A while back I wrote a blog titled know your realities which discussed our physical, metaphoric and virtual realities. Logically any of our non physical or unproven knowledge should take a back seat when it comes to our physical realities. Unfortunately looking back at our history and even in present days, it clearly proves that we have been and are still killing each other over our metaphoric realities. We have been sacrificing over our unknown, unseen and unproven realities since our awareness. Lets put it this way, you simply can’t close your eyes while you are driving. Whether you believe in God or not doing such things will not help you to get where you are intending to go. Believing that human has no say in life, can become quite a risky business for us all individually and collectively. We need to navigate through our mortal journey with some simple common sense, nothing more or less. Interestingly today you can even trust your virtual realities more than your metaphoric ones. Self driven technologies are popping up and are available. In the nut shell what I am trying to say is, no, you simply can’t leave everything on God to do for you. Its like if you want bigger muscles you will have to go to gym not to mosque or church. Its all because you have been blessed with your own and personal atom of autonomy to take charge of your life. If you are not going to, someone else will dictate how you should live your life or even think, if you don’t put your efforts you simply you would be left behind. So should we act like a genetically programed entity as our religions demand form us? No especially when it comes to our realities we have to raise our awareness. Distinguishing our realities is a must for us all individually, sure our belonging groups have a place in our life but they still fall short of us as a physical reality because their physicality starts from the individual. We individually are the creature who is holding a God like particle and are more important than anyone’s installed data. Meaning no one should be able to rob someone of their physical reality over their metaphoric reality. Meaning you simply can’t kill even in the name of God never mind in the name of your political belonging. Yes even if you have been taught by your belonging groups that your metaphoric realities should be above and beyond others belief systems and physical realities.
If you want to ask your atom of autonomy sitting right within you, you simply imagine yourself on the receiving end of your actions. Very quickly you will become spiritually aware of your wrong doing, you can not only over come your animal urges, your political influences can be tamed by you. If you understand that God is our metaphoric knowledge or reality, you would understand the politics of belonging as well. Remember being pure of politics of belonging, you will be able to see things spiritually. Then and only then you would be able to imagine yourself on the receiving end of your actions prior to committing them. When you go into the rabbit hole of your political belonging, everything becomes murky and tainted. Even God is not the reality what God should be. There is no right, right or wrong, wrong if you are under the political influences, you will go on the path to pleasing your belonging groups. With personal awareness of your atom of autonomy, you and your belonging group are bound to have disagreements. Remember politically we have been used by our belonging groups and interestingly enough they don’t even shy away from using God as well because God does not show up to clear things out. Using God and people to kill each others individuals has been going on since the awareness. For thousands upon thousands of years we have been aware of our personal and individual free will, but we still proudly serve, kill and die for our belonging group’s interests. We are still doing all that even if we have been and still are called prejudiced and discriminatory beings. We serve our belonging groups regardless of the level of our individual education or evolution. God or not politics of belonging has wrapped us all around its fingers. Still it does not mean that we don’t play a role in the day today existence of humanity. We simply are not there or evolved enough to question the politics of belonging to our groups. If it was up to God, God would show up physically to stop us from killing each other. Unfortunately God is not our physical reality we are so it will be up to us to take charge. If we want any thing, and I mean anything physically that would have to have our personal and physical input. If that input is influenced by our personal insecurities or is politically tainted we would never over come our urges to kill each other. Since God does not show up to tell us what to do, we are individually responsible for all our physical actions. As I said we have been using God and people politically without God showing up physically. So we simply can’t have God in the foundations of our justice systems. For the same reasons a religion or belief system can’t be used as our political system. Simply because sooner or later we would run into a justice related problems. One simply can say I don’t believe in God or I believe in different religion. Now how and what can a system do without becoming prejudiced and discriminatory? Since both sides are standing on the changeable, evolving and shaky grounds so in reality, you can not use a metaphoric reality politically to rob someone of their physical reality. History shows that whenever we did that or doing that, our disputes and wars never end so costing more and more human life. Both sides vigorously try to prove God’s physicality yet resulting in losing human physicality. Interestingly there is a third side emerging and those human individuals are looking down at God and religions simply because of our political non sense. We actually are undermining and giving a bad name to our spiritual side as well, simply because of our unproven metaphoric realities related bickering. When people are forced, they will think out side the box and automatically respect physicality over metaphoric reality. Personally I believe its our extremists who are responsible for this spiritual erosion or decay. Lack of respect for our belief systems is stemming from being extremist of our religious beliefs but spiritually being bankrupt. Individually we are responsible for our participation because of our make up. We are not just an animal, we are a spiritual entity from within so anything we do is not simply done by the belonging groups we all individually are responsible for our contributions as well. Remember a group of people is not a physical reality they can’t do anything own their own unless we individually supply our physicality similarly to God or Devil.
