Conservatism is important but one must be cautious when one attempts to explain its importance. As it is not natural to us nor its a God given trait. Conservatism is based on an insecurity related politics so it naturally is not for the evolving creature like human beings. We have been and we will constantly be evolving so conservatism is necessary to set the rhythm to adopt to this evolutionary process. Conservatism serves a purpose in our adaptation but sticking to it means that we must be loyal to some old rules of religions or political systems of governing our societies. Humanity has to evolve and adopt until we hit our 100% potential so in order to pursue our potential we need to break all our boundaries. Believing that living in the past is the safest and best thing to do is just plain wrong. During evolution there is no ultimate human knowledge, whether it be religious beliefs, national constitution or systems of governing nothing can be perfect because we all have to adopt and evolve according to the needs of times we live in. If we keep living in the past, it is like keep looking back and not paying attention to the things coming to us from the front. If you don’t pay attention sooner or later you will collide with something. That is what happening right now throughout the world. Conservatism is colliding with not only with the new generations but with scientific and technological evolution. From abortion to euthanasia to blood transfusion to stem cell to advancing knowledge of genetics is confusing the hell out of the conservative populations yet time is not stopping.
Contrary to popular beliefs loyalties are not usually for sale, nor is it a clap with one hand so they require the commitment from both sides to make some noise. When it is from both sides it can be thundering success. A belief system can’t be forced or enforced because of our evolving and changing awareness.
This adaptation to evolving knowledge is rare some have it most don’t because of our individual level of understanding. Our personal and individual loyalties are and should naturally be towards and simultaneously with God and humanity as a whole but we have been stuck into our past because of conservatism.
Race, gender, color, nation or religion are related with our installed knowledge. Dissecting our identity to the core of all the layers of our identities can bring some clarity to the individual. As a living breathing human being we all are a bundle of physical and spiritual combinations. I was watching an east Indian movie Delhi 6. I would like to quote, which would fit here.
” In every speck shines his divine light
Look with in yourself, he is not far from you,
If you have love for yourself then embrace everyone
Because we are all in his form. That is worship.”
In plain and simple words, any system which brings glory to some of us but destroys others in the process, is not from God nor it is spiritual or natural. It is influenced by human insecurity and related politics, individually and collectively. To me, humanity has been the victim of identity confusion because of our politically tainted beliefs and governing security systems.
Since the beginning of our awareness, our politics has been revolving around family, clan, community, nation or belief systems but these days with the internet and our individual evolution slowly but surely we are creating a global village. Some of us like the idea of venturing out but branching out for a vast majority is very difficult to process. Sure the change is in the air, you just have to look at humanity’s reaction to conditions such as the spread of Ebola, Aids and global warming. Our space station and satellites have been at work for a long time but what we don’t realize is that they are joint ventures of humanity as well.
When groups preach and promise superiority over the others to their followers by just being part of the group, it is clearly preaching that other groups are inferior. Whether it is all related with race, gender, nation or religion or not, it is all related with the politics of prejudice and discrimination. You can say to yourself that personally I am not prejudiced but if you still consider that your group is better than others, you are under the influences of prejudice and discrimination. Either you are in spirituality or not it is that plain and simple. When it comes to equal human rights there is no little bit of prejudice and discrimination it is either or. When you go to a court of law you can’t say I committed a crime because I belong to certain group so I am not responsible trust me no one is going to listen to you. I believe its time to own our actions because we all have the same free will and sense of justice.
Equal human rights means that there is no differences in color, gender, race, nation or religious belonging. You can’t just claim that you are going to heaven and everyone else is going to hell after we die. No one can or should claim whether they are a little bit right or wrong. If a Justice system is blind and treats everyone blindly, you can’t and should not be a conservative or liberal when it comes to being a judge. It is all about the law, not about the politics and law should always be on a solid foundation of equal human rights for all.
Interestingly when it comes to religions we are taught to conform and believe blindly. If you question the authenticity of the rules or disobey, you are looked down upon by the leaders and other believers for not having faith in their teachings. Some group mentality automatically takes us to a point where discrimination and prejudice teachings prevail regardless of which group you belong to. This looking down is not only to the outsiders of the group its for the insiders as well so they all suffer from this political injustice. That is why you can see several groups have sub divisions or sects come to existence. The groups within the groups and peoples loyalties to their sub groups can not be good for humanity as a whole. Intolerance related violence and even our wars can be stopped if we start to take our individual responsibilities. The trouble is that we all are individually insecure and mostly it is because of our lack of political knowledge. Outside boggy man has been created by the groups, yet most of the people get hurt, mostly by their own kind.
Religious belief that attempt to divide people from each other is not related to the texts or Holy Books. It is born from the discrimination and prejudice related politics fathered by the out of control and non spiritual sense of belonging to the group we choose to belong to and follow.
