Let’s look at our confusing yet deeply rooted dead dogs of our personal and social problems. As individuals we are highly affected by the political attachments to the education we receive from our ancestors. From our conformed thinking and feelings to political loyalties. Our groups can have profoundly powerful effects on our mental, emotion, physical and spiritual health. So, it is crucial for us all individually to critically look at our installed data. If you consider yourself that you are one of those, who want to change everything in the society, or you are one of those who don’t want to change anything at all. Or if you are one of those people who feels strongly and react or behave recklessly just because your team lost a sport match. You may find something to ponder in this writing.

Remember if your triangle of CEO, sense of belonging and sense of freedom has been flipped your cup of tea will be boiling because of political reasons. So, even if you are designed to be a CEO by nature, you are preached to believe that your sense of belonging, and sense of freedom should be on the top corners. Sure, most insecure people will believe in their irrelevance compared to their belonging group, but in reality, you have been blessed with your free will and personal sense of justice makes you a CEO. So, you should be on the top corner for different reasons, since you have the free will, it should be you who makes a choice how much to lean towards sense of belonging and how much to sense of freedom. You simply cannot do that unless you are sitting on the top corner. So, if you don’t feel worthy of sitting on the top your triangle has been flipped by the politics of your belonging.

Sure, it may seem like it, but this is not a political statement. Whether you are in it because you have been influenced by your hormones and political pressures or you don’t think freely. Either way you have to look at behaviors critically.

I CAN’T STRESS THIS FORCEFULLY ENOUGH, THAT ALL HUMAN KNOWLEDGE IS SUBJECT TO EVOLVE BECAUSE WE ALL COME WITH AN EVOLUTIONARY NATURE FROM BEFORE BIRTH. Our imagination is a powerful proof for our abilities, by having an oceanlike brain with a space like potential human being is the most undermined entity by its own kind. Always creating self-imposed boundaries and pathetically suppressing and oppressing to keep themselves behind yet intentionally is a political dilemma faced by the humanity. So, for whatever reasons, if you feel, you are stuck in a pigeonhole of constitutions and extreme religious beliefs. YOU ACTUALLY ARE DENYING GOD’S REAL ORDERS OF EVOLVING NATURE. A reminder, this is not a political statement bur rather looking at things without any biased. If you are convinced not to change anything, even bigotry, prejudice and even discrimination. In today’s time where humanity is asking for equal human individual rights, you simply can’t survive in constantly shrinking pigeonhole. As you can see world has been and is changing right before your eyes. Simply ask yourself why do people want equal human rights? What happened in last hundred years, all of sudden humanity started to talk about universal things like spiritual principles and equal justice. So, from the fall of kingdoms to communism and everything in between tells a story of our universal nature. If you are on either extreme, you are denying your evolving nature. So, it has been proven that you can’t simply lock everyone in the same pigeonhole. Stay liberal, to adopt and always leave some room for growth and evolution, since people will always different ways of looking at life. Being trenched into our pigeonholes for political purposes can be harmful. Especially with modern day weaponry. So, it is important to look at everything and our personal actions with wider lenses. An example comes to mind. There was a documentary about the drought because farmers were committing suicide because they could not pay their bills. So, someone came up with the solution of retention ponds digging competition for the villagers. Solving one of the big problems with human ingenuity. Now let’s look at our problem-solving nature critically. The importance of human individual, their imagination and related abilities to manage their affairs to do a lot more than saving lives.

Remember God had done Godly job by blessing human beings with their atom of autonomy. So, when we talk about what can I do for you, it should not be, and I repeat should not be politically tainted. Remember compassion is the driving force behind that spiritual level. Spiritual things like human compassion are universal just like God, spirituality, and justice, so politically tainting them all can rob their spiritual content. For instance, if you do good, simply for a group of people but not for all human beings or even other creatures. You are tainting a spiritual thing with politics of belonging. So, always remember the motivational force behind is compassion, as I said it is universal, so it loses its universality to do good. If God has provided us with oxygen, favorable life sustaining planet and extremely complex yet functioning bodies and spirituality ingrained within our DNA. Shouldn’t we keep universal things universal? Why do we, let our group politics pollute our God given good intentions related good deeds. By allowing our group politics to give bad name to universal things like God, spirituality, justice and even compassion?

Mortal maybe, but we can leave mark in the history, like the individual who came up with idea of insulin. You can go back and forth with the benefits and harms all day long, but the facts speak loudly enough for people to understand the importance of individual ingenuity. Remember there are still a lot of people who can dismiss things and hide behind God and Devil. Even stand against every progress humanity makes, that is until they start to benefit from those advancements. Actually, made by those who did not believe in locking themselves in the self-created human boundaries. From blood transfusion to stem cell and all other controversial innovations have proponents and deniers yet humanity keeps on evolving.

Personally, I believe God works through us, because as individuals we get our knowledge from somewhere other than just our teachings as well. When an individual comes up with an idea. They come up with the internal and external help, like their active imagination and ability to pick, choose, mix and match things from their oceanlike brain. Since their space like potential, free oxygen, functioning body and favorable life circumstances are not their doing. I believe in God but not in the boundaries of political race, gender, nation or our religious beliefs. Meaning, I believe, anything a human being does, does have God’s hand involved. So, God not being involved can be argued as well. Remember none of the above is in, individual’s hand or in control. So, without that help things don’t get done physically. MEANING, THIS SPIRITUAL CLAP REQUIRE BOTH PHSICAL AND SPIRITUAL HANDS. So, rejecting to go forward, adopt and evolve has nothing to do with political God but rather everything to do with spiritual and universal God. Otherwise, we would still be sitting somewhere in the cave or bush, without our evolutionary nature. If you say believing in God works, I say for sure, but I still want to know how? To me, God works by using us as Godly cells and work horses so we should be respected for our contribution. Giving all the glory to God is great but in real and just spiritual world there is no injustice. Sure, one can choose the opposing argument and believe God is doing everything, but when it comes to our metaphorical world I would rather not to argue. I would rather state and ask to look at it as my opinion, BUT JUST REMEMBER NOTHING IS MEANINGFUL, UNLESS IT GETS DONE PHYSICALLY. JUST LIKE YOU CAN SAY I LOVE YOU, BUT YOUR ACTIONS DICTATE WHAT LOVE IS.

Remember, politics of belonging does not allow us to think beyond the boundaries, ok, you may think but you can’t physically act on your thoughts. So, to me, regardless of you being blessed with your atom of autonomy, politically you end up on the bottom corner as irrelevant. Since we all come with that atom of autonomy, things are not the way God had meant for the human individual to be.

For instance, our atom of autonomy allows us human beings to use our free will and personal senses of justice yet with the side order of compassion and love to boot. That is if we all spiritually evolved and informed CEO. At time, it may not feel like it, but in reality, all spiritually aware human individuals are equipped with these abilities and ready to be used for spiritual purposes. But our politicians of belonging groups don’t like to have the nagging and questioning population. So, they start to work against our spiritual awareness, right from the beginning of our lives to politically confirm us. Even feed us the politically tainted religious education. Whether it be by race, nationalism or religious beliefs, they would use even God to take those God given powers away from the individual.

Spiritually things are not the way they should be, especially when it comes to our justice systems. Logically a human individual should be treated with respect, because facts say a human individual provides physicality to all actions. So, when a group is creating their constitution and related justice system or laws. Fact number one a human individual is the one who converts spiritual wisdom into physical actions to make it meaningful.

Second if you look at it logically, individual has the shortest time to live, so they should be given special privileges because of their long-lasting contributions to humanity yet with mortal nature. Communities, nations and religions can carry on for thousands of years all on the working backs of human individuals. Meaning a living breathing individual is the life and blood of the group, community, nation, religions and even God. Sure, this can be disputed but to me without the physical actions even spirituality is impotent. So, simply put, without the individual’s physical input, our communities, nations and religions are impotent. They are unable to physically deliver to be meaningful. Sort of like a fabric made with the physical thread, if you keep pulling the thread till it is all gone what happens to those entities. So, undermining the thread’s importance for political purposes is not only unfair it is downright nonspiritual and wrong on all fronts.

Political powers overriding individual rights may seem legitimate for the order in community, but disregarding and disrespecting individual’s importance is ethically proven wrong. Remember if a justice system is not founded on spiritual principles of equality, it is not blind, so it can’t be respected in the long run. People would topple it because of the injustice done in the name of justice. Remember justice is and should be universally blind. If it is not, people as individuals collectively stand against it, even if it’s in the name nation, religion or even God. Humanity has seen communism and socialism as reaction to that injustice. Whether they are successful or not is not the question, but it is a proof that we are still evolving to find spiritually evolved and right kind of system to govern.

So, remember if your triangle is politically flipped for whatever reason, you live in an unjust environment. Not only your community but you personally will have some work to do to become a CEO of your life. A CEO would not be used like a political puppet because they will have the understanding of their hormonal and political influences. So, if you personally are able to look beyond your installed data, you automatically will become aware of your spiritual nature which usually comes with some personal responsibilities. If you leave everything to your belonging group and suffer from injustice, it is time to start looking at your installed data critically.

Usually, it’s a common fact that regardless of our bad experiences within our belonging groups, we are taught to trust our belonging groups more than others. It’s because of our politically influenced education. Our individual gullibility and susceptibility to be convinced by the pressures of loyalties can play a role as well. Being politically brain washed and with lack of spiritual awareness can personally lead us to stray not only from the spiritual principles but also from related responsibilities as well. Convincing individual to sacrifice their positioning that God had really meant for them is easy. Especially, if belonging groups have politically created insecurity and vulnerability in the individuals.

Since the beginning of our living years, we get bombarded with the education of belonging and literally get installed with a politically tainted knowledge. We start to learn all about the politics of tribalism at early age and are exposed to collective ego as well. With that brain washing comes a knowledge of being better than others just because of being part of the group. From preschool to all the way to the college, university and beyond religious preachings and the knowledge of nationalism happen to be on top of the agenda. Legitimately so, politics of belonging and related hormonal influences can be nearly impossible to stand against for an ordinary individual. Simply because we grow up believing that we need help from our elders, teachers and preachers. So, not everyone of us is willing to suspect, question and critique the wrongdoing of our passed on ancestral knowledge.

Humanity has been and still is constantly living with our conflicts, yet our top organization keeps sweeping everything under the political rug. Yet nations are busy creating more dangerous weaponry. Interestingly, our war weaponry of the day has brought the humanity to the point that we knowingly and willingly kill innocents including children. Long ago, people use to take their fight out of the city limits and kill each other with swords, spears and arrows. Barbaric but there was no concept of property destruction and killing of innocents and the children. Our group politics has kept us from evolving in this particular area and that is exclusively for the political purposes. Whether emotionally or spiritually we have been and are kept behind for political purposes or not, individually we are suffering from personal and individual irrelevance. Interestingly as an individual, we all have the ability to use our God given atom of autonomy and related free will, personal sense of justice and other human jewelry that makes us spiritual. As human individuals, the purpose of having these abilities is clearly pointing towards the use of these God given orders of our evolution. Meaning if we all come with the abilities to make decisions, that should say it all. Remember life does not exclusively need to be rushed or sacrificed for others. It needs to be lived equally with others, regardless of what the politicians say. So, you have to use the abilities of a CEO to dictate how you want to live. The natural orders of life you come with are to use free will and personal sense of justice. Not using your abilities that God had provided you with, is a spiritual deficiency created not by God but your belonging politicians. So, be aware of that politics, where there is a class of people who can override and even influence our education systems. They are able to convince the mass to do what the group politics requires. Being a weaker individual with lack of self-esteem is one thing but being used politically yet in the name of God is another. Remember if you think God is a political entity, you have got it completely wrong because as human individuals, going to wars and kill people regardless of their innocence is our spiritual yet individual responsibility. It may be common and old political practice, but it is time for us to evolve and stop killing each other in the name of our race, nation, religious beliefs and even God. Just ask yourself how can this be right for any kind of human group, never mind for so-called spiritual groups?

