Regardless of wishes last whole year didn’t go very well because of Corona virus. I am still wishing next year brings some hope and optimism for everybody. I believe without hope and optimism our mortal life is an impotent process. Without any kind of happiness and contentment our life can be questioned for its meanings. Remember if it is happening to everyone you simply can’t blame anyone else or even yourself for your life’s short comings. Interestingly I am still wishing all the best of health and happiness to everyone regardless of if they come true or not. Even if our wishes don’t come true, we still wish them, ever wonder why do we do that? Hope, optimism, happiness and contentment are not just to be positive they are the most important aspects of our evolution as well. To me if we don’t wish we simply stall and don’t evolve so it has to be installed in us by our nature.
In the case of Corona virus vaccines are here and they became reality because of our practical wishes to evolve and learn. I can imagine our history when we did not even know anything about viruses but we still survived. How did all that work out is not the topic to discus today. Today is all about our hardships and how do we deal with them? Where does the human individual stand in the grand scheme of life to solve the problems we are faced with? Or what is the importance of living breathing human being? If every thing was happening on its own we would be still praying according to the prescribed methods of our religions. Question is if we all were always dependent on the religious preaching would we be scientifically, medically and technologically advanced to even know what viruses were? I am not against religious knowledge of spirituality but when it comes to politically enforced belief systems, I simply look at them as political groups or parties so should everyone else. I can imagine if we all were listening to them one hundred percent, we still would be stuck in the bush and cave times and still be throwing virgins over the cliffs for sacrifice.
To break it all down I am attempting to explain why do I have human being on the top corner, God and Devil in the bottom corner of my triangle philosophy. It is not to deny God and Devil’s existence altogether but it is all to reinstate the importance of human being which we have lost throughout the history because of our group politics. We all should credit where its due, why all just God or Devil why deny the main physical doer.
Lot’s of people prayed and are still praying to God for help which I don’t disagree because I believe in God’s spiritual existence without a doubt but I believe in human playing a crucial role in the existence and meaning of God and Devil simultaneously. My conflict is in how important a physical human individual is in this holy picture? That is why I question how does God work and help? Why and how do bad things happen? If the human being is removed from this holy picture what happens? We all have to ponder that in our own ways. We actually have been, are still questioning and are divided with our opinions yet passionately. Anyway you will find my explanation along the way but that is only if you are looking with your open mind otherwise we will have a difference of opinion. Last year around this time I wrote “Our invisible realities, God, Devil and Big Brother”.
Since last year’s last blog post was about our invisible realities I thought I should carry on and explain a little more of our invisible realities especially about the big brother related shootings, because there is a lot of news about police shooting to kill. Big brother is gaining its influences and popularity in modern day human societies especially on our other invisible realities like God and Devil. Even though the authority of big brother is still politically questionable but it is a reality of our modern day societies. Interestingly in certain nations as the population evolves and changes, it is becoming less religious but they still have to follow the rules of society. Especially in the secular societies big brother is superseding God and Devil to be a controlling tool. Now remember we have created our realities necessary to function as societies. Now question is, Did God, Devil or big brother come around from before us? Or we evolved and understood enough to give them physical life. The question to you is that do you personally think Human first or God, Devil or big brother came first? This has been, is and would be the topic of discussion for generations to come. Personally I believe we have learned and understood the needs and importance of our non physical realities like God, Devil and Big brother to reduce our stresses of being a mortal being. Since we all have to leave everything including our life, we have to have hope and optimism to not only to carry on living but to leave with some collected happiness and contentment.
This question may not be liked by those who have already made up their mind about putting God and Devil on the top corner of this triangle because of their political loyalties to their groups. As for the ordinary individuals like me, it is important to live our mortal life with some kind of common sense related physical realities as well. If you look at the picture with human being on the bottom God and Devil on the top, they become our majestic realities just like our big brother yet it has been, is and will always be us who chipped in our fiver to give life to these realities. If you honestly but with open mind look around and see how things are happening especially on the foundation of physicality?
