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We need to create a balance with in the individual, so that his/her group’s politics is not able to corrupt the individual. This individual is my ideal chief executive officer (CEO). If we let ourselves be treated as cattle, we cannot feel the potential God has in store for us.
Sense of belonging is a legitimate and a powerful fact of our lives. Each and everyone of us has duties and responsibilities as we grow up to serve while we receive from the society we belong to or I should say the belonging group.
Just like when a child is born the umbilical cord is cut, a natural, undeniably logical fact and real sign of the independence. We have the physical umbilical cord cut but the invisible cord of the sense of belonging to our groups is hard to separate from. As an individual we grow up to become a part of the working machine, especially when it comes to the politics of the sense of belonging to our groups.
As I said cutting of the umbilical cord is a natural, undeniably logical fact, so each and everyone of us should be able to and should be an independent CEO.
How many of us are the real CEOs of our lives is the main question? Are you a CEO who chooses to belong to the humanity as a whole instead of belonging to a group exclusively? Would you change your way of thinking if I make sense to you?
Since naturally we all are produced and built the same way, so I would say we are all mirrors. If you look at me with the prejudice, racism and hate, you are looking at yourself in the mirror to see the same thing. There is counter prejudice related racism present all over the world as well.
Turning the other cheek is a mythical reality, in real and practical world it is hard to find the people who would turn the cheek for you . Most of the time you get what you see in the mirror, if you are full of hate, prejudice and racism you can’t possibly see the opposite in the other people.
I talk about the human jewellery, wear your compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love so we all start to see the human all dressed up with what makes him/her separate from the other animals.
Wearing these jewels would make you see your personal reflection in others not because of that they don’t have the jewellery, it is because of what you feel inside, you see in others. For instance, you may carry anger because of the circumstance or the story of your life, you see anger in all people, if you carry love you may see love in all. It is not what others carry matters, it is all about you what you carry inside.
If you don’t trust yourself and feel insecure, you would not be able to trust others and your lack of trust and personal insecurities would only harm you. It is not what goes on outside, it is all about what goes on inside of you. There is a lot more in your hand than you have been lead to believe.
Personally I think some people feel better about themselves by joining a group of like minded, sport team, religion or a nation, some people feel better by following and taking on a cause, yet still some people feel better by opposing it all.
Whether it’s related to the sense of belonging related ego, or deeply seated inferiority complex and self-esteem issues, either way one has to understand self-related issues and take charge to balance sense of belonging with the sense of freedom because the natural umbilical cord has been cut.
The strength of the belief system, the amount of passion and the desire to be right is simply measured by the sense of belonging. Lack of or disregard of sense of freedom is a sign of self- disregard and an inner imbalance of the individual.
As an evolving organism, being imbalanced can influence the individual to rob his/her own happiness even he/she is aware of being mortal. The collection of these individuals in one place can be down right destructive and dangerous. If we all individually learn to deal with our inner demons, we can potentially and actually solve our collective problems. That is why I believe in strengthening the individual to so we all can become the CEOs of our lives.
My logic against the prejudice and its origin, is to work against the politics of the sense of belonging which gets the best of us; yes even it got our Prophets.
Regardless of our level of spirituality and evolution, we as nations, races, religions and even the genders can’t get around the prejudice, because right from the start, leaders of our families, communities and even our religious leader sewed the seeds of prejudice. For instance that if you join us, you somehow become better than others and would go to heaven.
By joining a larger group an individual may get some temporary false self-esteem, security and hope but getting them trenched into believing that they are better than others. To me this is the foundational flaw of the education which has been is and still costing us dearly. As humanity we are still paying the price of prejudice with blood and can’t come out of it.
I blame our past leading styles and politics for today’s problems, yes I blame our Prophets as well for yesterdays, todays and hopefully not for future killings because I have the expectations at least from the holy and the wiser men to foresee the future implications of their teachings.
Our Prophets talked about the humanity but it was under their umbrella, personally I think it’s highly political, yet a religion should be strictly spiritual. We should leave the politics and logic for our governing and justice systems.
