Are you a warrior ant, a worker bee or are you who you are supposed to be? Find out and become a CEO of your life so you can be what you really are.
We have been bickering and even killing each other over our differences about God’s existence. It makes me want to point towards the real problem. Whether God exists or not to you, it is still your responsibility to live a mortal life with a wisdom which creates not only comfort for your body and brain but it feeds your soul to be happy and content in all areas of life. Wisdom or God is worth a priceless pearl yet for the non- believers it simply is a drop of just water. Each teardrop has a story behind it, so look and see what is your real story.
If you are deprive of oxygen even for minutes you lose all functions of life so being alive for you is not in your hands or I should say you simply can’t will it. Remember you breath free oxygen and you are alive and functioning because of that, if that is the case why do you have a big ego that makes you believe that whatever is happening is happening by you exclusively. If you start to look at your existence and how you function you would know how you are consistent of trillions of cells and every cell of your is constantly screaming out loudly to tell you about the existence of God. Depending on your ability to listen.
You, yourself is like the cells of human body. They receive life-giving oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood to live and function. They may have never seen you as a whole but they can clearly acknowledge and feel being part of it. They try and continue to reciprocate until they are expired.
As human beings we all are metaphorically speaking, cells of God, we may not be able to see God but it is all about the personal perceptions while we are alive. For instance if you want to enrich your mortal life experiences you may and should believe in God and reciprocation because our makeup is pointing towards it. Just like our cells do for our body’s well being in return for body’s providing life giving circumstances.
Looking at life with this metaphor you can, not only see your personal disconnects but you can also see and feel the influences of our spiritual side with in the living and functioning body.
Imagine and picture that the cells in our body are communicating with each other and vigorously discussing or arguing whether the body exists or not. After further discussion, if one cell states that there is no body but we just belong to one group of cells like arms or legs. Believing in that is just like believing in a group but nothing beyond. That not believing beyond group of cells means we don’t look at the reality of humanity and God yet it is clearly evident that there is lot more than our groups yet the reality is that all cells belong to the matter that makes up the body. Physical side is only one side of the complicated and complex picture of humanity and God.
For cells how the human body functions can be disputable fact because they can’t see the body as a whole just like we can’t see God as a whole entity. As cell one can say that it does not exist, but the part they belong to does exists for sure so the belonging group’s knowledge can dictate for the individual cell to believe or not to believe. If it does not exist according to the knowledge of belonging group or existing body part, personally we would be making a judgement with a half knowledge. Remember we still learn some thing new everyday, if that is the case what makes you believe your existing knowledge is ultimate and complete.
As human individuals our belonging groups make us think that we are it. If you see others they are not our friends or working for God worse of that is they are portrayed as enemy and must not be trusted and actually fought against.
Before you make negative assumptions and begin to look for problems and or deny the benefits of believing in God. Being mortal our life does not have to be scientifically or mathematically correct to be fulfilled. Ultimately it just has to be filled with reciprocation, happiness and contentment, that is if you want to know the real meanings or purpose of your mortal life.
To explain what I think does not mean I want everyone to agree with me and spend all their life the way I would like them to, or even any religion or atheist group wants them to. If you want to put some peace, happiness and contentment into your mortal life you will have to learn about human behavior of extreme. My purpose this writing is to try to make those extremists from both sides to come down to earth and smell the realities of mortality, not only for themselves but respect others life as well.
Most if not all religions start with the empty words of compassion for all but their politics of sense of belonging over powers to the point that word compassion loses its first three letters, so compassion becomes passion. When every one becomes passionate about their group politics the whole hell of prejudice and discrimination breaks.
Live and let live is a spiritual and compassionate thing yet I have to ask how that can be that all religious and I repeat all religious wars have been a part of our history. To me all religious wars have been are and will always be political wars period. Our politics of sense of belonging is so powerful that we even use God to turn our differences related disputes and territorial disputes into religious disputes just to workup the regular folks to passionately keep stocking the disputes.
When things don’t add up accept the results and get on with your mortal life while you try to find God to have a pleasant journey. You don’t have to choose any politics riddled organized religion nor to be forgiven for uncommitted sins. You just have to become comfortable in your mortal skin. It is totally fine to be not knowing everything that there is to know. Always remember we are still in a process of evolution, our brain, body and we as a whole being are not only as an individual but collectively as well going through a God given process. We have been and are still evolving. Regardless of learning new things every day we still believe we know everything there is to know yet interestingly our personal time is limited. This limited time should make us all humble but as we grow up somehow we end up getting infected with the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. This infection is rampant in all over the world making us grow the worst of ego, pride, honor and related personal and social problems.
Putting us all in not only internal group fighting but with externally disputing or even going to wars with other groups over our differences. Competing against each other just in the name of sense of belonging seem harmless in our sports but the politics of it is the one which makes us work against even ourselves as humanity and God. To give a clear perspective or understanding I am going to attempt to define God without politics.
