Beautiful and spiritual yet still a beast.

Someone posted that pornography is the cause of sexual ills in our societies and porn is effecting our younger generations negatively. I would like to know the reasons and facts of  this problem. I did not know the answer so I googled sexual crimes rates in different societies. Off course these are only reported cases. An interesting thing caught my eye that a Muslim county ,Oman and a Christian but secular country, Denmark were closer to each other in population and also in sexual crime rates.

Oman population is 4. 425 million in 2016 with reported rapes of  6.6 per one hundred thousand.

While Denmark’s population is  5. 731 million a bit higher but rapes rate 6.4 a little lower than Oman meaning population higher and rape rate lower means higher difference. Question that I ask is why is Denmark’s reported rapes lower than Oman’s?

How can sexual crime rates be higher or lower in such populations? This problem must have more to do with governing system or our traditional customs the education what is written in between lines of societies and not population size.  Is the difference in reported rapes per country a result of the type of religious rights or secular freedoms?

Lets find out where it connects.

Just like everything else, different societies have different ideologies, so in general everyone has an opinion as to what is the right way to live or govern. Since old style governing systems usually are influenced by our religious rules and our religious rules are founded on carrot and stick philosophy. Like heaven and hell or even strict and harsh punishments for social crimes to control society.

These days those harsh punishments are proven wrong in controlling social crimes. This is the reason why I am bringing in my reasons and causes of today’s problems. Since pornography was not around when our religious beliefs entered in our life, there is no way any one can prove that pornography as the reason for our sexual crimes because sexual crimes have been around since forever and invention of movie making is just a recent phenomenon.

Now if someone tells me that porn movies are the cause of social diseases like rape, I would ask for the facts and as you can see the proof is in the reason for these rapes there is no way of proving that there was no rapes before the pornography.Question is has the sexual crime rate gone up or down, how and what are the reasons. As civilized and evolved human beings we need to know what is behind our all kind of behaviors.

Denmark has no sexual restrictions on their citizens while Oman is a strict Muslim country where I assume porn is restricted and is not able to be watched by their citizens as Danish can choose to watch so why would this sexual crime rate be higher than a country that does not have restricted sexual viewing and has sexual freedom for all their citizens?

Looking at the Roman Catholic Priests and their sexual scandals or even go into our celebrities and politicians life and see why that happens and why some risk so much for it? Then look at the causes of these problems. It may or may not lead you to customary rule of celibacy but for sure there is a problem and it has been around since way before the pornography.

Personally I believe that the more you try to control sexual behavior, especially sex crimes, the rate goes up. It all boils down to our  education. Denmark has an openly secular education system. What is worse way of dealing with our social crimes carrot or a stick?   Is it Oman or Denmark?

I would lean towards that Oman population would be willing to coverup sexual crime rate more than Denmark because of strict punishments. If you are reasonable and educate your population that actions have their long term consequences and let them know what is a bigger spiritual sin it may prove my point that Denmark’s way may be better to reduce social crimes.  You can look at it the way you want to but this is my personal opinion.

Sexual problems are like smoking and drinking if you smoke or drink in your house it is fine with me and I have no problem with it but when you intend to harm others with your actions then I have a problem with it. Just like our modern day societies are imposing and enforcing rules to stop drunk driving or smoking in public places. The reasons of these rules are that you can do self harm but when you are willing to harm others society has the responsibility to protect others so we create and enforce rules . You can drink or smoke at home but you can’t take steps to harm others. If you watch porn masturbate all you want at home is not anyone’s business as long as you don’t harm others in the process.

Society should be open enough to give room to its citizens. Sex smoking and drinking is a problem when it start to harm innocent people. Rape, drunk driving and even smoking in public places with second hand smoke is wrong because it has the potential to harm others.

I am against sexual crimes just like anyone else but I would rather point towards the right causes of the problem. You can connect social problems with certain behaviors and offer certain solutions but first of all it would be an opinion of an individual or  a group of people. Second we as humanity is continuously evolving so any passionate opinion may have to change with evolving time.