Humans had come together because of their social nature and the need for security but in the process, they gave up many and crucial elements of their individuality.
In return for their contribution towards the society, the society protected and provided for them. As the populations grew the need drove the groups to move towards regions with more comfort and resources. This need for resources and security has been there as long as societies have existed and migration still goes on, but people still mark their territory just like less evolved beings or other animals. We have over two hundred countries with conflicting factions with in the same countries, races, religions and nations and now a days conflicts are found between the genders. It may appear that we have improved and evolved from our past but the death toll is an on going and consistent process.
Today, if one looks at societies, the people in them seem molded and brainwashed to follow ancient customs and traditions. Every society judges others, and finds it inferior too them just because the previous generations thought so.
One set of extremists thinks that since they pray to God and do sacrifices, they will go to heaven and others who do not will go to hell. The other set of extremists think it is regressive even to think about the existence of God.
Both sides try to mold their young ones to follow the same way of living what they have been following for thousands of years, even if it has been destructive, barbaric and against evolution.
An individual is not able to judge whether something is right or wrong because of their society’s commonly accepted views and his/her personal strength of sense of belonging. That is the fundamental cause of the prejudice in an individual’s life.
This flawed education system of societies has been haunting people for thousands of years, yet still we want to follow the path our ancestors have carved for us and we follow it, not because of the right or wrong we follow it because of our strong sense of belonging.
If one has to live in a society, its rules have to be followed. Here, a person does not even value his/her own views. For instance, the liberated women of the West would never want to be like the women in the East because of their way of living. Similarly, women from the East would think being wild and liberated against their values. Both sides look down upon each other because of their upbringing, education and the sense of belonging which are influenced by their respective societies.
Social influences have the potential to dictate personal values so there is little focus on the personal happiness and contentment. This makes it dangerous for an individual, especially if the individual is a mortal to begin with.
Who is right or wrong has always been the cause of our problems, which is the reason why we have been fighting and killing each other. If you look at it logically we have been fighting each other and killing innocents because of our ego, since ego is not limited to the individual, it has its tentacles collectively in all societies as well.
It is a proven fact that human is an evolving entity and his/her knowledge is constantly evolving thus claiming present knowledge is complete and ultimate is egotistic, especially when it comes to religion.
Once I picked up a Christian magazine, ‘Awake’, dated April 22, 1993, to read about religion’s role in wars. The article began with this quotation: and I quote.
“There have never been a people that did not have some form of religion.”
The line was from ‘The World Book of Encyclopedia,’ 1970.
Yet historians Will and Ariel Durant wrote: and I quote
“War is one constant of history”.
So, are the two constants, war and religion, related?
Indeed, throughout history, they have been inseparable.
On the next page was a quotation by Anne Fremantle from her book, Age of Faith: and I quote
“Of all the wars men have waged, none have been more zealously undertaken than those on behalf of a faith. And of these holy wars, none have been bloodier and more protracted than the Christian Crusades of the middle Ages.” end quote.
And recently I was reading time magazine and found this quote I feel is important.
In the ‘Time’ magazine’s issue of April 25, 2011, Jon Meacham has an article headlined ‘Is Hell Dead?’
He quotes Rob Bell, a pastor at Mars Hill Bible Church. “When we get to what happens when we die, we don’t have any video footage. So let’s at least be honest that we are speculating, because we are.” End quote.
The individual has been domesticated by his/her belonging society. The individual has suffered. He/she has been made to feel inadequate and dependent. He/she has been taught that God, religion, politics and society are more important than him/her.
When one becomes part of a group, one automatically becomes inferior, but a society is made up of individual units so the strength of the society is the individual, if the individual is weak the society can fall apart easily. Thus it is the individual’s responsibility to do justice to him/herself and the society he/she belongs to.
As an individual we have come into the world with the right to live in peace and raise our children without any threat to our loved ones. Hence, our rights are above any religious opinion regardless of our country, race, gender or sexual orientation.
We grow as the world turns. No race is inferior or superior. We are one spiritual entity, one life force, which an individual carries within or which carries the individual from within.