Picture deep into your arm or leg you have your two body cells talking to each other, discussing whether the body exists or not. Now, remember scientifically we have ten trillion cells of our own and our bodies function with the hundred trillion bacteria or foreign life as well so the complexity is so immense that we are still learning to figure out how to get help if we get sick. Its not done yet because to me it is mind-boggling to know that it is constantly evolving as well.
If you think you have it all figured out you should be happy and content in your mortal skin. If you are not, you need to learn a lot more about yourself and your own functioning, never mind about God with certainty. Remember we have been fighting wars for thousands of years and I can bet that no one really knows the death tole of our differences and extreme related so called complete knowledge. If we go to wars for our religious belief systems or democracies it is not spiritual, so before you decide with certainty about God, you need to learn that you yourself literally are an example of God. Just look at yourself, you yourself are God for ten trillion personal cells and hundred trillion of bacteria you contain with in you, they have not even seen you from outside how you look like and how you function yet you have a life giving relationship with each other.
Both sides believers or non-believers should not make a complete judgment with an evolving knowledge. Anyway, an extremely complex body with just as complexly running systems should give us some sobering and humbling visions of life especially if we got a short time to live.
Regardless of our scientific advances as a human individual we still need spirituality to survive aging, sickness and mortal nature and to be happy and content. Logically it should make us all humble but our belonging groups twist things to the point that we can be used and controlled. They use this awareness to conform us so we can become followers of whatever is preached to us. It is hard to keep personal individuality when everyone in the group becomes willing to kill and die for the politics of sense of belonging. We surrender our individual identity or individuality to please and power up our groups, we identify ourselves as groups like Muslim, Canadian, Black or white, Male or Female, etc. Yet we individually forget, we are blessed with free will and personal sense of justice and our real identity is a human being.
Now let’s see what is wrong with believing that we just belong to a group of people exclusively. The cell in the arm or leg is an arm or leg which belong to a whole body as part of the body, just like a group of people, nation, race or religion within the humanity.
Belonging to or considering that, that is the whole picture is denying the facts that we belong to humanity as a whole yet we are totally torn with the group politics and for God knows since when.
It’s like no one wants to admit the reality regardless of what has been calling us to grow up and evolve to take the next leap of faith in humanity and join. You simply can’t deny the facts of Global Warming and the risk of infections like Ebola or Zika. Weather extreme and melting is speaking loudly enough for us but some people are intentionally playing dumb from Trump’s Mexican wall to Brexit its all about the politics of divisions. Would we ever over come and change our sense of belonging from our groups to humanity? Maybe let’s be hopeful and optimist.
Humanity can’t build walls high enough to protect itself from the issues at hand, sooner we come to terms and get together the better, but we are busy with building nuclear weapons or other means of mass destruction for each other. It’s all because of our politics and loyalties to our arms or legs yet we should be thinking about the whole body because if something happens arms or legs are not going to survive on their own.
If you claim you are better than other cells and happen to go to war against each other yet both sides pray to God for help and destroy the others, now just imagine what kind of situation you put God into. You actually are asking God to kill and destroy other parts of God. One can assume why prayers don’t get fulfilled all the time.
Understand God and pray for peace and harmony as the prayers should be. A mortal being needs practical physicality as well as soul-soothing food. If the cells could talk they would be talking about the body just like we talk about God. Unseen yet it provides soul connecting feelings of deeper fulfillment for a mortal being. That is if you care about the details for yourself. If you want science as dominating force in your living years, take it as an essential for modern living but remember to feed your soul as well because at the end of the day you are the one who is responsible for living a full life. Especially a mortal life should be filled with not only with reciprocation, it should be filled with deeper happiness and contentment as well.
As I have mentioned in earlier posts our sense of belonging has some off springs and our ego is one of them. Human has not been able to conquer the ego since the day of awareness. We do things and believe in things that are approved truths of our belonging groups. In West we have a lot more science and in the East a lot more religion. Regardless of who you belong to they are like arm or leg or another part of the body. Now bear with me to understand body functions with a whole lot of different cells. Brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidney, colon, skin, immune, good and bad bacteria and so on and on. Known and unknown.
Regardless of all the chaos, there is an order to keep us all alive and well functioning like God. Believing in sense of belonging to arm and leg means that either you don’t really know how the whole body is functioning or you just are plain ignorant because of the politics of your sense of belonging to your belonging groups.
Sure we like to know about everything. We want everything to be understood scientifically yet we are always and constantly faced with more and more questions so everything even what science has proven is questionable with evolution. Doctors use to prescribe mercury and they take pride in science yet today mercury is a proven poison, so are a whole lot of other things we were and are still fed by our so-called experts.