Actual problem is that we have been brain washed by our political leaders and yes even our politically organized religions as well that being a human means nothing and some still believe even in this day and age that human beings are irrelevant. Try picturing God and Devil without the human beings and see how physical they are? If you can do that you would find your self respect and self-esteem. Interestingly when it comes to our religious beliefs we are very defensive. Our reactions have been and still are very very emotional yet as an evolved creature we are demanded by the time we are living in to become spiritual.
Remember our problems may be a minuscule but our reactions can be enormously consequential. So be aware of your reactions. I know its too much to ask but, don’t react to the point that it eats you alive. Getting upset with people or situations can be a self destructive behavior, you may be physically harming them but in the end of the day spiritually you could be damaging yourself as well. Remember they both are powerless without your reaction. Even God and Devil can’t be praised or cursed for their help or harm because the key to physicality is still held by the human beings. Other creatures may be able to claim that God made me do it, but as a free will holding entity, whether you are a giver or a receiver of your physical actions you are responsible. Your group stands in the same line up. Sure circumstances can be life threatening for the individual living in the oppressive settings but we all can feel and know what wrong we do in the name of our belonging groups or even God. Simply look at the justice systems they have different set of rules for minors or special circumstances. Sort of like other creatures.
In the circle of our individual life we all have to go through the times we are in need of help, like disability, start and the end of our life. Other than those times we have lot more responsibilities than we are taught to believe. Since our parents and societies follow their traditions, customs, rituals and rules of belonging groups. We don’t really have a choice as a dependent but most of our life we are not dependent so mostly what we do is by our choice. If by choice you are acting on behalf of your belonging group you still are responsible for your actions. If you act like a dependent it’s not because you have some genetically influencing or Godly programed force in their pushing you. Its totally decided by you because you have been blessed by the free will. If your parents and society are under the influences of political belonging, they will train, preach and even enforce you to be just like them. If you look around you will see a whole lot of nations and religions dividing humanity into thousands of pieces. By keeping their individuals weak and vulnerable so they can be used politically. That runs all the way down to the individual level so our insecurities are in the foundation of our political systems. Since understanding all that is an individual responsibility we have to evolve to take our next step. Remember times have changed today humanity needs humanity to work as a whole to fight off our present days problems. Having a habit of belonging to our groups, we simply can’t think beyond politics. So there is no way this habit is going to die soon unless we individually evolve and learn to trust and help each other. For now we are simply looking and finding excuses to be different from each other. From color, race, size, gender or even the way we think and believe is on the table so lets make some human sense out of all this non sense and get with time. Understand who you really are individually before you try to understand God and assume you know everything about God. Under all the wrapped up and installed identities you are a human individual who simply want to live to be a God’s working hand. Getting to your real identity only takes a flick of logical light switch but you will really have to unwrap yourself from all the layers of political belonging and personal insecurities. Dealing with these ingrained dead dogs is not easy but you have been helped by God because you have come with your own and personal atom of autonomy. Trouble is that most of us think and believe what we have been taught to believe. So personal exploration is needed at individual level. Since its a known fact that not everyone is capable of doing that, our politicians of belonging groups take advantage of that and hide behind democratic governing systems and even religions. They manipulate people by preaching and spreading old style human irrelevance theories. They are successful in creating even more insecurities into already insecure individuals so they can keep their power and control. Disregarding all the needs and demands of present time.
