This is to carry on from the last one so staying on the same subject, as I said being human beings we naturally have a powerful ability to create a reality from our thoughts and imagination. Trouble is that it works both way, if you envision and really, really believe in that wholeheartedly you can actually convert your thoughts into physical realities. Not only you can create harmful physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health issues for yourself. Depending on your depth you can actually feel the direct connection between yourself and God. That means you can have the ability to individually heal or harm yourself by creating your thoughts related individual realities. Regardless of our modern day evolution and advancements in western societies, meditation is progressively becoming popular. Stressed individuals right across the globe can use some spiritual awareness to cope with day today ailments. Sure it is an eastern philosophy but today meditation can be found in all over the world. Underestimating yourself is not really a God given trait, it is installed by our belonging groups for political purposes and yes even by our political religions as well. If you are told by the your accepted authority that you are not in a position to related with God directly. You will have to have a middle man like Prophets or religious Mullahs and Priests to reach God almighty. Automatically you will believe in it because it came from your accepted authority like parents and society your belonged or born into. You will live according to the traditions, customs, rituals and rule of your belief system yet without questioning.
Side effects like, believing yourself being irrelevant, unimportant and losing your self-esteem to underestimate yourself is very useful to the authorities you belong to. If you don’t question what happens to you? You lose your self importance? If that happens it would be easier for the group to politically influence you and use you as their puppet for political agendas. That is why they are for your individual weakness as a human being. They promote individual irrelevance. Contrary to the old style politics even though a whole lot of strong individual are harder to control politically but they actually bring more to the table and make a smarter and stronger group. As humanity we have tried most and all kind of governing and political systems. We went through kingdoms, religions, empires, authoritarianism, socialism and communism but nothing came as close to popularity as democracy itself. Democracy brought voting to popularize equal human rights to work against prejudice and discrimination. Foundational assets of modern day successful societies are not only the right kind of pay for the job but feelings of not being less than others because of gender, race, color, nation or belief system. People flock towards societies where they can find equal human rights and are not treated with prejudiced and discrimination which makes those societies excel because of their citizens talented contributions. When you have freedom of speech and room to excel you can use your imagination to create a better society than otherwise. If any nation which became stronger because of its smart citizens becomes authoritarian and disrespects its individuals, that would be a start of its decline because the individual would always go where they are valued.
If you find yourself building a building on a foundation what may or may not be real to you or even if it is there. You have to learn to honestly communicate with yourself just like in meditation. If even your self communication is politically influenced you can’t be honest even with yourself. You need to discuss the reality of your foundation which may or may not be understood by you clearly. More real it is to you the better because personally you don’t have that much time to waste over anything not even for your politics of belonging.
Not only you have short time, you are the responsible one for your time as well because you have to take care of your mortal life. If you find, it is hard to find yourself under all the influential identities. Just look at your personal desires, if you desire to fit in, impress others or are dying with the desire to be admired by the others. You need to keep your mortal nature in front of you because there are two sides to this mortal coin. Remember if you live for the people, potentially you can do injustice to yourself and if you live for yourself exclusively, you still can do the injustice to yourself. As human beings we are not only just a physical creature exclusively we are a spiritual entity as well. If you exclusively feed and comfort yourself physically, spiritually you could be starving yourself so at least logically either extreme can not be successful in fulfilling you especially as a mortal. When you are spiritually starved simply you can’t be content and happy. As I said keep your mortal nature in front more often, by doing that you can catch yourself from straying towards extreme.
Understand the power of your imagination so you can benefit from it instead of harming yourself from it. One of the two sides of this coin can not only create anxiety and related self inhibitions, isolation, limited life and self harm to mention a few, you can easily join in to harm others because you are unable to use your personal sense of justice. On the other side if you visualize, pray and reciprocate you can create a whole different picture from within. For example even with physically working out you can not only achieve bigger muscles as reality, you can go much further to even connect to God directly. Condition is you being positive pure and clear, if your mind is full of million things like doubts in believing in God and even in yourself, you would be everywhere but nowhere. You wouldn’t be able to achieve what other less evolved creatures can, like changing colors to blend with environment. If you don’t understand yourself you will be bogged down in day today survival and related anxiety. Your negative thoughts will create those physical realities for you so to resolve your problems you will have to again self communicate and remember to be honest with yourself. Believing in being a victim of others is one thing blaming others for your short comings is an other so learn about and find your spiritual self to connect and reciprocate directly with the source or I should say God.