Just like our governing and even justice systems were riddled with prejudice and discrimination, even they are changing we still have long way to go especially spiritually. Regardless of our strides we still need to evolve further. If we take our body as an example of God and compare with whatever is happening in our world. It would not be two cells it would be multiple cells arguing and killing each other to simply hurt the body. This can be described as an auto immune disease where immune cells attack self meaning the body they belong to. Cells disregarding how it effects or hurts the body. Now imagine if we are causing spiritual pain to God in the name of our religions. Metaphorically speaking we are on the wrong path if we are trying to secure ourselves as a body part it is clearly evident that we can’t function as groups we need to understand how the whole body functions.
Here is an example to me it is not funny but it describes what is really happening within the humanity. Say a brain cell says to all others in the body if I am not there none of you can live. Heart cell quickly jumps and says if I would not pump blood to you, you die. Lung could not stay quiet and says I am the one who brings in oxygen so none of you can live without the oxygen. Liver says I function to take care of your mess all the time if I am not there you will not survive. Kidney says the same thing. Skin says if I am not there you will die of infections. Colon breaks the silence and says you all are full of shit if I don’t provide you food to live you will starve to death. Then God speaks when I am here I make all functions run in harmony so I can live within you, if and when I leave I can’t live physically and you can’t live spiritually or physically.
As a being who is getting all the oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood to live from a perfectly functioning body. My metaphoric question is to all human individuals, why would you cause all the pain and sufferings to the body or metaphoric God? If you start to look at it seriously you would look at humanity with clear vision otherwise you have been brainwashed by the politics of your sense of belonging to just a group of people, cells of a body part.
To me regardless of scientific leaps and strides spirituality is an individual thing yet it is the universal and important thing because of our individual mortality. Since it is beneficial or harmful to the individual, it is an individual’s duty to put everything in place to be comfortable in a mortal skin.
My goal is not to put any human knowledge down I am trying to help the individual to evolve so they can see the politics behind all the political divisions and decide for themselves while keeping mortality and shortness of life in front as priority.
All this make us all with the potential to be a CEO of our lives so as a CEO we need to take charge. Now just think if you want to only care for the arm or a leg. Well that is what happens in the time of global warming we think the body is not as important by our arm or leg yet the reality is with limbs cut off body can still live but when they are cut, it will die and can’t live on its own.
When people have their sense of belonging to their respective groups, simply they are thinking they just belong to a part of the body, not the whole body. To me, God is the whole body and you just want to belong to a group of people and the worst part is that you want your body part to dominate the who body regardless of how much pain it causes to God. You got to be able to see the bigger picture, if you can’t, you need to evolve further and quickly. Lack of education is one thing but deliberately not trying to understand is politics related to ignorance.
Bottom line is that we as human beings are not just connected to the body part exclusively we are an integral part or main character of the bigger picture as well. Thinking otherwise is still in the process of evolving or half knowledge.
Whether it is coming from a sports team, community, race, gender, nation or religion, if it is serving a group of people exclusively it is based on prejudice and discrimination plain and simple. Every group has its hidden politics behind their rules. To me if it is political it is not spiritual and yes even if it is coming from the religions because sooner or later it will take the individual to a zone where they will be following the politics of prejudice and discrimination against other cells of the body.
If we have a disorder or disease in the body its pain is felt by the body as a whole, to me spirituality is harmonizing and cure for pain. Now you look for your personal reasons why do you want to cause pain and suffering for God in return of life-giving circumstances. Do you feel the need of help instead of being helpful it is not in your DNA it is taught behavior or mental disorder otherwise you are directly connected to God almighty at a personal level for reciprocation so you actually have no reason to feel helpless. If you seek help from people around and sale your soul for security you have to realize that they even can’t help themselves because of mortality the real help is within you, seek and find God from within.
Politics of our sense of belonging has been making us create a lot of pain to God yet we twist it in such a way the pain causers are told they are doing it in the name of God.
Always remember with free will God had put a whole lot of responsibilities on our individual shoulders and with these responsibilities our life is our personal project. With mortal nature, we need to make sure our life is lived properly to create order not disorders in the body of God.
Understanding God makes water into a priceless pearl for you personally, so stand up to be what God had meant for you. A living and functioning God for ten trillion cells and a hundred trillion bacteria. Just like a cell in our body or a single piece of grain or seed which creates a whole new life itself and more. Regardless of size, a human individual lives in a living galaxy of their own. No one has ever known, does and no one will know about everything of everything until we hit our full potential so ask yourself are you there?
Remember we are an unfinished building and are in the process of being completed. Just look at our bodies, if you lift weights you grow bigger muscles, you go to school to learn and interestingly the more you learn more you can learn without changing head size. Our brain evolves to adapt so there is no limitation, even our potential has the potential to evolve. With an evolving potential, if one says we know everything, there is to know it simply is an egotistic assumption. Sure we learn from the books but never forget we write books as well and they all come from the evolving brains of the evolving human beings.
