The triangle one-o-one.

Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

I have made some triangles to explain my philosophy. The dominating  and starting triangle is about the man with God and the Devil inside.

In the heart of the main triangle of Man God and the Devil there is a perfect triangle which if you divide gives you equal portion of good and bad or as an intelligent life. There are several intelligent assumptions, called organized and unorganized religions, belief systems isms or even democracy. Since they have not been able to progress to explain anything about God any further, even after thousands of years have passed. I have strong assumptions that we will still be at the same place for the next thousand years if we don’t start to question the authenticity of the unchangeable knowledge of our sense of belonging. 

What came first chicken or the egg? This is an age old question and I am adding something to that as well,  what came first seed of the tree or the tree, or what came first Man or God? If you have big ego you will know the answer, but I think we will know more as we start to use more of our brain power because if you come out and answer with your limited knowledge you will end up using your personal assumptions or the knowledge what has been passed on to you. Until we are able to use our untapped brain powers fully, we can’t just claim that we know what there is to know.

There have been and are assumptions and now I am adding another intelligent assumption. Man is the source of intelligent life and intelligent life is the source, we can call God thus we can’t really tell that God is some out door entity, yet every good and bad has been connected to God and the Devil. What does that mean? if I say every good action or the bad action has a man written all over it, just think about, atom bomb was created and dropped by the man on man, all the humanitarian actions including helping the endangered species are done by the human beings as well. Can you find God or the Devil with your intellect other than the holy books or the modern day special effects of the movies? the best one is that you will meet God when you are dead you will know after you are dead, thus follow the religious teachings and kill the innocents  or starve them to death in the name of God, give me a break I don’t care what religion you belong to if you kill an innocent on the name of God you are out of line and committing spiritual crimes because you are robbing some one of their precious gift of life, which is directly given to them by God. All in all, It just does not sit right with me.        

If you look at the religions as concepts, God and the Devil emerge as foreign entities, which makes man an insignificant part of the picture. It gives power to some people who use God and the Devil for the political purposes to control the ordinary man or general population. If you observe the man’s abilities, potential, free will and the real standings,  the whole religious picture seems flawed, because it makes the politics real and the spirituality a fake front.

Man may not have control on his next breath, but nothing gets done without the man either. That makes Man; if not the most important, it makes him/her equal to both polarities. What is in the heart of this triangle is another perfectly balanced triangle, as I mention above is the intelligent life.

If you carry an intelligent life within you, you can only experience it by first recognizing your status of being the third equation, if you believe that you are insignificant sinner you got some spiritual deficiencies regardless of what religion you belong to. You can look out side all you want with the best of your spiritual knowledge you just can’t find both of them because they both are your own sides thus you have to look inside to create the inner peace so you can be a better human individual who is not an extension of any ideology. You are you a CEO who balances good and bad.

Your importance is like a seed which has the potential to become  a whole majestic tree which produces billions of seeds himself. Millions of years old human remains have been discovered, and religions don’t seem to agree with the evidence. God created Man is their main theme, so question is that if God created man just few thousand years ago then how do you explain the millions of year old human remains.

Whichever came first is not the issue here because it will be an assumption regardless. The fact is that we don’t really know, not religiously ,not scientifically, so where do we stand? I would say don’t assume and respect the living human beings because God is existing through them and yes including yourself respect yourself as well and don’t get consumed or used by the politics of the sense of belonging. If you are hurt and want to take revenge, say so, if you seek justice because someone has taken your land say so, don’t bring God into it for the politics of sense of belonging or even personal purposes for instance revenge to satisfy the animal side. 

Personally I look at the religions with the expectations to fulfill the individual’s spiritual needs. If it fulfills your needs then there is no one particular religion or its sects is any better than other. Politics of sense of belonging keeps people in the lower level of evolution. If the individual grows spiritually, which I think we would have done by now, if the religions were not so politically tainted. We all can learn to live together; the proof is in the melting pot societies. Becoming tolerant towards each other and surpassing the differences is in the human genes, just put the different babies together and watch them interacting with each other without discrimination. They are not going to band together with their color, gender, nation or religion.

It’s the knowledge we install into them is divisive, so the knowledge has to change even if it is coming from the religions. Spirituality related knowledge has been consistent even we have been evolving. If we don’t use our personal ego which belongs to our sense of belonging, we will have no trouble accepting that our knowledge is not complete. It will be a lot easier to accept that, we still don’t know anything about God, before birth and after death. We heavily depend on the knowledge provided by our holy books. Thousands of years have passed and we are still stuck in this particular area, we believe that ours is better, which is according to Dr. Wayne Dyer level two in the spiritual evolutionary level. If every religion says our way is the only right way you are going to God, where and how do you fit into the level four where you can say, what can I do for you.

So what is God? God is the intelligent life force, the one we all carry inside of us, what makes our brains to think and give ideas. This unseen power collectively creates a majestic God that is why we don’t see God and have not been able to see for thousands of years. We are able to see and feel the acts of God and the Devil’s as well but we can’t see them because we are the one who is doing the deeds, whether they are good or bad. We are the villains and the heroes at the same time. The understanding of one individual can be different than the others because of the knowledge we all grown up with. The stories of our religions, our parent’s efforts to rap us up with our ancestral religious knowledge and our personal efforts to keep the stories alive, play a big role in everyone’s individual life. If we buy everything what is for sale even it’s by force, what happens to our belief system?

Instead of getting confused about your belief system, you need to think like a CEO so you can look at yourself as someone meaningful and important. If you carry God inside of you or if the God exist because of you, not only you would respect yourself you would respect other people as well. It is like we all carry Godly powers but the worth varies with the individual, but basic value is just about five dollars. (read five bucks) This five dollar power is the free will we are all blessed with, which makes us the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of our lives. Just like by going to school we can get a better job and make more money, there is a potential in all of us to excel so each and every one of us can be more helpful for the humanity and God. It is not just limited to the prophets, you may not be prophet but you are carrying on or paly a big role in existence of God. 

After all the evolution we did in our intellectual areas of human life, why don’t we have control on our nature? By now we should have stopped killing each other, but we have gotten worse ever wonder why? 

The answer is simple that we are genetically programed to be human being, who is just like all the other creatures, programed to reproduce, get hungry or get hurt by the love loss, seek revenge and desire to inflict the same pain to the people whom cause the unbearable pain of love loss. (Read the love triangle).

Just like our own body cells everything renews to look after the body. We as whole humanity are looking after the body, yes, the body of God.

Most social systems and religions of human societies usually allow the people to reproduce because, if they try to control the human sexuality, it always blows up on their faces, it is just too powerful to control so they give in just like the alcohol could not be controlled thus legalized and today pot is being legalized. If you can’t control you have to join in the crime rate goes up and otherwise law abiding perfectly normal human being act crazy, for instance the Roman Catholic priests abuse of children.

Our traditions and customs show a clear connection between religion and social rules. They believe that traditions and customs have to be embraced, even if it causes the devaluing of the individual. For instance a virgin girl is respected regardless of other characteristics. If you value the individual because of his/her obedience to the belonging society not only its unfair to the individuals whom don’t conform, it discourages him/her to explore and grow even spiritually thus it keeps the society behind.

The idea or the technologies of the abortion and pornography was not even around when the holy books were written. As new problems arise religious leaders have to come up with for or against standing. Most of these new problems are dealt with the religious books in mind. People use to go to wars with spears and swords by the hundreds but today it by the millions, with the modern day weaponry which is lethal equally to all guilty or innocent, so lot more spiritual damage is done in today’s wars.

If the holy books have a system to control the society by force then even today’s mullahs, priests and rabies will be forced to believe in it and will be, for the force to control the society, so following these extremists would take everybody to the living hell.  The good or bad is judged by the education of the holy books, that is the reason these people have understanding that control is only achieved by force and fear.

I believe the real power is held by the individual who chooses to control or not too, so the best way to have control on self- behavior is the knowledge that makes sense, instead of following an order. If the controlling force is not present the behavior may change rapidly. Just like in today’s society with secular governing systems rules have changed, even the government can be taken to the court for the violations against the individual or human rights.

Religions have lost their luster because of their out dated and not up to the par rules with the advancement of the human societies. If there was any room left for the evolution or religions would have at least just stuck with the spirituality, instead of politics, we would still respect God and religions whole heartedly.

In today’s society individual is losing not only the God and religions, we are losing respect for ourselves as well. One of the main causes of self-esteem issues is our expectations, we grow up watching other people have great things in their life, so automatically we expect to have them as well, and we are told that God is the only one who gives, so we expect God to give us whatever we want as well. When we don’t get regardless of our prayers and being good, we feel resentment so we look down at God and ourselves simultaneously.

The individual would go and adopt wherever he/she is respected and valued. Thousands of years of brain washing of the individual has done the damage to the individual’s self-esteem so the change and transitional period is difficult. As more people rise to the CEO level they would change the way we have been treating ourselves and we will eventually be able  adopt to the changes vote for the different ways of governing our societies.

From Arab springs to the fall of kingdoms and dictatorship style of governing systems everything is going through the changes, while in the process we will have to go through some hard times but eventually the individuals will change the societies they belong to because of the internet and the information highway.

Since the times have changed, we need to learn to stand on the right side of the changes other wise we will keep fighting the losing battles thus keep committing spiritual crimes. This day and age when you see the starvation riddled bodies of children it is a black mark on the name of all religions and including their sects regardless of who is right or wrong. The non religious people are just as guilty because they are not standing up against the wars either.  As a spiritual being we all need to stand up and dich the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups so we can find the justice for the individual sufferings. Burn someone alive, shoot someone in the back of their heads or starve them to death has nothing to with any religion, it is a spiritual crime and the ugly side of the politics of the sense of belonging to a particular group. If we don’t change it into the belonging to a humanity we would never evolve to reach our potential what God had installed into us. The time is calling for us to change and take charge as an individual so we all can influence our belonging groups belong to humanity. You as an individual carry both sides of good and bad recognise yourself and find that inner triangle so you can choose good, and evolve from the revengeful animalistic behaviors, and yes even if it takes you to denounce the politics of your own belonging group. 

The important sequence.

  Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

Today I saw news about the starved children and adults in Syria, which reminds me of the picture of the toddler facing down dead on the Turkish beach. The ugly face of the war is getting uglier as the fifth year come to completion, I don’t feel the need to put the number of deaths but I feel the need to find the words so I can put things in perspectives for the ordinary individual who bares the real damages of the wars.

A few years back someone send me an e-mail, I don’t have the name so I would write as author unknown. A professor was giving a demonstration to teach his students about life, so the jar is the theme of this blog.

He had a jar, some rocks, some gravel, some sand and some water. He puts the rocks in the jar, when he could not put anymore rocks in it, he asked the students if the jar was full?  Students agreed because there was no room for more rocks. Professor said not so, and start to put the gravel, as he shook the jar gravel start to set in the space between the rocks. When ho could not put anymore gravel he asked again, if the jar was full, the students said yes. Professor said not so and carried on to put some sand into the jar which went to the space between the gravel, then he asked the same question the answer was the same, so he proceeded to put water in the jar which went in the space between the rocks, gravel, and sand. Then he told the students think of your life like this jar. Always put the important things first just like the rocks because if you fill the jar with the gravel or sand you may not be able to put the important things in later.

