Regardless of all the accumulated knowledge which we have collected throughout our history of evolution and civilization we still kill each other like our wild counter parts in the bush. Whether our knowledge came from our religions, science, mathematics, technologies or simple social advances, it is still in the process of evolution. For us human beings a little common sense can easily teach us that our knowledge is not a done deal. Since we are still evolving and constantly learning and discovering new things everyday our claim to know everything would clearly be falls.

We are not only learning new things we are learning that we have newer and several fields of knowledge with conflicting experts. There are things we physically can see and know and then the opposite of that there are our unseen and unknowns yet still physical facts. Like you can see, sit in it and drive a car to take you places, and then there are factual things like air, life itself, thoughts, emotions, Imagination, Love, Compassion and God. They are there to take you places where you can learn and know about your unseen and your unknown by understanding the deeper feelings of your soul. You can create physical and real feelings of satisfaction, happiness and contentment from love and belief system or you can build the most complicated and technologically advance things simply from your imagination.

You can gain or lose happiness, a state of mind yet with real and physical impacts on individual’s life. You can create a state of calm and relax just by a thinking process or become miserable and anxious all from a thin air like your thoughts. For an example if I swear at you in the language you don’t understand especially if I have a smile on my face. There is no way you will get a physically angry response from what I said. If I swear at you and you understood what I have said, you will hear it, process it, and within milliseconds you will feel the real anger rising as a physical reality. How a thought can have such a profound physical impact on you? If you ask yourself why your feelings are attached to your thinking, you will discover a whole new world from within you that is why as human beings we need to explore ourselves further. Why do we make even smaller issues big enough to kill each other especially when it comes to our belief systems of politics of our sense of belonging.

In reality our realities are not limited to our seen and known world. We are an extremely complex and still evolving entity so our mathematically and scientifically correct world is just a branch of our knowledge. That makes it not enough for us mortal human beings to be completely fulfilled. We need to not only feed our bodies but our souls as well by believing in the spirit within and the whole spiritual world of unseen and unknown as well. Whether it is completely understood by us as an individual or not, we still need to make our choices according to our allotted time. By doing so we can not only achieve happiness and contentment at deeper level, we can be fulfilled as a healthy soul. Our responsibility is to achieve and fully experience a temporary life with all kind of wellness including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Especially as a being who is aware of personal mortality, we all should be aware of the power of our politics of sense of belonging. Our sense of belonging has the power to change even our knowledge. Remember that its not our knowledge exclusively but its all about the politics and related biased, prejudice and discrimination we need to be worried about. Religion can take you to build and construct a whole high rise on the foundation of imagination but science and mathematically correct thinking can deny all that yet It is all just because of not understanding human individual as a whole and their mortal nature.

Just look at the power of our belief systems how it can change even biology of the individual to create a placebo effects related healing. Interestingly our politics of sense of belonging touches us in the same manors as well. Our history shows that we get emotionally inspired by the political speeches to the point that we gladly go to kill and get killed in the name of our belonging groups. Even the best of us like our Prophets could not keep prejudice and discrimination out of our religious beliefs. Interestingly as an ordinary being we can feel to the point that it can be measured by checking the rise and fall of hormones of winning and losing a game of belonging sport team.

A long while back I wrote a blog titled (inferiority complex the dirty truth of humanity.) Personally I was looking for the reasons of why our politics of sense of belonging is so powerful that it makes even the most intellectual people dance like puppets. This is with the proof of science that some of us are ruled by our chemicals, that means their animal side is stronger than their spiritual side. Being religious or not some people just can’t understand the differences between two internal sides and you as yourself who suppose to balance them.

I Googled and found this and I Quote.

“Spectators testosterone levels at world cup final. Bernhardt et al(1998) conducted such a study at world cup final of 1994 (Played between Brazil and Italy). They collected salivary samples from fans of both teams prior to the game and shortly there after. You might recall that Brazil this otherwise extraordinarily boring final won on penalty kicks. The researchers obtained a statistically significant T effect such that Brazilian fans displayed an increase in their T levels whereas the Italian fans exhibited a decrease in theirs. This is quite extraordinary in that it demonstrates that we can experience a vicarious endocrinologist response. As social species, our brains have the uncanny ability to construe our favorite sports teams as part of our in-group even though we are likely to have never met the players whom we care so much about”. End Quote.

