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When I was in Pakistan I have seen some people with the small heads, they were usually found in the spots where people gave food and money to the poor as charity. There were no knowledge of the zika virus so it is not something new. Today we are trying to connect it with the virus, yet at that time it was accepted as written by the fait. I have no scientific knowledge and I am not going to assume, but I have the understanding that people would blame God and accept it rapidly as fait and consider themselves as insignificant and helpless. When I look back in the history from plague to Ebola to zika to all kind of human disease have been controlled and or even eradicated by the human beings with the scientific knowledge not by the prayers of the religious leaders. Religious or I should use the proper word the spirituality is and can be one of the best medicine for the suffering human beings because it goes deep inside the cause of the ailments. There are several disorders connected to stress and stress usually is related to the individual thinks.
Where I am going with it is that if you have the knowledge of zika virus topped with the ultrasound you can see what is going on inside the human body. If there is something wrong with the baby should you follow the advice of the religious leader or the scientist?.
I personally believe God is living through us so logically I am against the abortion, but if you have millions of babies born with zika it can be a real threat to, not only to the humanity, but God’s existence as well. That is the reason I don’t take a firm stance against abortion in special circumstances because God functions with the functioning human beings thus it is a right move by the united nation to make it an international emergency.
Internet, space station and our diseases all point towards an urgent need for religions, scientists, communities, and the ordinary individual to work together instead of bickering. I feel there is a tug of war between the religions and scientific community to win over the individual. Scientific community has been working hard to convince the individual that religions are not true way of life. That is an egotistic assumption, this is where I always repeat myself by saying our knowledge is not complete thus we can’t assume that science is the only way to go. In some cultures it has its followers but then again we have billions of people follow their religions religiously. The problem is that both extremes should think about the brain power usability. There is a lot of knowledge scientifically unproven yet proven to help like placebo effects, spirituality, God, love and whole lot of emotional issues we don’t really know but strongly feel about them.
Last little while its a little more pronounced that nature is asking us to work together spiritually instead of religiously or nationally for the humanity. My question to people like Donald Trump is how do you create walls for these kind of problems, we are a lot more connected to each other than we think. You can make the walls but you can’t protect yourself in the glass bowl or an iron dome because we die from the inside out as well as we do from the out side. Divisions only make us vulnerable, working together is a necessity it is not a choice.
We use a term in Pakistan called goomraah. If anybody starts to think out side of the box and questions the status quo or challenges the necessity of certain boundaries, the passionate extremists will call him/her the person who lost the Way. I find it very interesting that those people who question and challenge are the ones, who find new pathways to the new worlds, new directions and inventions which are helpful to humanity and help humanity move forward and evolve. Yet they are called goomraah. The question is why does one has to lose the way to find the way? A good CEO knows that you don’t have to be imprisoned, of an ideology to be free. You can’t judge if you are blind folded by the influences of the politics related to the belonging groups, you have to be the individual who is free and a CEO. The real freedom resides in the justice to all departments of life, self and the others around, including God because we are more than the body, even more than the soul because soul has to experience this life by living with the body. Interact with a whole lot of other people in the same situation but different belief systems. Every one is a package of body soul, story of life, future plans, past history, and present circumstances. If we all identify ourselves with just the body or soul, it just is not enough, because of our mortality. Body eventually will get old and die, soul will have to leave thus, beauty, power, and job title should not be the base of the real happiness, if one is finding happiness in these things that happiness is ego related.
I can be the biggest proponent of individualism and my whole theme is to strengthen the individual but my purpose behind all that is to strengthen the humanity as a whole because I believe if the thread is strong the fabric can be real strong.
Originally human beings are compelled to gather together because of their social nature and security but in the process, they gave up important elements of their individuality. In return for their contribution to society, it was their right to be protected and provided for by their society. Human beings grouped together and gravitated towards the areas of the world which provided the most comfort and richest resources. This need for survival, resources and security has been going on for as long as societies have existed.
Today if you look at the societies, people are molded and brain washed to follow the customs and traditions regardless of the evolution of time. Every society judges the others as inferior to them because of the education passed on through the generations. Religious people think, since they pray and sacrifice for God, they will go to heaven and all the others who don’t follow their way of living will go to hell.
The other extremists think that it’s being backward to even think about the existence of God. Either way they try to mold their young ones to the way they have been living. Right or wrong is not easily judged by the individual because of common and accepted views of the societies they belong too. That is the fundamental cause of prejudice in an individual’s life and human societies simultaneously. This flawed education system has been haunting human since the dawn of the civilization yet it all starts at home.
If the individual has to live in a society, the rules have to be followed. The personal view of a mortal being is not valued even by the individual. For instance western liberated women would not even think twice to be like eastern women, because of their ways of living and eastern women would think that being wild and liberated is against their values. Both sides look down at each other because of their upbringing which is influenced by their respected societies. Social influences dictate even personal values, there is very little focus on personal happiness and contentment which is very dangerous for a mortal being individually.
A while back I picked up a Christian magazine calls Awake April 22 1993, just wanted to read the religion’s role in Man’s wars, the start of the article says (quote) (“there has never been a people that did not have some form of religion,” says
“The world book of encyclopedia (1970 edition)” Yet historians Will and Ariel Durant wrote: war is one the constants of history,” Are those two constants, war and religion, some how connected? Indeed throughout history, war and religion have been inseparable.”
On the next page it says Anne Fremantle wrote in the book Age of Faith: Quote” “Of all the wars men have waged, none have been more zealously undertaken than those on behalf of a faith. And of these “holy wars, none have been bloodier and more protracted than the Christian Crusades of the Middle Ages.” End quote”
Since I am on the subject I have to mention another author who wrote in the time magazine April 25th2011Jon Meacham writes an article titled “ Is Hell Dead” he writes about Rob Bell who is a Pastor of the Mars Hill Bible Church and I quote” when we get to what happens when we die, we don’t have any video footage, says Bell “ so let’s at least be honest that we are speculating, because we are .” end quote.”
