I am going to start this one with a statement that.
Purpose of spirituality or God related knowledge is to help human individuals to navigate through a mortal life with some happiness and contentment. If these two are missing for you stand up and ask questions about politics of sense of belonging dominant religious beliefs system.
Look at your own belief system and remember to understand that you don’t have to change to any other religion nor you have to become an atheist. All you have to do is to understand and adopt to spiritual messages but question political influences related traditions, customs, rituals and rules. That makes one to become prejudice and discriminatory being. Even by doing only that you will be able to find real gems of spirituality within your belonging religions. Providing you understand the politics of sense of belonging you will be able to reach what religions are and should be all about. If it says believe in God do so but do it wholeheartedly, meaning without a doubt so you can benefit from having a belief system. A belief system is asking you to believe in God’s will, if you do that potentially you can not only become fearless but reduce stresses of daily life. Which is an essential asset for a mortal being. When you have to jump the cliff of faith religions help to remove fear of death.
Look and learn real meanings of compassion so you can see how the politics of sense of belonging to our groups robs us of the com before passion. Then you should learn to go down the list of spiritual jewelry so you can reap the real benefits of having an unquestionable faith.
To me its not that God wants human obedience, it has been, is and will always be other human beings who want human obedience. Remember in reality obedience is a hindrance not an asset for an evolving entity like human beings. Our evolution is not a knowledge simply passed on to us by our ancestors it is ingrained within us from before our birth and it connects us to who and what we really are. If evolution was not from God religions would have succeeded in keeping us from evolving. Being obedient and subservient is asked by our Mullahs and Priests so our religions carry on as a significant political authority. In reality obedience is against our evolution so it is against our nature and that is where I believe human beings were never meant to be an entity who can be contained in the political ponds of security. Since our struggles bring us to achieve higher levels in everything we do we should not be buying into everything our belonging groups sale. I can imagine where would we be today if we were all obedient and faithful to our ancestors. Our behaviors are interesting thing to look at, why some of us believe blindly what our belonging groups preached to us and some of us just reject it all as religious mambo jumbo yet still some us try to make some sense out of everything we do yet with and open mind.
To me it is not the presence of faith but the absence of it make us all defensive, political and group oriented to the point that we are willing to kill each other. Personally I believe if you really, really, and I mean really believe in God why would you be even fighting over who is right? Where does accepting things as God’s will go especially when you get into political disputes?
Our individual and collective fears of being proven wrong has been and is in the foundation of our wars or disputing psyche, so we go to extreme regardless of our belonging groups. Since we have been and are aware of our mortality, we have always been curious and are focused on what happens in after life. Unfortunately sometimes even more than what is actually going on in our physically living life. Being mortal and being insecure goes hand in hand so more insecure you feel further you can be brain washed to believe in scenarios of life after death. We literally not only believe into and follow our belonging groups or ancestors related belief systems we literally and constantly seek security whether it is in living years or in after death.******
That does not mean there is no scenario to believe in, personally I believe when we end up on the cliff of faith we have to have courage to jump without hesitation and our belief systems take a top spot to help us when we really need it. Being a mortal we don’t really have any kind of solid security so we need to have faith related scenarios to feel secure. Yes even if it is based on unexplained and unknown. If you try to believe in numbers and scientifically correct knowledge, which preaches us to believe in a constantly expanding explosion which happened billions of years ago. Either way if you are constantly trying to secure yourself whether it is in living years or trying to secure a spot in heaven, it is a clear sign of individual insecurities. As a spiritually aware being we need to understand and put everything in place to live a successful and comfortable mortal life, what happens in after life should not be related to fear or greed.
Egyptian history clearly shows that people tried to take their material things along to their tombs for after life yet just to be robbed by us in different era. Desire to secure ourselves has always been there and is easy to understand but letting it effect us to the point that it can make us rob our own happiness and contentment out of our living years, it is going or have gone too far.
