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Mixing science with spirituality is as important as taking responsibilities of evolution. From Jesus parting the ocean to prophet Mohammad’s travel to God’s place to all the miracles performed by the prophets, there are thousands of stories fill the pages of the holy books. The natural disasters have been discussed as well and then the predictions of coming disasters are common stories of religions. There is a lot of fear creating doom and gloom stories to install fears in the hearts of followers. Instead of fear, doom and gloom I believe in taking responsibilities of personal actions and standing equal footing as God. Sure I can’t survive without the properly functioning of external and internal universes, but at least I am not throwing away my potential abilities to feed those fears caused by the religions. Those fears don’t stop only at making you subservient they rob your self-esteem as well, so you end up becoming a puppet of an ideology instead of being a CEO, what really means for the human individual to be by blessing him/her with the free will.
Personally I believe and have faith in God to have positive outcomes of life while I take my responsibilities of doing God’s work fearlessly because I believe God needs me to be a vigorously working cell to keep the body of God alive instead of always worshiping to fulfill my desires without doing my share. Some religious people believe that we should fear God so we can be spared from the hell. First question comes to my mind is why do I have to fear if I am reciprocating and doing my job while I am alive? Second is why the life after death is more important than this one while I am useful to God?
Logically no one comes back to tell the truth after we die, there is no solid and scientific proof so it is all about the belief system which I don’t disagree. The solid belief system is an asset not a problem, it only becomes a problem when one kills or dies over that belief system because we need to understand that our belief systems have to be beneficial for us to live this living life happier and better. If you have constant fear and stress during this life time regardless of believing in God you got to fix your belief system personally.
As an individual we all have to follow some basic fundamentals of life, we all have our job to reciprocate in return to be thankful for the experience of the living years . It is not some random fluke of nature for the individual to be alive. Just look at the space up there the universe is a constant chaos yet earth still retains life and then if you, start to look at the individual’s inside universe, there are ten trillions cells and hundred trillions bacteria to run a living body, if you still believe every thing is done by you take your head out the sand and appreciate the complexity what is needed, just to keep you alive, never mind living with personal control to make everyday decisions. There has been, is and will always be a reason for human beings to believe in God because of mortality and to have control or at least have some help from the unknown regardless of it is real or just a placebo effect.
Knowing, that believing helps to take some fears away or adding hope to a chaotic and out of control life is a great help, if one can understand the power of belief system. To me it is great to have a belief system, but if you have given it the power to make you prejudice so you work against the equal human rights or worse, to kill each other in the name of your belonging groups the whole belief system takes you away from and, is against the spirituality thus directly against God himself.
The stories and songs have powerful effects on the human individual, as communities we need to make sure that we don’t become victims of the prejudice and create other victims to start a perpetual cycle of spiritual crimes. God and the belief systems are a human need, so we should follow them to gain benefits not harms. These harms are not related to spirituality they are one hundred percent related to human being’s politics related loyalties and politics of his/her sense of belonging to a belonging groups.
These stories are making God look like an authoritarian entity, who takes revenge and punishes to make people obey, I find this appalling, because everyday there are thousands of innocent human individuals become victims of violence, whether it be, by the other human individuals in the social settings or governments and even the political arms of every religion trying to kill each other’s individuals.
I just can’t see God punishing everyone to keep them in line, what about the innocents being killed or victimized without the justifications. It maybe okay in a religious or political setting but I believe in God in such a way that it is all about spirituality and in spirituality there is no such a thing as collateral killings or unfortunate and accidental justifications.
The main theme of my Blog and the meaning of the who flipped my triangle, is that when we put God and the Devil on the top two corners we make the human individual inferior and meaningless but at the same time we cleverly blame the bad effects of our actions on God or Devil yet we are blessed with the free will, after the blessings of the free will we are equally to be blamed. With free will, responsibilities come and we don’t want to take all the burdens, while we perform animalistic actions against others, including our own kind. This is a disorder, which not only makes us suffer as an individual it reaches all the way to the whole humanity and metaphorically speaking God as well. Just like the human immune cells attack self cells instead of the foreign cell, that is why I believe human beings are the cause of God’s arthritics and we cause it intentionally because we have free will. We can change it for the better if we desire, but it would mean that we have to take responsibility of our actions.