If things are built for you by others you may become a good soldier for those who built things for you. Meaning your belonging group but for sure not God. That may give you good feelings of fitting in, impressing, or being admired by your belonging group but that is all about the sense of belonging exclusively. If you ignore your sense of freedom you simply are not running at your full capacity as a full human being which God had meant for you. If potentially you are an independent entity by God and you don’t use that ability you are not living with full potential so as I said you can be a good soldier but you are not a CEO what you were suppose to be. Following our groups have been and still is leading us to politically inspired conflicts where we hurt and kill each other for political purposes. As human beings we all, no exception come with our own and personal atom of autonomy related free will so in the end of the day we all are responsible for our actions. If you say I did not have choice, sure that can be the case but you still have to communicate with your atom of autonomy sitting right within you. A physical and material life what you live from the out side may be different but within, you simply can’t be dishonest especially with yourself. You have to use all the abilities you bring along, especially your spiritual side which holds all the spiritual jewelry like compassion, personal sense of justice love and everything in between. If you are spiritually aware and have a grip on you being a human being you will understand the importance of personal sense of justice otherwise politics of belonging can chew and spit you out like you have no value. AGAIN IT IS ALL UP TO YOU INDIVIDUALLY BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HAS THE BUILT IN ATOM OF AUTONOMY.
Don’t forget if you are born into any particular race, gender, nation, religion or even a group without any belief system. You can’t and should not be punished for that because you absolutely have no control or a say in the process of your birth. Logically and spiritually you can’t be responsible for your birth as whatever color, gender, nation or religion you are born in and you personally can’t punish anyone else for that either. Now look around and even look back into your history and see what our nations, races and religions have done in this department. If you are ruled by the politics of sense of belonging, you have to be honest and use your personal and spiritual sense of justice to see how and what your belonging race, nation or religion have done to innocents yet in the name of God.
We have been evolving from our cultures of divisions, even some of our religious people say you are a born sinner, making even God spiritually wrong because punishing someone who is innocent is wrong in all courts of justice. Our political bias, prejudice, discrimination and even related actions against each other all land into the vicinity of spiritual crimes committed by our nations and religions openly yet with pride.
If you harm yourself or others just because you or someone else had built your realities from thoughts of you being superior in any way. Automatically you are on the wrong side of this spiritual coin because you came with the free will so it is you who chooses individually. We should use our thoughts related realities for the benefits of self and humanity simultaneously yet we have been bogged down with our unfortunate political realities of belonging to our groups.
Our problem is that politically we have been and are keeping the individual from realizing their potential because they themselves believe that they are irrelevant, unimportant and even are sinners yet that has nothing to do with God.
All the sins are dependent on or are according to the society’s rules and era we live in, just look at it from today’s point of view, previous sins are not sins anymore and previously accepted good things like racism, prejudice and discrimination are widely accepted as bad things and sins of today. Hurting or punishing an innocent has always been wrong but politically has been accepted by even organized religions. Pope is just coming around and accepting modern day changes or I should say realities of today. Personally I don’t believe it is coming from spiritual side of the religion but it is a political decision because if you go against equal human rights it can put religious building for sale even for one dollar. (Read God’s house for sale)
Our imagination may not be similar to our ego but both have two sides to them which makes them similar so we should go for their beneficial sides exclusively. Often as an individual and even collectively we politically choose harmful sides of them. If you individually are an able CEO you can be wise enough to see both sides of them. Other wise being influenced by the politics of sense of belonging you will end up choosing harm full side, especially if you are not careful. We harm others yet ourselves as well by going to war whether it is an external or an internal.