What God is to you?
God is, what you are to your own body cells, you became what you are because of cell and cell lives because of you. Sort of a loop of God created human being and human being became aware enough to understand to create God. This relationship is like two wires negative and positive. If one is not there, there can’t be light, if you some how undermine the importance of other that relationship loses its partnership, which I call reciprocation, if you lose reciprocation whole spiritual picture collapses. There can’t be good or bad without the human physicality. God or even Devil become irrelevant themselves if there is no human physicality available to them. That is only if you remove your politics of belonging to your groups and start to look at things with logic. At your personal level your physicality is not possible if your cells are not working or body is not functioning in harmony. Can God or even Devil exist without the humanity? You simply can’t answer that without resorting to the assumption land, so give yourself a chance and logically look at your body and cells to see what answer you come up with? Just be honest and see if your physical actions are not there would God or Devil work? For or against who? Again remember God and Devil can’t be praised or cursed for their actions because you are the one with the key of physicality. Sure you can’t breath on your own and life sustaining circumstances have to happen to keep things moving but nothing moves without the human physicality. When and if the good and bad takes a physical form then and only then it hurts and harms or benefits someone. Otherwise things don’t work very well. As human beings we all have to look at ourselves critically, understand ourselves then and only then we would really understand God. Remember human cells don’t have the eyes and understanding to know the body or its existence as a whole but as human beings we have that sophistication and understanding of the whole process of life and God’s placing in our life. So far the knowledge humanity has accumulated is based on accepted opinions. Some are on the solid grounds and are with the repeatable results like math and science but some are still in the zone of our metaphoric realities. Like our feelings of love and hate, our religious beliefs, nationalism even politics of sense of belonging to our groups can’t produce repeatable results. So they land in our metaphoric realities along with God and Devil. Understandably they are there for us to feel just like the cells can feel the body but don’t understand everything about it. When you feel but don’t have the clear knowledge about things you simply can’t claim that you know everything about it. Similar to walking in the dark room and stumbling on something on something feeling and sensing but can’t really know everything about it. Since we are still in an evolving process not everything is proven or on the solid grounds so if everyone doesn’t reacts the same way it should be respected, but you can’t come out of the room and claim that you know everything about the object you stumbled on. During our evolving period, truth has nothing to do with our accumulated knowledge because we don’t have an ultimate knowledge until we reach our potential. Interestingly enough even our potential is in evolution so go figure. At any moment our accepted and even established truth can fall victim of our new discoveries. One can even question the authenticity of our established scientific knowledge because we are not done evolving. Even if something is established and accepted by the majority of the population still it can’t be guaranteed. This should open the discussion of the legitimacy of all our political disputes, wars and related atrocities against each other.
Today there was a news that pope is coming to Canada maybe to apologize for the atrocities committed against Native children. I would say its about time, British government should be doing that as well. Canadian government has done it yet they were not even in power at the time of atrocities. If as humanity we all acknowledge that our past is riddled with our less evolved actions. We may create a better world by taking an evolutionary step out of our political, religious, racial and group belongings.
Life is not what it is, but how we respond to it, sort of like its not how you look but how you feel you look matters the most. If you feel good to have possessions yet you don’t really own anything, not your body, not even your breath so there are a whole lot of illusions we have grown up with. If you start to look at your real realities you would know about realities of the business of owning. Was watching an old movie Crocodile Dundee. Two lines got stuck in my mind. May not be exact Quote but in the nut shell, he said and I Quote ” Land has been around for 600 million years, they don’t own the land they belong to it like mother. Rock is still going to be there when we are gone. The other line he said was that and I quote, ” It is like the two flees arguing over who owns the dog they live on”End Quote.