So, whether being part of a group is helpful or hurtful to you, is not the question, real question to you, is why? Remember you have been blessed with your free will and personal sense of justice individually yet from before your birth. So, if you personally are willing to go to war and kill some innocent people including children who really have nothing to do or even have understanding of political differences. Just ask yourself, why would you follow the orders of those, who are able to convince people to kill each other in the name of their race, nation, religion and even God. So, remember universal things like God, spirituality and real justice have nothing to do with any one particular political group. Meaning it’s all coming from our so-called politicians dressed in different disguise, sometime even as religious leaders. They actually are famous in twisting and turning the truth. Even religious texts are read with different interpretations to convince those who passionately believe. Not only they create alternative facts but also use human individual and God simultaneously for political power and control. They may be promoting, preaching and selling our metaphorical world as more important and as physical facts. Politically they are saying that life after death is more important than living years, that can be alternative facts created by politics. REMEMBER A LIVING BREATHING HUMAN BEING IS GOD’S WORK HORSE SO IN REALITY, WE CONVERT SPIRITUALITY INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS. SO, LOGICAL QUESTION IS WHAT IS MORE IMPORTANT TO YOU OR EVEN TO GOD, YOU IN LIVING YEARS OR WHEN YOU ARE DEAD WHERE YOU CAN’T CONVERT SPIRITUALITY INTO PHYSICAL ACTIONS. So, they can only become successful, if they can convince the mass of people who already are gullible to begin with and are willingly blinded with the politics of belonging. Today we are undeniably successful in most other departments of life yet fail miserably, when it comes to our spiritual side. If today belongs to equal human individual rights, why humanity is still sick with the infection that divides with the poisons of racism, gender biased, nationalism and even religious bigotry, prejudice and discrimination? If you start to dig in, you will find its all stemming from the politics of group belonging. Question is why are you following it or even allowing it?

Logically, our educated people should be leading us to live in peaceful and spiritually aware environment. Yet even the cream of the crop of humanity like UNITED NATION IS POLITICALLY TAINTED AND INFECTED BY IT’S VETO SYSTEM. So, its ability to solve our collective problems is compromised because of politics. People around the world are losing patient because of its ineffectiveness. Our, conflicts like Palestine and Kashmir have not been solved for three quarter of a century. You simply can’t solve the problems by sweeping them under the rug and wait for them to go away. So, regardless of what we believe or say, among other things humanity is still stuck perpetual conflicts around the world. Most important things like peace, equal human individual rights and even global warming are still disputed by different groups because they are stuck in mine is better than yours. If by nature we all come with the orders to evolve, why our politics of belonging is able to hold us back from evolving to the next level? It is because we as individuals have been allowing and letting our old-style politics of belonging to our groups call the shots.

The way we are going, we will never be able to solve our problems or find peace. Especially if we don’t change our political belonging from our groups to humanity as a whole. SO, WE ALL HAVE TO LEARN AND BELONG TO THE BODY INSTEAD OF A BODY PART. Sure, we are not there yet because we still believe in our group related loyalties or feel deeply because of our hormonal influences. Credit to our religious teachings, as human beings we have been taught to control our animal side related desires to become a good person. Yet interestingly when it comes to our group politics our religions, regardless of their preachings of compassion, they are out to kill each other most passionately. Remember our religious wars go on indefinitely, because they inspire and literally use individual and God for political purposes. Logically as human individuals by nature, we are actually and are still individually responsible to override our animal desires. I would like to add that our political influences as well. So, it is our individual duty to understand and act like a human being, not like a political puppet.

Our political and religious leaders know our vulnerabilities so, right from the get-go, we get politically bombarded, brain washed and influenced by our belonging group’s political agendas. Even our parents are willingly involved it all that. So, still even in this day and age, two of our starting educations belong to our religion and nationalism. So, we are not only discouraged to use our sense of freedom to question the politics of belonging, but we are also threatened to be shunned and even in some cases killed because of questioning the authorities. So, it really does a political number on us all individually. Our politicians simply spend lot of their efforts in taming and conforming their belonging individuals to literally become their political puppets. Meaning our God given personal and individual values of rights and wrongs automatically become tainted with our group politics. THAT IS WHY, FROM THE GET-GO, WE ARE TAUGHT TO BELIEVE AND BELONG TO A BODYPART RATHER THAN THE BODY ITSELF.

Our politically tainted religious leaders want us to follow their group politics to the point that we actually are even discouraged to follow the real and spiritual principles. So, we are offered a group oriented, politically influenced and tainted religious manifestoes to follow. STRIPPING THE MAIN PRINCIPLE OF DON’T DO TO OTHERS THAT YOU DON’T LIKE DONE TO YOU OR TO YOUR LOVED ONES. In the nutshell, we are told that individually we are not worthy of God directly. So, we always have to have a middleman to function as part of a group. Logically if all groups and their belonging individuals are politically influenced, humanity as a whole will always be in the same predicament as it has been for thousands of years. So, regardless of our evolving nature, conservative population will not be able to forge forward and evolve. So, they will always stand in the way of progress until they start to see the benefits come to them. If we will not be able to take that next step on the ladder of our evolution and learn all about our Godly granted, personal and individual atom of autonomy. ALONG WITH RELAETED POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES we will be going back and forth or go even in circles. Interestingly, because of those universal things like humanity as a whole, blind justice, pure spirituality and even God can potentially suffer. Especially, if we all at our individual level are politically infected by our group politics related restrictions. So, for us regardless of individual or collective level, spiritually things can go wrong. Remember as a physicality card holding individual, we literally are the physical thread of this holly fabric called humanity. So, whether you are a gang member, or are a part of group of likeminded people. You literally will believe in your race, nation or religious superiority. May have gender biased, and even believe in your religion and God is better than all others. Remember all human groups, whether they are race, gender, nation or religion, logically they all need that physical thread to be meaningful.

Sure, it’s legitimate to say that an individual simply can’t survive without the help of God and people around. Meaning our dependency on oxygen, favorable life circumstances, physical body and the love of parents and community, simply can’t be ignored, BUT THIS SPIRITUAL CLAP CAN ONLY MAKE PHYSICAL SOUND OR BE MEANINGFUL IF THAT PHYSICALITY IS AVAILABLE AND INVOLVED.

Remember, regardless of trying for thousands of years, we have yet to understand our metaphorical world to find God. God is harder to find where there are no living people. Like other planets, even moon is baren of any kind of life. IT CAN BE ARGUED ALL DAY LONG, BUT TO ME PERSONALLY, NO PEOPLE, NO SPIRITUALITY NO GOD. You can believe blindly and say all you want but you simply can’t prove that there is a meaningful God sitting up there, especially without the work horses. All by himself lonely and unhelpful to anyone. Looking at it this way, everything ends up on our honest business of reciprocation to make this spiritual clap make physical sound. When a religious leader puts a human individual down and give all the glory to God, it is not fair to human individual’s input. So, it’s not an honest business of reciprocation. Meaning without physically honest business, even a spiritual thing simply can’t be spiritual. So, preaching human individual’s irrelevance literally stinks like politics. When a spiritual path becomes politically infected manifesto it loses its value and even respect. Our religions have been promising individual the heaven in return of blind faith. Since spiritual world is pure of politics, there is no room for twisted truths and blatant lies. So, being a physicality card holder, a human individual is as important and meaningful as God almighty. REMEMBER A SPIRITUAL THING OR WORDS ARE MEANINGLESS UNLESS THEY ARE PHYSICALLY PERFORMED AND THAT SIMPLE ACTION CAN’T HAPPEN WITH THE HELP OF HUMAN INDIVIDUAL.

As I said honest reciprocation so, it simply can’t be politically tainted or infected by the human politics of power and control. If your group politics overrides your spiritual principles of reciprocation, things simply are not honest. So, they are political because one way or the other, individuals end up in one sided loyalty. Yet logically a group, nation, religion and even God physically function only if that physical thread is available. Simply they all need human individual to convert their good or bad deeds into physical actions. Interestingly, our metaphorical world is considered more important than our physical one and a human individual is still considered as irrelevant. So, this simply can’t be spiritual. REMEMBER GOD, SPIRITUALITY AND JUSTICE GO HAND IN HAND.

If as human individuals you feel irrelevant, have lost your self-respect and self-esteem, ALWAYS remember it is not coming from God. Rather it is plugged into you for political reasons. Since you are the one who is the holder of an atom of autonomy, that not only allows you to use your free will but also your personal sense of justice. So, automatically that makes you responsible for your physical actions. So, if you feel powerless, remember that power is simply robbed by your politicians for political power and control. The world will carry on as it has been, but we as individuals and groups will stay spiritually bankrupt unless we learn all about the politics of belonging to humanity as a whole. Our group politicians still have the powers to use us as political puppets. Remember it’s us who does their politically tainted deeds, and they preach to help us that in hiding behind God and Devil. YET BY CHOICE, WE GIVE OUR PHYSICALITY TO THOSE ACTIONS. If we are able to use our free will in everyday life, why we can’t take responsibilities of or our actions? Being politically influenced, we stall our progression towards becoming a spiritually aware being. Spirituality one-o-one says, if you simply don’t like to be on the receiving end of your actions, it is wrong. And yes, even if it is told by your Mullah, Priest, or a Rabi, remember without your physicality everything is impotent. So, always remember, you as a human individual hold your own atom of autonomy, which connects you directly to God. For sure, we need political systems to live in our social settings, but they should be founded on the spiritual and social justice like equal human rights.

If you are taught or you personally believe that you automatically become better than other people just because you are born into certain group of people, race, nation, religion or their sects. YOU HAVE TO COME OUT OF THIS POLITICAL RHYTORIC AND LEARN TO BECOME UNIVERSAL, MORE SPIRITUAL THAN RELIGIOUS.

Sure, you should respect your teachers, but you have to respect the way you physically showed up and your creator even more than the education you receive. Unfortunately, those politically influenced teachers and preachers are not going to change and stand against their politically tainted education. They will rather stand against you, if you start to think beyond their boundaries. So, if you want to get strong and gain some self-esteem, learn all about you and your atom of autonomy. Learn about your individual standing in the real and pure of politics spiritual world, including the responsibilities it brings. Especially in today’s time while the equal human rights are in the political air and humanity is seeking to join hands together to solve our problems. Our religious leaders and politicians are feeling the heat, they are out to make you feel insecure by fanning the politics of separation and political disputes. Remember an insecure individual will seek group belonging over the principles of spiritual strength and our politicians know all about it. The individual will seek refuge in belonging groups even if they have to pay the price of internal conflicts with their atom of autonomy. Logically that can rip the individual apart from within to even become physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually sick. So, as long as you don’t seek equality, group politicians will stay in business. If they stay in business, as our past history shows, there will always be forces working against justice, God, spirituality, and humanity as a whole. With the weaponry of the day humanity may not survive for long, unless as individuals we spiritually evolve and take the wind out of their political sails.

Our individual weaknesses and the feelings or being irrelevant have the potential to become collective. So, an anxious and depress individual is one thing but anxious and depress nation can become a major problem. So, having insecure races, nations and religions with nuclear weaponry should concern everyone. Especially if we don’t deal with them at our individual levels. For an evolving entity we need to look at things with an open and accepting minds so we can understand our individual responsibilities. For instance, if you individually feel that your loyalties to your belonging group are overwhelmingly and are a must, you may be suffering from an out-of-control sense of belonging. So, you must create balance by strengthening yourself by becoming a spiritually aware CEO of your life. Regardless of the political strength of your belonging group, you literally will have to bring everything right down to your individual level and deal with this problem from within by taking help of your personally and individually allotted atom of autonomy. So, you can understand what really takes to be a human being who brings abilities along to override not only animal urges exclusively but also the political influences as well.

To make this clear, we all have to come somewhere in the middle to get the right rhythm to personally adopt and evolve. Problems are those who want to change everything, and those who don’t want to change anything at all. Interestingly people have always found the like-minded people to form a large political group. Logically we all come with an evolving nature installed within us from way before our birth. So, there is no way we will sit still, proof is in the pudding. Simply look back and see where human beings have been and where they are today. From cave and bush to high rise buildings to flying in the space where winged birds can’t fly. All because of our Godly installed combination of imagination and evolutionary nature. If we had not used our evolutionary nature, we probably still be sitting somewhere in the bush and caves.

