Since group politics came into picture we as an individual have given up the responsibility of our security to our governing authorities, meaning we have to have a police force and justice system set up for our communities. When I look at the conservatives or republicans they want gun rights for personal protection just like the wild west time but at the same time they want to arm the police force like armed forces. I find it strange but our societies have clear and present contradictions all the time but we seem to carry on living with them. It just does not make sense because you can’t have the police and public carry deadly weapons around. If you give your security responsibility to the police, police can’t be happy that you carry around a gun and are able to kill the police person any given time.
For sure you can’t have a police person for every individual and its expected that we as an individual to self regulate to live with each other in peace. The law and order is one of the main pillar to attract the folks into our communities. Protecting yourself is a right but how are we going to take the next step to adopt into the changing times? Having guns for protection is an on going discussion because the police can’t get there to protect you all the time or in time so the need to be strong is still just like in the bush. We are evolving and have evolved since the western cowboy times but our evolution raises a question and that is why do we have to have guns and even the police? Why can’t we evolve to the point that we can respect each other better than the animals have in the bush? Why we claim that we are evolved human beings , yet still commit crimes against each other?
Our evolution has brought us into a time where we are somewhat in between so we have all these contradictions. Today’s individual gives up security gladly and pay to have the police force for protection. We even compromise our privacy and let the police intrude into our lives. By today’s stander we can’t even fathom a society without the law and order.
When it comes to our belief systems this contradiction is just unbelievable just look at some religious punishments. If you steal, your hand can be chopped off. If you commit adultery, you can be stoned to death, yet at the same time they want you to believe in God’s authority as ultimate. These scary and barbaric rules are to control the population from committing crimes against each other and obey the rulers yet the kicker is that it is all done in the name of God. Let’s look at the individual who is a victim of a crime. They pray to God for security but this prayer that God will show up to save them doesn’t fulfill, what does it do? Two things can happen, first of all the victims can lose faith in God, second, the criminal sees that God did not show up to punish them even they did the crime. Over and over this happens so their fear of God starts to disappear so the practical fear of God will not work. Either way more people lose faith in God because religions have mixed politics in their belief systems. When your belief system is in murky waters you suffer spiritually individually and overall the belief system becomes a victim of politics. If you want to see the effects of politics in ruining of a belief system just look at the nations whom want their religions to rule their country and see the chaos. Since a belief system is based on the foundation of unknown, or it is hard to comprehend for the evolving being to understand God at this time or we can’t use our full brain powers yet.
The Fear of God and social punishments just can’t be mixed into a belief system because the punishments are delivered just like everything else is done by the other human beings so it is a governing system thus it is political system. It smells like politics to control the ordinary individual yet twisted in such a way that you can blame God and the individual’s faith, but not the controlling authorities.
Believing that a leaf on the tree can’t move without God’s will is a level of belief the religious authorities want you to believe, sure that is rare but the expectations are there. People believe in that, yet when it comes to their belief system, they label, blame and punish a child who is born out of wedlock. Personally I believe they are not only contradicting they are committing a spiritual crime at the same time, because that child has no fault and a say into the birth process. If a leaf can’t move, how can a whole child be born without God’s will? These kinds of contradictions are not openly discussed because they just don’t make sense. If you blindly believe in whatever a mullah or a priest says, you are not analyzing anything before acting out. Remember we are all responsible for our actions. You can shoot a doctor who performs abortions or believe that the child born out of a wedlock is to blame its like you are going half-way to even believe in God. Either you take control or you give it to God and believe, you just can’t have it both ways. It is like you carry guns for your safety but want to have the police force, law and order for everyone else to follow.
Watching the leaves moving on a tree is an experience. A living individual can see and understand so yes if God keeps you alive by providing you oxygen. It is God’s will but if you literally put God on that pedestal then you really have to believe that the whole human child can’t be born without God’s will as well.
From artificial insemination to cloning and everything in between are the facts of today. Believing a whole human being born out of a wedlock is bastard is not only lack of education it is a down right spiritual crime because it blames someone who is 100% innocent.
For a social creature like human beings, even name calling can be a punishment, so before innocents become a victim of prejudice, we as an individual and societies should know and learn about the consequences of our traditions, customs, social trends, religious rules or constitutional laws. If an innocent being somehow is punished, it should be shameful for the entire society. On one hand you are taught that a leaf can’t move without God’s will, yet you punish an innocent being and on top of that you relate it with God’s will. That is absolutely absurd. Since the term bastard stems from someones religious rules, people usually stay attached to it believing that is is in the name of God.
