Communal vs. Personal Security


There is a ritual of marking territory, in the animal kingdom. We call ourselves an evolved specie but I question that notion, if you really ask yourself are we? If we are then why all the wars, guns for personal security and weapons of mass destructions for our communities.

By now we should have understood what humanity, God and spirituality is all about but we are still in the zone where we have to mark our territories and have guns and even weapons of mass destruction for security from our own kind.

Just look at our way of living in all human communities, nations and even religions. There are strict rules for even privacy of the individual in human societies and then just like the jungle there are those of us whom break the rules. If we are evolved we would be able to see that life is precious gift to the individual from the humanity but with the responsibilities to serve the humanity and the humanity has the responsibility to reciprocate by looking after the individual while he/she needs help. The individual is in need being a child, extremely old hungry and sick, if the community can’t look after its sick, it is sick itself because of the promotion of selfishness.

The animals fight over the territory because one or the other disrespects the markings, so do the people violate and disrespect each others rights to invoke conflicts on all levels from property to physical crimes in the community to collectively going to wars over the territories. Who and what is the culprit behind most of our social ills?

Behind all that is the large and out of control inner animal, yet we love to call ourselves evolved creatures. ( In near future I will write more about this animal inside).

This animal inside is the cause of personal insecurities and the attempt to dominate others just like in the jungle.

Security and control are the two, I call them the pit problems for the individual and even I would call them to be the dead dogs for our internal or external wars. (Read the Dead dog)

From being torn apart inside as an individual to being a depressed religion or nation, whom just can’t shake the past. They keep scratching their wounds so they never heal because they don’t know the peace, so they don’t allow the healing. They fear from it and play victim and enjoy the sympathy.

For instance every year Shias remember what happened more than a thousand years ago. I use to go to watch all the passionate religious play and wondered why these people passionately spill blood over something happened so long ago.

They play the whole scenario moment by moment to remember, but I would pin point that is the flaw which would not allow the healings to take place to create peace.

My logical side says to punish someone who committed the atrocities is fine but non of those whom committed the crimes are alive, so we have no choice but to move on.

Our modern court systems don’t punish even the families of the offenders, never mind the generations. It is a big example of keeping the politics of sense of belonging alive.

As humans we need healings and cures of all kind of our sicknesses and we are perfectly capable of doing that. I think there is a lot more responsibility on our coming generation’s shoulders. They would have to defy all the traditions and customs to find their own way of evolution, because our previous and current generations are not fulfilling their responsibilities by just following the ancestors way of thinking.

New generations need the knowledge and willingness to overcome the past. Yes I call it the mental health issue and it is not limited to the individual. All the symptoms even collectively are the same, just at larger scale. Our leaders have to recognize that and try to come up with the cures for their communities.

The key is to learn to belong to the humanity, I can’t address enough the need to over come the politics of sense of belonging to any one particular group.

I can picture it, the whole humanity would have the mental health issues if everyone or every nation would remembered everything what happened thousands of years ago. Chines would kill all the Mongols, Natives would or I should say the whole world would be at war against the England, Jews would be fighting against the German instead of the Muslims these are a few of the examples of our past.

I believe Shia Sunni wars and middle east crises has always been related with the problem people, whom are in the business of the political religions. They  don’t want to solve the individual problems or create peace even if their coming generation’s future is at steak.

How can we overcome the past? Our evolutionary nature is holding the key to the peace but, some of us use politics of sense of belonging to work against the nature and we still kill each other over the ability to carry the very old and out dated grudges.

We are and we should evolve to think about all people as a humanity regardless of the differences, and you just can’t hurt people because their ancestors did bad things to your ancestors. Today our justice system has caught up with the equal human rights but our religions their sects and nations have been lagging behind. Its time to take a leap into the future so we can create peace for the coming generations.

Its time to evolve individually especially from our politics of religions and nations. Sure people have been replacing one addiction to the other by joining Nationalism instead of the religions, but it is the same old political music of sense of belonging to one particular group and it does not and would not solve our prejudice related problems.

The individual needs to rise up to assume his/her duty of the CEO to recognize all that and understand, that we all are human beings first and then anything else not the other way around.

The politics of our sense of belonging has flipped our triangle upside down to make us act worse than the other animals, and the kicker is that it is all done on the name of the religions and God.    

They are so use to of having wars for thousand and a half years they don’t know anything else, other than killing each other. It is like they are in a stinky room but became nose blind. It seems like they are in love with their wounds, that they don’t know what it would be like to have a peace full life.