By having so many schools of thoughts in so many human societies clash of opinions is bound to happen. So we have to know  as to what is the way one must believe. During evolutionary period one must keep this in mind that if we are exploring, learning, inventing and discovering all the time,  we can’t be completely evolved yet so it’s best to find facts and solutions about present day problems in present. We could have been still be monkeying around in the bush or caves if it was not for the people whom wanted to evolve and change for the better so don’t hold back or hold on to the belief that old days were better and hold the answer to all our present day problems. 

Looking for the solutions for present day problems in past related rules is plain wrong because it  may not match to solve our problems. We don’t even have clear answers for cyber crimes in present day mandates yet how can we find answers in our religions for internet related crimes. For instance criminals calling to con from all over the world, you can’t just catch those crooks because of the jurisdiction problems. Just like that you can’t blame porn for rape rate because porn was not even around when rape rate was even higher in past then today. Its our education what makes the difference.

Today’s societies have changed drastically. They have changed in population size as well as to information technology, and to individual freedoms and equal human rights. Everything is different! By looking at the past and declaring it to be a glorious time is a sign of a depressed humanity with a lack of faith in God.

We must remember that God and human beings are working hand in hand to evolve. If you don’t evolve with time you can’t find the solutions for modern day problems. As it is we are facing internet crime rate and global warming issues. Humanity has to evolve and work together to face and find solutions for these problems. If we bark under the wrong trees and look for the solutions of the problems, its like burying our heads in the sand hoping that  God alone will find all the solutions. The trouble is that humans, especially the religious ones, don’t really believe in this. That is the reason why they have such harsh and barbaric punishments for petty crimes and they still claim that we believe in God is doing everything. Sure God is doing everything but its all done by the help of human individuals so we as an individuals have a lot more responsibilities than a religious people have you believed.

First and foremost the reasons for our conflicts is that we don’t want our ancestors to be proven wrong. We egotistically defend and even go to wars with each other to prove who is right. Yet you can pick any group of people and dig into their past you will find problematic behaviors, not because of their fault, but because of their level of evolution so don’t blame each other’s ancestors and cross the lines by giving them a break. They did the best according to their level of evolution.

If an adult sexually abuses a child, that child learns from an action based education that it’s okay to abuse children when he becomes an adult. This type of action based education has nothing to do with porn movies but everything to do with the education taught by people who have been abused in the past. I wish I can claim its a modern day phenomenon but its not. Most people repeat behaviors that they have learned. For example a young person who was raised by alcoholic parents will often marry a person just like their parents who is an alcoholic.  If  society wants to fix the problems of rape then banning porn movies is like barking up the wrong tree. Blame and punish the right source. Don’t use band aid solutions to fix age old problems by blaming it on new situations. Sexual abuse has been around for thousands if not for millions of years and pornography has just been invented. If you go after the known cause of the problems you may find some solutions. Education, Education and more Education. Harsh punishments have not done it is not doing it and I don’t believe it is going to do it. Self regulation is the key and that is done only by the individual with Education.

Beautiful and spiritual yet still a beast.

Priests, Mullahs, politicians and celebrities are willing to risk everything just because they have given into their powerful animal side. They are not aware of the powerful monster living within themselves. Since we have been cleverly taught to blame God or Devil for our actions,  we cleverly blame the entities who don’t talk back to us. Sexual abuse is a bigger sin spiritually than masturbation so we should put things in perspectives. Religion or not it is a personal problem so individual has to be educated about the long term consequences of their actions.

You can blame your passionate nature or you can believe the Devil made you do it. Either way you don’t or are unable to respect the one who is residing within you to creates balance in how you become good or bad as an individual.

If I was God, I would know which one is a bigger sin or actually a spiritual crime. If Mullahs or Priests would not allow themselves to watch porn, masturbate and not sexually abuse children, then the world would be a much better place. Abusing children is a  greater evil than watching  porn or masturbating. The problem is that one chooses their inner demons. Sexual abuse is not known to be related to porn, otherwise sexual crime rates would be higher in Denmark than Oman. Don’t blame porn!  Find the proven causes of the problems. A larger or more powerful animal side would be mainly responsible for most of our social problems. For instance, if you are raised or are used to getting things  the easy way, you are not going to find a job to get things. From stealing to robbing to prostitution to corruption they can be connected to the voice coming from within you. If you have a human side  that is stronger that reasons and is compassionate towards others , you will not take the easy way out so ask yourself about your animal size to create peace with education.

