The individual and collective potential


 Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

When we raise a child we look at him/her as an individual in the process of growth with potential to be a good citizen and a successful individual to help him/herself. The child would learn at home, then go to school to become a successful professional in helping humanity whether it be a construction worker, doctor, lawyer, engineer a rock or sport star.

This is the same process we have collectively; we pass on our knowledge to the next generations so we as a human entity forge towards our potential and keep evolving. Our collective potential is what I call the God himself, the evolution of us directly helps God to evolve further to be able to fulfill our individual prayers. That is why our religions could not stop our evolution regardless of their resistances. God meant for the ordinary individual to evolve to follow her/her ingrained potential. As humanity or God we can’t reach there without the individual’s efforts to reach for more, dig in deeper, use will power, to seek, go through personal sacrifices to achieve higher level on the ladder of potential.

If any religion is against the individual’s crossing the lines and boundaries of the religion that religion is a political system, and in the pursuit, then religion strays into the politics more than the spirituality. If the individual does not evolve to be a Godly man then evolution of God stops as well. Today’s politics has the power to drive the religion away from the spirituality and God altogether.

If we don’t see our child reach his/her potential, we get disappointed but we can’t do anything about it because as young adult children they have mind of their own. Since we have the free will, it’s up to us ,whether we pursuit our potential or not. If the children don’t follow the strict rules and cross the boundary lines created by our religions it puts God in the same predicament as the parent who would love to see his child work towards potential. I believe we should all be able to deal with the situation by looking from outside of it, it is not all about the obediently worshiping God its all about following the potential. In the end of the day the responsibility lands on the shoulders of the human individual.

For instance when talking about religion or belief system, if you can’t come out the boundary lines created by your belonging religions, your opinion would be bias which leaves you as a head of department because you are not and can not be a CEO. As an individual you have free will at your disposal so it is a common sense that is easily understood that, you can’t make decision as a CEO let alone the one require to keep eye on the passionate ones.

If you believe that your ancestors can’t be wrong,  always remember that you are not alone, and that is the major problem because our belonging groups egotistically claim to be right regardless of the level of evolution. We live the situation when we make our decisions and our decisions are influenced by our strong sense of belonging. If you are an independent free will holding CEO, then you would look and judge all the influences critically before making your  personal decisions, especially when it comes to religion, we can’t just get out of the religion, not everyone can look at it from the outside of it, because there is an order to believe blindly, you are looked down or worse you are shunned if you start to question.

If you make your decisions by staying inside the boundaries and living the situation, religion would not allow you to be a CEO, yet God had created you as a CEO, so who is right? God or the religions, God demands your constant reciprocation and attention to reach for your potential yet the religions demand you to obey, believe blindly and stay inside the boundaries.

Are the religions promoting God or working against the God? The reality is quite murky if you look at it with the politics of strong sense of belonging to your group. If you look at it with the eyes of a CEO you would be able to strain all the politics out of these orders of the religions. You can see that the human individual is an independent entity yet connected spiritually with humanity. Majority of the bridge building, innovations and lifesaving, extending is done by the people who did not really follow religious orders. Their pursuit connected them to the whole humanity, they helped and contributed spiritually not religiously. 

I am pursuing and pushing to make my point that, we need to realize that we learn everyday something new thus our knowledge is not complete and we have to come out of our pigeon holes and take responsibility, instead of hiding behind our holy books. My purpose is not to prove right or wrong, I am not arguing whether God exists or not. I am not even saying that one particular religion serves the individual better spiritually; I even accept the legitimacy of religions and all other systems of governing the people but my war is against the ignorance, racism and prejudice. If you look around you will find all these in the pockets of the people whom are fundamentalists of the all religions. 

All my efforts are for the spirituality, humanity and human rights, and in order to achieve that we have to evolve out of the political boundaries of religions. My focus is on our evolving nature, which is proven and accepted in all other areas of our life. I am against capping of human knowledge and potential, I feel the need to say following the potential is the real God’s way. Living life without evolution is against man’s nature and God as well.

Any human knowledge promoting boundaries, sense of belonging to one particular group, race, color, gender, nation or a religion and promising rewards after life is related to the politics of human insecurities and control. Believing in God and spirituality is for the man to heal from these spiritual illnesses. If you really believe and accept your mortality, it actually removes all the insecurity related fears and controls. If you are free of fear and control you can put extra energy and enjoyment in to daily living which can help to correct all kind of illnesses including accepting others as equal to yourself.