In the beginning years of my writing, I wrote a blog about Five bucks, that fiver has evolved into atom of autonomy, yes I am evolving with time as well. I may explain things a little differently than before but I always try not to stray from common sense spirituality. You can read Five Bucks or Atom of Autonomy to get familiarity in both to see my thought evolution but in short they are similar and today this is the short version explanation about our five bucks.
Metaphorically speaking each and every one of us is born with our five bucks and yes that is definitely from before birth meaning its related to our atom of autonomy or God given abilities. What is our fiver? If there is a measuring device we can measure one’s smarts, strength and the ability to live, create and achieve success not only for self but even to help others around. For example say you see a log floating in the river which gives you an idea of riding it to achieve your goal of crossing the river. Instead of you just standing and wishing to get to the other side of the river you can act on that thought and imagination to create a physical reality out of them.
Remember first of all you have to wish then, think, plan and act on your plan, now remember the power of that wish because that is in the foundation of us creating our physical realities. You can gather some branches, weave them together, make a raft and row yourself to the other side, simple as that. Not that fast I am not talking about present day human being. I am talking about when nothing was available and our awareness and abilities were in infancy. So extremely complex but the ability to think, understand and achieve was there. We brought along things never valued by, groups for their political reasons. A politically controlling authority would make sure that individual does not understand their real abilities to gain self respect and self-esteem to question their political authority. Keeping control leads to political lies and deceits to use individuals, especially to make them feel inferior and irrelevant has been common in political groups regardless of kingdoms, authoritarianism, religions, communism or socialism and now these day in political parties of democracy.
If that individual wisdom, power, energy and the ability to do everything is measured and put a value to it. I metaphorically came up and gave a worth of five bucks for each of us individually. Since as human beings we all come with that individual fiver we don’t consider ourselves as strong. If everyone in the community contributes their fiver, logically we can build a bridge or any other advancement to fulfill wishes of an ordinary human beings. Where everyone in the community can metaphorically cross the river whenever they want to. Again metaphorically speaking about a trouble which comes along by chipping or joining in, and that is the start of our politics of belonging.
Anyway logically a single individual is weaker but only physically, spiritually there is a whole different ball game especially if you start to look at yourself as a spiritual entity. If you dig into the individual you will find their imagination related world which is how should I say out of this world, yet to be explored properly. Still all our explorations of every single science, medicine and technology based realities came from that single individual’s exploration at a time. Physically though a single individual is obviously weaker than a big family, community, nation or a religion so achieving anything would be a slow and tedious and sometime impossible process. Both individual and community know that so we are forced to work together, but community uses politics to keep the individual feeling insecure so they seek security and stay connected with belonging group. This is where not only politics of belonging comes along we start militancy to protect group interests as well. Sure we can get things done a lot faster and at larger scale when everyone chips in their fiver but only if they get along and work as a unit. This is where politics changes everything including robbing the individual of individual identity and personal sense of justice. As groups we can be very smart, have a lot of resources to hire lot of helping hands to function at a higher level and achieve even unachievable. Just look at our modern and civilized nations regardless of their successes that smarts still starts and comes from the belonging individual’s five bucks.
Just like a human cell is less meaningful on its own but meeting with another and with the right circumstances, it has the power to create a whole and functioning human being with trillions of cells yet with limitless potential. We each have hundred trillion non human cells in the body as well yet we started with just two cells. Individually cell may be insignificant but when work together even the potential’s potential is not measurable because it has been and is still constantly evolving.
Unfortunately humanity has been and still is a victim of the politics of belonging to our groups. Which is like, if a functioning arm or a leg says we are stronger and better than others on our own. This illogical, politically preached and physicality related bickering is holding humanity back from spiritual evolution. Physically we are creating nuclear and biological weapons but not keeping up spiritually so there is a big danger brewing along with our imbalanced evolution.