This is not a joke, just look at our state of the affairs, from constant wars to breaking humanity into political groups. To dividing planet earth with political lines of nearly two hundred nations, to more than forty-two hundred religions. Regardless of our spiritual nature, we have been politically used by the same old ancestral education. Remember we have been robbing each other of resources and love to follow our baboons like physical nature. So, this simply can’t be spiritual. Our groups usually discourage to be other than politically connected to belonging groups. Meaning our group politics starts at our tender years, when a spiritually unaware individual choose politics over spirituality. To me, it’s a sign of spiritual bankruptcy of the groups because they supposed to teach their belonging individuals to spiritually evolve, so they can become good people to convert spirituality into physical actions. If we were not robbed of our spiritual nature by our political groups, we would know that spirituality has been ingrained within us all, from way before our birth. We would know that an individual can be weak and influenced by their political group. We become someone’s puppets not because of the human nature but rather because of the political influences and brain washing. So, if your Mullah, priest, pundit, Rabi, any other religious or political leader says their way is better. Either they are stuck in the level two or are infected by the politics of belonging. So, especially as a religious preacher, rather than saying or preaching what can I do for you to be spiritual they are stuck like a toddler in a competition and believe mine is better than yours. Spirituality is Universal like God and Justice so our evolution to equal human rights is trying to get us out of our competitive zone of level two. So, standing against the evolution would be a clear violation of spiritual principles because by God our DNA dictates to evolve. You simply can’t be good for some people especially if they belong to your group. You must be good universally to be a good person. Meaning for all other human individuals just like equal human rights have to be given and received. So, if you are stuck somewhere, where your politics of belonging has the powers to override your spiritual principles. IT WILL HAVE TO BE YOU INDIVIDUALLY, WHO WILL HAVE TO MAKE SOME CHANGES.

Today’s reality is out and about, so if you don’t accept equal human individual rights, you literally will be called a bigot, prejudice and discriminatory. NOT A GOOD PLACE TO BE. Believing in your race, gender, nation, governing system, religious beliefs are superior without your individual character and physical actions. Indirectly you are actually saying God is a bigot, prejudice and discriminatory by making you superior regardless of your spiritual contributions. In that case, I believe otherwise because God put all the importance in physical actions so as a human individual, I have to bring it all the way down to myself. TAKE CHARGE and let the universal things like spirituality and justice rule over the politics of belonging to certain group of people. AS I SAID BE THE PART OF THE WHOLE BODY, RATHER THAN THE BODYPART.

Sure, I understand the powers of our political belonging, because I believe it is a phenomenon of human nature. It has penetrated in our spiritual systems to mess them up, yet Godly orders still prevail. In reality, it can be seen clearly in our evolution, where our God given nature is much stronger than our politically installed data. REMEMBER HUMANITY HAS BEEN EVOLVING REGARDLESS OF OUR FOUR THOUSAND AND TWO HUNDRED RESTRICTING RELIGIOUS BELIEFS. Meaning human politics could not succeed to override human nature at least so far. So, today regardless of our belonging to the group, nation or religion humanity is seeking equal human rights. Since equal human individual rights are against the agendas of political systems like nationalism and even our divisive religious beliefs. It clearly says that our political systems are not from God but rather are based on our politically installed data. So, it is not God’s fault but rather human individual’s responsibility to reach that level four where individually everyone is able to say what can I do for you.

To know the physical reality of being a human being, let’s look at it this way, hypothetically. If you picture yourself as a member of the mafia. Automatically your loyalties are expected to be with your mafia boss. Now the question is, why you yourself cannot be the mafia boss? If you say you don’t want to take responsibilities or feel that you are unable to handle the stresses of being the boss. You actually are saying that you will be comfortable even if someone else is pulling your strings. Meaning you will accept a subservient position in an organization. Yet some other people may strive to become the boss themselves, so, regardless of the circumstances and desires, the difference is the choice. Meaning it is not the nature, rather it is the nature of choice maker.

If you look at it with the physical nature in mind, obviously there are alpha and beta in all creatures and people, but as human beings we are not a physical creature exclusively, so our reality says something different. It clearly shows and proven that as human beings, we are designed to evolve, adopt and evolve even further because of our spiritual side. In logical terms, if you have the nature to evolve, you simply did not come to life, tailor made to be a subservient or a boss. So, what makes you stop seeking to be the boss. Physical Genetics? Maybe, but spiritually not quite. To me, if you remove the influences of the politics of your belonging, you will remove the political smoke that fogs your mirror.

From before our birth, we have been installed with our own atom of autonomy, yet with the physical body full of hormones or tones of chemicals as well. So, if we are influenced by the politics of our belonging, one can be disabled or crippled to use their atom of autonomy related human jewelry. Which actually throws a wrench in the argument of who is in charge, is it you as an individual? Your political leader? Or God who supply you with a functioning body, oxygen and favorable life circumstances. If you believe that you are in charge, remember you do everything after you have taken a breath. So, you simply can’t take the full credit of doing what you do. Literally you are a dependent on the external and internal help to even functional never mind live and claim that you are doing everything. Simply put, your claim can be argued. If you think your political or religious leaders are in charge, you automatically will become irrelevant. If you exclusively believe God is doing everything, maybe, but not without your help because you come with your atom of autonomy and a physically functioning body. That allows you to use your physicality with free will and personal sense of justice, meaning God needs you to make a choice to be there to get things done physically. What makes people to stop seeking that evolution, is literally called politics. So, in the nutshell if you don’t have the understanding of that power and control, you are going to stay as a member to be comfortable. Unless you understand yourself to the point that you can see the influences of group politics and related hormonal responses. That means you did not bring these individual disabilities from before your birth or from God.

Fortunately, you actually belong to universal things like God, spirituality, justice and humanity as a whole. So, politics of belonging to our groups is the one that takes humanity down to the point that we as groups we start to say that God is exclusively ours, meaning we make GOD THAT GOD IS NOT. GOD IS NOT POLITICAL, SO DOES NOT BELONG TO ANY ONE PARTICULAR GROUP OF PEOPLE EXCLUSIVELY. If as groups we clash with each other, we will say that our God is stronger and better than others. I have been discussing the levels of growth as human individual, but I will quote, Dr. Wayne Dyer later in this discussion.

For now, I am going to stick with this topic. So, when we talk about God and life after death, regardless of how strongly you believe in your taught beliefs. Reality of the things in our metaphorical world are not physical. Meaning, we don’t really know that we would have a physical body or not in our metaphorical world. So, we simply would not be able to enjoy the things we can enjoy with a physical body. Arguing about what is going to be past our cliff of faith, yet passionately or even killing each other over it, does not make any sense. Unfortunately, things are politically so tainted with sense of belonging that people simply undermine their own and personal nature of being spiritual altogether. So, politically they divide the world of compassion by removing the com and fight passionately.

Whenever human groups conflict and go to wars or to simply kill each other’s individuals. That takes us right back to our bush and cave times, but with today’s evolved technology and war weaponry and with lack of understanding of being a human being. We have not evolved equally in all departments of life. Like as an individual regardless of the spiritual truth, we still can be influenced and inspired by the rhetoric of political belonging to our groups. Truth based spirituality takes a hike in those individuals who become willing to sacrifice their universal spiritual principles over their political belonging. They join in, even in mob attacks just like baboons, in committing spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups. As the individual loses their value to themselves, sense of their spiritual justice, understanding of the innocence and guilt lose their value as well. So, as individuals we start to simply add more black mark to the already darker face of humanity. Our history shows whether it is about the resources, territory, race, gender, nationalism or religious beliefs. The underlaying causes have nothing to do with justice, spirituality and God but interestingly everything to do with the politics of belonging to our groups.

One can say that it’s legitimate to follow group politics, for sure, but when it comes to understanding our atom of autonomy and related responsibilities. HUMAN BING IS NOT A BABOON AND DON’T LIVE IN THE BUSH ANYMORE. Remember we don’t kill each other with swords, spears and arrows anymore. Since we have not evolved to that point where we can override our individual hormonal and political influences, we have to see what happens when we drop big bombs on each other. Killing one innocent child should be enough to change the course of our physical actions because we carry our spiritual side within. So, having a plan to do good things before crossing the cliff of faith and going in after life is one thing. SENDING SOMEONE, EVEN A CHILD IS AN OTHER. Logically, if you do that, you don’t do that for spiritual reasons, even if you claim my Mullah, Priest Rabi or any other religious leader told me to do it. If you have your own atom of autonomy, you are a spiritual entity as well. Meaning you are responsible for your personal actions. So, whether you get under the influences of hormones or believe in the politics of belonging, still you are the one who has the powers to make a choice to give your physical action to your groups or not. If you understand that your group has the powers to corrupt you, but you have the powers to override it all by making a choice. AUTOMATICALLY THAT MAKES YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR PHYSICAL ACTIONS. You can believe in whatever you want to but remember one has to die first to really find out what is on the other side of our death. You can have a whole bunch of Movies and Holly books related stories to convince people, but they personally can only find out when they are dead. Politically you can say mine is better or my way is the right way with the physical proof, but that is all while we are in our living years. After the cliff of faith, there is nothing proven physically at least not yet. Remember our Imagination is powerful enough to cause or heal even our physical problems. Just like we can benefit from having God, love, placebo effects, meditation and even hypnotism. Similar to get sick from overthinking related stresses, anxiety and depression. So, what do we have after we die, is our metaphorical reality related spiritual world where, just like God you don’t need material things. Just ask Chines and Egyptians.

When it comes to comparison, and claiming to be better than others, I can tolerate it in sports but when it comes to our beliefs about the life after death. I will draw a line called cliff of faith. If you are there you should be able to question the politics of belongnig before buying into it all, especially what they are selling you about the life after death. If you want to claim your belief system is better than others, you have to provide physical proof in living years. In this case I am asking the lower crime rate in the society because of the beliefs. SO, SHOW ME THE RESULTS, CAN YOU PROVE THAT RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES HAVE MORE PEOPLE WHO CAN SELF-REUGLATE TO HAVE LOWER CRIME RATE? No matter how you look at it, it’s the individual’s self-restraint, self-regulation and individual’s inner and spiritual peace that dictate the effectiveness of a belief system. Now the question is, do you have the physical results to prove that your belief system is better, if you don’t at the least don’t fight or kill each other over it.

Regardless of when in the history or what era we belong to, our conflicts have been and are still consistent because of our group politics. Remember we have been robbing love of each other in the name of our groups. All because we individually know how bad it hurts us individually. Whether it is between individuals, nations, or religious groups, bottom line has nothing to do with anything other than the politics of belonging and love loss, so understanding rule number one of spirituality can help. ” Don’t do to anyone that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”.

Millions of years evolution could not get us out of our nature of killing and robbing each other’s love. Since politicians of our groups know all about this, they constantly promote and install our individuals with politics of belonging at their tender age to learn all about the loyalties and sense of belonging. Especially when it comes to our race, nationalism and religious beliefs we are all susceptible to the effects of fiery speeches and their hormonal responses. That is why our group leaders have been and still are discouraging individual’s sense of freedom. So, they don’t question their leaders or group’s wrongdoing. As human individuals if we are kept insecure for a reason. Interestingly even after we die, so, we automatically stick with our groups. So, unless we learn all about the politics of belonging. Since our sense of belonging is a sacred and powerful phenomenon to us, we just follow instead of questioning the politics behind it. By having a competitive nature, and the innate need of survival compels us to become social beings. So, we sacrifice our individuality to seek this invalidated and external security.

Then there is another problem of similarity and related needs to stand out to be noticed. So, some of us go too far to impress, fit in, and sacrifice to be admired by the belonging group. From hair style, piercings, tattoos to name brand clothing, nice cars or do anything even self-harm to become anorexic and bulimic or becoming a suicide bomber. Question is why do we lose our identity of being a human being? Well, when our belonging groups including our parents try to brain wash their off springs right from the childhood. Things will be hard to change. Meaning our identity of being a human being gets buried under the loads of installed identities. We become male, female, or any other gender, we lose our individuality to our last names, race, nation and religions and beyond even our education degree becomes an identity before being a spiritually aware human being. So, a belonging group can gain while humanity as a whole loses. Not a good place to be for a human being who Ideally and literally belong to humanity as a whole, equal justice with spiritual principles and one God.

