Remember that the same level of thinking can’t or will not solve your present problems because the problem is a problem only when you becoming aware that is is a problem. This awareness is today’s, “Theme of The Day.”
We all know about our mortal nature so seeking 100% control and security as well as sacrificing happiness and contentment over it, is logically wrong. This strange truth is all around us. Are you able to see for yourself or you need to be shown? Question yourself in the dead of night when you are talking to yourself honestly. I believe it is one of the main causes of our individual short comings. Obsessing to secure or controlling all aspects of a temporary life is not only logically wrong, it is going to rob you of your most valuable and main asset of a mortal life. Happiness and Contentment.
Dealing and coming to terms with mortality with the help of spirituality can help. Always remember you can’t just will it when it comes to life, death and health. Sure I believe in life- style related choices but the mortal nature of human life is just not in control of the human individual. To see the realities of mortality, we need to look at this picture with accepting the mortal nature of it. As an individual it’s our duty to add some happiness and contentment to our lives regardless of its temporary nature.
In the larger picture an individual’s life may be smaller but for the individual it is a personal project. The individual is the main character and is the manager of their persona project. As a CEO individual is the most important person, so whatever we do has an effect on our personal life first, then it effects the others around. If one is the main character of a personal life story, they are responsible for their actions as well. If you are taught and raised with love, compassion, forgiveness, kindness, trust and basic ethics of social living with each other that means you are taught all about the politics of sense of belonging. If you are taught about collective ego, pride, honor,customs and traditions and all the related horrors at the same time you have been fed conflicting education. In order to have a positive life experience you really have to learn how to live a mortal life. The conflicting education can confuse the hell of even the well educated people. My question is what does it do to the ordinary and uninformed individuals? If you consider yourself as an ordinary individual who feels the need to be shown how to live. You need to learn to own your actions and quickly because the responsibilities are on your shoulders. Not understanding can not only have the potential to hurt others by you, you can hurt yourself from within as well so its your responsibility to learn to see for yourself.
When the connection with your belonging group and individual awareness of personal free will collides, it results in a moral and ethical pain for the individual. Having the authority to make choices puts a lot of responsibilities on the individual’s shoulders, yet collectively our belonging groups are blinded from this for their political reasons.
Underestimating individual spirituality can cause pain for the individual and the collection of unhappy individuals can be a problem for the groups as well. So this need to be understood not only by the individual but as groups as well that person suffering with the personal and opposing sense of belonging related issues can cost a lot more than financial grief.
You just can’t gather human armies without the emotional attachments. I don’t think at this time any nation or even a religion is willing to take that path because without emotional connections things can collapse for the group itself. Humanity as a whole, individually and collectively, we need to evolve to take this next step which is asking us to change everything what we have known as groups. Today humanity has changed and everything is pointing towards the new needs. The invention of the internet, the awareness of global warming related issues and the need for justice based on equal human right are the new paradigm we have to adopt. If politically you want to live in the past religious glory days, logically you just can’t be happy with the rapidly changing world. If you don’t adopt to the changes, you will be labeled as a prejudiced and discriminatory human being.
There is a clear disconnection in the human group politics. It is deeply rooted in the individual’s personal insecurities. My question is why a human individual has to seek security, period? A politically charged environment can create a fearful environment for the individual so they seek the like minded or to be blunt, people like themselves based on their personal bias. The very foundation of prejudice and discrimination and unfortunately our high rises are standing on this shaky and unfair ground. We individually, collectively and willingly take pride in this prejudice and discrimination based politics. Even if it goes against our personal sense of justice, humanity as a whole, God and spirituality, we willingly justify and suffer internal pain to survive within our belonging groups.
If one is spiritually connected to God and humanity as a whole, it is easy to see that our group politics is working against our nature. Individually we need to understand our individual mortal nature and learn to live within our skin with comfort. If we commit spiritual crimes against the opposing individuals we personally suffer because of our sense of justices. Our belonging naturally should tilt towards humanity as a whole so we don’t need to commit spiritual crimes and go against or live against ourselves individually.
Religions, nationalism, racism and even gender ism would cause individual spiritual erosion which does not stop at spiritual crimes against each other. It can create social crimes from within the belonging groups as well. In order to connect with real spirituality we need to, each and everyone of us, has to individually evolve to the next level. So we can withstand the emotional storms inspired by politically charged speeches of the passionate people of group ism.
It is clearly evident in our history that group ism has hurt humanity more than it has benefited it because you can not count extreme related death toll of the innocents. Our politically charged religious extreme has encouraged human beings to commit spiritual crimes against each other yet in the name of God. The need to evolve is greater in societies where people are not willing to give a chance to equal human rights. Their politics of sense of belonging trumps personal sense of justice. We brought certain traits from before our birth, so a personal sense of justice and equal human rights are not only choices we are taught we are born with them.
We understand that there is a clear evolution in the war weaponry of mass destruction as well as to science, technology and everyday medicine. If an individual can’t feel safe without the shelter of a group and groups still kills each other’s individuals just because of they look like the opposing group regardless of their innocence. We still have a long way to go on the highway of spiritual evolution.