We all should know that we own our actions, good or bad aside our actions are our personal thing because we have been blessed with free will. All the owning business has been created by our belonging groups just to keep peace in society. Sure its an evolving step but watching all the horrors of environment things can be coming home to roost. Americans are complaining and Europe is stressed by the influx of refugees wait till the environment related migrations begin. Real test for humanity is yet to come. Individually and collectively we are all responsible for which side we choose. Politically or spiritually things will clash because this owning business has been and still is disastrous for humanity. If we don’t become spiritually aware and don’t look beyond the numbers we will not be deserving to be called a spiritual entity. Our real life is how we feel with all the business of life including owning material things. If you feel you are not good enough until you get some property, plastic surgery or bigger muscles, you have to look at the source of your desires critically. As you dig into yourself you will end up meeting the cause and yes that cause is your sense of political belonging. Be aware of it all before you spend your whole mortal life sacrificing your happiness and contentment just to fit in, impress or die trying to be admired by your belonging group. Unfortunately we are bombarded by the politics to belong to our groups. We are valued or threatened to be shunned so most of us take our group’s identity and become irrelevant yet God did not create human being as an extension of a group or even God. Simply look at yourself, if you have your personal atom of autonomy and related free will, you can choose to even believe or not to believe in God. Meaning we are such a unique entity that we don’t fit into any physical or political mold. If you look at the history of human being we have established not only nearly two hundred nations, we have sub divided humanity even further by creating groups in groups. Good or bad aside from race, to belief systems and their sects, they all point towards our independence and free will.
Our individual troubles start, when and if we are raised by our parents and society not explaining our real identity and mortal nature. Unfortunately as young adults we have to learn the hard way. On our own learning to deal with our major issues of life can be taxing. By the time we become independent, we have already formed our positivity related opinions and usually under the influences of flood of hormones. Flying high enough to ignore or at the least too busy to learn about our mortal nature. Then all of a sudden real life shows up to make us feel vulnerable and out of control, which robs us of the most important things of a mortal being. Losing happiness and contentment is one thing we become anxious and end up with connected health issues. Since parents and society has left life itself to teach us all about our mortality and related issues, there can be a whole lot of confusions and hormone based misconceptions. Since not everyone is a Buddha we all response to our mortality with great fears. So the story of our insecurities, control and related stresses starts at early age. Not only causing a great deal of unnecessary anxiety, it has the potential to form a habitual behavior. What gets robbed is not even acknowledged by most of us BECAUSE OF OUR POLITICAL GROOMING. We simply learn to seek shelter in the boundaries of our belonging groups just to live like a robot or a genetically programed creature, not realizing our spiritual responsibilities.
Our mortality is best described by the beauty of blooming flowers. It does not matter how long it lasts but how pretty it is, since beauty is beauty, it should be looked at its face value not how long its going to last. Since our existence is a lot more complex than the flowers, comparing and keeping it simple allows us to live a life as it was meant for us not what it lacks. Otherwise the possibility is that you personally may stay in the falls security mode until you fall apart like a flower. We rob our own happiness and contentment by fearing our end, never even giving ourselves a chance to appreciate our beauty so we live and die without realizing any real purpose or potential of our beauty to ourselves or others. We can’t enjoy or appreciate being alive simply because we spend our whole life trying to fit in or seeking the approval of people around. Now that is a clear sign of out of control sense of belonging with non existing sense of freedom. We have been created as a free entity with a free will for a reason but we not only lose that, we don’t even appreciate our beauty. Remember if God meant something for us we would be genetically programed with no choice. Since that is not the case with us our living and dying for the approval of others is a great individual loss. I am not preaching extreme because that is an animal trait and we are not that simple or are exclusively physical creature. Our spiritual side’s fulfillment is a crucial part of our existence so the real wisdom is to live a human life with service to humanity as well as to yourself. Since we get spiritual and deep satisfaction from being useful, we can’t undermine this part of our life. Our trouble is that we can easily choose extreme, for instance, logically its not the main purpose of our religions to preach about the heaven and hell. Bottom line is to keep you in line while you are alive. Sure their purpose can be related to good intentions but as an individual one can take it too far. Remember its not about what happens after we die, but how are you living while you are alive or what you do during your journey. How can we live better in after life is not or should not be even on the table because you only act physically to help or harm while you are alive. What is the right way to live? Well as you can see in the history and present, there is no one set prescription for us all. So its our personal and individual duty to live a spiritually just life. Not only for others but for self as well. Suppose to is a word for the genetically programed creatures, not for human beings. Unfortunately our political leaders have us believed that our living years are just a test the real life is after death. Just dig into it with a little deeper logic and see what makes you feel good? Being productive and useful is the game of life and you simply can’t be or at least there is no proof that a dead person is useful to anyone. A spirit can’t perform physically so God’s needs can’t be met nor can any ones prayers be fulfilled physically especially if we don’t perform physically. Now simply just look around and see the cause of our divisions. From individual to families to communities, nations all the way to our belief systems and God, there is no one prescription work for all. So find what suits you to become a spiritually just person, you would not only be satisfied in your living years you will not fear what is beyond our death, removing unnecessary stresses. Remember we all came to life with our personal atom of autonomy and related jewelry like free will, personal sense of justice, compassion and love, so wear it proudly. No matter how much a politically charged religion scares you, you would not have to worry about the life after death. Especially if you are wearing your spiritual jewelry and reciprocating during your living years.