In this day and age where planed parenthood is a common thing, we have to understand where God fits into our lives. If you can’t understand where God stands, a human being, especially an innocent one, can’t stand a chance in the grand scheme of life. Everyone is busy with their lives so they are used to keeping the status quo. An injustice is an injustice regardless of the time or era. We can do a lot if we want to but we have to stand against our sense of belonging and choose equal human rights over our religious and communal beliefs.
If you want to believe that without God’s will nothing is possible, then believe in that. Don’t just go half-way and blame an innocent child who had no fault regarding how they were born. If you believe that you are doing everything that is possible for you to do then believe in that but you still can’t do injustices to the innocents. No one is better or worst just because of where they are born especially if they are or are not born into a religion permitting wedlock out of marriage.
It should not matter when and where you are born and what color you are. Your gender and your beliefs are whether you believe in one God, several Gods or none at all. Your level of education and what type of school system that you attended or what country you received your education in or how far you have gone to school should not matter. If by your actions you hurt someone who is innocent then this act matters. Our actions and character dictates our level of spirituality. Our Spiritual Actions define us. It is not not how you pray, how many time you pray, whether its once a week or five times a day. It is not whether you believe in reincarnation or not. Whether you speak or worship in certain language or believe in heaven and hell . It does not matter what you do or do not believe, its your actions, plain and simple that define what type of person you are. These actions dictate whether you are a good person or not.
The Roman Catholic sex scandal is in the news again. Personally I believe it has been going on for as long as the history of the religion. You can’t have a rule for celibacy and expect that all priests would follow these rules. If the animal in us does not come out one way or another it would come out some other ways. Not everyone is wired the same way so expecting everyone will act the same way is not logical. This problem has always been around but these days we just have been looking at the religious leaders differently. Things are changing because people are becoming aware of life with or without religious authority.
History is full of contradictory opinions. I think Muslims learned that celibacy does not work so they permitted men to have up to four wives. In order for a man to have more than one wife they made a clause where each wife has to be asked permission in this order that the first wife agrees to have a second wife and when he wants a third and fourth wife he has to ask all the previous wives until he has four wives. If one can really believe that it can work in today’s world, good luck.
Religious beliefs start where our intellect fails. For some it fails faster than the others or these days others are there to help. The Internet is spreading the conversations, arguments, conflicts, wars and animosity among the human beings but at the same time it is useful for the spread of evolution related knowledge. This is good and bad at the same time. To me it is all good because I am 100% for common sense and evolution related spirituality. If you believe in certain stories that you were told, you are free to do so but never do any injustice against the innocents. ” Don’t do to any one what you don’t like done to you and always put yourself in others shoes before you act”.
When someone dies poetically or in the movies people say that someone has gone into the sky to become a star. Sure it sounds great, but is it really a logical explanation? It just sounds good so we take it as an imaginary reality. Personally I believe our societies are full of these stories. Some people highly regard them and make them part of our customs and traditions and to boot, they are mixed up in our everyday living. There are a lot of pretty stories and assumptions in our societies, but a living breathing human individual is a real and logical story. ???A Human individual is the only one who can literally show you spirituality in physical actions. Spiritual knowledge is only a knowledge when it is written on a paper, taught or preached by religious leaders. When a human individual puts their physical shoulders and backs into this and practices it, then and only then does it become a spiritual wisdom. When a human individual puts actions of physicality to spirituality then and only then it become a reality so God can only be a reality if the human beings are around to put physicality to spirituality otherwise it just does not matter and if it would matter it would be in the knowledge of beyond this physical world.
It is not a story of the stars, it is a logical reality of humanity. Sure we are not perfect but all good deeds are related with this human phenomena. People sacrifice even their lives for others. Unfortunately we are not evolved enough to see that we blame, hurt and take innocents lives as well.
We kill for material gains. We commit acts of revenge for the love loss in the name of belonging nations or religions without believing that we are responsible for our all action. We understand that accidents and natural disasters happen but our wars are not accidents or natural disasters.
Optimistically thinking one day we may evolve enough to learn humanity. Being a same organism and live with each other regardless of our differences or colors. It can be done and its already happening in other places like the melting pot societies. The proof is in the pudding regardless of today’s conservative rhetoric. People are learning to live beyond their religion, nationality, color, race, even gender or sexuality.
