Exercise routines and religions are full of common things. We follow them similarly. For instance we want a structure to believe in and follow so we can feel the feelings to belong. That means someone has to be a guide and give you a structure because you are made to feel inadequate by not only your belonging groups but by yourself as well. You don’t believe in yourself to be directly connected to the source. You have been told that you are not worthy to God directly yet you are the one with the free will whom decides and chooses. Your belonging groups normally don’t have a say in the business of the person whom is the chief executive officer of his/her life unless he/she has whole heartedly bought into the politics of the belonging group. It is you who decides or feels the need to change according to the changing times. Your belonging groups would always follow the agendas for the political powers.
If you believe that your exercise routine is the best there is, automatically you start to believe that other people’s routines are not good regardless of their progress as exercisers. This bias is related to the politics of sense of belonging which is related to the personal loyalties to certain knowledge based ego, pride and honor. You would not know anything about if you are not taught from your belonging groups. I like to keep my eyes open to see the progress of others to recognize the politics of my sense of belonging if I see unfairness within myself so their is end to learning for me regardless of my accumulation of logical knowledge. Logic says we only evolve if we seek otherwise we get stuck into a state of mind, where you think my way of living is better than others thus it breads prejudice and discrimination.
There is nothing wrong in following a set of rules to reach your goals. For instance, all sports have some teachers, they create a routine for the individual to follow and progress. They insist on whatever has had helped them in past it is best for everyone. They start to believe that they can help the others as well by making them follow the same. Regardless of the methods of the routine, people or athletes develop, compete and win from all over the world. When you look at the fundamentals of development there are some basics. It will always come down to desire, drive and genetics.
Even though becoming good or achieving excellence requires further details like repeated and exhausting exercise or practice sessions, relative nutrition and enough recuperation. I just can’t go in the details because I am not writing about the athletics. Since this blog is about the spirituality so I am going back to it, even metaphorically it still does relates.
Lets look at the religions, isms, democracy and all kind of governing systems, they all require people and my logic says that a group of people can not be without the politics. When you mix politics with the governing systems anything goes. From a character assassination to physical assassination and everything in between is a fair game to achieve political powers. Ethical or not false promises and using peoples emotions is all acceptable in politics. Usually an educated but emotional individual can be persuaded into voting even against their personal beliefs.
Do you really think in the spiritual world of God or even in your personal sense of justice world, it should be acceptable?
Personally I believe all religions should be pure of politics and yes, even if it is related with the sense of belonging. Since religions are and should be related to our spirituality they should stay focused on the spirituality and let the politicians deal with the political issues of governing because with the changing times we need to evolve to meet the challenges of evolving world. By staying in the past glorious days we can be disconnected with the realities of present.
When you bring the politics with a religious twist you hurt them both. You may achieve power but it would come with the price.
Injustice, prejudice and discrimination are extensively found in most if not all religions without discrimination. How can these imperfect and insecurity related things infiltrate into our spiritual world?
It all depends on the individual strength, if we are weak individually, we always will not only let it happen but willingly participate in it.
Any system which tramples on the equal human rights, it is based on all three mentioned above. Religion or no religion, spiritually aware individual, who has personal sense of justice as well, would always go for the equal human rights. A religious system or matter of fact any justice system without the equal justice, is an impotent justice system especially if you start to think our routine of exercise is better than others yet others can still perform better than you in the field. This ignorance can’t be dealt collective because we all have politics of sense of belonging to our groups so this related with the individual sense of justice.
Since every human, regardless of color, gender, nationality or religion is equal into the God’s world I believe in. I would always stand for equal human rights because I believe in the spiritual rule number one.
“Don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you”. This spiritual rule should not only be at the personal level but it should be fundamental to all religions, isms, democracies or any other governing systems. Above and beyond of the personal politics of sense of belonging to belonging groups. If you keep that in front of you personally and collectively, you will be blessed with the internal and external peace.