If you find yourself being unhappy and discontent it really means you have gone too far to secure yourself. One can live within or out side the boundary lines of religious preaching s but life still goes on for the individual. Unfortunately regardless of our evolution our mortality has never changed so it is crucial to understand ourselves.
It is still hard to find an individual even in this day and age who can really think beyond the politics of sense of belonging to their groups. Belonging groups are aware of all that and they take full advantage of individual insecurities. As a result regardless of our evolution we still keep killing each other and just can’t get around the politics of belonging to our groups.
Even all the signs are pointing towards the need for humanity to work together as a whole, we still can’t untangle ourselves from group politics. Just look at what is going on in America they are a very good example right now. From Corona virus to global warming to endless wars and sufferings of the individual from the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. It all need solutions yet we are still under the spells of belonging groups. Unfortunately our politicians can’t do anything about it because they are insecure about their reelection. It is important for us to all become a CEO of our lives so our individual awareness is badly needed.
If we want things to change we all need to take that required leap of faith beyond the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups.
It is not going to happen if we don’t bring it down to individual level because our groups are under the political influences and they have failed us regardless of all the civilization. Group politics is literally founded on the prejudice and discrimination so regardless of how you look at it, its good for some but not for all. Whether it is race, color, gender, nation or religion our evolution level is still lower than where we should be by now. Just look at how far we are going with our science and technology yet our politics of sense of belonging keeps us in our pigeon holes. Simple solution would be to evolve in all areas equally. We are evolving leaps and bonds but it is lob sided when it comes to our nationalism and religions so evolving beyond would be required not as groups but as an individual. Interestingly things happen to start with the individual sufferings so we all individually need a personal soul searching.
Ask yourself personally how are you going to achieve that level of evolution where you can question not only your personal behaviors but the politics of your belonging group as well? If your deeply rooted insecurities are behind your political belonging, you just can’t even think beyond your ability to think. Regardless of each and everyone of us hold our atom of autonomy related free will, we are seriously suffering and create sufferings for the individual. So to me we all have individual problems. If we can evolve beyond this politically installed group politics we can easily see the solutions but that is if we evolved beyond the politics of our belonging.
All the necessary ingredients are built within us individually yet we are brain washed to the point that we can’t even see how our politics of sense of belonging keeps us believing being unsafe without belonging groups.
Interestingly when it comes to our individual mortality all they can do is to pray for us. Reality is that we have no real security because of our mortal nature so belonging to humanity would be a better bet. Ask yourself if you are not even willing to think beyond your group interests, how are you going to join equal human rights for all with your heart and soul?
Your first step towards eliminating conflicts of humanity is and should be to look at your personal and belonging group’s actions. If they are crossing the spiritual lines, you personally should stand for equal human rights. If you don’t like to be on the receiving end of yours or your belonging group’s actions, your personal sense of justice should kick in. Remember your personal sense of justice is a sign of your strength and that can’t and doesn’t come easily if you are not a CEO of your life. If you become a CEO of your life, you would be able to spiritually evolve and look at yourself in the mirror without any guilt.
If you are one of those people who always ask for God’s help with some miracles, you have to find out where your desires and hard work are mismatching and where is that coming from? If it is coming from the people who you believe blindly then you may have to look at the reasons of those preaching s. If these preaching s are preached to you as religious and sacred things still you have to question the motives behind. Understanding that can help you to see the causes and consequences.
For instance if you live your whole life saving and living frugally, while hopping to live lavishly in eternal life. You personally will have to make some sense of out of your behavior because living that way not only makes you to live poorly even God has blessed you with more. Having oxygen and functioning body are the things with when you have a say so living for after life can be good to keep you in line. Now ask yourself why do you have to be scared to be a good person or why do you need bribery to be a decent human being? Your actions should be reciprocation and duty based so you don’t have to fear as you proceed beyond the cliff faith. Living poorly is a choice should one make but we all have to be aware of what follows. If we take and take but don’t give, it potentially can removes money from circulating and it is not done by the rich exclusively poor people are guilty as well. Life should be lived according to the means but our priorities are confused by the politics of sense of belonging, we try to fit in, we try to impress and we die trying to be admired by our belonging groups.
