Security, law and order is important to all of us individually and collectively, even if you look at the other creatures they have their systems set up as well. In our bush and cave days we depended on being bigger, stronger and braver but we learnt that security in numbers was the best for even the strongest ones. Being a social creature we mostly lean towards our belonging groups so as a result today we have our nationalism, religions and big brother with the branches of other governing systems. We learn as we evolve so mostly we have left behind our individual strength system, racial superiority, kingdoms, imperialism yet we are still struggling with our first issue. Our tribalism is so far deep into our psyche that we don’t trust each other and constantly live under stressful threats.

This distrust is not allowing humanity to work together regardless of our today’s problems pointing towards the need of it. From Global warming related weather extreme, infectious diseases to internet related crimes to space exploration can’t be achieved by the individual nations. Sure we only have known this way of living but as we evolve our comforts and problems evolve with us. Earth has become smaller with our technical advances so walls for securities did not, can’t and would not work for our security. Best way to safely evolve is to accept ourselves as one entity. Importance of working as one entity is urgent, especially when you can’t keep weather extremes, infectious diseases and cyber crimes away by building physical walls. Since there is no real world security for the individual or even as a group from out side we need to pay attention to it from the inside. Our biggest problem is crime rate of our societies, remember that is mostly done to each other by the members of the same society. Interestingly we still trust our belonging groups more than other groups, to me it is ingrained within us all because of our bad experiences related past history. All we know as people that our groups are more important than humanity as a whole. Remember today’s human beings are not fighting with each other with swords, spears and arrows we don’t just send them as groups away from our dwellings. Today as it has shown and is showing our conflicts can be devastating so we need to evolve according to our technology. If we still live the way we have lived or follow our past related conflicting history we may end up bringing the predicted day of judgement to ourselves by choice. If you think the security rock you are under is enough to secure you think again because it has been and is actually killing the most human individuals. Our sense of belonging and politics of it is the major culprit in our problems, so understand, modify and evolve to join humanity as a whole beyond the group politics.

Logically awareness and knowledge of our individual mortality should be able to give us enough courage, not only to survive the journey but with some happiness and contentment as well. If you individually feel that this knowledge of belonging to humanity as a whole should not even get a second thought. You are following a philosophy which is described as burying your head in the sand in case of danger. As long as your head is not buried in the sand while you go through your living years you can figure things out as you go. Denying and hiding from our realities not only rob us from the quality, it has the potential to actually become the cause of our all kind of health problems as well. Especially as a mortal individual our strong desire to control can back fire and indirectly cut our already short life time even further because of knowing and denying mortality.

I was watching some YouTube clips and ended up watching a short clip of Neil deGrasse Tyson a well known person who knows a lot about the universe and does not believe in God. He is quit clear that God does not exist but to me what he talked about was profoundly spiritual and which reinforced my beliefs about spirituality. I believe spirituality is highly personal and universal simultaneously so in general an individual does not have to even believe in God nor to be religious to be spiritual. Clearly he was talking about the reciprocation so I am just going to quote his words.


“ On my tomb stone I want the epitaph. Be ashamed to die until you have scored some victory for humanity. You want the world to be, any of us I think should want the world to be a little better off for you having lived in it. That’s not not even about that, so what you have to give with no expectation of return”. End quote.

To me we already have received and are still receiving as we live from the universe because we have absolutely have no control on our the quota of oxygen nor we have complete control on what goes on within our bodies. We can’t control our aging and mortality regardless of our evolution. Things what he talked about like awareness of mortality, doing something for humanity and especially without anything in return sounds like the words of an individual who is totally aware and knows all about being in the spiritual zone. He clearly is talking about spiritual and non transaction al way of living. When an atheist talks about God not existing yet personally wears all the gems of spiritual jewelry, is like he is an open minded human being taking humanity to Godly heights. It warms my heart because as human beings that is what its all about.

We all personally should learn to value what we carry within and acknowledge to make spirituality our lifestyle instead of judging and disputing who is going to hell or heaven after they die. You can say whatever you want to but its all about your actions because they dictate your decency and spirituality God or not. To me if a God denier has a character yet a believer does not follow spiritual rules, I personally would choose a denier over a blind believer who commits spiritual crimes in the name of belonging group because one is denying openly and the other is hiding behind God yet denying God with physical actions.

Long time ago Baba Bulay Shah wrote about character and I quote.