The power we have given to God is a total perfection of human individual. Whatever we feel or think and it is not in our control, or we can’t perform that task, we believe God should be able to do it and should do it for us, so we worship and pray to bribe God, as if God is some other human being who feels the same way as human individual. A sperm has no resemblance to a whole human being, no seed looks like a potential tree so we can’t just assume that God thinks or feels like the human individual.
The questions can arise that, Is God a super human being? What kind of relationship is, between human being and God? Why do we think God would be happier if we worship and sacrifice? This clearly gives a sense, that we believe that God feels like a human individual so we think God is vengeful and a killer of even innocent people and is planning to kill everyone eventually.
My example may simplify this to a common sense explanation, say one cell of the human body has a relationship with the body to give and take. A cell gets its life giving oxygen, nutrients and cleansing done by the body’s optimal functioning, and cell performs its task to help the body to carry on performing optimally to live healthily to provide life to its trillions of cells, while at the same time depend on the very insignificant cell to live and sustain itself. In this scenario God can’t be killing its own cells unless there is something is wrong. Just like a body can be susceptible of having an autoimmune disease God can be susceptible to human beings as auto immune craziness. It is hard to understand why we can’t take responsibilities of God’s affairs, after all we are the one performing God’s physical miracles everyday. This is not a religious story, it is a common sense responsibility of all human beings. There are a certain segment of people whom are against the social assistance because they believe human being has a tendency of dependency, if you give them without any work they would expect it to be given without doing anything in return. That is where I believe in practical prayers with some self-esteem, even it may portray as down right egotistic. This self-esteem what I am talking about is far from being egotistic it is one hundred percent spiritual. I believe our purpose of life is to reciprocate to be fair and help each other and reproduce God, just like our cells do and perform to keep the body alive while body helps us to live. Imagine a cell does not perform its task yet claims, I worship and believe so that is enough, how would the body feel about the cell. Now imagine if all cells believe in the same thing, how would a body function and survive? There are traditions in the world, where half the population is not permitted to perform fully by the religious beliefs, yet I believe God needs everyone of us to perform the practical prayers to keep the body of God not only functioning but thriving and evolving. If you look closely the religious entities with their political agendas intentionally make God function at substandard level regardless of their claims of being obedient.
The stories of natural disasters always have some scientific explanations as well, just like people drawing the poetic connections to religious stories. We simply have to evolve and solve the mysteries of God. If we keep thinking God is some out door entity who lives up somewhere in the space, and if we are obedient, worship, fast and pray we would be in God’s good books, even if we don’t do what God had created us to do.
We some how are given a permit by the religious authorities that it is okay not to seek to evolve and take responsibilities, you will go to heaven if we give you a licence to enter. You just have to listen to us even if we tell you to go and perform a spiritual crime we will get you in the heaven. A grown up and evolved human individual, potentially is far more sophisticated and able to think beyond the boundaries and limitations, religions impose on him/her yet just look at our wars and draw the conclusions. Are we as an individual taking our responsibilities of a CEO?
The whole concept of free will and personal responsibility falls apart by following these religious orders by giving up your personal importance. If you wake up in the morning and decide to pray you are using your free will because you are choosing to do that, this is the same ability you use all the time and every day with a little help of God by receiving a little oxygen to keep space running in chaos, yet not destroying the earth and to keep everything working smoothly in the internal space as well regardless of trillions of cells and bacteria. If you call it a little help to use your free will, just remember to call a spade is a spade and be spiritual, how much help do we need to stay functioning and how much is this our doing? And that is all if we are dealing directly with the source not with the religious orders by the belonging groups.