Unfortunately, we kill and rob each other of our potential in the name of politics of our belonging groups. The only way we can come out of our group politics is if as an individual we are able to see, understand and are able to eradicate our installed prejudice and discrimination. As grown-ups instead of fighting against it, we are inclined to install all this into our coming generations just to make sure God is always suffering from a permanent disorder of pain in return of all the good we receive.
You can look at life with perfect and mathematically correct numbers and scientific truths or religious moral truths. At the end of the day individually, you will have to create balance for yourself otherwise you can end up with a net loss by following the extremists.
Your real truth is your personal mortality and free will so if you end up choosing a cause and hurting someone innocent you simply can’t live in peace within your skin because you are the one who is judging yourself. You may not be big and strong in the grand scheme of life but just look at your self as a being you are a responsible living God for trillions and trillions of creatures living within you. To create balance in the total chaos you are still an authorized CEO. How you think and feel can be destructive for you and all the life you carry within. If you learn to take your responsibilities, you can take care of what you actually are from within you can take care of the things externally as well.
Desire to learn more is ingrained in all of us from before birth so living in a confined environment is not for human beings. All our boundaries are there to slow down our progress to meet our evolutionary rhythm, if we go too fast we have the potential to lose not only collective happiness and contentment we as individual suffer as well in a mortal life, which is a bigger loss than we have been told by our belonging groups.
If you really think everything is happening in your life is because of you or the people around, you have to think again. It’s not true because those two of you talking whether the body exists or not should know arms or legs can’t function on their own. All systems have to work to provide life-giving substances to all cells. It is not one or the other its the functioning of the body altogether. These days we know a lot about the body yet we don’t know everything about it, our knowledge is still in the progress so its not complete. With incomplete knowledge, we make a whole lot of assumptions, some time we gain from those assumptions and some time we screw things up.
It should be clear by now that all cells in the body depend on the proper functioning of the body so regardless of what we are taught or feel the fact is we just can’t claim that we are functioning because of the groups we belong to. Your belonging groups can’t even change your mortal nature, meaning they can’t save you from death and disease. They can’t control natural disasters, can’t provide you oxygen, not even for themselves so believing everything is done by the people is simply an assumption. Since we are taught and personally feel that we are doing everything, we need to know how much of an influence we have in the grand scheme of life. I am a big proponent of free will and personal responsibilities so understanding is and should be the balance not one extreme or the other.
Simply we are to blame for our actions but believing that there are no accidents or placebo effects is extreme. Always remember as a human individual our lives are our personal project it does matter how we think because our stress which creates a host of actual including physical illnesses. It’s known that stress is closely connected to our ways of thinking that means we have the potential to not only rob ourselves of health but happiness as well. One of my triangles is health, happiness, and success. In simple words, if you don’t have health you can’t be happy and a mortal life without health and happiness can’t be successful regardless of what your belonging group says.
If they tell you that you will be happy in the life after death I would doubt that, if you can’t be or have not learned to be happy with free oxygen and with a healthy functioning body in your living years when it really matters. God would have a hard time making you happy in life after your death because you would not have physical control after all.
Spiritual happiness and all kind of pleasures are felt by the physical body exclusively, it just is as simple as it can get. All the pleasures need a physical body to be enjoyed. You can’t enjoy food, and yes even if it is milk and honey if you don’t have a physical body. Would God give us physical bodies after we have died that is questionable scientifically but believing is a whole different ball game? Should one bet on it or put all the eggs in that basket? Well its a personal choice. To me, it would be extreme to sacrifice these living years without happiness just to please your belonging groups by following their rules.
Back to stress.
If we can’t be happy, we simply are unhealthy, being unhappy and unhealthy, life in living years can be measurable so it does matter for a CEO to keep eye on their extreme behaviors. Our out of control sense of belonging is not only related to our belief systems, it can be in our race, gender and nationalism as well. Being mortal with a free will you are a CEO and being a CEO it is your responsibility to live a mortal life accordingly.
If you have to change your ways of thinking do so while you have time. If your taught knowledge is robbing your happiness and contentment you just can’t blame God or the people around because you have been blessed with the free will. God can easily say that I equipped you with a free will for a reason, you are a lot more responsible than your group says, so take charge and go through some stress of emotions to benefit from it. If you don’t stand up to take charge, your mortal nature says time is slipping away so get with it.
A goal for a mortal should be accumulation of happiness and contentment and if you sacrifice those over pleasing your handlers, you are nothing more than a warrior ant or a worker bee. Remember human individuals are a lot more genetically sophisticated than ants and bees and it’s all because of free will. Don’t demote yourself from what you are, a CEO’s life can be complicated but you have the ability to handle it yourself.