Loyalty to family, clan, community, nation or a religion is considered and appears to be the right thing to do in a belonging group settings. In some other groups that would be equivalent to committing spiritual crimes. Still in some others it can be looked upon that their leaders as being good and right so it becomes a common practice for most societies. This is the main reason why humanity has been ripped apart in hundreds if not thousands of pieces.
To me the solution is not in looking for some savior, a dynasty, an empire or a super power to control, conform and overpower every race, gender, nation or religion. Remember I started it by saying loyalties are not for sale nor they can be forced or enforced, so the problems are related with our violent nature. We need to come to terms with it from within as an individual. No one should let anyone use them for their own political purposes.
First and foremost important an aspect of this picture is the individual so educating the individual holds the key. By helping them to evolve further and so they can see that the earth is round and has no physical boundaries or walls. Human beings along with other creatures are the residents and there is nowhere else to go at least not yet.
Passing on to the other dimension after death is an other story. For now we need the knowledge of evolution so we can learn to live with each other. Western societies are melting pot societies so they are the clear examples of our ability to live together and trust other human beings even they don’t belong to any one particular group. Genetically we all are matched. Scientifically we all are made of the same stuff and spiritually, well not clearly known but maybe alive by the or as a same entity. Like human body as God and us as cells, because we live, get old and die the same way as our cells and body provide the living conditions.
All the differences belong to or caused by our taught and installed knowledge coming from our ancestors who survived from being the food to on the top of the food chain. The main thing they had to pursue was their security not only from the predators but from their own kind as well. Since then security has become the main and the only thing to live for our societies so our trust has been compromised by our ancestral knowledge. They lived and survived like other creatures so being connected to our conservative knowledge we still are following the same path or the ways of living. It’s time to forge ahead and embrace the changes, sure it is not easy to take chances but we have no choice but to evolve.
We mark our territories and fight over the markings just like they did, but my trouble is that now we have sophisticated chemical and nuclear weapons. Our weapons don’t even respect the walls of communities, other creatures and off limits innocent beings whether they belong to our own or opposing groups. This human dilemma is strongly related with group politics. We consider our belonging group is it, or is the main authority so we are all influenced by the education of long held beliefs of prejudice and discrimination. I believe its time for a change because we as a humanity need to evolve to the next level so we can overcome short comings of our ancestral knowledge.
Can we solve our social problems? For sure not as groups because we have been trying for millions of years to be on the top of all the humanity and it has never worked. As a group we always have been are political so unless we change the path there would always be prejudice and discrimination against others. As an individual we can hope to be educated enough to learn to belong to humanity as a whole. This goes against everything we have been taught and believed as a group so it will be an uphill battle for humanity to overcome the old ways of doing things. Judging what is going on in the external world each and everyone of us has a constant battle going on inside of us as well.
Changes are needed by individuals from within. We all evolve differently and at a different pace. You can see most of our societies suffers from conservatism and they are politically divided so they go back and forth as the hands of power change.
Iran is a good example. Just like other nations, they want to have nuclear power with all the scientific advancements but they try to keep their population in control by conservatism as well. Before the revolution that society was quite advanced but things changed when the conservatism got hold of the power. Now Turkey and America are going backwards and British voted to leave the European Union and formed Brexit as well. Whatever is going on is all related to the same way an animal marks their territory with the fear related old style systems of governing. I personally don’t play political games. I just look at everything with a spiritual angle so to me equal human rights and justice to all with boundary less earth for one humanity is my game. I may be an idealist but that is what I believe in.
As individuals we all come in to live in this life we all are blessed with. We bring along certain traits from before birth. Sense of equality, personal sense of justice and understanding of reciprocation. With awareness of our sense of personal justice we should be able to oppose every prejudice and discrimination related political system. How can you dislike prejudice and discrimination against you but it is okay for you to be commit the same against others?
It is mind boggling to me that most religious people who should be spiritual with others in society are not spiritual when it comes to choose political parties. They choose to openly oppose helping the needy in their time of need and then they have the nerve to call the liberals Godless people. Going for spiritual things like equal human rights or universal health care is openly opposed by Conservatives and most religious people vote for conservatism.
My problem is that I can’t help but to point out, people attend to a mosque or church with a desire to become Godly but choose to act against the helping of the weaker or old ones or vulnerable ones in need is quit contradictory. Social Services are opposed as well by the Godly people.
To the other extreme leftists who believe in socialist agendas but neglect to do the justice to the individual. They always go for the mass and individual lose their value in that system. When it come to spirituality there is no injustice, so equal human rights is the best spiritual system for governing. Sure we will have to choose between individual’s rights and collectively human rights as societies but sacrificing individual human rights is not spiritual, so I am for the individual to be able to take the state to the court to fight for their rights.