I have three concerns about our ancestral education and I intend to change them, my questioning can put me out of the boundaries of my religion, but bring me closer to spirituality and God. I find these three fundamental flaws have taken too much from the humanity and it’s time to come out of these influences.

(First one is the notion that our knowledge has been complete. Second our knowledge is better than all the others. Third we are going to heaven and all others are going to hell regardless of their characters and deeds).

Personally I think human is an entity with choice for a reason; we all have responsibilities because we are all able to think independently. If anyone denies that,  I can’t make any sense to them.

One of my purposes of writing is to help the individual evolve to the next level and yes that is the level of a CEO, who can think about the causes of the problems for correction, yes even if it’s in the religious education.

If I say your religious education is the cause of unaccountable deaths of the human individuals, for humanity and God  wouldn’t you want to know why?

If I say you hate each other because your religious education teaches you that you are better than others just by joining and regardless of your personal character, wouldn’t you want to know why?

If you are a bigot and prejudice runs in your blood, don’t you think it’s time to go inside and find out why do you think you are superior to others. Usually the insecurities make people to become and commit crimes of prejudice.

If you can go inside and find the right answers you can fix your spiritual flaws, caused by the very people who spouse to help you spiritually. When you are able to fix your flaws you become a CEO who is not only happy and peaceful, you will look at others as part of God just like yourself thus respect them to create peace.

Growing out of the politics of sense of belonging is not easy task, nor it’s a cake walk to outgrow the boundaries of ancestral knowledge, but if you consider yourself a CEO, you have to look for the causes of the problems and eradicate them, even that is what you use to believe.

When children are taught that they are better than others they really believe that because the knowledge is coming from the authorities. When they grow up and step into the realities of life, they have to find out for themselves that they have to work hard to get whatever they want, just like everyone else. They feel that they are not special anymore, they get disappointed and feel that they are letting the parents and their belonging group or society down. The reaction from this would be to feel inadequate and inferior, which would lead them to self-esteem issues. Yet their parents and society wanted to teach them other-wise.

If you educate your children to be militant for your country or religion, the same education would drive them to be militant towards their own people as well. If we promote competition for progress it has its side effects as well. Education systems should be scrutinized like drugs with side effects, because today we are facing the bad side effects of our education system brought on thousands of years ago. It worked when man had only swords, spears and horses to fight physically, today we have nuclear weapons, so going to war is not like killing few hundred of each community’s men and the war is won and lost. One emotionally charged man can do the irreparable damage to the humanity.

Especially these days we can’t be fighting over what we still don’t know about. What happens to us after we die, is as unknown as it was thousands of years ago, this is an important life not only as an individual, we all think, feel, act, enjoy or get hurt collectively as well, so the importance of all the above is in the present or I should say now in the living years.

If you live this life fairly to yourself and the people around you, even if they don’t believe in the same religion as you do, your life is successful whether it’s this one or after the death. If you look at the promises of the religions their pictures of heaven promote the comfort and youth, and they are yours just by being obedient to their rules.

Remember there is no free ticket to heaven just by joining any one particular religion; it’s all about the politics of the control. If you are happy and comfortable in your skin in this life you are in heaven and you will be the same way even after you die.

Path to God is like a path to the ocean for the water; our destination is the Spiritual Ocean or God. If you create a pond to live with securities, it is not sustainable spiritually. Your real securities are connected with God and spirituality, and they can’t be contained or locked into a pond. Pond may look and seem secure but it’s not. These falls securities have been killing us for thousands of years and not in small numbers, so pond philosophy is not the way, real spirituality is the way, it is boundary less and connected directly to God just like internet, it can’t be controlled. Religions promised the spirituality but got stuck in the pond philosophy, so it is the time for us to reach for the ocean by reaching each other by the net and flood all the religious ponds. 

If you are always in a transition, your knowledge is in transition as well, and if your knowledge is not on the solid ground, you can’t be passionate about it your decisions can make or break you spiritualy. When you are not sure about the right and wrong of your actions, you need to learn to rely on your intentions.

As a boy I heard a story (Author unknown)

A man goes to the mosque, a church or a temple he realizes that people come with the horses but they don’t have anywhere to tie the horses. So the next day he comes and puts a nail in the ground close to the entrance. A day later another man walks to the worship place, looks at the nail in the ground close to the entrance, thinks someone can trip and get hurt, so he pulls the nail out. This example shows that our right and wrong is in the gray area, until we know 100%, we have to use our intentions as measuring sticks. Until then we can hope and trust that we are doing the right thing.

