As I say we are the part of the body of God, just like our cells are part of our bodies, who have no eyes, understanding or mental capabilities to see the body from the out side. You may say a human cell can see a whole human being from the experimental pietry dish but a scientist can say no because there are no capabilities of such. Anyway I am not talking about experiments I am talking about real life living cells within the functioning body. If they are encased within, without the ability to see physically, go out and still stay alive and be able to look back to the body as a whole. No that can’t be done so their knowledge about the body is simply limited they are there and are assigned a job to do. , but the feelings of being fed, kept alive and nurtured by the body are pronounced enough for them to be emotionally attached. We take pride in our knowledge and always have been and are still using shamelessly and egotistic assumptions, of claiming to know everything. Question is can a cell within the body claim how does our body look from outside? Our ability to see everything is clearly is limited because we are still in the process of evolution. We may be are very knowledgeable about different physical aspects of life, like science, medicine, politics and technology but when it comes to our origin, God and after life, we have nothing but our assumptions. Unfortunately we always look at life as black and white and have not leaned to accept that we don’t know everything. If we don’t know about something we have our vivid imagination related and assumptions based belief systems.
When you are born and grown up into your belonging group, you would be bombarded with the politics of sense of belonging related knowledge, from loyalties related guilt to nationalism and religious beliefs as the way of life is your first education. There would even be hormonal connections from within and normally you would not question anything because you are not aware enough even about yourself as an atom of autonomy holding entity. Regardless of what I have learned and what I say, we are like cells encased within the body. As buddies working to make the body function, say if you are the cells of arm or leg you were told to lift or relax the arm or leg or to walk the body to certain direction which you are not aware. All you know that you suppose to move the arm or leg. Now assume you believe in everything the part you belong says is the truth and nothing but the truth. In reality you are moving an arm or leg but you have no idea what is involved in all that movement. Whatever the part you belong to says is true or not is not completely understood by you. Yet you are aware enough to talk to your buddy whether the body exists or not. Your limited knowledge insists that the arm or the leg is the whole body yet you are able to think there is more to life than just moving arm or leg. Assuming you are smart enough to start questioning how does the arm or leg working? What is it attached to and how its life system is working, the oxygen, brain, heart, lungs, liver, kidneys, colon, skin and brain working and the main question arise how does it look like as a whole from the outside. Personally I believe our smarts in other areas are compelling us to find out but unfortunately the more we dig into it, more we find out there is a whole lot to learn. Meaning we don’t know everything, the most uncomfortable feelings for the cells claiming to know everything but totally hesitant to accept that we don’t know anything about our origin or even what we are? Why we are and what happens to us when we die?
See our problem are not related to what it is? But what what its all about? So to me I don’t try to talk about what it is? I may give an example here and there but my main focus is what its all about? I have no problem accepting my limitations and not knowing but I try my best not to use assumptions. This example of body and cells should be acknowledge as metaphoric example not as my assumption. I know and believe I have limited time and my life is calling me to attend all my other departments of life as well. Since I consider myself as a CEO of my life I must attend my life as it needs to be attended. I simply can’t afford to spend my whole life time try to figure out what is God and why I am here? Sure if you have time and energy, knock yourself out, I got bigger fish to fry. My mortality is calling to not only fulfill my duty of reciprocation but accumulate some enjoyment and happiness along the way as well. I personally don’t believe God made us to be monks and I disagree with spending whole life time with a blank sheet. To me we all are born with a sheet which has music written on it. God is an empty space and we are the musical note, if we don’t speak when its our turn we have a blank sheet but if we don’t believe in empty space or don’t leave room for God in our life we will live and die in constant stressful noise. So I believe in a balanced, rhythmic and melodious life. Meaning no monking or stressful monkeying around for me. Plain and simple living of equal partner reciprocation and nothing but. I simply don’t have time to figure God out while I am running out of time. All I know is that I am inside the body because I can feel the spirituality touching my physicality and my physicality touching spirituality. I am receiving oxygenated and nutrient rich blood to experience life, I am functioning to do my daily job, (RECIPROCATION).
If my buddy ask me does the body exist? I can’t say no because my own functioning is not my own doing yet it still is happening. I believe that I have been helped and instinctively I know I need to do something in return. That something is my reciprocation, which gives me deep and personal spiritual satisfaction. Should I buy into everything is my arm or leg buddies are selling? No I believe they have politically manifested and constructed assumption based ideologies of belonging to arm or leg instead of understanding how the whole body is functioning. I can’t follow traditional, customary, ritualistic and belief based rules of arm and leg. I am in for understanding the body and its functioning remember I said I am for what its all about not what it is. If there way of living is to politically use and control people and use even God in the process that is what I am talking about and that is what it is all about. When people follow mass over the individual it is political and is an unjust practice. Whether its coming from socialism or even from our religions they are spiritually incorrect because its not coming from our groups of people. Rather its God who supply’s oxygenated blood to us equally, a clear example of equal justice. So there is no injustice in spiritual world. If religion says everyone has to follow religion as rules I have problem with that. To really find out about God one has to die first so no one can claim that they know everything about God. Creating rules of God and religions have no connection and nothing to do with God or the body. So as I said before I am going to say it again I am not for what it is but for what it is all about. If it is about the politics which always stands on injustice, prejudice and discrimination its not related to the entity which supply the oxygenated blood to the cells indiscriminately. Its about the group of cells or people belonging to each other as political organizations claiming to have good intentions for the individual yet using cells and the body for their political agendas. If you follow, what its all about, you will discover politics in the base of all our disputes. AS THEY SAY FOLLOW THE MONEY IN THIS CASE FOLLOW THE POLITICS OF CONTROL AND POWER TO DISCOVER WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. You will discover your incomplete knowledge related personal insecurities compelling you follow to the point that you INDIVIDUALLY REACH YOUR PERSONAL AND SELF DESTRUCTION, SPIRITUALLY THAT IS. Depending on how high you put God on the scale and how low you put yourself, your behaviors can threaten the very existence of the body and God. Don’t believe me simply imagine the world without the people or body without the physical cells.