Become a gentle soul by proudly wearing your spiritual jewelry because it brings our unseen and unknowns to light. Our spiritual jewelry like personal sense of justice, compassion, ability to sacrifice, forgive, put others ahead of self and love is not going to be taught to us by our mathematically and scientifically correct knowledge. We don’t only bring these gifts from before birth we learn from the knowledge taught to us beyond the science and math. This side of human being is connected to a different class of knowledge where we can reach by believing that there is more to us than our science and technology says so. Without stepping out of our scientifically and mathematically correct knowledge we can not learn about the powers of our imagination nor we can learn about love and God.

That is the place where, when things don’t add up is the correct answer. This is the area where spiritually unaware individual can become baffled and would think others are just stupid and unaware yet it is them not looking at the importance of spiritually fulfilled mortal life. Regardless of science and religion this spirituality related side needs to be nurtured by us all to claim that we are well roundly evolved human beings. Remember our good and bad deeds are not done automatically, that is why if intoxication was in the alcohol then the bottle should dance. As human beings we drink that alcohol and choose to dance for the better or worse depending on the strength of nurtured side.


Sure we have problems with our physical side because of our insecurities and free will related actions. Our politics of sense of belonging is the one which is the real Devil of details. That is why most religions preach harsh punishments in living years and even beyond life because they want human individual to control their animal side. They have hell and heaven as carrot and stick philosophy. Which indicates that they treat anyone who does not obey the orders as animals and reward the other who obey with bribery, to me either way a human individual is treated as an animal. Real politics behind all that is, for an individual is to be trained and be responsible for their actions. Unfortunately thinking ourselves as an animal and being compelled to kill that side can be quit confusing so one has to think and choose not to be like an animal who needs to be trained. That animal side is legitimate and important to convert spirituality into physicality so it would be impossible to kill physical side and be spiritual for a human being. Remember one can’t function without the other so being spiritual depends on the physicality and without the spirit one can’t survive physically so we have to function as a human being not as a spirit or just being a physical animal.

Lack of belief and insecurities go hand in hand so our behaviors are tailored by our politics of our sense of belonging. Unfortunately if we remove the reward and fear, individual may end up to become an animal again unless we individually evolve from within. If we individually believe that we are a lot more than the perceived animal we can create balance from within. Our spiritual side get suppressed by the individual believing that God and Devil is an out side entity so choosing to commit spiritual crimes can be fine because punishments are related to the perceived hell which means after death and who knows what is going to happen after death. Since God is not stopping anyone before committing spiritual crimes human who’s spiritual side is suppressed or non existent would live like an animal. To me all the blame should go to our education of God and Devil doing everything.

Purpose of creating fear of God is to make people become good so the intentions are good but using fear to gain political strength by making individual weaker and fearful is totally different. Being good requires fearless yet out of love faith of God because interestingly our atom of autonomy within is aware of the reasons of you being good. Lets say a disobedient son gets punished and an obedient son gets rewarded by a father, that is related to father’s human nature. Connecting human traits to God is a plain and clear politics of control. Since God almighty or our personal atom of autonomy is above all the insecurity related human traits with the knowledge of the reasons behind being obedient or disobedient so thought of punishment or rewarding become unimportant.

If we believe in and nurture our personal spiritual side we can believe in ourselves as God like entity who does not have to bribed to be good or scare the hell out of us to be good. As human beings we all are not trained like animals yet still we have good people in all over the world. Ever wonder why? It is because we bring along our spiritual jewelry along from birth and we are ripped by our Godly nature like it is a preexisting condition. That is why we are not like other animals, we can understand the delayed gratification and yes even in sacrifice. Human societies have God with them since the thought of civilization.

Interestingly our deep individual happiness, contentment and satisfaction of mortal living can’t be achieved when we live our life exclusively in physical manors. Since we are not just a physical body our spiritual satisfaction and contentment come from a spiritually merged life. Life lived with spiritual values can make our mortal life not only easier to live, it potentially adds an ability to achieve happiness and contentment along the way as well.

If a scientist discovers something which can help a lot of people to live their life easier that scientist can and will feel deep satisfaction in their work and it is all because of our spiritual nature regardless of how we believe. If they look at the reasons of those feelings just like they look at their scientific knowledge there is a good possibility that they may become spiritual being themselves. It is natural for us human beings to desire helping others so behind our knowledge related discoveries we seek to help humanity to evolve as a whole but our group politics has the ability to corrupt us as individuals. Otherwise our personal sacrifice of time and energy regardless of our awareness of being a temporary being is quite fruitful spiritually.

