July 28, 2024 by dancingbottle

We can have serious discussions about the upside-down, downside-up, inside-out, or outside-in life, its favorable circumstances, or life itself. Either way, you can’t simply respect one but not the other. I have been talking about the atom of autonomy for a long time. This write-up elaborates on the concept with more clarity by avoiding political and egotistical beating around the bush, getting right down to the commonsense connections.

This spirituality and physicality-related clap does not make any meaningful sound if one or the other is not available. First of all, living, breathing human beings can only benefit if spirituality takes a physical form. Making a meaningful melody of human existence needs the spiritual help of God and human physicality simultaneously. Then it has the power to help those seeking assistance. Living a mortal life with deeper satisfaction and contentment is a human phenomenon that can only be experienced by helping those who ask for help. If there is no meaning to life without merging these spiritual and physical aspects, then where did the disrespect for the physicality of the individual come from? I personally can’t believe it comes from our spiritual side or God. So, it has to be from the politics of belonging created by those who wanted power and control over human individuals.

Just like the chicken or the egg, if science and religion argue about what came first, God or human beings, it is not simple to answer due to our slow and eventual understanding of the egg and the chicken. Before we start to dig into it, we all have to keep one thing clear. Remember, being mortal individuals, we all have a bigger fish to fry—our mortality. This means we are literally running out of time, so things should be taken care of while we are alive.

Our scientists had a claim about the big bang, but they are not sure now about what happened fourteen billion years ago. The big bang and the constantly expanding universe are as believable as what is going to happen after we die. Putting each other down can be proven wrong because of our evolving knowledge. When it comes to believing in something, it is one thing, but forcefully believing and denying can be troubling, especially for an evolving entity with evolving knowledge. First of all, we have to learn to be clear-minded to remove the powerful politics of belonging to our groups. Remember, we don’t have a ton of time individually to learn and know everything.

Now the biggest question comes to mind: how and why did the past and future become more important than our present, where things are alive and real life is happening? The benefits we get from our scientific and religious beliefs are and should be the main focus for us individually. If you become better or worse because of your knowledge, it is actually on your mortal shoulders. Remember, we all have free will. Taking your attention away from present life can be harmful, especially if you get stuck in the past or future.

Now let’s skip the politics of belonging to our religious education or even the scientific community and look at it with a broader point of view to find a commonsense connection. Dig deep and go right down to the cellular level, where even scientists can agree. Seek to know what is moving the cell or gives life to it? Is it the encasement or what is encased within? What came before the other? The number one fact is that both are crucial to each other’s physical existence and to be meaningful. If you ask a scientist or even me what is within, I simply can’t answer because I wholeheartedly accept that my knowledge is not complete. So, I don’t like making assumptions. I would rather accept those realities as my metaphorical realities rather than physical. When I come out of this metaphorical dark room, I can only say I felt the object, but I don’t really know anything about it. NOTHING PERSONAL FOR ME BECAUSE I ALREADY BELIEVE WE ARE AN EVOLVING ENTITY.

My observation is that as human beings, we love to assume; we even put stuff in the computer and literally believe in those answers our computer spits out. To me, life can change on a dime, just like a chapter of a story. Accidents can happen, relationships can be broken, or we can blow up the world with our nuclear weaponry. So, I openly accept that I am not the one who literally and blindly believes in something from our religious stories or whatever a computer spits out. So, as an evolving entity, assumptions and predictions are not enough for me. To me a living, breathing human individual is a literal bundle of spirituality and physicality. Far from being a machine. If we were, by now, with our computer’s help, we would have figured out how placebo effects work. Meditation, hypnotherapy, anxiety, depression, God, and love would be easy-peasy things for us.