Spiritually things are not usually logical but since we are born mortals we individually have to understand everything ABOUT OUR REALITIES. Our physical realities may be different than our metaphoric and virtual realities but that doesn’t mean they should not mean any thing. For instance if you only believe in your physical realities you, you may not understand a whole lot about our mortal life. God, love, compassion, bravery, sacrifice and sense of justice are few of our metaphoric realities. Sure they are not physical but they all have a place in our mortal life. You may not be able to see or touch them physically but that dose not mean they don’t exist. Just look around the history and even in present days and see how many books, movies and plays have been talking about love yet its not our physical reality. People sacrifice their life for their loved ones, for their communities, nations and religions all the time. We have holy books and we still swear by them even in our modern day court systems simply because they are part of our every day life. They may not be our physical realities but our metaphoric realities can’t be denied. They have undeniable benefits for us mortal beings, from placebo effects to counseling to hypnosis and now even spiritual awareness can play a legitimate role in our healing systems. Sure you can’t say a belief system is founded on a clear cut truth, but it still is able to benefit us in known and not yet known ways. Meaning we may learn later with our evolving knowledge so everything is not proven until its proven. We can live and die or carry on living even after a loss yet bravely with hope and optimism. One can jump to certain death situation if they believe they are doing the right thing. Stupid and dangerous to some maybe but our bravery is another honorable metaphoric reality. Most path carvers required bravery so they should be admired because of their contributions in our evolution. Modern day human beings may not appreciate our ancestor’s ways of living but in reality every reality has its place. Sure even the right things can be questionable but our belief systems have the power to give us help in shape of hope and optimism, and hope and optimism is an essential thing in mortal living. Otherwise our doubts can freeze us in times of making decisions. Whether having a belief is right, wrong, false or truth is not the issue its the help it can provide to navigate in our mortal years, remember I said its not what it is, its what its all about. If you say you believe, in physical reality may not mean that you are talking about the undeniable truth. Truth is that you are an entity who has been evolving and is still in evolving mode,even if you want to, your nature metaphorically wouldn’t let you sit still. Your imagination is in constant action so if you discover something what you think is a black and white truth. Logically you still can’t claim that its truth for everyone and forever. There has been and still are people who worship man made statues, there are people who stone at the man made stone and yet kiss an other stone and believe that is their truth. Interestingly we all believe our truth should be a truth for the whole humanity, if people don’t agree they should be killed. My question is why and how can we claim while we are all in evolving mode? Remember we have been robbing Egyptian’s tombs and they had a belief that they would need their material belongings in the life after death. We rob the tombs and still believe there is a life after death just like Egyptians with only difference of material things. Things have been, are and will be changing but we still claim that we are certain about our beliefs as truths. An evolving entity’s truth is always on a shaky ground because of everything is in evolving mode as well. Meaning what you believe is today’s truth may not be tomorrow’s truth. We personally should discover ourselves truthfully then we should try to dig for Godly truths. Sure simply believing can help the individual to live a better mortal life but if you start to claim that your belief is your truth. Inevitably it would not be the truth for other human beings so you simply can’t enforce it on others because you would not want others to enforce their beliefs as truths on you.
Regardless of our mortality we all should know what can be useful to make our journey a livable, hopeful, positive and even full of happiness and contentment experience. If you know you are having trouble putting your two and two together. In reality you may not be able to enjoy things during your mortal visit so you should seek help from, consult and directly connect with your personal atom of autonomy. Remember we can not let things leave for later because that later is, regardless of what people say with their assumptions, is completely unknown. You can believe or disbelieve in your metaphoric realities but your mortal reality is a physical one and is inevitable so your know how is your individual responsibility a lot more than you are taught to believe.
Some can say there is reincarnation some don’t believe in it, some would believe in heaven and hell and some would not and so on but our individual and biggest problem is that we all have to die before to really find out. Anyway our religions and belief systems may be full of assumptions but our spirituality is a lot more reality based. If you follow spiritual rules like don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones can help us to live in peace from within. Believing in our mortal and constantly evolving nature can help to figure things out. You simply can’t go wrong because you would be aware enough to lead a reasonably decent mortal life. Since spirituality has been consistently universal and able to cross all human societies regardless of belief systems. Proof is in the pudding good and bad people are found in all human societies indiscriminately of any belief system.
If you look for the low crime rate and happier people some nations would stand out not because of their religious beliefs or isms they have risen on top because they follow spiritual principles. Religion or not God or not human decency is found everywhere. From far back in the history to even in today’s modern times, sure there are still people who are racist, sexually biased, prejudiced and discriminatory towards each other. Sure they still fight and kill each other but looking on the other side you will find them living peacefully in melting pot societies. Giving and receiving equal human rights to and from each other with no problems. Its all because of our human spiritual nature, especially if you nurture it collectively. People have had and still have the spiritual potential to live and let live regardless of their differences. Our indefinite wars and killing each other would go on for ever if don’t clean up our nationalism and religious beliefs from prejudicial and discriminatory politics of belonging to our groups. From our last name related disputes to color, race, national to religious superiority has to take a hike from our civilized world so we can create world peace which is simply a step away in our evolution scale.
Looking at Afghanistan’s young people running and clinging to plane even outside shows a great deal of distaste in conservatism and oppressive religious ideologies as governing systems. Our conservative populations are stubbornly fighting back to cling and keep their prejudicial and discriminatory ideologies in power yet floor is falling under neath them. Interestingly their new generations a segment of population who are totally exposed to internet related world information. They are connected and can easily see where the world is today, so they know it can’t be contained with love of nationalism or religions anymore. They simply can’t be as conservative as their previous generations have been. Modern day generations want nothing to do with religious beliefs and nationalism based prejudicial politics. They are a lot more into equal human individual rights so the push and pull has been going on. Which has nothing to do with nationalism or even religious spiritual beliefs, its all about political battle between conservatism and liberalism.
In order to achieve equal human rights we all individually have to understand spirituality one-o-one, live and let live. If you are conservative be conservative but individually don’t try to hold everyone down with you because you chances are you may lose even your loved ones. Forced beliefs are not spiritual they are based on political insecurities. People who don’t put their own two and two together themselves, they are the people who let others put their two and two together. Meaning they will follow the political whims of belonging groups. In the era of equal human rights, anything forced does not work never mind a belief system. So don’t let politics ruin your relationships or even give a bad name to your belief system. Simple truth is that oppression has never worked so people have to come in the middle so extreme can be eradicated. With today’s freedom, information technology and equal human individual rights, times have changed so suppressing human nature has become a black mark on the societies who do it. Remember spirituality is successfully used by the nations who have lower crimes rates and happier people yet so called religious societies have spiritually nothing to show in real world results.