Misunderstanding of emotions and related pain of love loss can be a devastating experience. Most human societies collectively and especially at individual level can understand these powerful feelings. So, understandably, it feels natural to most human individuals to have the desire to inflict the same pain to the people who caused those feelings. Remember, Love and God are not completely understood yet, but have the most powerful and profound effects on us as individuals. These unseeable and metaphorical realities become more important and powerful with their physical and emotional punch. We don’t take time to understand them because we feel them so deeply into our core. Logically if we don’t understand or are unable to explain them physically, they stay as human phenomenon in the vicinity of our metaphorical world. So, first of all we need to understand them, if we can’t explain them as our physical realities, we should seek to know more about them.

Let’s look at it this way, holly books or not, most of our belief systems talk about what is going to happen after we die. From God, heaven and hell to reincarnation to everything whatever make some sense to a group of likeminded people and is acceptable. Yet logically, since we all have to die first to find out what really happens, simply can’t be argued about as a physical reality. Since we are politically and naturally compelled to stick with our groups, we will believe in whatever our belonging group says. As we grow up with the education of powerful sense of belonging, we try to fit in our groups, otherwise we have to be ready to be shunned even by our own family members.

Anyway, if you don’t really understand and know, you have to follow the knowledge even it is based on assumptions as your physical realities. So, whenever someone questions the differences between the metaphorical and physical realities. Politicians of the groups give Firey speeches to gather mobs of like-minded people simply to show their strength in number. SO, GOD, SPIRITUALITY, TRUE JUSTICE, FACTS OR NO FACTS POLITICS PREVAILS. Meaning spirituality and God has nothing to do with it. In pure of political influences or I should say spiritual world, things are nothing but the truth type of beliefs. Unfortunately, our group politics has tainted our spirituality to create a world of their own. WHERE EVERYTHING IS DIVIDED, EVEN JUSTICE AND SPIRITUAL PRINCPLES ARE TORN INTO PIECES TO POLITICALLY FIT OUR GROUP POLITICS.

So, if you are going to talk about God and spiritual world you will have to understand truth, not twisted facts, real and blind justice as well. Remember, spirituality or spiritual principles, justice, God, and humanity are universal. Dividing them means you are mixing politics with your belief system so you may get in internal troubles because of conflicting with your own atom of autonomy. Sure, we need our political systems to run our social world, but you simply can’t taint your individual spiritual world with it. As a human individual, we all have the ability to not only carry our physical but also our spiritual world within. Unless it is politically tainted, we can literally benefit from it. Otherwise even our religions can have the powers to rob us dry of our individual spirituality. Since our spiritual world is ideal and sacred to us individually. We should learn to acknowledge that as our important but still metaphorical reality. MEANING, WITHOUT OUR COMPLETE KNOWLEDGE, IT SHOULD NOT BE PHYSIALLY FOUGHT OVER. LOGICALLY FIGHTING OVER IT, SHOULD BE BANNED BY OUR OWN RELIGIOUS SYSTEMS BECAUSE A RELIGION CAN ONLY BENEFIT HUMAN INDIVIDUAL WHEN IT KEEPS SPIRITUALITY AND POLITICS OF BELONGING SEPARATED. OTHERWISE, IT SIMPLY GIVES NOT ONLY A BAD NAME TO GOD BUT ALSO BLACKEN THE FACE OF HUMANITY WITH BIGOTRY, PREJUDICE AND DISCRIMINATION.

As I mentioned earlier, I will quote Dr. Wayne Dyer. Quote may not be the exact words, but the Idea is there. He said and I quote. ” As humans we go through four stages. First of all, we learn to own. Like this is my mom, my dad, my toy, my school etc. Then we learn about the competition, like mine is better than yours. Third we ask what is in it for me, and then at level four we ask what I can do for you”. End quote.

To me, our religious leaders should be teaching us all about the level four and nothing but, but unfortunately, they seem to be stuck at level two. Lady Google said that we have over four thousand and two hundred religions, preaching mine is better. No wonder we can’t count the death count caused by our religious extreme and related wars. Since we are not done yet, I feel the need to explain it this way of thinking.

To me, personally I put my physical realities over and above my metaphorical ones because I believe God needs human individual’s physicality. Especially to get things done physically to be meaningful. As it has been preached to us yet openly to put our metaphorical realities over and above, ours and others physical realities. So, we kill each other or rob each other’s love in the name of something we don’t really know physically. IT IS ONLY HAPPENING AND IS JUSTIFIED IN THE NAME OF GROUP POLITICS. Logically if you can’t explain something in thousands of years you simply can’t put that over and above someone’s physical reality. Interestingly even our courts still use holly books for attestation, yet it will not buy into someone’s claim to kill someone in the name of someone else even God. Spirituality, justice, God and humanity has nothing to do with it all, at the end of the day especially in the courts, everything comes down to the individual making choice with the use of free will.

Sure, it is an Ideal way to think that what can I do for you, but the reality is that level four belongs to our spiritual nature, so, it is not political. Now if your group politics is overwhelming to you and you lose your spiritual principles over your politics of belonging. You need to understand these levels as a duty. Whether to politically acknowledge and believe them or not, is your choice but to me these levels are making a sense, especially with what is going on around the world. If your group wants to have power and control, they will use you and even God as well to achieve those powers. In this day and age where human individual has the powers to vote out even a strong government. Question is, should you personally let yourself be used as a political puppet? Remember among other blessings, God blessed you with an atom of autonomy. That should allow you to use your free will and personal sense of justice.

For instance, if you can’t differentiate between passionate love, instinctive love and universal love you will have problems in putting them in their respected places. If you lack that understanding, your political leaders will be able to take advantage of your gullibility. Whether you belong to certain race, gender, nation, or a religion, you simply will be exploited. Uless, you come down to earth and take charge and responsibilities of your life as a CEO. Live and respect yours and others life as the physical realities, remember to understand the differences between the physical and metaphorical realities.

Fortunately, we have the abilities to become a CEO so, we all can create balance and love simultaneously because of our free will and personal sense of justice. If you personally can’t call the shots for yourself, usually someone else is going to call them for you. Leaving you as a political puppet committing spiritual crimes in the name of their belonging groups. YET LOGICALLY AS A HUMAN INDIVIDUAL WE ALL ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR OUR ACTIONS, don’t believe me just commit a crime and tell the judge or Jewry that you did it because you were told by the people who pulled your strings. You will see what happens in the real court of justice. So, letting someone else call the shots for you simply does not come from God, but rather from your personal weaknesses. If you believe you are strong because of your belonging group, think again. So, you can discover why as human beings we all are born with the ability to use free will and personal sense of justice.

So, let’s look at it this way, remember all our justice systems are designed to punish our bad behaviors. It automatically means that they all believe in human individual is the one who is responsible for their actions NOT THEIR BELONGING GROUPS. If you somehow believe that you are not responsible for your actions, if they are committed for your belonging group. By taking those responsibilities away from you, you simply are looking down at yourself. Yet at the same time, you disrespect God, your creator who blessed you with your free will and personal sense of justice. Meaning it’s you, who always chooses to act, whether it is for you personally, for your belonging group or God.

Now the question is, why do you think that you are not worthy of fitting in as a human individual that God had meant for you to be. Interestingly, from one side you are told to believe that God is doing everything and is an ultimate authority. Yet in reality, you are responsible wherever it suits politically. Since you become responsible with the use of your free will, you become responsible for your actions even if they are committed for your belonging group. You can break all the rules in the name of your political belonging, at time putting your belonging group over your spiritual principles or even God. Now, simply look at your positioning, and see how without your physicality, your belonging group and God fair. No, I am not talking about you individually, I am talking about all living breathing human beings, to make you aware of your individual importance and relevance. I am simply saying that fill and fit into your own shoes. Just imagine how big your metaphorical shoes are. You simply can’t say that you are meaningless, irrelevant and ae a born sinner. REMEMBER YOU ARE THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN AND ARE CHANGING THE WORLD AND SAVING HUMANITY, BUT REMEMBER YOU HAVE TO TAKE IN THAT OXYGEN THAT YOU HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO CONTROL.

On average we use to live for thirty-eight years, until one of you came up with antibiotics, and now with the blood transfusion, stem cell, frozen embryo and artificial insemination and on and on. If we are able to double our average age, isn’t this a proof enough for you to claim your importance of being a human being. So, claim your standings in this holly picture. NOW THE QUESTION IS, WHY DO OUR RELIGIONS PREACH HUMAN IRRELEVANCE? Don’t you want to question this politically inspired injustice to human individual for their importance. Sure, we are the cells but without the cells, spiritually maybe but a body can’t physically exist.

If you are passionate about your political belonging, ask yourself, why can’t we stop killing each other? Remember we all have bought into the politics of our belonging groups rather than to humanity as a whole. Don’t forget, we are still evolving so logically this journey is not done yet. We are not done discovering ourselves, so, how can we claim to find God as a whole body? Maybe one day we will reach our potential which itself is keep on evolving with our evolutionary nature. So, we may never know what we are capable of. Maybe we will destroy ourselves, as most of our holly books have been openly preaching and predicting for thousands of years. OR WE MAY PROVE THEM WRONG. So, how big are your metaphorical human shoes? If you are confused, start analyzing the politics of your belonging groups. If your group is giving you the education of being, irrelevant, weak and as a born sinner. That education is simply there to rob you of your self-worth and self-esteem, so you constantly seek to stick with your belonging group. As it is a known fact, that a group is stronger with the individuals seeking belonging and are willing to bargain their spiritual principles over false security of the group.

LOGICALLY, AS A MORTAL BEING HUMAN BEINGS HAVE NO ULTIMATE SECURITY, SO, A GROUP OF PEOPLE SIMPLY ARE PLAYING POLITICS WITH THE INDIVIDUAL BY EXPOLITING THEIR VULNERABILITIES. WHEN THEY CLAIM THAT THEY ARE CLOSER TO THE INDIVIDUAL THAN GOD. Don’t you think you should put your group politics under scrutiny AND SEE HOW AND WHAT IS REALLY KEEPING US ALIVE? Spiritually if you are honest and are able to think beyond your political belonging. You will be able to see and will actually believe that you don’t have control over your next breath. Meaning, if you and even your group is unable to provide you your oxygen, you or they simply are not in control. It is all between God and you right from the day one of your birth, now that makes you directly connected to God and if God gives you the abilities to serve humanity, you actually are giving from what is given to you. So, be generous with everything you have or are blessed with, whether its physical, financial, emotional or spiritual blessings you can help others.

Remember you can’t take along, so you are as rich as you have consumed, use or give from the given. NOT WHAT YOU ACCUMULATE OR LEAVE BEHIND. Since leaving things behind is not limited to material things, leaving knowledge for their peace and prosperity should be the virtu instead of hate and wars. Again, a thought from Dr. Wayne Dyer. He was talking about the butterfly in the cocoon. As I remember, the words may not be exact, but the message is right. He said, and I quote.

” A man was walking and noticed a butterfly struggling to break out of its cocoon. He felt sorry and helped it with good intentions by ripping the cocoon. Now the wings of the were too small, and the body was too big to fly. Meaning, even with the good intensions it was a death sentence by that man because now it was a just a meal for some creature.” End quote.

Metaphorically ripping the cocoon for our kids, can be wrong in the long run, because as a human being we supposed to convert spirituality into physical actions. So, regardless of good intensions, leaving our off springs as spiritually useless is especially wrong for them. If we don’t understand the real meanings of reciprocation our relationships of all kind fail. Imagine if you are God and someone exclusively worship but don’t covert spirituality into physical actions, how long are you going to put up with that. Meaning you personally will not like an ass kisser, you would rather have a worker. If one is there to just take, and take but do not give or work, we simply can’t develop ourselves as spiritually responsible human beings. So, our relationships become one sided and eventually failing and creating conflicts. Whether relationships are between parents and kids, individuals, partners of life or business, individual and group or even between individual and God all depend on honest reciprocation. So, one way or the other, if people use each other with political intentions. Relationships usually become spiritually bankrupt and usually take us to conflicts and regression instead of evolution in all departments of life.