” Rubb rubb karthay buddhay ho gay mullah pundit saary

Rubb thaa khoge khara na labbya sujday kar kar haary

Rubb tay tary andar vasdaa, vich Quran ishaaray

Bulay shah rubb ohnoo mildaa jayrraha apenay nuffus noo maary.

And translation.

“All the religious preachers got old saying God’s name

No one found God clearly, regardless of banging their heads to the ground

God is within you points Quran

Bulay shah God was found by those who controlled the animal side from within. Baba Bulay Shah”. End Quote.

I believe no particular religion has monopoly on spirituality, we all and I repeat we all regardless of our personal views and belonging groups contribute to convert spirituality in to physical actions. Spirituality crosses all divisive lines of humanity and our religious beliefs. It is not only about good or bad actions of any race, gender, nations, religion or their sects. It is everywhere wherever a decent human individual is present. Spirituality is present anywhere a good action is taken and by any good human individual.

Good and Bad. Some people do such bad things that even their own coming generations say never again and avoid all the bad connected to their past. That means even bad things can have a good impact on us regardless of immediate pain of the present moment. Logically we don’t really know our good and bad especially in the long run. Since there are a lot of religious people believe that Godless people would go to hell and they themselves would go to heaven just because of being believers. To me it clearly breads prejudice, discrimination and judgement yet no one knows for sure about the life after death. Most of the time our opinions are connected to our group politics related assumptions. Interestingly to the religious people their religious know how is more important to them than to accepting the importance of the people who don’t believe in God like them. It is and can highly be political and even sometime non spiritual to be a blind follower of any ideology.

For instance they could be using a life saving medicine invented by the individual who did not even believe in God or they shamelessly be using modern technologies to live comfortably without the gratification, acknowledgement and acceptance of that help coming to them from Godless people’s inventions. A spiritual individual would appreciate the help of God and people simultaneously by reciprocation but a politically inspired individual would not think twice putting Godless down. Thinking with dominating group prejudice and discrimination can fog up ones realities of mortal living. If you are alive with the help of someone’s invented medicine and you put them down or feel that you are superior to them just because of your race, religion or nation. Your prejudiced and discrimination is non spiritual and is down right wrong. Your false sense of superiority belong to the political knowledge or the data you have been installed with by your belonging group yet you individually should be looking at yourself as an indebted to that Godless being. Your non acknowledgment is political, prejudicial, discriminatory and spiritually wrong at all levels.

Who goes to hell or heaven has nothing to do with physical human beings because it is a spiritual matter decided exclusively in the non physical world. That non physical world is not clear to human beings because they have to die first to find out about that truth. That is the reason why we have so much room or I should say a world for human assumptions. Where there is an assumption there is room for conflicting opinion so not only arguing but killing each other over it is absurdity.

if people can deal with personal prejudice and discrimination internally and accept the unknown as the zone of assumptions they would be able to see God not only within but they would be able to see God in others as well even if they believed that non religious people are Godless.

Logically as an entity human beings are cells of humanity as a whole because it functions and exists physically by a living breathing functioning human beings so us and them simply does not make sense spiritually. Physically, well that is an other story altogether because our politics of sense of belonging has ripped us apart even deep into our spiritual core. Even as so called contractors of God and spirituality our religions have been passionately killing each other for thousands of years. If you individually believe that you are just like other creatures or animals and deny the existence of your spiritual side, you are not looking at the full picture of being a human being. Human individual connects to humanity as a whole being, that means physically and spiritually so believing in one or the other way would be non human. Being a human being is being a special entity because God is found in every single cell of the body. Good and bad is there not only for us to choose but to make us individually understand the facts of human life. For instance if there is no bad one can’t even understand the value of good. If there is no good since there is nothing to compare no one would be able to tell what bad is.

Its all about the perceptions if you can not learn about the good and bad you would never change from good to bad or bad to good simple as that yet in one life time. In real life same individual can make good and bad choices as they learn about the God sitting right within them and remember there is no escape from the God within. Sure we can go back and forth because of our human nature, our animal or physical side can be insecure and behave like an ordinary animal which has no spiritual inclinations yet in the same life time good and spiritual actions can be taken by the same individual. It is all because of internal bickering and unique nature of being a human being.

