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The Alcohol of God
“If the intoxication was in the alcohol, then the bottle should dance, Its my prerogative that I drink to get drunk”.
This is a verse from a poem I read in Pakistan, since I don’t know the author, I would quote it as author unknown and I may not take the knowledge author intended, regardless these words have inspired me to write this Blog.
Alcohol of God is meaningless in the glass bottle; it’s only activated when it is drunk by the human beings, it drives them crazy to the point that they can kill their own children because of the rule breaking. If one can go that far with the corporal punishment, they would not have any hesitation killing others regardless of guilt. If the religions accept and preach strict rules with the strict punishments to enforce they can’t wear the four jewels of spirituality, compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love.
If it was just God making things happened, then God will be present physically every where and human beings would be meaningless or worthless as the organized religions describe. Illusive God means human has to dig in deeper to reach for the potential he/she has come with. If God is the creator, every human progress should make God proud of his creation. Now it’s up to us to learn how to have a drink yet not to get drunk, because too much of a good thing is not good anymore. We have always been killing each other over it. Today we still kill and die on the name of God but now a days we have weapons of mass destruction, so any conflict can be a hell on earth.
If I drink God as a social drink or as a moderately religious person, not only it can benefit me from being spiritual, I can serve humanity as well. I can harm myself and the others by getting drunk, becoming a suicide bomber or a bomber for the belonging groups to kill even the innocents. Getting drunk with the alcohol of God, religions or nationalism undermines the individual whom is designed to be a CEO.
By giving free will to human beings, God made each and everyone of us a CEO, who makes and lives life with choices. If you believe, by making human, meaning full God becomes meaningless you are looking at the big picture with a half knowledge. In reality it just describes that how God and humans are intertwined in making things happened. Like two wires turn on the light bulb. Knowledge of human beings depends on God and God depends on the mankind.
Prophets were miraculous men; if they were not there would we have the knowledge of organized religions? or even organized nations?
God as a silence space and yourself as a note, you can make your mortal life a harmonious melody. If you make yourself too big and reject God altogether, the sound without the silence space can not be a harmonious melody thus it is harmful to you as an individual. If you don’t speak or stay quite when you should be speaking, your personal music does not mean any thing and you do not matter, not even for yourself.
Notes are always written by the human being, but the ability to write notes, come from God. You can’t separate them, because without the empty spaces music is just a noise and without the music there is complete silence, either way extreme makes life meaningless for a mortal.
When you create a harmony between noise and silence it becomes a successful melody of your life. It may be desired but absolute silence is not a melody for an ordinary human being. Seeking the extreme awareness is for the chosen few, if everybody starts to live like a monk, it can have some drug like side effects on the social fabric. As individuals we all have some responsibilities, even if we are told that we are going to heaven by following certain life style.
Since life is not extreme for the moderate folks, they have to juggle around all departments of life, some time religion and heaven become secondary to the present duties of life. As promoted by the most religions, living life for after life is the right way to live. Logically God would have not put people in difficult circumstances in this life, if every thing was decided for human individual by some out door entity.
Free will has its purpose, and that is to make human individual a CEO of his/her life so he/she can choose and wish to live. A CEO is responsible to find a balance in life on earth and earn some feathers for the life after death. It is a responsibility of the CEO to look after this life first, then the after life. The reason is obvious, it is because the human is a work horse of God. All the physicality of the spirituality is done by the human being in his/her living years, all the prayers are answered and fulfilled by the human in physical life and yes all the human beings work to help fulfill each other’s prayers with the will of God.
God did not create human being just to worship, the life of the human individual is a practical prayer because we all work to live and that work is always helping the other human beings thus helping humanity and God. We can’t find God even in perfect quietness or in the majestic architects of all religions. Individual has a duty to find a personal balance; the right music of his/her life is not in a perfect quietness. Our responsibility is to make the right kind of noise for us as an individual, community and humanity. A good CEO takes a responsibility, along the way, not only just for self, he/she corrects the notes for the other people who are just making noise without allowing the empty spaces to play a role in there lives or sitting quietly doing nothing. You can meditate all you want but the business of life is done by being physical. Sure if you are stressed you can benefit from it, but if you are thinking that it is a solution for all of the human beings problems, it just does not cut it for me.
With the advances in medical science, we are now able to extend the length and quality of our lives. If we look in that direction, how much influence one can have by living a constructive or destructive lifestyle? Everyday something new is being discovered and we find ourselves in uncharted territory. If we don’t take charge as a CEO we are left to follow the antiquated ideas and religious beliefs that our ancestors have laid out for us thousands of years ago. They did not have today’s knowledge, technology and the problems related to it. Only a CEO can look beyond the boundaries created by the sense of belonging and it’s politics.