At that level, everybody is the same. We can differ in size, gender, color, race, nationality and religion, but we all because we are provided the oxygen, food and ability to use it, we get hurt, bleed, live and die the same way.
I am an idealist. I see the world with idealist’s eyes, which do not see the boundaries that mark today’s world. There are no political lines in the natural and physical world. It is us who have created boundaries, we mark our territories, and like weaklings we give up our sense of freedom, liberty and powers to our belonging groups to feel secure.
Looking at our evolution in various areas, our feeling of security should have evolved as well, regardless of all the signals from the nature, internet, space and everything in between, we still believe in belonging to a gang, community, race, gender nation or religion would make us secure. Yet the death toll of the individuals can’t be counted, so did the individual find security in the belonging to a belonging group. Never and still no, we have sought not only security but comfort and development as well but regardless of all the progress and evolution in all other departments, we are still killing each other.
We are social creatures. We cannot live alone. We feel endangered, not from external elements or other animals but from each other, with all our weapons and wars and threats of annihilation.
The question is with all these socio-political boundaries, these societies, countries and religions, are we making ourselves more secure or more insecure?
Every law and every religion came into being on the basis of justice in a society but gradually, laws and religions became complicated and were compromised by group politics.
Most of today’s problems are related to injustice. Somebody’s land has being taken away; somebody is murdered and revenge is sought. It all comes down to people seeking justice for wrongs done to them.
To attain peace—external and internal—one must not do things, one does not want done to oneself. A person has to live a just life. If you start living with yourself this way, you will let others live the same way too. If that happens at individual level it can spread collectively as well.
A good CEO is judged by his or her actions. It is important to establish one’s identity as an individual so that when you have to make a decision, you do not have to follow an order or let the sense of belonging take your sense of justice away from you.
If you are asked to kill an innocent person in the name of God, would you, or you have to follow an order because of you are in military. Drunk driving is an offence because you have the power to make decision to drink and drive, to join the military or pick another carrier, either way you have to think logically and certain realities should be in front of you.
God is a reality no one fully understands. No one should kill an innocent individual because the individual is a physical reality. You cannot kill someone over a reality you do not understand. So listening to a politically-charged leader and acting on it unjustly, is a self-demotion from your CEO status.
Since God is like an alcohol for us, just like the catnip is for a cat, it is important to understand the concept of free will, because with free will we can choose to drink a social drink and enjoy it or drink to get drunk on it.
We all know that drinking to get drunk is destructive, not only for the drunk and but also for the people around.
With free will, we strive to be the CEO of our lives and evolve as the world evolves. It is one’s duty to understand how to be the CEO of his or her life.
An other fundamental fact of our life is that we are all mortals, but we break records, discover new things and technologies and invent new things all the time for our comfort.
The brain and the body points towards the limitless potential. We are like an ocean: you cannot see the shore when you are in the middle of it.
That is why I believe God lives through us and evolves with us. As a cell, we are part of a bigger picture but the strength of the fabric depends on the strength of the thread.
We research on the knowledge of the past today. After having been proven wrong again and again, we still claim to be right.
The Egyptians took their belongings to the tomb, believing in afterlife they will need their stuff. Today, thousands of years later we rob the same tombs and research about their lives and beliefs. Yet, we continue to believe in afterlife. The Mayans and the Chinese have similar stories. Does this mean we should not believe in afterlife? I believe in it too, but in a different way.
I leave the unknown of before birth and after death as unknown, and accept the limitations of my knowledge because of its evolving nature. Instead of arguing egotistically about the things not clearly understood by our present capacity of the brain power we are using, I would like to know about the real tasks at hand which keeps me pursuing for more knowledge as I push to learn more and evolve. I would be able to use more of my brain power to understand more if I pursue. If I believe whatever I have been told I would not gain more knowledge.
The bottom line is that we learn more as we reach our potential. In the meantime, we should not fight and kill each other over what is unknown. Looking at our technological advancements makes me wonder why we have not made any progress in the religion department. Why God is still as elusive as he was thousands of years ago. Why are we still insisting that our way is the right way to God?