Politically our sense of belonging influenced nationalism and religions related identity problems can not be eradicated unless we all seek to put our individual and personal two and two together. We personally and collectively are still evolving but still are going back and forth in solving our worldly issues. With shifting political powers back and forth between conservative and liberal people is proving that humanity is going through a time which is going to start a new paradigm. Formation of European Union and then Brexit are a good example to talk about for this back and forth. Eventually hopefully soon we would learn to understand that we all have to survive as one humanity. All our Global warming related weather extremes, wars related unrest and refugee problems, infectious diseases like Corona virus, internet related crimes have been and are constantly pointing towards the need of humanity to work together.
If you see a cat or a dog, regardless of their color, gender, bread or size you distinguish them as cats or dogs. Interestingly when it comes to us human beings we even ourselves have failed to even acknowledge even that simple truth. We bury our main identity of being a human being so far deep into the politics that it becomes harder to even recognize ourselves as human beings. Our actions are speaking loud enough to put us to shame. Our color, race, gender, nation and even our belief systems speak louder than all of us. Logically if we are born as a human being regardless of our color, race, gender, size, nationality or religious beliefs we all belong to humanity as a whole. Spiritually we are not like cats and dogs so we should take pride in ourselves being a spiritual being but unfortunately we are discouraged by our belonging groups to even do that. They fear if all human individuals believe in belonging to one humanity as a whole, what would happen to their group’s political powers?So they would not want their belonging individuals to evolve and join humanity as a whole. Politics of belonging to our groups have done an immeasurable damage to humanity and its still going on. We all have a need to take that next step on the ladder of our evolution. Reality is that our spiritual two and two together has been and is calling for human individual to understand the power of political belonging to groups.
When someone says put your two and two together they mean figure things out for the better. Purpose and need of our religious beliefs suppose to be and should be to help and benefit belonging individual to come to peace internally with mortal nature in their living years. Especially when it comes to God or our religions, they have nothing to do with after life but everything to do with our living years. We individually need some hope and optimism to survive mortality while collecting some happiness and contentment. On the other side logically God’s work needs to be done physically while we are alive so either way it is all during the living years. Religious belief’s logical motive is to keep us in line so we don’t commit spiritual crimes against each other or stop acting like other animals. Whether there is hell and heaven or not, is not the question its all about controlling living people politically to keep social peace. Human knowledge based carrot and stick philosophy is good for training animals but as human beings we bring our spiritual side along so we need not to be treated as animals. This is not only disrespectful to Godly entity it is disrespectful to the creator as well. Nations who are able to achieve lowest crime rate and happy people have spiritual policies and they don’t treat human beings as animals.
Interestingly in our religious world most people emphasize on life after death, and neglect to focus on life where they really matter and are meaningful. They are so caught up and obsessed with after life that they don’t put their personal two and two together to know what its all about, its as if they know exactly what is after death. Real problem is that everyone personally has to die before they can really find out. Questioning all that can become an issue as well. Bottom line should be to live this life with some spiritual decency. Looking back in the history and even in today’s times there are a whole lot of solved and unsolved mysteries of life, meaning we have been and are constantly learning and evolving. What once was accepted as God’s territory by most of us is not anymore so we are advancing regardless of its uncharted waters status. We still have to evolve further to solve our personal two and two together related mysteries. People have their own ways to figure things out, some go with science and technology and some have lot of metaphoric stories. Unfortunately as groups we are still following the politics of belonging to our groups and doing a whole lot of killing of each others innocent human individuals, yet we cleverly and politically twist everything to blame God for our actions.
To me its an absurdity, if you kill or get killed in the name of politics of belonging to groups but connect all that to God. Politically your belonging group would say you would go to heaven after you die, yet the opposing group would say you are going to hell so either way its who gets God’s blamed. As if human beings have no free will, choice, compassion and personal sense of justice. Remember we all have our own atom of autonomy within so going against it, would mean you would create your own hell from within. This clearly mean that this two and two is not spiritually together for you individually because it stinks like a politics from all angles. First of all if you kill someone, you are taking out God’s helping hands, second you robbed someone of love third if you see God is not doing anything about it, you become even more trenched into your version of two and two together. Now the question is how can you believe that your actions are spirituality related? See if God was pulling our strings, we would be genetically programed like bees and ants, we would not be responsible for our individual actions. Since that is not the case and we all, each and every single one of us is blessed with our personal atom of autonomy. We all can use our personal free will, meanings we all can act like a capable mini God ourselves. We can think, use our free will, personal sense of justice, compassion, ability to love and even hate all and be responsible for it all. Now my question to you personally and individually is, do you have your spiritual two and two put together? Or your belonging groups are doing that for you? If your politics of belonging is powerful enough and pulling your strings to make you dance like a puppet, you don’t even have your personal two and two never mind you putting it together. Your prejudice, discrimination and believing even God is a prejudicial and discriminatory entity is down right a spiritual crime. That means politically maybe but your two and two is not spiritually put together. Remember if you are against equal human rights you and God both have been used politically by your belonging groups whether you acknowledge it or not.
Installing beliefs in ordinary human beings that they are born sinners, installs individual insecurities and related issues. Politically it robs followers of their self respect and self-esteem, so they can easily be controlled. Promotions of prayers and fasting as a duty and non compliance is punishable by God is another tool for control, corporal punishments for kids to brutally chopping hands or stoning to death for social crimes are the things to send political messages to fear and comply. If its not politically installing fear what is? These punishments don’t just create fearful environment for the followers to stun their all kind of growth, they are there to brain wash so no one can question authorities and become like the creatures who are genetically programmed. Strict rules literally speak loudly to say that its all about the politics of what its all about but not about what is. Poor God, spirituality and humanity has nothing to do with all that. Remember political rules have nothing to do with justice, compassion and spirituality its all about ruling the population at all cost. Simply it sends a message to the belonging individuals to become a subservient or else. Remember fear based politics has been a typical human tool for teaching and training animals but using all that on human beings does not work. Proof is loud and clear because religious societies don’t have lower crime rates nor their population fare high on the scale of happiness and contentment. Simply put human beings are not in the same class of other animals because we have our own spiritual side within. Religions have been and still are full of those people who are power and control hungry so they don’t hesitate using God and people politically. In their quest they became the reason of people losing respect for their religious beliefs. I don’t have to prove it, what could have gotten them killed in past, in today’s world people have the power to openly challenge or take religions to courts never mind defying their rules.