Creating selfishness is one thing leaving it behind as a legacy is another. So, if you love, you don’t rip the cocoon. Leaving your off springs as spiritually disable or simply takers without giving. Helping them to understand spiritual reciprocation is a must, because instead of letting them reach their potential you help them to regress. Leaving them to become a wholesome human individual should be one of our responsibilities as parents.

Robbing others for material things, territory and resources has nothing to do with spirituality and God, rather it has everything to with group politics. Difference of opinion is good and healthy if it is stays or kept in the right zones of realities. A metaphorical reality is metaphorical until it is proven to be physical. In plain and simple words, until then it is metaphorical. So, fighting over our metaphorical world is not only spiritually wrong it simply is an absurdity. Especially in today’s world of nuclear weaponry and equal human rights.

If you look at the ancient or even present-day wisdoms of our societies, you may find some conflicting information. For example, some say stay in the moment, yet an overwhelming situation tells or compels us to look at life with wider lens to make that moment a smaller event. Interestingly being a mortal being, we are surrounded with a whole lot of beneficial, harmful yet contradicting theories. So, at the end of the day while keeping our mortality in front, we have to pick, choose, mix and match our incoming knowledge to live and survive wisely. If it is stressful to think about the future staying in the present moment will be a good idea and if the situation is overwhelming thinking about life as a longer visit can be useful. So, remember if you are going through some internal disputes and feel torn from within. You are not the only one or it is not something new to humanity. There has been always people who did not like to be in the era they were born into. Some were even killed, just because they knew something that were proven to be right centuries later. If we can’t fix the problems related to our old ways of doing, at the least today’s humanity is able to talk about the serious issues like racism, prejudice and discrimination related injustice. Sometime difficult to understand, but our insecurities related human ignorance has been an unfortunate part of evolving humanity since the biggening. So, human individual has suffered a lot more than in today’s societies, because today everyone has a cell phone with camara to report everything to the world. Today’s information highway has been and is working against those so-called self-imposed boundaries and things are changing much faster they have ever done.

I would like to give you the example of a clock to put things in the perspectives of justice. If you look at a clock, you see the hands of second, minute and hour and you happen to be a hand of the second. Clicking away much faster than the minute and hour. Being a mortal with the shortest visit, your perceptions of life should change but unfortunately most of us get stuck thinking that we are going to live for a very long time and even after life as well. Sure, being the hand of second feels natural to be part of the minute and an hour, but by having a God given free will, we all can choose how to spend our fastest running time. So, we all need to know what is the purpose of us being in life and being mortal? Yet with a free will. Can be quite stressful, especially if you already know the clock is ticking so you keep looking at the clock. Believing in being part of something bigger like minute and hour and beyond can be satisfying and rewarding with the feelings of being part of the bigger picture. But when that vary belief robs you of your self-esteem and self-respect you may end up disrespecting your life and its value to you as well.

Remember it does not make you selfish if you look beyond and connect yourself to the main source directly while in a group setting. Our commonly installed knowledge says if you are a hand of second you are part of the minute, and eventually an hour and nothing but. On one side your politicians not only say but they actually insist on that you simply are part of the minute. Yet spiritually the reality says something other than the politics we have been preached. Remember clock does not run backward but rather runs from the second first, meaning we as human beings are the main and physical source to create the minutes then hours, days, months, years, decades and beyond. So, logically you can’t be from the group but rather group is from you. I know this is twisted logic but that is the reality, because an individual is the foundation of the group plain and simple. JUST LIKE A THREAD IS THE MAIN THING A FABRIC IS MADE OF. Confusing? Try removing the group’s politically tainted education and see where you land. If you start to dig, especially with our religious education, you may end up with Adam and Eve or scientifically you may even end up on the single cell. Either way you will have to remove the political rhetoric before seeking the truth. Interestingly, still you may not find the real truth because when we were in the past, we did not have the scientific knowledge that we have today. ON TOP OF THAT WE ARE STILL EVOLVING. So, if we learn something new every day, all human knowledge is subject to change and that is regardless of science or religion. Just look around where humanity is today, regardless of our so-called brilliance we are still seeking our origin with some scientific facts yet with conflicting assumptions. So, in the nutshell we still don’t have the truth available meaning we still have to learn and evolve. So, if you say that you know everything, get with reality. Accept your evolving nature so you can keep your physical and metaphorical realities separated. That is, if you personally want the inner peace during your physical existence remember, clock is ticking.

Make sure and learn to stand in your own corner to make the right choices. Serve the second before the minute and the hour to do the justice to all simultaneously. You have been blessed with your own atom of autonomy for a reason. Your political leaders will rob you of your free will and personal sense of justice anywhere and everywhere they can. Fortunately, in today’s time human individual is catching on the reality of group politics and their individual importance. Sure, people still seek security, but dwindling church attendance, popularity of secularism and equal human individual rights is telling the real story of an evolving humanity. So, don’t become an extremist and blindly believe in things that lead you to harm each other. Reality is that as human individuals we all individually come with a brain similar to an ocean which receives knowledge from all directions like rivers and streams, which clearly says that we need to pick, choose, mix and match from our ocean to make our decisions. Instead of being stuck in a stream of knowledge you individually have to use what God had blessed you with. So, as a CEO of your life, it is up to you to decide whether you should sacrifice your life or kill some innocents for the belonging politicians or not. A political leader is not going to think for justice, spirituality or greater good for humanity. So, as an individual you have to know that with your atom of autonomy you are the one who is responsible for your actions. So, understand you are not part of minute and hour but rather you are the minute and hour yourself. So, universal things like God, spirituality, justice and humanity as a whole depends on your physical actions to be meaningful. REMEMBER THE CHOICE IS YOURS, SO TAKE RESPONSIBILITIES OF YOUR SACRAD PHYSICAL ACTIONS TO MAKE GOD MEANINGFUL, INSTEAD OF POLITICALLY USING GOD FOR POLITICAL PURPOSES.

Anything you say or do, is powerful, so, if that puts someone’s physical reality in jeopardy. It is against the laws of nature, spirituality and the good name of God simultaneously because if you would not like to be on the receiving end of your actions that simply is spiritually wrong. That is why equal human individual rights are the closest thing to spirituality, yet throughout our history, as groups we all have been fighting against them until today. Since equal human rights simply can’t allow our group political rhetoric to be carried on as it did in our past. We have been fighting as groups since the beginning of our awareness, so changing these political divides is not going to be solved from the top-down politics. Remember we could not fix our problems as groups, so it is time to bring it all the way down to human individual and all the way up to humanity as a whole. There is a possibility, but it is not from the politics of belonging but rather from spiritual belonging. If you change the color of the thread, only then the color of the cloth will change. As individuals we can give and receive equal human rights but as groups, so far, it has been a miserable failure.

In today’s equal rights leaning world if you are a bigot, prejudiced or discriminatory, you could be challenged and can be looked down upon. TODAY, EVEN KIDS TELL THEIR PARENTS, WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO ENFORCE THE RULES ON ME. If you love your kids, you will have to put your belonging society in a place where you can do the justice to your kids and stand with and allow them to take charge of coming times. If you are an extremist, you may even have your kids killed because you are too far gone on the extremes of your belonging groups. As I said you can’t put someone’s physical reality over your metaphorical one. AND YES, EVEN IF YOUR RELIGIOUS BELIEFS CALL FOR IT. REMEMBER YOU WILL HAVE TO DIE FIRST TO FIND OUT ABOUT THE REAL TRUTH. SO, WHATEVER YOUR RELIGION SAYS ABOUT GOD AND AFTER LIFE IS NOT A PHYSICAL BUT IS A METAPHORICAL REALITY. Sure, you can believe in things, but you still will have to keep them separated from your physical realities because being physical entity in a physical world you are responsible for your actions. So, you can’t say in the court of law, that my religious beliefs say that I should kill those who do not believe the way I do.

Other than the movies and religious stories we don’t really have any physical evidence or proof to prove whatever your religion says, or claims is the truth. Bottom line is if you put yourself on the receiving end of your behavior or actions and you don’t like it. Don’t follow that behavior, because doing to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved one is a spiritual crime plain and simple. It goes against all the spiritual standards, and yes even if it is committed in the name of your religious beliefs.

If you tend to follow your belonging group as an authority to be right, remember, being an evolving entity you carry your own atom of autonomy which brings a set of responsibilities. Make sure to understand your own authority and before making your choices remove your group’s political influences. Assume the responsibilities of a CEO so, you can understand that it’s you who gives your physicality to make things happen physically. So, one way or the other you own your physical actions. Whether you are told it’s for God or for your belonging group or not, still, you are the one who makes final choice of providing them with your physicality.

Politicians of all groups have known this human vulnerability since the beginning of group formation. So, they have been trying to influence the individual to follow the group’s political agendas as authority. Groups have always tried to make the individual feel insecure in their skin, so they seek to belong and become followers and in return they will do the dirty deeds for their belonging groups. Politically converting spirituality or even evil into physical actions is a big responsibility for an insecure individual. So, before you commit a spiritual crime against some innocent people in the name of your belonging group, you actually have the responsibility to ask why?

If you don’t even ask yourself this question, you already have undermined atom of autonomy. If your Mullah, Rabi or a Priest tells you to go kill or get killed in the name of your religious beliefs. Ask them, if they are asking as a spiritual guide or a politician? If they tell you their religion is better, they are being political and are stuck into level two of the spirituality. Remember level four of spiritual world calls for what can I do for you, so, since they are sitting on the top and claiming about something what belongs to our metaphorical world is better. THEY DON’T REALLY KNOW BECAUSE THEY WILL HAVE TO DIE FIRST TO FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING ON THE OTHER SIDE OF OUR PHYSICAL LIFE. In the nutshell what I am saying is that if we have to die first, there is a lot of room for politics to get the gullible and insecure individuals convince. Since they can’t give you the right answer, ask them to remove the politics of belonging to their group and then proceed as a spiritual guide, to really see how spiritual they are. If they are simply seeking to dominate opposing groups of people in the name of their political agenda, all responsibilities of your physical actions land on your individual shoulders PERIOD. Remember if they can’t fulfill your spiritual needs, they are just the ordinary individuals, under the political influences of group belonging. Regardless of having an oceanlike brain with space like potential, if they are stuck into a political level two. It becomes your job to take responsibilities to reach where you can say what can I do for you. REMEMBER YOU HAVE THE SAME BRAIN AND POTENTIAL THAT MAKES YOU RESPONSIBLE FOR EVERYTHING YOU LEND YOUR PHYSICALITY TO.

Anyone seeking power and control exploiting you and even God in the name of their politics is simply stuck in our natural inclinations related to individual and collective insecurities. Their spirituality level is below their political belonging whether they are infected with racism, nationalism or religious superiority. Remember, that has been, is and will be an ongoing problem for the humanity until all human individuals assume their responsibilities of a CEO. As God had created us with our own atom of autonomy. Do I think that will happen in my lifetime? I doubt it, but in actuality, I already see the signs of this happening, because conservativism is losing its political grip on the coming generations of humanity. Now we already know that walls of any kind don’t work whether they are against invaders, natural disasters, global warming, nuclear weaponry or brainwashing to belong to a group of superior people.

Critically looking at the present world situations, can be depressing to see that we still kill each other over politics of belonging, but it is heartwarming to see that the students around the world trying to stand against their own nations and religions to protest against the killing. This is what I call evolutionary convulsions humanity is presently going through so we may end up with some good outcome. Today’s generations are not only looking to stand against our old-style group politics to dominate each other. They actually are leaning towards belonging to humanity as a whole and progressively becoming in favor of equal human individual rights. Unlike their ancestors they are thinking about global issues simultaneously. That tells me that they are also thinking about one spiritual God, equal justice and humanity as a whole.