When you start to dig into yourself individually you will find conflicting powers at work within you but if you don’t even try to look for the solutions, you are trying to mask or trying to sweep everything under the rug. An unhealthy but religious ways to look at the social problems. If you don’t educate your people with the right knowledge and force them to comply with the rules, sooner or later you will find them breaking the rules but if you educate them the numbers of crime rate would drop. Human societies can’t be controlled by having a police officer for each individual it is just not practical so the best way to deal with our social problems is to educate and encourage the individual to self regulate.

I would say deep inside most of us as an individual have some kind of personal conflicts. They can and should be resolved by the individual by understanding what it means to be a human being.  For instance animal side verses human side or sense of belonging verses sense of freedom. It can only be resolved by understanding what kind of entity we are? We are not only the body nor we are only the brain we are an entity which lives in a living body with the brain. We are the one entity who can create balance and act accordingly. In order to do so first of all we have to recognize that we are separate than our body and brain.

Say I ask you to move your finger you would have no problem doing that because brain and body is functioning, but if you ask a stroke patient they would have a big problem because their connection between muscles and brain has been disrupted. If you are def you would not hear me so that would be an other kind of problem but physical one. Now if everything is perfectly in order but you are dead you are not going to be able to perform what I have asked you. That is even a bigger problem, now if you are alive and everything is working you will be able to move your finger without any problem but you have to understand the process you have gone through. See our body is like a computer we have all the abilities and data in it but someone has to use it and that user is you who lives in the your body, and yes its not your brain because brain depends on data to be provided by you.

 If you want to understand it, it can be understandable otherwise you can be stuck in either living as an animal or as a spiritual entity. You are a human being who is a combination of both side. Angels example I can give, we are taught that being angels is a good thing so we should want and act like angels. Remember according to our religions angels have no free will to make choices so they will only do good but without choice. Human beings do good by choice so that is what makes human beings supersede angels. Choosing to be good for strangers or even enemies is a characteristic of human beings. Not common but still it is found in some human beings, it has been preached by our religions but our politics corrupts our way of believing in God so we choose to follow our animal side. Even if it is working against your animal side or desires, still its an ability possessed by human beings.      

Back to our spiritual and physical sides. A human body simply can’t live without the animal side or a functioning body and brain, neither an animal side can live without spirit living with in. They are inseparable so we have to live as a combination of both. This is the problem which we have been trying to fix for millions of years. We have gone through a whole lot of civilization with a whole lot of religious beliefs, isms and even different types of democracies.  Most of our religious beliefs, laws of our lands and civilization in general preach and per mote extreme to kill our animal side because we don’t want to be counted as other creatures. We have been taught that we are superior to all other creatures, this sense of superiority seeps into our being and an individual becomes susceptible to prejudice and discrimination. Personally I believe that is the foundational education which is mainly responsible of our prejudice and discrimination against each other among human beings. We are taught that if our behavior is similar to other animals we are bad and inferior.

With all the civilization and evolution our understanding should have changed by now but we are still stuck in the old political systems with the prejudice and discrimination in the foundation. Our best bet is to understand ourselves by educating about and accepting our animal side, its legitimacy and authenticity to achieve personal and inner peace from within.

Becoming a Chief Executive Officer  of their life can help individuals to create inner balance otherwise an imbalanced individual can end up making extreme choices like being slave of the animal side without any restrictions or inhibitions to be a human being or go to other extreme by removing self importance altogether and live or spend all their mortal life without any kind of enjoyment. 

How can an individual stand against the status quo if the politics of powerful sense of belonging is over whelming while personal sense of freedom is non existing? As a CEO we can achieve all that by putting everything including other people, religious affiliation, sexual identities, racial differences and nationalism as departments of our life. Instead of making them as the ultimate powers and reducing individual to a mare speck in the sand. Understanding free will can teach self importance as an individual and all about the spiritual  jewellery they wear. When you wear your spiritual jewellery you can become aware of self respect which can teach us all to evolve to the point that we can live as a mortal being who has the responsibility to enjoy a mortal journey as a human animal simultaneously but have the ability to counter our animal driven desires so one can live and let live in peace.  