One may think it is but our drive and desire to achieve is not always exclusively related to personal gains. If you are in it for personal gains it can be looked at differently as well. If you in it, just to fit in, impress or you have a strong desire to be admired by the people you belong to is still related to your desire to belong. If you start to break down your reasons of sense of belonging you will end up in a world of your personal unknowns. You may discover that your genetics are driving you physically but you still will have to figure out why? Whatever you know or do, you can still be a willing participant in spending all your allotted time on discovering and figuring out even you know your mortal nature. That is why there is a lot more to being a human being than being mathematically and scientifically correct.

Since we all, each and every single one of us, no exceptions are born as a CEO of our lives because our decisions to choose are our individual prerogative. If we know about ourselves and others being in a same boat, we should give each other a break for having a difference of opinion. Remember if you still have your unseen and unknown yet physical realities, you don’t have a complete knowledge. With your incomplete knowledge you just can’t assume that others should be converted to your ways of thinking or be killed.

Incomplete knowledge is a physical reality of an evolving entity like human being so thinking that we know, our ancestors or prophets knew everything there was and is to know you can be scientifically or mathematically proven wrong. That is the reason why our scientists don’t agree with our religious knowledge. Personally I believe, since we have so many different fields of knowledge and no one is a Jack of all trades. Claiming religious knowledge is a non sense or scientists don’t know what they are talking about is simply disputing each other under the influences of the politics of belonging.

Now look into history and even present day politics of belonging to our groups and see how many of us have been and still are being succumbed to our unknown related knowledge. Would we ever have our complete knowledge so our killing of each other can be stopped or even justified? Looking at our space like expanding brains, it still lands us in our unseen and unknowns. As human beings our killing each other over our evolving and expanding knowledge has always been, is and will always be an absurdity. If you believe in that you belong to a group with an ultimate knowledge you got to learn more about being a human being. Our free will and God within can be undermined by the politics of sense of belonging. If you are under the influences of politics you need to seek your spiritual or Godly side so you can know yourself beyond the politics of belonging.

Bigger guns, special war weaponry of more space related scientific and mathematical knowledge should not make one group right and command everyone to hop on their wagon. Being mortal and evolving human beings we don’t just live a physical life, we not only need to be nurtured spiritually we need to be treated equally to be happy and content as well otherwise never mind an individual a whole nation can become a victim of depression. It is about time we evolve from our animal nature to spiritually dominating human beings so we can over come our desire to rob each other of love.

History shows understanding the importance of our unseen and unknowns is as legitimate and powerful as our known and seen because our imagination is the one which can open the door to discover our mathematically and scientifically correct knowledge. I can claim that all the math and scientifically correct knowledge has evolved from our unknown and unseen as well. When it comes to responsibilities of our individually fulfilled mortal life we need to understand not only the branch of human knowledge but we need to see our life as a living breathing tree with all the branches. You can’t be just religious, believe blindly that God is doing everything because in this day and age you could be left behind by the people who don’t just believe in God or at least they believe is not a born sinner or irrelevant they know the real human placing in larger scheme of life.

Being subservient, spiritually fulfilled but physically left behind is a human individual choice so is being robbed by some other human beings who benefit from your being subservient in the name of God. To me it would be wrong because God has blessed us all to be able to become a CEO of our lives. Our evolving nature calls for us to evolve in all departments of our life. Being a CEO, its our individual responsibility not to choose one department of life because it makes us less than what God had meant for us. If we let it happen our being a CEO has no meanings, by following our religious preaching related being unimportant, irrelevant and being a sinner would never let us reach the status God had meant for us. In the nut shell I am saying that a human individual is not an irrelevant or a natural head of department, We are all CEOs with God like abilities but our politics of sense of belonging reduces us to become such a being who is being used by other human beings. God and Devil has nothing to with our irrelevance we all are treated equally by our nature so it is our individual choices that make us important. Why would one want to be irrelevant? If you want the answer why don’t you ask your self, but make sure to remove the politics of your sense of belonging to your group first. With that out the way your fogged thinking would be cleared. Remember if you can evolve in all departments as a CEO you are not only more useful to God, you are more helpful to yourself as well.

In today’s technologically advanced and still advancing world you don’t need to be left behind ridding horse buggies in fast transportation world. You can still keep your spiritual values regardless of what side you choose. In the end of the day you have to be a decent mortal being and that status can’t be achieved if you lose your CEO status. If you follow and choose to become a head of department whether it is for science and technology or for religion related unseen, unknown and unexplained still you undermine your CEO status.

