If you are willing to kill an other living breathing human being just because they look, believe and think differently then you. You need to start questioning yourself about the causes of your passionate beliefs and ways of thinking. Ideally conflicting or even other non conflicting but different groups of people should be looked at with unbiased, non prejudicial and non discriminatory ways because of spiritual respect for each other. First reality is that belonging to an other, opposing or even your own belonging groups are all human beings including yourself. All human beings individually should have a clear vision of personal strength to see politics of sense of belonging behind our actions.
If you passionately hate and others and are willing to go to extreme behavior just because your belonging group say so. You need to understand your own strength as an individual. Your ability to use free will and possession of personal sense of justice should help you to carry on with your personal responsibilities as you go through your mortal life. Why would you have free will and your personal sense of justice? If that came with you from before birth, that is means it is meant from God, so ask yourself why are you still passionate enough to kill over your belief systems? If you don’t care, would not take personal responsibility and are willing to follow the politics of your belonging groups blindly. You are literally a drunk on politics of your sense of belonging and are unable to be what you have been created as. If you ignore your status of human being and have become a warrior ant or worker bee you are not a CEO of your life.
This drunken behavior is from alcohol and yes even if it is alcohol of God. With free will and sense of justice you individually should know that you should be drinking it socially because being drunk you would or at least are willing to commit spiritual crimes. Anything related to God is spiritual and compassionate. If your actions are related to the political agenda of your belonging group, before you act passionately over the politics not to forget your spirituality related compassionate nature.
Always remember, no matter how you cut it, if your belonging group is using God politically, it is spiritually wrong. If you feel that you believe in God according to your politically tainted religion, it is and should be you who is responsible to find your personal and spiritual path.
If you are drunk with the politics of sense of belonging which would reduce your strength to have a social drink and would take you where you would not need to be told to commit a spiritual crime you would do it as a drunk. Your religions are making you get stuck in the brand name not in the real thing. The real thing or essence of being religious is that you want to achieve spiritual awareness yet you lose your way half way through because your judgement has been tainted with the politics of whatever your religion wants.
Metaphorically speaking all human beings while they are alive are bottle of alcohol of God. Whether you believe in God or not you are sold with a label and you take pride in that label. If you understand individually and spiritually that label is all about the politics of sense of belonging you could take pride in being a religious fanatic or even being an atheist.
Real thing inside you is making you the bottle or vessel of God but you are so convinced that you are just a part of the group you belong to and have no particular value as an individual. Now lets look at the anatomy of a group its a collection of individuals meaning if anything is done by the group is done by the individual or individuals so even in a group setting an individual is the foundation of the group.
Who is responsible and how was the individual made so insignificant? It can’t be just the group exclusively because an individual has a free will so they have to be a willing partner. Willingly collaborating individual is so important to a group that a group can’t and even God can’t do without. Then why an individual feels so insignificant and worthless? Ask yourself over and over until you come up with an answer which helps in knowing your value because nothing is done without you. This should be good enough to give you a self respecting, self-esteem boosting and a CEO making answer.
If you are told that you belong to the body part and nothing but, your personal understanding is limited because of the politics of your belonging group. Lack of understanding is like that bacteria in your gut, if you don’t understand with your half knowledge you are going to kill it just to find out that bad bacteria helps you to live with health and without it your immune system is compromised.
If your understanding is that you are helping God by following the politics of your belonging groups you have to try to understand the whole picture before you take personal actions to choose. Its like I said before that killing bacteria without knowing their benefits to the body. Our knowledge only evolves when we explore and pursue, if any knowledge is against exploring its against evolution and anything against evolution is against God’s will or metaphorically speaking our body.
As human beings we have earned the rights to live and survive on the face of this earth because we have been evolving to adopt, otherwise we would have been wiped out by the infections.
Religions or not we have survived with our exploration and willingness to survive. Simple truth is our exploring nature to evolve is directly connected to God and is meant by God. That is why religions could not stop the human from evolving regardless of their strict rules, swear punishments and threats to shun.
If you disagree with me its fine with me but I don’t look at religions and our constitutions as ultimate human knowledge. I personally keep room for evolution because I believe it is sacred and spiritual. Certain things we bring along from before birth so they are spiritually connected to all of us individually.
Whatever the story you believe is good for you but believing that you somehow are better than others, automatically it should go against spirituality because there is no politics in spirituality. All human cells work for the body and are useful only when body is functioning and alive. You are part of the body and being a part of a body part of the body is still a story of a part not of the whole story.
If your belonging group is preaching that you are the best and closest to God, is fundamentally making you prejudiced and discriminatory even against your own family members who don’t think like you.
First of all you don’t understand how the whole body works second you don’t really believe in God because you believe in whatever your group is telling you. Judging others with your belonging group’s taught knowledge is a biased opinion and is tainted with the politics.
Religions and nationalism give false self-esteem to the individual which does help to a degree, if you look at even a gang member their self-esteem would be better than a lonely individual who does not feel connected to anyone or anything.
