Where do you think you stand as an individual?

 Please ignore the English and stay focused on the content.



Common knowledge is that God can do anything and everything what is not possible for human beings, that is why the prayers are common in all religions. Our desires and hopes are connected with God since the dawn of the civilization, yet we always see the most successful people usually put more efforts in their everyday living. What does that mean, should one assume that everything is done by the individual efforts? or why not everyone who prays get their desires met? Does that mean God follows favoritism? If you seek the right answer you will end up in the zone of assumptions, I don’t want to assume or question how God’s world function but I want to defend God from all the blames of an ordinary Joe, who can easily blame God for not preventing the disasters, letting the enemy forces win, whom rape and kill the innocents, even they have been praying and calling for help.

It is not wise to blame God or even the Devil, because by thinking that way you are making the human insignificant. Purpose of my writing is to inspire the individual to see him/herself as an integral and main part of the bigger picture. We all should start to look back in the history and see the importance of the human individual in all the advancements humanity has made. Sure the oxygen factor matters, but it is all the physical efforts of the individual what makes the difference.  If you understand the equal reciprocation you have already reached the wisdom, what is important for one to live this living life comfortably but responsibly.

That is where you should stand, now the question is where do you think you stand as an individual?  

We are learning about the human and animal rights, gender equality, all kind of discrimination and it is all possible because we have an evolutionary nature, just look back in the history you will understand what I am talking about.

Some may make you think that you are an insignificant being and you have nothing to contribute in Godly responsibilities. Some even say that you are born a sinner, regardless of your character and actions of your life. I believe in not guilty until proven guilty, where did it start, how is it possible and why this knowledge has been so powerful that makes a human being so insignificant. I can’t find any spirituality in this knowledge, all I feel and sense, is the politics of power and control behind all the rhetoric.

Why are we evolving? The answer is that God manifests and expresses himself through the man kind, and in order to help and reach every victim and learn to deal with all kind of natural disasters, we all have to evolve. We already are able to save lives by predicting the paths of natural disasters, time may come we would be able to prevent what we are able to predict but we have to pursue vigorously and continuously to evolve. Any kind of knowledge which holds the human back from evolving is not working with humanity or God is political. Every controlling rule from any entity, whether it be nation or a religion is political. For a nation to have political system is essential but a religion as a political system, just does not cut it because God is the foundation for the religions and we don’t have anything concrete about God thus we can’t  use God in our political system. We need clearly written laws on the base of individual and equal rights.  

If you are taught by the religious but political leader, that God has the ultimate power they may be right, but their claim has to explain God first. The understanding that God is some kind of foreign power does not make sense to me personally because it makes man an inferior part of the puzzle. Always remember ants or bees live as a social community just like us, but we are created differently because each and every one of us can individually think, act and manifest life of choice with free will.

We put lot of efforts in life to evolve and we do it automatically as if we are hypnotized. We excel and demote ourselves by our own efforts, why do we disregard the external pressures of religious and political orders. So the question arises why do we put so many efforts in our evolution? is it because that is the real natural order by God, spirituality and humanity?

Our dancing with the natural rhythm has a strong reason and that is, that we are programed to evolve by our nature so no human knowledge is written in the stone whether it’s religions or any constitution of any government, any medical or scientific discovery, they can help in the evolutionary process but are never complete.

You can argue egotistically because of the strong sense of belonging to your belonging group but the facts remain the same. We are faced with new discoveries everyday and they bring new problems as their side effects. We constantly have to evolve to deal with them, for example the internet brought us a lot of comfort but new type of crimes as well. If you look at the contributors of human evolution, two thing stay persistent, you will see that they are not just coming from the religious ideologies, they are from all walks of life and they are all  from the human individuals.

If we look at our history we always have egotistically claimed that our knowledge is complete and better than others, even we have argued about the earth was flat. There is a tendency to fall victim to the egotistic level two, as the Dr. Wane Dyer said, that level two is about, “mine is better than you”, if everyone thinks their knowledge is better than the others and we passionately kill  each other over it, what about the evolution? The constant learning has not taught us yet, that our knowledge has not been complete, we still do the same regardless of the evolution. 