What happen to our religions? Why things are changing everywhere regardless of any particular religion. Roman Catholics have been involved in all kind of scandals. First with sexual abuse, then with residential schools and now thousands of children’s unmarked mass graves yet on the residential school grounds. Interestingly they are not even in position to defend themselves or explain why did they do it. In Afghanistan Muslims desperately trying to run from Muslim religious rules. Taliban style Islamic government may even cause more disrespect for the religion. Where is that love of our belief systems? What went wrong to our religious beliefs in this modern era? We commonly had a lot of respect for our religious beliefs but in modern days humanity has lost that respect for our belief systems right across the board and interestingly its not limited to anyone particular religion. Personally I believe our belief systems and justice system should be above any kind of politics. If there is no spiritual purity in beliefs or justice system or if they are not based on nothing but the truth they are politically tainted. Regular people can’t respect politically twisted truths nor politically tainted belief systems.
As an atom of autonomy holding human being we naturally respect truth and honesty so individually I believe our spirituality and justice system both should be based on nothing but the truth. Anything less than that, they should lose their respect because of their political taint. When it comes to our group politics there is a lot of room for open lies and twisted truths. So our religious beliefs and justice systems should simply be pure of those influences. Our religions have glorified God and Devil just to rob the human individuals of their importance to me that is impure and political. In the process they promoted education to make human individual as irrelevant and even a born sinner to the point that individuals lost their importance even in their own eyes. That lead to self respect and self-esteem issues which gave more powers to the governing authorities but not to God.
Popularity of equal human rights and internet connected humanity is changing the world and changing it fast, even the most conservative societies are having trouble keeping their populations in political control. Recently even Saudi Arabia is allowing casinos to be opened for business, personally I believe Saudi Arabia is one of the most conservative nation around the world because they just recently allowed women to drive.
Remember equal human rights are not just limited between individuals. They are also between individual and corporations, nations and even religions as well. Those times have passed when religions could push people around and no one would question their authority out of respect. Today if individual has a dispute with even religion they can take religions as an entity to court and win as well if they have a legitimate case.
Directly looking at the importance of human individual in the whole scheme of life can open the doors of realities. Regardless of our religion or number of religions, main and functional character is living breathing human individual. One can say we can’t even breath on our own how can we not believe in God? Sure I believe in God as well but how does God work physically? If everyone is out to rob human individual their importance and make them inferior, insecure, unimportant and irrelevant, I got a problem with that. Simply because its a spiritual injustice and God can’t be on the side of injustice. So mark my words number one its not from God, its related to group politics of control. Its designed to make the individual lose their self respect and self-esteem so they can easily be controlled. Meaning its doubly political. If everything spiritual is physically done by the human individual, that means they all individually have the direct connection to the God. Need of middle men has been created because we all are under the influences of political belonging to our groups. Most of our religions say that we all have to become a good, spiritual and decent individual to succeed in achieving a spot in heaven. Following a group of people is directly connected with human politics of sense of belonging to our groups. If you happen to mix human politics with your personal spirituality you personally lose out. Sure we need rules to live in a human society where people are at different level of evolution. For instance alpha and strong would fight to comply with those rule makers but weak or beta people would love to comply effortlessly. Off course our alpha and beta traits belong to our animal side, spiritually we are above our animal traits. Now the question is that should we carry on living like animals or should we evolve to override our animal instincts? Most human societies are pluralists but not all people agree in everything. Even our religions believing in same God and Prophets have several sects, simply because of the political belonging to a group of people.
Foundational themes of our popular religions are based on God and Devil as the main characters and human individual is openly believed as an irrelevant part of the holy picture. Simply dissect this problem with logic and see how God’s and even Devil’s work gets done and what happens if we remove human individuals physical contributions. To prove my point I just want you to picture the world without human beings, would any good or bad physically happen? Who would perform for who? Or against whom? Would that matter and to whom? See if things don’t add up or get done physically, everything starts to fall like dominoes. So the bottom line is if our religions are on the foundation of God and Devil, both are not completely understood to be physical entities unless human being lends them their physicality. Removing human importance would be completely political for power and control hungry and who is that hungry entity? Its easy to see the flaw in this holy picture. So connecting or mixing God and Devil to gain political control would be using even God politically. Which can and should be a spiritual crime because God does not come to defend almighty. Its up to us as individuals to speak against political use of God. If it does not make sense to you, why are you letting it happen in the broad day light and even participate in it. Simply think without any biased and defend God and yourself as well. Spiritually learn to put yourself on the receiving end of your actions before committing them even if they are in the name of your belonging group and yes even in the name of God. If you feel they are unjust they actually are.
I don’t intend to create doubts in anyone’s belief system but if you personally are willing to go and kill someone including innocents people in the name of your religious beliefs. I will try to discourage you by pointing towards your politics of sense of belonging hidden in plain sight even for you to see. Politics of sense of belonging to our groups has been and still is the most dangerous thing in humanity because it compels people to take extreme measures against other human beings and yes even the innocents ones. If you are going to defeat the whole purpose of having a spiritual belief system, you have got to look at your personal behavior critically. Spirituality’s fundamentals are not to do to anyone what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. Compassion and your personal sense of justice should be in the foundation of your religious beliefs but unfortunately politically organized religions have sold their soul to the Devil of political sense of belonging. They have sacrificed their spiritual principles in the name of power and control.
I consider myself reasonably spiritual but I would draw the lines on worshiping stones, kissing stones, or throwing stones at the stone in the name of my belief system. Even I don’t personally believe in grave yards, I would go to a grave of someone which attracts hungry stomachs and feeding souls not because of who is buried there but because of the desire to see how spirituality is converted into physical actions by the human individuals at someone’s grave who has been gone for long time. Controversial may be but in my opinion if spirituality is being converted into physical actions its a real spirituality and wherever it is happening it is good enough for me. You can believe whatever your belonging group says I personally believe every human knowledge has to deliver physical results. If your religion or the sect is unable to deliver spiritual results you don’t have the right to say others are wrong so my vote is not for you. But I would have a lot of respect for that dead saint. Simply because I want to see real results oriented actions of spirituality. There is no preaching of any religion by the saint because the saint is long gone, so if spirituality is being converted in physical actions it has its merits.
Individual happiness and contentment, whether its from feeling secure within or from spiritual fulfillment matters the most for the mortal being. If people are running from the fear of being killed because of religious extreme or in general are not happy and content, there is a problem in our belief system. That problem is related to missing and absence of spirituality. Interestingly if you google lowest crime rates in the world the nations come on the top are not even religious. To me that is a and should be real slap on the face of our belief systems. Simply because they are unable to deliver results they claim to provide. Not only they failed to show lowest crime rate, they fail to produce happy and content people as well so if the religious societies performed poorly in even providing basics of spirituality. Where is the disconnect? To me the nations who are delivering results have adopted spiritual principles as rules and rejected politically tainted religious beliefs. Now put your politics of sense of belonging aside and look at it with your open spiritual eyes without biased. Use your God given personal sense of justice to really see where humanity is today? How can so called Godless people deliver spiritual results and organized religious societies can’t even come in top six. You can say I am just googling and making my decisions accordingly, not at all just look around and see how religious people have been and are still treating each other never mind killing each other. Interestingly they are still claiming that they are doing it all in the name of God, question is which God political one or spiritual God?