A CEO can still believe in God yet evolve beyond the boundaries of religions. We are all created with a higher identity than prescribed by the religions. A CEO can evolve beyond the sense of belonging and make sense of today’s issues and put everything in place according to its importance in today’s evolved world. What gives us identity is the intelligent life within us, and that intelligent life does not belong to any one race, color, nation or religion. it is a spiritual entity which makes us all connected to each other beyond any one particular group. We are part of this spiritual entity not connected to a limited group of people as a gang nation or religion.
I believe knowledge dictates the strength of the individual. If every one of us believes that we are worthless without belonging to a group, we undermine and underestimate the creation of God and God himself period.
As CEO’s, we have a need to use our free will to live this life as we are meant to. We have a need to pursue our potential. Our continuous evolving nature calls for moderation because we are a work in progress, our decisions for extremes should be harnessed with the knowledge of continuous evolution. I want to speak to individuals directly, so we all become moderates by seeking the right knowledge. Any kind of extreme is not a solution for a successful individual life or a society.
Just like you can’t judge the whole book by looking at the cover, an incomplete building or an art work which is not complete, the human being is still in the process of evolution. We will make mistakes yet still achieve and do perfect things, but we should get better not worse. Strong ego is related to extreme decisions. If we accept the imperfections we will still seek to grow, but when we think our knowledge is complete and better than others we develop egotistic extremes.
There is nothing wrong being religious but when one puts religion over and above every thing, it can become a problem. For instance it dose not make sense if you kill your loved one, just because they don’t want to follow your way of living.
Eating food to live, love and care for the family is as real as it can get, God falls in a different area of life. If you have not eaten for days you start to hallucinate never mind know and believe in God, just ask a patient of mental disorder. Whether you believe in God or not it does not hurt, but losing loved one is extremely painful. Going without food can harm physically is a reality and a hard fact, but the belief system is a thought process, which can be changed with new knowledge, thus is not stable. The proof of instability is clear; we have several religions, that mean even God had to write different books. It can’t be denied because we have been fighting each other for thousands of years. What could be the reason?
God can’t be blamed because as an individual we have been granted the free will. It is an individual’s duty to use the gift of free will to tread through the mortal life. The reason for the different books can be that we could not handle all the knowledge at once. The stubborn people with emotions and strong sense of belonging got stuck with the politics of their belonging groups and denied the authenticity of the other groups, or God has plan for the human to play a role in bringing on to themselves, the day of (keyaamat) judgement or save themselves to carry on evolving with the human race to eventually reach the potential.
The concept of God’s existence exists with the human race, if we all kill each other it would not only hurt human race it would logically hurt God’s existence as well. The question is that would God allow that? Since I am an optimistic individual, I think human beings will come to the senses and cross the political lines of their respected religions and join the spirituality.
Writing different books means God created a competitive environment so we can come to this understanding what I am talking about and take charge. After killing each other for thousands of years, over who is right with incomplete knowledge has and it should teach us that there is more to understand about this life. Its time to change and step up higher on the ladder of potential.
Following and falling for the group politics has brought us on a cross road of spirituality, we have to choose either we stay in to our pigeon holes and keep killing each other just like we have been or come out of our insecurities and change the course of our journey and its out come.
God would love to see the creation finely gets it. Human power individually and collectively is beyond our imagination and understanding, until we reach our potential. Imagine a street bum with a five dollar becomes a billionaire; we are in a process of gaining power and understanding, so we can’t claim our knowledge has been completed.
God is writing this new book with the help of human beings. How it ends is still a mystery, so we can’t just anticipate as all doom and gloom. We have to be optimistic and hope full. If we understand that there is more to learn, we should become humble about existing knowledge. If we are humble, we believe in tolerance, acceptance and harmony. At that stage we can go further beyond the boundaries of the religions, and deep into the territories of the spirituality, where God is not a monster, who punishes burns and kills. There is no carrot and stick in spirituality, there is no politics of right or wrong, only the truth raw and simple truth that human is the third equation who can make decisions with God given free will to even change the destiny. Could that mean we can change the day of (keyaamat) day of destruction or judgement, may be, if we get our act together and stop digging a grave for the humanity by producing and using the weapons of mass destruction.