Being invisible does not mean our realities can’t help or harm us. You can clearly see their importance in our individual and even collective lives, for instance without our justice system and police force or without our metaphoric big bother potentially there can be a social chaos in society. Sure we can’t see our big brother physically but we see all the work being done for it by the living breathing human individuals like cops and judges. God and Devil just like our big brother may be invisible but if a human individual is helping or hurting others, they are playing a significant role even in our evolving societies. No one can deny one thing and yes that is a common fact in all our realities. That is nothing can be physically done or relevant if human beings do not lend their hands, backs and shoulders to them. When good things happen we usually connect them to God and when bad things happen Devil usually gets the blame. When police shoots to kill we connect them to big brother but if you remove human individual’s physicality everything comes down crashing because big brother can’t shoot, God can’t do good and Devil can’t do bad things physically on their own. A whole different world opens up if you try to understand this simple fact of human life. You literally would take individual responsibility before giving life to good, bad and the ugly physical actions. That is if you start to look at yourself as a CEO of your life.
If politics is mixed with religion or justice system a spiritual individual would lose the value of spirituality as well. That can have some consequences for both. Society does not have respect from the belonging individual and individual is tron from within. Politics is not pure like spirituality and justice, so if its all mixed up our respect level for our religions and justice systems can change. Mixing politics usually robs the individual of self respect as well because we individually bring along personal sense of justice which can be muffled by the political belonging. GOING AGAINST THAT CAN RIP US APART INTERNALLY BECAUSE DOING THINGS AGAINST OUR PERSONAL AND SPIRITUAL SENSE OF JUSTICE CREATES GUILT WHICH WE HAVE TO DEAL WITH INDIVIDUALLY. OUR INDIVIDUAL ATOM OF AUTONOMY JUDGES US FROM WITHIN WHICH CAN BE VERY UNCOMFORTABLE PLACE TO BE ESPECIALLY FOR A MORTAL BEING LIKE US. JUST ASK A WAR VETERAN WHO IS GOING THROUGH THIS INTERNAL PUNISHMENT.
A child tries to mimic parents, feels and understands personal limitations just like a cell compare itself to a whole body or an individual compares to a group of people or humanity as a whole.
Just like that child we put everything impossible for us individually on God’s shoulders. We expect God would and should take care of every thing just like our parents did. In case of our inability to take care of the task at hand, we pray to God and ask for help. To me believing that you are going to get help is great, but only after you have used up your five bucks because your fiver is the first help you got from God. Most of the time it can be quite sufficient to deal with the task at hand, unless your desires are way out of your league like you try to play God and bite for more than you can chew. Remember that you are that individual who built the raft to cross the river when nothing was available. The idea of building a bridge and community coming together is God speaking and physically expressing through the human individuals. That means all the advances made by mankind is related with God as well because not only we have been blessed with functioning yet extremely complex body we are supplied with free oxygen to function with. Where are we going with these advancements? Well God and the mankind are evolving with the potential which even evolves itself so you never would know.
As human individual you have been politically brain washed and put down by the groups like nations and religions for thousands of years. Especially if you really buy into that, you run the risk of not recognizing the worth of that Godly fiver installed within you. You not only becoming worthless to yourself you can run the risk of becoming a victim to inferiority complex as well. Which would not only give all the business of powers to the religion runners but leave you bankrupt of your fiver as well. You want to see the proof just look at the majestic buildings of the religions, hunger and poverty of the people in the world. If everyone looked at spirituality without the politics, things would be different today. We believe in religious traditions, customs, rituals and belonging rules of politics but ignore God and spirituality. Yet it is us with the ability to convert every spiritual thing into physicality. Regardless of the head pounding, fasting and bowing down on your knees or to the floor you can’t find God in those buildings because God lives in the living breathing but hungry and helpless people not in the majestic man made buildings. If human beings leave, those God’s houses can be sold for a buck. Read (God’s house for sale for a dollar).
Ask yourself if you are the one who expects the community to provide for you with bridges, or are you the one who can build the raft and row your self to the other side of the river? Instead of sitting on the bank of the river, you should take charge, become a CEO and live your life on your terms because you are responsible for happiness and contentment. If you are waiting on or expecting community’s help, you don’t really respect your fiver and have no idea of its real worth and value.
If you think it is not enough to function at the level of your desires, spiritually you have failed yourself before even trying. Society has brain washed you to the point that you don’t even try to use your fiver to live your life. Politics of belonging has intentionally created an attitude of inferiority complex and lack of self worth even self-esteem in individuals because weaker individuals are easier to control. That can get them power over you but if they make you disrespect yourself and make you believe your fiver means nothing it is your loss and you are responsible for that loss, so gather yourself and use your fiver before seeking help even from God.
