If you are a human being born in this era, you are born with a lot more responsibilities than ever were required it the past. You don’t have the luxury to hide behind the politics of the sense of belonging to your groups. You are the chief executive officer of your life with a cell phone in your hands which connects you directly to the humanity. You can’t claim that you are ignorant of everything whatever that is going on in the world. This knowledge makes you a possess a great deal of knowledge and you are much more responsible than our ancestors were.
You need to know that the equal human rights and the status of being a chief executive of your life go hand in hand. If you don’t want anyone telling you how to think, you have to give others the same rights. This awareness can put you both in the situation where you are seeking equal human rights but not giving to the others who do not thinks as you do. Always remember rule number one of spirituality,” Don’t do to anyone, what you don’t like done to yourself”. If we all honestly follow this rule as individuals, there would be a lot of inner peace individually which can actually help to achieve illusive world peace as well.
Not only it is a matter of responsibilities of the individual, it’s our collective responsibility as well. Understanding spirituality vs the politics of sense of belonging to our respected groups is a personal responsibility of the individual.
If you don’t know how far you are willing to go in the extreme , don’t go to the extreme. Don’t live the way the community you have agreed to follow unless it conforms to your dream that you have chosen for your life. Your life as an individual, is directly between you and God . The proof is that your group can’t save you from illnesses, can’t provide you oxygen nor it can keep you alive. So choose God and humanity over the politics of sense of belonging to your groups. If your community could save you from all this, then and only then , you could be willing to kill and die for it. Otherwise, seek something bigger than that, and that is God himself.
Your community groups you have chosen to belong to may have ingrained into your mind that they are followers of God and may have told you that they are directly related in some way, ask them to prove this to you. If you are doing God’s will, would you do anything whatever the community leaders want done. I think not. There is not one religion or any governing system out there which is not political. For example, the Buddhists who preach to be the most peaceful monks, are killing Rohinga Muslims. Is this what their God asks them to do?
The World has hundreds of societies, at different levels of awareness in different departments of life. Some may be good with the science and technology and poor in spiritual aspects of sociology. Some may have great understanding of spirituality but poor in science and technology. You don’t need to put each others knowledge down but should compliment each other for being a human being.
It may not look like it but we are all one organism. We are just like the coral reef in the bottom of the ocean. Regardless of the differences in colours, we all live and die the same way. If one gets hurt and feels the same way so is the other one, thus the same organism.
If something is endangering us in any way, its not God related. It’s our politics of sense of belonging to our groups that is hurting us the most. Even though they may claim they can provide some things for us, our groups can’t provide the security from mortality. They are even unable to control the social crimes committed against the individual by the belonging group itself or by its own belonging people. Most of the killings and human rights violations are committed by the belonging groups, not by the bogy man they are trying to scare you with.
In this era we have bigger fish to fry. We need to worry about global warming and related problems. We need to understand the ramifications of we follow our belonging group in the things we are asked to do and how can affect our lives. We must learn how to set our differences aside and work together as humanity or as an organism. God meant that humanity is to constantly evolve to understand the abilities and importance of the human individual. Since we are God’s working hands, our ignorance is not only degrading to human individuals but God as well. If we keep creating boundaries for the political refugees, how are we going to deal with climate or environment issues that are related to refugees. If we need a bigger heart now, we may need a heart of gold in the future. We will need to be spiritual to deal with the problems that humanity is going to face as the climate turn things up side down. Governments, like Trump, would have to learn not only the real science of climate and they will have to learn all about the spirituality as well.
As an individual, do you have inner peace ? If not, it is time to reflect to achieve it. A mortal life without peace lacks wisdom of living a temporary life. A person with inner peace is able to reflect peace outwards and all around themselves. When tis inner peace is shared to the surrounding environment, they can spread it like an infection, in good way, especially today through the internet and then onto all the humanity.
The United Nations and its infrastructure is already there but it has a Veto power to block process. Its veto system is robbing many peoples and country’s of democratic values. Humanity can’t do justice to everyone nor it can come together under one umbrella as humanity. If a few groups of people can deny the justice to certain groups humanity with the power to veto thinks they do not like , then as a whole world, we shall always be divided.
If we as individuals can learn to live with each other on one planet as home, we can learn to deal with the real issues such as human survival instead of extinction with nuclear weapons. Our political systems are in the business of sanctions. Through the United Nations, we enforce sanctions against certain nations. All it does is to make the human individual suffer. We seem to think it is to make the group bow down to pressure but it doesn’t work other than to spread sufferings of the human individual. This often strengthens the resolve of the individuals to stick with the politics of the group they follow. If we spread the idea that free education for the worlds populations will enhance individuals and with this new found knowledgeable move forward in a positive manner to make life better for all mankind. Education for all is the key if the individual learn to self regulate.
If the individual suffering is related to the politics of the groups we belong to, the individual should be aware of it. If the individual is not educated, it should be the responsibility of the United Nations to spread the education for free. This free knowledge can help people to know the need to belong to humanity as a whole. TheUnited Nations has failed against the politics of sense of belonging because of the biased policies of the veto system. If the individual is educated with equal human rights and sense of justice it can bring the changes from the bottom up instead of the top down.
The democracy preaching nations should look deep into their policies and see if they are really preaching democracy? Look at the United Nations, is it effective democracy? The United States of America went to Iraq disregarding the will of the United Nations who had voted not to send troops to Iraq. The United Nations can be an impotent organization when it comes to real democratic values but using the Veto system is not democratic. We need to have the educated human beings to run the show, but working against the individual’s human rights and causes. Instead of preventing wars, the United Nations is political regardless of education so the knowledge of the politics of sense of belonging should be critically looked at. That is why regardless of the level of education people are still identifying themselves as Muslims, Christian, Jews, Black, White, Brown, Yellow, Red, Indian, Pakistani, American, Canadian, Gay, Straight, or any other gender based identity. A human being is what we are before all the above categories of peoples.
We need education which brings the individual to think above and beyond the politics of sense of belonging to a group of human beings. It is already happening just look into the melting pot societies. For example, people can learn to live together under the umbrella of one government regardless of the colour, gender, nation or religion. So why is this happening ? They understand that humanity as one organism.
If our good and bad are related to God and the Devil it is actually related to the human being using politics to hide his/her good and bad actions behind God and the Devil. This makes human individual insignificant. This insignificance is not created by God. It is related with the politics of the sense of belonging to our groups, and yes it is not just running into our communities it goes all the way up to the nationalism, and our religions as well. We need to know the real reason why, each and everyone of us is capable of using free will, regardless of the level of our education. The importance of the individual having a free will is a wisdom of God himself. Before making choices we all need to know our personal responsibilities we have acquired when we got blessed with free will.
All the best of spirituality needs physicality to be effective, so the importance of the human individual can’t be underestimated. It is the end of the year 2017 so lets learn to be important from now on and let us own our actions as an individual, instead of hiding behind God and the Devil. We must do this not only individually but as groups so we can become a peaceful human individual and humanity as well.