A circle and a triangle of a CEO.
March 31, 2020 by dancingbottle
Scientifically, we are aware of bacteria and viruses. We know gases like hydrogen, oxygen, helium, nitrogen, and we understand carbon as the primary ingredient of every living creature. We now possess more knowledge than any other time in human history, all due to the evolving nature of human beings. I am neither a scientist nor a religious scholar, but I am who I am. My nature compels me to make sense of things for myself during my brief allotted time as a free entity. Viewing myself as the CEO of my life, with free will ingrained in my DNA, I’ve developed strategies to comfortably navigate my mortal existence. If you find discomfort in your life regardless of your current path, read on and see if this blog can benefit you. Let me know if it resonates.
Scientifically and religiously, we may appear far apart on the surface, but upon closer examination, beyond what we do not fully understand, everything is fundamentally the same. From carbon to genetics, and physical existence—birth, breathing, eating, excreting, aging, illness, and death—are identical for everyone. When you transcend political affiliations and the artificial divides they create, you can clearly see our mortal nature and its related challenges. These realities typically reveal themselves to those who seek clarity in both real and spiritual light; otherwise, one can spend a lifetime in ignorance.
Certainly, our faith and belief systems hold significance in our individual lives and collectively in humanity. However, the caveat is that our actions must be influenced by our spiritual side.
Politically, it has been an utter disaster. Blindly believing in God is one thing, but blindly following the political agendas of our religions directly ties us to ignorance. Listening to Mullahs preach about attending mosques and praying dutifully is one matter, but unquestioningly adhering to orders to pray without meaningful physical actions can be questioned. Churches face similar challenges, some even repeatedly fined for disregarding government orders. Personally, I find it baffling that they advocate ignoring personal responsibility. Prioritizing personal survival and the autonomy that brings should take precedence. Difference of opinion is natural, but committing deliberate harm in the name of religious beliefs, to me, is absurd. It signifies a lack of personal accountability for individual actions.
Where does free will fit into these scenarios? In reality, we’ve been blessed with free will for a reason, and I hope today’s individuals understand its significance. Imagine if you heed your Mullah’s advice, return home with COVID-19, and infect your family. If your belief system ranks above your family, you’ve misunderstood universal love. Instinctive or passionate love in mortal life plays a significant role. Many examples exist of people choosing one love over another, like prioritizing a mother over a spouse, or a child over a parent, demonstrating that prioritizing society over loved ones is also misguided. Creating balance is your responsibility; if you exercise free will in other aspects of life, you must choose wisely.
Personally, I would hold myself accountable for my actions before attributing them to God’s will. As CEO of your life, critically examining your choices is essential; otherwise, you’re not fully utilizing the abilities God bestowed upon you, potentially compromising your spiritual values. This not only leads to guilt and associated health issues but also assimilates individuals into prejudicial and discriminatory organizations. Such environments encourage spiritual crimes in the name of past knowledge and traditions. Always remember your responsibilities and the needs of today’s evolved world. Before heeding your religious leader’s advice, ensure you do not commit a spiritual crime, such as harming a loved one or transmitting a deadly disease like COVID-19. Believing in God, religious traditions, customs, rituals, and rules is one thing, but losing your humanity under the influence of political affiliations and the need to belong is akin to becoming a spiritual crime machine.
When leaders like Trump rally you to join a nation or religious group, and crises like COVID-19 or global warming push you toward humanity as a whole, individuals with a strong sense of belonging gravitate toward groups to feed prejudiced and discriminatory politics. However, those with common sense and spiritual strength lean towards equal human rights and the unity of humanity.
Today, it seems science asserts that we know everything—from the Big Bang theory to daily medical interventions, which sometimes cause more harm than healing. From disregarding the body’s natural healing mechanisms to chemical-based agriculture, plastic usage, fossil fuels, and the subsequent shift toward organic and environmental awareness and the repercussions of global warming.
In my opinion, it’s neither right nor wrong, but there’s ample evidence of the confusion it creates. Viewing the political and economic turmoil, it’s evident that confusion persists for humanity on both ends of the spectrum. Spirituality, however, has remained steadfast, irrespective of group affiliations or time. Our history proves that spirituality has been integral to human existence and awareness.
The desire to perform good deeds has, is, and will always remain paramount in an individual’s life, especially when aware of personal mortality. Such clarity can confound those taught to plan for eternity.
In conclusion, I aim to elucidate the complex issue facing modern-day individuals by highlighting the importance of balancing belonging and freedom.
Imagine yourself as the CEO, seated at the top corner of a triangle. On the bottom corners sit “Sense of Freedom” and “Sense of Belonging.” It’s crucial not to exclusively favor one over the other because your optimal position lies in the middle. Choosing extremes will cause your pendulum to swing wildly, disrupting balance and leading to adverse consequences.