The key to solve these problems are within the individual him/herself not in the hands of the religious or political leaders. The individual has to become  a CEO, so he/she stop stoking the fire by not being depressed or being part of the depressed groups.

Their knowledge of sense of belonging needs some understanding of human jewels what makes a human, human being. They need to learn about the compassion, they need to know forgiveness, sacrifice and especially love. Even if you wear all these jewels you still need to understand the sense of belonging so you don’t get swept away with the prejudice.

The sense of belonging is not to the group it is to the whole humanity. Right or wrong is not the question, it just relates with our foundational knowledge of survival, security and the animal aggression as well. Personal and communal security is as essential as it can be to keep the stress down individually and collectively. 

We all have responsibilities as an individual and as a community to create peace for the coming generations, so if everyone puts the com back into the passion and relate to the humanity we should be able to heal our wounds. I believe every, community, nation, race and religions have committed some atrocities against others. That all was done from less evolved people, today we save whales and the other endangered species for God sake. Where are those people whom have a say and would not say because of the politics of sense of belonging. No one wants to stand up against his/her own belonging groups.   

Logically and closely looking at the human security, I found that we are constantly evolving so our security system has been evolving with us as well. We have come long way from just obeying or disobeying the law of the jungle to practically and successfully removing ourselves from the food chain.

Today our security is not a personal matter alone anymore, which makes it a blessing and a curs at the same time because we become victims of our politicians.

We are doing the damage to humanity, our wars kill and have been killing for thousands of years, especially since the organized religions started to dabble with the politics. Unaccountable individuals have been killed by the religious extreme.

Since we don’t want people killing each other in the cities as well we collectively want the gun control, because these days our security is designed by our communities.

Sure we have to have some systems of home security but most of the time we rely and depend on the  belonging community to arrange and take care of our security needs. That is the reason we need to individually understand our emotions and the importance of gun control in our modern day society. Every human knowledge is subjected to change according to the time, regardless of being written in the religions or constitutions.

We are a package of emotions and they can bring volatility to even the most evenly tempered person. If we are upset and remember we all can get upset. At the time you are emotionally upset your judgement can be influenced by the emotions. Which can not and should not describe an individual as a whole human being especially not as a CEO.

We are told that guns don’t kill people, people kill people, which is true but a temporary anger should not make some one end up dead or being a killer.

If you have lethal weapons openly available it can be a problem for the community, because these days they are the one responsible for our security. That is the reason all communities want the gun control but the individual rights come in the way.

Since there can’t be a police man or a woman available for each individual it is impractical to have a one hundred percent control on the individual and communal security so it is up to the individual whom need to be secure in his/her skin. How can that be achieved, is going to be tuff without the education and the real and optimistic belief system of living, personally I would not want to spend all my energy to learn martial arts for the hypothetical scenario.

I believe, first of all people should have personal knowledge which includes emotional knowledge as well and then the understanding of the prevention.

If a parent hides or keeps the guns away from the kids, it is exactly like a community wanting to have the gun control.

Say you want to make a high rise building, what would you put in the basement or the foundation, it would have to be something solid, like steel and concrete so it can handle the volatility to withstand the disturbances.

As a human individual our knowledge is that foundation, if we put our emotions in our foundation we can potentially have some big problems in the future like the collapse of the whole building over a miner breakup. The politics of gun control is related with the emotions so it should be looked at, as a community whom is responsible for the individual security.

If you place your emotions as a foundational materiel just like religions have done for thousands of years, we can have a whole lot of social problems. From failed relationships to extreme beliefs to emotional, physical, mental and spiritual health problems are a few to mention. As an individual and collectively as a society we have the duty to evolve, if it is not done for whatever reason we all pay the price.

Always remember if the community or a religion gets a reputation of an insecure community there is good chance that people would start to move away from it. Just look at our refugee crisis, a war can be handled by the people for a short period but if it persists the people start to move away from it because in the end of the day we all are here to raise our families in peace. Each and everyone has the right to live in peace but with the responsibility to follow the philosophy of, live and let live.

If the community can’t provide security, the new people would not move into it. Prices of the homes can drop or the mosques and churches would go empty and in the long run community would suffer as a whole.  That is why human societies have come up with unique communal security system which other creatures don’t have. Like police, armed forces secret services etc. and we all individually contribute into the community by paying taxes or working to protect our communal interests.