Interestingly people believing in or not believing in God spend a whole lot of time in bickering about the things of life after death yet no one knows the real truth. If you really become honest with yourself and remove all the assumptions you will be walking around with all the confusions yet with a deep wisdom simultaneously. There has been and still are a lot of wars being fought over something no one clearly knows. Politics of belonging is the only one common thing in our disputes, we put a whole lot of efforts and even kill each other over what happens to us on the other side. Yet while we are alive we defeat the purpose or at the least stray from the logical reasons of those beliefs. Again remember its not about what happens on the other side, its all about what is happening while you are alive. If you feel the need to be fearful of the life after death to be a good person, spiritually you are missing the whole point. As a human being we choose to be good, but what good does that do, if you are good because of the fear or greed? That is a sign of learning but not exploring the reasons of our behaviors. We are taught to live exclusively as physical beings or animals not as a spiritual being. Sure there is a whole lot of talk about spirituality but no one walks the talk because people and EVEN GOD has been used for political purposes. Don’t believe me? Simply look at religions they have been treating human beings like animals or as a physical entity exclusively? I saw a video where a Mullah was beating small children to teach Quran. If you learn something out of fear you don’t develop respect, not for the teacher nor for the subject you are learning. Problem is that human beings have a weakness of being brain washed and conformed so those methods have been working for religions, sort of like hypnosis so they are still treating human beings as animals. Now the question is what is the percentage of those who get brain washed and who can’t be conformed or brought under. What do you think about yourself personally? Do you think harsh punishments would work for you to be good? If you believe you can self regulate and control your animal side simply by becoming spiritually aware. Would you be for corporal punishment? Interestingly this is an other thing changing in the world. In today’s world you could be criminally charged if you abuse even your own children. Things are changing so people have to change even their religious education. If you think about yourself and others as spiritual beings you would start to consider yourself as a higher being with better self-esteem and look at others with same respect. When you bring yourself out of the lineup of others creatures you would not need to follow the same carrot and stick philosophy on human beings including yourself. Spiritually, are you a just individual or following your politics of belonging? Committing all sorts of spiritual crimes and believing you are going to heaven because your group says so? Ask and ponder on this for a while and see what kind of answer you come up with. Remember our religious politicians take advantage of the weakness of human individual. So as an individual most people gladly accept mass over the individual philosophy and even God over the individual without questioning against spiritual injustice. If a religion or a justice system is based on this philosophy it is political not spiritual and anything non spiritual can’t be connected to God. Would you believe in a God who is prejudiced and discriminatory? I personally would put God on a higher pedestal than a politically influenced human being. Especially when our religions make us believe that its the way God wants. To me that is absolutely out of the lines of spirituality because we simply can’t put God on higher pedestal yet attache God with our insecurities related injustices. To me if its not just, its not from God plain and simple. God can’t be connected to our insecurities related politics because God is nothing but spirituality. If you mix politics with spirituality, even with Good intentions, you rob spirituality out of a belief system because sooner or later you would become prejudiced. Religion or not, you simply can’t get God involved in human politics. What God is to you is your prerogative but you simply can’t connect spiritual injustice to God. If you believe in that, you take Godliness out of God and install politics of belonging even in the idea of God. Meaning you are using God for political purposes. Simply if you always keep your mortality in front, you can put things in perspectives, especially when it comes to God, spirituality and our ability to love. Bottom line of our life’s purpose is reciprocation, so if God is unfair by not providing you a properly functioning body and life sustaining circumstances, you have the rights to survive with or without the idea of God. If you are in a relationship which is not based on reciprocation or is unfairly one sided you have the right to leave regardless of what your religion says so, now lets see what does love mean to you?
