No mater how powerful, real and influential they feel our hormones related urges can’t be left running wild. Same goes with the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups in reality we personally are the repeatable fact of spiritual world. We all need to create balance from within. Our sense of freedom and personal sense of justice is there to counter the politics of our sense of belonging which has the potential to make us all prejudiced and discriminatory individual. Since we are not exclusively spiritual nor we are exclusively a physical entity, we need to create balance between our physical and spiritual sides to be and live like a human being.

We all have individually been blessed with our personal atom of autonomy and related free will to choose and decide but we all have to answer to our inner authority like atom of autonomy. Our ingrained compassion, sense of justice and love is all there to help us navigate spiritually in our personal and physical journey to the cliff of faith. By nature not all of us are exclusively created as a team player so we do have ability to function solo as well. If we choose and let our hormonal responses and politics of belonging dictate our truths we sometime can personally end up at odds with our atom of autonomy. Our spiritual side or atom of autonomy can be just as strong as politics of sense of belonging. When you are in internal conflicts there are consequences for you individually. Just ask a war veteran, if there politics of sense of belonging has compelled them to commit crimes against others or against innocents and their personal sense of justice creates guilt related strong feelings that is not a good place to be for especially for the mortal being. Being torn apart internally which I claim is a real hell and it is within your mortal life. We all have to acknowledge and learn about our nature first to really understand what is going on within us. How much and who is really responsible for our actions? One can say my belonging group is strong and can punish or shun me so I have to go along what my religion or nationalism says so. Legitimacy of that claim aside we all join to the cause because of internal imbalances and are responsible for our actions. If you look at yourself with your personal sense of justice you will see how not feeling guilt is belong to the personal weakness. Since we all have atom of autonomy residing within we just can’t be running around letting our physical side make all our decisions. We are an entity who is in a class of itself because we have to answer to ourselves that is why we need to understand what really goes on within ourselves.

If you go towards physicality of life you learn all about our animal side, being physical is all about mechanical, technological, scientific and medical facts of life. If you try to grasp and acknowledge your spiritual side, you can learn about non physical realities like compassion, love, sacrifice, forgiveness, guilt, ego, pride, honor, bravery and even self worth and self-esteem. Now ask yourself can you live without acknowledging one side or the other. In the end of the day we are not just a mechanically functioning body nor we are simply a spiritual entity so we need to not only acknowledge our uniqueness but we need to learn to individually merge and balance both sides of our knowledge. When that happens first of all one has to acknowledge the vastness of our knowledge, then utilize and use all different fields of our knowledge to live our mortal years with quality. This personal and individual responsibility should be enough for us all to question and learn everything what is necessary to function from within and within our social settings. In order to do the justice to others and self at the same time we have to become a CEO of our life. Who functions at the level of real human being not as a worker bee, warrior ant or as an extension of group ideology. Who can really see our individual and personal truths hidden behind our physical, social, political and spiritual realities.

Interestingly for us it is not the truth but its our belief of that truth what makes or breaks our personal truth. That is why for millions of years human societies have been engaged in dealing with non physical truths and evolving yet with imbalances. Nothing gets discovered if we don’t pursue it so if we don’t question we stay stuck at the same level regardless of the elapsing time. Every culture has a segment of population believing and disbelieving in weird and unexplained things. Still in this day and age, regardless of our scientific advances our traditions, customs, rituals and rules of our religions are popular. Question is why? Regardless of our scientific and technological advances there is no shortage of religious people. I would assume still there are more people who prefer to believe in religions than accepting scientifically repeatable facts. They just can’t over ride and look at the politics of sense of belonging as a problem. Our trouble is that we try to look at life with our personal lenses and go with whatever feels right. Normally majority of people don’t ask questions especially when it comes to our religious beliefs, so they depend on others to guide them so that is where all our politics related problems originate and taint our spirituality.