The way things are going in the world money is going to 1% of the population yet 99% stay behind. I am not going to point who is at fault but by looking at it logically I can say that a wealthy individual’s wealth is only safe with the stronger government with law and order yet they want the weaker and smaller government. It is odd to see that, they can’t see far in the future. Conservatives and republicans want less of the government and more of the freedom to make money yet without paying taxes. That actually can work against them in the long run, for instance if money keeps going to the top 1% potentially poor would starve. If community reaches to that point pendulum can swing towards not to bring socialism but communism just like Russia had experienced. Remember you can only push so far, to me democracy and equal human rights are the best things humanity has come up with so far. Going back and forth should not be an option because we are an evolving entity so strive to go forward. If we have equal human rights all organizations including governments and religions become one individual so they have just as much rights as much one single individual would have. You just can’t beat prejudice and discrimination without this spiritually solid knowledge and no one with the personal sense of justice can deny equal human rights.
If poor is in a survival mode the respect of law and order would suffer so creating more jails or hiring more police can be even more pricier than having some spiritual rules enforced. If your wealth and even life is not safe what is the purpose to have more money? Simply ponder your mortal nature to discover the real value for the things you value and attain while you are alive.
In the past wars, natural disasters and infectious diseases could balance off economics but today regardless of Corona virus taking its tole humanity is much more advanced. So we should not let natural disasters balance our economies and we just can’t go back and forth with our governing systems instead we should adopt the best of all our systems. For instance universal health care and helping the poor are as spiritual as it ca get but they are undermined by the politicians as things from socialism. Politics aside just look at the purpose of your life, it is all about reciprocation. What does God need from you in return for a functioning body and functioning universe so you can have free oxygen. NOTHING. BUT HELP EACH OTHER SO IF SOMEONE IS PRAYING YOU CAN FULFILL THEIR PRAYERS PHYSICALLY, THAT IS HOW RECIPROCATION WORKS AND IT IS FOR YOU BECAUSE YOU GET NOT ONLY SPIRITUAL SATISFACTION YOU CAN REMOVE ALL YOUR MORTALITY RELATED FEARS YET INTERESTINGLY REGARDLESS OF ANY RELIGIOUS BELONGING.
Nations with the highest level of individual satisfaction and happiness are not necessarily our most powerful nations. They may appear to be following rules of socialism but in reality they are practicing spiritual rules so we all can learn something from them.
If the governing system is not fair things can go wrong for even the most comfortable people. Not only they will have to find security for themselves but for their wealth as well so stronger government can become essential. Days of caves and bush are gone where individual strength was an asset today in urban jungle security system have changed so we do need not only a stronger governments but a good education system as well so the individual can learn to self regulate. How you are going to run a stronger government if you don’t have a tax system which to me should be looked at as a reciprocation system.
A starving and unhealthy individual in the society is not only the responsibility of the individual exclusively community has its responsibilities as well. To me if a community can’t take care of its sick, weak and vulnerable it is not a spiritually healthy community. I believe in maximum freedom and equal justice to all but if one can’t restraint because of hunger I believe it should be a shame for the society they belong.
A peaceful political protest is one thing but a starving mob can be really destructive because they have nothing to lose so you can tighten the vice only so far. If a civil war breaks contrary to the popular belief being in 1% against 99% suddenly can become a very uncomfortable place to be.