The knowledge of human emotions are not completely understood, we still need to put things in perspective. We love our loved ones we love people around us and we love God through our belonging religions. There is nothing wrong with it, until we get caught up in picking and choosing, if you choose God, people or loved one over the others, you have a problem. God has solved that problem by giving you the free will to balance it all. You can’t just choose God over your loved one, or let people become so power full that you lose or even kill your own loved one to keep face in society. Every body and everything has its place in our life. In the end of the day it is the individual who decides, how to live a personal life.
The need of God has always been there, but egotistic human being has always been, is and will deny it. Not everybody is blessed like Mozart who could play the brilliant music as a child without any education, we should not play God with a little bit of Godly power. Understanding the need of the silence spaces between notes is important to play the music of our lives, it’s essential for us to have God present to make our lives rhythmic melody, instead of an egotistic noise.
Why are you so drunk and dancing with so much passion, when you are not 100% sure about the other side? You under value and demote yourself from the status what God himself had given to you individually.
Just picture it, God is sitting in a jungle he has just created, all by himself with the trillions and trillions of dollars worth power. It meant nothing for God if no body was there to be helped or needed that valuable power. You can create any thing you want, the real value is revealed only, if there is an appreciating eye, and it can’t be your own. The value of a stone is related with the desire of the human beings. God felt something was missing, so the human came along, different than all other creations because God had given him Godly power worth five bucks, with the potential to reach higher (read five bucks). This fiver of the Godly power is enough to survive for every one but, human needs it more and more, because it is intoxicating. As the demand for more grew God Gave higher power to select individuals like prophets, they came along and taught there people about how to chipping in.
Say you have five dollars which gives you the wit and strength to make a raft and row your self to the other side of the river, if you wanted, but if you and your group all chipped in, you can build a bridge to benefit every body. The comfort, love care and security are great but they all come with a price and that is the politics.
As the human learnt to work together, the group politics started to evolve. Today we are plagued with competition to the point, that some human groups deny the existence of God. Just because God does not interfere, should one decide to deny the existence? No, human and God are negative and positive wires to light the bulb of knowledge. God’s work is done by the human, every good deed has the backing of God, but the human is involved in every step of the way. It is not the action of human it’s the thought before the action, and where do those thoughts come from, you can’t just stop at the thoughts or the actions, the ability to deny self and help others is Godly gift to human beings.
If you ask the deniers they only see the enormity and admire the earth and space, but forget to understand the importance of the eyes and the ability of the human brain, which enable them to see.
God created human with the evolving capacity, every cell of us is a witness of God. You push the muscle, it grows, you get infection your immune system becomes sophisticated, you push to learn, your brain grows neurons, the toxicity makes liver larger, running makes heart efficient, and on and on. Is that a coincidence? and why there are no limits? To me it is as clear as it can get, we are here to evolve and no religious boundaries can stop it.
Why God is not there to hand out everything you want, whenever you want? Ask a dad, whose kids are grown up and don’t want to leave the house, don’t want to work and always depend on him. Look at the birds they have to go every morning to find food, they are supplied with the food but not into their mouth nor they are given a nest.
If we are given five bucks worth free will we are all capable of surviving, but these day’s survival is not enough, because our societies or our belonging groups make us feel that we are weak and incapable of surviving with our individual five bucks. The social fabric is not strong if everybody has dominating sense of freedom, so logically belonging groups or societies feel threatened.
Since the group is weaker in smaller numbers the insecurities encourage the recruitment and multiplying, yet discourage the individual strength. The sense of belonging is heavily promoted and sense of freedom is discouraged even the individuals have been punished or shunned.
Both, sense of belonging and sense of freedom are ingrained in us by God and free will is given to us to create the balance to live a happy life. If you don’t understand the value of your five bucks or your free will, you are colorless and very easy to take on the color what your belonging group enforces you to have, that means you value less of yourself than, what God meant for you.
As an individual we all should ask this question to ourselves, what are we created as, sheep or human? Should we let the politics of our belonging group demote us to sheep, or stand up to question the fear based politics.
Does this make the individual out of religion, defiantly yes, if he/she belong to an organized religion but he/she sure connects with spirituality. I don’t disregard any wisdom but extremes, and human has a tendency to carry personal beliefs to extremes whether they are based on personal spirituality or organized religion.
Holy books are consisted of life’s wisdom, but they undermine the human’s free will and related abilities. My intention is to teach what is not learned by the human from the holy books, because it is time to take the next step towards our potential so we need to pull our selves beyond the group politics and seek the real essence of God’s creation; the real reason why in a human being, God put the ability to disobey God at times. Today is the time for the human to use that ability to say no to group politics, even if it is connected to the holy books.
