Since its a continuation from a previous writing of mine called ” YOU, BODY AND BRAIN ,” I am going to begin with a quote from Jiddu Krishnamurti. I watched a movie titled, “The Last Shaman,” in 2016 on TV-MA. I will quote a passage from this movie.
“In oneself lies the whole world and if you know how to look and learn, the door is there and the key is in your hand. Nobody on earth can give you either the key or the door to open except yourself”.
Personally I believe that knowledge is knowledge and it should be regarded as humanity’s treasure to pass on for the coming generations. Since it is not a material thing but has all the powers to benefit or harm human individuals, it should be carried as an asset. It is passed on to us from our known and unknown sources and there is no one particular way to own it. You can go to school, read books, think, explore, expand and stretch to adapt to evolutionary nature or lock yourself into the cult like rules oriented by conservative ways of living and let everyone pass you by or reach out and break all the boundaries.
We have some rules created by the groups we choose to belong to and patent or copy write it, but it is impossible to hold on to them because of our individual mortality. There has been a big shift and changes since the internet came into our lives. From music to books to movies, they all had to change to adopt to the changes. Some people did not succeed in life while others did have success and many became very wealthy yet humanity still carries on and expands and adopt to the new ways.
One thing is for sure we should respect and credit that person who taught us regardless of where they are from or which group they belong to. All humanity should respect the source whether to let them be billionaires or in general help them to explore to take all of humanity to the next level.
I believe our knowledge related discoveries help and hurt us simultaneously, depending on how you look at it. The differences in our weapon of war as well as the side effects of our medicine, scientific discoveries and the way we govern our societies. All this constantly evolving human knowledge is a proof of our imperfections. We always have been and we still claim that our home group has the perfect and better knowledge over all others groups. We go to wars and test our lethal weapons on other human beings just like lab animals are used to determine how chemicals and gases along with nuclear will affect others.
I learned as a young child that you don’t get poor by sharing one special thing and yes that is our knowledge. Today, in the patenting and copy writing world things have changed. I respect anyone’s knowledge if it is for the benefits of humanity as a whole, but not as a group of people who just want to rule the world by force. As groups we have been trying to patent and copy write every knowledge in all fields of knowledge. From war weaponry to spyware to internet related hacking to satellites to space station and everything in between, we have authenticated along with our exclusive holy books for our groups for thousands of years. You may find the same knowledge with individuals and political related twists in every human knowledge.
One of my goals is to prick the bubbles of politics related sense of belonging to our own groups. I believe everyone of us should be able to see what is under all the layers of identities? Regardless of all the politics related hypes, deep underneath we all are human beings. Logically all human individuals are born from the humans into the humanity so we all belong to humanity first.
Group politics has been and stems form old time survival related problems. You can see that clearly in the other primates living in the bush doing the same thing to fight for their territory and kill each other to keep control of their territory. What is the difference ? Other than our sophisticated war weaponry and political rhetoric thinking ,nothing is different. Politicizing and following group politics may not seem unnatural either but our realities are real. We need to evolve a little further to overcome these urges of animal of the animal kingdom.
Today we are able to extinct ourselves and we are going to take other species along with us if we don’t evolve in our hormones related emotional reactions. I learn along the way from reading something about our personalities that a one thinker can save a ship full of feelers. We need not to act on emotions exclusively because our politicians have been and they can reap the benefits from using us as puppets for their hidden agendas. All they have to give is a fiery speech to get us all going and stop us from thinking as individuals.
As human individuals, we don’t grow horns or wings. Our evolution happens right before our eyes. Unfortunately we kill each other for different reasons but our emotions, whether they are individual or collective, are the biggest culprits, so we all get taken by our emotions.
Just imagine if we stop that and work together as one entity. We will reach further and faster to achieve whatever we are here for. Surely group politics was a tool to survive and simultaneously find our rhythm to evolve by slowing down to adapt but humanity has to evolve and take a plunge into the next step. We can stop our barbaric practices against each other to prove that we are an evolved specie who do not believe in group politics.
We are one humanity.