How much more do we need to know to change that? I believe that we need to know more about ourselves as an individual and our communities should have the responsibility to understand the long range side effects of our education systems. As long as we think and believe that our taught knowledge is correct and final, we will not be able to cross the boundaries created by our ancestors.

The first thing needs to be changed in the big picture of life, is the status of  the human individual. In the big picture, if you respect yourself as an important entity who is connected directly to the humanity and God’s wellbeing then, and only then you will be able to see others equal to yourself thus respect others as self.

If you believe that God is almighty and is some external entity, because of your insecurities you would like to have God on your side. When the religions preach that they are the way to God, you would join and believe blindly because of your authority figures and belonging group believes that as well.  Since you are taught and feel that God is almighty and helpful whenever you are in the need of God, God would be there to help you. My problem is with that education which is provided to the individual. Whether God would be there or not, my concern is what happens to the vulnerable individual if God does not show up when needed. If that happens often, most people will lose the real faith in God and personally I blame that to the education system.    

As an individual when you join a group whether it be a gang, community, race, gender, nation or a religion you have to make a deal. When you have a deal you do your job by abiding by the rules of the group and group has to provide the protection.

You pray, become obedient, sacrifice your time, efforts even your life if its needed. That deal makes you inferior, insignificant, deaf and dumb extension of a group. If we all have to follow the nature, then why do we have the ability to function, survive and evolve independently as an individual? If you look for the answers, you will find them in spirituality, where you are the part of God and God is part of you. If you become one with God your insecurities melt away from within, because you are no longer an extension of a human group ideology but become your reality.

Yes that is what you are, you  are able to predict when and where the storm is going to hit, and you don’t have to throw the virgins over the cliffs because God is angry with you. Whatever you have been taught, whether it be that you are insignificant or a born sinner, it is all about the politics of control and it’s you who gives power to other people just like yourself because of your insecurities.

It’s time to claim your CEO status.

Just like a seed with right kind of circumstances manifests itself to become a majestic tree to produce millions, billions or trillions of seeds with the ability to produce life. God has manifested himself to produce billions of us we can make God more productive, self -sufficient and evolutionary to help the humanity and God simultaneously. 


The best example for God’s description is the relationship between our body and its cells. Since cells don’t have developed sense of vision they can’t see or imagine how the body looks like or how does it function. They have awareness and some what understanding of being connected to the body and the other self cells, but lack the understanding of everything thus sometime they attack each others.  This auto immune disorder is painful and is a disease. This is the same way we can’t see, smell, hear, or understand God but we can sense that we are connected to an entity. Just like cells get provided with the oxygen and nutrients to survive, we are living in an environment, which is randomly but smoothly keeping us alive until we have completed our living years.

Presumably if God is orchestrating the show one can ask about human sufferings, like starvation, poverty, and natural disasters. The answer is that as we are or our bodies are vulnerable to our environment along with our cells, God has his limitations until we reach a higher consciousness of our potential. Our lack of understanding is an arthritis to God, we call ourselves extremely evolved yet don’t understand what kind of pain we are causing to God. 

We have to understand the reasons why human and God is intertwined in human progress. Spirituality, religion or no religion one thing is clear that human is the main physical power behind all the Godly powers. We’ve grown from the history of throwing virgins over the cliff because we now know where the storm is going to hit, and we’ve come to an understanding that God won’t spite us.

Most religions have a perception about God, that God is all mighty and capable of doing anything and everything, that God is above all else, however, that anything and everything is human perception. God is dependent on our unity, physicality and evolution to our potential. If we get together, we can make God almighty; we can feed everybody and everything on the face of the earth, whether we save lives from natural disaster, or spiritually guide the world to inner harmony. We already have the potential but our politics from insecurities keeps us from doing that. We are the physical work horses of God so God’s strength and our strength depends on functioning of the humanity.

If we wrap our generations up with our traditions and customs related to our race, nations or religions, how can we move forward to resolve our differences? In raising your children as independent entities related directly to God and humanity and not to your small groups and their ideologies, we would then be able to create a pathway to another paradigm.

Sense of belonging to a group creates inferiority complex and related insecurities yet belonging to God and humanity as a whole is liberating. 