If rapes and sexual crimes can be prevented by helping the individual to masturbate and function as a normal individual in the society, then pornography is not wrong, but if you believe it spreads and is the cause of the sexual crimes then it is bad. You don’t have to choose sides you have to join the debate and discover more about the issue. Whether you are a nail installer or remover is not the question, it is your judgment.

When you judge, first of all you have to judge yourself, if you are judging your character, you have to make sure that you are not looking at yourself by the set and accepted rules of your belonging society. Understand that the rules of your belonging society are not set by God or spirituality but by the man, and man’s knowledge is bound to change as we evolve.

If you believe man’s watching pornography is a character flaw, you need to loosen up and don’t sweat the small stuff. You have to look at your rigidity by sitting outside of yourself, only then you will find that your judgment is related to the knowledge given to you and you have accepted that knowledge as 100% correct.

If the mullah, priest, rabbi, police officer, mom and dad all say it is bad, it must be bad.

Our knowledge has always been in the transition, we through virgins over the cliffs as human sacrifice, we bought and sold human as a property, we still have discrimination in our societies. It has always been because of our given knowledge, but you can see one thing is constant in all that, and that is the change.

The list of changes gets longer and longer with our evolution. If you still accept the knowledge as 100% your sense of belonging is too strong. Your values and ethics are not set by you but they are set for you by your belonging group. You need to look at yourself deeply and gain some strength because your weakness may create self-esteem and inferiority related issues. By becoming a CEO you can protect yourself from self- created unhappiness, thus from psychological, physical and spiritual problems. You just can’t believe or reject everything you read, you have to be able to make sense and put things in perspective with your CEO status. You have to have the desire to know that your personal intentions and choices can make or break your life. 

I am here for the spirituality and God but I am against the politics of all religions yet I am not against the politics of social systems. I want to expose the strength of the politics of sense of belonging so everybody can look at the causes of their insecurities.

If we as groups don’t stop fighting, we would never grow out of our insecurities individually. An insecure individual will always have stronger sense of belonging.

As a whole humanity we need to learn to take care of all people without any discrimination, and educate new generations about believing in humanity instead of being member of a street gang, Winnipegger, Torontonian, Canadian, Pakistani, Black, White, Man, Woman, Gay or straight, Muslim, Christian, Jew or part of any other religion.

If we want to change our predicted apocalyptic end, we need to change and fix our education systems.

I want all religions and nations to stop the promotion of “we are better than others”

Individually you could be a doctor who heals a lot of people or a cleaner at the hospital to keep the people safe from infections. You still need to eat, sleep and function in society like everyone else. We all are mortal; we bleed, get sick, get old and die the same way.

Sure society puts more value on the doctor than the cleaner, or on a pilot than the taxi driver, but all the differences are in the value of the job, not in the individual. If you keep thinking that way you have an automatic start of the foundation of the prejudice. In reality it’s all human knowledge of everything other than the spirituality.

Spiritually you look at life from a different dimension, if you believe that you are a spiritual being first, and then physical, you will discover that your insecurities are founded on your belief of just being physical. You don’t question how and who gives thoughts to your brain before you act on them. If you are just a physical entity then you should be happy only looking after yourself selfishly, but it is a social fact that people find deep happiness in helping others in need regardless of their race, nation or religion. 


Understand yourself as an entity who is designed to be a CEO, that is the potential you hold.

You have everything in you, what’s needed to live a successful life but the success is has to be free of all the influences of sense of belonging.

We  exist spiritually and physically as an entity or an organism, if you stand apart or ether extreme it takes you away from being a human being.

Look after yourself and the others, it is all about the reciprocation whether it is relationship with God or with an individual, if you use each other eventually it doesn’t work.

Our fighting and killing each other is an Arthritis to God.

Live your life as a temporary being, with justice to yourself and all others including the other creatures.

Every individual comes to life with a purpose; you may judge it,  but you may not be able to comprehend everything with limited use of brain power so don’t be an extremist.

No one can abort a child if his/her life is meant to be so it is not you who knows everything thus your judgement should not be based on extreme, don’t work against God because our reproduction is God’s existence, all people whom come to life wedlock or not so don’t disrespect someone because of sense of belonging to the rules of any religions.