There is a lot more to learn about the human individual’s potential. Every religion wants the human beings to be obedient and subservient to them, yet the God’s name is used to make some of the human beings powerful, money given in the name of God is used by the religions to create monstrous and impressive architects to impress the human individual yet the humanity suffers from famine. We don’t help each other just because of the religious differences yet the spirituality cries in the monumental places of religious architects. It is unbelievable belief systems and one hundred percent pure and simple politics of power. By looking at the controlling rules of the religions logically, they would never let the human individual evolve, but fortunately human nature comes in the way and Godly help keeps the human beings evolving. The death toll of religious wars and extreme related incidents is much higher than even our openly political wars. How do I assume it, well we have been killing each other over our belief systems long before even the major organized religions existed, I call it political killings because it is done by the political arms of the religions.
All the evolution came from the people whom strayed from the boundaries to discover, and end up helping the humanity. The human individual was never out of Godly solutions, you just have to see with your logical eyes, so you can see beyond the powerful politics of sense of belonging to your belonging groups.
Every religion preaches the loyalty or face shunning or even worse, death by the belonging groups and after death, the wrath of God, yet no one gets punished by God while committing spiritual crimes in the name of God. If God was responsible for punishing everyone then all the justice systems of all the nations and all the punishments from the religions would be unnecessary. All, people would , have to do, was to pray, or no one would even had to pray for the justice, because we are told that, God knows everything so the justice should be done instantaneously or there would be no problem at all.
There are millions of unsolved murders and other spiritual crimes done by the human individuals in the name of their belonging nations and religions on daily bases yet we still insist that they would be punished by God. I don’t think so, God put the evolutionary nature in the human being so he/she can do the justice him/herself or as community. Personally I think God is above the daily chores because of us as God’s working horses. We are the one who should take responsibilities of our actions so we can do the justice by self regulating ourselves.
My worship to God is not to bow or kneel every moment of my life, my duty is my worship to serve the humanity because God lives through the humanity while it exists. If there is not human being a town is a ghost town and a whole universe is well I will call it a Godless universe. My daily chores include helping fellow human beings so they can help the others is a practical prayers or worshiping. If I can live in such a way that no one gets hurts from my actions is my responsibility, and fortunately we all have the potential to self regulate with our free will. Unfortunately we have given our personal powers to our belonging groups and we don’t believe we can have a direct connection to God. Imagine if a human cell says I have to listen to one organ along yet work against the whole body to destroy it, that is what goes on if you belong to your belonging groups without the understanding of the humanity spirituality and God.
Reciprocation is the purpose of an individual’s life and serving humanity is the reciprocation to God. God does not need an able human being bowing down to worship, God needs human being to do God’s work. When someone prays to just get his/her needs met the answer comes from the help of the other human being, metaphorically you can say God did it, I would believe that as well because I believe human being is God’s living form and God is human beings spiritual form. Speaking otherwise is just like, asking question, what came first? If you say God or the human being it would not be without an assumption, so I would not go there because I would not want to use my ego to claim something with my incomplete knowledge. Most of our problems are related with this egotistic knowledge and I believe this ego is a child of our political sense of belonging to our groups. We commit spiritual crimes in the name of our honor and ego, yet they all are really to fit in, impress or to be admired by the belonging groups.
Human individual worships God as he/she is taught, if you are taught to pray five times a day or once a week on Sunday. You will follow that not because of it is right or wrong, it is because, you being a spiritual being are looking for the spiritual satisfaction. If you dig in, there will be a high percentage of people don’t get that satisfaction even by going to the mosque or church alone, but if they do good deeds for humanity they all will accomplish the spiritual satisfaction it as simple it can get.
If you have bought into it, or are sold on to your belonging religious knowledge, it is your personal issue, but when you harm someone or suffer personally yet can’t come out of the boundaries and talk like a CEO of your life, you are using your free will to stay in those boundaries by choice. I believe you owe to yourself to know why you are, the way you are?