There will always be problems with someone evolving faster than others individually or collectively. We may believe differently but if we learn to believe that we all are human beings and we belong to one humanity as a whole and this can lead us to the point that we can overcome at least our politics related wars. The United Nations is already there but it is meaningless if there is no consensuses because we have few groups of people, or in other words nations with the political powers of veto and it is not based on population either.
We should live honestly, not only individually, but as groups as well. We should reciprocate not only as individuals but as groups as well so we can make each other and everyone in the world collectively to humanity’s better life.
As a soul God does not need your help but when you help each other and the less fortunate around the world you are reciprocating with God for your free oxygen and a good healthy and functioning body. It should never stop at the individual level. If you believe you belong to humanity and God as a whole, it does not matter who or what you are born as which I mean, as your identity. You automatically over ride everything and become a human being. I believe no one has to change or feel bad about their identities as a race, nation, gender or religion or should feel inferior or superior compared to others if you whole and kindheartedly learn your real identity.
I would rather appreciate my living years to be useful to all of humanity before I die. If we worship for status, power, control or the material things what we don’t have or lack in our living years it is self defeating. It is a kind of defeating the purpose if we want them after we die because we don’t really know, or it is not a common knowledge what is really deeded or what do we even enjoy as a soul. If you think rivers of honey and milk or even virgins would do it for you, you would have to remember one thing that those things are for a physically living body and brain not as a soul or a dead body and brain. You can only appreciate and enjoy the taste of food, sex or the feelings of having material possessions or power over others while we have a living and functioning body. Without the living and physically functioning body all bets are off and if you fear from the heat of the fire or the torture of the grave, it only burns and hurts the physical body as well. Do you believe that would it hurt as a soul? Not if you have lived your living years honestly without committing spiritual crimes. Personally and logically I don’t believe you can burn a soul unless you have committed some crimes that your soul is burdened with.
To be honest I have no idea and no I have not met anybody that came back from the dead. To date, we do not have video evidence that confirms what happens after we die. To me I don’t know because I am not dead yet, so I can’t be so sure about it. I can’t tell you for certain anything about dying and coming back to life. If someone is telling you for a certainty that they are lying to you because an evolving entity can’t be certain for anything.
For now what I know that love loss related pain hurts deeply in the core to all living human beings so I would relate that pain as a pain of the soul. If you commit a crime that hurts someone at that level you are committing a spiritual crime which has the potential to hurt you as well.
Robbing someone of their loved ones especially if they are innocents has to be and should be recognized as a spiritual crime. When this it is done in Holy Wars we politically justify and call it that is done in the name of God. To me this is the biggest lie coming from emotionally and politically tainted religions.
It is plain and simple that it can not be justified regardless of what and how you politically twist it because, I believe even one innocent’s blood is and should be pricier than all the religious beliefs put together. If you believe that you will go to heaven by robbing someone of love especially if they are innocent ones, it is highly unlikely and yes even if it is done in the name of your belonging religion. Spiritually and logically it can not be true because we all have been personally and individually blessed with a free will by God. Free will comes with personal responsibilities so following your group’s political views emotionally and blindly has a price to pay because it could lead you to commit spiritual crimes.
When people pray, sacrifice and worship for good things in their living years it can makes sense to me. When they pray for the same things like security and easy living in heaven or life after death, they must put their honest efforts to achieve whatever they want to achieve in their lives first and then get their ducks in line to know what is needed in life after death. Life after death surely does not need material things.
When it comes to what they want after their living years or what they want in heaven, they should know the clear differences between the needs of physically living years and needs of the things as a soul. When you have no physical body how are you going to enjoy honey, milk or even virgins? To me logically it just does not make any sense. If it does to you, you have to learn more about the reasons why would God granted us a free will and an evolving living body and brain to human beings.
I know religion starts where our logic fails. It is a clear difference in the needs of living individuals and the dead ones as souls. As it is, its a complex issue. Why would you put God through a task to give you a new and permanently young physical body?
After our loved one dies, why do you think we divide the material things of the dead one among their children or other loved ones? It is because those things don’t mean anything to the dead one or their soul.