I normally don’t look at life with all the doom and gloom scenarios but I feel if I can talk about it, some minds may change. I feel its my duty to point out the consequences of the problems we are facing. If we are spiritually evolving we need to go forward not back word. If solutions of our problems are to fill prisons, shoot and kill for our security what would be the difference in the cave times or urban jungle? Nothing, especially after all the civilization in science and technology, we individually should be able to show that we have become more civilized in the areas other than science an technology as well. If anything makes us rob our spirituality it should be looked at as a common threat not only to the individual but collectively as well. Simply it is not practical and there is no way a government is going to be able to hire a police person for every citizen so self regulation is the life line for our security system. If you can understand that you would not drive people to starvation or to the point where they have nothing to lose. Logic should prevail and logically our civil obedience mostly dependent on the individual self restraint and regulation. Restraining animal side depends on the full stomach so starving animal has no respect for any law and order.We have been and are still experimenting with different kind of rules and strict punishments but it is as clear as a day light. That as the vice tightens not only all the law and order but religious rules and God takes a hick because all our civilization related rules and ethics are things of full stomach. If that 1% gets greedy and push a little too far it may back fire for them. All our civilization is hanging with that thread of how far you can push especially if you consider your mortality is a fact not a fiction.
A perfect balance is related with the individual understanding of spiritual rule of reciprocation. If you just take, take and take or give, give and give it simply does not work in the real world because we all have a limited time to be happy as well. Simply there would be a chaos if you have people constantly hoarding or people staying on government’s help for generations. If everyone of us focuses on the reciprocation as a duty things would move smoothly and people would be blessed with happiness and contentment as well even with the knowledge of mortality.
Nothing including yourself lasts forever and especially unfairness always has its days numbered. Just look into human history, we have not only normal graveyards for people but for royalties, kingdoms, empires, emperors, dynasties, communism and authoritarianism as well. In present days democracy and related equal human rights are getting some wind under their wings so they are becoming like a new religion for the world. Would all that last? Only time will tell because we are an evolving entity. So far equal human rights are the most spiritual thing humanity has given us. Notice even if talked about spirituality. I did not mention any religion. That is because they bring and relate the most demeaning things like prejudice and discrimination to God. To me God is not for some and not for all so God is not a political entity and should not be used for political reasons.
It all works especially for the individual who knows all about their mortal nature, they can understand and create balance between their physical and spiritual needs. Collectively if we lose balance or follow our prejudicial and discriminatory politics to govern we may favor some but not all so it is not going to happen unless we evolve from the politics of sense of belonging. If prejudice and discrimination is running rampant community will lose individuals and eventually that will bring even the strongest of the govern downing system down. You can play with politics and go only so far but again eventually if there is no balanced justice things will fall apart.
Normally individuals can solve their issues especially if they are related to material things but if pride and ego gets involves things can go on longer, but when it comes to us collectively it is a different ball game altogether. Since collective pride and ego involves shame as well, losing ego and pride with the fear of shame can become deadly and lasting. So we need more knowledge about ourselves. Solving problems with iron fist has been around since beginning but it only brings peace temporarily but never a permanent solution so looking into spiritually sound rules can be a useful strategy.
If you believe your knowledge is an ultimate truth and batter than all others, you are actually a victim of the politics of prejudice and discrimination. Whether its religious or otherwise, spiritually you just can’t be prejudicial because by believing that you are making God a prejudicial and discriminatory entity as well. If you are science oriented and don’t believe in religious beliefs you still are a prejudicial and discriminatory individual. Remember you simply can’t learn basic human understanding from science exclusively. Are you willing to deny something which can be very beneficial and useful for humans individually and collectively as societies. Just imagine a society without the secure feelings of friendship, compassion, bravery, sacrifice, honor, respect, forgiveness, care and above all love. Now remember we are not taught all the above scientifically and we just can’t live especially a mortal life without our spiritual jewelry. Unless you start to look at ourselves as being a social creature, scientifically. Remember you just can’t put these things in numerically or scientifically correct way to live a mortal life, at least not yet.