Human beings are created with free will for a reason. No matter how insignificant one is, the choice – making power is a power which makes a human superior to warrior ants and worker bees. Those creatures are compelled by their genetics alone. There is a verse from a poem from Poet of East. Dr. Alama Iqbaal in Urdu, the author, that says, and I
“Khudi ko kar buland itna kay her tuqdeer say pehlay khudaa bunday say khud poochay btaa tary raza kyaa hay.
“Bring your self so high, that before any fate, God comes to the human to ask what is your wish?”.
With the blessing of a free will we can even override our genetics. Sure we can’t take all the credit because of the dependency on the oxygen but what happens after we take that breath it is the will of a CEO.
If we look at our boundaries, none of them are created by God. Believe me if they were from God, none of us would be able to break them. Just like there is a boundary for the birds to fly in space, or other creatures to fly. But for us there is no boundary. We fly in space even though we don’t have wings.
Most boundaries are made by the human beings out of fears, control or a special wisdom. Control and fear based boundaries have been used by the religions but this special wisdom sets the rhythm of triangular balance to adapt to the speed which we can absorb and understand the knowledge without going to extreme. For instance look at our school system. We teach kids in grades. Ever wonder why? Each one of us has a certain way of understanding things. And a good teacher knows how to tap into one’s potential. Knowing what rhythm works for a particular kid is wisdom in itself.
I may use the same bunch of exercises for my clients but it is never the same for all. If you believe that, if it works for Tom, it works for Harry, then sooner or later you will run into problems. Using the same methods you have learned, may not work all the time. Making or breaking boundaries have been a part of our evolving nature and history, but they were never from God. God actually encourages us to follow our potential by staying illusive.
A group of people, community a country even a religion becomes an entity just like God, when it starts to look after its sick and hungry individuals. In return the individual grows a strong sense of belonging, which some time can call for sacrifice even for one’s life. This loyal nature is in the foundation of the strong sense of belonging which compels the individual to deny him/herself for the betterment of the belonging group but this belonging group should be the whole humanity.
Just like kids expect to be fed by their parents, even after they have become adults, if you believe that God is doing everything, you will stay behind with the expectation to be fed and looked after by God. If you start to take responsibility and help the helping hand, you serve the duty that God has created you for. God needs human strength to deal with God’s affairs. You can stay as hands down or become a helping hand by choice. This choice is beyond any religion or group’s political system. It is purely between God and the individual, thus a spiritually aware being is a CEO.
The prayers and sacrifice of any kind relates with pleasing God thus prayers and sacrifice should always be related with the real thing. Helping other human beings or even other creatures without any strings attached to convert or conform to our beliefs, because the reality is spirituality not the religion. All religions started with the foundation of spirituality but fell victim of the politics of sense of belonging to one particular group.
As human beings we are here to reciprocate, there is no doubt that we are alive because of the oxygen which is provided to us and it’s out of our control, thus God is needed internally and externally to keep our machine running without any glitch. The biggest thing we need to understand is that the importance of the human being that he/she is running God’s affairs too. Our helping work for God is to help each other, digging in deeper for our potential to become what God had intended. God may have created us to manifest God himself so our work for God, like fulfilling someone’s prayers is equal to prayers and sacrifice. If we help others, it is spiritual and closer to God more than any prayers. If your prayers to God are more important than actually helping someone in need, you have to set your priorities straights and look at what God values more. Insisting parents and society to get people to pray is mostly political conforming efforts make the individual to belong to the belonging group, if you ask, why? the answer would be” just do it”.
The real meaning of helping others is spirituality and nothing is closer and dearer to God more than ordinary man’s spirituality. God is not going to punish for missing a prayer. If one says that, it is because of controlling an ordinary man by fear. If you learn to know your abilities and hidden powers as an individual, you are not disobeying God, but you may send chills down the spines of controlling Priest, Mullah or Rabi. Following and digging in for your potential is actually following God’s orders. It may appear the wrong thing to do but it is God who created the human being that way.
Just look at our history. We have been following God’s orders. Regardless of the strict religions our progress is a living proof. Today’s man has to come out of authoritarian, conservative, and powerful influences and learn more about the logics of God, science, evolution and human politics. That mean taking charge as an individual for the responsibilities God has installed in each and every one of us. If you are an individual who follows orders, just look at yourself as an individual who is connected directly to God and spirituality rather than religion, sense of belonging and the politics of it. Have a drink of God and spirituality, it will allow you to see through the fog of being drunk on the sense of belonging, so you don’t commit spiritual crimes even if it is called by your religions.