Watching desperation of people wanting to flee from the Taliban, makes me not to think about the spirituality of the individual but their fear of religious government. Its unbelievable to see even the reputation of religion has suffered by politicization. When we follow and believe into any human knowledge blindly, it can help to even jump into sure death situation, meaning you will be willing to die for a cause. You will be considered as a brave believer and be praised by the belonging group. If your sense of belonging is out of control you will be willing to even commit spiritual crime for that group. Now the question is where is your God given personal sense of justice? Are you even able to see that you maybe are committing spiritual crimes? Every religion preaches compassion, justice, forgiveness yet end up getting caught going to crusades, killing children in the name of conformation or simply going to wars and killing each other for political supremacy not spirituality.
Since human beings convert spirituality into physical actions or do Devils deeds physically. To me they simply can’t be marginalized so if you kill or get killed, either way its God who is the loser. We all are physical helping hands of God. Depending on how you personally look at life or are taught to believe? Being born into our belonging groups is out of our control. So its inevitable to avoid the politics of belonging but as we grow and become an adult things can change for us individually. Being born with personal atom of autonomy with all its fringe benefits or responsibilities can transform us from within. Our ability to think independently, using free will to make decisions to be compassionate or even ability to use personal sense of justice to over ride politics of belonging, all comes along to help us grow up spiritually. As human beings we are not just a physical creatures who are compelled by the nature exclusively. Remember we can think, and act individually above the orders of belonging groups. Our traditions, customs, rituals and rules have been and are always there but a percentage of people would follow them but a percentage would not. Simply because we all individually have the ability to see and judge the hidden political agendas of our groups what we choose to follow or not .
Our ability to balance our sense of belonging and sense of freedom has been there for all of us but some of us are under the spells of political belonging and some of us always question authority. If every one complied or defied there would be a chaos in human societies. Interestingly we all can see when God and people get used politically but our level of sense of belonging has the power to keep us quite or speak against it. Unfortunately or fortunately our atom of autonomy has the power to reek havoc within us as well so ignoring it can be disastrous derailment for us individually.
Our age old problem is powerful sense of belonging to our groups and weakness of human individual, but recently things are changing these days so groups are having internal problems. Present political turmoil around the world is not because of religious beliefs or not, our problems are stemming from clashing old style conservatism or new style liberalism. People are struggling to gain and keep political powers because equal human individual rights are becoming popular by the day. Even our highly educated people can’t speak against political injustices simply because their sense of belonging to group over rules their personal views. Whether its fear of being shunned or fear of death either way people are trying to survive. If your religion is feared its days are numbered because politically humanity is not where it was even fifty years ago.
Sure we are all connected to each other as social creatures but to me we are above all that, we are not our installed knowledge nor we are the data we are not even the body or a computer. Since we run the body and brain we are the logical computer runners. We call the shots to mix and match the data to create new knowledge to make decisions to suit our mortal life. Since we are the one who runs the body, brain and all the installed data we should be able to override our politically installed views as well. Do you feel that you are that person? If not simply try to be honest with yourself so you can get in touch with your potential real self. Being free will allow you to see the political influences of your belonging groups. If you are taught to believe life beyond your race, color, gender, nation or religion is all evil, it does not only mean you and your belonging group is limited in present day knowledge, it means you are prejudicial and discriminatory beings as well. Unfortunately you actually are believing even God is not beyond those boundaries and is a prejudicial and discriminatory entity. Simply looking at it this way should open up your spiritual horizons personally to see the politics your belonging group is playing. We can prevent ourselves from committing spiritual crime of making God a prejudicial and discriminatory entity if we start to question our politics of belonging. If God was limited there would not be thousands of religious beliefs, there would not be any gender, race, nation, religion or sects related crimes. God left it all on us to have a desire to evolve from our animal desires and insecurities to become mini God ourselves. I know its a little far fetched to say as a single human being but if you look at our make up we are as complex as anything can be. We are the phenomenon God uses to make everything good happen physically so if you choose to think that you are inferior, irrelevant, unimportant and even a born sinner, its up to you but reality is if you think beyond the politics of your belonging. You would be able to see your real importance. Look around everything you see regardless of its sophistication a single human individual’s imagination started all that to bring it all in physical reality.
Other than the stories you have heard or read in your holy books, personally have you ever seen any good or bad thing physically being done on its own like a magic or miracle? If someone gets killed by the animal or an accident you can’t count that either because you can’t really prove that its God’s or Devil’s doing. Idea of separating God, Devil and human being is like life, death and mortality. They are all intertwined in such a way that physicality and spirituality can’t work unless they are together. You simply can’t make this spiritual clap make any sound, whether its for good or bad. So good and bad can’t exist physically if there is no one to create or experience it physically. Since we have free will at our disposal, we choose to act and make things happen physically. If you believe in God and Devil believe so, but simply don’t ignore or underestimate the importance of human individual. Remember physicality card is held by the human individuals yet with a free choice so learn to respect yourself and take pride in being a spiritual entity as well as a creator of physicality. Sure you have help to do all that but if you choose to do good to me you are superior to metaphoric angels because they don’t choose to do good they are designed to do without choice.
When a young mind gets conflicting messages from their authority figures like parents, teachers, society and religious leaders. If they are unable to question because of fears of being shunned or punishments. Inevitably there fearful confusions can be exaggerated by their hormonal influences as well as immature and developing minds can mess things up for them. If they believe even their elders are confused what chances do they have in achieving happiness and contentment. When it comes to politically tainted religious beliefs, things can get really messed up spiritually. For instance if you look at spirituality it should be clear and honest just like our justice system related to nothing but the truth. Not only it is confusing for general population, young and vulnerable minds can fall victims to personal and individual spiritual crisis. Since spirituality teaches us that when it comes to God, there is nothing but the truth similar to our justice systems claiming to be blind of politics. So interestingly regardless of our education levels politics of belonging to our groups has been able to corrupt and even override our personal and individual spiritual values. We get lost even if we claim to be honest and religious individuals especially if our religions are involved in political and territorial wars. Its totally normal for them to kill each others innocent individuals and still claim that God is on their side. This kind of claim can be a spiritual problem for both sides, because it makes belonging individuals to commit spiritual crimes yet in the name of God. Since they are implicating God as a prejudicial and discriminatory entity, they are labeling God is not about nothing but the truth. More than often politics of belonging to our groups puts our individual morality in a pickle so even the best of us can’t speak and stand against the powerful political belonging. A young mind who spiritually looks at the things without political biased can be extremely torn between politics of belonging and moral duties because of hormonal influences.