A physical fact is that, the minute the umbilical cord is cut we all become an independent entity. This independent entity is a CEO gathering his/her abilities to run the show.
We have to cut the unseen umbilical cord of our sense of belonging to our respected groups as we evolve, some of us just can’t do it thus we have the on going problems with the individuals whom feel and think that the others or the people of the opposing groups are not human beings, that in itself is a zone when you yourself leave the humanity behind.
We all have the responsibility to know what is it all about, what is the reason behind everything. In the end of the day it is all about the reciprocation, you have to share your fiver because that is there for a purpose. You are alive for a reason and there is a reason why you have the ability to help others around.
Being the cell of God human being has the duty to use the fiver to contribute in every body’s everyday life including self. For whatever reason if you choose not to, you are not reciprocating. It is unspiritual thus unethical business. You have been receiving and are receiving but not giving back. The reciprocation helps the humanity and God to reach our potential. Its a responsibility of the individual, or I should say a purpose of life.
If any governing, religious or political system keeps the individual from reaching his/her potential it is unspiritual, because there is a potential to reach and everyone of us is blessed with that fiver for a reason.
Today we are talking about the Euthanasia and Abortion and Suicide, most religions and conservative rules are against all that, but individual rights have the power to trump what a society wants. When the umbilical cord gets cuts the real individuality starts even we are still dependent on the people around.
These are the issues I feel I am going to put in my I don’t know basket until I feel comfortable talking about. I am torn because I strongly believe in individual rights but at the same time I believe we are all cells of God and God has to be reproduced and we need to reciprocate as responsible CEOs.
My illogical and blind belief says that you are just a man or a woman there is a lot more going on than your doing. If you decide to shoot the doctor who perform the abortions, it is still a murder and a crime. The extreme religious views are that we should punish the people who don’t follow the religious way of living. If you look at it logically it is actually a sign that the extremist don’t really believe God is doing anything because they take matters into their hands by punishing the wrong doers. Either you say nothing can be done without the God and everything is God’s will or you just play politics to keep the population in control by punishing.
Do I believe man is not responsible for his/her actions, I believe we all have a big say but only after we have taken a breath we have no control over, thus we have the rights and responsibilities at the same time.
All religions are full of stories to teach us some spirituality but most of it is about the rules of the belonging group.
Religious stories and political disagreements can create a group within a group. For example in Muslims there are sects and one of them is the Shia. The Shia sect came into being after a political war which resulted in the killing of grandsons of the Prophet Mohammad.
These stories are the wounds nobody wants to heal. It’s a known fact that a person who carries wounds of the past would become depress and deny him/herself happiness . I find it hard to understand why an entire society fails to see that if past wounds can take away individual happiness, what devastating effects it can have on a group of people. Unless they aim to benefit from the politics of division.
Collectively, by now we should have the knowledge to heal the individual and society. The individual should know that political entities reap benefits from the conflicts. If you keep scratching the wound, it does not heal, even as thousands of years pass by.
We are passionate about the atrocities committed on our groups, disregarding all the fundamental religious teachings that ask us to be compassionate, forgive, do sacrifice for others and love all human being.
Societies should evolve from the politics of division, usher in peace and enter the future as one evolving organism.
From the actions of Genghis Khan to Adolf Hitler, from the tragedy of Hiroshima and Nagasaki to Darfur, we see the human capacity to forgive and carry on, to excel and evolve or devolve to act worse than the unevolved animals. Chinese are exceling regardless of the atrocities committed against them by the Genghis Khan, Jews are not at war against Germans because of the Adolf Hitler, Japanese are not supressed and depressed because of Americans have dropped Atomic bombs. No one is scratching their wounds to keep them from healing.
An individual suffering from anxiety, depression or trauma due to the past is one thing. One can deal with this through medication nutritional help and counseling. But when nations and races have problems due to the past, one needs to come up with evolved thinking, such as international counseling, for mature solutions and healing. If you never acknowledge the existence of the problem, how are you going to solve it? So it time to cut the invisible cord of the sense of belonging to anyone particular group and join the humanity as a whole with the acknowledgement of the equal individual human rights.
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