If we are totally evolved emotionally we probably can handle our guns and or even weapons of mass destruction but human beings are far from it, just look at our conflicts and the sheer number of gun related killings. If one is insisting to have a gun he/she is concern about the person security and since the government can’t provide that fail proof security, it is a pickle for modern day society.

To reduce the crime rate individual education, security and related necessities are communal responsibility so in my opinion education, education and education should be the mantra.

If we want the individual freedom, it comes with the price of personal insecurity and if you rely on the community, you still have to pay the price to give up some of your freedom.

Whether we like it or not some times it can cause problems as well, just like police brutality and corrupt cops etc. or lack or non existence of the laws according to the demands of the times.

As the time changes our law enforcement and justice system should change as well, because after all the security system is for the individual and in the end of the day it is the individual who pays the taxes to pay for the whole security system literally. That means police and all the security systems should respect the individual even someone is on the other side of the law because it relates with the human individual equal rights. The passionate policemen or women should not be a part of the street policing because mistaken identity can be a problem, just like the tennis pro case.            

If you look at the reasons of our wars mostly they are related with the group security interests and politics. Life is not regarded or valued at the individual level, yet the group is formed by the individuals so the individual rights should be regarded by all governing systems period.

How, when and why did the individual lost his/her powers to the group? The answer is not in the history it has always been inside the individual. Whether you are a victim or a victimizer it is because of your deep insecurities or your vulnerabilities to the sense of belonging. The antidote for you is to become a CEO of your life, who knows the value of the philosophy of don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you.

You may go through a process of learning to stand on your legs with your own justice system to live by. Eventually you will get the sense to speak the truth for yourself, your belonging group and yes even for your enemy group as well.

What would it do to the politics of the world is another thing but it sure will transform you and your world from the inside out. From inner peace to guilt free life is rewarded for you and in the long run, peace in general for the world.

In your mortal and temporary life the purpose of your life is not for you to just succeed in personal gains of materiel wellbeing, it’s a mutual balance for both individual and collective mass you can call humanity or God.

You can secure your finance but you can only eat so much use resources so much and in the end of the day your reality does not change. The mortality is a fact of life and it still remains regardless of your financial success or collectively our medical advances.

You come in life you get oxygen and when the time is up you lose that. Simple truth so wise up and really enjoy the ride, and no it is not just to get drunk and be happy, in reality it is strange but true that the deep individual happiness and contentment  is in the reciprocation, meaning serving the humanity would bring you deeper and fulfilling happy life.

If you find yourself doing too much to achieve more and more, you may have a problem with the over powering sense of belonging. The strong desire to fit in, impress or to be admired are clear signs of personal and spiritual imbalances.

Seeking and changing frequent partners is not just the animalistic thing, it can be related with  the distorted planning of living life permanently. If we all look at life as it really is, we would not sacrifice our life for the social trends, friends, traditions, customs, or especially following the rules of the religions. Our temporary life is not just for the belonging groups alone, it is individual’s responsibility to be a good friend to the self as well. Life is God’s gift to the man for the reciprocation, you do your share to care for the community but you have the right to enjoy the visit as well. There are forces whom want to deny you that, with  their political agendas, using you,  praising you and then discarding you, has been around since the dawn of the civilization.  It is your duty to understand your standing especially in your mortal life so be a good  CEO.      

Human race, religions or nations praise there heroes and sheroes, whether its sport star or a military individual. Interestingly we compare them with the predator creatures like lions and eagles, we glorify their bravery; write poetry to inspire our new generations so they keep following  our ancestral knowledge of sense of belonging.

Why do we have the deep desire to be predators? Why do we feel inspired by the stories of the bravery of our ancestors? And why don’t we question the behaviors and philosophy of conquering the other human beings? Aren’t we evolved enough as an individual so we can see behind our communal politics which is based solidly on the philosophy of prejudice and denying the other human beings their basic rights.

My understanding about this behavior is that if you look at yourself as a physical creature and you are not evolved yet you would compare yourself with the predators and be proud of it, and if you consider yourself as a spiritually evolved entity you would seek the equal human rights and yes even if it is for your foes.

The confusion would always be present for the individual if he/she has an imbalanced sense of belonging which has the potential to make the individual an extension of an ideology and nothing more. Yet a human being is a lot more than our present understanding. Just look at the advances we are making in all departments of our life and it is all happening because of the individual.

A balanced individual would be called a human being. We are the creatures ripened way before our birth with the compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and the capacity to love all ingrained, a creature with the ability to evolve to be a God like spiritual entity. It is individual’s responsibility to live life with the individual balance, so his/her temporary or a mortal life is a harmonious melody for self and the community around simultaneously and I mean the whole humanity not just the belonging group.