Chief executive officers of their lives will have to have the responsibility to understand this message as well. If you get me wrong you will think I am preaching selfishness but I am far from it. The real message or what I am trying to convey to you is that you have to create balance in your personal life, especially if you are living in an oppressive society you have to survive first so regardless of what I say you have to be living physically first to carry on with your thought process.
A CEO should know how to run a successful company and usually a company has several different departments and the company what I am talking about is your individual life. Regardless of what kind of organization you belong to in a mortal being’s life project personal happiness and contentment can not be ignored. If you feel I am preaching selfishness read my posts with open mind especially (Your Body and Brain) where I explained deep personal happiness comes to a human individual from serving including yourself. Knowing to self serve as a department will take care of itself. Don’t treat others or self differently, being subservient to others or even self is an extreme and following that extreme is a demotion from a CEO to a head of the department.
In today’s modern world a CEO even has a responsibility to look at the scientific facts and changing world to reinvent faith in spirituality. Again its a personal and individual responsibility of the CEO.
Even science is all about the statements of repeatable facts but a mortal being has to understand personal mortality and emotional satisfaction of being temporary before jumping into the facts and numbers based living. Numbers and facts don’t mean anything to a passing being because of its all about how much happiness and contentment. I claim it’s not religious but its spiritual satisfaction is required regardless of you being a believer or non-believer. If either extreme is robbing you of your happiness and contentment you have to take charge of your life. Remember you have several different departments if you choose one you are gone out of spiritual rhythm and personally you just can’t afford to lose that in mortal life.
I let the religious fanatics and scientist argue about the extreme but I believe its all about the ego and ego is a product of political sense of belonging to respected groups. You just can’t make others have fun on your expense, so joining the groups and following everything preached to you blindly does not fit in for a CEO so regardless of how you think or feel about a mortal life is plain and simple influenced by the politics.
It is not fact based because your real fact is your mortality and being mortal it is your utmost responsibility to create balance to avoid extreme and related spiritual crimes. Reciprocate and be happy and content. If your religion or science provides you that spiritual satisfaction follow and do so but don’t put each other down with your incomplete knowledge.
It is not only egotistic it is prejudicial, discriminatory and based on ignorance. Claiming our knowledge is complete is clearly not a fact especially if you keep learning something new everyday. Now just look around and see where do you stand in that crowd of people, ask yourself are we discovering new things or proving old theories false, if that is happening then you have to dig into yourself and see why and what is making you to make your claim that you know everything scientific, religious or otherwise. Human history is full of examples of killing people over believing or even thinking differently. We put a lot of emotional efforts in our arguments to prove others wrong just because we want our ancestors can be proven right. From religions to other ways of governing have been fighting each others and violating human rights in the name of ever changing complete knowledge. From one Holy book to an other to sects of religions to perpetual and constant killing of each other yet for thousands of years.
Spirituality is universal and consistent throughout the world’s history and even in today’s modern era. It has been and is screaming loudly as a fact but we have been and are still gong ho in our politics of sense of belonging to our groups. Our politics of our sense of belonging to our groups gives birth to our egotistic behaviors so dam right it is your personal responsibility of the individual to strain out politics so one can see and realize the benefits of spirituality.
Let us look at our association with our cats and dogs, we have better relationships with our pets and it is all because of our expectations.
Whether it’s at an individual, communal, national or religious level our dead dog ( cause) of the problem has been and is related to the politics of our sense of belonging. Persona, pride, ego, and honor they all are connected to our sense of belonging. Now don’t get me wrong, as you may be are aware of from my writing that I am all for balance. A CEO should work against the causes of extreme, so I am going to explain how I look at or dig into the reasons for our problems. I may appear to be against the sense of belonging but I am against the politics of sense of belonging to a group of people because it gives birth to our persona, pride, ego, and honor and in return they promote prejudice and discrimination.
Not its wrong to have installed knowledge but what we do for the installed knowledge is wrong. For instance, if we become prejudiced and discriminatory as an individual we are using our politics of sense of belonging to our groups and fueling the fire to already hostile environment, by not questioning it we are going to spread prejudice and discrimination which would bring counter effects. That means it is false and wrong to start with because we could never get rid of our dead dog of the real problems.
As human beings, we are growing rapidly not only in numbers but scientifically and technologically as well so our earth is actually becoming smaller to us so the importance of understanding human relationships is becoming extremely important.
I am all about balance and giving a chance to evolutionary processes to be understood, but I have no doubt in my standing against prejudice and discrimination. I am very aware of my passion for the prejudiced and discriminatory behaviors of a human individual. When I started to dig into reasons all roads lead to one problem and that was politics of our sense of belonging to our belonging groups. If you start to dig into it yourself you will end up in the same place where I ended up, so today I will look at our politics and our relationships.
From individual quarrels to all the way to our thousands of years old religious disputes, it has always been and still is the human individual who’s emotions fuel that fire regardless of where it is coming from. If it is coming from our politics of sense of belonging so it would be the individual who can defuse it by evolving and understanding personal reasons of persona, pride, ego, and honor. To me, if we have a problem which affects the individual we should start with the individual to remedy it.