Today’s news made me think that there should be some sequence for our important things, for instance there should be a logical order by the CEO.

Rock number one you, the entity consisting the physical body, yes and that is you, you and your happiness matters because if you are not there or if you are not important nothing works for you, always remember you are mortal.

Family, yes your immediate family or close friends matter because they are the one whom give you birth and cared for you and can be around when you are in need. 

Job, well you have to make ends meet or pay for the things you need so money has to come from some where to pay your bills.  

Community, after your immediate needs are met you would need some social net work, with the built in roads and bridges so you can have some comfort in living.

Country ho yes the nations they are important, you have to have a justice system, police, security related constitution, but not before humanity as a whole.  

God and religion, some may not believe the way I do but I believe we need these two as well, from personal ethics to spirituality and everything in between is important because not only they have brought us up from a beast to human being, we individually need to live peacefully from with in as well so having a belief system helps us live life boldly.

As a CEO if you put God in the jar first or you let him drive your car, spiritually you are unhealthy because you don’t think yourself worthy of your potential. You want someone other than you to run your life. It’s a sign of weakness, not strength. God created man with the free will, thus responsibilities. You take charge become a CEO but understand that God is there to help; even it seems a placebo effect. A good CEO would keep God as an important rock in the jar or on a passenger seat while he/she drives his/her life. If you believe in God or not, it does not hurt you physically, emotionally or psychologically but spiritually it is another thing.

If you fill up your jar with God because of your religious persuasion, you just have to think logically. If you did not have food or water for several days, it threatens your survival, so with extreme hunger or thirst God would be on the back seat or altogether out of your car. Another example is the death of a family member can give you deep sadness, grief and real sense of loss. As a CEO you have to put everything in perspective, God comes after the self and family. If you put God first you are trying to live your life against the order of God. Even Buddha had to learn about it the hard way by the extreme starvation. Only physically healthy individual can think beyond the immediate needs, you don’t have to go to the length of Buddha to find out the simple logical knowledge.

Filling up the jar with the right things is a tricky business for the individual. Sense of belonging play’s a big role in individual’s choices that is why it is important to become a CEO. Most of the unhappiness is related with the internal imbalances related with the sense of belonging. You can fill the jar of your life with sand or gravel just because you are told to do so, but later in life you start to question your behavior and decisions. It can be too late for some because every one of us has a limited time to live so it’s crucial for the individual to get a right kind of education to decide what rock should go in the jar first.

If you fill the jar with non-basic things, you can’t fit in the important things, thus you will live life as unfulfilled by choice.

Personally I see there is struggle for the justice, no one individual, family, gang, community, gender, race, nation or religion should be above the law of humanity and spirituality. It is time that we should give some teeth to the united nations so it can do its job, if it runs like a governing entity it should be able to stop and intervene all conflicts. The united nations is an organization of the name with few countries having special treatment with veto powers. Imagine some families having special powers in a country are considered above the law. Injustice is the reason why the nations or organization like united nations is an impotent entity. This day and age with our technology we can find a bug deep in the ocean and can’t bring some on to justice. If an individual commits a crime he/she needs to face the justice so does the special family or any other entity like a nation or religion. No one should be able to hide behind the sense of belonging to any one particular group, if they are human they should be brought to the justice for committing crime against humanity. How can it be done if everyone seeks sense of belonging in a group and our united nations is ineffective? The solution is to join the humanity as a whole and make a justice system which protects the human individual regardless of where he/she lives or belongs to because injustice is injustice.

When the individual is weakened by the politics of the religions he/she can’t find God nor him/herself, because he/she can get lost as an individual. One of the most overlooked cause of emotional, psychological thus physical health problems is the spiritual deficiencies.   

Personally I believe the mullah, priest or a rabbi should be like a family physician or a social worker with credentials. When a spiritually ill individual goes to the religious leaders for spiritual healings, they should be looking for the healing help from all angles. They should do everything whatever it takes. If you just look for the help in your respected holy books written thousands of years ago, it is just like the modern day doctors who just prescribe a pill because the pharmaceutical representative had told him so. If that is what a doctor knows he is a drug pusher not a healer. Religion and medicine should not be limited to one way of healing exclusively.

Human body and spirit is not that simple, its a complicated puzzle, if you are not open to more knowledge you limit and compromise the healing so we all should come out of our pigeon holes and accept our evolutionary nature with changing times and knowledge.

You can’t just say ho Prophet Mohammad or Jesus will save you. You have to let them know their abilities, potential, limitation, power and politics of sense of belonging and sense of freedom. If they have been given falls hopes, there will come time that they will lose hope yes even in God. It will not be the God it will be the wrong advice or I should say the wrong prescription form the script.

To begin with man has been belittled by the religions, so the individual feels vulnerable and weak, which inhibits him to take charge. His/her hopes are dashed when Mullah Priest and Rabbi send him his way with the high hopes that God will be there for you. God has always been, is and will be there, but after our true efforts because we are created as a CEO.


When I saw the documentary about the bears in season, males were walking with their legs apart to make them look bigger and tougher; it reminded me of young human male trying to impress not only the girls but the guise as well.

We have to connect, understand and shed some of our animalistic traits and evolve to the next level. Our elders knowledge, whom were not as evolved, our militaries and the leaders of terrorist organizations always prey on the young people by influencing them with all means. Young people get involve with the influences of youth. It’s like getting drunk with the chemical concoction, so the young adults make their decisions under the influences. It is not that simple to blame somebody’s actions.

When we look for security in our belonging groups, it is not just the individual weakness; there are other physical and emotional factors like sense of belonging, hormones, the desire to fit in,  to impress, be admired and the most of all is to protect our own kind. It appears natural but our knowledge takes us or at least it should take us beyond our nature. We talk about God and spirituality, but do we really understand God, or our actions are just under the influences. So what is wrong with all that? The individual strength and human rights are the foundation of the inner and external peace, if you can put things in perspectives, personal sense of freedom and sense of belonging to a humanity as a whole can be important rocks but still not the first one because first one is you the CEO who puts the rocks in the jar.

There is a need for the CEOs in all over the world so no government or entity is above the law, if the people start to question their belonging groups behaviors the politics would change. It is time so we don’t have to see the starving faces and bodies of the suffering innocents….

Insecurity, from a gang to the religion.

 please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

Our insecurities push us to join or form our groups, whether it be a large family who sticks together, a gang, a community, a nation or a religion they all come in to play a security related political role in one’s life.  Some of us look at our skin color and acknowledge our connection, or meet in the worship places to join the like minded belief systems or religions, and some of us find refuge in the nationalism yet it should be sought into our personal skin or in the humanity as a whole.

However, when you look for the causes of insecurities, it is the knowledge of mortality and our fear-related politics of control. Logically for a mortal there is no security and control, if we had that, we would love to live forever control the loss of love. Since the understanding of mortality comes as we grow older and wiser, we need to learn to live a life where we can remove fear and control so we can achieve happiness and contentment. With our logical thinking as adults we should be able to live a temporary life accumulating happiness instead of stress. With the knowledge coming from our parents and belonging groups we put so much efforts in a living as if it is permanent. With a whole lot of regrets and what ifs our lives are spent on the horizon and our days accumulate our life as if it is full of discontentment and unhappiness. As an individual we should find our standing by becoming a CEO to understand our personal politics of living. Every CEO is  able to deal with two types of politics –individual and of the group. It is a game everybody has to play. Today, we have climbed higher on the ladder of evolution, but it is mostly in technology and intellectual areas, our balance is out individually, some of us really believe and some of us don’t believe, yet it is neither, it is the balance of both to make your life better and live able with inner and external peace.  

We are all same. We breathe, eat, bleed, breed, live and die the same way we get hurt, feel pain, anger, and seek revenge. The only difference is education and strength, both of these are related with the common sense and understanding of sense of belonging.

Today progressively we are becoming moderates, we feel and take pride in becoming spiritual rather than religious. It was unheard of few hundred years ago. Regardless of the over whelming majority of the moderates, why are we becoming extremists? Personal insecurities can drive a man to seek security of a belonging group to even commit spiritual crimes. It is the individual weakness, and it needs fixing at the individual level. We all have to understand the power of love loss at individual level so we can respect the pain felt by the others.

Interestingly by just looking around you will find the groups seeking group securities, from language police to turbans and beards to religious symbols and their thriving business of separation. All these steps people take to protect the identity of the belonging groups point towards group insecurities. To protect our identities, we go to the length that we go to wars and kill each other for unseen and hypothetic scenarios. 

If you look at the real security it is in belonging to the humanity as a whole, you can see we are coming together for global security against the global warming, we have internet and space station and  the biggest of all the spirituality. just imagine if there are no wars and all nations help each other to eradicate poverty and disease, the potential I have seen in the Ebola crises, how people got together. That is what needed for our coming generations and we need to look at our divisive sense of belonging as a real threat to our future generations.  

Free will has the power to get us whatever we want but just desires are not enough for a happy life. We are connected. Despite having separate bodies, sure we get comfort and security in material things but trust and love connects us all at the spiritual level, just look at us in coming together in the situations of natural disasters even religions minimize their differences and help the people of the opposing religions.

Now what I suggest to a scientist, is to look at him/herself and understand God because our knowledge is not complete and yes even you are a scientist you learn new things almost everyday. How does the body function? How emotional health and circumstances of life affect health? How powerful is the placebo effect and why and how does it help us? There are several unknowns are out there, so making up your mind that God does not exist with a limited knowledge is nothing but ignorance. Thus no one should or cannot put others  down who believe in God. One can only do that when he/she knows everything there is to know but until then, everybody should keep their passionate nature in check.

And to religious fanatics, my suggestion is the same as above.

Knowledge is an evolutionary process and it cannot be bound in the books because our facts change all the time. One can believe whatever he/she wants to and can hope that everybody else believes it too, but what happens when our facts change? The biggest problem is for the ordinary individual, because a confusing and conflicting scientific and religious knowledge can create inner havoc. Collectively, well we change gradually and accept the changes, just like abortions, racial equality, gender or sexual equality and equal human rights. These  facts of our life have been and are being discovered not only by believers but by non-believers as well. Thus we all contribute to the well-being of humanity in reaching to its potential one mile stone at a time. No one nation, religion or race can take all the credit or blame for humanity’s advances or draw backs because it is all coming from the individual, regardless or where he/she is from or belong to. 

A CEO is not an extension of any organization or any one particular religion he/she runs the show and calls the shots, race, religion or nation he/she is an independent spiritual entity connected directly to God. He/she respect others as spiritual beings and respect the differences. Killing each other hurts humanity as a whole or I should dare say and God.

Always think: Would God exist if there were no humans? The ideology of God’s existence has never been proven as a fact regardless of our extreme scientific knowledge because we have been looking for God out side of us. Whether God exists or not, it would not matter if we all disappear. I believe, since God lives through us and our progress is God’s progress. Those who do not believe in God are also doing God’s work regardless of their belief system. If they have some kind of job and any and all jobs are related to serving humanity is spiritual work regardless of being paid. If you fulfill someone’s need you are serving.