The Dominating Force behind this evolution is that spirituality rule number one is ,“Don’t do anything to any one what you don’t want to happen to you.” This spiritual rule has lead us to the spread of all equal human rights. We all tend to lean towards equal human rights because each and everyone of us potentially carries a personal sense of justice right from the get go.
I believe these equal human rights are not only limited to each other as individuals. It goes to the next level where the individual has enough rights to take any entity like corporations, present governments, and powerful people like a president or prime minister or religious leader to court of law and win if one’s rights are violated.
Human societies have always been for the mass. If we have to choose against the individual, it comes easy to us and it is hard to change the old mind set. It is not about the group that should automatically win. It should be about spirituality related justice. This injustice has been the core of our old style of governing societies so I believe that since it is a foundational problem for humanity, it can only be solved by bringing equal human rights in the foundation of our all justice systems.
Since humanity has been, is and always be, evolving no religious beliefs, constitution or even laws of the lands should be written in the stone like the ten commandments or pillars of any belief system. We are constantly evolving so our knowledge should keep up with all the changes. An example I can give you is the internet. Before we had the internet we had the police and justice system for the physical crimes in our society. Today we have someone committing crimes against us from far away lands where we can’t even go because of jurisdictions problems.
Cyber crimes are today’s realities. Our elections can be rigged and we have not been ready for this and our our justice systems all over the world are affected by this problem. Sticking with the old ways of our justice has gone with the winds of evolution and if we can’t evolve ourselves from the old chains of sense of a need to belong to our respective group rules. We are heading for political and spiritual justice related disasters.
Our old ways have always been and are founded on prejudice and discrimination regardless of which group of people we belong to. These groups are white, black, brown, yellow, red, as well as religions such as Muslim, Christian, Jews, Hindu, Sikh or even sexuality related groups. They all seek humanity with the boundaries of their belonging groups.
This evolution has been going on regardless of all the restrictions and rules of nations, religions, dynasties and empires. I strongly believe we will eventually bring humanity to get rid of prejudice and discrimination caused by these related group politics.
We will be able to see the bigger picture and see that we still mark our territories just like the animals in the bush. We may have evolved to believe in God but we have not evolved enough to leash our animal side yet. Our evolution has immense potential. Just look at the genetic pool, can you still find genetically pure people? You may be white or yellow with black or mongol genes and be genetically pure. Science has its way to reach the facts. If you don’t embrace change, you might as well be left with the ideology that the earth is flat.
Crossing street or jumping rope is a good example of timing, you have to jump when the rope comes close to your feet using your natural instinct to jump higher than the rope. If you don’t jump you can stumble or get entangled with the rope and you may fall.
Humanity is at a cross road and some of us are frozen with the fear of getting hit by the oncoming traffic. As an evolving entity we need to take calculated chances to cross the lines or boundaries of our old rules. Whether they are related with our race, color, nation or belief systems, we all have to continue evolving to the next step. We don’t have a choice. One can see throughout history that evolution is in our genes so resisting it against God’s will and is fear related. Regardless of our spirituality, we think of ourselves as being part of a group and we will always end up with the group politics. Many of us will become victims of prejudice and discrimination whether its on one side or the other.
In general we all have to make choices according to the timing, whether individually or collectively. Fear of getting hit by the on coming traffic has the potential to freeze us in time individually and even collectively. Living a frozen life is not for the human being because of our mortal nature and especially if our nature is to evolve at the same time.
Now think first personally, have you evolved since you were a child? If yes, why?
Now look at your group you have chosen to belong to and compare to see it is following today’s world. Where does your belonging group stand? If its not keeping up with the evolutionary demands of our times, what are you doing about it or even personally thinking about it?
Since you personally are the foundation of this whole humanity, you just can’t be staying frozen in time just because of the politics of the group you have chose to belong to and follow. You have to follow your nature of taking charge and making informed decisions regardless of what group you belong to. Before you make any choices always remember that rule number one is ,” Don’t do to anyone that you don’t want done to you or your loved ones,” even in the name of your nation or religion.
We have a lot of individual and collective problems especially when you start to strain out a sense of belonging related politics from being a spiritual being. Just look at the spiritual connection to our mental health issues. If you seek perfection from everyone else, even God, but neglect to see personal short comings or not putting personal efforts in your life you will have problems.
If you start to see that you are not putting your 100% efforts you should start to give others and give God a break as well. As mortals seeking perfection and total control it is a deadly sin against your personal happiness and contentment. If you are the one who is guilty of that, you will be the one who will suffer from its ill effects. Praying to God without giving your personal 100% efforts is not fair to God nor to yourself. Going too far in fear and control can have the potential to paralyze you as an individual in your own personal life. It can cause a devastating failure as well if you rob your own happiness and contentment, especially with the knowledge of mortality.