This unique combination of God and physicality makes human beings a third equation who chooses to bring good and bad to physicality, that is what makes us important to complete the spiritual triangle. Other than miracles and natural disasters every good and bad is dependent on the choice maker and yes that is us, every single one of us. Take the human being out of the equation and you will find dead silence, there would be no life concepts to argue, no imagination to make any progress or evolve. World as we know it would seize to exist, there would not be wars over land disputes or political differences so we are the one who is responsible for all our so called sense of belonging related political killing of each other. God and Devil has nothing to do with it. Wake up and take responsibilities of a human being and change your groups, belong to humanity as a whole and work as God before we end up in that dead silence.

We can argue about God and Devil related heaven and hell but lets do that when we get there. Since we are here in our living and physical life why don’t we choose our good now and leave the affairs of after death in after death. This is our real life with real consequences and our biggest and baddest is our politics of sense of belonging to our groups because that does not allow you to personally see Good or God not only in other people but even within yourself as well.

If you can’t be an atom of autonomy, you can’t use your God given free will so you can’t really call yourself a spiritual entity because you are not choosing to be spiritual. Since your belonging group is choosing what is Good and Bad for you, you are not acting like a fully mature and evolved human being. If you let someone else choose for you, you have given up on your free will and remember that free will is the one that makes you an atom of autonomy holding human being. That is the one adds inhibitions in your make up otherwise there is no difference between animal and human being. If you might as well be a warrior ant or a worker bee, remember they are genetically programed and you are not. You have even found and broken down the genetic code itself. As human beings we are superior to Angels as well because we choose to do good and they don’t have a choice. If you personally demote yourself to be a genetically programed entity, you still do that by choice so choose to be a CEO that is what God had meant for you.

Remember your choice of good and bad does not only effects others, it has the potential to effect you personally as well. You may benefit by doing good to others by receiving approval of your spiritual side find inner peace, or you may end up going against your spiritual side and lose it all because being internally ripped apart is not a good place to be. I call that place a living hell because of our mortal nature and as a mortal being we need to collect the treasures of happiness and contentment, if you lose that life can be and is a living hell. If you believe in good and God make sure that you don’t use your God given hands, back and shoulders to harm other human beings because just like you God and good lives within you and all others as well.

If you follow spiritual rule number one that don’t do to others what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones, you can’t go wrong spiritually. Our trouble is that we get under the influences of our political belonging and believe blindly in everything our groups preaches as the ultimate truth. That is why most religious groups bring God into their political agendas so they can override whatever guilt you feel from your actions. By blindly believing in group teachings, you don’t believe in, that it is you who is holding an atom of autonomy related free will and it is you who is responsible for your actions. Caring and connecting to your belonging groups with loyalties is one thing but losing your status of a CEO is another. Ignoring your spiritual responsibilities of being a decent human being and committing spiritual crimes in the name of belonging groups and not feel guilty is because of you being desensitized and brain washed. Remember your belief system is an installed data, if you follow that as your identity, you deny not only your atom of autonomy, you deny your God given free will and God altogether. Worst thing you can do is to harm others in the name of God because the very God is sitting within you. Not only you disregard your responsibilities you disregard God for the politics of sense of belonging to just a group of people.

My theme of writing blog is not about putting any particular religion or people of different views down, but it is all about the importance of human individual and their action based spirituality. Unfortunately religions use God and human individual to further their political agendas. If anyone claims that their religion is not political, I would ask them to become a CEO of your life and then answer that question. Remember until recently Buddhists monks always claimed that they were not political. Yes how can a monk become a political extremist? A monk should just be a monk, if you look for the meanings of monk you will know what I am talking about. Politics of sense of belonging to our groups is notorious in corrupting and robbing spirituality out of the best of religious people.

If you start to logically breakdown, any and every group of human beings is a political organization. They watch each others back and are quit loyal to each other but when it comes to choosing politics or spirituality they would choose politics because of their sense of belonging. They have their security system related with numbers so religion becomes their security rock.

A grub can live under the rock for security purposes but if the rock moves that vary rock of security has the potential to squish the life out of it. A grub may not have the understanding or the ability to think that their security rock can be a death trap, but as human beings we should be able to think about our rocks and their literal realities.

Since as mortal there is nothing more important than life, happiness and contentment, we need to learn to keep a crucial balance in our security and mortal nature. Burdens of our security rocks can lead us towards harmful effects like mental, emotional, physical, spiritual health and even related death. Over thinking and living in your fearful state of mind can constantly release harmful stress hormones. These chemicals are scientifically proven to cause physical ills, especially being mortal if you cause yourself these physical ills you are being destructive to yourself. Since as it is you are on borrowed time you can’t afford to live under your imaginary security rocks. It will kill you prematurely and it would be by your own choices.