I am keeping my options open. Since we pass on our knowledge, I know we as humanity can have ocean-like brains with space-like potential. This means there is unlimited room for data as humanity evolves. So, what is holding us back? GOD’S WILL? I strongly dispute that because to begin with we all come with our evolving nature yet from before our birth and from God. Proof is in the pudding. Anyone can see the progress and gradual evolution of humanity in real and physical life. From bushes and caves to mud houses to high-rise buildings to flying in the zone where winged creatures can fly. Yet without the wings and seeking other planets for homes, on one hand, and on the other, from bicycles to self-driven cars to planes to spacecraft to internet and AI. Remember, all the medical advancements make us live longer now, from an average age of thirty-eight to more than doubling it, yet we are not done. What is going on today in the world you simply can’t deny. What is going to happen in the future? Again, I can go into the zone of assumptions, but I am going to restrain myself.

Now, can you deny all that is going on in the world or what I have written so far? Can you deny the need to understand what is encased within the encasement? If you claim that the thing encased, did it all without the physical protection of the encasement, it takes us right back to the metaphorical and spiritual world. This means things can’t happen physiologically on their own. Sure, you can say the potential belongs to God, but if God cannot have a physical side, things don’t work very well or mean anything. Now let’s zoom into the present day and understand that a human is the encasement and the encased that makes you dance is God within. Since life needs to have this heartbeat, you simply can’t separate them. So, if you are looking for the meaning of life, YOU HAVE TO RESPECT BOTH ASPECTS OF LIFE. REMEMBER THERE IS NO INJUSTICE IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD, SO MAKING THE ENCASEMENT IRRELEVANT IS AN INJUSTICE CREATED BY THE POLITICS OF BELONGING.

Your politics has gone too far if you deny the importance of both hands. You try to separate them for political power to the point that you disrespect life itself. If you are there, regardless of what you believe, you simply can’t be peaceful from within because you are going against the encased. Your atom of autonomy simply will rob you of your inner peace. This means you simply can’t benefit from your belief system. IF YOU CHOOSE SCIENCE, YOU CHOOSE ENCASEMENT EXCLUSIVELY, AND DENY WHAT IS ENCASED YET WITH AN EVOLVING AND INCOMPLETE KNOWLEDGE. IF YOU CHOOSE WHAT IS ENCASED YOU NEGLECT THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ENCASEMENT. Either way, you are missing the reality. Disrespecting one or the other because of your political belonging-related assumptions means you fall short of the facts, all because of politics. Logically, if you are an evolving entity, you have to leave room for your upcoming knowledge to continue evolving. This means, even just for that reason, we all have to become humble and moderate instead of egotistically falling into the world of assumptions.

Logically, you simply can’t be for one or the other; you have to create a balance between these two aspects of life. Not only do you personally have to assume the duties of a CEO, but you also have to place yourself on the top corner of this triangle. You can only choose when you are on the top corner. How much to lean towards physicality and spirituality—to me, we need to understand and respect the importance of both. Instead of choosing extremes to deny the spiritual facts. What keeps you alive and functioning is what is encased within you. So, take charge and avoid assumptions and extremes. Remember, you need these two metaphorical hands to make this spiritual sound of life.

As I have been talking about our imagination having infinite capacity, it’s because of the evidence shown by our history of progress and evolution, yet with no end to it. So, what is driving us? If you start to question your boundaries and look beyond your insecurities, you will find the real answers within yourself.

If you buy into your security-based group politics, you will always have boundaries created for you. Look at human nature. There has not been or is immune to aging and mortality, so a group of people can simply say a prayer for you but can’t protect you from the reality. Interestingly, with evidence of us living longer not because of our prayers but rather with the help of our scientific advancements. So, disrespecting the encasement simply is political. Putting God and the metaphorical world above the physical world comes from political messages, so understanding them will be a good start.

SO, ARE YOU WILLING TO DIG DEEP WITHIN YOURSELF TO KNOW AND ACCEPT YOUR DUTIES OF BEING THE ENCASEMENT? UNDOING THE DISRESPECT OF THE ENCASEMENT IS ON YOUR SHOULDERS. If you disrespect yourself, dig within and find God, instead of doing injustice to the encasement that protects and makes God physically meaningful.