Universality of justice and spirituality is as clear as it can be, just look around the world in all human societies you will find good and bad people. Our trouble is our past and related political system of governing. Regardless of how well they mean, if even a respected religious leader preaches religious superiority that is founded on today’s bad words. Prejudice and discrimination does not only throw off spiritual values of the young mind it creates a politically influenced justice system as well. Remember our justice system suppose to be blind and pure of politics like our spirituality. When a child like pure mind sees even their authority figures all messed up by the politics of belonging, they lose their respect for authority figures and even religious beliefs simultaneously. Not only they lose respect for their elders and religious beliefs, they personally and internally suffer with their own spiritual crisis.
Our problem has always been our politics of belonging because not only it confuses our young minds, it promotes injustice related negative human traits commonly known prejudiced and discrimination. Today in the era of equal human rights and internet connection in everyone’s hands, everything is out in the open. Unlike in past being extremist, racist, prejudiced and discriminatory is not a human asset anymore. New trends of humanity have been and are changing for a while, international demand for universal and equal human individual rights are being pushed. Conservative and old style humanity has to adjust and straighten out its old and curvy rail tracks according to the new and speeding and bullet trains of evolution. Demands of slowing the train speed to accommodate our thousands of years old religious beliefs is falling on deaf ears of modern generations. Whole world is watching and looking down on our politically tainted religions and justice systems, so things will have to change and comply with the changing and modern times. Today if you can’t explain things logically to your kids, all kinds of family derailments and spiritual crisis can happen. Spiritual crisis are not limited to us as individuals, collective spiritual crisis are a good possibility as well. Looking at Afghanistan’s recent crisis can open ones eyes, if people are running afraid from a religious government and openly show their fear and distrust even in a religious belief, its a shame for those religious authorities because a religion should be a spiritual blessing. A message for peace as Islam means, so why people are so afraid that they cling to departing planes yet outside. Stupidity is one thing but fearing more from religious government than a certain death is just appalling. Desperation is one thing fear based religious rules are giving religion a bad name because a religion suppose to be a spiritual and inviting system for people not for repelling. Problem is not that people don’t want to go back in the old era of power and control they simply want to be free of oppression. Today’s era belong to equal human individual rights and freedom of speech so if things turn backward in a community, community loses its individuals which is loss only educated and visionaries can see. Remember community’s life and blood is the individual so losing educated individuals mean community would stay behind. If the tracks are not straighten out according to the speeding train, collective derailment would happen.
Popularity of equal human individual rights is not limited to one certain area of the world. Today’s era is throwing not one, not two but all politically organized religions under the bus yet by their own young followers. Things are changing fast and oppressive forces are not able to hold on to power. Just look around even in Canada, traditional, physical, individual and sexual abuse and coverups were bad enough but now mass graves of children on residential school grounds is just taking a winning prize for a politically organized religion. To me ideally religious ideologies should exclusively stick with spirituality, that is, if they really want to avoid collective derailment by their own belonging populations.
In modern day humanity’s old tracks are not and can’t keep up with internet era related advancements, they simply are not working with rapidly evolving humanity. You can take the religion to on line but you can’t keep everyone in line anymore. Unless you remove the politics of divisions, exclusivity, prejudice and discrimination, your days are numbered and your survival is in question. Popularity of equal human individual rights is growing and you are not changing with changes of humanity so you are standing in the way of the wave which would sweep you away like you were a thing of the past. Today people know and they would go for blood transfusion and vaccination because they save lives and religions can’t clean up their faces from the dried up black blood marks of taking lives indiscriminately of innocence. Blood runs so deep and so far that even our history can’t count religious disputes and extreme related death tole, yet interestingly they claim it was and still is in the name of spirituality and God.
We can believe in all our religious stories like parting the ocean and moon but the real powers of human individuals are showing up just now. Never mind parting the ocean modern days man can dry up the whole dam ocean by blocking the source of water to it. Remember ocean does not go apart in our day today life, moon does not break in two pieces nor we get bombarded by the birds regularly. Today’s realities can’t be denied, that we been and are still in the real miracle, we are burning up planet, drying up ocean simply in the name of progress. People die everyday but are not counted as a price of global warming because there are people and businesses who are preaching there is no global warming and then there are people who are buying it because they are told its all God’s doing human beings are just not relevant enough.
Remember human individuals value is valued by both sides of the equation, Devil’s work is not done physically if human individual does not become a helping hand. Similarly to that God’s work is not done unless human beings don’t chip in. So putting God and Devil on the top corner of this holy triangle is plain and simply wrong. If human being does not lend their hands, backs and shoulders both God and Devil’s work can’t become physical realities. Unless its an obvious miracle, and tell me how often do you see miracles in this day and age. A mullah and priest can tell you whatever they want to but denying human individual their legitimate position is clearly connected to politics. In holy and spiritual picture human plays an essential role of converting spirituality into physical actions yet gets robbed politically. Its not only wrong, its unholy and a spiritual crime committed by the politically tainted religions.