Since we can’t be spiritual, being dead our first priority and responsibility is the survival, so if you live in the bush, just like other creatures you have to survive even by eating other creatures as food. If your fridge and cupboards are full of food products, you don’t have to kill anything or rob others to survive.

You can go and take matters to extreme and kill other creatures just because you can or for the fun of killing but personally I think by now we should be evolving much further than that. People go for sport fishing they catch and release, it shows that I can but I would not. Its individual evolution, if you take what you need to survive is one thing and sport killing is another and I feel our dentists are highly educated people so it is not only our education it is our spiritual education that matters.

Back to comparison with the predators, if you kill to eat and feed your off springs is a survival but playing with the live food is not an evolved act we as human beings should never compare ourselves with less evolved creatures because we are better than that or at least we should be.

We are in the process of evolution and during the process of evolution nothing is one hundred percent right and wrong, so we can’t just judge or defend our knowledge as the ultimate, with our evolving thus limited knowledge. This conflicting knowledge especially during the process of evolution can be quite confusing for the individual, so we want to believe our religious and general knowledge is as complete personally I think it relates with the sense of belonging which gives birth to ego, pride and honor.

For instance if we reward acts of bravery with the medals, it is to encourage others to do the same for the belonging group and it is promoted as a duty. It has a strong smell of the politics, especially when it comes to reward the war crimes committed by the individuals for the belonging group. Killing opposing groups human beings regardless of innocence, is not only a war crime, it should be counted as a spiritual crime as well because it has the potential to hurt the hurters as well. As human beings we all commit it, because we know it emotionally hurts when you rob someone of love. That is the reason why as the wars persist the passion rises and the conflicts can carry on indefinitely.

Every evolved society has the law and order with the justice system which calls for the punishment for the same acts in a civilized world. It teaches us to work against these killing urges yet we hand the guns to the young people to do our dirty political work and save them behind the walls of security, but it is harder to save them from themselves.

The soldier suicide is so common it is mind blowing. One of the problem is that we want them to grow up as nice young people who care and be a law abiding citizen for the belonging society yet kill other human beings. Being human beings they have the decency inside but are worked up by the politics to help their belonging community. After they have committed the acts of so called braver deep inside they know it was wrong, thus they carry the guilt with the knowledge of spiritual wrong doing.

I like to see where is the disconnection? This contradicting knowledge of human societies creates confusion and actual internal conflicts, especially when it comes to the evolved individuals.

If we can’t balance the beast and the spiritual entity residing inside of our physical body, we need to evolve to become a CEO, who can balance, foresee and evolve towards the potential.

The biggest problem is the hurdle of the sense of belonging, which can only be harnessed by the individual one person at a time. This balancing act is within the reach of all individuals with the equally powerful sense of freedom, if he/she can understand and overcome the belonging group’s politics.

If your group is always singing songs of honor, pride and ego related  bravery, remember it’s all about the sense of belonging which can give you false self esteem and sense of superiority but deep inside you can become a ticking time bomb for yourself. If you live by the ego, it has the potential to cut you both ways, it’s not only harmful to the others, it is harmful for the individual in the shape of guilt which an individual has to carry for the rest of his/her life.

Today it needs to be figured out by the individual and the humanity collectively that a single spiritual problem can show several signs of mental health, we can make them docile by prescription drugs but addressing the cause is the best medicine. The word we have been hearing and recognizing is the PTSD a phenomenon which lingers in the individual’s life way after he/she has served his/her community as a job.

Drunk driving comes to mind, if and when you hide behind the job, if you think that you are just doing your job for your belonging community you are hiding behind the community as an extension, yet you know that you are more than that, because you are a decision making machine. Since your actions are solely your responsibility, your confusions need to be cleared by you individually other wise you may be charged by the drunk driving if not by your community it would be by you the real you who lives in your body and rules everything including your brain.

It’s time to evolve to come out of the group mentality, because this philosophy has done enough damage to the humanity. It is time to join the whole humanity as one entity, it’s time to rethink past or ancestral knowledge for the sake of coming generations because we have armed them with the a whole lot of guns, nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction. If they continue on the same path as we are on, the holy books predictions can come true.

Personally I look at God as humanity not some outdoor entity who is hell bent to destroy the humanity to commit suicide.

I optimistically believe we have the power to change the outcome by evolving to the next level and that is going to come from the bottom up not from the top down and by that I mean, individual becoming a CEO to change everything, from our religions to our politics of nationalism.