Our sense of belonging to our groups is a fact which is so powerful that it can effect the levels of hormones. Just look at our sports and even political parties, nationalism, and religious extreme related rhetoric and belonging individual’s behavior. Scientifically we can see that but would not know why is that happening? For the same reasons scientifically we can’t understand and breakdown our real realities like Love, Compassion, Ability to sacrifice, Ability to forgive, Our Ego, Pride, Honor, Bravery, Cowardliness and even Guilt? It is all because scientifically we don’t understand or even accept the existence of our spiritual side related non physical truths. If you want to understand something you will have to acknowledge its existence first.

Since we are so trenched in we simply start to reject the existence of that particular field of knowledge and stay behind in yet with intentions. Its simply because we look and believe that we are simply an animal who is just a physical and mechanically functioning body. We even try to fix ourselves with mechanical methods instead of digging in for the causes of our problems. Not acknowledging, rejecting and even underestimating the influences of the other side that may inhibit us from finding the real solutions because they may be are stemming from our spiritual issues.

These politically tainted simplifications of a complex entity like human being can and do keep us behind and potentially make us underestimate the importance of our spirituality. What is human being? We can’t even agree about that, if you go to the doctor for some problem they will try to fix your symptoms not the cause. Scientifically we are not explored as a spiritual entity and yet there are things we carry within are immeasurable with our present scientific knowledge. Religions on the other side are too busy to even acknowledge the importance of human being in the real picture of spirituality. They have been undermining human individual as an irrelevant part of Godly world yet for political control of Godly business. Their traditions, customs, rituals and rules are riddled with the politics of sense of belonging to groups which is a clear sign of politics. If one is looking to explore any thing beyond the politics of belonging they will end up finding that everyone is deeply trenched in philosophies of their differences. To the point that they believe even God choose a group of people rather than to be for the humanity as a whole.I STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH THAT.

As I said I don’t believe in such God who is for some but not for all. My belief is that as human beings we are metaphoric cells of one entity you can call God. You look at God physically you see humanity as a whole. If you see with your real eyes, spiritually you would be able to see God who is for all Godly cells not for some or I should say a body part of the body. Claiming God for certain people just does not make any sense to me because as a human being can we even prefer our some cells exclusively over a functioning body. Stay with the same metaphoric and start digging within yourself personally without any political influences of your sense of belonging you will find a world of your own spiritual belief system. Your wouldn’t even have to reject or discredit your belonging religion you are born in to fix your problems related with your spiritual deficiencies.

Imagine and keep this in mind for an example to put things in perspectives and ponder on it everyday. Especially if you are a racist, prejudicial, discriminatory or a religious extremist ignorant. Just put your spiritual glasses on to see the finer details what you can’t see with your influential lenses of political belonging. So here it is. Say a brain cell loudly announces to all the cells of the body, if I am not there you all will die, to spiritually illiterate that makes pretty good sense but before it happens heart cell quickly jumps in and says remember I supply the oxygenated blood for you to live. Lung jumps in and says but I am the one who provides the oxygen to you all. Skin says I protect you from all the nasty infections all the time you would not survive without me. Liver says I clean up all day and night, I do that as well kidney speaks out. Then colon yells and says shut up you all you all are full of shit I provide you with the nutrients so you can’t live without me. Eventually God speaks and says I simply can’t stay in this chaotic and bickering environment. If I leave the whole body dies regardless of who is doing more important job individually. You all have to function in harmony as a unit for me to live within you. If you can’t function I simply can’t stay. If I don’t stay non of us can function to convert spiritual things into physical actions, so if can understand the need of working together things would workout for all of us. What does this mean to you as an individual cell living somewhere deep in the human body who has not seen what does it look like from the out side. You are not going to be able to see things from out side unless you die so you will have to cross the line of cliff of faith to claim that you know everything. Interestingly by then you have lost your physicality so it would not matter because you would not be physically meaningful. Talking about the existences of the body and being prejudice and discriminatory is clearly related to the knowledge or the data you have been installed with.

Need to break down to understand human spiritual side is immense but our religions have been bogged down and are trenched into their group belief systems they have agreed to disagree and decided to live in a world of an arm or a leg of the body. Not because of spiritual reasons but because of the politics of sense of belonging. Science is unable to look and explore spirituality because they are too busy making biological and nuclear weapons so they can help to bring religiously predicted dooms day to prove religions were right.