Politics has been and is always hidden in the picture of humanity yet it has been, it is and it will always be you who has to clear all the influential fog of the time and era you are born in. After all you are the one who is blessed with free will, awareness of being mortal and is a potential CEO of your life. With all the responsibilities of your individual happiness and contentment on your mortal shoulders you have no choice but to become stronger and assume the duties of a CEO.
On the other side if you get caught up in the personal strength and believe that you have way more than your five bucks, it is an extreme as well which is leading to disrespecting our invisible realities. You can became a doctor, a successful business man or a super star in any field believing it is all your doing. IT CAN BE QUITE CONFUSING IF YOU FIND OUT ESPECIALLY THE HARD WAY BY GETTING SICK OR IN ACCIDENT THAT I CAN ‘T CONTROL WHAT IS GOING ON INSIDE OR OUTSIDE OF THE BODY. IF YOU CAN’T EVEN LIVE WITHOUT OXYGEN AND A COMPLEXLY FUNCTIONING BODY, THAT MEANS YOU ARE NOT DOING WHAT YOU BELIEVE IS YOUR DOING. TO ME REGARDLESS OF WHAT YOU BELIEVE OR DON’T BELIEVE, WE HAVE BEEN HELPED ALL ALONG TO BE ALIVE.
From helpless baby to grown up adult, there has always been help a to keep you alive. The sky is not falling, oxygen is still there yet you have no control over it. To me that is just an external help, and the body is so complex internally that we still don’t know everything about it. If you are alive it is not your will exclusively that is keeping you alive because we have not changed our mortality yet. At times even the best doctors can’t save a dying individual so running the show is not a task of the one single human individual. As it has been and is preached in societies where spirituality is considered non sense or a religious mambo jumbo.
Functioning of the body is no less than a miracle, if you still believe that you are doing everything you are looking at your life with simple explanations of a being who uses limited brain powers to make assumptions based opinions. Just ask a near death sick individual about the vulnerabilities. Especially to the patient with the brain disease who had been the most successful in everything what they have touched. I am not humanizing God but I am trying to clear the clutter to make my case. So we can take our individual responsibilities and stop killing each other over our unfinished and incomplete knowledge of being a human and God.
Your personal fiver or an atom of autonomy is a direct connection between God and you so there is no middle man. Everyone is blessed with the free will or I should say a fiver or an atom of autonomy. Simply it is not related with any particular religious belief or related traditions, customs, rituals and rules but it is deeply related with the individual’s personal spirituality.
It may be against the popular beliefs of majority but I personally don’t believe in God who punishes and blames an innocent human being as bastard or sinner or wants sacrifice. Knowing human nature it is all related with human’s individual emotions and incomplete knowledge. If God was responsible for everything, our five bucks, free will or our personal sense of justice would become meaningless yet you may not see them because of the politics of belonging to certain groups but they are literally our physical realities.
Regardless of our differences, humanity still gets together when infectious diseases like Corona virus or Global warming related natural disasters hit. Even wars related refugees are accepted in different societies. These are the glimpses of God one can see through the human beings. That would be only if you want to see it. We want God to protect us because we have been taught to put God in that position, where God can do any and everything. With this notion we take our five bucks literally out of the equation and sometime face with the serious disappointments and blame God for not helping. Just look at the vaccinations and Corona virus all that help is coming from those fivers of the scientists. If we can we should use our fiver first then expect help from God. Otherwise the whole picture of human adding physicality to God falls apart and we got nothing but confusions where we start to throw virgins over the cliffs to please God with sacrifices. As if God thinks like human being and accepts bribery, rewards ass kissing and burns you if you stray from ass kissing related obedience.