Evolutionary nature tells me that we are not perfect. Would we become perfect when we reach our potential? That is the question can’t be answered without assumptions but I believe in doing the best we can with the best of our knowledge. What future holds is not a present related thing so I would not bet on it. In order to deal with present problems we need present related solutions. If we keep looking into the past for solutions, we would never change and would never be able to bring humanity together because we have been taught prejudice and discrimination as ancestral knowledge or wisdom. Even this day and age our schools have been teaching us religion and nationalism before anything else. In the past we have been and still are following group related politics, whether its related with race, gender, nation or religious beliefs they all eventually breed prejudice and discrimination. Personally no individual would like to be treated with prejudice and discrimination, yet the people who treat others that way are the people as well so it comes down to the spiritual rule one- o- one. “Don’t do to any one what you don’t like done to you or your loved one”. To me its a personal and individual problem as it has been is and will always be related with personal security if everyone feels secure we would be naturally for the equal human rights.
As groups if we don’t have discrimination and prejudice based politics we can educate individuals to connect with humanity as a whole but logically a group would never go for that because they lose political powers. So it is not going to come from the top down. It has to be from the bottom up by the educated individual.
Picture it, if no one does that to others what they don’t like done to themselves, what will happen to humanity? I can just imagine all the wars disappearing and we will find internal and external peace. Well to me, it is a stretch for now and I may not be able to see that much human progress in spiritual sections. To create peace, whether its internal or external, is in the grasp of all of us but do we really want it? That is the question we all individually should be asking to ourselves in the dead of the night when we are all alone with oneself.
Remember our sense of belonging has three kids, EGO, PRIDE AND HONOR. They always make us weak individually and its all blessings of our out of control sense of belonging to our groups. We can’t stand up against our groups even when they are doing wrong. Emotions are power but ego is the power which can cut both ways so it can be weakness as well. To explain I can say when you think what others are going to think about you when you take action of any sort you will become the victim of either one of the three kids. If we dig into the causes of our actions these children of sense of belonging would show up to let you know that you have been put into the bottom of the triangle by the politics yet you should be on the top corner or the triangle. I am talking about the who flipped my triangle.
I believe in individual strength which makes people question all the socially accepted truths and related rules. If we don’t have people questioning the things we do, our societies would never change or evolve. The whole evolutionary nature gets questioned by the conservatives all the time, if no one had proven it to them they would still be believing in flat earth. They can’t see that all the progress of humanity has been gifted to them from the evolutionary people. They shamelessly use all the technology but still can’t accept enough to give credit where it belongs. They can use drugs to live with the disease but oppose any kind of medical advancements. There are people who are against blood transfusion, ask anyone how important this is in saving lives yet they still would want to live in the past. All the progress made in science, technology, medicine and social sciences has been coming from the people who broke away from the confining boundaries of conservatism. Most scientists don’t even believe in God to me it is a matter of how you look at God and what does it mean to you?.
Conservatives will use all the facilities provided by the boundary breakers but stubbornly reject to accept evolutionary nature. I believe we are designed to break all our own rules. Our rules are there for one reason and that is that they are intended for social control to slow the rhythm. So we can adapt and evolve rhythmically without ripping ourselves apart. Conservatism is necessary but it should not be a thing to get stuck on. Getting comfortable in those boundaries is not only unnatural for human beings, it is totally influenced by the fear related politics. If you look back, no power has ever been able or could stop this human phenomenon. Evolution is in our genes and it can’t be harnessed so we need to follow our nature instead of just resisting it in the name of conservatism.
Sure religions have enjoyed and to a point they are still enjoying their popularity but they were not and still are not able to stop the changing humanity. Where we were they wanted us to stay but we are compelled by our nature to evolve. We can’t stay wherever we are either, things like honor killings are progressively becoming questionable . Our wars are not acceptable by certain segments of populations in all groups, nations or even religions.
By looking broadly into history and even present days, we are becoming aware of our behaviors. We know now that conservative style politics compels individuals to commit spiritual crimes against the opposing groups in the name of sense of belonging. A person may not want to kill the loved one but they have to live in a society where people point fingers at them so they are compelled to commit spiritual crimes even against their own loved ones. So yes even as societies we need to change this kind of out of control sense of belonging related crimes.
The real war is going on inside of the modern and changing human being. This is to stay in the boundaries or change with changes. I believe our evolving nature is powerful enough to bring changes, it may take time but we have been, are and will always be evolving. Would we be able to change conservatism? Well it has changed already. There is no conservative party in the political systems of the world anymore. They have to become a liberal or progressive conservative party to survive. If you look at the agendas of the conservatives, they have come in the middle to win otherwise in the western nations there is no room left for them. Humanity has moved on to the changing times so no one wants to be left behind.