Moreover, since God’s worth depends on the human’s existence, even God serves humanity. We need God and God needs us in order to evolve to reach our potential. Imagine God sitting in the jungle with trillions and trillions of dollars worth power no one needs or can appreciate. Since we each have a fiver we love to have more than that, so we seek help from God(Read Five bucks).

What is the potential? We can only find out when we get there. Until then we should learn and understand about our egotistic behaviors because we have been killing each other regardless of our incomplete knowledge.

When you look into the mirror, you see more than just a body with the brain, if you seek, just look through the eyes and talk to the individual who runs the brain and the body simultaneously, only then, you will meet or see the individual inside the body. If you are unhappy for whatever reason, you personally and individually are a victim of the sense of belonging related control and insecurity and only you can help yourself by becoming a CWO.

Priest, mullah, rabbi, psychologist, psychiatrist or counselor cannot go into your pit or I should say deep in the core. He/she can only provide a ‘Band Aid-like’ solution. Only you can look and reach deep inside of you and accept your deficiencies and mortality, which can allow you to take care of your insecurities.

Become a CEO, who understands life beyond the surface living, learn to know its potential, limitations and the realities of the mortality, and yes it is easier said than done. In today’s world, everybody who is trying to control is living like an immortal. Preaching of mortality has always been ignored by the societies and ego-related knowledge inspires everyone because if you work like a hamster on the wheel in a cage you are more valuable to the society. Religions talk about the mortality but they take it and use it as a tool of fear to control the populations, which is even worse because they want you to give your money to them, just look around the world the majestic buildings of the religions. They preach you to live for the after life, live frugally and don’t enjoy the blessings of God. Either way religions and even non religious societies use politics of fear to keep everyone in control. By no means I am against all the rules, I believe in the balance created by the individual for his/her life. Society and the belief system should be there to benefit the individual in the living years because he/she reciprocates while he/she is alive. No one really knows about the after life, I am for this life to be lived in reciprocation. I pray to God so I can be a help for the humanity and God, I like to live a practical praying life.  

If you like to live like an immortal entity, you will sacrifice your happiness and contentment for later and that later may never come for you and it will be just for you as an individual because eventually you will have to face the mortality. Losing control and feeling insecure deep into the core is one of the main cause of mental health issues so understanding mortality can help you add some fearless living days thus happiness in life.

At the end of the day, not afterlife but your presently living life matters the most. If you have always put others, or material things before what makes you happy, or because of them you disrespected yourself, you will blame yourself for living your life with deficiencies. That is the reason why God created man as a CEO and gave him the responsibility to live life with a choice, so ask yourself are you a CEO of your life or are you  an extension of the race, nation or an ideology?

Not long ago, humans were in the food chain of animals. Today, man has claimed the top spot by his/her intellect, which is no match for other creatures.

Intellect also brings God into the picture and we all have certain images of God, as someone who can do anything and everything which is not possible with our fivers. We feel weak and vulnerable, especially when it comes to natural disasters. We pray for safety and fear the most from the pain of the love loss and hope that God will protect us. Our ancestors have told us that God creates natural disasters to keep us in line, so the image of God has been distorted as some monstrous revenge seeking machine.

God is as vulnerable as us as a humanity, but always there to help, God’s help is to make the man think and reach his/her potential which makes us all benefit. If we evolve we help ourselves just like the child starts to fly solo and parents can be proud, God is not only the proud one we as contributing individual can be proud of our achievements as well.  

We have been and still pray to God to keep us safe from the things we don’t have control over. After understanding the complexities of natural disasters, we can now prepare and help ourselves from death and destruction at least some what but the biggest thing is that today we don’t blame God about all the bad things happening in our life.

Building bridges, space travel, discoveries in medical science and using sun and wind for energy are Godly acts. God is living through us. Therefore, we should not underestimate our importance. The natural disasters and all the difficulties of human individual and humanity have us dig deeper inside to push for more knowledge and evolve towards our potential. If it was up to the religious people we would still be throwing virgins over the cliff because they believed God was angered by their actions. 

We have a strong connection with each other yet we are also individuals. Therefore, there is a constant tug of war—the individual is being pulled by the sense of belonging and the sense of freedom simultaneously from with in. What should dominate? The individual or the society? This question cannot be clearly answered because our circumstances change. Higher awareness should have helped us live this life with better understanding but it is  causing us more grief. We have bigger, better and more accurate guns to kill each other. Society is losing control on the individual and the individual is feeling exhausted by inner conflicts of day-to-day living. If one is always trying to suppress insecurities and is at war from with in, he/she is living against the nature, we are at a point that we need to zigzag between our nature and intellect but we just keep picking and choosing one or the other. 

Our knowledge of the future should put some responsibilities on our shoulders for our coming generations, but we keep giving them the same old animosity and us verses them politics of sense of belonging. We have to have an education system based on solid, logical knowledge. Children need to be told about facts as soon as they are able to understand them.

Our education system and parenting pumps up children, not only about the differences, we are keep telling them that they can be whatever they want to be. They are not being prepared for, to face the realities of life like mortality and being part of humanity as a whole. Everyone is an individual and learns differently some can analyze and question, some just follow the knowledge coming from the authority figure. Pumped up with hormones and social education of control, the children can become unhappy when things do not go their way. Instead of blaming them, we should start to look seriously at the side effects of our education system. Personally I believe these side effects can create anxiety and depression which is growing as the children grow up to face the real life.

The children have to learn the hard way since loss of control can be a big jolt especially when your parents and society you belong to is always giving you the messages of control.

If a person is torn from inside, he/she can create a balance with free will but it will take a wisdom of the CEO, you just can’t think that far if you are just an extension of an ideology. A CEO knows about the facts of life, like influences and the power of traditions, customs and religious beliefs and the biggest of all the personal mortality.

If you are torn and you feel the power of sense of belonging, search inside. If you are connected to God as a Muslim, Jew or Christian it is not good enough because you must feel the direct connection which is above and beyond a group of people, and yes it is to the true source.

I am going to put a little story here, it is a tale of the stone on the slant beach, who is surrounded by the just as big stones as itself. The one on the top is its family, the bottom belong to the job the right one is its friends and then the government and religion and so on. Being surrounded that stone does not even has to know its weight because it feels secure regardless of the sand slipping or coming back with the waves. It does not even has to think about the security but when a surrounding stones start to slip the whole story changes. Just like the stone the insecure individual puts up with a whole lot of  political price, they would go to the length to commit spiritual crimes for the belonging groups or I should say stones and carry on with a damaged soul inside, on the name of their belonging group. It is just because they don’t know their own individual weight, they don’t even know, they are the natural born CEOs. The sand of life comes and goes with the waves but if you have the solid belief system of direct connection with the source you would believe that you are going to serve the purpose until you are needed so you can’t just live life in fear and control.    

If you have faith in your own weight you would not be worried and you would not have to put up with the political pressure to do some thing which goes against your personal ethic. Since survival and death is not in your control because you breath the oxygen which you can’t live without, and you absolutely have no control over it yet you keep taking the credit for your actions and achievements.

You don’t even give a thought how things are working, because you are not taught to appreciate the bigger picture. The sky is not falling, and then when the oxygen goes inside of you it enters to a whole new and different universe where everything has to work perfectly to keep you alive and yet you think it is all about you, you are the one who is doing everything. Just because it is happening does not mean it is you  and only you doing it, or it is not important to think that way. Personally I believe it is important to know and believe that you alone just can’t light up a light bulb you need the two wires to get the job done. If you know and believe that you are a crucial  part of lighting up the bulb you would have some self respect as well thus you would not feel that you are insignificant, just like your religions and societies have you believed.    

If two families have a feud, it can go on for generations. However, we have a bigger family, which goes beyond nations and religions. If you put your sense belonging into perspective, you can see humanity is divided everywhere. From religions to nations and gangs to families, our insecurities draw us together in groups regardless of the right or wrong knowledge. Our personal insecurities are the reason why we don’t question the knowledge of our belonging groups.

To me, the real solution for insecurity is to belong to spirituality and God. Groups and religions are manmade security net works, but spirituality is a built in natural human phenomenon. It can help an individual to surrender fear and start a brave living.

We have abilities and limitations, which make us want to evolve even as we stay religious. As long as we have aspirations, desires and insecurities, we will always believe in God. We put God in an ideal position from where God can prevent a natural disaster, fulfill an impossible dream or be the most important security provider. 

What if God too is evolving with us? Natural disasters can be predicted and technology can save lives. However, can we function without God’s help?

I believe God and man are intertwined and our knowledge is shared. God being spiritual and man being physical make things happen. Both have to shoulder the responsibility and evolve. Some of us would love to take the credit for evolution, but I believe that if a man does not even have control on his next breath, how it can be possible for him to claim the credit for all civilization and evolution? It is not wrong that religions have helped in evolution but they may have played a role to slow down the process of evolution to match the speed which is just right for the individual to absorb and adopt the knowledge. 

I believe God is in humanity and that is the reason human beings lean towards spirituality. The potential is there and it shows whenever we get hit by the natural disaster we see humanity gets its act together and puts the politics aside, but the politics takes over as the time passes.

There is no room for collateral damage and there should be no marking of territories like savage animals. There should be a universal justice system for the individual. We have the potential to live together regardless of our differences, just look at the melting pot societies of the world. I know it is far from the realities of life but as an idealist I believe we should not belong exclusively to just nations and religions. We should belong to humanity as a whole.

We have to accept that we have acted like savages. It is time to step to the next level of evolution, where we all forgive each other for the atrocities of our ancestors. It is time for the individual to take charge and not to act under a group’s sense of belonging. If you seek security, seek in the real source. That real source starts with in you and the whole humanity belongs to it.

If you are told that you cannot reach God without religious leaders, pray directly to God. If you want to assess your value, look at yourself logically. You are an independent entity and you have free will for a reason, if you start to seek that reason, not only it will bless you with some self respect, it will set you free of all the spiritual deficiencies you carry because of your ancestral knowledge.  

Every community, nation and religion celebrates and promotes its history, customs, dressing, and exhibitions. Nobody wants to lose his or her connections to the past. Yet it’s scientifically and genetically proven that we are all alike, and the politicians of our belonging groups do not want to admit it.

When we claim that we are better than others are, we create divisions and prejudice. As Dr. Wayne Dyer said there are four levels first of all you learn to own, this is my mom, my dad, my toy my best friend, my school etc etc. Then you learn to claim that everything yours is better than others. Then you ask what’s in it for me in everything, and finally you ask what can I do for you. 

One of the fundamental flaw of our ancestral education is that mine is better than yours. Since it is in level two, where everybody says mine is better than you it has been keeping us from graduating to the next level of evolution. It is time for the individual to look at this education as a CEO and cross the boundaries. The foundation of our education should be on level four, where every one can say: “What I can do for you?” ultimately all religions teach this but they can’t come out of their pigeon holes of level two because of the politics of sense of belonging. If they are totally spiritual they will not have the claims of that they are the only way to God, because God is already there for the individual he/she does not have to go anywhere to reach God.

Our group politics will not allow us to stray from loyalties. Conservative leaders and the general population consider evolution is rebellious behavior. Politicians of all groups, always have been fighting against progress, yet supporting it when it fits for their political agendas.