Now look at it this way, if for whatever reason you are lacking whatever in your living years and you want it in the heaven, do you think this is possible? From security to nice foods and even virgins or whatever you value in your living years their value changes to nothing after you lose your living body and brain.
You will have to have heaven just like the earth and with a physical body to enjoy material things like a nice house with the bricks of Gold and silver. To have good food and an obedient wife or a husband or have them by the dozens, is this what you expect when you die than you should always remember you have to have a physical body to enjoy these things.
If you don’t even believe in reincarnation how would it be possible for God to please you after you are dead? I want everyone to come out of their pigeon holes and ask these tough questions, not only to themselves but the groups they choose to belong to as well. These group leaders will point to the Holy Books as proof that this will happen. Regardless of what they say in these Books, this killing each other business has to stop with our knowledge holy or not. If our holy knowledge could not stop it in more than two thousand years, why do you still believe it would do it in next two years. Our problems are not only related to the holy books or some isms or democracy. Our problems are related with our evolving nature so our knowledge could never be frozen or encased, nor we can have an ultimate knowledge until we reach our 100% potential. If you believe science has debunked the use of minimal brain power theory my question is, then why are we still learning about new things everyday? We may be are using our brain power but what about the evolutionary nature?
We still are not able to comprehend what is before birth and after death other than the religious scenarios and we have no capabilities to understand how are we able to pass our intelligence, even to our babies, we are smarter these days even as new born. I just wrote a blog about a toddler problem solving as getting down from a bed by throwing pillows to the ground for a soft landing and remembering to take along a soother. It is not a good thing to even argue about never mind kill each other over our evolving knowledge.
Egyptians and Chinese believed that they would need their material possessions even in their life after death. We, in our living years, are able to see tomb robbing taking place while the owners cannot do anything about it. Maybe there should be a movie about the mummy’s revenge for tomb robbing. The point is that we need to put things in perspectives because it is a serious matter.
A soul’s needs are not known by a physical body and brain needs are not known also. Read Your Body and Brain.
As a living being we need to feed all three and if you try to feed the wrong things, you need to judge and clearly define what is for. A physical body and brain would always push you to fit in as well as attempt to impress others or you would be under a strong desire to be admired by others around. Feeding your soul can’t be achieved by feeding a living body and brain. Knowing, clearly, defining and understanding the YOU part in the equation can help to know the differences.
My main goal is to make a case about not to kill each other over your belief systems.Do not put doubts in anyone’s religious beliefs. I believe, as an individual, we all come into life with free will related responsibilities. Our actions have consequences so by not doing what we don’t like done to us or to our loved ones we can create peace and that peace is not only for between conflicting groups it can help us to evolve socially enough to respect each other.
If you are told to commit a spiritual crime in the name of your group, you are not supposed to act until you have judged it individually and looked at it with your personal and logical sense of justice. Whether it is right or wrong, that is your personal choice because you came with free will. Your sense of justice and the knowledge that you have a personal responsibility of your own actions. If you are told that you will be rewarded by God in heaven, always remember you will always be responsible for your actions because God can easily say you have been blessed with free will for a reason. If you are acting in the name of your chosen group and yes even if it is for your religion, it still is going to be you who is responsible for your actions. If you expect God would reward you for killing and robbing someone of love, you have been sold to the politics of sense of the group you have chosen to join and follow their rules.
When you learn to own what actions you take, you will accept and understand that you are following God’s order because you are within yourself a mini God. You just have to open that door with the key you have been provided with. Robbing someone of one’s love especially if they are innocents is clearly related with politics and God would not have anything to do with it. You can be hurting yourself at the soul level if you just blindly follow anything this group asks you to do. Your Body and Brain will stop hurting if you die but if you are hurt at the soul level all promises of your groups become questionable and you can suffer from within and maybe for eternity.
Live life with a clean soul so you can be in your personal heaven in this life and even after the death of your physical body. Better yet, try to live this life nurturing all three parts. These parts: Body, Brain and Soul must be nurtured in your living years so you don’t have to worry about these parts after death. The greed of the things that matter in your living years and wanting those things in heaven just does not make sense because you don’t understand what a soul enjoys after the physicality of the body and brain has been taken away.