Let’s see if two people are arguing about a dispute and blaming each other, or even promising to each other it is fine and dandy if we all have total control over our life circumstances including death and disease. We all talk to each other as if we are totally in charge of our lives. Our troubles are based on the notion of the knowledge we have been installed with. If we take everything at face value we just are unable to read in between the lines.
Say you are told that you have a free will but your politics of sense of belonging is way too powerful for you and you just can’t stand against, so you have to follow those political rules instead of using your free will. If your decisions are made up for you and you do have a free will, so what is going on inside you? Are you living with or are you playing with the full deck of cards you have been provided by nature? Meaning are you using your free will to pursue your potential? Or you live for your belonging group, believing everything your group says goes and it is always a spiritual truth.
Personally, I believe being brainwashed or following rules blindly can get us in trouble so one has to make decisions according to the time and its demands. On the lighter side this joke was sent to me from Pakistan in Punjabi it calls “call the civilian”. I am going to try to translate it because it fits here.
I quote
“During the training, an officer falls into a well, soldiers scramble and eventually throw a rope to him and pull him up but as soon as they see him they salute and let the rope go. When it happens a couple of times they say we should call the senior officer. The general happened to be there for inspection so he showed up to help when the major was pulled up, major saw the higher ranking officer. He salutes and falls back into the well, then everyone started to yell call the civilian.”
On the serious side, Ramadan is a fasting time for all Muslims. You eat before sunrise and eat again after the sun sets. Now if you follow the rules without the ability of questioning or amending accordingly, it can some time cause problems. In up north fasting would be impossible according to the sun because in summer there is no regular day or night and in winter mostly its night so taking fasting or prayers times according to the sun are literally impossible so not amending the rules would be a disastrous. Fasting and prayers are not just to be hungry or being obedient, it is all about taming the animal side or desires to become a good human being so it can be done anywhere in the world but when in up north certain amendments would have to be made. Fasting is not only exclusive to Muslims it has been a part of most religions so I am not joking about intentions of fasting but rules of humanity and especially evolving humanity are meant to be broken and amended according to the need of time.
Logically believing in religions and constitutions as the zone not to mess with means not believing in evolutionary nature and even God. If rules were from God we would be like ants and bees, now just look at ourselves where we are today in civilization. We fly where winged creatures can’t fly yet nature equipped them with tools, we swim deep into the ocean without gulls we dig deep into the stone mountains without claws and interesting we can see what a naked eye can’t see. So to me undermining our make up is against God’s will. We would not be able to do all that if it was not God’s will.
Our politics says God is good and Devil is bad its nothing more than a political perception. Blaming them or glorify them is absolutely absurd because each and every one of us comes equipped with free will and personal sense of justice so not taking personal responsibility for your actions is completely political and cunning. Blaming an invisible entity for your physical actions is hiding from personal responsibilities. Remember it is human who adds their physical hands, backs, and shoulders to good and bad to make it happen.
If you start to analyze and dissect free will and its meanings you will fall into the zone where God and Devil would lose their importance and as human beings, our responsibilities would go through the roof.
Depending on where you stand and how big and tall you are from the inside, you will figure out the causes of your inferiority complexes. My theory of five bucks explains it simply and clearly. (Read five bucks). If one starts to look at their abilities instead of disabilities they can enhance the experiences of life into their mortal life because they can live larger than otherwise.
Our existence can resemble ants and bees if we take out or not to look at our free will as an ability. A free will with an able body, brain, and free oxygen is needed to make things happen. Life does not have to be perfect as an individual, we don’t have to have all the mysteries solved in our mortal life, we don’t have to completely and figuratively know everything to live a decent life. We don’t have that kind of time to run our affairs perfectly, if you happen to be one of them who feels that way, try to keep mortal nature in front of you at all time, it will ground you or at least make you sober from the alcohol you have been served.
Sure I believe in exploring and discovering, for instance, I believe in God of order and harmony, not in destruction and punishment. Regardless of our actions and nature we still are not animals you train with carrot and stick. I believe in our abilities to self regulate with knowledge of free will and personal responsibility. Does it make me out of my Muslim religion may be according to the people who don’t believe in evolution and amendments or going according to the time and need?
I believe no one has to change their belief systems by force or with a carrot and stick philosophy. I believe in God with my personal standing as giving my back and shoulders to reciprocate in return of all the blessings and abilities to even think and write.