Our racism, gender bias, and political religions have already been suffering from the loss of their political influences. Kingdoms have fallen from their popularity and communism is on its death bed. Bigotry, prejudice and discrimination are not a matter of pride anymore. As a matter of fact, all these things are being looked down by most of the young people yet all around the world. Sure, our belonging groups are making changes to adopt to the new world order. Even Pope has called for adopting to the changes. Sure, it is much too slow in the AI world because conservatives are still fighting tooth and nails to stay in control. But tide of equal human individual rights is far too powerful to be under control. So, with the modern-day technology and related weaponry, humanity is on the edge.

Still, going against group politics is not going to be easy task because it is connected to our nature and deeply connected to our hormones. So, understanding to rule over our nature and political influences will require from the individual to become spiritually aware CEO. Who can actually do what our religions have been preaching for thousands of years. Controlling our animal urges is what makes us human beings but unfortunately our religions have been infected by our politics of belonging bad enough that they want individual to be under their political influences. Since our personal insecurities and political belonging go hand in hand, as an ordinary individual we end up doing our group’s dirty deeds. Meaning we go against our atom of autonomy sitting right within. So, being ripped apart from within and dealing with millions of years of genetics and political influences can be an unreachable task. Changing things, simply can’t be easy, because we all have to deal with loyalty based personal guilts. Don’t you think we all individually and as humanity are going through the evolutionary convulsions? Now the question is, why are we internally torn internally yet still stick with our belonging groups? Remember our groups are in powers because of their belonging individuals don’t recognize their ocean like brain and space like potential simply because they have been brain washed in their tender years. Since our politicians have been and are aware of this powerful phenomenon, they don’t want to give up the fight for their political control. Luckily humanity’s evolutionary process has been installed by God, so our politicians have not been successful in halting the progress of humanity. All the scientific and medical progresses have been totally out of their control because of humanity simply can’t deny the benefits of progress. AS A PARENT TRY TAKING THE CELL PHONE FROM A TEEN AND SEE WHAT KIND OF REACTIONS YOU GET. Meaning their own new generations are standing against them. One thing seems to be inevitable that regardless of all the chaos to me, humanity is getting ready to take the next step into the equal human rights era because the success of melting pot societies is clearly telling all about what is coming to our politicians who preach bigotry, prejudice and discrimination. So, regardless of their background, in a melting pot society, people have proven that they can live in peace.

Spiritual logic says, if you really believe in God, you can easily put the responsibilities on God, accept and trust with hope and optimism. Instead of taking path to killing each other over God? Isn’t it a sign of not believing in God? If your logic says you supposed to stand up for God, don’t you think God can take care of God. After all you are breathing with the help of God, why do you think God needs you to kill those who are actually God’s working hands?

Remember as human beings we may have differences of opinion, but when it comes to physical and even spiritual realities, things are end up as the same. We are busy converting good and bad into physical actions, making God and the Devil meaningful. If you are not politically influenced and are honest from within, you, yourself will come to conclusion of not joining the groups of people but rather to join humanity as a whole.

Our group politicians have already learned from the past history that educated people will question the political authority, unless they are kept insecure. So, ordinary people are not only kept insecure but also are fed spiritually false religious beliefs. Keeping everyone insecure not only in physical life but also even in after death. Whenever the killing and dyeing is promoted as a good thing, for belonging groups, like race, nation and religion. Remember it is totally and purely political so, God and spirituality have nothing to do with it. Just look around the history and compare to see how things have been changing. We have traveled to the point that in today’s time bigotry, prejudice and discrimination is not a matter of pride anymore. History is the witness, that regardless of trying, nothing and no one was and is able to hold humanity back from evolving. You personally will have to find out what is driving you, so if it is your group politics, remember today belonging to equal human rights telling us all that humanity has already taken that step. So, there is no turning back, not even in the name of belonging group, isms, nations or religions. Times have changed, humanity is seeking equal human rights and democracy where one vote for one individual is a requirement, so denying those powers to individuals is simply backfiring.

From bush and cave time to all the way to our religious belief systems and everything in between could not stop humanity from evolving, that clearly means, evolution is ingrained within our DNA from long before our individual birth. So, regardless of the failure after failure of our governing systems, we are still seeking to go further. Logically our constantly evolving nature should have been good enough to convince our politicians or religious politicians to adopt, but deeply rooted politics of belonging is a different kind of beast humanity still has to outgrow. Since the beginning of our awareness, we have been individually facing this internal dilemma because our evolutionary nature conflicts with our loyalties of group belonging. Politics of belonging to our groups has been and still is an overwhelming force for us all individually. Since it has been consistent and stubbornly resilient throughout the human history, we individually have been robbed of our spiritual strength to challenge politics of group belonging. Until recent history, people thought about it, but no one was asking for equal human individual rights. People did not even think to stand against their own race, nation or religions because of the politics of belonging has always been able to trump the individualism. Today it can be seen in the people around the world who are protesting against their own groups.

Looking back in the history, only God knows how many kingdoms, isms and religions have failed to control humanity. Interestingly lady google says there are four thousand and two hundred religions in humanity right now, on top of all that we have nearly two hundred nations struggling to divide even further. Humanity has been experimenting to find something better for a long time, from socialism, communism, martial laws, dictatorships, autocracies and democracy to name a few. AND WE ARE NOT DONE YET.

If you are all gung-ho about your group’s superiority, come down to earth and smell what is in the air. Equal human individual rights sought out by most of humanity like never before so, today is not a good time to be proud to be called a bigot, prejudiced and discriminatory individual. If you believe wholeheartedly that you are doing the right thing by following your group’s political agenda. Logic of you having a personal atom of autonomy and related abilities say that by nature you have not been created as a political puppet. So, if you have the ability to use free will, personal sense of justice and compassion. It all says that God prepared human individuals to become a CEO of their lives. So, if you personally find yourself on the receiving end of bigotry, prejudice and discrimination, start to work against it from within first. Remember there is counter prejudiced in the world just as much as the prejudice. If you think that all is not fair to you, you should automatically start to learn all about the politics of belonging and it’s influences on human behavior.

If you feel guilt, punish yourself or are willing to kill over your metaphorical realities. You owe it to yourself to question and critically look at the abilities you are born with. You have an ability to pick, choose, mix and match your constantly evolving knowledge from your brain so why don’t you like to explore yourself beyond the boundaries of your political belonging? What makes you believe that you don’t belong to humanity as a whole and one God? Why would you rather belong to an arm or a leg of humanity? If you feel stuck, simply ask yourself, do you have the abilities to use your free will and personal sense of justice? If so, then why don’t you use it before following the orders of your belonging groups. If you say yes, to having the ability to use your free will and personal sense of justice. YOU HAVE A HUGE PROBLEM, BECAUSE YOU WILL HAVE TO ANSWER TO YOUR ATOM OF AUTONOMY SITTING RIGHT WITHIN YOU.

Remember that entity sitting within you has the ability to rip you apart right from within you. If you don’t believe me, just ask the war veterans coming back from wars, who simply can’t handle the stress from within. If your political belonging has robbed you of your personal spirituality, always remember it is our spiritual side which makes us stand apart from the other creatures. So, without it, we all stand in the same lineup of other creatures and sometime wors because we are smart and cunning to outsmart the other creatures.

Since we all come with our own and individual atom of autonomy, we do have the abilities to override our not only animal urges bet also our political influences as well. As I said before that we all individually come with an oceanlike brain with the space like potential. Meaning God did not create human beings to be genetically programed, that is why, we have been able to constantly evolve and interestingly for us this journey is not done yet. Sure, we have come long way from our bush and cave days, but we still have a long way to go. The ladder we are climbing has a lot more spiritual levels for us to climb. Since we still are killing each other over our metaphorical realities, we need to learn how to differentiate between our realities.

Today we are at the level of solving our problems instead of running to God for every little problem we face. We are taking initiations to solve most of our problems, we were praying for in the past. Today we stand against even our own groups and protest against the wars. Learning to do something against Global warming and related issues. From our medicine, AI and other scientifically proven realities to getting people together around the world to fight even infectious diseases, even helping the people in troubled areas. As humanity we are looking in the rare view mirror to see how prejudice, racism, bigotry and discrimination are fading away. Most if not all human communities are seeking and willing to give and receive equal human individual rights and democratic values.

We already have a graveyard full of empires, kingdoms, autocracies, dictatorships, martial laws, communism and all kind of discriminatory governing systems and even religious beliefs. Equal human rights are sought out even if people have to go against their own religious beliefs and nationalism. Interestingly even families are being torn apart because of our individual awareness. Newer generations clashing with their old and conservative ideologies. Things are changing because people are trying to do their share to help. Interestingly already established industrial nations are helping out the communities suffering from global warming related extreme weather and other natural disasters, because they are accepting their responsibilities of causing it. From killing electric cars to killing gasoline cars has a long journey in between but is happening. From wind, sun and renewable energy to the best of all acknowledging and believing that it is not only God’s doing, but we are also responsible for making the changes to happen. Acknowledgement of the needs to look beyond group politics and understanding of global issues and related responsibilities is great but we still have a long way to go to overcome political belonging to our groups.

First of all, what needs to be stopped is, going to wars in the name of our metaphorical realities. Logically if you have to die first to find out all about the reality of the metaphorical world can be questionable, so going to war and kill each other over it should be unacceptable. Simply because killing each other over something that no one clearly knows about should be an absurdity. So, learning to work as a humanity rather than as groups should be top priority. Just like that we need to believe in one God, universal spirituality and global justice based on equal human individual rights. So, asking for group rights takes us exactly at the same place where humanity has been stuck for thousands of years. Overcoming all these political or even religious differences leading to our personal and individual cliff faith is crucial. Whether they are related to race, gender, nation, religious beliefs or even financial and political power and control. All these insecurities based, past related and outdated political systems are downright dangerous to humanity because of our modern-day weaponry.

Since human beings are not exclusively a physical entity; with our spiritual awareness we simply can learn to tolerate and live with each other in modern-day melting pot societies. Proof has been and is actually quite clear, belonging groups like race, nation and religions have always tried and are still trying to rip humanity apart for political purposes. Interestingly today’s enticing and luring equal human individual rights are calling for the humanity to override these old-style ways of doing things. For sure, they are still influential but are on the list of endangered ideologies now and are about to be extinct. Sure, there are still conflicts, but our newer generations are straying from group belonging to belong to humanity as a whole.

Successes of melting pot societies is a proof of this modern-day phenomenon, so societies are forced to respect their belonging individuals as their assets. As long as an individual is respected things can be advantageous prosperous and even peaceful for those societies. Simply because of education related tolerance.

If a society can deal with racism, prejudice, bigotry and discrimination, it can become more productive to even attract the individuals from all over the world. Proof is in the pudding, even from the rich and prosperous nations people still want to flee and live abroad because politically they are not valued by their belonging societies. So, usually the cream of the crop people leaves their belonging nations to live in and contribute to a place where they can raise their family in respectful and peaceful manors.

Let’s bring it all the way down to ourselves as individuals. Simply but logically look at your body and brain as if you are driving it like a car. So, believing that you are just a body and brain, you can be limiting yourself. Simplifying it all yet logically just start to look at yourself as a laptop or a cell phone. Now, remember they need you to open them up to use them. So, it clearly means we simply are not the data nor the body or brain. Since data is installed by our parents and belonging group, it is highly influenced by the politics. So, if the laptop or a phone is just sitting there, it has its meanings, but they are absolutely different than when it is being used by you. Now the question is what and who is using that laptop or the phone? If you still think it is confusing to recognize yourself as a third entity. Try to look in that direction and seek the answers but without the help of that politically installed biased data.


Now, if you really want to find your real self, start digging within to the point that you become a CEO of your life. Who can actually override not only their animal urges but also recognize and override their political influences as well. Bing a human being is not that simple, especially when it comes to what God had meant for them to be. Our ongoing evolving nature is one thing, fighting our animal or physical urges and political influences is another. So, understanding the individual importance, abilities and powers you hold is a must. Especially when it comes to separating politics of belonging and personal spirituality. It is becoming progressively crucial for us all individually to seek and become a modern-day human being. Since spiritually we belong to one God why can’t we lead humanity to physically become one.

