Balance of the core.


A while back, I wrote a blog titled “The Love Triangle”; you may want to read it before this one so you can connect with the content. In that post, I discussed the three corners of love: Passionate Love, Instinctive Love, and Universal Love.

Love shields us from external problems or assaults that might influence our responses; these may relate to hormones or circumstances. These different kinds of love help form an individual’s identity. Our education systems have been flawed throughout history and even now in the present.

When equally divided, the core triangle emerges, which can be split into two sections. These two sides of the human individual constitute the personal core. One side, which I relate to the spirit, is the good side, and the equally important other side, which I associate with the animal side, could be seen as God or the Devil inside.

Interestingly, similar to my discussion, today on October 9, 2016, in the morning news, Dr. Lin, a medical contributor to the CBC, was discussing Thanksgiving. He mentioned a part of the human brain that he called the animal brain. According to him, this part of the brain gets stressed and triggers the release of stress hormones, which can cause hypertension. He connected gratitude and appreciation to lower blood pressure, noting that people who can internally reassure their animal brain that things are okay experience better health. He referenced some studies, although I didn’t catch all the details.

To bolster my argument, I must first explain the importance of love with its triangle. Passionate Love involves loving your partner and building a family. This passionate love gives rise to instinctive love, which extends beyond your children to encompass love for siblings, parents, other family members, friends, and neighbors—individuals with whom you share a special connection. When you begin to understand love through sharing with siblings, family members, or friends, you start to connect with those around you and give birth to Universal Love. This is where you become aware of belonging to groups like race, gender, community, nation, and religion.

I will delve into a strong sense of belonging to your groups shortly, but first, I need to explain this core concept.

These equally opposing sides of the individual make us all human beings, and both are equally legitimate and important for living a mortal life happily. If you favor one over the other, you are under the influence of flawed education because you are attempting to alter your identity. Always remember, genetically and spiritually, you are a human being—part animal, part spirit—not one or the other. You experience spirituality only while physically alive. All of God’s spiritual work takes physical form through human individuals making choices at the core. Someone’s prayers come to life through the interventions of other human individuals; thus, God also experiences a physical existence through living humanity.

For a personally successful mortal life, an individual must find peace at the core. It is crucial to center yourself, accept, and assume your identity as a human being. Only then will you find peace and contentment in a mortal life; otherwise, the awareness of mortality and fear of death can consume you from the inside out. You can follow religious stories and be kind to others; it’s spiritual, so I have no dispute with it. However, if you follow orders and commit spiritual crimes, I will question your core balance and responsibility as the CEO of your life—from the decisions you make to whether you know your identity.

If you are told that you are merely a spirit and should suppress your inner animal, as Christianity expects from priests, you may end up living in turmoil in the name of God. I absolutely dispute that notion. As I mentioned, even God experiences physical existence through you, so you are the CEO with the choice to decide before acting. You carry opposing forces within you, and both belong to you; your decisions can have harmful or rewarding effects on your life. Especially when it comes to mortality, you become even more important to yourself.

The name of my blog, “Who Flipped My Triangle,” asks you to consider how your sides can dictate who you are, independent of the politics of your belonging groups. The spirit and the animal both function with you being alive; without you, your good and bad sides disappear. As I mentioned earlier, if all human individuals were to perish, would God or the Devil matter? If they would matter to you, remember that you would not be there to understand what is good or bad. For the spirit to effectively function physically, it needs a functioning animal body, and you can turn the equation the other way around with the same results. Mathematically, it is correct, so it cannot be separated. If it were, we would cease to exist. What lies beyond existence has never been clearly described beyond religious assumptions like this one. Certainly, I assume because I cannot utilize my brain power to its fullest extent. Therefore, I won’t claim this as definitive. For humanity, it has never been definitive; we have been, are, and will always be constantly evolving. Therefore, being passionate about assumptions is simply wrong. Your sense of belonging may say otherwise, but you still have to balance your sense of belonging with the sense of freedom to live as a CEO.