Sense of justice for all depends on how you feel inside or how you are taught to feel. If you are taught to feel superior to others, you have to look at your personal mortality as a mortal. Things should automatically make you humble. If you still feel that way, you need to find spirituality related personal sense of justice. If you still can’t achieve that, you are a victim of a out of control politics of sense of belonging to your belonging group. To the point that you have lost the meanings of having God given free will and personal sense of justice. Not only you are not able to use your free will you are denying your direct connection to even God. It is time for you to look for belonging to humanity as a whole.
We all are equally blessed with a fiver or our free will directly from God( read five bucks). If you follow the politics of your belonging group without looking at it with your personal sense of justice, you are undermining God himself. You have given your powers to your belonging groups instead.
Always remember we are human beings, not worker bees or warrior ants, they are genetically programed. We are better than cats and dogs as well because we can self regulate without the carrot and stick control related philosophy. Human beings are able to use free will and always have a choice. If you choose to follow certain routine do so, you may benefit but remember there are several routines to follow. If you think your routine is the best and you are the best, it may give you politically false self-esteem, but spiritually you are not getting it.
If you harm others by following your routine or set of rules, you have got it wrong. Worshiping and killing the same entity just does not make sense to me. It would be like a Hindu killing the cow. Every spiritual part of most if not all religions, notice I said spiritual part not political part, states that you help the needy to be a good being in God’s books. Look around, religions are not helping the needy but instead they are creating the need. Trying to find spirituality in today’s political religions is like looking a needle in a hay stack. All I see is the politics even now a days they are still trying to scare the hell out of you by promising the day of judgment hell and heaven to control you.
A mortal should never be fearful of mortality because it does not change the facts of mortality. Fear related politics has been and is used even today to control the general population. Politics is politics whether it is coming from the religions or any other governing system. From terror tactics to heavy handed response to the terror had not changed or is not changing anything and it will not change anything in the future either. The spiritual and social crimes have been part of all societies regardless of the governing systems. Religious societies are not crime free either so what to do? Education helps the individual to self regulate, percentage wise may be but it is still better than the fear based political control.
If you individually feel superior to others because you follow or belong to certain race, nation, religion or just because you follow your religion by the book. Ask yourself why do you still live just like everyone else? You need oxygen, water and food, you get sick, old and die just like everyone else, so what makes you superior? Your worshiping to God, well God needs your spirituality related intentions and help to get God’s work done not your worshiping without actions. If you are killing a working hand of God instead, what are you really doing? Should God reserve a spot in the heaven for you?
You have got to think for yourself with your personal sense of justice because your belonging group has a political agenda to achieve power in this living world not after death. Unfortunately it is you, who as an individual rob someone of life, or you give your life for the political powers of your belonging religion.
The political religion is impotent of spirituality because our perpetual killing of each other over who is right is the a physical proof of our ignorance and the dismissal of believing in God’s will. A spiritual being believes in God’s will yet most religious people believe in strict punishments, death penalty and killing of someone who does not agree with our belief system. Where do you fit the God’s will, does it only apply to the natural disasters, we are very quick to believe as it is God’s will but when it comes to the people it is not. Remember it was the religious people whom through virgins over the cliffs whenever there was a natural disaster.
At personal level with personal free will related personal sense of justice, where you individually are connected to God himself, you should know the politics of your belonging groups. If you do, you will know that your routine to get to God needs some of the fundamentals and again they are desire, drive and genetics.
1) Desire to help because it is based on the reciprocation which is the meaning of a mortal human being’s life and no it is not prayers to God but helping God to fulfill the prayers of other human beings.
2) Drive to use free will with the sense of justice and yes even if it is for yourself to stand against your own belonging groups if they are committing spiritual crimes.
3) Recognize your genetics that you are not a worker bee or a warrior ant nor you are cat or a dog whom dance with the carrot and stick philosophy.
This philosophy has been the cause of the declining religious popularity because human beings are not like other creatures. Training an animal is one thing dealing with a problem solving brain is an other, so if you keep dealing with the human being as an animal sooner or later you will have the reaction. Religious powers have been declining in all over the world and democracy with the equal human rights is the choice of governing today.