Put some Hu into your manhood.

 Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

If intoxication is in the alcohol, then the bottle should dance.’

It’s me who drinks to get drunk.

I take these lines to my understanding to expand and explain about the dead dog of our problems.

These lines are from a poem I read in Pakistan as growing up, at that time I never paid attention to whom it was written by but now I feel the need to know. I would mark as Author unknown. 

I take it this way the alcohol (of God) was meaningless in a bottle it is the human being whom believes in God and gets drunk over it. Thus I am the dancing bottle or I should say we all are the dancing bottles depending on the degree. If you have a tendency to get drunk on the knowledge you can be drunken prejudice simply by having a degree of the university, believe you are better than others just because of the color of your skin or religion. So be aware of the intoxication there is a big difference between a social drink and being drunk. Yes even if it is the alcohol of the God you can’t just get drunk over it.  If only spiritual side of God makes things happen, then God will be everywhere and the purpose of the human  individual’s free will and even the mankind’s existence would be seized into meaninglessness.

God has been is and will always be elusive to us until we reach our potential.  When we would be able to use the full capacity of our brain powers we will have the understanding. Until then humans have to  dig deep, struggle and evolve to reach that potential. Now, it is up to us to learn how to drink without getting drunk, because too much of anything is bad, and yes even if it is God.

If I believe that I am directly connected to God and take God as a social drink to serve humanity, it benefits me as well the humanity. But by getting drunk on God as the fact as I assume and see, I don’t only harm myself and others I harm and give God a bad name as well.

By giving us free will, God made us the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of our lives, who make their choices, but by making human beings meaningful, God does not become meaningless. It just shows how God and humans are intertwined in making things happen. Like it takes two to wires light up a bulb, you can try it but it would not light up unless there is negative and positive together. I believe God is our spiritual side and we are God’s physical side.

Prophets were persons of miracles. Without them, would there have been organized religions? Organized religions, all isms, democracy or any other kind of governing systems of human societies have been are and will always be stepping stones or mile stones of our evolution. We have been experimenting and learning throughout our history, we rob tombs of the dead whom believed that they need the stuff after death so they got buried with their stuff. I don’t deny anything what religious people believe but I am in favor of using the free will to be a CEO whom makes the decisions with the personal justice system based on the philosophy of don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you.      

If you don’t believe what I am stating just look around and pick any area of our progress and decide for yourself. We are evolving in all departments of our life except our religions, since  everything we do is evolving with us, our journey to reach our potential continues, thus we are not a finished product. When we reach our potential only then we can claim that our knowledge is complete or right, so until then we should lay off from the high horses of being correct and be a human being so we can evolve to the next level. The next level is when we all can live without the politics of the race, gender, nation and religions. 

The hu is a must for the man if we ignore or dismiss the hu we just are not complete, regardless of our evolution. This hu is a ripening factor in the individual evolution and even for the human societies.

Do you consider yourself a man or a human?  Are you a human first? And I mean before you are being black or white, Male or female, Pakistani, Canadian, Muslim, Christian or any other identity you have been given by your belonging groups. 

Have you ever asked this question to yourself and I mean literally why your sense of belonging is able to overpower your sense of freedom. Everyone of us has been wrapped up with our identities to the point that we even forget we are human being first and then anything else. Our real identity is human whom belongs to the humanity first, yet we are acting as if we are just the extensions of our ideologies, race or nation without the status of a CEO.

Where how and why the rapper became our identity. The real essence is the hu which is rapped up with love or stripped off of love, without love a human is just a man, our social evolution came with our love.  Being just a man is less than being a human, you can have all the scientific technological or religious knowledge but without the hu, love or spirituality, you just don’t pass the test of being a human being, especially if you kill over the knowledge you don’t even understand or have comprehension of.

Some one commits an act of violence, we all still response as a man, we want the other side to feel the same pain we have experienced from their actions. For instance if you drop the bombs indiscriminately on any place where the bad people live, you are acting just like the people whom actions has harmed or hurt you, that kind of actions don’t solve our problems. As the Gandhi said eye for an eye makes us blind. Dropping bombs indiscriminately kills even the people whom don’t agree with the people whom had committed the violent act. Love loss is the main cause of our emotional problems, it does not only create more killings it is an actual cause of our social problems as well. We need to understand our emotional responses, it is bad enough we have crimes and social problems in the society from the individuals whom have had love loss during the childhood. When we have nations whom don’t think and response emotionally we probably would not be able to reach our potential after all. If the saccular societies response just like the religious societies we may end up in the predicaments of the religious predictions of the holy books.     

If you are learning something new everyday you just don’t know everything, and believe me there is a lot of room to learn and evolve for us, we have a long way to go yet. You need to know one thing and that one thing is your free will, why do you have it? It is there for you to be a CEO who can do the justice, beyond the politics of sense of belonging to an exclusive group.

Understanding yourself as being part of God is not only liberating form the inferiority complexes, it puts a hu in a man as well. If you look at the governing systems of different societies you can see things are done differently. You can pray, be generous and help others because your religions have been preaching and teaching you the way of living. There is nothing wrong with that, until you put others down and claim that your way of living is the only right way to live, your knowledge is complete and God is on your relative. I see people praying by the millions, yet chanting God’s good name and killing each other. Prayer is not only bowing down, reciting God’s name and worshiping, in my point of view helping the one in need is a real and practical way of praying and appreciating God. 

 For instance, social work, assistance, health care and other kind of helpful programs are the real praying system and practical worshiping. The real mosques, churches and temples are inside the human beings where actually God resides, and when human helps the others whom need help we are doing God’s work. The buildings are made by the man for the man, especially if the needy can’t get help regardless of the ability of the others to help.

Interestingly conservatives and republicans are against these programs because of their politics, yet they are mostly religious people. Democrats or liberals have been called as Godless people yet they insist on these programs. If you are a religious individual but are against these programs you are standing on the wrong side. These are the real practical prayers and you are against that, which can only means you are the victim of the politics of the organized yet political religion. If you can see, you will see the real and practical worshiping and the spirituality is in helping the needy. If you can the way I see it any religion without the spirituality is an impotent worshiping system. So put some hu in your man hood by focusing on the practical prayers. Paying a little tax in your living years to help the others is the most spiritual thing to do, if your political system is against it, then you have to look at it with a little hu in it. It is all about the reciprocation we come in this life get help, give help and pass to complete the circle of life so the humanity can carryon. You have to want to appreciate and reciprocate, be helpful if you can, because if you can and don’t the purpose of your life needs to be looked at spiritually. The alcohol of the political religion is quite strong and a little can brain wash you which can take you in the different direction from the spirituality, one takes you to get drunk and the other just makes you enjoy being useful to the whole humanity instead of just the belonging group and puts some hu into you.     


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