Awareness of God grew stronger with religions but since they emphasized on belonging community exclusively just like nationalism, they were good for some people but not for the opposing or others. That made them and they still are preachers of prejudiced and discrimination. In God’s spiritual world there is no prejudice and discrimination it is all about humanity as a whole just like spirituality or cell connection to the whole body it is not for some it is for all.
Belief system has the power to help the individual even if it is imaginary, it has powers like placebo effects. Deeply believing had helped human individual to be become better than from just being a savage creature. Compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love are the living proof of our evolution.
We have been evolving for a long time but it did take its tole on the individual’s belief system. Religions used God as a political tool to control individual’s thinking and even sometimes by force. From mob killings to passionately shunning their own kind or even killing their own family members are clear examples of religious extreme.
Trust, hope, sacrifice, giving and love go hand in hand with belief systems and opposite flourishes with disconnection, unless an individual comes up with a deep and personal connection to God so they don’t need sense of belonging to a group to feel safe.
Passing human knowledge to coming generations is important but locking them into it as the ultimate knowledge is an absolute absurdity. Our religions and constitutions are designed just to do that and followers neglect to think human being’s evolving nature.
It could be great for one era but we change all the time so what has worked in past may not work today. Religions and constitutions need to have room for changes and amendments otherwise they can harm instead of benefiting humanity.
From states disputes in a nation to religious sects and divisions to even different religions and related wars are all related with our evolving demands of daily and individual living. Religions and constitutions can give us manifestos but they all should be subject to change with evolution. If they don’t its human nature to break the rules, that means anything locking humanity in, is against the evolutionary nature of human beings and would always fail. Our evolution is a clear sign of our evolving nature.
Our politics of sense of belonging and nature of evolution has brought us to a place where we can by choice self create religiously predicted day of judgement out come. A nuclear war even if it is local can bring the day of judgement like destruction.
Personally I believe a religious belief should not be more than a spiritual path, when it is mixed with politics of sense of belonging it does not only lose its spirituality it takes individuals to extreme views. We individually remove our com from our personal ability use compassion and become passionate extremists just to work against compassion. Its talked a lot about but not practiced by the politically tainted present day religious individuals.
Unfortunately for the passionate individuals it is hard to separate our spiritual belief systems and politics of sense of belonging. Even the educated one can’t fight and speak against politics of sense of belonging.
In present days if an individual asks a personal question, to a mullah or a priest they would look in the past for the answers. Humanity has been refereeing to the past for present problems but in this era the way things are going it would be more problematic if we don’t keep up with time.
Interestingly in today’s world humanity is changing so rapidly that we can’t keep up with changes regardless of technology. A decade is too long never mind thousands of years old answers. I am not even going to attempt for comparison but still I would say if one had a cell phone with Google even five hundred years ago they would be considered holly, Godly or Evil people.
If you think you somehow become better than others just by belonging to race, gender, nation, religion or even by attaining an educated degree, it is related with the false and non spiritual education. Spirituality teaches us to be humble and not to think as better than others because in reality we all are cells of God’s body and working for it we all have certain tasks and are useful to the body so claiming that you are better can be denying reality of mortality. We all have same destination and job to reciprocate in return of our living years.
Interestingly our race, religions and nationalism they all preach that you are better than others just to be part of that group. What is held by our future for us with all the divisive preaching of prejudice and discrimination can be fearsome. Our obsession of advance war weaponry is an alarming trend and it points towards self destruction in the name of religions and nationalism.
Our authorities have been are and will always work against individual strength because of their politics control and govern. If you personally buy into that you start to look at yourself as a weak and vulnerable who doesn’t have a say.
With free will, personal sense of justice and ingrained spirituality human individual is equipped with a choice. Our groups only succeed by making us think down about ourselves as weak and inferior. If you become an entity who you are created as, you will become a free and independent choice maker and a CEO of your life. Then and only then you would be able to see your direct connection to the source and the politics of your belonging groups.
Remember if even God’s physicality is dependent on the human individual’s physicality how important you actually are in the larger scheme of life. This spiritual and physical connection should automatically make killing each other wrong. Regardless of the side you are on, it is a net loss for God. Even if it is one functioning cell at a time or its insignificance it still is a loss. Definitely it can’t be spiritual so it is political even if your religion or nation says it is done in the name of God it just can not be for God they are using God as a political tool and God can’t defend God so it has to be the aware individuals.
We should all come out the sense of belonging related politics and learn to own our personal actions because we are blessed with free will and personal sense of justice from before birth. Everything we do as an adult we have a say in it so it is our responsibility.
If you want to have peace in society and kill all the criminals come out and say so it is in the name of justice and control. If you want revenge for your love loss or want your territory back from the invaders come out and say you are doing it for political purposes, don’t use God’s name to kill cells of God. It does not just look bad politically, it is spiritually below human intellect.