A father or a mother protect the child with the best of their efforts but it’s not enough to be around all the time. A child does not develop self confidence to survive as an independent grown up adult CEO so constantly seeks group shelter and security. Does not trust personal fiver and is lost in the group politics as a part of the machine instead of being a machine. That is what we are, we are not an extension of our groups we are simply put an unexplored entity. We have potential which evolves itself. A teen can be reckless and handful, regardless of the availability of the help, it can be difficult for them see and appreciate that help just because of their flooding hormones an other areas needs to be explored. In reality no parents can help, be there and control them one hundred percent of the time. When a grown up human acts like a teenager it is because of the incomplete knowledge and obviously the lack of understanding of our hormones related irrationality. Our chemicals dictate how we feel and we let our egotistic emotions run wild. When our religious leaders give inspiring speeches they try to influence young people at hormonal level. Politically tainted knowledge of God and inspiring speeches work on us at our hormones level so if you individually don’t understand you can be used as a puppet.
I personally believe religions are and should be our spiritual systems so they should be pure of politics so having to set the religious rules as laws of the land simply can’t work. Because they would be challenged in our modern day courts. Remember nothing but the truth but for who is the question? For someone who believes in the same set of rules is fine but for those who don’t believe in God believe in different religion or political party but they are human beings, it would not be a truth. So a rule of law should be universal just like spirituality. If it is coming from the political arm of any religions it should not have any place in spirituality related justice. Religions claimed their knowledge is God’s words which is not allowed to be messed with. By doing that they have put their foot in their mouth because they connected God with their laws so now they can’t be changed. With evolving humanity, especially in the era of equal human rights, if they change, they are damned and if they don’t still they are damned. Pope just made a political decision to accepted gay marriage and equal human rights to fit in, in the modern and changing world. Now remember that is after thousands of years of spiritual wrong doing. If instead of politics of the time, they had one simple spiritual rule of not doing to others what you personally don’t like done to you or to your loved ones in place. They would not have God implicated in their prejudicial and discriminatory political rules. Spirituality based equal human rights were always there but religions did not follow spirituality then, they are still for prejudicial and discriminatory politics because they still believe that they are better than each other to take the individual to God. They gave God a bad name then and they are still doing it by going to wars against each other yet in the name of God. Politics of belonging to their groups has a ground to be sued for a whole lot of injustices done against innocent human beings.
All laws have to have the reason and a foundation, and God is in the zone where no one really knows for sure or I would say one hundred percent. That is what makes me against the capital punishment as well. Remember as an evolving entity, our knowledge regardless of the area is never complete. Don’t agree with me just ask yourself why and how are we learning new things all the time? Killing someone with out the complete knowledge yet with intention is not and can’t be a spiritual thing because spirituality has no room for politics how can it be for crimes like killing.
The proof is in the pudding, just look at our everyday progress. From the technology to science to human relationships to medicine we are evolving into a new era. Regardless of the resistance and hurdles put by the conservative and religious people things are still changing. Just think and feel if you use your free will everyday in everything you do. What makes you to use the politics of God and the Devil? If you dig in, especially if you are honest with yourself you will find that your politics of sense of belonging is getting the best of you. As a CEO, if you can strain out the politics of all kind you will find your real spiritual side. Which should be nurtured not only by you but by your belonging groups as well because that is where you would not do to others what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones.
Our politics of sense of belonging has flipped the whole process, remember the title of this blog is who flipped my triangle and this is the meanings of this blog. I like to put credit where it is due, sure we can’t function without God’s help but other than the miracles God’s physical functioning is dependent on the human individual and how many miracles have you seen in your life other than yourself. If you remove human altogether God becomes a lily in the forest pond, sitting all pretty but all by Godly self sure with gazillions of bucks rich but no one to help or use it for. There was a verse I read as growing up boy, did not understand completely at that time but today I can understand it clearly.
Translation of that would be, and I quote,
“A lily in the forest pond cries with all its beauty for thousands of years.
It is very difficult to find an appreciative and admiring set of eyes” End quote I don’t know who wrote that so I would put as an author unknown.
Game of our life has been, is and will always be dependent on the spiritual principles of reciprocation. God helps human beings to be spiritual and human beings help God to be physical. People have been and are still looking at this picture with different lenses so it should be understandable for all of us to have a different opinion. Personally to me it is quite a clear picture of reciprocation. You can play politics and take human value away but it would be like putting a lipstick on a pig which does not change the facts. All the good done can only be meaningful if it is done physically. Look around and see what and why is not as important but how and where is the real game. Which is played by the individual’s life in living years. You can pray but it is like a thought up in the air just like spiritual God but if you physically feed and help the real needy that is converting spirituality into physicality. That is helping God to become relevant physically, so now what kind of value you put on a living breathing human individual? Remember no politics of belonging just you thinking with personal sense of justice in mind.