Our buildings of imaginations are not based on realities but we create them anyway. When we go to war and kill each other over our belief systems we create physical reality from our unknown realities. This can be a good example of God crossing lines to become real but with the wrong meanings all because of politics of our belonging. Right way should be to understand spiritual compassion, peace and love. Yet we have been and are still choosing passionate wars and its not because of spiritual God, its all because of politics. Whether God is real or not to you, if you take part into your political wars and politically use God as on your side you are taking part into tarnishing God with human emotional politics.
I personally don’t put too much emphases on my unknowns like instead of having an opinion on witch craft, psychics, horoscope, fortune telling, exorcism, ghosts, magic, going to the tombs of dead saints or prophets and asking for help. Any thing extra ordinary or clearly not physical or understood is and should be considered as unknown and unclear for us all because we are still in the evolving mode. Instead of believing in all that blindly or going in egotistic assumptions and down right rejecting them, I put them in the basket of my unknowns. As long as we are evolving there should not be any disrespect for any human knowledge so to me that is a healthy way to look at things. If you are not open to learn anything new, you are using your ego and are following your politically installed assumptions related ya or nay.
Thinking about these things brings me back to creating physical realities out of our thoughts and imagination. If you really really believe in these extraordinary and beyond understanding of an ordinary human being’s abilities, you will be looking for them just to believe in, so any strange thing can become real for you. Since I don’t make them big enough in my real life I have not experienced them, but if you ask me how real is God to me? My answer is, without human beings in the picture things at least logically lose their physicality. Now do I believe in our Godly and spiritual realities? Without a doubt. When a human individual is feeding a hungry human being or any other creature especially without any expectations or strings attached I see how God is physically working through ordinary human beings. Look around and see all the social good has been and still is being done by living breathing God. Depending on how you look at God? If you have been taught that God is doing everything and you mean nothing, that would logically be wrong because God needs human individuals to work Godly magic. Now where you put God in your personal life? If God is on the pedestal and you literally are insignificant or out of the picture altogether, you have intentionally been brain washed politically. Belonging groups try to make sure that you yourself don’t believe in your relevance. If you believe that you are not important and even are a born sinner it is because they want to make sure that you don’t have self-esteem to speak your mind and are easily controlled.
If you really want to discover your real self just look within you, if you find your atom of autonomy you will find God like entity within yourself. I don’t want to talk about the Devil within you because I believe if you are influenced by the politics and you do evil things for your belonging groups is the logical Devil. You directly are working against God’s will and yes even if it is done for your religions. It is not just a simple politics of belonging you are dealing with. Depending on your actions they can dictate if they connect you with the Devil or God, remember they both depend on you and how you create your realities.
If you still have any doubts about yourself just look at the human’s ability and desire to protect others from harm. Where do you think it comes from? I wish it was not political but it is a good example to see that certain people join the armed forces under this desire. Unfortunately it is used by the belonging groups politically yet putting your life on line for others, is clearly a spiritual thought.
If someone invents drugs like insulin, comes up with some life saving procedure or vaccination for infectious diseases like Corona virus to save lives. Regardless of the politics of a belonging group it is God speaking through them. That is how I believe in God, it may not be like everyone else but I wholeheartedly believe in our spiritual side. Now ask yourself how do you believe in God? Do you blindly follow whatever your religious preacher says so or you question their political agendas as well? Do you just want the well being for your belonging group exclusively but not for all human beings? This is where you ask yourself why not? If you can’t ask, your personal belief system is politically tainted. If you can honestly get rid of that politics then and only then you can reach real and spiritually unbiased God. Otherwise you will not only be politically biased, prejudiced and discriminatory individual you will believe in that even God is biased, prejudicial and discriminatory entity as well. So snap out of those political influences of your belonging groups because if you incriminate God it would be a double spiritual crime for you individually.