Remember it is not the truth its your belief of that truth that makes or breaks your personal truth. When it comes to real truths of our individual life, that soul satisfying spiritual truth means more to us than the scientifically proven repeatable facts. Especially if you don’t learn about the spiritual facts connected to your soul, like love, devotion, compassion, passion, guilt, justice, and a whole lot what you emotionally feel deep within your being. How are you going to trust the teacher who just says life is as simple as 2+2=4.

Sure numbers are proven facts but not for us as aging mortals. For a mortal being happiness, contentment and spiritually fulfilled life is the real and undeniable truth. YES even if it is not completely understood with our present knowledge and for sure it is not as simple as 2+2=4. If you are depress, unhappy, discontent or unfulfilled regardless of having the correct numbers and die without experiencing your spiritual jewelry. You have missed the boat to live a meaningful mortal life. Remember if there is no health and happiness there is no success for us mortals. You simply don’t learn about spiritual jewelry in your science class nor you can ignore the importance of them in few years of your life. Sure everybody wants to look at life with total understanding of black and white, but for the temporary beings like us life without spiritual satisfaction would be robotic. Meaning literally less fulfilling than otherwise.

To have a chance to experience a lasting and fulfilling life, one has to not only understand personal mortality but jump into the unknowns and unexplained truths of life where 2+2 is not =4 anymore. A simple real life example is our personal and individually transiting life which is as repeatable as it can be because if we are seven billions today what about the people who have passed in last millions of years so it is as repeatable fact of human life as it can be.

We transition even in one lifetime, from weak and vulnerable to strong and then transition to weak and vulnerable. No need for scientific explanation because its a simple, consistent and accepted truth of human life. Logically other truths become important as well, yes they are to accumulate happiness and contentment so when the time comes to go you feel you have lived your life in literal meanings. Now the question is how can you be happy and content if you know that you got to go? If you have expected all your life to have your 2+2=4, for a fact that is not going to happen consistently especially if you will be losing numbers of your cells but are not going to be able to replace them. You will be compelled to accept 3.9 or less depending on the stage of your life so there is a net loss for a being who expects and lives with the scientifically correct life. Sure that loss would be happiness and contentment and for a mortal being that is the only treasure that matters. A scientific 2+2=4 with an aging and mortal body yet with the goal to accumulate happiness and contentment things are not going to add up. That means you simply can’t afford to lose that spiritual side which allows you to accept mortality with happy moments.

If you want to understand God simply try to understand yourself. Look at your ten trillion cells and hundred trillion bacteria with millions of genes and see how complex you are and can be. Finding God with scientific explanation would not only need ability to use more capacity of our brain powers but understanding of a CEO who knows mortality. Not egotistic assumptions which we have been using, fighting over and killing each other for millions of years. We may need to evolve even further and beyond our present ability to understand because we have a brain which has an evolving potential as well.

This fact can’t be proven wrong because we are always learning more about new things. When we learn more, that clearly points towards that we don’t know everything so we need to continually pursue to learn more. Claiming whether God exists or not is like our two cells deep inside the body arguing about whether the body exists of not. They don’t have the eyes to see, the brain to understand or the ability to prove. Body exists but we all have to be willing to believe our non physical spiritual realities. If a seed is not a fully grown majestic tree you will automatically ignore the potential it contains. We religiously did not explore our spiritual side because the politics of our sense of belonging has been able to stop us from questioning. Similarly scientific community assumes that there is simply no God which sounds like a fact to those who have made up their mind about something yet shamelessly still learn about new things all the time.

Where we are today it is all because of our ingrained abilities and actually pursuing to evolve. Once you reach at the full capacity multiply it for at least seven billion times to understand God. I personally believe our physical connection to each other as humanity yet fighting and killing each other as a Godly disease calls arthritis. If humanity has arthritis it related to politics of belonging either you are told you are the best of all or you are told you are the victim so everything lands on our individual shoulders to recognize that politics behind and not everyone is able to get there because they have been influenced from the tender age meaning brain washed. Regardless of all the pain humanity is suffering we are still progressing, so the strength, wit and abilities of the individual multiplied by the billions may brings you some kind of number to satisfy you but how are you going to even estimate the evolutionary potential. Acknowledging and understanding our personal and evolving potential should be a good enough reason for us to believe in God. Unfortunately when we learn something new we start to believe in it as an ultimate knowledge. Now remember we have been doing all that since the beginning of our awareness. We have been egotistically killing each other ever since and even to this day. Its all because we have given our individual powers to our belonging groups yet the change can only come from the individual evolution.

