups have taught you metaphorical strings, pulling you in different directions simultaneously. Interestingly, even the thoughts of these pulls can physically trigger responses, sometimes to the point where your hormone-related emotions start flowing. You can even become anxious just by listening to the news. As I’ve often said, our brain functions like an ocean, receiving knowledge like rivers and streams pouring into it from all directions—social conformity, nationalism, religious extremism, and other schools of thought. This means that as a modern human, you have far more going on in your brain than people did two thousand years ago. Consequently, whatever you’ve been taught to believe is rapidly changing. You can choose to be proud of being labeled as a bigot, prejudiced, or discriminatory, or you can become passionate about equal human rights. Preferably, our controlling politicians would rather lock you into exclusive ponds, streams, or even a river of knowledge. They don’t want individuals who use their ocean-like brain to make choices, so they wouldn’t want you to think as if you have an ocean within you to consult. Disrespecting the vastness of your abilities as a human being is one thing, but politically making us all irrelevant is simply absurd.

Remember this simple logic: if a thought can’t be performed physically, it can’t be counted as a physical action. Whether the promotion of individual irrelevance is intended to rob people of their self-esteem for political purposes or not, gaining power over people by conforming them into a subservient role has been, and still is, good politics for the politician—but not for the individual. Logically, even if it stems from our religious beliefs, when it comes to individual irrelevance, it is nothing but political. Interestingly, they even allow their followers to hide behind God and the Devil after committing spiritual crimes, as if human beings don’t have free will and aren’t responsible for their actions.

Remember, you hold a potential that even our religious leaders don’t fully understand. So, if you join them, believe their political rhetoric, and underestimate yourself, you’ll eventually rob yourself of your own self-esteem. Now, remember, if you feel angry, frustrated, sad, or disappointed, before blaming or looking down on yourself, try to understand who you really are and where you stand in this politically tainted holy picture. Learn to understand why you end up with these uncontrollable feelings and where they come from. Interestingly, you don’t just end up with your political identity; you’ll find yourself stuck in a pond, stream, or river of knowledge instead of discovering your ocean-like self. When you dig into your feelings, you are most certainly going to discover your own, exclusive, personal imagination. This imagination will direct you to your biased and influenced intellect. Unfortunately, or not, that’s why they have the power to emotionally pollute your logic.

As the CEO of your life, or as an uninfluenced spiritual being, you have the ability to override these emotional pollutants. If you’ve been taught or allowed politicians to influence you in any way, you should know that it was you who gave them the power to tell you how to believe or even think. If you stay in that state of mind long enough, you may end up with emotionally polluted and twisted logic of your own.

If you can personally delve into your own ocean-like brain, pick, choose, mix, and match all the information you’ve collected along the way, you may find spiritually correct, logical thoughts that you’ve been holding within all along. This is when and where you tap into the abilities you’ve carried since before your birth. Your atom of autonomy is what makes you free or helps you override those genetic and political influences that limit other creatures.

If the knowledge is especially about life after death, remember that for us human beings, it’s not based on our physical realities; it’s about our metaphorical zone. If someone says they know everything about what lies beyond the cliff of our faith, no offense to any politically tainted belief system, but common sense says it’s not based on physical reality because one has to die first to find out the truth for themselves.

An interesting phenomenon is that when it comes to our metaphorical world-related knowledge, regardless of it being nonphysical and unclear, somehow human beings respond passionately and may even resort to violence. Ever wonder why? Just ask yourself why that unknown is more important and powerful than our physical facts. Unfortunately, we have been—and even today are still—killing each other, interestingly, just to defend and protect those unknowns. Personally, I believe those killings have nothing to do with the world of our unknowns itself but rather everything to do with the politics of our group belonging. So, as individuals, we have to be honest with ourselves first and then ask, why do we really fight and kill each other, especially over something we don’t really know or fully understand?