However, we should keep our arms open and embrace the whole humanity instead of sticking to group politics. Spirituality connects the individual to humanity and to God and takes the person beyond religious boundaries just like the internet no nation or religion can put walls against the spread of the new knowledge.

 Human societies always have been and have to have a controlling system. Politics of control always has been tricky. Religions try to control general population by fear based politics and they are still adamant about it. With awareness we are learning that fear based control is no control at all. It is suppression which can have psychological effects on the individual and the society he belongs to. From personal relationships to general interaction of the individual are effected, the motivation of everyday living would be lower because of the forced expectations. As soon as the fear is gone the individual loses the motivation to excel.

Religions have been using fear based politics to control and conform, but as the individual evolves things have been changing. We are in a journey of evolution and the religions have been playing their part, some good and some bad. With free will it’s up to the individual to choose but the strength of sense of belonging trumps even the most logical way of thinking.

Group politics of the religion or I should call the political arm of the religion would always try to control and conform for political purpose instead of teaching spirituality, because if the individual thinks about himself as a part of God or bigger picture, he would cross the lines created by the belonging groups thus group would lose control on the individual which can be deadly for the group.

For instance you will become tolerant and lose the militant ideology, you will accept all people as part of God as yourself thus become forgiving and learn to live with others in peace and harmony. If people learn to live in harmony, what would happen to those who benefit from the conflicts? They would not want to lose their powers thus they would use God for the political reasons. They would turn and twist to promote and sing the songs of the sense of belonging and glorify the ancestral knowledge thus work hard against the sense of individual freedom.

Communism and socialism have their own methods to control the individual, they don’t use God but they use people and sense of belonging. Sense of belonging will divide people regardless of the sense of freedom. There is a problem in authoritarian countries and it is because of the internet exposing everything to the individual, so everybody wants freedom, but every system of governing needs a system to keep the law and order.

Whatever was needed to control the society, man puts that into a constitution or the religion as politics, whether it was alcohol, gambling or sex, it was prohibited in the name of God. In reality God has nothing to do with it, because we were granted the free will. Its human being’s responsibility to use these things or not. If you consider they are bad with your knowledge you don’t have to use them but if you are told by God not to use them, it’s questionable. Drinking Gambling and Sex can have the potential of addiction so our understanding comes from our knowledge. You can’t just involve God in these individual problems. Just like we know the storms and earthquakes better with our scientific knowledge, our psychological understanding can show us that we have ethics and morals based on social issues and we can change with time. If you relate these issues with God people will have stubborn connections with the issues so they can’t change their position even if they want to because they really believe it came from God. I personally don’t drink because it takes the inhibitions away and I believe inhibitions are the foundation or our civilization. If you drink and don’t lose your inhibitions it is a social drink, but if you drink to get drunk and commit some crime you can’t defend your drinking which makes you responsible for your actions. Drinking is fine until you drive and kill someone, which makes you rob some one of love and that I believe is a spiritual crime. 


God cannot be feared or bribed, but humans can be, especially if he/she is a politician whom want to control the group of people. Spirituality is purely based on love and only love. The relationship between God and man is like negative and positive wires. You cannot light the light bulb of knowledge with one period. You can try it egotistically, but it will lead you to darkness of ego. Interdependence has been, is and will always be the foundation of human civilization.

How and when God became a judge and a punisher? This is a human phenomenon. In God’s spiritual world, love is the only ingredient; fear and control is connected to human input. Human knowledge did not only evolve singularly from man or God; they both contributed simultaneously in the human evolution, that is why I believe God lives and survives with the humanity, If you kill each and every human being would God matter?.

Love is meeting of souls in the corners of the triangle ( Read love triangle). In passionate corner, a couple can enjoy the ultimate experience nature has to offer. Regardless of our great knowledge, the desire of reproduction is immense because it is beyond human intellect. Sex is in that vicinity where all creatures including human beings, passionately dance in the natural rhythm regardless of the level of our knowledge. Reproduction continues to replenish God’s body with new blood. The best part is that, as humans, we get to enjoy each other regardless of reproduction. This gift keeps people close to each other regardless of age. Society encourages that as well because, not only it helps each other enjoy life individually it also allows the individuals not be burden on others thus society.

If you go in the instinctive corner, you love your children and family but they are separate souls, that’s  why you have differences even as family members. Otherwise nobody will be able to leave their family and form a new family and so on. This process creates universal love which is the human family or I should say God. If you look at each other with judgment, your knowledge and expectations have been formed by the education of society you belong to. The trouble is that humans don’t just act with the hormones; we have a powerful memory as well.

Our actions are influenced not only by the education we receive from our elders, society and our life experiences we each have a destiny story as well, some may not believe in it but I personally do.

Intellect has an impact on one’s happiness. Morals and ethics are founded by our intellect, but not following the nature is not intellectual either, because if we deny ourselves from natural desires, we die in deprivation, too bad for the mortal. God gave the free will to the human to decide for him/herself, so it is up to you as an individual weather you want to follow or not to. 

People who live in deprivation like to push that education to everybody around. They go to the lengths to say that it is God’s wish that human beings should live in total control and deprivation as they have been living. If you look at it critically, the controlling people whom are denying to themselves want to control others as well which is the most miserable thing to do. This is one of the biggest cause of all the unhappiness in their individual lives because they can’t always succeed in controlling the others around or even themselves. They believe in corporal punishment to control their off springs which can’t be done indefinitely thus have bad relationships with their loved ones. Same belief system leads them to have a belief system which allow the capital punishment, regardless it may have a chance of killing someone innocent. The may say for the benefit of the mass one can be sacrificed, I don’t believe in that, to me even one innocent life is worth more than ten religious belief systems all put together.  

Human being is created in such a way that he/she has to have intellectual balance with the animal side, thus making the animal side just as important and legitimate as him/ herself. That is the bitter pill they cannot swallow. They have been consistently and openly criticizing the animalistic instinct. Yet it is very common to see the scandal-riddled lives of religious people. The people who live their lives with strict rules, morals and ethics feel that, somehow they become better than others. This the foundation of wrong education which causes prejudice, racism, nationalism and all the religious wars, which has plagued the humanity for thousands of years.

If the body of God works with human, then every man is serving God. They all have a purpose to serve – for some it may be reproduction and another can have great impact on humanity in future. Simply bad actions of the people can teach us about the value of the good because if there is no bad how can one understand the value of the good. Another thing about good and bad is, that they both change with our evolution. Today racism, and prejudice is bad, it use to be acceptable, female liberation, sexual freedom are just a few to talk about. 

Spiritually everybody should be respected as a soul. If you live in a melting pot society, you will see mixed children everywhere. Behind all that is the power of love which makes us to reproduce to continue producing God.  The love which comes from the soul and is not judgmental. It looks at human as a human who is a part of God’s body; different cells but the same purpose of life, the restoration and survival of the humanity or the God’s body.

You as an individual can cross all the lines, boundaries and rules of your belonging group to serve humanity and find your identity at the same time and yes you are the CEO.

In the world, you have to be a CEO to understand the politics of religions, which is usually coated with spirituality. If you are a real priest, live a celibate life, sacrifice your life for God. It is your choice. Once I was told that we are trying to save your soul. I believe it is a political trick to get you converted. If people really believe that they are doing God a service, they should look for spirituality exclusively.

In spiritual world there is no judgment. If you feel that you are better than others, you are already committing a spiritual crime. Your good deeds should make you feel good about yourself which is a reward in itself. You cannot do that out of fear for God, in greed of heaven, to impress or for the admiration of people around you. You really have to know and understand the politics and the power of sense of belonging.

The more knowledge you attain by receiving higher degrees from universities, the more biased you become. Yet it should be the other way around. Humbleness should be the necklace worn by highly educated and evolved people, but they become a victim of the ego which belongs to sense of belonging. Their legends are influenced by their sense of belonging. All our religious leaders have been the victims of this as well. They serve their belonging groups, yet as a CEO, they should have seen the wars and killings of innocent people by the conflicting education they have forwarded. They created divisions by preaching that whoever converts to their teachings becomes better and goes to heaven. To me this is more political than spiritual. Living life to serve God is not limited to a group of people. It belongs to the whole humanity and everything we as an individual are connected with.

A solid CEO can understand his placement in the grand scheme of life and can judge himself as well. If you analyze every bit of your knowledge, what it belongs to and where it came from, you will be able to see and feel the political powers of sense of belonging.

There is nothing wrong with belonging, as long as you belong to the humanity and the source or I should say God. Your actions should be pure of judgmental knowledge you have piled up in your memory. Being a CEO, you can evolve yourself with the evolving knowledge, otherwise you are stuck with the forced upon knowledge.

Your identity is a CEO, not the individual who is influenced by the archaic, divisive and confrontational knowledge of prejudice. Remember, if you think or feel that you are better than others for whatever reason, whether it be a great religion, nation, color, race, nice body or looks, it is a sign of inferiority complex and a hidden identity crisis.

Your identity is connected to the source, not the group you belong to. If you feel otherwise, you got some spiritual deficiencies to overcome to achieve the CEO status. With that you can see yourself as an individual not a warrior ant or worker bee.

It is not a matter of believing in the holy books, nor is a question of whether they are God’s words. Humans are an entity with free will you can believe but you do not have to agree with. Question comes how can you disagree with, if you believe?

The answer is the free will and flexible nature which is displayed in the western countries, people live together in peace regardless of religions, race or nation.

Why human individual has been granted the free will?

Man can believe and not agree at the same time. If God is the creator, there must be a special wisdom behind this human power. The example of this relationship starts at home. A father and mother have created you knowing well in advance that, when you become an adult you do not have to, or you are not going to follow their rules. Parents know that you are born with the potential and they will respect your freedom. They actually feel pride when they see you making decisions. When you have your own opinion and wisdom, it means you have grown up. Being grown up means you have accumulated the knowledge from parents and belonging group and now you have the wisdom to write. With this personal wisdom you can contribute to the well being and evolution of humanity.

This is the main reason why God has us blessed with the free will. Parents put themselves in vulnerable positions knowingly. They know their children would be free to live their lives as they choose. They can hope for the better but they do not have control on their children, as they become adults. God has bestowed free will because he has confidence in humans, but so far we have caused a lot of pain to God with of our divisions regardless of being blessed with the free will. God is just like a parent who would suffer from unhappiness if the children suffer.

Each and everyone of us is potentially designed to be a CEO.

For thousands of years, humans have been brain washed to believe that the individual is meaningless and weak entity. Every governing system including religions has been trying to reduce the individual into a hamster on the wheel in a cage. Yet the human being as an individual is the third equation and has a CEO status by the creator. How can one reclaim the God given right to be a CEO? Here are few suggestions

Understand God’s wisdom behind free will. Not only you will be able to see your responsibilities and potential but also you being the third side which has the built in two sides, God and the Devil.

Everyone, including God and Devil, has a place in your life, but you still are the CEO.

We are flexible by nature and need to know how to be politically correct, but our spiritual side will not let us live in peace if we make unwise moves like spiritual crimes.

If you do want to be like angels, remember human is superior because he/she can be spiritual with the free will and the angels don’t have a choice.

Respect yourself because you are it for you so be a CEO of your life.