Recognize what and who you are, you may look like a human being with one head, two arms, two legs, two eyes, two ears from out side, but in reality you are a lot more than just a physical body. First of all, no matter how you look at yourself, scientifically, genetically and spiritually you are a human being. Your color, gender, nation or belief system does not describe you spiritually. Spiritually you carry same entity within you, are made of carbon scientifically and are an exact match genetically regardless of all the differences. Our identities of being different from each other are all related to our politically installed knowledge. Sure we need politics and sense of belonging but using God’s name to kill each other is just absurd and beneath a spiritual being who lives with in each one of us.
When religions got infected with politics, it gave bad name to God, I would like people to become spiritually aware one individual at a time so our mass changes from bottom up collectively.
What God is and how God functions? Answers can be vastly different and full of conflicts but spirituality can teach us about where does a human individual stand in this grand scheme of life. In turn that can help us to learn to belong to humanity as a whole just like a cell belong to a whole body first regardless of its belonging part.
Since God is our cat nip or an alcohol we all are bottles of God but unfortunately we have our brand names for God to fit into our pigeon holes and make God a human like figure. Powerful and almighty but human like who favors some and hurts others. Personally I disagree with that because if God is a spiritual entity God can’t be biased, non spiritual or political. Always remember a seed does not resemble the plant so we may be are mistaken about the whole thing. I am not here to argue about who is right, my passion is to make every living human being to come out of their pigeon hole and learn to use God given free will to stop this non sense of killing each other over our differences yet in the name of God.
Unfortunately phenomenon of sense of belonging is a lot more powerful for a human individual, they feel inferior and insecure because mortality is not understood so it is feared so worshiping of God is departmentalized yet it is basic and fundamental as reciprocation. Since God does not need any help and for sure not your obedience because if it was that we would be like other creatures. God need us to help physically to make spirituality meaningful. Since we all are God’s cells to turn spirituality into physical reality it is the individuals who needs help around you so that is the real worshiping of God. Nurturing God’s cells is real worshiping or praying everything else is traditional and rituals related practices all religious group promote because it gets people together, so it is still related to politics not real spirituality.
A lack of belief of belonging directly to God almighty makes them attach to belonging groups as if they are the whole thing. Logically it makes them not to believe in God remember I said if two cells talking in the arm or a leg, whether the body exists or not. A group may seem a reality but it is just part of the body but not the body. If you rely on the group to feel secure is political. Since spiritually speaking that group just can’t provide security from the third circle. (Read circles of life and part two storm in a tea cup).
Some may say we are only able to do what we learn from our belonging groups but I believe we all bring along our free will and sense of justice from before birth. Knowing that helps us to understand reciprocation, so we naturally tend to go in the zone where we try to or feel obligated to reciprocate to our belonging groups and God. We are even willing to commit spiritual crimes if our politics of sense of belonging is out of control. This is where our free will and personal sense of justice takes a back seat but not listening to these spiritual inner voices can be harmful to us individually, PTSD can become a reality. If we are spiritually aware we would be able to see clearly. To the point that we can separate politics of our sense of belonging to our groups and spirituality.
If you are unable to see yourself more than just the body and brain, your life may lack fulfillment or may seem incomplete. If you are unable to add spirituality to your day today life, it may seem like sex, not love, it may be all about eating but not about feeding, it would be all about receiving but not about giving so a mortal life is lived but with discontentment and without spiritual fulfillment.
If you feel empty spiritually you would want to achieve that fulfillment by just fitting in, impressing others or you will be dying with the desire to be admired by the others. Its a wrong place to be for spiritual fulfillment. It would be like working or living in a toxic environment where you lose happiness and contentment especially at the deeper level.
Killing some innocent beings for the approval or admiration of you belonging group is a clear sign of lacking personal sense of justice and utilizing free will. As a human being and especially as an evolved one we all have the knowledge of how to use our God given free will and personal sense of justice. If in this day and age we can’t use these gifts of God we are spiritually bankrupt. Unfortunately we find spiritual side of ourselves as useless and it is all because of our powerful and brain washing politics of sense of belonging to our groups.
Justifying terrorism or counter terrorism related innocent killings are especially related to this human individual weakness. Personal sense of justice and use of free will are human individual strengths. They can not only make us aware of injustice, they can even help us to learn how an individual is not limited to belonging to a body part or a group of people. We all as individuals belong to the humanity as a whole just like a cell belongs to the body as a whole. As I wrote in part one that we don’t just belong to an arm or a leg, we are physically connected to the whole body or humanity as a whole and spiritually we are connected to God spiritually as a whole not to anyone particular religion.
Our religions and nations are like arm or a leg. Believing that you are connected to a group of people, nations, isms or religions is lack of individual spirituality. If your race, nation or religion asks you to go kill some innocent people for us, you as a human individual should have enough spiritual strength to use your God given free will and personal sense of justice to decide for yourself and own your decisions. It is your duty to understand politics of your belonging groups and your ability to say no to injustice simultaneously.