If you start to look at our physical or animal side we all are very territorial just like other animals. When we are exposed and constantly preached about the sense of belonging to our groups, we naturally fall for it. We believe every word and really put our natural identity below our installed identities. We belong to family, group, race, color, nation and even our belief systems before being even a human being. Our glob is not physically divided by God or nature but by the political lines created by our sense of belonging to our groups. We are taught to believe that our divisions are for peace and security but regardless of nearly two hundred nations. Humanity has been longing for that peace since forever, and that security is an illusion as well because most crimes are done against each other by our own kind. Regardless of our evolution and even religion after religion we still can’t over come our animal instincts. Our spiritual side within has been undermined politically yet by our religions because they have given us carrot and stick philosophy to live by. They even say God has heaven and hell for us. So regardless of the number of our religions we simply can’t over come our animal or barbaric behaviors. Simply because we are not even taught that we carry our own atom of autonomy within. So we don’t personally nurture our spiritual side and accept ourselves as one of the breed of primates. If we are like other primates then why other primates don’t evolve like us? If we are living in mega cities by now at the least they should be living in some kind of villages. Our problem is that we keep reinforcing the beliefs of Darvon’s theory, which denies our spiritual side, personal God particle or our exclusive atom of autonomy. To me it simply does not make sense, if there is evolution in everything why human is the one who is flying higher than all other species. We literally fly higher than birds yet we don’t have wings? Why we are able to dig deeper than all creatures with the claws? We even swim deep in the ocean without gills. Our evolution is not because of our animal side we are evolving because of our spiritual side. Sure we still kill each other but we are trying to save other species from extinction as well. We believe in things because things need different kind of knowledge. To mention a few we need compassion, love, justice and sacrifice for social living but there is no way we can break these down and explain them with our scientific knowledge. So we need our belief systems as essentials for our social and mortal living. Just like we are evolving in our scientific, medical and technological knowledge we need to evolve in our belief systems as well, but our religions have been systematically ignoring and discouraging to explore religious knowledge. Our political religions have put their foot in their mouth by saying that God’s knowledge is not going to change or evolve. Interestingly now a days they have to go on line to reach and find followers just to preach them the same old prejudicial and discriminatory rhetoric based knowledge. They still would preach their group superiority and exclusivity they simply can’t come out and preach spirituality based equal human rights.
If you have inner balance as a human being, unlike other animals you would have the ability to over ride your hormonal influences. Otherwise your dominating animal side would dictate your actions. Our ability to understand and over come hormonal influences comes from our spiritual side. That atom of autonomy is a powerful and influential entity sitting within all of us. Today we are discovering that we are a lot more spiritual than we are taught to believe. Our old school carrot and stick philosophy does not work because we simply are able to self regulate without the fear of hell or greed of heaven. We still have nearly two hundred countries divided even further by their territorial, religious and even sectarian differences. They still kill each other because of their politics of belonging to their groups. If you want to see and understand Godly truth, you simply need to see the world beyond your installed data or politically preached knowledge. Proof is that today we have people living peacefully in melting pot societies regardless of their different back grounds. Equal human individual rights in the constitutions of modern day nations have been changing the picture of humanity. Refugees from disputing nations find peaceful life in foreign lands to live together yet fighting and killing each other in their respected homelands.
From rainbow colors or humanity to sexual identities to bi racial and ethnic children are prime examples of today’s humanity’s ability to over ride politics of sense of belonging. We have come long way and we still have a long way to go on the scale of our evolution and civilization. Our consistent and main problem is political belonging and clinging to our conservative old ideologies and growing liberalism so humanity is divided. Its divided in whether to follow the Godly installed evolution or politically tainted religious conservatism. Our resistance to changes has always been around, is natural and feels right, but exclusively only to our animal side. As an atom of autonomy holding, independent yet physically evolving human beings, we can use our free will and personal sense of justice to give and receive equal human individual rights. That’s why popularity of equal human rights is growing throughout the humanity. Changing times are showing our progress but our conservative populations are fighting for their survival to slow the process down meaning humanity still has a long way to go. Over coming politics of sense of belonging to our groups has not been easy because it relates to our animal side just like our hormonal influences every thing seems real. So its an internal, personal and individual battle for us all. Since sense of belonging has its roots deep enough to disrupt even our endocrine system, things are very slow to move ahead especially when it comes to our social evolution. We can’t see or judge the legitimacy of our animal side unless we are able to sit out side of us spiritually. Fortunately as human entity we are all able to do that just by thinking and nurturing our spiritual side. If we all consider ourselves as a spiritual entity, without a doubt we can not only understand our hormonal responses we can over come their influences as well.
I disagree that our evolution is exclusively physical like other creatures, we have been out growing everything whether its physical or spiritual. Today we have both kind of evolution, physically we live in mega cities, yet with all kind of people from all over the world simultaneously. We are building high rises, discovering and breaking down genetic codes of not only other bugs and viruses but ourselves as well so we are going places whether its our internal or external space. Sure we still have animal like behaviors but unlike our past we are able to live in peace and harmony with giving and receiving equal human rights to each other. We still have wars and related spiritual crimes but now a days they are looked down, instead of being glorified. We use to be admired as conquering nations today we are looked down as occupiers, that is why Russians couldn’t stay and now Americans are leaving Afghanistan. Not because they were weak but they were looked down by the whole world so their war is not lost militarily but its lost politically. Looking at reputation is different these days even by the nation’s own populations. American population stood against Vietnam war and didn’t let them continue because they were looking bad in the world’s point of view. Humanity does not have the stomach to ignore human rights violations anymore. Tide is turning so if you individually are not on the right side of the history or evolution, you may win the election of present by forcing and scaring population of boggy man politics but its not going to work in the long run. New era does not favor prejudice, discrimination, racism, nationalism, or even religious superiority. Equal human individual rights are accepted as a modern day religion so learn to change with the changing times or be left behind. No human population is immune to evolution and progress so your new generations would make you hollow from within, especially if you keep your oppressive policies in place. Unrest around the world shows that number of conservative people is dwindling, religious extreme is losing its luster even from twenty years ago. Conservative nations can’t keep their own populations in control because you simply can’t close the can of worms like you were able to in the past. Today everyone is holding a cell phone which is connected to the world of today. That police officer who killed George Floyd has gone to jail for a long time like a common criminal.
Simply looking at our present day problems shows that you can’t build walls for security anymore. Our war weaponry is different, global warming related extreme weather and infectious diseases are not a communal problems anymore so the solutions can’t be communal or building walls against our universal problems. Burning desire of equal human rights is sweeping human societies all over the world. You simply can’t scare them with your hell and heaven philosophy anymore. They are not going to believe in what happens later, if they keep learning and solving their immediate problems with science and technology. They know Global warming weather is not there because God is mad at them or Corona virus is a sent to us because we have not been listening to our Mullahs and Priests. Everyone knows that they have to survive with vaccination, global initiatives and equal human rights so simply we have to join humanity as a whole. Our problems are bigger and higher than the walls we can physically build and we already know we can’t solve our problems by being exclusive.
If you fight over religious or territorial disputes that lack of peace would create refugees leaving your land. Simply to become an assets to other communities of humanity. Remember its the people who make land valuable, a town becomes a ghost town without people. Even God almighty can become physically irrelevant and powerless if there are no people. If human individual does not convert spirituality into physical actions what would spirituality mean and to whom? Understand your actions are not only harmful to the people you are fighting with they are harmful to your community as well so losing people means losing value of everything you hold dear.