Your prayers are not as important as your helping someone in need or who needs God’s help so be the God’s work horse because that is what your assignment is.

Your politics of the sense of belonging is the problem it’s not God, spirituality, religions or nationalism.

You have created owning for the social peace and order, but don’t get too attached because you actually are all renters because of mortality.

You are not just the intellectual entity, so don’t ignore your other gifts like enjoying physicality of your life,  and be spiritually aware because your compassion and ability to self-sacrifice, your individual happiness is deeply intertwined with others so it would be intellectual to recognize yourself as a physically balanced entity.

God is understood by the man who can shed of his intellectual ego related to personal insecurities and sense of belonging.

Hygiene is not only limited to physical level the real hygiene what religions should be talking about is spiritual, but people believe and seek physical hygiene and neglect the real thing like spiritually clean.


Most if not all species including human are under the spell or hypnotized by the power of nature when it comes to reproduction. Strict rules of religions or modern laws of all countries could not, cannot and never would be able to control the human sexuality. I believe it is because; our desire to reproduce is directly connected to God. Just like in our bodies older cells die off but before they die they produce new ones so the bodies can carryon living.

We will reproduce regardless of religious or social rules, because spiritually deep inside we all know that God’s existence depends on the existence of the human being.

If you look at the basics homosexuality would work against the reproduction, thus they would work against our contribution to God.

If I think that way it would make me against the abortion and homosexuality and will make me conservative. If I ask (spiritually speaking) someone this question if they really believe I mean really believe in God, then why do they think that everything is done by the man? Homosexuality has been around since the awareness of our civilization and has not gone away, what if that is meant to be by the God then who are we to make them inferior or sinners, if they are serving the humanity. Anybody who works serves the humanity, thus God.   

If man is doing everything then we can easily say that everything is black and white. There is a whole lot of gray and even the shades of it exist, in our political systems like democracy, our justice systems and even religions, because they can’t solve everything human being faces as we evolve. We can try but there would always be special circumstances and cases like abortion, homosexuality, physician assisted suicide.

If you don’t believe in God, you can go either way, but still you should have the decency to go for the human rights and that will make you a little softer and spiritual rather than choosing extreme. If you go against the human rights, remember it is not because you believe in God but you believe in what the holy books say so, then the question rises that what do you really think God is? Do you really believe if God wanted that baby to come to life, it does not happen just because a little human decides against it. That is where I feel the differences, I can think and be passionate about my convictions or I can accept that I have an other 80% of my brain power to reach before I can say that I know everything there is to know and be passionate about it.

I feel the contradictions here because most religions preach that God is the one who is almighty and the man is the insignificant little thing.

Personally I think there is always some kind of wisdom behind the unknown we just have to work harder to find it.

If you look at the process of the reproduction, male shoots four hundred million sperms in one shot and most of them are perfectly capable of doing the job to create new life. If the odds are that high for the sperm to get lucky to be able to create new life, then we should also be putting more value in the process of reproduction and ask why so much, same thing as the season comes the trees produce the seeds in same way the number is so high if every seed becomes a tree it would be a chaos.

If the mother is not capable to take care of the baby, or there is something wrong with the baby and the society can’t provide the care needed for the baby, then it would be difficult to make a decision for even a spiritually evolved individual. You just can’t look at it as black and white and dig your heels into your stance. One can say, oh people should not have sex, easier said than done, remember we are genetically programed and are aware of the importance of reproduction spiritually. Religions have tried to work against this animalistic urge and failed measurably, just look at the priests scandals of sexual abuses.  

Today we have the scientific knowledge, with that we can see through if the baby is healthy or not without hurting the mother or the baby. Unfortunately most religious people still work against the science. They would rather enforce the rules by force and violate the human rights, because they want to follow the rules written thousands of years ago when we did not have all the new knowledge.

There is no need to dig in your heals especially when it comes to the issues related with the human rights. So for yes or no, it is still a compromise we need. We should use science where it fits and religion where it’s needed. As I say there is no black or white if our knowledge is constantly growing. If we don’t change with our awareness, the awareness does not have any meanings. Human rights are our new spiritual religion which crosses all the boundaries of all human groups. This knowledge is our social jewels so we should wear them with pride. Just imagine yourself living in an oppressed society, or look at the journey it took to get where we are today, you will learn to appreciate your freedom.

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