Eventually we will have to put our politics of belonging under the microscope as well to see why do we think our knowledge is better and more complete than others. Today regardless of the progress in every other department we still are doing the same thing believing or denying in the existence of God. To me it is still too early for us human beings to make a decision about God because we are still in the process of discovering ourselves. When we would know everything about ourselves then we would have to multiply that billions of time to figure God out. For now we are far from that kind of understanding but luckily we brought along our evolving nature from before birth so the extreme politics of our belonging would be understood one day.

Today on one hand we scientifically reject the existence of God but on the other we put God on such a high pedestal where as human individual we feel unable to understand or to even comprehend God. Remember discovering self make up and the present level of human understanding yet with a cell phone in hand related awareness. In past it literally would have been easily called supernatural yet today everyone thinks nothing about it. These days we question and discover even further but unfortunately not in the religion department. If we understand our evolutionary nature and take our next spiritual step to adopt equal human individual rights we will understand that we are not a finished product. If we wholeheartedly accept and believe that we are not a finished product we would know that claiming complete knowledge is egotistic and is connected to the politics of belonging.

Since we have been politically discouraged to explore God, we still believe in a whole lot of supernatural things which are being broken down by the scientific community. Sure we have stopped throwing virgins over the cliffs to please God and are adopting and changing as the science clears our path with repeatable facts and logical explanations. If our evolving knowledge proves that our religious traditions, customs, rituals and rules are subject to change we need to understand the politics of our groups and become spiritually more aware. Remember our resistance would be related to the politics of our sense of belonging more than our spiritual facts. Until science clearly figure things out where did the exploded marble come from why it exploded and why it is constantly expanding? I will believe in God, spirituality and the importance of human individual with equal human rights. To me religion or not science or not our mortality, spiritual jewelry and related facts would be part of my living years. If people choose their religious beliefs over science or science over their religion to me that would be short sighted choice. Reality is that we need personal spirituality or should I say personal and individual understanding. Since we are not exclusively physical like animals nor we are spiritual like God, we are a combination of both so we need to understand ourselves and live like a human entity. As human beings we need to self regulate yet at the same time we need to enjoy our living years with the provided bounties of life. That means we need to create balance instead of choosing extremes. An out of control animal side means spiritual weakness so regardless of belonging to any group or a particular religion a person is vulnerable to commit crimes. Remember an out of control animal has no religion because the proof is in the pudding. In spite of thousands of years of conditioning and religious preaching including the carrot and stick philosophy our societies are still riddled with social crimes. Hell and heaven is still preached in our societies just like in the past, so ratio may be different but interestingly religious societies are not doing any better than the secular societies which should be a shameful fact for the preachers.

I don’t deny the power of our religions and belief systems because they hit us in the areas we don’t really understand scientifically. If you believe blindly, you can see the things a non believer can’t see. Human imagination is so powerful that it can turn a sugar pill into a life saving drug. I personally believe in God not because of the fear of hell or the greed of heaven but for the benefits of keeping me from committing spiritual crimes against innocents. I believe, believing in God is spiritual and potentially it benefits a believing individual. Contrary to the popular beliefs the benefits are in our living years. Since personally I believe spirituality and politics can’t be mixed so I try to strain out politics from my personal belief system. I may question and disagree with lots of religious tradition, customs, rituals and rules because to me they stem from the politics of sense of belonging instead of spirituality. If it is pure of worldly politics it is good and spiritual so regardless of what religion you belong to helping humanity means you are doing God’s work. Yet with intention and remember intentions carry more weight than real actions not only in our court systems of the world but in God’s world as well.