These kind of discussions are needed for the ordinary individual so we all can stand up, judge and ask questions about our own group politics, instead of following it like a sheep.
The individual has been domesticated by all societies according to their social agreement. This has created repercussions for the individual. They have been made to feel inadequate and dependent. They are taught that God, religion, politics and society itself is more important than the individual. When you become part of a group or a gang, you become inferior. Yet society is created by and made up of individuals. It is the individual’s responsibility to do justice to the belonging group and to him/herself at same time.
We need to create balance inside of the individual, so that the individual will not be corrupted by or affected by group politics. That individual is my ideal CEO. If we let ourselves be treated like cattle we cannot even dream of the potential God has in store for us. Religions have been the stepping stones to create a proper speed to evolve and adopt the changes gradually, they are not it, spirituality is it.
I believe that we each come into the world with the right to live in peace and raise our children without any dangers to ourselves and our generations. Our human rights should surpass any religious opinion regardless of our country, race, gender or sexual orientation. We have to grow as the world turns. There is no inferior or superior human race. It is all one spiritual entity, the life force which is carried by the individual or who carries the individual. At that level every body is same you could vary in size, gender, sexual orientation, color, race, nation or religion, but the fact remains the same, we all bleed and die the same way or if you want to look at it scientifically it is proven genetically connected by the carbon.
I am an idealist. I see the world with my idealist eyes that do not recognize the lines and boundaries of a political group or in general today’s world. There are no political lines in the natural and physical world. These boundary lines are created either from our territory marking animal side or by the weaker individual who gave up his individual liberty and potential powers to the group politics in order to attain security.
If we look at our evolution in other areas of life we should have evolved in our security department too. This is not only for security but for comfort and development as well. Human beings are social creatures. We cannot live alone or without the earth. Humans are not endangered as much from external elements as from each other with our weapons and wars and the potential annihilation. By creating the sociopolitical boundaries called society, country, and religion are we really doing any good for our security or are we going against it?
In society, every law and order and every religion has at least started on the basis of justice yet it gets complicated and compromised by the group politics. Most of today’s problems are related to the issues of injustice. Whether it is somebody’s land being taken or somebody was killed and revenge is sought for the love loss. It all comes down to people seeking justice for a wrong done to them. In order to attain peace whether external or internal you have to seek not to do the things that you do not want done to you. You have to live a just life. If you start living with yourself that way you will let the others live that way also. A good CEO is judged by the actions, so it is important to establish the identity as an individual, so when it comes to decision making you don’t just follow the order.
If you are told to kill an innocent individual on the name of God, you have to think logically that certain realities should stay in the forefront. God is a reality no one understand one hundred percent, so no one should kill an innocent individual because that is a physical reality. You can’t kill some one over a reality you don’t understand so listening to a politically charged leader is a self demotion from your CEO status.
Since God is an alcohol for human just like catnip for a cat, it is important to have the understanding for our free will, because we enjoy it and even by choice we get drunk on it. It’s a known fact that drinking to get drunk is destructive for the individual and the surrounding people. With the free will we spouse to be a CEO or our lives, and evolve as the time and the world evolves around us. Its one’s duty to understand how to be a CEO of his/ her life.
The basic facts of life include that we are mortal individually yet we always break the world records discover new things and technologies and inventions for our comfort all the time. Looking at the human brain and the body it all points towards the limitless potential, we are like the ocean; you can’t see the sea shore when you go in the middle of it. And that is the reason I believe that God lives through the human and evolves as we evolve. Sure as a single cell we are just a part of the bigger picture but the strength of the fabric depends on the thread.
The knowledge of the past is researched by us today. Regardless of proven wrong over and over we still kill each other and claim being right. Egyptians took their belongings with them believing that they will live afterlife and need the things they own. Today we rob their tombs and research about their life and belief system. Yet we still believe the same way in afterlife without a doubt. Mayans and Chinese have similar stories. Does this mean we should not believe in afterlife? I still believe, but not the same way. I leave the unknown as unknown. We will learn more as we evolve to our potential. In the meantime we should know one thing for a fact, that, we should not fight over and kill each other with passion over what is unknown.
Religious stories, the political disagreements can start a secondary group with in a larger group. For example Shia faith was created as a sect of Islam after a political war. These religious stories are like the wounds nobody wants to heal. A person who carries past wounds robs his/her own happiness sometimes for life. It is hard for me to understand why does a whole society can’t see that, if past wound can rob an individual from happiness, what kind of devastating effects, it can have on a group of people, unless there are people who benefit from the politics of division.
Collectively we should have the knowledge to heal the individual and society. The individual should know by now that political entities reap benefits by these continuous conflicts. If you keep scratching the wound it does not heal, even after thousands of years. We still are passionate about the atrocities have been done to our group by the other group. Regardless of every religious teachings of forgive and forget to carry on to the future. Human societies should evolve, from the past politics of divisions, and bring peace to the present and forge in to the future as an evolving for the better entity. Just look at the Syrian conflict and its toll it is a prime example of the sense of belonging to a group, the remedy is not more bombing it is the individual awakening with the knowledge of the sense of belonging to the humanity as a whole.
Gangues Khan, Hitler, Hiroshima, Darfur, and countless other past histories show that human has the capacity to forgive and carry on, to excel and evolve. An individual having troubles in life with past experiences, anxiety, depression or mental health issues is one thing, you deal with the medicine and counseling, but when nations or races have problems we need to come up with evolved thinking as international counseling for evolved solutions.