To me if you want to judge your belief system for the level of spirituality simply look for its basic spiritual preaching. Personally I believe every belief system should have equal human rights and equal spiritual justice in the foundation of their preaching. If not their spiritual teachings are politically tainted and if you follow those politically tainted belief systems you would end up becoming prejudiced and discriminatory individual. Which is especially not a cool or an appealing thing in today’s era. That means personally we all will have to separate politics from our spirituality otherwise we have the potential to hurt not only others but ourselves as well.
Remember your atom of autonomy is sitting within you, you would lose inner peace if you are not spiritually aligned, balanced and enriched with it. Sure you may find it appealing to follow your belonging group because of your loyal nature but remember it is all because of the preaching and brain wishing you have gone through in the beginning of your life. There is nothing wrong with politically joining a group of people until you start to go against your atom of autonomy related personal sense of justice. It highly depends on your understanding of self, losing balance between your spiritual side and physical side is a common problem not only throughout our history but in our present era as well. This internal clash is not a small thing, if it has the power to rob the individual of inner peace, spiritual fulfillment, happiness and contentment from within. Especially for a mortal being it is a majorly significant loss.
Discussion about whether God exists or not has never been the real issue but politics of our belonging has been dictating our realities. To me in actuality understanding of this human wisdom has no bottom at least not yet. If you start to dig into it we will lose our way to God not because of God but because of our politics of belonging. So if one try to dive into it honestly, they will always come up with inability to understand it all because we all are using a portion of our brain powers and are not completely evolved yet. Even the start of the belief system is usually founded on our unknowns but they are egotistically portrayed as known facts. So there is a powerful impact on us as human beings. It does have the potential to help the human individual in living a mortal life with some hope, optimism, happiness and contentment which is harder to find otherwise. Wisdom of God is highly personal and individual so the benefits or and harms would be for us all individually as well.
I happen to believe that this wisdom of God is a price less pearl if you personally give a life to it. If you don’t believe in God to you personally this pearl or a tear drop is just a drop of water regardless of how it came to existence. You can’t really benefit from it because you can’t acknowledge its value in your temporary life. In today’s time it is everyone’s own prerogative how they live their life but a life with deep happiness and contentment is increasingly become hard to find because we are not keeping in touch with our spiritual side.
Two plus two equal four is mathematically correct so are lots of scientific discoveries, they can only help you if you use that knowledge during your living years. Same goes for the knowledge of our unknown as well. You can benefit from it but you don’t really know yet how it works, just like the placebo effects. As you get old that two plus two does not add up like it did, but with our ego we don’t want to live our lives with inaccuracies. In the business of aging if we don’t change and adopt as the things change we start to lose our happiness and contentment. In a mortal life things like happiness and contentment are the real deal, if you ignore them life with all the imperfections can be hard to bare. Its hard to acknowledge that we don’t know everything there is to know. If you believe that you have to know everything remember your time will run out before you know even a fraction of it, so don’t forget to attend all the departments of life. Best way to deal with it is to stay in constant learning mode, deciding or believing about known and even the unknown egotistically may feel natural but it is not for an entity like human being who is constantly evolving. Today’s truth can be proven false tomorrow so not knowing everything is okay because that is how you keep your arms open to learn more and evolve. When it comes to science and religion one thing they have in common and that eventually they both tell us to believe in knowledge as it is ultimate which means you are told to believe that there is no more to learn about it. Since we are still learning new things everyday no one should claim about any human knowledge as a complete knowledge and yes even if it is with a repeatable results. Remember drugs get approved for human use all the time but they can kill you with interactions of the unknowns so that means even our accepted truths can potentially work against us.
Passionate people push you to believe in whatever they believe in because of their politics of sense of belonging so it is up to you to question it all before you follow. We all are able to open ourselves to spiritual wisdom to help ourselves, because it actually can help us to put some life into our living years. Regardless of the level of my evolution I personally feel that believing in God is a wisdom to know as a pearl not a drop of water. I feel anyone can benefit from it, it can help one to reach within to find personal inner peace and then spread outward to be spiritually beneficial to others. This pearl helps me to reach within and enjoy deep happiness and contentment, I don’t just live life to feed my body and brain I believe in feeding my soul to create balance to live a mortal life. Knowing that not knowing everything is a human thing so especially for a mortal being my happiness and contentment means more to me than egotistically claiming that I know everything there is to know or I have to know otherwise it is false.