Potentially you are created as a CEO of your life, the proof is in your everyday life, you use your free will all the time in all other departments. If you can’t even come out of the created boundaries for you to even talk, you are undermining your individuality and God given potential, thus not following your real order of God to evolve continuously. You just need to look around to see the examples of continuously evolving human being.
These days we can detect, predict and track the storms and hurricanes, the predictions of temperature and weather are social norm. We wake up and know about the snow storms so we can dress accordingly or don’t go traveling. The number of human lives saved by this human knowledge gets greater with time. If it was not for the human beings whom looked beyond the boundaries, we still would be throwing the virgins over the cliffs to please God.
The knowledge of God and religions are still around but we have made a lot of adjustments and did evolve in that area as well to become moderates, but there are fundamentalists in all religions whom just don’t want to agree to see things change. Human being is not designed to stay in the boundaries and this evolutionary nature is not something human being has created, human being brought this along from God himself.
It is ingrained in us to question and evolve, I find it mind boggling that this day and age a regular and even an educated individual can be radicalized to become an extremist. When I say extremist it is for both sides, weather you belong to religious extreme or scientific extreme, human knowledge has not been, is, or will be completed until we reach our potential so even something scientifically proven can be wrong for the human beings. For example our weaponry is designed to kill or exterminate scientifically great yet it is hard to forget Naga Saki or Hiroshima. . Interestingly there are theorists whom believe that weapons can create peace, well it has not achieved that yet regardless of all the advancements, so I am not going to buy into that theory.
Personally I think we have foundational problems related to basic issues. Prejudice whether it is related to race, nationalism or religions, is totally taught by the parents at home, and it actually is related to the politics of our sense of belonging to our belonging groups. Unfortunately we all claim that we belong to the best family, race, religion, nation or even God. We make places of worship in every neighborhood and community to worship separately because of our differences so there are lot of places to worship yet the needy on the street is still needy.
The trouble is that all groups teach and preach the same thing to create prejudice, so there is a low chance for the human individual to learn to belong to humanity as a whole.
We all are Muslim, Christian, black, white, Pakistani, Canadian and even choose to, or are stigmatized as a certain gender before being a human being. The reality is the other way around, our assumed identities are related with the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups not to humanity genetics and God.
If you look at the scientific break down you will end up with the carbon which everyone is made of, now evolve a little further you will find the genetically different creatures and then you will find the intelligence separation. Human beings find their genetics compelling them to socially live together regardless of color, race or gender. Intermingling and reproduction proves that there is no differences because they are able produce perfectly functioning and intelligent human beings.
So what is the difference? Data is the difference yet data is not the human individual. Data is the knowledge you install in the able computer. Data is not the genetics, so it can’t be an identity, it is just an app, you can install or uninstall, computer and the computer runner would still be there, thus the identity is not the knowledge and since knowledge is always evolving right or wrong, it is fluid. Human being as an individual, is beyond the fluidity, he/she is a reality especially when he/she robs someone’s love even if it is in the name of belonging group or revenge of love loss.
Your religious knowledge, nationalism, racism, traditional beard or clothing, religious symbols, social, traditional and cultural way of doing things are all data, but you as an individual, you are above all that. If you strip down this data one thing at a time and dig deeper than all the assumed identities, then and only then you will find a naked human being as a cell directly connected to God himself giving and receiving life simultaneously. That is the real human identity, that is why I believe that human is not a drop in the ocean human is an ocean in the drop.
The nature is powerful so you as an individual will always hold the key. You are the computer runner and are above the computer itself never mind the data, so make sure you find yourself under all the layers of cultures and take charge to become a CEO of your life, and yes that is what who you really are.
Constantly dig for your potential and evolve, because you are an ocean in the drop, otherwise you will stay stuck in the politics of the sense of belonging in the name of security, always remember there is no security for a mortal. If you go by the grave yard, it is a place full of the dead people whom thought that the world can’t go on without them. They thought they were secured by their belonging groups yet no belonging group can stop the inevitable, regardless of their claim that they provide you the security. God on the other hand is an other story, I will keep on trying to explain according to the best of my knowledge.
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