As human individuals we have certain respect for factual truth so automatically we respect our justice systems and spirituality more than our political systems. Unfortunately regardless of our evolution and civilization those two have been and are still vulnerable to all kind of political influences and infiltration. Poof of political influences can be seen in our religious history, it is full of strangely twisted traditions, customs, rituals and rules of prejudice and discrimination related wars.
Since our sense of justice is directly connected to our atom of autonomy a powerful entity residing within us all. Conflicting loyalties related pulls from politics of sense of belonging and equally powerful atom of autonomy related sense of justice can clash and rip the individual apart from within. Eventually a torn individual would be the biggest loser of it all because of losing personal well being yet with a mortal nature.
I believe our spirituality and justice systems should be pure of politics of all kind so our religions should be transparent and have clearly defined spiritual ethics and rules. Just like justice system and should never be part of politics because they are suppose to be a spiritual path to connect individual and God.
Today I was watching Mehdi Hasan show on you tube where he was talking to Reverend Dr. William Barber who quoted Fredric Douglas and I quote. “I love the Christianity of Jesus but I hate the religion of the slave master”. End quote. To me he was clearly talking about the politics which took over our spirituality.
This should sum it up that the politics has given a bad name to all religions because they go to wars with each other yet with passion. In the same conversation another thing Dr. William said was worth noting and which I wholeheartedly believe in was a quote from Dr. King and I quote,
“Church was suppose to be a thermostat of the society not the thermometer of the society”. End quote.
I know I should not be quoting back to back but both of them suit this blog post so I am allowing myself to do it. I have been consistent in saying religion should stay out of our political business of governing because spirituality is just like a justice system which should stand for nothing but the truth. Politics well you can see Donald Trump’s presidency and figure it out for yourself. To me mixing politics into our justice system and religion is simply unethical and wrong.
If our politics can’t be pure of twisted lies or deceits our justice systems and religions should be truth based, clean and pure. Unfortunately politics is needed to run our societies but interestingly they can’t survive without our spiritual principles either. A dog eat dog eat philosophy can work in jungle but in urban jungle where a big brother is ruling justice is needed so spirituality based principles are needed. You simply can’t play politics when it comes to justice system and spirituality so an individual can be confused if they have been taught prejudice and discrimination by their belonging groups. People who are under the political influence of belonging group would not hesitate in mixing everything when it comes to politics of belonging which has the potential to hurt everything and everybody involved.
If a system is already set up for a president to choose supreme court judges, that is clearly related to political influences. If Donald Trump is trying to play politics with justice system it would not be his wrong doing exclusively so it should be blamed on already existing system.
Religious people who have been helping Trump are being criticized by the media rightfully so because religion and politics should not be mixed either. I believe religions should just stick with business of spirituality exclusively so they can stop giving God a bad name. Its not new for the people to use religion politically, they have been doing that since the beginning of our religious awareness. Personally I believe there is nothing wrong with the original and spiritual knowledge of Prophets because they preached spiritual principles but all those political twists and turns came along after those Prophets were long gone.
If a king did not like something they would not only disobey the religion they would change it or simply create their own version of Bible. Islam has four sects as well and its all because they couldn’t change the words of Quran but people politically influenced their interpretations. In reality if you start to look at the spiritual principles they are undeniable universal. So having your own religion or sect of religion is clearly connected to the politics of sense of belonging to certain groups. If spirituality was kept pure there would not be need for different religions or sects because our groups are created by our politics of belonging. To me that is how politics of belonging got into religions to make them prejudicial and discriminatory against each other and inspired people to kill each other yet in the name of God. If you look at today’s wars both sides fire missiles or drop bombs chanting God’s name passionately. That is why our religious conflicts can last hundreds of years and even beyond without any compassion related compromises, TALK ABOUT SPIRITUALITY AND GOD.