It is like a child pure and simple that is why they are able to find pure and untarnished joy in simple things they do. Meaning a child can be fully happy as a whole being but for the rest of us we spend our life running after happiness and contentment without finding it. It is like going through a flood zone of hormones and falling in love. After the settlement of hormones that intensity of love can’t be found so love and happiness become illusive not because they don’t exist but our personal life circumstances and leveled hormones can block us from finding those spiritual pearls. If we are able to clean up the clutter we accumulate along the way, we may find the pure things like love and happiness we deserve. If finding the untarnished joy is your quest you really will have to clean up the data you have accumulated from the security oriented parents, society and religions. If you are putting all your eggs in the basket of the unknowns of life after death as your religions would say so. You will have to understand that it may be the gambling only a political religion can preach. The benefits of your sacrifices would be to the politically savvy belonging groups not to God nor to you in the life after you die because you suppose to be reciprocating and yet equally. Sure you have to give and sacrifice but it is all done in your living years. Benefits of deeper ad spiritual satisfaction related untarnished joy is not in gambling but in reciprocation in everyday of your life.

Cleaning up your clutter is not limited to your belief system it goes in your other data of memories as well. Is it possible for you to erase bad memories of hurts? This is the personal question we all should ask ourselves in the dead of the night? Can you forgive all the people who have done wrong to you or to your loved ones? Can you go in and even are able to look at your pits? Can you dig even deeper to remove the fears of mortality? Can you see and are you willing to surrender your attachments, control and related fears? If can face it all you may find your childhood related untarnished joy of living in the moment. It is not going to be simple and easy but remember what did you think while you were a child? Nothing you thought created fear and controlling responses so there was no need to be attached. Since life was not cluttered by the data your computer ran freely and clearly, now if you have to think through all the imaginary consequences, things are heavy and slow. Try removing all the clutter of your life by not blaming others and yourself while believing that you are going through a personal journey of your life especially believing it is temporary visit where people hop on and off your train. That way you can surrender your need for security and control. Remember it should be more important to us what we are searching for than what we are avoiding. There was a quote I read long time ago. It was author unknown

Quote, “Don’t make unhappiness not the goal, avoiding unhappiness is not the road to happiness.” End quote.

You can represent your good and bad side by choice, but accidents still can happen so does that mean you can be responsible for everything you are doing or what happens in your life is your doing? If you accept and I mean wholeheartedly accept that there is a room for accidents and mistakes in your life then and only then you can clean up your control city, otherwise every single one of us can have some kind of mess we don’t like. Being mortal puts a demand on all of us to understand what this life is all about. If you are scared to death from dying how are you even going to live? If you spend all your energy in avoiding inevitable what would be left for you to even reciprocate? Your purpose of life is to reciprocate for the blessings you have been blessed with. Your oxygen is free, your body is functioning, and to top of all that you have an atom of autonomy which is God like abilities related free will. If you think the purpose of your life is to pray and fast who will do the real jobs for God. Turning spiritual thoughts and things into physical actions for God is the job we all have. If you are in it for some untarnished joy, deep spiritual satisfaction and soul satisfying happiness take your responsibility to reciprocate meaning pray practically. Instead of going and helping in building big and majestic mosques, churches and temples, help the real poor, feed the real hungry or simply pay your taxes so the governments can help the needy. Sure we all like to know where our money is being spent but avoiding taxes by finding loopholes is not really kosher, especially if you are looking for a satisfying mortal life. Remember there is the politics of our belonging which compels you to go to your religious places and meet up with like minded people. Your intentions may be good but if your money is used to build and even launder for wrong purposes, you have to take an initiative to make sure where your money is being spent. If your mosques, churches and temples are majestic buildings and poverty is all around with hungry moths and homelessness you are on the wrong and political path instead of spiritual one. As a CEO of your life you individually have to create balance in all areas of your life so if you find helping your mosque or church is good enough for you, you are being influenced by the politics of sense of belonging to your respected group which is spiritually poor for you. You can only counter your sense of belonging with the strong sense of freedom so if you feel you are not balanced try assuming your CEO duties. Remember both senses are extreme so it is not one or the other so you will have to create balance between the two. They both are naturally ingrained within you but you from within are able to control and balance them because you have been created as a boss of your life. If others are able to pull your strings it is a spiritual deficiency on your part so again put your CEO hat on.