When on one side a leader like Trump pulls you to join a group of people, nation or a religion and on the other side a virus like Corona or issues like global warming push you to join and belong to humanity as a whole. You can bet people with strong sense of belonging will be drawn towards their belonging group and feed on their prejudiced and discriminatory politics. Yet still people with common sense related spiritual strength will lean towards equal human rights and one humanity as a whole to solve global problems with global solutions. I know some of you can say this idea of working as a whole humanity is absurd because we have always done things as groups and our loyalties are with our groups. I believe otherwise because looking back in our history it has shown over and over that we have been evolving.
India has had or still may have cast system, when Islam came it changed things. Islamic way of saying prayers is standing in lines and bowing down to the ground. That means your head would be in the feet of the person who is standing in the line in front. It is a clear sign of preaching equality. When they came they wanted to abolish Sati the Hindu tradition of widow to burn with her dead husband then English tried that as well and today it couldn’t possibly be there and for sure is not popular anymore. We have been trying to do the right thing for the individual but most of the time our group rights come in the way. Majority of our individuals are still can’t see beyond their politics of belonging so they slow the speed of change. However slow it was we did come up with collective understanding that democracy and equal human rights are a good thing for us. We may not be there yet but they are becoming popular. United States is going through Trump era which is a good example because Americans are struggling with this problem regardless of most loudly speaking nation for democracy and equal rights. Courts are not following what Trump is trying to do because their constitutions is designed for a democratic society. Right thing for the individual is different than the right thing for a group. One is related with universal and spiritual truth, the other is founded on prejudicial and discriminatory politics of belonging. What is right for you? It is not difficult for an evolved individual but politics of sense of belonging still has the power to override all your civilization and evolution.
We are socially changing regardless of the speed, we are not throwing virgins over the cliffs anymore so for whatever reason we still have work in front of us. My purpose of writing this is to mention our slow but still there social evolution. If you are one of those people who really, really believe in group politics look at two major things. First suffering aside what kind of human death tole one can put on our groups fighting and killing each others individuals regardless of innocence, I bet we can’t even figure that out because we have been doing that since our group awareness. Second just look at the crime rate of each society and see who is committing those crimes and against who? You simply can’t just blame other groups because stats are clearly speaking that there is always people from the same belonging group committing social crimes against each other.
Logically it has every thing to do with the level of evolution. We need to take that next step for our evolution to join humanity as a whole. Politics of sense of belonging to our groups is and will be putting all the hurdles in the way and doing whatever it can to stop that. Remember international space station, internet is an example of humanity working together. Global warming related extreme weather and our infectious diseases like Corona virus are calling for us to evolve and take the next leap of faith. Remember they do not care about our political party related divisions, boundary lines or borders of human communities. Just ask Chines why didn’t their wall keep the virus contained? Or ask Americans if they would have the wall around their whole country, could Corona virus or weather extreme be kept away from America? Be logical and ask yourself what would be the answer from you?
As nations we can think and physically create monuments like walls for political reasons yet when it comes to logical reality not all our realities are healthy for us as an individual. To me all our religious monuments don’t do anything for the individual because I personally believe in practical prayers. Our thoughts should not just be thoughts they should create our physical realities. A majestic Mosque or a Church would be related to our group politics yet still is a religion related physical reality. If still there is killing each other, poverty, hunger and related death tole. They are the real realities of humanity that means our walls, nations and religions have not really been successful for humanity and the individual. Our politics of sense of belonging to our groups has been, is and will be a reality for a long time to come if we don’t start to look at, think and create physical realities out of spirituality. Equal human rights are the most spiritual system of them all and we all should be voting to adopt it in all our constitutions.