Religious teachings are okay but be aware when you are reduced to nothing, if they are making you insignificant and God and the Devil superior over you, always remember potentially they are your two sides.

If they tell you that you are better being a Muslim, Christian or Jew, it is untrue spiritually. It is just a political statement.

Heaven is to live honestly with inner peace, and hell is to live with inner conflicts, ask the soldiers with the war related mental illness.

You are connected to God in such a way that God has to live through you, you are the physical expression of God and the spiritual expression of you is God so be your true self.

Our ethics are influenced by the rules of the society we live in, and rules have been, are and potentially be changing as we become educated or evolve.

Sense of belonging is the mother of all egos. So keep your sense of freedom alive to offset the extreme and stay in balance.

Young people with a strong sense of belonging can easily become extremists because of raging hormones. They consider themselves as an extension of their belonging group instead of being the individual, who is a CEO. That is the reason why the religious people or the militaries of the world recruit young people so they can be conformed.  

We all have a CEO inside of us, but it is just a matter of education. This is the reason why suppressed societies are terrified of new education and internet is creating new problems for the authoritarian governments.

We are not going to grow horns or wings with evolution. Knowing your authority as a CEO can pave the way to new horizons for you as an individual. Today, with Internet, groupism has been losing its power and spirituality is growing.

Just like jihad should exclusively be against the poverty and disease, we should collect funds to fight against religious extremes. This day and age no one country can fight terrorism alone. It should come from the individuals whom believe that they are the CEOs of their lives and I believe a balanced individual can stand up against the religious extreme.

Small communities can and should have some taxes to educate individuals, because everybody benefits in the long run. Rich and poor can only live in peace if the individual is educated and evolved.

Ego, pride and honor are the three children of sense of belonging. If children are never exposed to the sense of belonging as a knowledge, they cannot create balance in their lives and thus cannot be CEOs.

If you are not impressed by the nature, start with looking at yourself, and learn how do you function and what potentials do you have.

Corporal punishment to stoning to death and everything in-between is done to conform and control the population. Somehow it is acceptable for the religious people to use force and fear of God for disciplining the young, it confuses the hell out of the young people when they become young adults thus fear based knowledge gets eroded. This process leads them to be spiritually confused and it should be blamed on the educating authorities. Whether right or wrong, it is up to the individual to decide. Is it coming from God or is a manmade? One thing is clear to me is that in God’s world, everything is done in the language of love. If you pray to God out of fear, you will deviate sooner or later. If you pray or do good things for the greed of heaven, it is morally wrong because you cannot bribe God. Logically, it should be done out of love and the best way to live your prayers is to help the humanity or someone who is suffering the gift off life should be used for reciprocation. 

You suppress your urges and control your animalistic side better if you are at peace within. Love is a spiritual gift from God. Humans supersede angels because of their ability to act out of love with choice, not control, fear, greed or politics.

Most creatures have alpha and beta including us, so religious leaders know that control by force works in controlling beta people. They portray God as a monster who punishes people if they defy him thus people will obey the rules and be easy to control.

Usually, it is common for religious people to work against pornography and sexual deviance. It is universal regardless of any one particular religion or their denomination yet still we have sexual crimes. Sex is only acceptable if it is done under religious rules, so regardless there are more than few stories of sexual deviance by the religious leaders. (Priests abusing boys) 

Sex is a tool for reproduction, which strengthens the family, community and nations thus it can’t be bad. It fills mosques and churches, benefits religions and even God. God lives through us. No one would appreciate God if we do not exist.

If God has created man with free will, this life is a gift of God. Life has choices and we are free to choose but our sense of belonging says otherwise. 

When seasons come, trees pollinate and spread billions of seeds. If you look at the seed, it is an insignificant little thing but with a huge potential to become that majestic tree itself which reproduces those billions of seeds, that is the story of God and the human being.

That is the difference. Each and everyone of us has divine potential, and we all are here to do God’s work. Life is not completely understood yet but we are working hard to figure out. Today, the brain is doing things considered magic in the past, like talking to someone thousands of miles away without wires, discovering genes or creating a computer.

If you feel you cannot come out of the boundaries of religions and talk about issues related to everyday life, you are not a CEO. You have demoted yourself as an extension to an ideology.

We want the group’s security, but we should have individual ethics. If the group you belong to is going against your ethics, you should be able to stand up and say it.

Religions talk about spirituality but become political by claiming superiority. As a result, conflicts ensue and become irresolvable because of the love loss. Our history shows that despite evolution, we still kill our own kind in numbers even more than ever, because of our advanced weaponry so did the religions help the primate to evolve or devolved? That is the question we all should ask in 2016 to our religious leaders.

God Music and the Sense of belonging.

Please ignore the English and stay focused on the content.

This is the last blog of the year so I wish everyone happy holidays.

I hope our wars come to end so the individuals can feel like a human being. Loss of love is the worse feelings for human beings so that emotional knowledge of pain causes everyone wants to rob love from each other in revenge, which is the cause of our perpetual sufferings.

When it comes to love, I personally lean towards universal love (read love triangle). I  do care how people around me think about me, but somehow, I feel strongly about humanity and want to show the picture how I want to see the world in my living years. 

I feel the responsibility to contribute with my knowledge if it can help the people to see beyond the boundaries of their respected religions, nations or race. If you feel you are stuck in the politics of the sense of belonging as an individual you have the potential to grow out of that knowledge which is compelling you stay with the status quo. 

Taking sense of belonging to extreme is an emotional trait of human beings. Self-destruction has been with us from the beginning. There may have been a lot of research done about our behavior but ordinary folks do not understand emotions that well. Three things touch us in the zone what we don’t really understand—God, music and the sense of belonging.
Should we learn more about these phenomenon?

We also need to control our extreme behavior. As an individual, you can put everything you got into community. It is great for the community, but you are and should be your best friend, you are your best shoulder to cry and you are your best confidant. Not some community member. The only way you can be your friend is if you raise yourself to the CEO’s level and do justice to yourself and the community you belong to simultaneously.

 I call the sense of belonging an emotion, because it has the power to cloud even a brilliant mind.

Keeping yourself neat and clean is a social education and duty. It is human education. God has nothing to with it. Picture a mother or father who cleans up the baby. They do not care if the baby gets dirty again. Their love is greater than the feelings of responsibilities.

When parents raise a child, they want to install their knowledge in their off-springs, but if they do not encourage the child to explore and evolve, they are doing a disservice not only to the child but to the humanity thus they are working against God’s will. No child should be locked into  turning exactly like parents.  

Every individual who goes to mosque, church, synagogue or temple, wants to taste spirituality, but ends up exposed to hatred and group politics. They glorify war stories, or stories of victimization are part of the sermons, and compassion,  forgiveness, sacrifice and love in the name of God is lost under the in these revenge related war stories.

Just remember we are evolving and our past stories are about less-evolved ancestors, if you think they were better than us think again, your one cell phone puts you far ahead of millions of brilliants of the past. Their actions were related to the animalistic side, where survival or marking territories for more power for their group was more important than thinking about the humanity as a whole. 

If you are impressed or disgusted by the past stories, it is time to forgive and forget, because today we are at a different level of evolution. Today, our actions are not limited to the sword or spears. Today, our actions can have far-reaching consequences. Remember World Wars I and II. There is no glory in wars even if you are the winner. Innocents die in wars, it maybe acceptable in the political world but in spirituality it is unacceptable.

We have been blessed with the free thus with the CEO status. As a CEO, you cannot let past stories, sense of belonging and emotional politics rule your actions. There is no collateral damage in God’s world. So before you take the wheel, remember to be sober. At the end of the day, you call the shots; you are the CEO, if you claim that you are were drunk that is why you got into an accident or you just can’t claim that you were doing you job. As a CEO those reasons are not good enough to put responsibility on something else.

Today, if we start to use our free will, become CEOs, and refuse to listen to the rhetoric of mullahs, priest, rabbis or political parties whom take us to the spiritual crimes, we will be able to create peace that no one has been able to produce for thousands of years.

If sense of belonging comes knocking at your door, you have to look at yourself first as an independent entity, then as a part of God. Remember humanity is one entity and we all are part of it, and our group politics thrives on our personal insecurity.

Ideologies separate us; dreams and anguish bring us together,” someone wrote whom I don’t know so I would say the author unknown.

 Unfortunately, we naturally feel more secure in a group so to us the idea of the whole humanity seems like a stranger, because of our barbaric past which has left us without trust especially when it comes to personal relationships and other nations. The thought of belonging to humanity gives the need to come out of national and racial prejudices, tough but potentially do able. Forgiving and forgetting past disputes need emotional intelligence for the individual so one can move on to find inner and outer peace. If you look at the background of all traditions and customs, you will find that they all relate to group identity. Turbans, hoods, beards or shaven heads have nothing to do with spirituality or God. They are all related to the group and our sense of belonging.  

I find it hard to understand why all cultures—advanced or backward—have lived for the future and afterlife. Maybe it is because of mortality and the political education related with the control.

Some live life as taught that this life is a test so they can have a better eternal life, which makes them to live small and save so they can leave their material assets behind. This strategy means this life has to be sacrificed for the life after death. Then there are people who are so insecure, that they try to secure themselves as if time is running out. Living for the future is promoted all over the world. This is part of your sense of belonging as well and is a smart strategy of the controllers. Suffering and hording is not new, people use to take their belongings to their graves.

Our banking system has created an extreme and an unfair class system. One can make money, buy properties, have a large business, lead a comfortable life but still one can only eat so much and use money a little more than one who lives in the poverty. It is all about feeling secure yet there is no security for a mortal man. If one still makes more than he/she spends, what happens to the rest? If there is family, it can be left for them, otherwise the government takes it or people use to leave it for the church, meanings the controlling authorities would have the political incentives to preach the frugal life style. Hoarding is a mental health issue when looked at the individual level, but no one looks at the hording of the money is an acceptable social disease as well because, even as a humanity we have sufferings from extreme poverty, starvation, disease and death.

We have been fighting wars, taking over the other’s resources and hording them. All empires have done it and it is still happening. The British, French, American, Chinese Russian  are still holding lands even faraway parts of the world. In our history, politics and religions have always defeated humanity.

As an Idealist, I believe we should have the United Nations as our international government, with its own law and order and taxing system and justice for each and every individual and all humanity. If it is done right, charities would not have to compete for donations and spend money on marketing. Instead, the money can go directly to those who need it. Poor should not have to depend on some insecure individual’s donations because the person would always be hoarding. Even if it is a small percentage, it will make a difference to the hungry and the dying. Rich countries would not hold poor countries as hostages with their political agendas. This kind of thinking does not make me a socialist. I am still for the individual and social liberties, but I am against hoarding and its politics of justification.

Every country already has a central government, provincial government, district governments and even divisional authorities. So why cannot we have an authority overriding all nations, races and religions. Presently, the United Nations may have a justice system but its enforcement have no powers over the veto power nations and face pressures from powerful nations to do the justice, thus has lost respect in all over the world and became an impotent organization. It could not even stop the small warring nations.

No one should go hungry if banks are full of money. Every child should have the right to live, without facing politics. All religions condemn poverty, yet we have been unable to remove poverty regardless of thousands of years evolution, just look at the religious buildings and the money laundering scandals.