It may not be scientifically proven but personally I believe our disease is not just connected to our genetics, our life style and clean imagination has the power to override an early death or bring it on. A religious individual may believe our time is fixed and scientist may say I believe in genetics but there are some factors we have to critically look at. If our imagination and our ways of thinking has the powers to release physical chemicals they have the powers to dictate our health and quality of life as well.

How long are we going to live is in the same area where we can’t judge who is going to hell or heaven so if you do it would be all assumptions related. I personally don’t like going to assumptions but sometimes you have to carry on to string the beads of life. We can be proven wrong but that is part of our evolution, as long as we don’t become extremists and get trenched in, into our ancestral and present knowledge.

A joke comes to mind,

“Someone asked George Burns, hay George do you smoke? Yes I have my cigar everyday said George. Next question was do you drink? George replied, yes I have my martini everyday. Last question was what does your doctor say? George thinks for a while as if he is trying to remember. Then says well he died long time ago. So no one and I mean no one can say and predict without resorting to assumptions that how long one is going to live. The whole idea is to understand the importance of balance even in our knowledge, whether it is related to science, religions or anything else.

That is why regardless of our scientific advances we have our exclusive belief systems and even if they have been passed on to us thousands of years ago. We hang on to our installed data and believe that is our real identity. We ignore all signals of our spirituality which keeps insisting that we are connected to something bigger like humanity as a whole and God not just with the people around.

This organism like entity has been and still is suffering from the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. Our universal spiritual nature is still in tacked and working but there has been and still is a constant battle for the individual to choose. Our rock of security always has been and still is created and influenced by the politics of belonging groups so we can individually feel insecure and stick with them.

Individual’s over thinking of imaginary scenarios making them not to trust beyond the politics of sense of belonging even if our own belonging people are responsible for our individual demise. Our individual insecurities not only make us to stay within unacceptable circumstances, they are the foundational cause of us committing spiritual crimes against each other. Since we don’t carry or have the concept of our personal identities we believe in killing each other in the name of our groups is fine so there is no personal remorse and guilt. Interestingly these days we just can’t fight off or disregard the strength of our spiritual side with politics of belonging that easily. There is a new phenomenon calls post traumatic syndrome disorder (PTSD) is emerging and no one can deny its realities and connections to individual spirituality.

Functioning of religions, nationalism, race, gender and even God or not, logically if you take down the work horse of God it is a loss for God. You as an individual are a computer of God, just like you have your body and brain as your personal computer. When humanity is strong more computers are working but our viruses are our realities as well so is the malfunctioning. Our main and biggest malfunctioning is virus related this virus is related to our politics of sense of belonging to our groups. This virus can make the computer runner feel and think that they don’t exist themselves and they are just the data and memory. Problem with sense of belonging is memory related virus because real relation for the human individual is to belong to God and humanity not to the politically installed data and memory. Our politics of belonging to our groups always revolves around individual’s state of mind, if the individual is weak and vulnerable they would seek belonging and gladly give their powers up for the belonging groups. No political group would want to let that go so they initiate the politics to make the individual feel weak and vulnerable. A free thinking individual who believes in belonging to humanity as a whole is politically harmful to the group survival so they are discouraged sometimes even by force. That is why groups always preach mass over the individual rights, even religions, the beckons of spirituality become political when it comes to individual rights. Our politics of sense of belonging makes sure to suppress spiritual justice even in our so called spiritual religions. This has been discussed throughout our history but individually human beings would usually pick personal sufferings over belonging group because of spiritual nature and mortal nature.

Now the questions are what do you personally believe and why? Do you think you have an input of a CEO or you feel you are just an unimportant, meaningless and irrelevant puppet?

One of my theme is that we all are not a born sinner nor we are irrelevant. We are born as CEO of our lives contrary to our religious beliefs, yet we are dependent on the oxygen and functioning bodies to live. Without that help our CEO powers dissolve and we seize to exist physically. Our dependencies of that external help should make us question everything we do but unfortunately not thinking about our mortal nature keeps us being fearful and insignificant. Our religions don’t help because they are their to make us feel insignificant so we can be easily control politically. They don’t want us to gain self respect and self-esteem so they preach everything is done by God and Devil and human beings are just meaningless. That is where our political belonging takes a hold on us. Our groups preach us to stay insignificant and irrelevant so they can have total control over you.