We always look up into space as if God is somewhere out there not within us. Sure space has to run with an order to keep us alive, it’s so vast and chaotic that it is a chance that we all are alive. Never mind the external space just look within you have ten trillion cells of your own and you function with the help of hundred trillion other living creatures all encased within you. It is a miracle that we individually function yet we have a big ego to claim that it is all happening because I am making it happen especially when it comes to putting each other down and claim that our knowledge is better and complete. If you are the one who believes in scientific living and think life is just a chance and survival of the fittest you need to look at the sophistication and the order in your chaotic living and see if you are right. Not believing is one thing and not benefiting from a belief system in a mortal life is a choice so I am not going to push anyone to believe the way I do. I believe its our own journey how we go through it, it is personal so again no one has to change their belief systems but just being a decent human being is a must for us all not only for others but for self as well because you have to live with in your physical skin. Being unhappy and discontent is a sign of unfulfilled life so keep eye on the causes of these problems.
To me, life is as complex as it can get yet we attempt to simplify by blaming Devil and praising God. What does it do to the ordinary individual? It robs their self-esteem because they are told you mean nothing and not good for anything. God and Devil are doing everything so you don’t have to take personal responsibilities. Lack of self-esteem of the ordinary individual benefits only the elite class or controlling authorities so they would use politics of sense of belonging to shame or shun questioning individuals..
We have been told life is as simple as one two three, belief in God not to take responsibility to think and question or on the other extreme not to believe and take all the responsibilities. My question is what is the outcome of these systems? You still have to believe in facts like mortality. As a scientist or religious fanatic, you simply can’t shake this fact of life because we all are in it, we all have everything same accept the thinking.
Father time and mortality spare no one so we have to take charge of our individual lives individually. Not only because we can with our free will, but to understand how to live a mortal life comfortably. If a religious belief can help you live comfortably in your skin regardless of its mortal nature do believe it. If you want to live scientifically correct, it’s your prerogative but don’t put each other down or go to wars and kill each other over your disputing points of views.
If you believe your race, gender, nation or religion should run the whole world, logically you are thinking an arm or leg should run the whole body. The body has its parts and it doesn’t function by certain cells. Cells have their certain purpose and function but they all depend not only on each other but they depend on your you part which I call it organizing or harmonizing God so in the nutshell cells are not running the whole show but they are helpful for the body to function.
Egotistically we can claim what we want but without oxygenated and life-giving nutrient-rich blood reaching to every single cell we can’t function. Regardless of the chaotic environment, this organizing entity from within and externally needs to be looked at with justice from all of us. Every cell has its place in the body or metaphorically speaking in the world.
If you somehow think only you have the right to exist it is not by nature it’s because of your politics of sense of belonging. Logically examples are all around us but we don’t want to connect the dots. Sure spirit or soul needs a functioning body to perform physically but we can’t function or perform either if the soul or spirit is not there. It’s not human and especially not a group of people are running the show of life nor its the soul or spirit exclusively, so what is going on? A wisdom of life calls everyone who is alive to dig into this question personally in their living without relying on the past stories, but with personal responsibilities to become a CEO so we don’t follow blindly the same path with the same results.
Simply we as cells are evolving, we sure know there is more to our being alive than our will. Clearly these days with the popularity of the equal human rights and democracies as a favorite governing system we know a group of cells is not running the whole body.
We are becoming aware of global warming or the need and importance of space station or related needs. We need to understand that we are all needed just like God is needed to function humanity. If somehow you still feel your group is better or if you join a certain group you will become a better human being, then I believe humanity has to evolve further so we can overcome our tendencies of prejudice and discrimination against others.
Understanding is only exposed to us if we desire and pursue it with a drive to achieve equality. We have been struggling with our efforts but our politics of sense of belonging to our respected groups have been a big hurdle in the way of next leap humanity has to take. By simply stepping into the new paradigm of switching to humanity as a whole instead of a group of cells of an arm or leg we can take that leap.
United nation has been around for a long time but it has not been effective organization not only because of our sense of belonging to our groups, but it also has not been taking that leap of faith to united humanity with democracy and equal human rights as the foundational manifesto.
With almost two hundred and growing members of nations United Nation is going backward yet in the name of peace. United nation means bringing humanity closer to create organization and harmony but it is not uniting it is dividing even further. Completely the opposite direction to its real or meanings of its name. If I am am able to point towards our politics of sense of belonging to our groups as problem and belonging to humanity as a whole is a solution why our top organization can’t figure out the cause in all those years. Its because politics of sense of belonging to our groups got to that organization in the core as well.
Our efforts to bring humanity together are passive and downright wrong by following the veto system. Giving the power to veto to a few nations makes it prejudicial and discriminatory organization. Americans went on to attack Iraq regardless of the United Nation’s opposition. Kashmir is still a disputed state regardless of over seventy years and three wars. Why can’t we over come our politics of sense of belonging to our groups? Its because even our top organization is under the influences of sense of belonging to groups not to humanity as a whole.