Governments have to enforce taxes because they just can’t govern without helping the needy, no charity can help run the nation because as a human we all are somewhat insecure or at least are brainwashed to be insecure.

If all countries start levy 1 per cent poverty tax on sales of goods, hunger can be removed from the face of the earth!

If no one dismantles the hoarding, children will continue to starve. It is time to find a solid solution. Group politics and sense of belonging will come in the way. But you can think of belonging to humanity as a whole rather than your group.

Life is not just about the numbers and scientific facts, yet some of us look at life as numbers and do the math, as if everything will turn out as predicted. Our lives are unpredictable regardless of all the numbers and scientific facts, just look around, everyone wants to be doctor or a lawyer but how do you become night cleaner or worse being homeless.  

Being CEOs, we have to find our balance. If we reject all religions and God and become atheist, we are looking at life from an extreme. This does not give you the answers. God has blessed man with free will and it is man’s choice to choose the extreme or find a balance because your melody of life is beneficial or harmful to you as an individual.

Today, we are considered evolved and a scientific force and we have thousands of years of religious knowledge under our wings, but when you look at our social problems, we just seem to be  beasts. Should we still call ourselves higher than other creatures? Or say the natural selection is the base of our evolution. You cannot argue with facts because facts have been changing, yet one fact has not changed: we are still the beasts at times.

Our inhibitions have made us  the human being from a beast, but our sense of belonging affects our  free spirits and it can become the shackles to rob the individual from his/her happiness. If a mortal loses happiness it is the loss of everything because of the mortality.

With the free will, there is a bigger picture at play: You can make decisions yet at the same time life happens to you!

The social doctrines are like a song society gives you to sing but with the free will God gives you a choice to over ride your song of sense of belonging, which you have sung so often that you start to think it as your own song. If you believe that the thoughts you have are your own, think again. If you are not trying to fit in or trying to impress or be admired by the others, only then you are thinking your own thoughts.            

There is nothing wrong to be a player in the team but you are a perfectly functioning independent organism as well. So when it comes to healthy living and survival, you have to play the role of an independent entity. You cannot let insecurities rule you and make you give up your God given status of a CEO. 

Nations brutalize other nations, sometimes in the name of empire, sometimes in the name of God. Land and its resources have been the cause of conflicts and politicians have been using nationalism and religions to attain their political agendas for thousands of years. Group politics and greed has created a gap in wealth distribution throughout the world. Today, we are drawn to better paying jobs even we have to travel to faraway lands. This brain drain is encouraged by developed countries. So their strength grows. The powerful nations keep pulling people from all over the world, without giving second thought to the effects. We should train and educate people all over the world  so they can fight against the poverty. As the population grows so does the poverty unless we all start to think as one organism, because sooner or later our policies come back to bite.

We are all part of humanity so our actions should help instead of hurting humanity. If you want to belong, belong to humanity, instead of a certain group, race, nation or religion.

Being a part of humanity can inspire and activate individuals throughout the world. It has the power to strengthen the economy and raise living standards, eradicating hunger and poverty. Independence and self-reliance is a natural desire. If inspired by the feelings of being a part of the whole humanity, the peace can be achieved, otherwise people will always be slaves of the sense of belonging to their immediate groups, nations, race or religions and thus always fighting to dominate each other.

Our history shows that our civilizations have gone up and down because of wars which have kept us from realizing our potential. It will be easy to focus on achieving the potential to evolve, if the whole humanity works together. Even God would help because in a sense, God is humanity and humanity is God.        

The theory of big bang start or the end of the earth seems convincing, which makes it popular and acceptable throughout the world. From religions to science, we have been accepting lots of theories about our beginning and our end but always with assumptions. Even science cannot provide solid proof of the beginning or the end. Existence of God is as mysterious as it was thousands of years ago. There is no advancement in human intelligence in terms of religion. We still kill each other over it like we used to do thousands of years ago. Today we have bigger bombs with the help of science. So will science help in proving religious theories? Will we explode or implode? Do we have an inevitable end as predicted in the holy books? Can we change the inevitable?

I believe we have the ability to change the inevitable. We just have to understand evolution and our potential. We have always prayed to change the circumstances. Today, we have to learn to live with each other with our differences. Do we have the power to protect human race and other life forms?

Our life is made possible and sustained by synergistic, rhythmic and continuous natural systems. If one claims that there is no one who is responsible for the harmonious melody, he/she should look at incomplete knowledge critically, if you can’t access your total brain power how can you make a judgement about something you can’t comprehend. We are not a finished product and are still an evolving organism. Instead of insisting the correctness of their ancestral knowledge we should say no to egotistic stubbornness, which has been claiming unaccountable innocent lives.

Today, if we feed a hypothetical situation into the computer, we get  the devastating assumptions that ruin our present and make the future scary.

Religion has been using people ‘s insecurity and fear for thousands of years, yet religion is the source of hope. This puts an ordinary man in a confusing position so he obeys because of lack personal spiritual knowledge. If you do not question, you cannot find answers. How can one seek answers without disrespecting authority of the religions? You are told believe blindly, without a doubts, because that way, you give your powers to the powerful, and that’s the politics. They use the power to control everybody, including the extremists, who then hold you hostage.

Religions and emotions have one thing in common. They do not have a solid foundation. If religion crosses spiritual boundaries, it becomes authoritarian and dictatorial, especially if you mix emotionally-charged people in power. Governing people should never be an emotional matter. It should be based on well thought out constitutions with room for amendments. If you believe that all religions came from God, why do we have so many religions? Should we believe that God cannot make up the mind?

We have been killing each other for thousands of years in God’s name. All religions ask its emotional followers to blindly believe. If this is the message coming from all religions, how can it be corrected? The bottom line is the individual’s own belief system. Only with the CEO’s eyes one can see the politics hidden behind the name of God. Since it is almost impossible to separate religions and emotions for most people, politicians take advantage of this.

Some people talk and love to hear people talking about them—it is a sign of insecurity. Some talk about other people—it is a sign of smaller living. Some talk about issues and events that affect humanity—it is a sign of someone seeking his or her potential. The mortality will always keep us insecure. Since we all are insecure, we fall in love with religions and its stories. If someone questions these stories, he is condemned, and even murdered.

If we were meant to be obedient, why did we get free will?

Evolution does not mean we are going to grow wings,horns or change our colors. If you can learn new things, grow more muscles, fight infections or be able to live well in a polluted environment, you are evolving. I believe every creature including human being has been created with potential to evolve, and for us to achieve our super organism status we need spirituality not religions. Spirituality brings peace and harmony. If you long to belong, belong to humanity.

If the whole humanity gets together, we can change the predictions in the holy books. God granted us free will for a reason and this is the time we use it. It is the time to come out of the boundaries. Whether it is religion or sense of belonging, it is time for spirituality to be the priority.

If you look at the fundamentals of religions, common sense makes a beast into a spiritual being. Being spiritual means we need to look beyond our selves and evolve to help humanity, thus God. Somehow we bought into the politics of our sense of belonging to our belonging groups thus we cannot. We band together with our kind, whether it is a family, gang, community, nation, race, gender or religion. It is because we find security in numbers.

Westerners say Muslims are rigid; they fight and do not give up. I think when politics overpowers religion; it fails to represent humanity like spirituality does.

Islam has five pillars and one of them is jihad, a concept which is being abused. In spiritual terms, jihad means to get together to fight. Fight what? Could it be the enemy who is hell bent to destroy you or it could even be poverty, hunger, disease or anything against humanity or God. Politics has been able to twist noble teachings of spirituality and use God and religion. The real meaning of jihad is to help humanity get rid of wars and injustice.                  

Most religions are strict with rules. They leave little room for the individual to breath. Religious people say God is doing everything for us, yet they follow strict rules and punish themselves it has twisted control.  

We have the ability to live this life with intellect but at the same time, life happens to us, so we need to balance both, instead of picking one. Since we have been blessed with the free will the individual happiness is a part of the deal from God. We need to enjoy this life while we do God’s work and serve humanity. It is the balance what matters; extremes are part of individual’s insecurities. They should not be a part of the community because collectively we should be smarter. When an individual chooses extremes, it affects his health and happiness but when a community chooses extreme, it is dangerous. We have seen this throughout history.

When we critically look at our education system, it seems inconsistent. You cannot teach children to be loving and peaceful and then send them to wars to kill and get killed.

You cannot tell them that everything in life is happening because of your actions or God’s will because in real life when they have to face life, they will fall apart. We need to tell them the truth and the truth takes the path nature has chosen for us. Straightforward and honest truth helps to create CEOs, the balanced individuals who know how to fly solo.

It is ironic that mullahs and priests preach God’s words and believe that God is merciful yet want you to follow rules with the fear of God. They want you live your life in control or face punishment. If God is forgiving, why are we presenting God as punisher? There is no set way of us to live, because we are always evolving, and that evolution is a fact.

This life is heaven and hell at the same time, depending on the individual’s circumstances and attitude. If one is aware of guilt, killing an innocent can make this life hell.

Militaries and religious extremists work hard to recruit people when they are young. The motive is to make them emotionless killing machines. We raise our children to be good citizens; we tell them to live in peace. Yet as they grow up, we give them guns to kill other human beings and sometime the innocents. There is a contradiction in education, but no one is willing to take the responsibility. So I believe its up to the individual to rise up and assume the duties of a CEO.

When prophet have spiritual awakening, when they receive the Words of God, the words are processed by their brains. Every religion starts from those words and gets politicised as it evolves, the sense of belonging creeps in to taint it. When they teach others, the words are their own interpretations and filled with their emotions and sense of belonging. Our experience of the world affect our thinking and especially the politics of our sense of belonging has the potential to even change our spiritual thinking, our values have been changing with time today it is a different ball game the risk is to great not to become a CEO.


Truth and Reconciliation

Please ignore the English and stay focused on the content.


The whole theme of my blog is to work against the prejudice and sense of belonging to a group instead of the humanity as a whole related injustice. Today we are talking about the truth and reconciliation in Canada, and there are calls for the pope to apologize for the crimes committed by the church. I remember a while back government of Canada had apologized for the atrocities committed against the native population, did that help? If it was that simple it would have been done long time ago.

There has always been a segment in all human populations whom believes in religious extreme, if you can convince them that there are things we are learning everyday, which is a proof that we are still evolving and our knowledge has not been completed. We are not able to use our total brain capacity yet, thus every human knowledge is not a finished product even our holy books had not helped us to become emotionally intelligent. We actually act worse with the extreme of our religions, the proof is in the pudding just look around in the present days and in our history, there is no way any one can put a number on the death toll of our belief systems. If they are convinced then and only then we would have some peace on earth, our wars and spiritual crimes will stop, otherwise the history would always repeat itself because we are the creature who gets emotionally hurt because of the love loss thus we want the revenge killings so the other whom cause the pain can feel the same pain.

We have been evolving, but there is a disconnect, our weapons of mass destruction have progressed more than our emotional intelligence. We have been killing and still proudly announce our intentions to kill other human beings on the name of our nations or religions just like our past generations did. We elect people whom want to go to wars so we all are responsible for our problems, especially when it comes to security we are compelled to think short term. Today people like Trump are popular Bush was re-elected regardless of the blunders.