Instead of being a work horse for God you become a work horse of some of the smart and powerful people. You neglect spirituality, God and your personal importance, become a puppet of people who have the powers over you. Unfortunately regardless of religious beliefs your realities don’t change so you still suffer from that fearful living which potentially cause harms to you. Remember your belonging groups can only pray for you they can’t keep you from death and disease so understand where you stand? Where your group stand? And where God and your personal relationship with God stands in your mortal life?.

Where does this oxygen come from? Who provides it and why are we able to think about it? Obviously it is beyond your belonging groups powers so what is keeping you from connecting to your real source. Scientifically you may have people telling you all the facts of space and technology yet it is all about your abilities to imagine, think envision and achieve with your atom of autonomy but your mortality overrides everything. Shouldn’t your personal understanding be there to know that you or your belonging groups are alive form the help you have no control over. Shouldn’t you be reciprocating to that source instead of a group of people. Sure your belonging groups would tell you about it all but their political strings or chains would never let you be free from the politics of sense of belonging.

Your thinking abilities and questioning brain has certain potential and that potential even has evolving potential so who is running this questioning brain. Obviously it is not the brain itself because a baby is born with more than genetics. Your groups may install data but you came with ability to store memory and still run your computer at your will. Your data and memory work for you but it never has been is or will be your identity. Sure it is important but still its not you. Your data and memory is highly influential and is influenced by the politics of your sense of belonging to your groups. That is why we as babies are not prejudiced and discriminatory towards each other. In the end of the day it is you who makes choices.

Thousands of fans can watch the game but when you throw a beer can or other stuff on the players of an opposing team, you have fallen and have become a victim to the data and memory because you have surrendered your CEO status. If it is not kept in check by you individually it can lead you to become a prejudiced and discriminatory individual to the point that you can commit spiritual crimes in the name of your belonging groups. You need to attain your CEO status now so you don’t get carried away and act violently against innocents in the name of your belonging group. Self defense to survive is one thing throwing stuff against opposing team is another altogether. Being Canadian, Pakistani, black, white, Muslim, Christian or certain gender is all data and memory related and only a CEO would be able to see through the fogs of political sense of belonging. Personal sense of justice is a jewelry we all should wear and be proud of it because if an individual does not do it a group would never be able to do it. Just like God, Devil, an Ideology, nation or religion can’t do it without the help of individual’s physicality. Always remember and repeat this fact that if an individual does not do it a group can never be able to do it because group is not a physical entity so it always depends on the individual’s physical help.

Personal ethics, morals and sense of justice is based on the simple and spiritual foundation and you guessed it. Don’t do to others what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Sure pain and sufferings are part of our lives but in the end of the day we all make choices so don’t make choice where someone suffers because being on the receiving end is not pretty. Regardless of its realities you can choose to believe in God or bigger picture and benefit from it. Since we can buy some healthy and happy time and yes even as a placebo effect it can be useful for a mortal being. If life is a temporary go we should not only live beyond our installed data but as a gentle soul as well, so we can benefit others and ourselves at the same time . Sure computer is important and you can’t function without it just like you, every time someone loses life it effects the functioning of God in general one computer at a time.

Our awareness of being mortal automatically turns us towards spirituality related good deeds. That means we are an entity of its own class which can see the importance of quality over length of life which other creatures can’t see. We would want to live long and even indefinitely but our awareness of spirituality reminds and teaches us about our physical realities so knowing changes everything. Some take it spiritually and some just take it physically. If you see yourself trying to spend every moments of your life securing, hoarding and being overly scared of death it is because spiritually you are not healthy or at the least imbalanced. If you are able to find happy moments, appreciate them and are not overly concerned about death you are living a normal human life.

Remember we want more and more of everything regardless of our needs or usage of it all. Sure we need to save some for rainy days but if its not raining you can’t just be constantly living in that mode and die. Having more than you need is good because you can give it to reciprocate without suffering. If you don’t do that you may end up with internal conflicts and lose happiness and contentment yet you still will have to leave it all behind. Either way its a lose lose strategy for a mortal being.