To illustrate the importance of this balance, picture yourself walking in a park and accidentally stepping in dog poop that someone neglected to pick up. As you continue walking, people give you disapproving looks due to the unpleasant odor. If you prioritize avoiding offense to others, your sense of belonging remains intact. However, if this concern becomes extreme and causes you anxiety, it has gone too far. Overwhelming adherence to a sense of belonging can lead to drastic actions, such as developing anorexia or becoming a suicide bomber for a group. On the opposite extreme, if you disregard others’ perceptions entirely and intentionally step in dog poop for amusement, you risk serious consequences, possibly even incarceration. The key isn’t choosing extremes but maintaining balance, allowing you to live with inner peace and comfort.
Scientific advancements have expanded our knowledge significantly, yet this knowledge alone doesn’t ensure personal happiness or spiritual contentment. Being smart in one area isn’t sufficient for overall life comfort. Mortal beings require balanced knowledge; while we focus on meeting physical needs, we often neglect our spiritual side, leaving our non-material essence unfulfilled. Awareness of this imbalance becomes critical for experiencing deep happiness and contentment.
If you solely embrace scientific explanations and neglect the non-material aspects of mortal life, you may lead a spiritually deficient existence. Our mortal lives necessitate profound spiritual happiness and contentment, areas where science alone may fall short. Can you scientifically quantify love? Can you deny the human body’s innate healing systems? Where do hope and optimism fit into this framework? How do human beings possess free will while other species operate purely on genetic programming? These questions highlight the need for balance in understanding both the scientific and spiritual dimensions of life.
Science and religion have coexisted for millennia, with our evolution serving as evidence of their enduring relevance. Why do religions continue to play a significant role in human existence? If science undermines your faith and spirituality, the fault lies not with scientists but with your responsibility to see the complete picture. I’m not here to promote any specific religious belief system due to their political nature. However, I strongly believe in maintaining personal spiritual values because inner peace is crucial when understanding our mortal nature.
Embracing science blindly while disregarding mortality and spiritual significance represents a personal loss. Our scientific foundation rests upon ever-evolving knowledge, subject to change. Therefore, maintaining flexibility in belief systems and personal convictions is essential for continuous growth as an individual. This mindset fosters moderation, enabling us to uphold spiritual values like “live and let live” or “treat others as you wish to be treated.”
Humanity’s ability to sacrifice for loved ones, strangers, communities, nations, religions, enemies in need, or future generations is a defining trait. Shouldn’t we scientifically explore this phenomenon as well? A balanced approach involves questioning everything as a CEO would. Each of us has dimensions to explore about ourselves as individuals. To understand God, start by understanding yourself and your mortal nature. To grasp science, begin with self-awareness and mortality. Exploring space or any endeavor requires balance, acknowledging that everything hinges on the breath you take and the functioning of your mortal body, over which you have no control.
Extreme beliefs, whether religious or scientific, often breed problems rather than solutions. As long as you avoid prejudice or discrimination against those with differing beliefs, you can effectively manage extremes. As CEO of your life, maintaining control over extremes allows you to function effectively while preserving spiritual harmony.
If you claim to understand everything about God, science, or numbers, remember that asserting complete knowledge is simply false, especially for an evolving entity like the human individual. The truth is, we are constantly learning new things every day, so no one can legitimately say, “I know everything there is to know.” Our incomplete knowledge has historically driven conflicts, and remarkably, this persists despite our scientifically advanced understanding.
Our sense of belonging heavily influences us politically, creating an “us versus them” dynamic in societies that we struggle to overcome. Beyond advocating for spirituality, I encourage embracing bias-free assessment of each other’s progress for the collective benefit of humanity. While we have the capacity to learn, opportunities arise only when sought; if religions or science discourage exploration in certain dimensions, it’s often to assert their sole validity. Ironically, this exclusivity remains a prevalent approach. Our desire to be right stems from egotistical ideologies tied deeply to our sense of belonging’s politics. While I may possess ego, pride, honor, and personal justice, I believe these are constructive within individual life balance. Knowledge, inherently dual-edged, can potentially harm as much as it can benefit, necessitating a CEO’s understanding of its political implications.
As a citizen of the world, I act and speak as a human being. My religion is spirituality, and my nationality is humanity. I advocate for equal human rights and a reciprocal relationship with God, not a carrot-and-stick philosophy treating humans like mere animals requiring control, conformity, and molding. By nature, we are all free spirits, and spirituality should guide our intellectual journey. We deserve to be treated as human beings capable of self-regulation, not branded as inherently sinful or insignificant, as taught by politically motivated systems of control. Humanity must evolve beyond group affiliations to embrace a global identity.
I believe in the existence of space and our ability to explore it without egotistical boundaries. Our journey should encompass all facets of human knowledge—mortality, emotions like love and compassion, science, technology, and beyond—all while acknowledging what remains to be discovered.
Atheists may deny, and religious individuals may believe, but fundamentally, we strive to be decently evolved human beings. Particularly regarding personal spiritual values, one can believe as they wish but should adhere to the Golden Rule: treat others as you wish to be treated.