We all individually and collectively should be looking at our behavior critically when it comes to the our politics of belonging. Individually we should understand that we personally are responsible for our actions. Collectively our behavior should be influenced by our spiritual principles. If individually we can stay focused on our mortality and personal sense of justice, things can be different for us even collectively because an individual is the foundation of the group. Being spiritual is in our DNA and yes it is from before our birth, being religious is taught to us by our belonging groups. So choosing to be spiritual would be natural and in alignment with our atom of autonomy but being religious would be mostly political.
Logically if you are sick and hungry to the point of starvation all your politics of belonging related religious ethics and morals go down the drain. If you, other individuals, your belonging nation, religion and big brother related law and order don’t care or respect about your physical realities. Logically it all would be related to our collective ignorance.
A stressed human individual would try to survive and that survival takes people back into the bush and cave time. Denying basic physical realities remove all our spiritual realities and bring us back to a simple physical creature so our civilization or evolution is highly dependent on our full stomach.
If as societies we don’t have basic understanding for individual security, things can go south at alarming speed. If system is prejudicial and discriminatory against individual or even against a group things would never be stable. Especially for the individual who is rich and prosper. One just can’t be safe in the middle of hungry and desperate people. Sure they can vote to have a strong police security but if fundamentals are not just, one just can not feel secure. I am not talking about the security itself but it is all about the feelings of being secure. If majority of people don’t even feel secure for the next meal smaller number of people would have to spend a lot more efforts on their security to feel secure. Sure you can arm the police force like armed forces but you simply can’t hire a police personal for every citizen that money has to come from somewhere so it is not logically practical. Since we don’t live in an era of cave or bush, paying taxes is a better bet because as human beings we all have ability to self regulate but again the condition is a full stomach.
Authoritarianism or fear related politics can work but only for so long, as our past and present history shows most societies I mean populations like to have democracy as a choice of governing system. So far democracy is the only system which brings us closer to equal human rights related peace of society. Remember human being is not an exclusively physical creature like other animals so we can easily give if we get equal human rights. Our spiritual side within allows us to have the ability to self regulate.
Today things are changing and changing fast because of internet and cell phone in everybody’s hand. Today news is not only delivered by the news agencies exclusively it is by the ordinary citizens as well so if there are people starving to death but are being brutalized and killed by force or police is shooting to kill to keep control by fear related tactics. Chances are it is being filmed and uploaded instantly so the whole world can know instantly about it. Communities not only have to figure out how to feed starving population, they have to manage their prejudicial and discriminatory policies as well according to the era of equal human rights. These days sanctions can be put on nations whom are guilty of social crimes against their own populations.
You can install a tax systems to keep everyone fed but that would be socialism wouldn’t it be? If you are against it you will have to put yourself in those starving people’s shoes before you go against it. You could be politically brain washed by the propaganda so learn before you act on in because you would not know if you were not starving. Personally I believe these tax related policies belong to a common sense and sound rules of spirituality. Since our politics of belonging can be too powerful for the individual and these spiritual rules are being portrayed as socialism. There can be confusion, so if it is to keep the power in the hands of certain political parties it can be based on lies.
Where did the socialism come from? It is to find other than kingdoms, authoritarianism or religiously inspired governing system. It is a different way to govern which can work for everyone in the society. Unfortunately just like other governing systems it can spiritually be wrong as well because it is based on mass over the individual philosophy. If there are people who are against these valuable rules and are not rich or are not in the top one percent of the population they are missing the point of having a just society. I personally am no socialist but I believe in equal justice for all. Not only between individuals but between individual and mass as well so I believe these good and responsible rules are spirituality based as long as one can keep spiritual justice in fore font. Problems start when we go to extreme and lose spiritual justice related balance. For instance mass over the individual is an extreme and unjust against the individual. Just like not caring for the vulnerable of society and have a system of dog eat dog politics is an extreme as well.
A successful community is or at least should be a peaceful community for all its residence. If things don’t work first thing goes is the peace of mind or internal peace and then the peace itself or external peace. Sure we can have a stronger police force with shoot to kill orders but it is an expensive and oppressive proposition. Don’t forget today human societies are not peaceful because of stronger laws and order, they are better because of our education related self restraint and regulation again all our education related restraints depend on our full stomach.