When you live with mathematically and scientifically correct you may think giving is a lose lose strategy because you don’t believe in reciprocation. Remember science and mathematics are not going to teach you spirituality because if they can’t measure it they don’t know about it. Your spiritual jewelry like love, compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, acceptance, equality, justice or simply being a decent human being is not taught to us by science and math. Our knowledge is not limited to one area of life, so we individually will have to understand what is good for us. If you like to be in numbers and science be there but never forget your mortal nature and importance of happiness and contentment. You can spend all your life time seeking those pennies to find correct answers and pass on or you can enjoy your time even being temporary. The whole idea is if you did not even learn to be a nice and decent human being how can you even appreciate your spiritual jewelry. As human beings we have to have all kind of knowledge so we can be a CEO of our life. With the popularity of all the science and technology we still have the personal responsibility to be a decent human being especially if we are mortal. We have got lot more responsibilities than we have been taught. Religions can say it is all about being nice and decent but science can say it is not important facts and numbers are it.

Remember in the end of the day its not who is right or wrong its how you managed your personal affairs internally and externally in the era you are born into. Did you achieve most important things of mortality like happiness and contentment or you spent all your time on plate farm waiting for your train to come yet it never came and you ran out of time just to take along all the scientifically correct number.

Just like governments can’t run like a business our individual life can’t be limited to just numbers and science nor it can be all about after death heaven and hell scenarios.

Our spiritual realities are way beyond our personal satisfactions and successes. Sure mortality can’t be denied but our individual evolution and our contribution to collective evolution is our real reality. Our purpose of serving as we enjoy our bounties of living years has its place and it connects us to the knowledge where things can make sense without going in the zone of assumptions.

Always remember our spirituality starts when we start to ask questions about ourselves. First question should be, why and what. Meaning why am I here and what is the purpose of my being here. If you start to look for the answers with the help of science, you are going in the wrong direction because your limited and evolving knowledge just can’t figure out with all the correct numbers. If you still keep digging you will come out on the other end as a confused entity neither an animal nor a spirit.

It is like a seed or a sperm is trying to compare itself with the tree or a whole human being. Regardless of your knowledge you will go nuts or banana but you would not find yourself. If you go to the other side and start looking for God as the religious people do, you will end up with being nut and banana as well. Our problem is always the politics of sense of belonging to our groups.

Since we are one social individual, we really want to fit in with our groups, we want to impress them or we will die trying to be admired by them, that can lead to personal dissatisfaction, to me as a mortal that is a hefty price to pay. I said hefty price, its because we don’t have a whole lot of time for ourselves. If you are mortal your why is a gift to you and that why you feel emotional connection to the people around.

If you ask a tree why does it produces seeds every year or simply ask a lot more sophisticated organism like human being why do they keep having children even if they are a lot of work. Our why is to serve our emotional connection our what.

Why are we compelled to be even attracted to each other, if you look at scientifically or mathematically all others are logically your competition for resources so we should be fighting each other. Not that we don’t but why do we have our compassionate side as a reality.

One of our big problem is that we try to mix our scientific knowledge with spirituality and end up being confused, we even forget our own identity especially when it comes to our politics of belonging. If our motive is to find real answers to our whys and whats without going nuts or banana we have to learn to deal with the politics of belonging to our groups. Over come it and become a CEO as an individual who can recognize and know our real identity.

As a human individual we are an atom of autonomy related, free will holding beings that makes us an automatic CEO but our political groups say otherwise. As groups we keep looking at ourselves as small seeds yet don’t recognize that tree within each individual. If we keep looking at ourselves as sperms we will feel weak and vulnerable even we have blossomed to be full grown trees or have grown into our adulthood. Our politics of sense of belonging is always there to brain wash us to believe that we are weak and vulnerable.

They even tell you to pray and ask for forgiveness constantly because you are a born sinner so you can be kept into the seed form. An individual can only discover their why and what by digging within personally. If you are taught that your belonging group is everything and you believe in it, you are not going to be able to discover your why and what. So what do you think why you are here? As a fully grown human being you are completely independent entity, you use your free will all the time, you are not hanging with umbilical cord and there is no question you should have just as strong sense of freedom as strong your sense of belonging is. No matter how you look at yourself you are a free and independent entity but what goes on within you is an altogether a different story.

Forces to keep you in seed form sing a song from the get go of your life so you learn to believe that belonging group’s song is your own song. That means you really don’t have your personal identity and you are nothing more than an extension of your belonging group. You can’t dig within to find your own potential, you believe in the glory of your belonging group even over God almighty. If you believe God gives you life then takes it then why group is more important than God? Why can’t you have a direct connection to God? Why your belief system makes you believe that you are irrelevant, unimportant and insignificant?