Interestingly enough in today’s era we are openly not only talking about equal human rights and individual responsibility but also, we are sympathetic to those who suffer from the effects of doing the wrong things for their belonging groups. Meaning the guilt has been divided and shared. So, if an individual goes through internal turmoil and is sufferings from guilt and regrets by following the orders of belonging group. That clearly points towards the inner battle between personal atom of autonomy related ethics and spiritually bankrupt politics of belonging. If you call them personal convulsions for spiritual growth, you may be right, but interestingly this growth is not exclusively limited to the individual. Collectively humanity is going through that as well because popularity of equal human rights and good reception of them in the world is a sign of humanity going through the growth as well. If an individual accepts and changes with the changes, they may not suffer but if their sense of belonging is overwhelming, and they do not know the real powers of their own atom of autonomy. They may end up with internal clashes effecting their mental, emotional, spiritual and eventually physical health. Remember just like the sense of belonging, our personal atom of autonomy is a powerful phenomenon as well so going against it can be destructive for the individual. Since we are born with it, that God particle or our spiritual side simply can’t let us sit in peace. So, if we do something for the politics of belonging, that we don’t like done to us or to our loved ones can lead us to our internal clashes. Since we have been blessed with our spiritual side related free will and personal sense of justice, even if it is done in the name of our political belonging, still we are responsible for those actions.

Since most of us are willing to give and receive equal human rights at individual level we are making humanity evolve. Sure, we still have a long way to go to override politics of belonging to our groups, but spiritual awareness is in the air, and yes that is regardless of groups political rhetoric. This spiritual growth or you can call it growth related convulsions with pain to those who don’t want to change and see their group dominating the world with power and control. It is interesting and heartwarming to see spiritually educated people protesting even against the political standings of their own governments. These conflicting opinions are a sign that humanity is ready to take the next step on the ladder of our evolution. From the demands of equal human rights to standing against the violent actions against the innocent citizens are being critically looked at by all populations of the world. These convulsions should send the chills in the spines of those who are hell bent against all kind of evolution. I feel hopeful and optimistic about the future of the humanity because pockets of individuals are becoming spiritually aware regardless of their belonging.

All this is coming from the people belonging to different groups yet for the same purpose. this is a clear sign that as human individuals we own our own atom of autonomy from God. Meaning it is not own by our groups, so in the nutshell it is the individual who gives their physical powers to their belonging groups. It may seem, but it is not the other way around. So, individuals are becoming aware of their responsibilities. Sure, there always has been a segment of the population who dispute individual powers, but this is where changes are happening. Being a human individual we have to understand that we bring our spiritual nature along from before our birth yet with a physical body and potential to be violent, so nothing is simple until we step up higher on the ladder of our evolution. Sure, it is easy to follow our politics and hormonal urges but not so easy to fight internally with our atom of autonomy. AS I SAY, JUST ASK THE WAR VATERENS WHO ARE SUFFERING FROM THE THESE INTERNAL BETTLES.

Today’s time is letting me know that there is a need for what I have been writing about. If you start to think about the student protest around the world, you can literally see the distaste a human individual can have against their own belonging groups or at the least their politics. These protests against the war of Palestine and Israel are making not only people aware of being human beings but also showing that we are living in the era of equal human individual rights. If you look at the identities of those thousands upon thousands of protesters, you simply can’t say that they are all Palestinians or even Muslims. Meaning humanity is changing, and clearly going through some evolutionary convulsions.

When it comes to our new generations, their education has been telling them the horrendous stories of our past and they don’t want them to be repeated. Interestingly these protests started from the students at universities, meaning our educated nurseries are calling out and challenging the old-style political systems. They want us all to cross and pass the boundaries of our political belonging and join hands to deal with our modern-day problems together. You may have hard time to believe that it is a Palestinian or Muslim issue. To, me it is a struggle between the individual rights and old-style group politics. So, this is all about the individual strength or weakness because only a stronger individual can question their own group’s political agendas unless they are spiritually corrupted at individual level.

If you can see Jewish People against Israeli politics, I see a lot of CEOs coming to haunt and scare the hell out of group politicians. Religious leaders have been losing their credibility for a long time. This is another sign of seeking equal human rights, general population in Israel is against those religious people who did not want to join the army. THINGS ARE CHANGING AND ARE CHANGING RAPPEDLY. If Jewish are divided to attend protests for and against Israeli policies, that clearly tells me that humanity is going in the right direction. I have been working on the theme of individual’s spiritual strength for a long while because I see the potential of humanity living in peace.

I personally believe, if you are born as a human being, you belong to humanity as a whole, even before you belong to your parents, never mind your political group. A spiritual entity takes a physical form or becomes a person and is born through them, but parents, political groups, nations or religions don’t own them because of their free will.


Since we all pass the test of being a human being, and especially now a days, a community does not have the powers to own people as they did in the past. An evolving humanity simply can’t be locked into political chains of nationalism, or religious beliefs forever, so as we evolve everything has to change. Sure, change is difficult but is necessary for our evolving nature. So, the claims of communities to own their people is a mirage and misunderstanding. WE HAVE TRIED A WHOLE LOT OF WAYS OF GOVERNING, YET NOTHING STAYED.

Ever wonder why we have a graveyard full of kingdoms, dictatorships, autocracies, isms, religions or other ways of governing in human populations. It has been proven over and over that human beings can’t be owned, not even in the name of race, nation or even God. Our problems persist simply because of our individual insecurities and related behaviors. Since our politicians are scared of losing their powers, they take advantage, create the situations where individuals feel insecure. For instance, starting wars against other groups or even against our evolving nature or even set people to fight over what is going to happen after their death.

From the greed of heaven to fear of hell to scare tactics to oppress or keep people uneducated. Everything is done in the name of group politics. Yet as a spiritual entity with evolving potential we consistently stay with universal things like God, spirituality, equal justice and humanity as a whole. Since we all are born as human beings, logically and physically we all belong to humanity and spiritually to one God. PLAIN AND SIMPLE. If it does not make sense to you just remove the blindfold of your political belonging and see where you stand as a human individual.

In the nutshell what I am saying is, that if you claim that you own human beings like cattle or pets. I PERSONALLY COUNT IT AS AN ABSURDIDTY. Remember your umbilical cord was cut at your birth and that was a meaningful event for you as an individual. That is if you look at it with a clear and politics free mind. Just ask yourself, why would you have free will and personal sense of justice? It is because you simply took a physical form to serve the purpose of converting spirituality into physical actions to make God meaningful. So, among other human abilities you choose and decide to do good or bad. Remember that is what allows you to use your abilities. No wonder why our groups are so worked up with humans’ individual freedom. As a decently evolved human individual you generally ” Don’t like doing to others that you don’t like done to you or to your loved ones”. Meaning you simply bring along your personal sense of justice, yet our belonging groups want to mess things up for us spiritually. Your belonging groups may have the powers to use you as a political puppet, but that is only if you allow them to. Since you didn’t just come as a physical entity, you have the powers to choose. Potentially a human can literally endanger their own life, in the pursuit of saving someone they don’t even know. We pay taxes and generously give money to charities to help others with our spiritual inclinations yet interestingly still rob each other of love in the name of our political belonging.

Regardless of our own atom of autonomy, still politically we do things for our belonging groups to put other even less evolved creatures to shame. At the end of the day the main culprits are individual weaknesses and powerful politics of group belonging. So, for thousands of years, we have been sold and are willingly buying into our politically tainted and dripping with innocent blood religious pictures. Pictures of hell and heaven or life after death aside, our individual insecurities and related behaviors are making most of us live with guilt while clashing with our own atom of autonomy. Yet in the name of our politics, we are willing to pay the price of robbing ourselves of inner peace and yes that is regardless of our clock ticking mortal nature.

To make you recognize your real identity, I mentioned that you are being the laptop or a cell phone. Again, remember being a human being we are not exclusively a physical body or the politically installed data. We all are able to not only use our physical bodies but also the brain as well, meaning we are the computer user so we can’t be identified as the computer or the data. So, since we are not what we have been preached to believe. We simply have to discover our own selves, but beyond the politics of belonging. So, we can understand what we really are. Remember we have been killing each other since forever, so question is, why are we still doing that? Logically our spiritual awareness should have been able to help us in overriding our political belonging, but unfortunately, we still are killing each other. As a matter of fact, we have gotten worse because we don’t even distinguish the guilt of the opposing party’s individuals anymore.

Humanity is still stuck into our group identity crisis, simply because of the politics of belonging has been overwhelming. Sure, things are changing today, and they are changing fast, so, if you don’t keep up with changing times. You simply would be left behind. Just ask yourself in a quiet moment WHO AND WHAT is the human individual and why do they kill each other in such manors that other animals can be put to shame. If you don’t get it, become who you really are, or I should say what you really are. Remember you are the one who uses body and brain to not only self-regulate your animalistic urges, but also to override political influences as well.

If everyone is able to do that at individual level, human individuals can suck the oxygen out of their political belonging related rhetoric. If you are willing to commit spiritual crimes in the name of your belonging groups, whether they are your race, gender, nation or religious beliefs. You are undermining yourself being a wholesome human being because by nature, you own your own atom of autonomy.


Since you are not born or are created like a worker bee or a warrior ant, you are not genetically limited. Quite the opposite, your DNA is calling for you to evolve constantly. Since you hold your God particle, or you can call it atom of autonomy, automatically that makes you a CEO of your life. So, logically other than yourself, no one should be able to pull your strings to use you as a political puppet. Remember the main culprit of the problems or all the turmoil humanity has been and is facing is related to our political belonging to our groups. So, always remember your spiritual principles over your political belonging. Believing in God and spiritual principles is one thing, killing each other over them for political reasons is another. Our modern history shows that even our so-called monks are infected by the politics of belonging to groups. Acknowledging and understanding the powers of political belonging vs the powers of your own and individual atom of autonomy is the wisdom that can help us all at our individual level. If we can do that, we would know that we don’t only belong to the arm or the leg of the body but rather belong to the body or in this situation humanity as a whole. Remember as a human individual we are still in the process of evolution, so we bring along a body, physically functioning from within yet with the external help. So, regardless of belonging group, we all individually can take the next step of belonging and yes that is a logical thing to belong to humanity instead of our groups. Especially our melting pot societies can be used as a model to learn about the future humanity. If we can live in peace with each other in one part of the world then why not all over the world. TO ME IT IS LONG DUE FOR HUMANITY.

Personally, I believe God can pull the strings to stop the human being before committing a spiritual crime but since we have been awarded with our own atom of autonomy, we have been made responsible for our actions. So, if you say God is almighty and doing everything then logically the human individual seems partially innocent because we all depend on that external help to function. Yet when you look at the religious governing systems, they have the harshest punishments for the individual who is stepping out of their control. Now the question is why? Don’t you think that seems kind of unfair and unjust? If you believe human being is irrelevant then why the harsh punishments like death. This is where even the Devil comes in the picture to prove individual’s innocence. So, regardless of the ability to use free will why a human individual is considered irrelevant? Personally, I believe it is all about gaining control over the individual, so it is political. Nature, justice, spirituality and God have nothing to do with it. Since human beings have learned to domesticate other animals, they use same carrot and stick philosophy as a typical tool for the human beings as well meanings they did not differentiate. So, today’s crime rates of nations are showing the flaws in that philosophy. So, regardless of its failure yet miserably, most human societies keep banging their heads against the same wall to control human beings as if they are like animals. Interestingly most of the societies where they have strict rules have higher crime rates. GO FIGURE. The societies with lower crime rates are not even religious, so I think this carrot and stick philosophy has to be looked at critically, because human beings are nothing like other animals. We come with our own and exclusive atom of autonomy which allows us to become a CEO of our life who can self-regulate so all we need is spiritual knowledge. Education and spiritual awareness are the keys, so, not trusting the human individual, is actually proving to be a failure for the conservative societies because people consider their controlling rules as oppression and flee to the societies where an individual is valued.