Power of political belonging is the demon, humanity has been struggling to over come since the beginning of civilization, so its safe to say humanity needs to put its two and two together spiritually before its too late. Personally I believe killing is not related to spirituality or God’s will. Its our personal and individual inability to put our spiritual two and two together. Since all our religions claim that they are the spiritual path to God. My question is then why they have failed to help us in our spiritual quest individually to lead a spiritually fulfilling life. Instead they have been converting us to become politically biased, prejudiced and discriminatory extremists so we kill each other yet in the name of God.
Logically we all have been blessed with our exclusive atom of autonomy which allows us to use our free will and personal sense of justice to become honest, compassionate, just and loving human beings. So responsibilities of becoming political or being used politically falls directly on our personal and individual shoulders as well. Unlike other creatures we have been blessed with our personal ability to use free will to make choices that means. Solving this sense of belonging related puzzle is our personal responsibility as well. You are an atom of autonomy holding entity or I should say a mini God yourself, so why can’t you put this spiritual two and two together for yourself?
Sure you can be born into a certain race, color, nation, religion or their sects. Having or not having a belief system is your personal prerogative but don’t be a political mini God be a spiritual one. That is the purpose of having our own exclusive atom of autonomy so seek help from it to put your spiritual and even logical two and two together.
A Story of cells I wrote a few years back comes to mind. Where brain cell says to the other cells of the body that if I am not here, you all will die. Immediately heart cell says, I supply you the oxygenated blood. If I don’t pump the blood you would die without the oxygen. Lung simply could not stay quite and says but I am the one who gives you all the oxygen if I am not there you all will die. Liver says but I am cleaning up your mess all day long to help you live, kidney cell says don’t forget me I am doing that all day long as well. Skin cell says I protect you from all kind of infections all the time so if I am not there you will die of infections. Eventually colon cell says you are full of shit if I don’t give you nutrients and clean your mess there is no way you can survive. Then God speaks if you have a chaotic situation in the body and don’t work together I simply can’t live in here, and if I leave regardless of how young and strong you are or how well you function, you simply can’t survive. See we all need each other to live and function physically to exist spiritually and physically. So its not who is more important its that harmonious melody what keeps us all functioning in rhythmic fashion. Our God particle or atom of autonomy can depart when our cells can’t function in harmony, whether its because of aging, accident or disease. If the harmony is lost, we are smart enough to know because our physical eyes are able to see what is going on around us. We know our mortality and even physical capabilities, but there is still a lot to grasp spiritually. As an evolving entity we can’t know everything because we are still in the process of evolution.
American conservatives may start something to even lose more political powers. Abortion is an issue even I have been struggling with. No doubt I have been split about it because to me human beings are the spirituality converting Godly entity so going against would be a problem for me. But an UN-doubtful belief system says that even a leaf on the tree can’t move without God’s will, so how can a whole human child be born or aborted by human beings? This question can create doubts in a belief system and confused the hell out of people. If you believe in God, and I meant totally believe, spiritually you can’t be punishing human beings for their actions. Remember as I say its not what is or who God is? To me, its all about what God is all about? If abortion becomes a political hot potato, its related with our deeply confusing belief systems. Just think about it this way. First of all our religions are against sex obviously outside of marriage. They allow it if its done according to the religious rules. If you look at it that way all other children born into other religions would be called bastard, now my problem starts here. Since there are thousands of religious beliefs, if everyone is calling each others generations as bastards out of our disputed belief systems. We got a major even God confusing spiritual problem, second they believe God is doing everything and human beings are simply irrelevant so they punish and even kill them for non compliance. See the problem is not God but how God is used for political purpose. Imagine if you can’t use your installed data or even develop a brain disorder to lose your memory, God, world, space and people or loved ones still exist but you lose it all. Not because they are not there, its you have lost your comprehension. This should be enough to explain that its not what is? But what its all about. Things may not exist or have meaning for you but if you are being cared, that is what, God is all about. On the other hand if people use God for their political purposes that is again what its all about but not what God is?. If you want to work against abortion, first set out to know why? If its all about politics of control and power you have the wrong reason because we are not living in he era of religious governments. In today’s societies questioning population can’t be contained and conservatives may even lose more powers to liberals. If you are against abortion for spiritual reasons, first of all you should stop calling each others children bastards. Set up a reasonable system of adoption where the biological parents and adopted parents can become a spiritual team and care for those who can’t take care of their off springs, that is what a spiritual religion should do, but unfortunately we are too busy abusing even God for our political purposes and are still stuck in the era of calling each other bastards. If you want smaller government then who will care for the people who can’t take care of themselves. If you preach, dog eat dog philosophy yet expect people to live with the law and order, you are dreaming because people in the survival mode can’t respect law and order. Back to God, whether God exist or not? With our evolving knowledge we simply can’t make our decisions as ultimate.
Its like those cell buddies discussing within the body whether the body exists or not? We are all curious to know it all as well. Even if we don’t have those eyes to see beyond the thick drapes of skin, or mind to understand, we will literally have to go out of the body to see it from outside. Problem is, as it is we don’t have the abilities to understand how are we going to see without the awareness of being alive? If you don’t have supply line of oxygenated and nutrient rich blood, your all faculties seize to function so how are you even going to go outside the body and stay functioning to see how God looks like. One can say a human cell in the petri dish can be alive and maybe able to see a fully grown human individual working, to me it still is the same assumption based reality, because as cells our vision, comprehension and physical abilities are not there to understand what is? Similarly to a full grown human being we are still in the process of evolution. Problem is, that when we go for a discussion about our unknowns in science and or math we still can peacefully find solutions but when it comes to our belief systems our emotions get all worked up because deep inside everyone knows their knowledge is going to end up in the zone of assumptions. I clearly can see how our phenomenal politics of sense of belonging would not let us even discuss openly to the point that an individual can’t speak against or question their own religious belief system. So politics is what everything what this is all about? But I am unable to see what is? Neither I have eyes to see nor I am dead so all I got is my taught assumptions based religious belief. Unfortunately or fortunately at the same time I am not going to assume nor I am going to take shit from the people who want to shove their assumptions down my metaphoric throat. So I stopped questioning to discover God or what is?. Because I have learned and already know what its all about. Since I don’t have the ability to clearly understand God I am not going to simply assume and become egotistic about it. My trouble is I am running out of my mortal life. If I am not be able to know what is? I can live with that. If you can’t good luck because without the assumptions if you honestly dive into it, you are destined to lose your sanity and that is if you come out on the other side. So my advice to all is to be a human being and live your mortal life without the assumptions related unfounded politics, call a spade if it is a spade. Especially if you want to be at peace with your personal atom of autonomy residing right within you.