In a previous blog, I likened two human cells deep within the body’s tissues conversing about their existence, debating whether the body is real. Their dialogue’s relevance hinges on their level of awareness; if they were to turn hostile and engage in mutual destruction over who’s right, it would signify profound ignorance. As individuals, we must honestly assess our own awareness levels. Should we justify killing in the name of God?
If one’s sense of belonging distorts honesty, decisions leading to violence may result. This phenomenon metaphorically compares to God suffering from autoimmune disease, reflecting humanity’s self-destructive tendencies due to our politics of belonging. Our failure to evolve and understand arises from allegiance to group identities. Imagine cells in the arm declaring they function independently of the body—such sentiments underline the analogy’s intent.
If God mirrors humanity and cells reflect human beings, their harmony is essential for mutual survival. To some, God’s existence may seem independent of humans, akin to a lily blooming in an uninhabited forest. Yet without harmony, chaos ensues—a predicament aware individuals would strive to avoid. Fanatics may prioritize beliefs over responsibility, committing crimes against others. The politics of belonging strip us of our spiritual essence, often with our passive consent. Historical and contemporary disputes reveal spiritual crimes committed in the name of group identity—whether religious or not—yet society often perceives group loyalty as an asset rather than a spiritual deficit. As CEOs of our lives, we must draft mortal life plans instead of perpetually dwelling in contentious divisions.
Now, envision this blue circle as your existing life. Imagine these questions emanating from it, one by one, challenging you as CEO of your life:
- Would you prioritize survival or your belief system?
- Can you balance and do justice to all corners of the love triangle (Passionate Love, Instinctive Love, Universal Love)?
- Do you believe in working hard to sustain your life or minimal effort for significant gains, disliking taxes and aiding others as reciprocation for your blessings?
- Is morality more important to you than mortality, or vice versa, for comfort in your mortal skin?
- Do you apply personal justice equally, including to yourself?
- Does your life reflect groupism (e.g., race, gender, color, nation, religion) or fair play for all global citizens, including yourself?
- Should spiritual essence or values outweigh religious beliefs, traditions, customs, rituals, and community rules?
- As science dissolves boundaries and solves former mysteries confined by religious dogma, do you deny these facts or support human exploration beyond these bounds?
- Do you uphold equal human rights even if your belief system or group opposes them?
- Do you possess enough freedom to balance the urges of your sense of belonging?
Ask yourself these questions honestly, as your temporary life demands a peaceful living plan. Politically correct answers only lead to self-judgment; I offer tools to guide you as an honest CEO planning a mortal life. Prioritizing belief systems over personal intellect inhibits personal planning. If your plan prioritizes afterlife, it reflects group programming, not personal intent. Such choices erect obstacles to progress, evolution, and civilization, ironically undertaken with pride.
As individuals, we all possess free will, a personal sense of justice, and a responsibility to evolve by our inherent nature. If the politics of your sense of belonging strip you of these qualities in favor of group interests, you are acting against God’s will—or simply not following it. Pursuing our individual and collective potential propels humanity and aligns with God’s intent, so regardless of the teachings imposed by your belonging group’s politics, choosing spiritual awareness remains your responsibility.
Achieving satisfaction, fulfillment, happiness, and contentment in all aspects of mortal life—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual—is the essence of life’s journey. Balancing these facets is the duty of a CEO of one’s life. If you cannot establish this balance or resist the influence of belonging groups’ politics, how can you attain the status of a true CEO? It’s crucial for individuals to seek and maintain good health across all dimensions of human life amidst politically influenced belief systems.
If your belief system is politically influenced, it may aim to indoctrinate and conform you to the interests of a specific group. Personally, I advocate for equal human rights, extending beyond individual-to-individual interactions to encompass masses, corporations, nations, religions, and individuals alike. In the spiritual realm, justice is blind. Treating organizations such as corporations, groups, nations, and religions more favorably than individuals constitutes spiritual injustice and violates the principle of equal human rights.
Being part of humanity or the body of God imposes significant responsibility on individuals wielding free will. Unlearning what authority figures have taught us is understandably challenging. It falls upon each human individual to understand their personal realities. Free will exists for a reason—it aligns with our mortal nature and ensures we can live comfortably in our mortal skin. While our realities may differ, mortality is an immutable truth we all face. As humans, we must scrutinize accepted truths to discern their authenticity. Human knowledge, given our evolving nature, is inherently unstable. Achieving equal human rights and tolerance requires the adoption of new knowledge, a process not achieved overnight or independently if we persist in relying on age-old information.
Two undeniable truths prevail: no individual is superior to another due to their identities, and our authentic truth from God is evolutionary, not static. The politics of belonging may demand loyalty to a group, but exercising free will ultimately hinges on our personal and individual responsibility to uphold decency, irrespective of birth group affiliations. It’s detrimental to be internally divided, especially when one understands their mortal nature. Embracing these truths and accepting mortality allows individuals to ascend to the CEO status, living as mortal beings, notwithstanding acquired knowledge—whether scientific, religious, or prejudiced beliefs stemming from politics of belonging. Always remember, as CEO, you dictate the decisions, not your conformed or politically influenced self.