Unfortunately regardless of our evolution most of us can’t achieve our CEO status because we can’t speak out against the politics of our belonging groups. Since we have been brain washed to belong to groups instead of humanity as a whole, any of our knowledge installed at our tender age has the power to even rearrange our biology to suit our group mentality. Just picture this if everybody is taught to wave the flag of their nation, religion, or even sport team, how are we going to teach our coming generations to evolve beyond this politics related reality and join humanity as a whole? Those days are long gone when groups were the only security we had. Today’s problems are pointing towards collective solutions to solve collective problems. We did not know Global warming, infectious diseases and internet related crimes even existed today our realities are clearly telling us to evolve to join humanity. Infectious diseases like Corona Virus should be a lesson for us as humanity but interestingly our group politics is still our biggest problem because regardless of all the problems we manage to kill each other for our groups even in the same nation. Finding solutions of our modern day problems is joining humanity as a whole is not only a dream it is a requirement and a reality of today.

For a brain washed individual to break out of these chains is not an easy task especially if they are threatened to be shunned and even killed by the belonging groups. Personal loyalties to the groups is an other individual dilemma one has to deal with especially if you are an evolved enough to understand that you are a human being and you logically belong to humanity as a whole. Remember China wall, just like that we all have our physical, emotional mental and spiritual walls created by our groups. As a CEO you can and eventually you will have to understand all that and deal with your internal walls to join humanity as a whole. Human being is our real and first identity and everything else is a politically installed data. Belonging to our groups are our sub identities, sure they are important but they are our stepping stones to evolve to reach our potential. Only a CEO can break through their identity crisis. Remember God, humanity and our spiritual side has nothing to do with politics and you personally are responsible to live your life with spiritual side in tacked.

If you want to look at it with a microscope do so because you will be able to see your problems are connected to your lack of spiritual awareness. Your politics just would not allow you to see that detail because all groups are threatened by the individual powers.

You can see us working humanity as a whole, by looking at our knowledge spread, from transportation, internet, science, technology to medicine and everything in between is used by the humanity to benefit from. Just look at our cell phones, cars, plans and drugs. By now you should get the picture.

When it comes to follow traditions, customs, rituals and rules of any society whether it is related to religion or scientifically and mathematically correct knowledge one has to keep this in mind that what are the reasons, purposes or objectives of those rules.

For instance if a tradition calls to pee sitting down instead standing it should have nothing to do with God or prophet but everything to do with being kosher and clean. If the purpose is not to let pee droplets to get on your cloths or your body then it should not matter how you do it. If that objective is achieved by peeing standing it should be alright but it is not alright for some people because they want to follow the tradition. In today’s world modern day urinals are designed for that purpose as well but they are designed to pee standing. If you start to look at the tradition where it came from or originated you will be able to see the picture clearly. If you pee in a sand or hard surface everything changes so our responsibility should be to achieve that objectives regardless of tradition. Keeping it clean and kosher can be easy and tricky depending on your mind set, if you have been brain washed and are compelled to follow the tradition even in this era after all the progress, you are missing the reason over the tradition.


I believe our life is a personal and individual journey and some of us end up traveling to distant places. One of the place my life took me was Iraq, it was about a week before the Iran Iraq war so most of our work did not even start. We lived in the trailer homes and our shower and toilets were in the trailers as well. Since I was able to speak English, Japanese people from management were communicating with me. One of our department head asked me about the problem I was not aware of, so I asked our Pakistani labor leader what was going on? He said toilets get blocked because people throw pieces of dirt in the toilet. Those pieces of dirt or stones were used for drying up after peeing. A tradition carried on in the religious people since the beginning of the religion. Now remember sure it was long time ago but it is still related to modern days toilets regardless of Japanese people’s attempted to provide modified toilets. Water pots and toilet papers were available but toilets were still getting blocked or plugged.

This is where our common sense should prevail but unfortunately not everyone is on the same page when it comes to our religious traditions, customs, rituals and rules. Personally I believe amending and adjusting according to our issues but everyone does not think like me so I end up explaining to Japanese individuals about the tradition while watched their perplexed looks. They were not ready to absorb that why an individual can’t use toilet paper to dry themselves. Just to mention Japanese people are not very religious people to understand the powerful ritualistic and traditional effects of religions. If we change and evolve according to the time and era we are born in, we can resolve problems as they arise.