I personally would draw the line where I would have to take risk to harm others or even myself in the name of my belonging group. Some may find it is being selfish, but I believe its creating balance and taking personal responsibility of my actions and at the same time clearing the clutter. Strong desire of fitting in, impressing or having an even stronger desire to be admired by the belonging group is not a flaw nor a weakness of the individual. But if not kept in check it can lead the individual to harm not only others but spiritually self destruct or both.

From anorexia, bulimia to drugs and alcohol addictions to unhappiness and discontentment to spiritually unfulfilled mortal life to even suicide. All because other people have too much power over you or you have personal problems with out of control sense of belonging. Remember we are pretty well same in every aspect of life so it is not the truth of your circumstances but the truth of how you response to them. Imbalanced individual who is not even exposed to the idea of being a CEO can literally end up spend their whole life trying to achieve others approval while their life slips by one day at a time without providing any kind of fulfillment. Seeking security just to find out that there is none for us mortals. Intellectual disease of pleasing can force one to live their whole life in the mode of fitting in, impressing or wanting to be admired simply does not make any spiritual sense. Regardless of being a free entity some can go to extreme and lose their self identity to become an extension of the belonging groups or ideologies and adopt to become a prejudicial and discriminatory beings ready and willing to start committing spiritual crimes for their belonging groups. With no regards to themselves as an independent entity or personal responsibilities of their actions. Compassion and respecting self and others mortality can stimulate one to understand, live and let live or spiritual rule number one. Don’t do to others what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones.

Since both our internal and external spaces are not in our control, we should individually try to look for our personal reasons that why are we alive? Especially if it is not in our control. We all walk our journeys and we would not like anyone disturbing it, never mind ending it. Even things are not in our control we still should not do to others what we don’t like done to us that is a spiritual understanding of our free will. When you look at your life physically or spiritually exclusively things get murky because being physical it is mechanical and an animal like life. You minimize human life by following just the things what animals do in the bush or cave. Sure we came from there as well but why just human being why not other creatures? When you start to dig in that direction eventually you will find our brought along treasures from before birth like our spiritual side. Our imagination and ability to convert our thoughts into physical actions is not we just learned from our ancestors or they learned from their ancestors. Our compassion, passion, sense of justice, ability to forgive, sacrifice, help others and to love has always been there. Ever wonder where did that spiritual jewelry come from?

Looking at the power of thoughts can be seen in our physical responses, from salivation and excitement and joy to risen heart rate from a memory or a nightmare clearly point towards human complexities. If you just focus on physicality you simplify the whole picture according to the level of your understanding. Even this day and age our best of the best can’t figure out why placebo effects are even present in our medical science. Meaning things are still in the process of our understanding and we have long way to go to claim our knowledge is ultimate or complete. Just like looking at the physical space we see real planets and asteroids but we fail to acknowledge the importance of human imagination related abilities. We neglect to credit where it is due and get all exited and fixated in the findings instead. If you don’t credit how you got there its looking at the one side of the coin and nothing but. What made it all possible to even question, see, actually and physically go there?

Our spiritual world is a world where our thoughts come from and they are so powerful that they can make us experience a world of vivid realities. Where there a simple sugar pill can become a drug, a doubtful mind like an atheist may not be able to comprehend or even go there yet a believer of those realities can jump right in to cross the lines of doubts related fears and live a mortal life with some quality.

From placebo effects to meditative state to extreme focus and hypnoses are clearly present in the human societies but we still argue about making sense out of them. If we are not able to use our full brain power, don’t know everything and still are learning new things everyday what makes us so augmentative about the authenticity of our present knowledge? If you start to look at this logic and see what is happening and how things work in the world of our unknown? Or not yet physical to us because we are not there yet. Sure we need to explore and discuss further but dismissing and rejecting things you don’t know as non existent is an extreme regardless of which side it is coming from. If you can’t experience physical benefits of having a belief system, it is because of the politics of our sense of belonging which has taken over our religions. Since spirituality and politics can’t be mixed we individually become victims of our doubts. A doubtful belief system is like an impotent system it is there but not spiritually useful or beneficial for the individual. Spirituality is our universal truth but is vulnerable to our group politics because religions get the youngsters to believe in the political religion instead of its spirituality. Interestingly one can call themselves as atheist but with their actions they can be really spiritual so regardless of their rejecting the existence of God they still can benefit from being spiritual.