Returning to the equally divided core triangle, I assume the good side as godly and the opposing side as devilish. Logically, the human individual cannot exist with only one of them; both must be part of this equation of existence. One cannot understand the value of good without the presence of bad, or bad without the presence of good. This means good and bad cannot exist without each other. However, the irony is that they both cannot exist without the individual who carries them in their core and has the power to choose and balance. This is why I believe that ideally or potentially, we are all born as CEOs. When we lose the powers of the CEO, our triangle is flipped by someone else, and we can become harmful to ourselves and humanity. Balance in the inner core is crucial for an individual’s health—whether it is related to spiritual, physical, psychological, or emotional health. As Dr. Lin puts it, there is a physical reaction to the way we think.

Returning to the sense of belonging, assuming the responsibilities of a CEO should enable you to enter the core and balance yourself. Yes, it is difficult to cross the boundaries of conventional or political knowledge of your sense of belonging, but since you use your free will all the time, you do have a choice. Whether you make these choices or not, the benefits or harms are not yours alone. Being balanced can also benefit humanity. Therefore, as a mortal, it is better to understand your true self. This liberation can enable you to deal with all kinds of personal problems.

If your education has brainwashed you to the point where you believe you are nothing more than your possessions (read: five bucks), your triangle has been flipped. You really need to understand yourself and your value in the grand scheme of life. Consider that you are aware of space not because it exists but because of your abilities to envision, see, and reach without wings or oxygen.

As I mentioned before, God and the Devil are two sides of you, and you choose which side to embrace and whether to create balance and assume the responsibilities of being human. Whether you are good or bad is not the question; it’s that you have the ability to choose. It’s akin to being a brand-new computer: your belonging group adds data, but you are not the data because you came with all the abilities before the data was added—thus, you are not the data. It is you who runs the computer and the data, which is why you have a name.


If you are under the influence of ancestral knowledge, your triangle needs to be righted, and only you have the power to do so. If you have been led to believe that you are just a spirit and being an animal is bad, imagine yourself in the top corner holding a pendulum. When dangling straight down, it sits in the center of the triangle, dividing it perfectly. The more you pull towards one side, the more it swings with equal force to the other side. Consider the scandals of priestly sexual behavior—they have taken vows to be godly men. Despite religious education promoting goodness and godliness by suppressing the animal inside, look around the world and see the pendulum swinging forcefully. Men of God commit spiritual crimes or devilish acts in the name of God, and their sense of belonging, personal justice, ethics, and morals have been lost to the winds of prejudice.

Considering the importance of the animal side and the role of hormones, we all are born with nipples regardless of gender, yet male bodies do not require them. As fetuses, we all start gender-neutral and develop based on hormone presence.


I watched a Discovery Channel program about wolves where protective hormones were released when pups were born—not just in the parents but in the entire pack. I connected this to observations of hormone fluctuations among fans during soccer matches. During a match between France and Italy, Italian fans’ testosterone levels rose when their team scored and dropped when France scored.

Where am I going with this? I believe the sense of belonging is related to our physical selves—crucial but ultimately under individual control. As humans, we are born with the responsibilities of a CEO, and innocent lives have been lost these days in the name of God simply because we’ve stopped accepting responsibility as individuals.

Sense of belonging creates suicide bombers and extremism. Therefore, our actions require more education for individuals to understand the effects of our chemicals. It’s not that these chemicals are inherently good or bad; they are essential for our existence. However, we need to evolve to comprehend the problems related to our hormones, or I should say, the animal side. Understanding this would help in dealing with perpetual and uncontrolled stress, negativity, and enjoying mortal life to the fullest.