An other event I can talk about was that my curious and questioning nature took me to up north to see and experience twenty four hour day light. My reasoning was from the desire to critically look at our sun based prayers and fasting. Again I was looking for the reasons related to our traditions, customs, rituals and rules of doing religious things. Regardless of keeping room for religious beliefs I still believe in making sense of things, even a small religious rule has to be explained with the reasons behind not forced upon to believe blindly. I believe especially when it comes to believing in God should be explained and broken down to the point that everyone can understand. I have been and I am trying to do that by writing this blog.

Back to twenty four hour day light, our daily prayers start before sun rise, mid day, after noon before sun set, at sun set and after dark. Our fasting is eat until before dawn, break fast at sun set so sun become a crucial part of our belief system. What happens when sun does not rise or does not set? Well it is time to live in the era you are born in, you can still believe in the same religion but you will have to make some amendments. That means drying your self with toilet paper which is more effective and practical than plugging the toilet. If you don’t intend to change according to the era you are born in you can end up in a pickle, just like blocking your toilet or getting confused about the reasons of your prayers because you don’t or can’t make amendments.

Respecting ancestral knowledge in similar era is one thing, following same traditions, customs, rituals and rules after thousands of years of evolution is an other. If you are a CEO of your life you would make those changes along the way but if you are under the influences of people who don’t want to change or they don’t want you to be a CEO you will end up resisting changes and suffer from self-esteem related issues. For instance if you ride a horse buggy in today’s era everyone who is going according to today’s standers they will be getting things done much faster than you. I think my point is quit clear. If you see cell phone in everyone’s hands there is a reason for that. If you don’t question it as a CEO you can end up staying stuck in past and kill each other even after all the evolution. Look at the Shea Sunni dispute they are still fighting over their ancestral war which happened so long ago that it just does not make sense to carry on killing each other.

God blessed human with not only with an evolving nature, we even have ability to heal literally in all areas of life. Physically our bodies heal cuts, wounds and even diseases so what is our excuse for not healing from the past if it is related to our religions. Shea’s scratch that wound every year to keep it fresh to pass it to their coming generations and that is all because of politics of sense of belonging to our groups. If we can learn to belong to humanity we can spend our energy in evolving and healing instead of fighting and killing each other over more than thousand of year old disputes.

Humanity, God and spirituality calls to heal and evolve but politics of sense of belonging to our groups make us defy those spiritual orders, yet interestingly in the name of God. GO FIGURE.

A modern day individual who is a CEO can figure this out easily but for the most of us our politics of sense of belonging is so powerful that we just can’t even think beyond our loyalties to our groups. Even a CEO has to dance on the command of religious traditions, customs, rituals and rules. Not to far in the history Iran revolution and in present day history of political influences in America can be used as examples. The way things are going with the guns in every house hold America can implode and it would all be because of the politics of sense of belonging to our groups whether it is racial or political it is all about belonging to groups. If we can question our sense of belonging and turn it towards humanity, things can absolutely look different. Now the question is would our groups let it happen? There is no way, it had not happened with thousands of years of civilization and evolution. It can only happen when an ordinary individual takes charge and becomes a CEO to put groups in their place and join humanity as a whole. They can override the group politics and see others as the real human beings in every race, gender, color nationality, religion and even with the difference of opinion.

As a group we get all trenched into our ancestral knowledge yet world has been changing right before our eyes. If everyone start to dig into themselves and meet that CEO, they can easily learn about the most spiritual thing which is not to do anything to anyone what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. If your belonging group calls for you to participate in their agenda or their cause, you have to use your personal sense of justice over politics of sense of belonging to act under the influences of your spiritual jewelry.

If we have always fought wars and committed spiritual crimes against each other in the name of our belonging groups that does not mean it should be continued and for ever. We need to evolve to live in the era we are born in. We need to shed our ancestral skin every year not to scratch our wounds to carry on killing each other. Always remember we are an evolving and spiritual entity so individually we don’t have to stoke the fire of prejudice and discrimination.

If Americans can’t see an American in each other how can a human individual can see a human in others. America suppose to be the beckon of democracy which brought in cream of the crops from all over the world to become a place of desire to be in. If we seek our spiritual side over our animal side no one will have to change their nation or religion. Belonging to humanity physically we may look different but spiritually we are one entity. If you ask why do we have people committing bad acts against each other? My answer would be the individual choice. We all have equal opportunity to choose good or bad but some choose to stay in a survival mode meaning they believe they are no more than physical entity or an animal exclusively. That means they are looking at life on the surface but not at the spiritual level.