I relate it all with our emotional intelligence if we still want to strip ourselves to a naked apes, our jewellery does not mean anything. I ask all the religious peoples what are the fundamentals of religious teachings? Does religion teach compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love?  Of course, all religions talk about all these things but for their own believers. When it comes to other human beings, we tend to like to get naked. Where are the religious people of the world, if you really look for them they are killing and dying for their religions because that is what they are taught by their sense of belonging, so they are in the trenches to fight each other instead of talking peace. 

If you look at the meanings of Islam and the greetings to each other when people meet it is all peace and peace and we even send peace to our dead ones. Is there something wrong in the foundation, or it just has gone wrong because of the politics of the sense of belonging to a group? If you look at the in fighting, that politics of our sense of belonging has been eating us all alive. Just like Shia, Sunni in the Muslims, extremists in all religions have been killing each other, from the same faith but have been killing each other for centuries. Nations have been killing each other for as long as the civilization can remember. From slavery to burning witches to conquering other peoples lands disrespecting, insulting and humiliating others have been our past just like baboons. Did we evolve from that nasty beast? maybe a little bit, we have learnt to live in harmony in the western countries under the same law and order. It can be done in all over the world, but we have a long way to go. In Canada we have Native issues as well as French Quebec which even this day and age have French language police, I find it strange that they don’t really go for the religions but still want to have special rights and be treated differently than the most Canadian, there is a politics of us and them or I should say the politics of the sense of belonging to their respected groups.

I read a little story when I was growing up, I have no idea who wrote it, so I would quote as  the author unknown. I am going to bring in the Canadian political situation. I am going to connect the sons of the old man as provinces, territories and Natives and the old man as Canada.

There once was an old man who was dying, he sent for all his sons to visit him before he died. He put a demand for all of them to bring two sticks along. When they all came and gathered up in the room, the old man said bring out the sticks and hold one of them. They all did what was asked, then the old man ordered them to break the sticks, they all did with ease. Then he said get all the other sticks together and make a bundle, they did so, then the old man asked each and everyone to try to break the bundle. They all tried but even with the best of their efforts they were not able to break it. The moral of the story is that if you stick together regardless of the differences you are stronger.

All Canadians including Natives, French, English, male, female, black, white, red, brown, yellow, Muslim, Christian, Jews, Hindu, Sikh, Gay, straight, conservative, liberal ND piers are all Canadian citizens. If you are taught you are better than others you have been taught wrong and as an individual you have a duty to educate yourself to be a human being first and then assume an identity of any other sort. Regardless of your identity of being Canadian after all you are born to the human family and have passed the test of being a human being thus act like one and proudly wear your jewelry. Be compassionate, forgiving, sacrificing and loving human beings just like we are with the Syrian refugees we should be with each others as well. If we wear our jewellery we may never have to go through something like conforming kids to a religion by force and abuse.  



So should we forgive and forget our past on the base of that thinking that most of our problems are related with the politics of sense of belonging to our belonging groups, of course we should. Most individuals whom commit crimes against humanity have been told that they are better than all other human beings and they really, really and whole heartedly believed what their belonging groups had preached to them. They committed the spiritual crimes against the humanity on the name of their nation, race or religions. If you dig deep enough you will find even today, we have the same culture of prejudice in all nations and religions.

As long as we have the education systems influenced by the politics of our sense of belonging to our  race, gender, nation or religion, we will have Isis, Putin and Donald trump. As an individual, if our sense of belonging over powers our sense of freedom we just can’t be the CEO of our lives, and would never be able to stop or change our sense of belonging from a group to the whole humanity.

Bombing and terror would continue, but if we all want to get rid of our past and evolve, we have to start believing that we belong to the whole humanity and there has never been is or will be us and them. It has always been is and will always be related with the politics of a certain group.

Just like two hundred countries signed to work against the global warming, we need to gather together to cross the lines of our sense of belonging to certain groups and join the humanity as a whole to work together in all areas of life. Today we are able to look back into our past and are able to see the mistakes made by our ancestors.

If you look at the bombing and terrorism, it fits in the same area where both parties are justifying their actions because of loyalties or I should say the politics of sense of belonging to their respective groups. I personally believe the ordinary individual has to rise up and assume the responsibilities of his/her life as a CEO. The CEO who can personally decide what is spiritually right. Racially, nationally or religiously right things have been proven spiritually wrong so they have to be changed from the bottom up.

Collectively group politics would never allow the individual to be that educated to make free decisions, it has been true throughout our history but today the individuals are connected together from both competing sides via internet. If they choose, they can take the wind out of the sails of nationalism and religion related politics. If you look deeply, you will find, it is the politics of sense of belonging which compels the religions, and the nations to promotes hate and prejudice. This politics of sense of belonging is directly related to the individual thus he/she can make a decision to choose humanity or belonging group.

Always remember there is a little prejudice inside of every human individual. Is it a good thing for you, it is up to you to decide how much but when this prejudice takes you to commit spiritual crimes, in the end of the day you as an individual are responsible for your actions. You may go ahead and commit those crimes because you are just doing your job, but your coming generations may have to apologize for your actions. You may think or say I am just defending or taking revenge of what has been done to my belonging group. I can feel for the personal loss for every individual but human being is a human being because of these four jewels. Compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love. If you strip someone or even yourself for whatever reason you lose from both side as a human being. Not only you rob others of love, what had happed to you and you are committing the same spiritual crime committed by the others against you.

We are a higher entity or at least are connected to the one which does not act in anger physically, contrary to the common belief I believe God is not the one who punishes, it is a physical human trait. Since God is our spiritual side we all have the potential to act spiritually.

Bruised fruit

Please ignore the English, and stay focus on the content.

Picture your self in the produce section in the super market and you are picking out some fruit to buy, intentionally you are not going to buy the bruised fruits, but when it comes to our life, its just like the Forest Gump said you never know what you are going to get. Now when you got what is yours to deal with, you have to put things in perspectives.

I believe we all have been given this life as a package, so we as an individual are the real owner of this package thus are able to call the shots during our life time on this earth regardless of the influences. If you are raised as an extension of a family, community, race, nation or an ideology, my question to you is, where, when, why and how do you use your free will? If you are lead to believe that you don’t have one my suggestion to you is to look a little deeper inside of you to find your real value. Do you really, and all the time let others call the shots for you? If you do, then what is the real purpose of your life? Are you unhappy? Do you really know the dead dog of your(Read the Dead dog) unhappiness? How much say do you think you have in your life?

Do you know there is an order of nature in all species including human beings, do you know if you are an alpha or beta? What happens if an alpha male lands in a relationship with an alpha female and then they have alpha kids? What happens to alpha people in the oppressive societies? If you are unhappy and can’t figure out what is wrong? In relationships with your loved ones including kids life can be chaotic if everyone tries to dominate each other. Its cute if your kid dominates you and you let it happen or a girlfriend calls the shots and you put up a front as a beta just because the relationship is new, can you keep up with that front for the rest of your life or you blow up when the dominating nature is pushed to the limits and you try to re-establish your dominance without any success. Personally I believe most western societies have been full of the alpha gene pool because most alpha people leave their countries for a better life and end up in more liberated societies, thus there is a big problem in the area of acceptable adjustments. ( Read acceptable adjustments).

Nature is the cause and it provides solutions as well but we have to look in that direction to find solutions. If our nature comes to haunt us and our family life, we have to, not only at the individual level but as a society has to understand our nature. Societies have to learn how to accommodate and comply with our nature instead of suppressing it by force.

Education of our ability to be flexible is the answer, you can’t just suppress or oppress the nature because it can’t be done. Human is the creature of two sides, very strong nature and intellect simultaneously, you just can’t pick one over the other you have to zigzag through both in order to live a happy mortal life.

If you are an alpha male you need a beta female to have a good working relationship, same goes for the alpha female but the problem is that naturally alpha female are attracted to the alpha males. In the bush it may workout but in today’s society, where following nature has been discouraged and there is no solution provided. People have to make there own acceptable adjustments to have the successful relationships other wise there is a lot of chaos in our relationship departments.

Imagine being stuck in an oppressive society for your whole life as an alpha male or female, we have been surviving through kingdoms, isms and dictatorships but thanks to the ability to be flexible enough to make acceptable adjustments. We are evolving regardless of the speed.

It is the end of the 2015 and its the first time females voting and running for the election in Saudi Arabia, if you look at it, it is fortunate and unfortunate at the same time. I just got a post with good timing, someone posted on the Facebook that until 1927 Canadian women were not considered as a person, Colombian women voted for the first time in 1957, New Zealand 1893, This was a surprize for me that Sweden partial vote was in 1771, Finland 1906, France 1944 Greece 1952, Switzerland 1971 and another shock is that the Vatican city is the only country in the world where women still can not vote. The evolution is going on but it has been fought tooth and nails by the ultra conservatives regardless of the knowledge that it is an injustice to treat a human being lesser that yourself. I strongly stand against the injustice and am totally for the human individual rights. Our identity is a human being, not a male, female, homosexual, heterosexual, Muslim, Christian, Black, White, Pakistani or Canadian. So Donald trump should look around and see the whole world has changed, these days any and all political parties have to come into the middle to win elections otherwise the individual’s view can take the whole party down.

Personally I think the entity residing in each and everyone of us is not a male or female. Ever wonder why do you think we as males have nipples? The answer is that the physical changes come with the hormones as the fetus grows, the start is the same, the distinctions are all about the abilities, disabilities and the potential. For instance if a female firefighter has to pull her 250lbs partner from the burning fire, she should have the ability to do so. It should be a job qualifying demand, thus there should be the same physical test for males and females. If a male can’t pull or carry the partner he should not be qualified for that particular job as well. The job description should require the same for male and female because these days we have females lifting more weights then males. Anybody who pursue certain lifestyle and achieve that kind of strength, is all because of the pursuit. Each and everyone of us has that built in potential as an entity, male or female has been and is labeled by the societies. If the society is suppressing the potential because of its customs, traditions, religious beliefs or sense of belonging related ego, pride and honor, this suppression has the potential to work against God’s will and yes that will is for us to pursue our potential. Does that mean that I believe all religions whom block the individual from pursuing his/her potential are wrong and are not following God’s will I will say a strong yes.

God created human individual with the potential to evolve, the proof is in the pudding just look around the suppressing societies are far behind then the societies whom encourage the whole population to evolve. If you keep one half of the population to depend on the other half it slows the progress and evolution.

Believing in the stereo typing can limit the individual from reaching his/her potential, so as an individual it is very important to seek the status of a CEO regardless of your gender. Being a CEO you are the one who is responsible for not only standing up for yourself but also to reach your potential so you can reciprocate at higher level what God had meant for you. If you have been suppressed and feel that you can help the humanity more than you are presently able to, then you should seek, pursue and evolve by educating yourself and the people around you. Personal happiness highly depends on the service you provide in your living years, thus it is not only you are doing the service to the others you are benefiting yourself as well. In the end I just have to put this for you to look at your life with an appreciative eye.