I believe our happiness and contentment is the most important treasure in a mortal life. If you fail to accumulate that then you have failed yourself even if you have followed your religion to the max. I believe in personal responsibility. If you choose to spend your life trying to fit in, trying to impress others or you are foolish enough to be admired by the others, yet be unhappy in a mortal life, you have failed yourself. You have lost your happiness and contentment. If you judge your success with material successes, at the end of the day you will eventually find out that its for the other people and not you. Your regrets will spread the web of discontentment to cause you to have mental health issues as well.
All spiritual entities, yes even God, are impotent without human being’s physical interventions. Human beings bring spiritual thoughts into action to make spirituality and makes God meaningful in their lives. So the question arises? Is God an impotent entity without the human physicality? This spiritual and physical clap can’t sound with one sided relationship so give some credit to the living breathing help as well as to spirituality from the living human beings. Human beings have been disrespected by the controlling authorities for political purposes in the name of God. Human individual’s input has been undermined and discredited for political reasons. Human individuals have been called born sinner regardless of their importance in the bigger picture. I call it offensive and a spiritual crime to blame someone who is innocent a sinner. Get some common sense and mix it to the religious beliefs so spirituality prevails and politics of sense of belongings fails.
Say you are God and you have to fulfill all the prayers and wishes of people. Would you just want their obedience related worshiping, bowing, sacrificing and even fasting or would you rather have them help you fulfilling each others prayers.
Just think practically, logically and honestly before you answer. I personally would rather have help to fulfill their prayers.
Now just look around and decide for yourself how many people are praying practically? How many of them are just wishing, wanting and worshiping yet not doing any thing physically to help. If you really want to find out the purpose of your life, you will discover it is in reciprocation. Sure you can have your personal and fulfilling physical experience as well, but the practical prayers related satisfaction is deeply related with the idea of reciprocating with God directly. God needs living and breathing able body humans to add physicality to God’s spiritual powers. Our shoulders and backs are stronger only after taking in the oxygen so our abilities are dependent on the spiritual intervention of God as well.
Now look around today and in our past history. We are actually killing each other, yet in the name of God. What kind of education is coming from our religious beliefs? Sure praying and worshiping can make the individual feel that they are acknowledging God’s greatness but at the same time they will become the victims of self worthlessness as well.
If you follow that bright color lines of religious or social rules you will arrive at the destination where you will find some of the other human beings who are pulling your strings. They want you to always feel worthless so you can be controlled without their efforts and you personally help them to control you.
I am trying to make a case for the individual to understand that prayers need physicality because we live in a physical world. If everyone just worships, fasts, and believes that God’s work is done by God as a spiritual entity so God should do it physically as well. The problem with thinking like is that spirituality is dependent on physicality in order to be effective and useful for human beings. If there are no human beings, God’s physical work will come to a screeching halt.
Do you still think human beings are not important or better yet do you still think that you are worthless? Your knowledge has everything to do with it so you have to look at yourself from a little different angle. Ask yourself, are you brainwashed to believe that you are worthless and a sinner or are you just want too much of Godly powers and you just don’t feel that you have it so you feel overwhelmed. Creating balance comes from the knowledge of mortality which puts everything in perspectives. The real key is to keep your mortality in front, you will be able to see things clearly.
Things get better with practice. If God’s work can’t be done without you, what more do you want to feel worthy? If you put two and two together you can remove the chains of slavery to material things and political powers. If they make you feel good and important it is because you want to either fit in, impress or want to be admired by the group you belong too. Being directly connected to God and have the ability to work and reciprocate can be the most important job one can have. Remember working is helping others even if you are getting paid that means you are being helped as well. Helping each other keeps the Godly world or humanity going so your work or helping is a practical prayers which has a lot more meanings to God than you just worshiping to want more and more yet not putting your efforts to reciprocate. The word reciprocation fits just right because you have to be thankful about your oxygen healthy and able body.
Don’t let anyone tell you that you are worthless and a sinner. You are meaning full not only to yourself but God as well. Everything including someone’s prayers are fulfilled through you so value yourself every living moment, you can help. Even by just passing the knowledge to make someone’s life better so they can help others meaning God in fulfilling someone’s prayers. You just can’t say I love you, you have to show practically by helping simple as that. Eventually that love means nothing without practicality.