Only by bringing your personal sense of freedom to a place of inner balance, you would not put your sense of belonging above and beyond it. If you can deal with your inner turmoil and insecurities by creating balance, you would take charge and become a CEO. With this generational shift, you can live and raise your children fearlessly.

Each and every one of us is an extension of God and we all serve a purpose, we all have a duty and a life story. Just as the cells in the body. Just like nature provides its role to preserve the body, we each have an intricate part to play. To elaborate your role of life may not be exactly the same as your off springs, for instance if and when you can’t police your children all the time you have to learn to trust in their life story, it’s not only for yourself it is for your children as well because they are independent entities and eventually they have to fly solo.

In interfering as parents we install our perceptions and insecurities upon them and most religions preach that you should enforce religious education and even they promote physical punishments. You don’t want your off springs to be just like you, because you have been following the baggage from your ancestors, who has not yet created peace, proving itself ineffectively for thousands of years. If you want them to live in peace you have to learn to change the way you think. This way you, not only learn to believe and I mean really, really believe in God and would be able to find peace within yourself, you will carve a path and shift the paradigm for your coming generations.

If your coming generations learn that they belong to God and humanity, they would grow better sense of self, their insecurities would be far less than you, because you may think you are safe by belonging to a group of people. Any group of people is like a pond with limited space and clear boundaries, if you have grown up in a pond and you are exposed to the ocean, you will really fear from the ocean but when you think that you are the ocean yourself all the fears subside, yes even you start to live bravely, and better yet you can make even the ocean and the earth look like a planet if you rise up and take a look at it from the space. You can’t fear the vastness of the ocean or the space; you have to embrace it because that is what you belong to and are. Just think it is not the ocean or the space it is your ability to envision, and physically see.

You may think living and dying for your belonging group is bravery, but look closely it is all about the politics of sense of belonging and your emotional attachments. Stop living in the pond and become a part of the ocean. All human made isms and religions are equally guilty of making human worthless which gives all the glory to God, but in reality it gives the powers to the people just like you, who own the religions as a business. God can’t survive if there is no human and God’s work is not done either without the physicality of the human being, just like our cells can’t function or die whether it be because of disease or age, body dies as well.

Who came first God or the human the answer would be always an assumption because according all the religions God created human, and they put few thousand years of age to the planet as well, if that is the case how can you deny the fossils of dinosaurs and millions of years old remains of human.

Human evolved to the level of thinking that we became aware of  our evolving knowledge. Human has been around for millions of years, our evolution is dependent on our awareness and vice versa. Now it’s time to ask what came first God or the human? if you are confused, there is nothing wrong with that because our knowledge is not complete and we are not a finished product, the building is not complete yet, so don’t worry about the unknowns, accept and embrace your incomplete knowledge because, that is how you are going to grow and evolve to your potential. If you egotistically believe your knowledge is complete you would stop seeking thus would not evolve or progress to be what God had intended. 

God and Devil without the human are questionable, and as the ability to dig in for our potential rises we would learn more about the unknowns. Remember the cell depends on the nutrients and oxygen supplied by the body to function and the body survives on the integrity of the cell. God survives on the human individual’s physical, mental, psychological, emotional and spiritual health, because you just can’t ask a victim of the Alzheimer anything about God even if he/she had been a scholar of the religion. 

If you understand that God is deeply intertwined with humanity in such a way that is not completely understood, that makes all the human knowledge about God as human assumptions, holy or non- holy.

The concept of God and the Devil is so entrenched in human populations that we can’t seem to separate ourselves from it, regardless of our progress in all other areas of life. Most of our actions are labeled as Godly or Devilish.

I gave a fair shot to understand it, but my thinking makes me feel that I need more of the brain power or evolution to understand it. I could easily make a judgment like an atheist or a religious fnatic , but problem is that would be listening to my egotistic assumptions. I still can’t completely understand how our bodies work. Sure our knowledge is better than before, but I still have questions about the brain our brains can’t function unless someone installs data in it, if the brain is like a computer, then who runs the computer. Brain can think but where do the thoughts come from before the process? Is there an unknown entity resides inside the body to dictate what our brain should think? Why are we so vulnerable and resilient at the same time? Why do we dance with the music so passionately? And yes why do we kill and die so passionately over the religions? Is there a spot that music and religion touch to make us so passionate? When I see the girls screaming for the rock stars, I don’t understand but become curious.