We can have serious discussions about the upside-down, downside-up, inside-out, or outside-in life, its favorable circumstances, or life itself. Either way, you can’t simply respect one but not the other. I have been talking about the atom of autonomy for a long time. This write-up elaborates on the concept with more clarity by avoiding political and egotistical beating around the bush, getting right down to the commonsense connections.

This spirituality and physicality-related clap does not make any meaningful sound if one or the other is not available. First of all, living, breathing human beings can only benefit if spirituality takes a physical form. Making a meaningful melody of human existence needs the spiritual help of God and human physicality simultaneously. Then it has the power to help those seeking assistance. Living a mortal life with deeper satisfaction and contentment is a human phenomenon that can only be experienced by helping those who ask for help. If there is no meaning to life without merging these spiritual and physical aspects, then where did the disrespect for the physicality of the individual come from? I personally can’t believe it comes from our spiritual side or God. So, it has to be from the politics of belonging created by those who wanted power and control over human individuals.

Just like the chicken or the egg, if science and religion argue about what came first, God or human beings, it is not simple to answer due to our slow and eventual understanding of the egg and the chicken. Before we start to dig into it, we all have to keep one thing clear. Remember, being mortal individuals, we all have a bigger fish to fry—our mortality. This means we are literally running out of time, so things should be taken care of while we are alive.

Our scientists had a claim about the big bang, but they are not sure now about what happened fourteen billion years ago. The big bang and the constantly expanding universe are as believable as what is going to happen after we die. Putting each other down can be proven wrong because of our evolving knowledge. When it comes to believing in something, it is one thing, but forcefully believing and denying can be troubling, especially for an evolving entity with evolving knowledge. First of all, we have to learn to be clear-minded to remove the powerful politics of belonging to our groups. Remember, we don’t have a ton of time individually to learn and know everything.

Now the biggest question comes to mind: how and why did the past and future become more important than our present, where things are alive and real life is happening? The benefits we get from our scientific and religious beliefs are and should be the main focus for us individually. If you become better or worse because of your knowledge, it is actually on your mortal shoulders. Remember, we all have free will. Taking your attention away from present life can be harmful, especially if you get stuck in the past or future.

Now let’s skip the politics of belonging to our religious education or even the scientific community and look at it with a broader point of view to find a commonsense connection. Dig deep and go right down to the cellular level, where even scientists can agree. Seek to know what is moving the cell. Is it the encasement or what is encased within? What came before the other? The number one fact is that both are crucial to each other’s physical existence to be meaningful. If you ask a scientist or even me what is within, I simply can’t answer because I don’t like making assumptions. I would rather accept those realities as metaphorical realities. When I come out of this metaphorical dark room, I can only say I felt the object, but I don’t really know anything about it. NOTHING PERSONAL FOR ME BECAUSE I ALREADY BELIEVE WE ARE AN EVOLVING ENTITY.

My observation is that as human beings, we love to assume; we even put stuff in the computer and literally believe those answers. To me, life can change on a dime. Accidents can happen, relationships can be broken, or we can blow up the world with our nuclear weaponry. So, literally believing in something from religious stories or what a computer spits out is not enough for me. Knowing full well a living, breathing human individual is a literal bundle of spirituality and physicality. Far from being a machine. If we were, by now, with our computer’s help, we would have figured out how placebo effects work. Meditation, hypnotherapy, anxiety, depression, God, and love would be easy-peasy things for us.


I am keeping my options open. Since we pass on our knowledge, I know we as humanity can have ocean-like brains with space-like potential. This means there is unlimited room for data as humanity evolves. So, what is holding us back? GOD’S WILL? I strongly dispute that because from God we come with our evolving nature, and the proof is in the pudding. Anyone can see the progress and gradual evolution of humanity in real life. From bushes and caves to mud houses to high-rise buildings to seeking other planets for homes, on one hand, and on the other, from bicycles to self-driven cars to planes to spacecraft to AI. Remember, all the medical advancements make us live longer, from an average age of thirty-eight to more than doubling it, and we are not done yet. What is going on today in the world you simply can’t deny. What is going to happen in the future? Again, I can go into the zone of assumptions, but I am going to restrain myself.