There are a whole lot of news about police shooting to kill, that maybe an old and oppressive style to keep peace but in the era of equal human rights if things are not according to spiritual justice this kind of policing would be considered oppressive and especially if it is for certain people exclusively that clearly becomes racist, prejudicial and discriminatory.
If you talk about shooting to keep order, I will have to think about our compassion for the animals. We have been darting to deal with even the most deadly beasts for aeons to check their health, keep them alive, preserve or protect them from extinction but when it comes to fellow human beings we can’t even use darts. Question is why go straight for the kill for human beings and not for the real deadly beasts? What is wrong with this picture? One thing comes to mind is that there is a message being sent to the future law breakers. If it is about achieving fear based control, looking at the history of the world it has never been successful in human societies especially in the long run. Now lets breakdown the message to create fear? If you start to dig into it you will end up at the same message what a terrorists want to send. I am not comparing intentions to enforce the law but I am pointing towards breaking the law. Conflicts and fear go hand in hand so if you want to have a lasting compromise and peace you will have to change that fear and the feelings related to the oppressive political messages. Train for oppressive authorities has long gone been gone to politically sustain their powers. Today belongs to equal human rights, so sooner you comply the better. If you look at even our religions they have lost their luster as well because they openly preach prejudice and discrimination. Remember our loyalties to our groups is behind our spiritual flaws, whether its racism, prejudice or discrimination they all are spawned from the politics of belonging to our groups.
Today you can’t just go and conquer a nation and control everything like in the past. Ask British, Russians and Americans how are they doing in that department these days? Reputation and business can suffer for oppressive unjust authoritarian empires so getting into the business of occupying other nations is not a good proposition especially in this day and age. Afghanistan and Vietnam have been are the examples where even the biggest, powerful and most technologically advanced nations failed measurable. With equal human rights flourishing all over the world, our prejudiced and discriminatory politics of belonging has been and is being proven to be the biggest evil of humanity and it is progressively looked down by today’s humanity. Interestingly old style oppression is not only looked down by the oppressed but by the oppressive as well so going against belonging populations can be tricky to explain.
Personally I believe answers for our racism, prejudice and discrimination are within the individual’s personal sense of justice. If you honestly picture yourself on the receiving end of your racist, prejudicial or discriminatory actions you would be for the changes a racist society needs. If an individual is not aware or evolved to that spiritual level changes just can’t happen on their own. Awareness of personal sense of justice along with other spiritual jewelry get buried under the politics of belonging to our groups. If you find yourself bombarded by the politics its even more important to embrace and nurture your spiritual side, otherwise its a same old story of you being prejudiced and discriminatory being. If you fight to get rights for your group, and even if you do get that the job is still not done because the cause is still there. First why do you even have to fight for your rights? Second there is a potential that after you got the rights for your group you may become counter prejudiced against others. So solution is to get rid of the cause of the problem by asking equal individual human rights. If honest reciprocation is the business spiritual justice would prevails.
Today’s world has changed and is going towards equal human rights which is clearly for a humanity as a whole. If we don’t acknowledge the changes we are going to be looking at looming chaos and lose those secure feelings. No governing authority would like to pick up guns against its own people so that is why its imperative to find the balance in feeding its population and keeping individual freedom simultaneously. Our divisive political rhetoric can lead us to extreme, if you take from rich and give it to poor, there is no freedom and incentive to work hard to succeed. If you have too many hungry stomachs to feed you can’t have peace and justice because all the good and spiritual things are dependent on full stomachs of the human being.
Regardless of being rich or poor infectious diseases like Corona virus and extreme weather from global warming are pointing towards our fragility and mortality. Remember it is not only the responsibility of governing authorities to keep peace and feed. As individuals we all have to contribute and maybe sacrifice a little to survive the day by looking at our taxes as reciprocation related duty. We are a spiritual yet physical entity we don’t need guns but self regulation to be peaceful and that comes from nurtured spirituality but hunger related physical realities can break down even the best of spiritually strong human being.