If war crimes and human rights violations are being committed all over the world we need to look at the reasons and its effectiveness. To me if an organization has all the justice system in the books but has no powers to enforce it or control it is an impotent organization. It needs some balls and teeth to assert its value. If every conflict is swept under the rug and not dealt with immediately it can result in non-stop and perpetual killing. Kashmir conflict lead to India and Pakistan to become nuclear powers so to me I believe our politics has to change embrace humanity as one nation regardless of what is popular in the warring nations.
We want to be politically correct humanity so we allow religions to collect and spend on their expansion to gain more power. We allow them not to pay taxes as organizations. To me, it’s allowing prejudice and discrimination to flourish and stay forever.
United nation has been using veto system since its inception, its clearly a violation of equal human rights, yet its called united nation. I call for it to change its name based on one humanity with equal human individual rights. No nation, race, gender or religion is privileged because we all are made of and function same way. We need education of equality not only in politically tainted privileges but simple equal human rights.
Remember an arm or a leg is not running the show, it’s not even the harmonizing force I dare say, God. Its all about the functioning of the function yet look at us after all the civilization we are going to the opposite side or backward regardless of what our nature is pointing towards. Nature has always told us and still telling us to work together because we all are into it together. We can benefit together or suffer together by functioning together. Humanity is the human body.
Now ask yourself if you can feel the body just like cells, to cells body is a true reality. Even they have not seen it, but they experience the life-giving blessings and they automatically reciprocate. As a human individual, what are you doing for your reciprocation? If you are working, paying taxes and that money collected can be used for the needy in the society that could be and is your reciprocation. God does not and I repeat God does not need anything from you as a spirit not even your obedience in return for blessings, but fulfilling others human being’s prayers need to be fulfilled physically so that is where you come in to be a physical help. Taxes may sound like a socialist thing but critically looking at taxes you will find that it a spiritual thing to do. Remember your deep happiness could be connected to helping others yet you complain while you pay the taxes. Take it as a blessing because of you being on the giver side, not on the receiver side.
If in two thousand and soon to be twenty years of religious knowledge could not do what it was spouse to do, it is because of the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. Which openly and proudly preaches of belonging to an arm or leg, absurd because this day and age with all the nuclear, and weapons of mass destruction our conflicts are not that we kill one on one with a spear or a sword.
I am not talking about religions or science authenticity, I am simply stating the harms or benefits. If we blow each other up with nuclear weapons what good is science bringing to humanity? On the other hand, if we can’t stop the perpetual killing of each other over what we believe, when are we going to learn about the harms of our organized and political religions. We should be looking at our causes of extremes critically not only collectively but individually as well so it is eradicated altogether from an evolving humanity.
We all have to take responsibilities individually and collectively to evolve with changing times, not only in one area of life. For instance, if we evolve scientifically and start to believe religions, sociology, spirituality or even emotional fulfillment are useless, you are choosing to evolve in some select areas yet not in the other. Personally, I think it’s our responsibility to evolve in balance so we can be a whole human being.
Logically if you keep preaching sense of belonging related nationalism, religious glorification or have political agendas to say or talk about something but do the opposite because of politics. At the top of our organizing systems like the United Nations, equal human rights openly preached yet at the same time it has a veto system in its constitution. How can these contradictions be ignored? Sure we need politics to run the systems but at least stop the practice of contradictions. If that keeps going we would never be able to get rid of prejudice and discrimination related wars and hatred.
I believe the preaching of our sense of belonging to our groups is the cause of harm to humanity as a whole, the solution is to belong to humanity as a whole.
Now how should we as individuals take that leap of civilization to change the old style of politics of security if even our top organization like a United Nations is running as a veto using prejudiced and discrimination based manifesto? We need to step into a new paradigm to overcome the old style of doing things.
It is going to be painful to conservatives but in the name of peace or even the existence of humanity, we may have to learn new things and adapt. Individually as well as collectively we need to go through some soul searching to find out what are we really connected to just an arm or a leg or we are connected to the whole body, to me its not even a question but for the individual who knows nothing but the politics of sense of belonging to their groups can be very challenging. I hope my metaphor of the human body and cell can help to understand we are logically connected to humanity not to parts of it.
Spirituality teaches us about our mortal nature and the need to live a life of a decent human being yet, on the other hand, our sense of belonging to our groups teach us to be a warrior ant or a worker bee. Science or no science-religion or no religion it is a must for us all as an individual to see through the causes of our personal actions. We need to rise up to be spiritual because at the end of the day we are going to be the one who will judge our lives with our personal sense of justice. Whether if you have used your free will to live a successful mortal life or you have wasted on being a warrior ant or worker bee.
Now look back at those cells talking to each other about the existence of the body or not. Remember they have not seen us from outside just like that we can’t see God regardless of how advanced or sophisticated we are its a knowledge which makes a simple drop of tear into a priceless pearl. Before you assume to let the evolution take hold in all departments of your life not only in some of it like science or religion let yourself grow in emotions like love and compassion as well so you can have a full experience of mortal yet happy and content life..