Today internet has connected the humanity in such a way; we can turn things around to change the path to heaven on the earth instead of hell on earth. Our previous knowledge is sure way to the hell because we are creatures who has the potential to kill for fun but at the same time we have the ability to evolve to unchain ourselves from the ancestral knowledge. With the help of internet we can connect with each other beyond the walls and the boundaries all nations and religions.

The so called security a belonging group, nation or a religion provides is a mirage in the desert, the real security is within the skin of the each and everyone of us. 

Every race, religion or nation claim to be separate and different than others, and put a lot of efforts to keep their identity especially with their clothing just look around. They all are proud of their heritage regardless of the past cruelties committed by their ancestors, they put fuel on the fire by reciting the bravery in their history books as the good guise.

This brings this question to my mind that how far back we have to go to claim the land we live on. Remove the politics, you will end up with raw nature and if you go further back to science of carbon, there is no one but one. Even other creatures who mark their territories can’t sustain the territory the way we do, heck we even own a piece of land hundreds of years after we have been dead.

Survival and awareness should be enough to help us respect each other. If you feel special and God sent with the special rights, you are stuck in the politics of physical life, you need to introduce some spirituality in you day to day life.

Get out of the same old become spiritually aware and evolve. Ask a hundred year old dying individual, if his/her material things matter, the land title, business and expensive jewelry can stop their dilemma.

Passing your riches to your loved ones may make sense on the surface but in reality it is still political. Taking care of others while you are living is the real spiritual thing to do. The spirituality has the benefits not only to the others, its good feelings for you as well. Bring peace to yourself from within in your living days because life is not only for living, for afterlife. Being fearful of God or sacrifice today to buy luxurious life after death is not and should not be more important than living years it is all about reciprocation now not later.

It’s all about making contribution to the humanity while you are alive and useful. The real reason of human’s life is to help humanity reach its potential. The real prayer is not bowing down to some majestic and unknown God, it is to help God in practical way so God can help the needy in their living years and you are the helping work horse God can’t live without so respect yourself. Your are told that you are nothing, it is because if you really believe that you would be easily controlled very smartly put together political theory.

After death is an other story full of unknown and assumptions, if you are good and save money to give it to the religious leaders you are going to heaven. Right, well no one comes back and tells the real story what is beyond our living years. If you really want to contribute to help, help the living instead of building big and majestic mosques and churches. Which is going to help you to create peace from with in. You can choose to support the religions so they can keep us kill each other or you suck the air out of their sails and stop the wars by adding com back into the passion which they had taken out. Being spiritual will bother you to see the image of the little boy who died trying to come to Canada.

If you help all human beings and other creatures regardless of the politics of the belonging group you are a CEO. Just like the medicine men, scientists and the individual’s whose inventions helped the humanity progress and evolve. For instance airplanes, cars, computers, insulin, antibiotics and all kind of medicine etc etc.

As individuals we all have that CEO in us, it just needs to be recognized by the individual him/herself. If you start to look at yourself as you really are, you would not want to retire or quit working because it is all about being useful to the humanity.

The real feelings of fulfillments are in the zone where you help someone in need. This a natural phenomenon which should be understood by all of us.

The trend to look forward for the retirement is common, as human beings we are all connected with the humanity, whether we like it or not. From birth to death there is a constant give and take connection. You may think you are working and getting paid, but in reality you are helping the humanity and humanity reciprocates thus you are being a spiritual being even if you believe that you are an atheist.

We can’t just say oh I did my job, so now I deserve to do nothing. The economics is one thing but spirituality is the real thing to connect the man to real and meaningful happiness. If you feel that you can’t help others by not going to work, never forget that you have the ability to always be helpful to the humanity with your life experiences. Teaching others is a spiritual duty and no one should be free of it. It can be done regardless of age, working or retired life. Its the duty of the local politicians and the society to find the ways to match the people to help each other and be productive, feel good and help in the process of evolution so we all can contribute in reaching our potential.

It is not only the individual potential we should care for, we need to evolve as humanity as well so we can do our part what has been, is and will always be the purpose of the individual’s life. Yes even collectively we have a duty to follow our potential if we start to kill each other for whatever reason we go against God’ will because it would slow down the process of reaching our potential. God would have not put an evolutionary nature into the human beings if it was not the responsibility  to reach the potential.  Eeven if you are told otherwise by your religions you still have to evolve to reach that potential. 

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