Now, can you deny all that is going on in the world or what I have written so far? Can you deny the need to understand what is encased and the encasement? If you claim that the thing encased did it all without the physical protection of the encasement, it takes us right back to the metaphorical and spiritual world. This means things can’t happen physiologically on their own. Sure, you can say the potential belongs to God, but if God cannot have a physical side, things don’t work very well or mean anything. Now let’s zoom into the present day and understand that a human is the encasement and the encased that makes you dance is God within. Since life needs to have this heartbeat, you simply can’t separate them. So, if you are looking for the meaning of life, YOU HAVE TO RESPECT BOTH ASPECTS OF LIFE. REMEMBER THERE IS NO INJUSTICE IN THE SPIRITUAL WORLD, SO MAKING THE ENCASEMENT IRRELEVANT IS AN INJUSTICE CREATED BY THE POLITICS OF BELONGING.

Your politics has gone too far if you deny the importance of both hands. You try to separate them for political power to the point that you disrespect life itself. If you are there, regardless of what you believe, you simply can’t be peaceful from within because you are going against the encased. Your atom of autonomy simply will rob you of your inner peace. This means you simply can’t benefit from your belief system. IF YOU CHOOSE SCIENCE, YOU CHOOSE ENCASEMENT EXCLUSIVELY, AND DENY WHAT IS ENCASED YET WITH AN EVOLVING AND INCOMPLETE KNOWLEDGE. IF YOU CHOOSE WHAT IS ENCASED YOU NEGLECT THE IMPORTANCE OF THE ENCASEMENT. Either way, you are missing the reality. Disrespecting one or the other because of your political belonging-related assumptions means you fall short of the facts, all because of politics. Logically, if you are an evolving entity, you have to leave room for your upcoming knowledge to continue evolving. This means, even just for that reason, we all have to become humble and moderate instead of egotistically falling into the world of assumptions.

Logically, you simply can’t be for one or the other; you have to create a balance between these two aspects of life. Not only do you personally have to assume the duties of a CEO, but you also have to place yourself on the top corner of this triangle. You can only choose when you are on the top corner. How much to lean towards physicality and spirituality—to me, we need to understand and respect the importance of both. Instead of choosing extremes to deny the spiritual facts. What keeps you alive and functioning is what is encased within you. So, take charge and avoid assumptions and extremes. Remember, you need these two metaphorical hands to make this spiritual sound of life.

As I have been talking about our imagination having infinite capacity, it’s because of the evidence shown by our history of progress and evolution, yet with no end to it. So, what is driving us? If you start to question your boundaries and look beyond your insecurities, you will find the real answers within yourself.

If you buy into your security-based group politics, you will always have boundaries created for you. Look at human nature. There has not been or is immune to aging and mortality, so a group of people can simply say a prayer for you but can’t protect you from the reality. Interestingly, with evidence of us living longer not because of our prayers but rather with the help of our scientific advancements. So, disrespecting the encasement simply is political. Putting God and the metaphorical world above the physical world comes from political messages, so understanding them will be a good start.

SO, ARE YOU WILLING TO DIG DEEP WITHIN YOURSELF TO KNOW AND ACCEPT YOUR DUTIES OF BEING THE ENCASEMENT? UNDOING THE DISRESPECT OF THE ENCASEMENT IS ON YOUR SHOULDERS. If you disrespect yourself, dig within and find God, instead of doing injustice to the encasement that protects and makes God physically meaningful.

Personally, if you have gone too far towards the encased or the encasement, you are NOT going to have your inner peace. Only because you are simply not balanced. Do you want to live a contented, balanced, and meaningful life? Then you have to respect both as ONE ENTITY. Life means physicality with spirituality, so do not fall for one or the other. Be honest and responsible for your evolving knowledge. DO NOT GIVE AWAY YOUR AUTONOMY TO A GROUP POLITICS.


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