Understanding God on the other hand is going to the edge and allowing yourself to enjoy the music instead of figuring it out while running out of time. When we evolve to the point where we can completely understand the world of human imagination we will find our healing abilities. Doubting and rejecting everything because they don’t make any sense to you, has been, is and will be with us for a long time to come. Our progress has been coming from the people who question, remember there is no difference between religious people who don’t question and the people who reject and don’t question.

If a religion preaches not to question and believe they are actually creating doubts by keeping the individual as irrelevant and meaningless to keep the political control over them. With evolving humanity things are changing and changing very fast with internet availability questioning can’t be stopped so everyone has to level up. Seeking is in the air and especially equal human rights making things come out of religious beliefs as dirty laundry. Seeking individuals can be helped by looking into the world where regardless of questioning their doubts can vanish so they can benefit from having a belief system. Experience life they way it should be or meant to be.

Understanding of our problems start with the individual actions and end with individual’s expiration we should keep eye on the causes and consequences. They are all related with the individual so we should seek our solutions within the individual as well. If an individual is a CEO they would be able to see, understand and act one way or the other according to the politics of belonging to their groups. If we can see how our politics has the power to reduce us into a worker bee or a warrior ant individually, shouldn’t we be looking at the individual to find out what is going on in there? As groups we would never overcome our desire to dominate others including our own followers. As long as we have the ammunition of individual blood and the rage of revenge for their love loss things would not change. Since the actual and real impacts of our disputes are felt and suffered by the individual. Being insecure and politically bombarded with sense of belonging in the tender years, individual has very low chance to question belonging group’s authority. Especially if we have developed a belief that individually we are worthless, unimportant and irrelevant part of the big picture.

Biggest problem is that we are taught to look at the picture with political lens of our belonging group which inhibits us to look beyond our group politics. Politics usually accepts lies and deceits related illusions and makes us believe that individually we are irrelevant. Our spiritual side on the other hand tells us nothing but the truth and preaches that. It is the individual who is the most important, meaningful and relevant part of the holy picture so if individually we change we can change everything. Pain of love loss should be able to simply teach us not to do anything to anyone what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones but that would be spiritual isn’t it? Need for us to grow up individually, has never been stronger or needed, interestingly we can out grow our individual insecurities to remove the dead dog of our problems. If we want to reach to the causes of our personal insecurities we have to learn to balance our sense of belonging to our groups with our personal sense of freedom.

Sure groups are trying to secure their followers to stay strong and relevant but by making the individual feel how important group is. Real problem is that a group can only say a prayers for you, they literally can’t stop you from getting sick, old and for sure they can’t change your mortal nature. Their claim to providing you your security kind of falls short and is not a real fact. We all individually have to come to terms with our mortality to realize that there is no security for a mortal being.

Getting used politically, spending the whole mortal life feeling unimportant, irrelevant, losing self-esteem, committing spiritual crimes in the names of our belonging groups. Not accepting personal responsibilities of actions and hiding behind the politics of belonging is as low a human being can go. It is way below the real human status of a CEO who carries individual and personal atom of autonomy within. WE ALL NEED TO LOOK AT OURSELVES WITH A BROADER AND SPIRITUAL LENS INSTEAD OF A NARROW POLITICAL ONE EXCLUSIVELY, BECAUSE THERE ARE BILLIONS OF US ARE IN NEED TO UNDERSTAND OUR REALITY. OUR INDIVIDUAL IMPORTANCE FROM PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL STAND POINT IS THAT WE ARE A CRUCIAL PART OF GODLY WORLD. EACH AND EVERYONE OF US IS A REPEATABLE FACT OF SPIRITUALITY.

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