If you start to think, especially without any political bias, things don’t really add up. Simply because we all individually come with our own atom of autonomy related to free will. Clearly, that means, as human beings, we all have to override not only our emotional feelings but also the influences of our political belonging simultaneously. Accepting the role of CEO, who has the duty to manage both opposing sides from within, can be tricky, but these are the responsibilities we come with. As animals, we might fight for survival, resources, and territory, but as spiritual beings, we literally fight for love. The loss of love is a pain that sparks revenge, and that individual rage is a bonanza for politicians to carry on with their conflicts. Remember, it is an individual who picks up a sword or pushes the button physically to do the deed for their politician. This means that even a group of people can’t do anything unless their individuals bring their physicality to those conflicts. Just as a good spiritual deed from God doesn’t physically take place unless a human being lends their physical hands, backs, and shoulders to it. So, mixing the pain of lost love and related revenge is like mixing alcohols to raise the level of intoxication. This means we can continue killing each other’s individuals, even the innocent ones, for thousands of years. So, as individuals and as humanity, we all have to look at our conflicts from all angles. For instance, remember, politicians are not in it for the individual, humanity, or God; they are in it exclusively for power, dominance, and control. Our individual vulnerabilities are needed by them to carry on with their political ambitions. If humanity provides all human beings with their equal rights and the feeling of being protected, they can change and evolve to override the politics of belonging. Remember, the longer the injustice continues, or the more individuals who have felt the pain of lost love, the more revenge-related killings will go on. It’s not hard to see the causes, but it is almost impossible to deal with the feelings of lost love. So, it is highly individual: if everyone wants to inflict the same pain on the one who caused them that pain, the world will remain as it has been.

Logically, it has been shown—both in our present history and in the past—that by providing equal rights, we all can learn to live even in a melting pot society. After all, our entire history clearly shows a rainbow of mixed nations. We even have different blood types to attest that we have been mixing and evolving all along. Yet, there have always been people who have literally begged for differences all along as well. Their politically polluted emotions have led them to believe that their ancestors were superior. Really? Science says we all started from Africa; you know what that means? If you really want to dig into it, start digging within yourself first. Remember, you simply can’t change the physical realities of humanity just because your belonging group says otherwise. If you are taught to believe in something other than physical reality, it is your duty to become the CEO of your life so you aren’t treated like a worker bee or a warrior ant. Before you say you don’t believe in science, you have to consider your political influences as the polluting factors of your emotionally twisted logic. In a nutshell, you simply can’t be fair if you are born in or around the equator. So, from a distance maybe, but having black genes within and discriminating against them all need your CEO attention. Anyway, for that reason, I would say we all started as black but adapted to our environment and evolved. So, believing that you somehow become superior by being born into a certain race, gender, or ideology without the judgment of your character and contributions to humanity is nothing more than absurdity.

With the level of our evolution, by now we should have figured things out, but the politics of our belonging has us all dancing like puppets to our belonging groups. Once you evolve individually, you can not only understand the differences between physical facts but also know what belongs to our metaphorical world and how our group politics work as well. Remember, our belonging group-related traditions, customs, and rituals may be powerful and feel right, but as a human being, you carry something within you that is even more powerful than your physical and political group influences. Interestingly, until the wave of equal human rights, we had not evolved in this particular aspect of life. Ever wonder what’s holding us all back from really questioning that politics of belonging? Why don’t individuals believe in their exclusively installed atom of autonomy? Because political belonging has been robbing individuals of their self-worth and self-esteem.

Sure, blind faith and pure spirituality in our belief systems can be helpful for us individually, but that is only if we remove the political aspect of group belonging first. Remember, the politics of belonging has the power to rob us of our individual spirituality and make us ignore the calls of our atom of autonomy from within. When we start to go beyond our atom of autonomy and connect with our higher self, not only do we override the politics of belonging, but we may start to feel the true meaning of our metaphorical zone. But then, who will turn their political swords and convert them into plowshares? Well, if you can really reach that depth, your self-esteem alone would stop you from participating in any political groups to fight for the lost love or revenge. Instead, you would lead your group to cultivate true love and start a new era of truly spiritual politics.

The political fog clouding your spiritual side can be lifted if you understand your true identity, authority, and place in this sacred picture. REMEMBER, IF YOU DON’T TRANSLATE SPIRITUALITY INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS, NOTHING WORKS—NOT EVEN OUR BELIEFS IN GOD. As an autonomous being, you must always remember that you live with what resides within you every moment of every day. Over time, how you think and believe as an individual truly matters, especially when it comes to your emotions and how politically polluted they may be.
If you are not honest and authentic with yourself due to your political affiliations and influences, your spiritual awareness becomes tainted and eventually takes a back seat. This means your personal authenticity is compromised. As I have said before, spirituality or spiritual values do not stick around if they are mixed with the politics of group identity. Remember, you are designed and born to be the CEO of your own life project. Demoting yourself is not a life well-lived because you are potentially the big kahuna holding the physicality card. Without you, this spiritual clap makes no sound. So, respect yourself, assume your duties, and become that CEO. Spending a lifetime trying to fit in, impress others, and even kill or die for the admiration of your group is politically tainted and spiritually deficient.