Personally I believe this life is a test of our real standing in the larger scheme of life and as a equally reciprocating authority. Remember this is where we all are physically useful to God and it is not a metaphoric way to look at it. Our physical nature to convert spirituality into action based Godly work is the key most religions have been hiding because that makes human individual relevant and most important aspect of the spiritual picture. If you look at the work of human beings you can see they are not only serving humanity they are actually trying to save other creatures from extinction as well so our being alive is crucial to the whole religious and spiritual picture. Yet every religion puts so much emphasis and talks about life after death. Sure it is good to live a humble life but looking at the religious monuments in the world and their influences on people clearly shows what happens to the money an ordinary individual spends on religious rituals traditions and customs. If everyone lives frugally we save money but what happens to it? If it is not spent it accumulates and gets out of the circulation or as the news says political religions have to launder it. There are some people who know how to use money to make more money so it has the potential to become asset for small number of people, even religions have a lot of properties they have to sale to pay for the sexual crimes committed by the priests.
If money does not circulate rich gets richer and poor gets poorer, what does that mean to you? To me it is as if we don’t have a mortal nature, so we plan to live either forever or plan to pass it on to our off springs and so on. Since we have a history of conquering each other to rob land and resources of each other, which makes us just like other creatures. As human beings it is ingrained within us to evolve so we have a need to evolve especially spiritually to become better. Not worse with our weapons of mass destruction.
If we don’t nurture our spiritual side we end up believing that life is just the numbers and scientifically correct knowledge. If you live scientifically correct life you still will have to believe in something that happen billions of years ago. By becoming adamant about it you actually take a whole chunk of human knowledge related experiences out of it. If life is missing a whole chunk of real and meaningful aspects of it, individually one can suffer. If your belonging group is not evolving or evolving but with imbalances, individually it is your personal duty to understand everything about your mortal nature and live accordingly. If you are missing your spiritual jewelry, attain it, so you don’t have to feel insecure within your mortal skin whether it is for living years or after life. Spiritually bankrupt individual or a group of people would always feel insecure and hoard to the point that they make a habit of it which carries on even in their thoughts of after life so heaven becomes a goal to achieve and hell becomes something to avoid that means life after death becomes more important than living years for the followers yet in reality God needs our physicality.
There is a lot of promotion to ask help from God, to me God had has been doing Godly job by helping where we can’t help ourselves. For instance we can’t live without oxygen and a functioning body. If we have that we need to use our atom of autonomy to really follow our potential. If asking for more than that help, helps and gives comfort to the individual then it is great but if not kept in check this can lead the individuals not to put efforts in life to evolve. With lack of individual efforts collectively we all face the side effects of it.
Money gets removed from circulation and we stall our progress. Problems related to 1% vs 99% arise from accepting status quo. If you look at it with magnifying glasses you will see most religious people side with 1%. One can wonder why? What would be the reason? Why they preach about God yet hoard and side with non spiritual practices? They always stand against socialism yet most of spiritual things are practiced by the socialism. If you look for what are the hidden causes of our extreme poverty? I can bet one of them for sure is our belief systems and close second would be feelings of our insecurity. Believing in God suppose to be for spirituality all the way but God without spirituality would removes reciprocation as duty while we are alive. When you are constantly told to ask help from God without your personal efforts you start to believe that somehow miracles will happen for you and you will live happily ever after or worse happily ever after life. Either way it puts people in poverty so the rich can stay richer yet with the help of so called religious people.
If you want to make some sense out of spirituality, personally you will have to learn one simple thing, your hard work is compromised by the education of living a life for after life. Remember you are meaningful to God in your living years because it is you who is making things happen physically. If you swing your hand as hard you can, if it doesn’t hit the other hand there is no spiritual sound. So it does not make sense especially when it comes to the individual life. As groups well that becomes absolutely an other story because of our politics. If there are people who want money to go in the hands of 1% they will always keep the ordinary individual believing in God and from hard work. If people believe God will provide for them and they don’t have to work for it. I talk about triangles so the one fits here is like this Luck, Opportunity and Hard work. If you are lucky you would get the opportunity by God given oxygen and a functioning body. If you work hard chances are things will fall in place for you because all three are important so if you miss one of them things may not turn out for you as you want or have planed.