We all should proudly wear what I call jewels of humanity like being compassionate, forgiving, sacrificing and loving. Since mass murder or extermination of our own kind has been part of our history so regardless of our spiritual jewellery we are capable of horrific spiritual crimes. Remember we have dropped Atomic bombs, we have used other weapons of mass destruction and even now a days we are constantly at war with each other. We even put the other creatures to shame with our out of control animal side. 

As we have been taught by our religions, controlling or killing our animal inside has not worked with millions of years of evolution. If it did not work till now why do we still believe it will work for us by following the same political ways of living.  Unless we as an individual create balance deep inside of us and achieve personal inner peace by assuming our duties of a CEO, things are not going to work or change.

In human societies we have all been taught politically to belong to a group of people to be strong and secure. If you look at it critically our past education has been pointing towards the sense of belonging to a group of people but not to humanity as a whole. Since it starts with the family and family’s connections to the others around it automatically is a group oriented education but as a human individual we all potentially can step forward and take a leap of faith in thinking of being part of whole humanity.

Only an individually thinking human individual can surpass politics of sense of belonging to immediate family, community, race, gender, color, religions or nations otherwise we can feel overwhelmingly and over ride our thinking ability. The evolution can teach us, we as an individual are the foundation for all the changes humanity has made thus far. 

Creating inner and outer peace is only possible if we as an individual step forward to understand ourselves as a being who is totally free when it comes to make decisions. Since we all are free individuals we can choose to belong to humanity as a whole but we have been taught to form groups of people for security. Physically we belong to humanity yet spiritually to God. If you belong to nationalism, or a religion which does not believe in humanity as a whole, you demote yourself and follow the politics of  groups instead of spirituality which is universal and directly connected to God. Crossing the lines of our traditional political knowledge of sense of belonging is in order, so we can evolve further into the next level and belong to humanity as a whole.

War against our animal side is a war which could not be won throughout the history of our civilization and the main reason is that it is an understanding not understood. Since you just can’t separate the two, there is only one option we have and that is to accept the legitimacy of our animal side being part of our make up and make deals with it instead of waging war against it. By doing that we can stop inner turmoil and bickering  to create inner peace individually first then collectively because it takes a human individual to start or stop the wars whether its internal or external. 

Since we have been misunderstanding an understanding we have been underestimating and denying the strength of our animal side. Our systems of law and order and rules of our religions have failed  us miserably in controlling social crimes and our wars. If you want proof just look around and critically look at our religious wars and their reasons.  War related spiritual crimes against humanity and in general crime rate of the human societies are the prime examples of wrong path we have been on. This failed approach has not worked is not working and will not succeed if it had not succeeded in millions of years of evolution. We have to learn more about ourselves to understand who and what we really are?. Why the animal is still alive and well regardless of our efforts to kill it?Even our mullahs, priests, politicians and celebrities can attest that our animal side is just too powerful to deal with. It has evolved and has become sophisticated which makes it more dangerous and destructive for humanity. Our weapons like guns and to advanced level weapons of mass destruction on one side and on the other hand the popularity of political sense of belonging to our groups should be a warning for all of us to take a crash course in understanding what is and what does it take to be a human being in modern day humanity. Regardless of our violent behavior with our smarts we are heading towards dangerous grounds of self destruction.    

Following explanation should be helpful in understanding the legitimacy and authenticity of our animal side.


Inception of Devil does not only  start with mother who loves her child. It has been there all along, it is a matter of nurturing and helping to flourish to one dominating side. For instance when baby cries mother feeds him/her, changes dipper and holds baby to sooth. As a baby we quickly understand that and learn to adopt with new circumstance at the same time we learn about our already  existing personal desires as well. We learn how to get the mother’s attention. If the mother or care giver keeps running to meet the baby’s needs or I should say desires, she is nurturing the baby’s animal side to flourish which automatically suppress, minimize or weaken the human or spiritual side.

If mother would have thought that, I have just fed, changed and cuddled there is no reason to run, let baby cry for a while and see what happens, what does baby do?.

Baby will cry for a while look around and then realize that nothing is happening so personally I believe baby will take first step towards becoming a healthy and balanced human being. Learning about the inhibitions, self soothing, delayed gratification, and patience makes us different than other creatures. You just cant teach any thing about delayed gratifications to a dog or a cat. I believe this is one of the root cause of most personal, emotional and social ills with deep connections to our imbalanced upbringing. Learning to understand these two personal sides is a crucial thing for every individual to live a happy, healthy, balanced and successful life.  As my first triangle says health, happiness and success. Remember without the health you can’t be happy and without health and happiness the success you have does not mean anything to you personally.