Most religions allow the politics of group belonging to pollute their spiritual content, leading them to a place where politics and spirituality are openly and shamelessly mixed. While separating them on an individual level can be extremely difficult, it is still possible. It is our individual responsibility to keep our spirituality intact. We are all born with our own exclusive atom of autonomy. Remember, God, spirituality, justice, and humanity are universal—like our need for oxygen, water, food, love, and physically functioning bodies. Logically, these do not and cannot belong exclusively to any particular group of people; they belong to humanity as a whole. You may think you are authentic and spiritual in a specific religious setting, but if your actions are tainted by political or group affiliations rather than advocating for humanity as a whole, you have an individual problem. Remember, you are born into an era that upholds equal individual human rights. Therefore, your group-related beliefs, traditions, customs, rituals, and rules can be questioned by the time and era in which you live.

I do not claim to have all the answers, especially concerning our metaphorical realities or life after death. However, I will tell you this: killing over who is right about the afterlife is fundamentally wrong. Personally, I choose to live in the era I am born into, where I can make choices accordingly.
Robbing someone of their physical reality over our metaphorical one is sheer absurdity. Remember, the past is gone—a time when we all believed in belonging to our groups. Today belongs to an era where most of humanity is striving to give and receive equal individual human rights. This means that even our nature is calling us to belong to humanity as a whole, so we can work together to address global issues—from infections to extreme weather, to online crimes, and everything in between, including the new kid on the block: AI. The future is not here yet, so I can’t predict anything for you as a physical reality. Therefore, the power to make changes lies in the present. While you are alive, a physical reality, be honest with yourself and be spiritual.

The major issues we face today should be viewed from a broader perspective. Individually, we have a chance to collect some happiness and contentment along the way. Otherwise, we may sacrifice the most important treasure of our mortal lives. Preaching to remain stuck in an era long gone or keeping you anchored in the past serves no purpose other than to help politicians gain power and control over you. If you can’t accept the changes that the present has brought, remember that in real reality, you are not alive because of yourself or your group affiliation. Rather, you were born into a time that requires you to adapt. Remember, you have a direct connection to your source within. So, if you are born into an era where equal human rights are legitimate, learn to adapt and be helpful. Learn to believe in what keeps you alive and trust in the time and era you are born into, especially if you claim to believe in God.

Our evolution has changed everything. So, if you don’t feel like you fit in, and you are unhappy because of your political influences, it is a personal and individual issue—resolve it from within, without robbing someone of their physical reality. Having a politically tainted point of view is one thing, but doing unto others what you would not want done to you or your loved ones is a spiritual crime, plain and simple. Your ability to make choices came with you from before your birth, so compromising those abilities does not come from God but from individual weaknesses related to political influences. You cannot solve your personal problems by clinging to an era that has long passed. Belong to the era you are born into, especially if you are politically influenced to live in the past for political purposes.


I have often quoted, and even go by the name of the "dancing bottle" for this reason: "If the intoxication was in the alcohol, then the bottle should dance. It’s me who drinks the alcohol of God and gets drunk on it." So, even if you are under the influence of Godly alcohol, drink socially and avoid getting drunk on the politics of group belonging. If you are under the influence of political group identity and commit dirty deeds for them, REMEMBER, YOU ARE NOT SOBER. Literally sleep it off with logical thinking because you hold an atom of autonomy within. Use it, because it grants you the ability to exercise free will and personal justice. You can override the degrading politics of group belonging. Become a CEO of your life so you can find inner peace first—for yourself, for your group, and eventually for humanity as a whole, and even for God’s sake.
My motto is: if you don’t know something, DON’T SIMPLY ASSUME. If you believe in a metaphorical world, use your metaphorical basket for the things you don’t know about. Remember, you brought this metaphorical basket with you from before your birth. As you evolve, you can turn your unknowns into knowns. Interestingly, as human beings, we all have different levels of a sense of belonging, and we all function somewhat differently with our political issues.
Arrogantly, we simply don’t like to admit that we don’t know everything—especially when it comes to our ancestors. Despite all the evolutionary progress we’ve made, we still don’t like to acknowledge that their knowledge was incomplete. Not accepting this can lead us not only to ignorance but also to the humiliation of being proven wrong as groups. If we continue using egotistic assumptions, they may end up as lies and politically twisted truths. In today’s world, things need to be clearly and logically explained; otherwise, there’s a high chance they’ll be ignored.