Interestingly we are all taught by our elders to hoard, secure and live frugally, in the nut shell meanings don’t trust God yet try to impress others so you will look like a success to other people. A clear sign of powerful sense of belonging, whether you are happy or not is not their way of success. As usual one of my other triangle says Health, Happiness and Success. When I talk about healthy, that means all kind of health including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. If you are not healthy you simply can’t be happy and if you are not healthy and happy in your living years you life is not a success no matter how much you have hoarded or how you look at it. You can look at it from all angles, no matter how you cut it this picture is clear for all people alive especially who understand their mortal nature.
Mortality related spirituality should teach us to focus on real work of God by helping to eradicate extreme poverty, help the sick by providing universal health care or help the individual going difficult times. To me if a community can’t take care of its weak, sick and vulnerable it is not a healthy community yet I find it very interesting that regardless of spiritual values of these actions they are constantly disputed by both rich and religious communities. They prefer to elect a governing system which runs government like a business. Now remember business is a profit based venture and spiritual reciprocation is non profit but give and take exclusively. So responsibility is from both sides but they remove all the spiritual aspects of human life yet they talk about life after death and God as if they are the contractors of God. Personally I believe rich gets richer and poor gets poorer is not because of God but by human’s animal side related insecurities. So involving God is like removing personal responsibilities of our actions. Never forget that we are the one who makes God’s work or spirituality possible by adding our physical hands, backs and shoulders to it.
Any governing or political system would automatically lean towards attaining powers to have control over the population. That is why I believe religious beliefs should not be in the business of governing people, especially for two reasons. First of all in order to rule we need politics which bends and twists the truth, so truth is not in the foundation or on a solid ground of physical realities so they will become prejudicial and discriminatory. Second religions are based on the belief systems of God which is beyond the normal understanding of an evolving entity like human individual, so it would always end up taking one to the metaphoric cliff of belief systems. Where you will have to believe in that path of foot prints you have been following. Would that be there when you jump over the cliff to enter after life scenario or not. If you are on the cliff and you have the comfort coming from your reciprocation to keep you going fearlessly not only you are good to go in your living years but for after life as well. So in the nut shell honest reciprocation directly with God is your ticket to live and die fearlessly otherwise the fear of death is inevitable regardless of prayers and fasting. Your real and practical prayers are your duty to reciprocate while you are in your living years period.
We need to keep our religions for our spiritual living but in physical living we have different needs to abide by like law and order and justice system where we need to have clearly written laws so questioning would not be easy, if you have your laws based on religious beliefs anyone who belongs to different religion or even people who don’t believe in God can question it all.
Since religious belief systems preach that their way is the only and the right way to God and the world of after life. That automatically makes them being prejudiced and discriminatory against the one who does not believe like them or even the individual in the same religion who does not follow religious rules to the tee. If we follow our religions and believe everything what they say especially in today’s world we will end up against equal human rights to me that is absolutely wrong. We will make even God a prejudicial and discriminatory entity as well. To me that becomes a double spiritual crime because not only you personally are committing a spiritual crime you are implicating God in it as well. If you don’t have solid understanding about God and are an evolving entity like human being you have been living with a partial truth anyway because tomorrow your knowledge may change. Just like today human rights are superseding religious beliefs. With partial truth one can’t penalize others because they can take matters to the court of law where things need to be proven with the solid truth. Legally we can’t prove God one way or the other yet we still take oath by putting our hands on Qur’an or Bible to tell the truth. Should this practice be carried on is the question because people lie all the time whether they have their hand on the holy book or not, their promise to tell the truth and nothing but the truth can be false regardless of the religion they follow. I find it odd that our court systems still have such practice. If everyday people swear to God and promise to tell the truth yet don’t keep their promises like marriage ceremony fails fifty percent of the times yet that practice is still carried on as a religious customs and traditions. In the nut shell religions are part of our life but they are losing their importance because of their vulnerabilities to the politics of sense of belonging to their groups, involving God as human like figure, making individual as insignificant and in general straying from spirituality related truths. God is like a body and we are the cells so there are no favorite cells, if you believe in it do so but don’t get God involve in it because if it is good for some it is political and I wholeheartedly believe God is not political.