To me love or not God or not, without reciprocation things don’t work very well. Being a human is not as easy as ABC or as your religions make it look like. They may have over simplify life for you by making you believe that you are irrelevant. Just ask yourself, if I am not relevant, why do I have such an important job of converting spirituality into physical actions? Or making God and Devil relevant. If I don’t feel productive, important and relevant during my living years, its a major loss for me individually. My self respect and self-esteem rest on my relevance so if some political party, religion, entity or even a group of people is there to rob me of my life essentials, I should have the right to speak up. If I am able to reciprocate but don’t do it thinking a good businessman takes but don’t give to make more profit. In the physical world it may be acceptable and encouraged but if you have to live with your personal atom of autonomy you should know that this spiritual clap does not make any sound or light up the bulb with one hand. It is like two wires, negative and positive, you simply can’t light up a light bulb with one. If you don’t understand this concept, you would have to look at God as the supplier of the oxygen and a functioning body for you. Remember you live in it but you simply have no control over how you function. Now you are alive and functioning well with good health, what is the purpose for all that help you receive? Especially to you? If you don’t even understand yourself, how would you know what to do for God in return? Maybe you are a good worshiper and believer but God does not need all your worshiping. God is in need of your physicality, so you can physically fulfill the prayers of those who are asking God for help. In reality if God does not pull Godly responsibilities, it would not take long before people would start to deny the existence of God.
If you are with someone for life, in order to carry on you have to go beyond the physical aspects of life. If you are in a relationship but are exclusively focused on physical living. Things would change as the time starts to rob physical abilities. Your losses would dictate the level of your happiness and you may even become angry and drive people away from you. Unless you and your loved ones become spiritually aware to feed and nurture your spiritual side. Our spiritual awareness can teach us the value of friendship and love we give and receive from each other in our living years, making each others life easier. If one is physically fulfilled but spiritually starved, they would not be able to handle the demands of relationship. As children you are not aware of animal traits nor you are spiritually evolved yet so you are pure of prejudiced or discrimination. Its quite a common thing people say that prejudice and discrimination is a taught behavior. To me its a shallow assumption because its all related to a lack of individual spirituality. As we grow up we start to observe and learn but you simply can not learn spiritual awareness from the individual or community who is not spiritually aware. You can’t learn to feed your soul from someone who is spiritually starving. By nature of the beast, no one wants to lose power and control so the story goes on. People complain about black and white prejudice and discrimination but disregard looking around the humanity. You don’t have to go deep in the history to find prejudice, simply look at our present world. Its not America, most nations and religions are infected with this plague. This does not start from the color of the skin exclusively, its in our families, communities, nations and religions as well simply because individual is not aware of their spirituality, physical abilities and their importance. For us human beings its an individual matter, if it can be taught it can be reverse individually as well. If you simply become aware of your spiritual side you would learn not to do to others what you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones. You can also learn to put or envision yourself on the receiving end of your actions prior to committing them. If you can stop yourself your spiritual side is still in tacked. If you feel you are spiritually starving you are not going to find spirituality in the Mosque, Church or Temple. You would have to start it from within, then seek practical prayers instead of literal ways of praying. All our organized religions are under the political influences so they can’t be without the preaching of prejudice and discrimination.