Unfortunately, our ignorance isn’t limited to the individual level; collectively, we can ignore facts as well BECAUSE OF OUR COLLECTIVELY POLLUTED EMOTIONAL LOGIC. Especially when it comes to the politics of group belonging. For me, admitting that I or we don’t know is not as humiliating as being proven wrong collectively. Yet, history shows that we continue to claim that our knowledge has always been correct and complete. JUST ASK GOOGLE HOW MANY RELIGIONS ARE IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. It can tell you the number of religions, but it’s a shame it can’t tell you tHaving differences of opinion in various aspects of life while we are alive is acceptable, but killing each other over beliefs that pertain to the afterlife is spiritually senseless. Politically, however, that’s an entirely different matter. Unfortunately, we often fail to question our politically inspired religious leaders. Accepting everything as a physical reality, especially when it concerns matters that aren't physical or belong to the afterlife, is a clear sign of being uncritical and subservient. Remember, God created human beings with diverse genetic codes. It is not spiritual for us all to be like other genetically programmed creatures. Understanding this should be enough for an individual to moderate their belief systems. How can our so-called spiritual systems allow or let the politics of group belonging pollute and override spiritual principles? These systems can twist and distort everything to the point that such distortions become accepted truths for their followers. This has been happening throughout history, and eventually, we will evolve enough to recognize the political taints in our belief systems. We may not like it, but as individuals, we will all have to go through the pain of accepting our evolving nature. Individually, we may recognize this truth, but speaking against our own belief systems is challenging because society has not yet reached the point where evolution can be accepted as a spiritual truth.

If you stubbornly choose to follow in the footsteps of your ancestors or listen to your religious leaders, do so, but don’t envy or get upset with those who choose a different path. In today’s world, following the path laid out by your ancestors has been proven to be prejudicial and discriminatory. Since you were born into an era that champions equal human rights, where racism, prejudice, and discrimination are openly challenged, the question arises: Will you follow the path of your ancestors out of political loyalty, or will you seek spiritual truth and equality? By assuming the duties of an individual CEO, you can ground yourself in the physical world where everyone exists physically. Life beyond the cliff of faith belongs to our metaphorical realities, so allowing it to override our physical realities is a sign of a follower who does not question the authority or spiritual authenticity of politicians.

When we think about prejudice and discrimination, we are led to confront issues of racism and other spiritual deficiencies. Therefore, it is essential to learn about our group politics and understand the related hormonal influences before blindly believing that our ancestors were right and others were wrong. Such assumptions, in the context of evolving knowledge, can lead to a logical nightmare.

If you believe that the truth of right and wrong will only be known after you die, you are mistaken on two fronts. First, you must die to find out, and second, when you don’t know something, you shouldn’t kill each other over it. You could spend your living years making a difference, but if you believe your path is exclusively right, you are living with prejudice and discrimination. Spiritually, this is nothing to be proud of; in fact, it is a spiritual flaw. Remember, you cannot involve God in your assumptions. If something is spiritually wrong, how will you justify it when your inner sense of autonomy, which judges everything you do, is present within you?

Placing all the eggs of right and wrong in the basket of life after death or beyond the cliff of faith is unwise. What lies beyond the cliff has not been proven with absolute certainty—neither by religion nor by any other system of knowledge, including science. I am not trying to sow seeds of doubt in anyone’s faith; rather, I am encouraging people to stop killing each other over pre-installed scenarios of the afterlife. Politically charged and highly effective, religions have created fear in the hearts of their believers, especially given our awareness of mortality. Politicians take full advantage of this knowledge.

Religious leaders have always exploited these vulnerabilities. They have created scenarios that make individuals feel fearful, weak, vulnerable, irrelevant, unimportant, and even guilty of sins—whether committed or not. With such a lack of self-esteem, most people are easier to control. This strategy has worked in the past, and politically savvy leaders continue to use these old tactics. If you still live in the past and are passionate about the knowledge of your belonging groups, you may latch onto anything that seems bigger and stronger than you simply to feel secure. Whether that help is visible or invisible, your personal weaknesses will magnify its power. Loyalty to your group over personal spirituality is a clear sign of internal conflict. You would rather be prejudiced and discriminatory than at peace with your inner autonomy. Understanding who and what you truly are can help you resolve these internal clashes. If you believe that God lives through you physically, you will view others with respect and as equals. If you have been taught that you are good and others are bad, you have learned prejudice and discrimination under the guise of religious belief. The worst part is that you have been emotionally manipulated by politicians to believe that God Almighty stands with you as a prejudiced and discriminatory entity—good for some, but not for all.he number of individuals—even innocent ones—killed because of differences in religious beliefs.

Whether something is scientifically proven wrong or not is no longer the issue. Politically and stubbornly, all human groups claim to be right ALL BECAUSE OUR ANCESTORS SAID SO. The question is, why do we continue fighting egotistically, even as we change and evolve throughout history? You can fight over a piece of land, and it would be on solid ground—literally over a physical reality. But when you fight and kill each other over who is right about what lies beyond the cliff of our faith, you are fighting over nonphysical realities. So, be honest and question yourself first, then question your own groups.