Even if I don’t understand the dancing with the music, I can’t ignore one’s passion about it, but I feel the strong need to understand religious killings. If that entity in us is responsible for our actions, then why it does not stop the individual from committing crimes, is there another entity living within us and they fight against each other? That means God and the Devil are part of the human individual or the human is part of those entities. They are not out there as we have been taught and they are not the monsters, they are part of the each individual and yes we are still the one who calls the shots. That is why I believe we all are CEOs if not we are potential CEO’s of our individual lives. 

We can seek and pursuit the good and run from the bad, as the religious knowledge preaches, there is nothing wrong with it, until our good and bad start to change with our evolution. We use to buy and cell human beings, slavery was a way of life, we use to burn witches, kill homosexuals and human rights were non existent. Today even the pope is changing his tune about the human rights. When you are told that God and the Devil are the external entities and are making you do everything, by believing that you make the individual insignificant and meaningless. He/she can be herded like sheep, yet in today’s court , you are responsible of your actions, you just can’t say that you committed good or bad act because God or Devil made you do it. If you follow that path the whole justice system of governing the society falls apart. 

If human looks inward and takes care of internal affairs by balancing the inner battle by assuming the responsibility of a CEO he/she becomes the third equation which he/she is. He/she would be less fearful and more responsible for his/her actions, we inherited the responsibility of our actions by receiving the free will.

If we start to kill the children of our enemies, whether the dispute is over the land or group politics, we are still committing the spiritual crimes. These spiritual crimes are not because of God or Devil; they are because of the individual’s actions under the influences of the politics of the sense of belonging, and yes it is the individual who is responsible, not only to balance God and the Devil inside, he/she is responsible to balance that sense of belonging with the sense of freedom as well.

As an individual it’s one’s responsibility to question everything regardless of how big it is, whether it’s God, Devil or sense of belonging they all needed to be put in perspective by the individual, and if you raise yourself to the level of a CEO, then you will have enough self-respect to conquer, even your inner passion which makes human to live like a puppet or an extension of an ideology.

If you deeply believe that you are connected to or being a physical part of God, you can create a fearless, resilient and hopeful life simultaneously. If you have a perception of God as some entity with a lot of power who can change your life and bring you comfort to become just like your God, you are asking to become God yourself. This desire stems from personal insecurities because you think that God has whatever you are lacking. These insecurities are founded on your comparison with others or even with God because of your knowledge that they have more power than you do. (read five bucks)

Sure God is perceived as almighty and capable to do whatever human can imagine. This education produces the result of human being as not being part of God, thus the power lies at somewhere else, beyond the human being’s grasp thus he/she has to beg for it. If we feel that power source is someone else, or other than us, we separate ourselves from the source.

As soon as we think we are not connected to something greater than us we could be engulfed by the fear and insecurities. Unfortunately our knowledge has been religious teachings which are out to make the human as an insignificant part of the puzzle and especially we are not part of God thus we should fear God. This way human being has been controlled throughout the history. I smell more human politics than real spirituality at work. Today it is a common knowledge that fears based control does not work.

If you believe that you are part of God, first of all you will start to gain self-respect, and then you would not live in fear of God.

Imagine God as a human body and you being a working cell, you both have mutual interest in each other, thus you need a peaceful relationship of reciprocation, because your very existence depends on the properly functioning of the body and body survives because of your functioning.

The concept of prayers, personal hard work and strong desire to flourish is in our genes, we are not only evolving as an individual we are helping in the evolution of God as well. Feeling of weakness comes from the disbeliefs of connection to the source. It seems natural because of the awareness of our physical realities but when you go to spiritual territory, you can see cells reproduction and death as part of life which should remove the fears and puts quality in everyday living.

If you lack spirituality in your belief system, you will get attached to anything which provides some kind of security. Group comes first in today’s politics, but the real security is in the believing of being a part of not only spiritual but physical part of God.

If you look at our resourceful and well off societies, you will find discontentment, anxiety and depression regardless of the comfortable living. The question comes to mind, is it because of the level of belief system? Believing in God and disbelieving in self or the other way around?



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