Interestingly, if human individual is carrying their own abilities to use free will then hiding behind God and Devil WOULD BE POLITICALLY PRUDENT but not spiritually. Simply because free will makes us all responsible for our actions. So, if there are entities who want to use human beings politically, they will resort to preach human irrelevance but for political purposes. So, if you believe in God do so, but as a universal entity who provides, spirit to make our life physical yet is above all the human individual’s insecurities and group politics. As a matter of fact, human individual is the one who is physically reciprocating for that gift of life. Meaning human beings are the life and blood in playing a role that makes God, physically meaningful, so this is a spiritual clap that makes sounds providing both hands are present.

So, you can believe, God is doing everything, and a living breathing human individual is a puppet or you can say, human being is the one lends their physicality to make God meaningful. Yet religious fanatics are hell bent to kill each other, to me I believe that is chopping God’s living breathing working hands. So, one way or the other we all have to personally make sense out of our metaphorical world to fit into our physical world and yes that is regardless of what is widely accepted. If we don’t come to terms, sooner or later someone is going to use the nuclear weapon to end it all.

Was watching YouTube news on May 1st. Ammy Goodman was talking to someone named Rami Younis. Who created a documentary. I did not get the name quite right but Lydinexile. com was the name I could get; it was on the program Democracy now. Any way I am going to quote what he said that got stuck in my mind. So, I quote

” We exercise imagination as a basic human right. If we don’t imagine a different reality, we are just doomed to live in a reality that is created by someone else’s imagination” end quote.

Clashing opinions have been part of our evolutionary nature so as human beings we will always have differences. So, killing each other yet passionately over our differences of opinions. SIMPLY DOES NOT FIT FOR A SPIRITUALLY AWARE ENTITY. Especially in this day and age of modernized weaponry, our conflict and wars are one thing but clashing over everyday issues to get into civil war can be deadly for our civilization.

Looking at the abortion debate, it is telling us the same story of imagination related different realities. Logically looking at the things, that have changed, changing and even are changing with accelerating speed. Says it all, since most of our disputes are politically influenced and us being individually attached to our group’s political agendas, can be confusing. Unless we all become aware of the realities beyond our politically divided personal world. Remember in our present world science is not something we should be confused about yet the loyalties to our groups are able to do just that. If you try and think beyond the group belonging, you may discover that there is a whole different world out there. For instance, if you are not genetically programmed like worker bees or warrior ants you don’t fit the category. So, each and every human individual is capable of using their free will and personal sense of justice, meaning our right or wrong are not limited with the approval of our groups. Being a human individual we all can have our own and personal opinions stemming from our own and exclusive imagination. Yet we can still be politically influenced whether it is coming from our own insecurities or politically preached briberies. So, humanity has been not only evolving but also has been suffering from our imagination related and self-imposed conflicting realities. Meaning difference of opinion is one thing but killing each other over our different opinions is another. So, humanity is still stuck into our conflicting yet imaginary realities. From political differences, land disputes and resources to the world beyond our physical realities. Everything points towards our individual inabilities to override other people’s imaginary realities.

If you are conservative, you will have to ask why? If God has given us all an evolutionary nature, why would you want to be trenched into an ideology that keeps you from following real Godly orders. If you want to stick with your old school and comfortable boundaries, do so, but if that is unfitting in the era you are born into. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. If you are liberal, you simply can’t be locked into the archaic and scientifically unstable theories of life. So, our conflicts go on and on, all you have to do is to add in the feelings of love loss. Just like our history shows humanity has never been without the killings or love loss. So, if we stay on this path sooner or later, we ourselves will destroy humanity and God would have nothing to do with it. Remember the choices we make; they always start from the individual level. Sure, political and hormonal influences are very powerful, but we all individually hold our atom of autonomy so the responsibilities land on our shoulders. So, whether it is our religious beliefs, national pride, race or gender loyalties or hormonal influences everything needs to be overridden by us all at our individual level. If you feel that you are not strong enough, start looking at yourself as a human being instead of a worker bee or a warrior ant. Do you have strings attached? Remember your umbilical cord was cut at your birth to connect you with God directly. You are able to use your free will and personal sense of justice, on top of all that you come with your spiritual nature to be compassionate and loving. SO, WHAT DRIVES YOU TO JOIN THE MOB TO KILL EVEN THE INNOCENTS? If you claim that you belong to a group of people or an ideology, just think how you are demoting yourself from an atom of autonomy holding entity to a political puppet ready to be used even for committing spiritual crimes for your belonging groups. Revenge related atrocities to kill each other, simply can’t end from the top-down strategies especially related to our political and religious differences. Things can only be fixed by the individual taking charge and responsibilities of their actions as human nature has meant for us all.

Looking at our evolutionary nature and present technologies things are looking quite dangerous because individually we still are not able to cross the political lines, we have been trenched into. Even if you can see it all clearly, you will believe that God will do a miracle. To me, God already has done the miracle by providing us an evolutionary nature. With which we can grow babies in a test tube or in a plate. Especially for those who are literally looking for those miracles. Remember there are countless stories of those people who got children from human evolution related abilities. If you see a different reality than those who don’t want to be forced to live a scientifically influenced reality. You have to understand and learn what the differences are all about. You automatically will reach to a politically influenced world of belonging. Right or wrong aside our political differences reach to a different level when the love loss occurs, that is why our politicians inspire people to belong rather than working against the love loss from all sides.

As a human individual we all bring along a brain which potentially can be similar to the ocean. Just like ocean receives water from the rivers and streams, we all receive our data as streams of information. Then we pick, choose, mix and match to make our decisions. If someone else is making the decisions for you, you are undermining your God given abilities and politically following your belonging groups. Sometime committing crimes for them yet by provided atom of autonomy makes you responsible for all your physical actions. One can easily see both sides of our imagination and have self-talk, yet we still intentionally follow our political groups. To me, at the end of the day, especially in today’s time, as individuals we all are responsible to provide physicality to good and bad to make them meaningful. Following and committing crimes for our belonging groups may be common, but our reality is that individual is the one who gets the job done physically.

Logically speaking, if you are the one who provides physicality to an action you automatically are responsible. Whether you are under the influences of politics of personal rage of love loss or not responsibilities still land on your shoulders. Sure, I can have sympathy for those who want to inflict the same pain to those who caused that pain, but the problems still can’t be solved because it leads to perpetual killings. I personally feel that any and all documents whether they are religious texts, constitutions or justice systems related, if they are for a group of people, they are politically influenced documents. So, if you want to look at your religious beliefs critically look for spirituality part of those texts not the politically influenced parts of them. Since God, spirituality, justice and humanity are naturally universal, making them or dividing them into groups is a pure and simple politics. If you don’t want to look at or bring your holly books as politically tainted texts, simply strain out the politics and enjoy the pure spiritual nature of them. Remember we need politics to run our worldly affairs, but our spirituality does not have to be politically tainted. Well Imagine you implicating God as a political entity who can be bought just like a justice system that supposed to be blind. I can understand that religious beliefs can be sensitive matter for most of us but that should be if our spirituality is challenged or suffering from the politics belonging. If God, spirituality, justice and humanity as a whole are universal, locking them into our groups is simply using them politically. Never mind justice or spiritual principles, if you claim God is for some of the people but not for all humanity as a whole. YOU MY FRIEND ARE COMMITTING A SPIRITUAL CRIME, simply because you are labeling God for your racism, bigotry, prejudiced and discrimination and all for your politics of belonging.

If you can get your head out of this political sand, you will be able to see the universality of God, spirituality, and justice for all humanity. For example, let’s look at our nature. From universal supply line of oxygen to ten fingers to all the way to aging and mortal body, to the same needs for water, food and love to survive. Everything points towards God’s justice and universality. Sure, you can claim that you have less resources than others, but those others are simply stuck into their politics of belonging, otherwise planet has no physical lines for the evolved human being. If humanity understand it’s oneness and universality things can be changed, but unfortunately our heads are deeply buried under the political sand of identity divisions. Interestingly none of us can get around our aging and mortal nature yet our differences and disputes and related killings and wars go on indefinitely. Now the question is how you came to your conclusions of implicating and involving God into human politics. Just think even briefly, think why your politics of belonging is overriding your spiritual nature? Sure, human beings have always lived in groups but just see where humanity was and where it is? Do you see yourself in the bush or cave or mega cities? Remember our problem is not evolution but evolution in select departments. If it was balanced, we would have a melting pot humanity by now. Since we have established our identity based political systems from the get-go, we are having trouble straining out politics from our spiritual nature. With our evolving nature, we should not have so much trouble taking the next step on the evolution ladder. Unfortunately, we have created group based political systems and given them the powers and now they don’t want to let go. Remember if you want the changes they are not going to happen from the top down. They always happen from the bottom up, because an individual has to change to change the group. Physically if the individual is lending their hands, backs and shoulder to their groups, those groups logically depend on their individuals. For you to take back that power, you will have to become a CEO of your personal life. Take that next step and evolve to join humanity as a whole and assume your first identity to be a human being. Have some self-respect as a human individual because it is you who provides physicality to not only to God but also to your belonging groups as well. Since we all come with all the perks and powers related to our atom of autonomy, we have been able to change our political land escapes over and over and it will go on until we reach our potential, problem is that even our potential is in evolutionary process. MEANINGS? WE HAVE TO PUT OUR HEADS DOWN AND KEEP CLIMBING, WHERE DOES IT TAKE US, THAT WOULD BE A QUESTION FOR GOD TO ANSWER.

Remember we have stepped over our kingdom’s, autocracies, dictatorships, religions and even communism. Democracy is still a popular choice because it is closer to spirituality as a political system can be. Still our politics of belonging has us all neutered because we have lost our personal and individual spirituality. We even settle with our politically tainted religions to fulfill our spiritual needs. So, with lack of self-worth, we even buy into tainted spirituality and justice. Ending up breaking all the spiritual rules and use injustice as justice. Making all kind of excuses, from hiding behind political groups to God and Devil. Human being was created with their atom of autonomy for a reason and that is not hiding behind politics. Remember if you use your free will, you are responsible of doing justice at your individual level. So, it is not only overriding our animal desires, but we are also responsible for overriding our group wrongdoing as well.

Find out, but honestly, how far deep you are buried into the pile of your identities, so you can individually become a CEO of your life. If you ask for group rights, you simply can’t come out of the quicksand humanity has been stuck into since forever. Remember if it has not worked for millions of years, why would it work with the present-day weaponry? Meaning, it will not work for another million. Equal human rights on the other hand are as spiritual and universal as they can be. Just to mention that equal human rights are not just limited between individuals. They go far beyond that, meaning individual vs corporation, community, nation, religion and even God almighty as well. So, reaching out to give and receive equal rights to all human individuals is the path for humanity to survive our nuclear bombs. Just look back and try to count the death toll of innocents killed by religious extreme and related wars, if you can’t count that, you got a problem into your spiritual systems because they have been infected by the political virus called group belonging. If a political group disrespects, it’s individuals, especially if they are spiritual systems. They undermine the human being as a main character because a living breathing human individual is the one who provides physicality to all kind of good and bad actions. If they are politically inspired both individual and the group are guilty. God is innocent because God has blessed human individual with their own and exclusive atom of autonomy. That not only make them responsible for their actions, but that also makes them to choose before giving their physicality to their groups as well. Logically if everyone of us strains out politics of group belonging, that critical look can profoundly affect our choices and decisions for our physical actions. So, things can change for the better. Better yet, if we all can believe that we belong to humanity as a whole, we may not find all the solutions at present, but at the least we can have less spiritual burden individually. Interestingly, regardless of all our differences, demand for equal human rights is growing. Student protests are a great example of people seeking to join humanity as a whole, where they can find blind justice, spirituality and God. So, stepping up on the evolutionary ladder is not that difficult if our group mentality starts to lose its powers. Joining universally to universal things like equal and blind justice, spiritual principles, and believe in one God that works physically with humanity as a whole, similarly to a human body. Consisting of several parts with several types of cells yet functions as one. Believing that way can make peace possible for humanity. Especially if we understand and individually can override the politics of group or body part belonging. Which at present is going through some serious evolutionary convulsions.

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