This fundamental education has been misunderstood or ignored by our personal and individual politics and is over powered by  our totally accepted, preached and loved our  loving emotions. Are these loving emotions good for us? Do they relate with the animal side or our spiritual side or maybe we are not evolved enough to totally understand distinguish and place them in proper order in our mortal life?

As an individual do we understand traits of our spiritual or our animal sides and do we have the understanding that we as an individual are the one who really calls the shots regardless of the our nationalism or religious beliefs.

The lines can be blurred easily for us as an individual when we totally and passionately buy into the education of our belonging groups. We kill each other over the politics of our belonging groups regardless of personal responsibilities to first understand who we are as an individual.

Back to the baby, after a little crying  baby looks around, nobody comes, so we start to self –sooth, entertain and  learns to control our desires. This is the first step taken by the human individual to be a human being, learning about the delayed gratifications and dealing with the inner animal to create balance with the human side it all comes from that first step taken by us.

Imbalance has far reaching consequences for baby and society simultaneously.  From obesity to brush with the law can be avoided if we are taught right in the beginning not only about the instant but delayed gratifications as well.

I heard these wise words as growing up in Pakistan, since I don’t know the source I would quote it as the author unknown.

“Quote” When the trunk of the tree is green it can be bent, but after that we should forget about molding and conforming because it would not bend it would break” End quote. 

Since it had been nurtured, the animal side has grown to the point where, if tried to be harnessed even by will power, it will rebel even back fire. In my job as a personal trainer I see people fail in their efforts to lose weight just because they try to ignore the power of the animal side. There have been weight loss companies for decades but our obesity rate has been climbing studly higher the reason behind is that strong animal side which can’t be harnessed. This is one of the cause of the higher crime rate as well because the instant gratification is a trade mark of the animal side of the human being. I don’t want to put the animal side down just like everyone else because I feel we have to acknowledge the legitimacy of our animal side to create balance so we can live like a human being. We need to do the justice to our both sides because our animal side holds the cards of mortality related knowledge it should be respected as well. Especially our religious education goes really against our animal side we are taught about the heaven and hell to control it yet there is no excuse given against the injustice a society does against the mortal individual. As mortal individuals God has given this life to the individual as a personal gift and these religious contractors of God are there to rob the individual of their animal side. Animal side is the one which allows the individual to enjoy a mortal life, food sex and feelings of love and attachments regardless of being temporary.

A good justice system is equal for all, which I connect to the spirituality. Political rules of our societies or even our religious rules should all be spirituality based, yet throughout the history and even to modern days we are openly preached to live for after life. Picture of God and Devil is drawn much larger to the point that human equation is undermined. Politics of nationalism and religions is there to push the individual not only to live life in sacrifice and deprivation but to do the dirty work for their respected nations and religions as well.

It is preached falsely that the group power is in the name of security which we have not achieved since the dawn of our civilization.  It has been is and will be for a long time that the individuals suffer, die and lose love all the time for belonging groups. Struggle to kill the Devil inside is an other issue the individual has to deal with so there is a constant conflict from within and its a continuum, yet the animal side flourishes out of control in the societies near and dear to you. We are told that you have to kill the Devil to be a good person, in the eyes of God. Well how do you justify and where do you fit your God given personal free will? Would you sacrifice your whole life trying to be a good person yet with a constant bickering inside? Why do you think going to extreme would bring you inner peace? Who benefits by your sacrifice? Does God has anything to do with internal and external turmoil? And finely why do you think you have been blessed with your free will?

No one really knows what God has plan for us, as a human individual. We are not created angles, so our make up says we are human and we each have a side which gets us in trouble, yet makes us better than angles at the same time. Since it is meant to be there by God, it is a legitimate part of us. Even God would not finish Devil because human still has to reach the potential to overcome hurdles to evolve further.