Belief related extremism is in the foundation of prejudice and discrimination whether it is related with any religion or not. We individually have to understand our inner demons. Reported or non reported spiritual crimes are still reported to the individual from within. Personal sense of justice should be in order for each and everyone of us. Instead of learning what is right or wrong by our governing authorities. If you feel that you are an individual who needs to be shown, you need to evolve to learn to see for yourself. Your need to evolve individually to know what is right or wrong has always been there but the powerful and politically savvy people have been are and standing in the way of the individual to know this. We are personally connected to God, and we are an integrated and the key part of humanity itself. If you don’t know your personal importance, you need to explore your potential. When you do that, you will find that you are born with everything that everyone else is born with. You are the potential CEO of your life who has the powerful choice to stand against even God’s will, never mind other human individuals. That is all possible only if you make sense to yourself about yourself.
Since a spiritual individual or an entity can’t be limited to like some humans and dislike others. God can’t pick a side for a deer for its innocence over a cheetah mother who is trying to find food for its babies. The idea behind all that is that is if God had created everything then justice had to be in the foundation of all creation. How can you do that if life for life is the game? It all comes down to human evolution to understand the wisdom of it all. My understanding is that if all the grass eaters get eaten by the predators then vegetation can grow to the point of destruction not only to the landscape but there would not be any food for the meat eaters. On the other side if there is no meat eater all, the vegetation can be wiped out by the grass eaters. This out of control population can cause chaos from land slides to destruction for all living things. Nature has its ways to create balances so every creature has food to carry on living. You can argue all you want but nature’s wisdom would have the power to trump you. As you can see even in human beings we have differences of opinion in everything we do. We even find excuses to fight and kill each other over our opinions. We create our groups and protect our differences instead of believing that we are all part of one God and humanity.
To make sense, just look at the prayers of the individual. Everyone prays in their languages yet there is no language between you and God. Spiritual things are boundless and they cross all political identities and boundaries of humanity. Regardless of the group, nation, religion, race or gender, a good person is good because of spirituality not because of their politics. Praying in certain language and claiming that their language is God’s language is as political as it can get because it is related with a group of people who want to per mote their agendas of political identity.
The identity politics is so common in the world that even in Canada we have Quebec with the language police to preserve french language or one can call it identity. Why even this day and age in a modern and civilized nation we still care for a group identity? We all are human beings first so we all need to not only understand our identity but evolve from everything what keeps us from equal human rights period. Language is needed to communicate but spirituality is needed to survive human short comings like discrimination and prejudice.
If you can’t see the politics behind the enforcement of one particular language, you are not looking for spirituality you are localizing and trying to put boundaries around something boundless and evolving. When you can’t succeed regardless of your efforts, you disobey nature’s law. This can set you up to step out of the spiritual path and onto the political one. Any nation, religion, community or even a family has the potential to become a victim of prejudice if their sense of belonging over powers the realities of real identity. Our real identity resides in humanity as a whole and is in the shape of spirituality and God not as it has been presented to us. The language you speak has nothing to do with you going to heaven or hell. If you speak the universal language of spirituality which belongs to humanity as a whole and surpasses all the man made political lines then you will have a successful life. You live in heaven from within because you use spiritual comfort and live guilt free.
You can’t just pick and choose as you please. Spirituality and politics are two different things. One has the room for lies and injustices and the other is pure of any prejudice and discrimination related issues. A politically correct and wishee washee CEO can choose their political belonging but another person with a sense of justice would always choose spirituality over the religious or group belonging. In God’s or the spiritual world your actions are noted, not the language you speak or what religion you belong to. Your actions speak louder and are heard first of all by you who is living in your body. Since you are a spiritual entity, you have the potential to hurt yourself by following a political path instead of the spiritual one. By following the spiritual side you will have a direct connection to humanity and God simultaneously and regardless of the language you speak to pray with. Believing that you will go to heaven only if you follow the belonging religious rules is not enough for you to base your belief on or make a judgement. The person resides in YOU dictates whether you live in heaven or hell in your living years.
Your actions in real life and the effects of them will be the determent force of you living in hell or heaven in your living years. If you believe what your belonging groups believe as truth, where is your personal free will and sense of justice towards yourself? Each and everyone of us has their umbilical cord cut at birth and we all come with a body like a brand new perfectly functioning computer. This body is capable of handling all the knowledge installed and even beyond but we are not the computer itself or the data which has been installed, We are the computer runner so believing your identity is the computer or data can be limiting you and has the potential to bog you down. Problems with identity, like body image, to being a Muslim, Christian, Pakistani, Canadian, white, black or brown, Gay or straight or any other identity you are installed with can arise from within. Always remember that you are the one who is responsible to judge what is right and wrong when using your installed knowledge. You can only do that when you evolve to cross all the identity crises related lines. It is your duty to understand the causes of the problems you are facing. This can only be done if you cross the boundary lines of your sense of belonging. You must assume your real identity of being a human being who is a spiritual being and experiencing physical life. Everyone knows that they are born into a belonging group but you are genetically born from human beings so naturally humanity comes before a group.