Personally I believe human individuals have always been are and will always be the most important in converting spirituality into physicality. That means even God depends on the human individual to get the job done. Its our groups want political powers so in the pursue they not only use human individual they even use God politically as well. We all owe to ourselves to understand and know our importance in the real picture of spirituality.

Sure we feel weak and vulnerable because of our mortal nature but understanding the spiritual realities can help us to uncover how important a human individual is in the right side up triangle. It can help us individually to get some self respect and self-esteem but we have to learn and understand about the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups.

God did the job by providing us the things we have absolutely no control over, a functioning body and supply of oxygen. They point towards the direct connection between God and human individual. A group of people will stand by to pray for you but can’t do anything to help you in your direct connection to God. Your life and death clearly points towards that our belonging groups are unable to help the individual.

Our every physical action and thought is dependent on these two realities, so if our physicality and even imagination depends on being alive you can’t say I am doing everything. Sure you are doing it but you need help to do it and remember its not that your group is helping you, it is a direct help. It does not matter how you look at life, whether you believe in God or not or believe too much. It still is your responsibility to understand your why and what.

As I said don’t go nuts or banana by digging in the wrong way, all you have to do is to understand your mortal nature, your importance in the larger scheme of life, your dependencies, your ability to evolve and what you owe to God for the help you got to stay alive and functioning to even evolve further.

Now where do you feel you stand? If you still feel weak, vulnerable, unimportant, irrelevant burst that sense of belonging related seed shell so you can become what God had meant for you. You don’t only owe to God you owe to yourself to understand your importance, you are the one who is doing things and not only for yourself. Your belonging groups who keep you in the form of seeds are not Godly people they are politicians and take advantages of your weakness.

Your realities are beyond the politics, it has been discussed for centuries and has always been there but our politics of sense of belonging has always been able to undermine the importance of individual because of their insecurities. As long as politics of sense of belonging is our rock we hide under to feel secure we would be a compromised spiritual entity.

A quote by KABIR fits here.

and I “Quote”  


Alama Iqbal says

and I quote.

“Khudi ko kar buland itna kay her taqdeer say pehlay

Khuda banday say khud puchay bataa tari raza kyaa hay.

Translation is that ” Bring your ego so high that when God is writing your fate, God should come down to ask for the approval of the human individual”. End Quote.

And Niel Degrasse Tyson says and I quote

“Many people look for meanings in life and I am thinking to myself you have more power than that. You have the power to create meaning in your life rather than passively look for it. So for me I create the meaning and meaning to me is, do I know more about the world today than I did yesterday, that enhances meaning for me.”

End quote.

Regardless of their personal beliefs they point towards the importance of the human individual. It is our politics of sense of belonging keeps us from realizing our potential so even in this day and age regardless of our understanding still we suffer from the politics of insignificance. Simple way to look at it is to see who benefits from that and I can bet its not God because God not only clearly points towards but shows us everyday that human individual is creating miracles in all areas of life. Every spiritual thought becomes a physical reality by the hands backs and the shoulders of the human individuals.

No nuts or bananas real simple and logical, as human individual your why is, that without you God loses the importance even Devil becomes irrelevant so your presence gets the job done good or bad depending on your choosing. So why is that you are here to give life to good and bad. What is the purpose of your life? Reciprocation yes you are blessed with the gift of life so the purpose is to reciprocate. Since God does not need anything material for God it is all about your serving humanity as a whole not a group of people who harm others.

What is your reciprocation? You have to dig into yourself to find that CEO first, if you can meet that CEO you will have the help to understand everything to open that door. Otherwise you will be one of the seed feeling secure in the jar of sense of belonging and will stay in that form until the day you die. Since you can’t blossom in the jar you will have to break that political jar of sense of belonging to become a CEO. You can understand your security is important but not on the price to stay as a seed and never reach your potential and being torn apart from within just because of the desires to be secure. Since you are not a grub you should know who is sitting within you because your spiritual, emotional, mental and even physical health depends on it. Since you are mortal happiness and contentment is your goal or at least it should be, if you have lost your happiness and contentment you are not in a good place because you can’t afford to lose the only treasure what should mean something to a mortal. If the politics of your sense of belonging is your rock you are living under for security remember it is keeping you from becoming a CEO of your life who can help you to achieve your potential what God had meant for the human individual. Our mortality is our fact so being a mortal logically there is no real security for us so paying the price of our potential for security is fear based and does not make any sense.

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