Since all our relationships stand on and are founded on an honest and trust worthy reciprocation, reciprocation should be looked at critically to have a successful relationship. Whether its a partnership in life business or not, if one party pulls their share and the other does not. People will go in circles, and one can easily say I don’t want your love or heart, I want equal rights and reciprocation because that would make a clear spiritual sense. If I make your life easier I would want my life to be easier because of you by simple give and take system. Sure it makes life sounds like a transactional deal but if you open your spiritual eyes and use your personal sense of justice you would know that reciprocation is the spiritual business of human life. Straight forward and simple. So keep it simple by pulling your share. Put everything on the table and have an honest and clearly defined discussions about the business of everyday living. Just to mention when it comes to sex, it can’t be one sided either so if you don’t believe in that you are not fit for each other. If you are in it for using other partner you are spiritually bankrupt. Your claim of love may not be holding weight after a disagreement. Your lack of trust is not a fault of others because its a personal issue, going in a relationship with the poison of distrust is wrong and not fair for your partner and yes even if this relationship is with God. Your past history is yours not your partner’s so the innocent one should not be punished. If a partner is willing to endanger others respect, finance and love one has the rights to protect themselves. If a partner is demanding control and domination they have not evolved from the animal traits. So being spiritually evolved can help in a reciprocation based relationship because it helps in self regulation. Driven by the animal instincts simply leads to become not only selfish but prejudiced and discriminatory as well.
If our knowledge has been and still is evolving, why some of us are resisting every change and some of us are hell bent to bring the change. Cause is not all about the changes, its what goes on within us individually. If an individual is simply insecure from within, their resistance to changes is coming from lack of trust even in God. Interestingly its the people who call themselves as Godly people are the most resistant to changes so one can ask why? Answer clearly is that they don’t really trust in God. Meaning one can believe but their lack of trust would cause them to have all the insecurities and related behaviors. If you really, and I mean really believe in God your trust can help you overcome your insecurities. If you belong to a group of people who has been in power and control, they don’t want to lose their status so its not about God or religion, its all about politics. As long as there are people who are insecure and don’t trust in God deeply enough, they will resort to politics of belonging. Whether things are spiritually right or logically wrong they are not defended by God so people take charge and act on behalf of God. Things are different when it comes to the comparison of our metaphoric realities against physical ones. A clear physical reality is that as human beings we are constantly evolving God or not. If you look at today’s religious leaders, they are totally benefiting and enjoying all the progress humanity has made. They have shamelessly rejected every progress humanity has made yet use it freely. From taking medicine to blood transfusion to driving cars, flying in planes to using all the electronic gadgets yet keep complaining all along about the new progresses that bring them physical comforts. So problem is not God, nor the religion but it is the politics of sense of belonging. There loyalties can be because they are born into a conservative belonging group. If people are politically brainwashed in their early age, they don’t really know anything beyond the installed knowledge. They would feel insecure if they are left to think beyond the boundaries of their preached knowledge.
Love is something which can create not only just good and euphoric feelings but deeply fearful feelings of hypothetical loss as well. If those feelings are getting you sick to the stomach, you need to look at things with a broader lens so you can connect spirituality and physicality with harmony. If those stress related feelings are touching you physically they are touching to create fear deep into your soul. You may call love but to me that love is not bound simply to an other individual, sure it can be with an individual as well. Your passionate love can easily cross the lines to end up into your instinctive love. Like finding a mate to love each other and ending up having children and even to universal love like loving your belonging community. It can cross and even take you where you get into physical things like a car or a house, even it can reach to unseen and non physical things like religion or even personal freedom etc.. Since we all appreciate different things in life, it becomes highly subjective. Going to the next level of physicality is important as well because our hormones play a major role in our behaviors and reactions. If you are feeling the feelings that cross beyond your gut disturbing physicality, you are not in love exclusively, you are in a fear of loss as well. Fear of loss normally creates extreme feelings to the point that you are not loving but fearing from the feelings of love loss. Those powerful fear creating feelings can be seen in people with highly active imagination. Internal influences like hormones and external influences like sense of belonging related disturbances are clear signs of needs for the individual to look at things with a broader and critical perspectives. Reaching for some common sense solutions is as important as our evolving nature so locking ourselves or being forced to be locked into any kind of insecurity related boundaries would not be a solution for an evolving entity like human beings. To me real purpose and reason of our being should be explored by us all individually so we can not be influenced or considered as a physical creature exclusively.