Being alive usually is connected to being a physical entity, just like other animals in the bush they mark their territory, so do we, just look at the earth there are no physical lines but we have hundreds of political lines and we even want to create more in the name of our sense of belonging to our groups. Since we are a unique entity we have to be physical to be spiritual and spiritual to be good physically. All our good thoughts come from our spiritual side yet only when our stomachs are full. If you don’t agree with me try not to eat for couple of weeks and then try to read Qur’an or Bible to actually follow the instructions. If you dig further into you will discover that you will leave the best looking girl of your dream behind for a bite of food never mind God. Your identity is a human being not a spirit nor an animal, in order to be a human being both sides have to be there and you can’t separate them unless you die.

You are alive with the help of functioning universe externally and internally on top of all that you are not functioning on your own you need help from oxygen to favorable circumstances. Point is that you don’t just function with your will otherwise you will conquer mortality first if everything was under the command of your will. Bottom line is that you need help to be even thinking so should you be claiming that all your achievements are exclusively yours? Unfortunately this has been and is a spiritual flaw which does not conclude with the individual, collectively we believe to be doing that as well.

Disregarding even the thought of oxygen and favorable environment as a help from our unknown and unseen is being dishonest. Trillions of our personal cells and non self bacteria working together to keep us alive with the immense complexities are disregarded by the people who don’t believe in external help yet claim that their living is because of their doing. Personally I would rather believe in that help from unknown as a fact and not to take all the credit for my living as my doing. Sure we look at life differently but not acknowledging help of our unknowns is denying spirituality. It is imperative to over come our egotistic side to be spiritually aware. We are doing it all but after we have taken in that breath which we can’t function without. How and why do we justify that its me or us? Usually, either we don’t want to look at it as a simple thing or we collectively teach everybody that it is all you. To me taking that help and shamelessly denying it, is not only wrong it is a spiritual deficiency.

When you consider yourself as just a physical entity, your ability to ask questions has been compromised by the education you have received at your tender age. You can feel the importance of the body but you neglect the main component or essence of you being alive. Either you neglect to look at the spiritual side or you are too caught up to see your mortal nature.

We see people die everyday yet we still don’t think about our mortal nature regardless of our awareness. We can manage to deliberately forget it because we are taught not to think about it until we get old. Business of living as a physical body is different than as a soul or spirit. We are taught to not to think so we can shrink that spiritual side of our being to the point that we lose our status of being a real human being what we were suppose to be. Our living body is an animal side exclusively which requires oxygen, water and food but as a complex entity like human being we don’t get fulfilled just by being alive. We need to comply with our nature at deeper levels to be happy and content.

If you feel that your happiness and contentment is just related with being alive as a creature you will be drawn to physical and material living which will lead you to a rude awakening as you become aware of that you will have to leave everything behind without having to enjoy life at the level of deeper happiness and contentment. That deeper satisfaction, happiness and contentment comes from dressing up your soul or spirit with spiritual jewelry like compassion, sacrifice, forgiveness and love most religions talk about but fight and kill each other with passion in the name of politics of belonging groups.

As a CEO we all should be able to think and see beyond the politics of manipulation and control. Emotionally charged situations and political influences have the powers to effect one’s thinking abilities. To the point that people are willing to justify all kind of spiritually wrong actions. They hide behind their belonging groups and worse than that is, their belonging groups shelters them to make them heroes. That makes matters even worse for the individual because as an individual we all have to answer to our God like entity sitting right within us. If you ask an individual who is damaged with guilt of killing innocents during the wars they will be able to explain it clearly that how strong our atom of autonomy within can be.

Look back and think about your own history and see where do you really stand as an individual? Are you who is brain washed to the point that you have become just an extension of an ideology or do you believe in yourself being an independent entity who is responsible for personal actions. Can you see and understand the responsibilities of living in the era you are born in.

Since the can of worms has been opened for thousands of years you can’t just put all the civilization and evolution related progress back into it. Getting back to those prejudicial and discriminatory day of religious glory is not practical nor it is possible in the era of equal human rights. Stop trying and learn to cope with the evolution as God’s will. If it was not meant from God it would not have happened, remember either you believe in God’s will or not. Make a clear decision so you can see the politics of sense of belonging hidden in your plain sight. Sense of belonging related respect for an ideology is one thing and killing each other over it with nuclear weaponry is an other. We all need to evolve for God sake to smell the roses of the cell phones and equal human rights era we are born in.

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