Since human beings give physical form to God and Devil whichever side is nurtured would become stronger. Parents and society in general should be aware of this sort of education, so if it is dealt with in the childhood period we would be a lot better human beings as grown ups. Always remember its the human being who acts Godly or Devilish so nurturing should be paid attention to.

When you are taught God and Devil are some outside entities and human being is just a puppet of them. This sort of education make the individual inferior and meaningless, when an individual takes this education to heart belonging groups gain power over them. We are taught the knowledge which is written in between the lines to be subservient, obedient and insignificant so we can be controlled politically.

Your individual actions are either Godly or Devilish because you are influenced from outside of you as a being so God and Devil become more powerful and who says all that? Is it the people who claim to be subcontractors of God. If someone does not follow them they are labeled as opposing side and they would be looked down upon. That is how God and Devil develop their following. Interestingly politically both opposing sides call the other sides as Devil followers yet they both commit Devilish acts. There is no war can be called spiritual war they all are political wars whether they are fought over a piece of land, nationalism or religion. After all we have a place for politics in our societies and politically we have a need for our identity.

As human being an individual has lost their identity because we have been labeled and are made to stay stuck into identity crisis. Either you are good or you are bad there is no in between because human beings have tendency to become extremist. You are taught that you can’t be both and you can’t be affiliated to both sides. It can be proven wrong by looking at individual’s life. Sometime people do bad or wrong things as young person yet as they evolve or grow up with different education they can become good. When you start to look into this window with questioning eyes things start to get clearer and your purpose of life start to emerge. Human identity is human being not an angel so try not to live like an angle otherwise you will have regrets in the end of your mortal life and you will learn and blame others for the failures of your life but it will be too late.

A physical body not only puts physicality into God and Devil, it helps the individual to enjoy their temporary visit as well so try to make sure that you take responsibility of your life.We are not here just to worship and nothing but, we carry the responsibilities of our mortal life as well. When you enjoy good things in your living years, its not Godly or Devilish it is a human thing. If you don’t do human things you have lost one of the meanings of your mortal life. If someone connects enjoying life to Devilish act there is always someone benefiting behind this preached sacrifice.

Look around and see how religions spend money lavishly on building majestic monuments as God’s houses and abuse powers to create extremism for us to kill each other. Who are these contractors and why they could not have not and can not eradicate poverty, hunger and disease? Regardless of the majestic buildings humanity still suffers and look for God somewhere outside of humanity. Mother Theresa had it right she went in the armpits of the humanity to help yet lived a simple life. Spirituality lives in humanity not in any man made building and God is spiritual so there is no house for God but humanity. Instead of building God’s houses build pipelines for water and life giving agriculture. Arab has a lot of oil pipelines but can’t build water supply lines to help people around so they can survive the harsh conditions. Unfortunately that is related to spirituality and we are use to political religions so if the neighbor suffer it is fine with us yet it is clearly preached in Quran that if your neighbor sleeps hungry your food is not kosher for you.

Political intentions have robbed religions of spirituality yet on top of that we are preached politics of sense of belonging to our belonging groups as most important subject of life. If you are told you are going to burn in hell if you listen to your inner animal and enjoy this mortal life. I would question this sacrifice related politics and find motives of the people who benefit from this kind of education because I don’t believe God benefits from a suffering human individual’s sacrifice unless it is done to benefit some poverty stricken individual in humanity. If all the religions were spiritual by now we would have no poverty, disease and wars related killings. Show me a time when there was peace in the world, we have been fighting either for our cunning animal side or defending ourselves.

Let’s see the reality, if you live like a spirit you can’t do anything physical so in order to make spirituality meaningful or practically functioning, you need to be alive and physically functioning yourself. This is where human individual becomes a main character in spiritual world and assumes the status of third equation.

In order to be useful to God a person has to be alive to create physically active spirituality. Dead people become spirit so they can’t perform physical actions so God’s work is not done without the living human beings. Now look at some people telling you, if you self indulge and  enjoy your life, you are following Devil’s way yet these are the people who are telling people to go kill others or even each other with passion in the name of God. It just does not make in spiritual sense to me but politically hell ya.

As I mention before God’s spiritual work is done by living human beings so question this to yourself. Are these people really following God’s will? Why would God want to kill people if people are the one making God meaningful.