From physical aging to related health issues—whether physical, emotional, psychological, or eventually spiritual—our problems can be linked to hormone suppression or a lack of spirituality. From beer-throwing fans to wars and related killings without guilt, our individual behaviors are connected to our unchecked sense of belonging. Chemical reactions, whether in wolves, sports fans, or a population’s respect for their armed forces, belong to this sense of belonging. Political bias, regardless of the right or wrong of belonging groups, points to personal imbalance to the extent that an individual cannot or will not stand up against wrongdoing within their group.


Only when an individual evolves to the level of a CEO can they understand the chemical connections and refrain from reacting like an animal. Thus, understanding inner balance helps in understanding one’s true self. The extent of influence one has in their lifetime is related to this core balance. If you feel you’re doing everything, you’re partly right, as you must consider external and internal insecurities. You cannot take all the credit nor blame yourself entirely for failures or shortcomings. Recognizing the assistance received throughout life and one’s efforts to maintain balance are crucial; otherwise, one risks disrupting inner peace.


Living a mortal life without any faith makes it challenging to face this life bravely and enjoy the benefits of placebo effects. While one cannot be wholly fatalistic or gamble all on the concepts of heaven and hell, the benefits of faith help navigate difficult times with hope, reducing anxiety and depression. When religious individuals assert that God will assist, it holds true only when one truly believes in God and takes equal responsibility for their life’s changes. Our upbringing as entities with educational backgrounds significantly affects our well-being as individuals.


To truly comprehend the causes of the benefits and harms of our education, we must seek inner balance to become a CEO. We need to evolve individually from our animal instincts. While hormones influence our passionate actions, we often attempt to justify them with the politics of our belonging groups. Concepts of right and wrong, ethics, and morals are taught by these groups under their respective rules, with nationalism and religion dominating our views on right and wrong. This is why humanity struggles in global assemblies like the United Nations, where Russia’s repeated use of veto power disregards innocent lives lost in Syria. Our sense of belonging isn’t to humanity but to our political groups, influenced by our animal instincts. Until we evolve from this internal struggle as individuals, we continue to imperil lives in the name of God.


Based on our education, we often fail to assume personal duties or responsibilities as human beings belonging to humanity. Instead, we align ourselves with packs of people following the politics of nationalism and religion, which often promote prejudice. It falls on the individual to evolve from ancestral education and embrace the modern changes in humanity. Belonging groups shouldn’t dictate the politics of humanity because it contradicts their existence.


This path may seem insecure and vulnerable, but becoming a CEO of your life allows you to delve deep into your core, achieving balance to address external problems. By dispelling false fears of mortality and living as mortals, one can achieve personal principles of justice, refusing to commit spiritual crimes at the behest of belonging groups. Our problem lies in failing to connect our hormones with our sense of belonging. Individuals aren’t taught who they truly are or what their capabilities are. It’s time to understand more about free will, cutting the umbilical cord (metaphorically), and genetics. Despite our differences, we all share Earth as our home, yet ancestral education has divided us with political boundaries stemming from our sense of belonging.


Change is underway—from global warming to internet-connected cell phones, international banking, free trade, human rights, gay marriage, abortion, assisted suicide, and everything in between. These are clear signals to align with humanity. All groups are like body parts, not the entire body; thus, individuals must understand these differences. At a deeper level, spiritually it’s about God, and physically it’s about humanity; everything else is political. Should one align politically or spiritually, or balance both to become a true CEO?


Politics often masks the truth to achieve desired ends. Many religions and nations seek control over individuals, often at the expense of spiritual truth. While choosing politics is a personal decision, opting for spirituality brings inner peace. If this truth holds value for you, align with humanity because genetically, you’re born human, irrespective of color, race, or gender. Inner balance prevents extremes that can lead to feelings of superiority or inferiority—a spiritual flaw, not an asset. For instance, suppressing strong animal desires to conform to a sense of belonging may lead to inner turmoil and health issues. Conversely, overly controlling spiritual desires can lead to looking down on others who cannot, which is also a spiritual flaw.

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