Reality is that God is a spiritual understanding only if and when we start to come out of our insecurities related boundaries. An empty Mosque, Church or Temple is just a building created by other human beings I should say living human beings. Surpass religious beliefs God does not reside in any human made building or structures. Understanding itself lives within a living human being that means an understandable God lives in humanity where poverty, disease, disability, hunger, thrust, old age and a belief system lives. Where human helping each other to survive that is where God meaningfully exists. Our Mosques, Churches and Temples are the places where we politically gather to curse and plan how to kill other human beings just because we don’t agree about the path way or road to God. There is nothing but mass ego comes in the way of truth and humanity’s simple truth is that human individual makes God meaningful and our politically active religious leaders are hell bent to inspire us to kill each other yet in name of God.  If you ask me I would have a place where all religions, nations, races, genders get together to plan how they can help each other instead of worshiping or banging their heads to please God. God needs help to get God’s work done and only living human beings not the dead ones are going to be able to help God.

Its absolutely political to bring the worst out of us in order to serve sense of belonging, no wonder humanity can’t take a breather from its wars. If we start to believe that God lives in all of us as life force you just can’ t say God lives in certain race, gender, nation or religion related people, it would be denying an unbiased God. Same would continue as it has been so we would never be able to see God in other fellow human beings and we would never get out of the shadows of prejudice and discrimination related conflicts and wars. If you say how can God be living in a person who is Devilish start taking charge to nurture Godly side it is not only the responsibility of the individual it is the responsibility of the mother, society and humanity as a whole.

If God blesses you with an opportunity to live at higher level but you some how choose to live life at substandard level. Whatever you are told as growing up whether it is against God’s will to live lavishly or you believe you should be saving and hoarding everything for later just because you feel unsecured.  Interestingly human beings are quit opinionated and passionate to the point that they want others to live like a unit or as a part of a machinery. In reality our nature has set us totally free to choose the way we want to live the proof is that our umbilical cord has been cut and we all have been blessed with independently functioning body, free thinking brain with free will. Thought of the individual mortality goes out of the window if we don’t respect our individuality.

Anyone disobeying religious rules or traditional customs of certain groups of people does not mean that they are Godless people Politically you can call them whatever you want but spiritually you just can not because you yourself is not using full brain power and you have not evolved yet to your full potential. Scientists may say there is no God. This lack of belief system can be connected to their knowledge they have learnt but with their limited use of brain power in one area. They can invent or create a drug which can save millions of lives and serve humanity differently means they are being helpful to God so they can’t be called Godless by others who are not able to use their brain power fully. One can believe in God and other may not but can serve humanity is not a license to put each other down. Anyone blessed with an able body, free will and free oxygen is blessed by God regardless of their belief system. Remember things get done by the living individual still does not mean that individual is the one who is doing it so they deserve full credit. NOT SO FAST.  As a creature  we all depend on oxygen, able body and intact brain to live is like being in debt to nature at all time or in my beliefs God. Every action is a shared action its a dance we dance with God so no one can claim I did it. For now everything is done by us but it is done after we have taken a breath and in order for us to breath both universes internal and external have to be running in perfect order and we have no control non what so ever. As human beings we have no say or control on our life giving oxygen or on perfectly functioning universe at least not yet so we just can’t claim that I did it. We need to be humble and we should respect our mortality with our actions.

When we do something to someone what we don’t like done to us or our loved ones, it is a spiritual crime. Unfortunately when it comes to mass we become unable to see the injustice done to individuals. We have been brain washed by the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. For an evolving entity like human beings there is no perfect way of governing but so far equal human rights based systems are best suited because of this spiritual content. If an individual can take the government to court and win, it is a sign of a spiritual system of governing and you just can’t deny that this society respect its individuals. It all starts and finishes with the individual if there is no respect for one individual life we as groups can’t see God in others so we just can’t cross that particular line which we need to cross to take the next step to become a spiritual being with an animal nature. We need this level of evolution to create inner and outer peace.          



2 thoughts on “Beautiful and spiritual yet still a beast.”

  1. Hi dancing bottle,

    David Cain here… I helped you set up this site a few years ago. Good to see you are still writing.

    There is an urgent issue with your hosting account I need to talk with you about. Can you please email me at davidcain7 @

    I have tried your old email address but it bounced back, and I don’t know how else to contact you.


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