Say God gave you this life and I would compare it with a fruit, so we all got a fruit which we should be appreciative of, but if you are not, you have to know the reason why you are not happy or appreciative of  your fruit. Say your fruit has a bruise on it, it is a fact that you can’t be aware of the imperfections unless you compare it with the other’s fruits. What if the others hold their fruits in such a way that their bruised side is hidden, so no one can see it, you can only see their fruit as perfect but you have the knowledge of your own fruit that it is not perfect.  In particular health, finance and love, these three can  change any and all the time during one’s life time. Awareness of your personal bruised fruit is crucial because you can choose to make big problems of your life into small ones by accepting your bruised fruit to cross into the zone of hope and believe all things change in one’s  life time. When it is good you appreciate it, and when it is bad you can have good attitude and hope that no matter what it is,  it will change.

There is nothing wrong with comparisons if you use that competition for the progress of the humanity, but when that comparison starts to harm you as an individual, it is your responsibility to take charge of your life fix the problem. If you are unhappy, always compare both sides, (read Ladder of horizon) with the people better than you for the inspiration and with the people less fortunate for the appreciation. If you still are unhappy because of the bruised fruit try cutting the bruised part off so you can enjoy it, because in the end of the day you are mortal.

If you always seek perfection sooner or later you will face a whole lot of imperfections and bruises as you age. A temporary life is like visiting a vacation spot. It is your duty to put every  effort to enjoy a happy vocation. Our life is just like that, it is a visit, it is not a permanent stay so live accordingly and if you think it is not going to happen to me or I would not let it happen, you need an attitude adjustment if you would not do it, it will happen anyway, no plastic surgery or implant can stop you from aging.

Living this life for afterlife; is it political or spiritual.

Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

The question is why every religion, ism or any other way of governing human society puts the demands on the individual to sacrifice for the others or even live in deprivation for the after-life, yet it is the individual who has been given free will to choose the way to live. If everyone does every thing we are asked and to blindly believe, as some of us do, we would believe and follow all the rules of society. Then there should be a lot of surplus over and above the needs of humanity. But the effects of our politics on the individual are so bad, that I am compelled to write against the politics of the belonging groups. I am for the reciprocation from both sides. Since everywhere you turn the individual is suffering, just look around and see, in the name of nation, race and religion how many people have been killed. I bet no one can count and keep track of killings and sufferings of the individual, so I have to and I am standing for the individual.

How and where did the things go wrong? There is a widening gap people are talking about; the one percent holding the wealth and ninety nine percent stuck in poverty. What does it mean that one percent following what the religions, isms and other governing system have been preaching? Even the bigger question is that, if the ninety nine percent got robbed by the politics of these governing systems.

If you feel that you have been talked into living small and you must save until the day you die and yet feel pride for doing so, at the end of the day, living by the book and I mean literally, is still a personal choice for you. Remember you are the CEO of your life. The next question comes to mind is that why only one percent ends up with all the money and power? Is it a flaw of our governing systems or the ninety nine percent is willingly following the politics and giving up their status of being the CEO?

We have been told to believe and obey all the rules. If we disobey, we would be punished, if one does not break the rule of law, but breaks all the religious rules we say God would punish him/her, so the life goes on. Hindus  say that you can come back in next life as an inferior form of life, like rat or whatever, Muslims or Christian say God will punish you and put you in hell, but it would be in life after death.

Another concept is that if something wrong happens to someone, people believe that God had punished him/her for something bad they have done. All these things are up in the air and came from the belief systems – are these things right or wrong – is a matter of opinion. These opinions vary with the different style of up-bringing or societies, some care too much and some don’t give a damn.

So where do you stand? Do you believe God is some big punisher with the toture chambers or may be a big reward giver? Either way it is related with the human philosophy of carrot and stick, thus it is related with the politics and in my personal beliefs there is no politics in spirituality. One can believe whichever way one wants but when it comes to enforcing the belief system by force, it all falls into the zone of politics and it has nothing to do with the spirituality. We have been, are and will be victim of our politics, of sense of belonging to our belonging groups. That is the bottom line of our differences, bad relationships, conflicts and even our wars.

These days we have been forced by the nature to come out of our pigeon holes and half-heartedly join each other to save the planet from the global warming. The terrorism, global warming, uneven wealth distribution, infectious diseases, like Ebola crisis compelled mankind to work together. Our leaders are starting to talk, but would that go on forever or is there actually a trend to use the space station for the benefits of the humanity or we are just going to use our technology to destroy each other.

The challenge of global warming is not only the one thing we should be talking about. We should be talking about how to help the individual to become an educated person, so he/she can make the educated choices during the living years and should not live for and sacrifice the life for after-death. The biggest common problem may not be the global warming, because if we are not educated we can’t even understand what global warming is, we can just blame each other and even God.

If we are talking about a fifty year plan, we should be thinking about our conflicts first, because we may kill each other by our weapons of mass destructions way before that. If we are going to talk about coming together to combat our common problems, first thing we should be talking about is our education systems. Sense of belonging should be exclusively for the humanity, you can’t have the sense of belonging to your groups and when you talk about humanity as a whole, it should be under the umbrella of your belonging group. All empires, religions, nations have been and are in the political business of flourishing their belonging groups.

The whole theme of my blog is education, education, and education so we can understand spirituality over religion, humanity over nations, race or prejudice of all kind. Planet before mother lands, moderation over all kind of extremism. If we are going to talk about the democracy, we have to discard the veto system in our grand and so-called united nation. The foundation or the heart of the democracy is one man/woman, one vote, where and how some individual or nation became above all that to  achieve that status, plain and simple it is against the democracy’s fundamentals. Just like the religions can’t really have the religion without the politics of sense of belonging, we just can’t have even the democracy  without the sense of belonging to our groups, that is why our united nation claims to be democratic but can’t function without the interruptions of the veto powers. We should have legally binding justice system and police force for the humanity. If you think that model is impossible to create just look at the advanced societies. There are all kind of people live together with the human rights in the foundation of the constitutions of these societies.   

We may seek it, but absolute silence is not a melody for the human beings. Extreme awareness is for the chosen few and if everybody starts to live like a monk, it can drug the social fabric. As individuals, we have responsibilities even if we are told that we are going to heaven by following a certain lifestyle.

For moderate folks, life is not and can’t be lived in extreme of any kind. A CEO has to juggle around all the departments of life in order to be a successful CEO,  in his/her life sometimes, religion and heaven should become secondary to the present duties of life. God created human being with the abilities to be a CEO not a sheep, otherwise free will means nothing. If you are told live a sheep’s life there is a sheep dog calling the shots with the political agenda so make sure to make sense before you deny your potential for the sense of belonging to your belonging group.  

As told by religions, and promoted by all societies, living life for the afterlife is the right way to live. Logically, God would not have put people in difficult situations, if everything was decided for the human by the other entity. Free will has its purpose: that is to make you the CEO of your life. Sure a CEO has a choice to find a balance in this life by believing and doing something for the afterlife. But first, the CEO must look at this life.

Since God did not make man a sheep by giving a free will, it is man’s duty to understand his/her potential. I said it before that God put seven oceans together into one drop and put that into a man or woman, and no, we are not here just to worship we are here to work as a work horse of God, so we have to have some self respect so we can reciprocate. It is man’s duty to find a balance. The right music of our life is not in quietness. Our responsibility is to make the right kind of noise for us, as individuals, community and at larger scale humanity.

A good CEO takes up the responsibility. Not only for him or her self, the CEO also corrects the notes of other people around by educating, if you are educated spread the words it is your spiritual duty because if you are following the same old politics of your sense of belonging to your belonging group you are not being a CEO, you have demoted your self as, just an extension of an ideology.

With advances in medical science, we are now able to extend the length and quality of our lives. If we look at it this way, how much influence one can have by living a constructive or a destructive life? Every day, there is something new being discovered and we find ourselves in uncharted territory. If we do not take charge as the CEO, we are left to follow antiquated ideas and beliefs our ancestors laid out for us thousands of years ago. They did not have today’s knowledge, technology and the related problems, they did not even know that earth was round, and day light varies in different part of the earth. It’s a must for the individual to evolve as the time turns forward.

Only a CEO can look beyond the boundaries created by the politics of sense of belonging. A CEO can believe in God yet evolve beyond religious boundaries. We have been created with a higher identity than the religions, nations, race or gender, we are told to follow the certain political path but it is still a choice.

A CEO can evolve beyond the sense of belonging, make sense of today’s issues and put everything in place according to its importance. What gives us our identity, is that intelligent life within us, and that life does not belong to one race, color, gender, nation or a religion. It is a spiritual entity which connects us all beyond a particular group. We are part of this entity which is not connected to a limited group of people as a gang, nation or a religion.

Knowledge dictates the strength of an individual. If each one of us believes that we are worthless without belonging to a group, we undermine and underestimate the God within us.

As CEOs, we must use  our free will to live this life reciprocating because that is the purpose of our lives meant by the God. We must pursue our potential. Our evolving nature calls for moderation, because we are a work in progress, our decisions for extremes should be harnessed with the knowledge of evolution. I want this blog to speak to the individuals spiritually not politically so we all become moderates by seeking right knowledge one person at a time. Any kind of extreme is not a solution for a successful life of an individual or even a society.

Just like we cannot judge a book by its cover, a building or an artwork which is incomplete, a human being should not be judged to be perfect because he/she is in a process of evolution as well. We will make mistakes, yet achieve and do perfect things, but we should know and learn to get better, not worse. A strong ego stems from the sense of belonging and is related to our extreme decisions. If we accept imperfections, that means we still want to grow but when we think that our knowledge is complete, and especially better than others, our ego leads us to extreme beliefs.

There is nothing wrong in being religious as long as one sticks with the spiritual side of it, but when one puts religion above everything, it becomes a problem. For instance, it does not make sense to kill your loved one because he or she does not want to follow your way of living.

Eating food to live, to love and care for the family is as real as it gets. God resides in a different area of life. It does not hurt whether you believe in God or not. But losing a loved one is painful and it is a reality that going without food can harm you physically. A belief system is a thought process which can be changed with new knowledge. Thus, it is not stable. The proof of the instability is loud and clear in that because we have several religions with their sects, what does it mean to you? To me it means even God had to write different books because we all including God is in the process of evolving. Not too long ago we sacrifice poor virgins because we thought God is angry, today we predict the path of the storms. To me this is clear indication that God lives through us because now we can save lives by knowing what is the path of the storms or tsunamis. You can believe whatever you want but I believe it is God helping the mankind evolve, and mankind reciprocating.  

God cannot be blamed, because we have been granted free will so what could be the reason of our fighting and killing each other, we have been doing that as long as the known history. The reasonable reason for different books can be that we might not have been able to handle all the knowledge at once. Stubborn people with emotions and an over powering sense of belonging has the power to make even educated people get stuck in the politics of their group and deny and dismiss the other groups. Or maybe God has a role in bringing humans onto themselves on the day of qayamat (apocalypse) or save them and carry on with the human race with their free will.

The concept of God exists in the human race is based on importance of the human individual cell of God’s body. If we all kill each other, it will not only hurt mankind but also God’s existence. Would God allow that? Since I am an optimistic individual, I think human beings will come to their senses and cross the religious and political lines of sense of belonging to their belonging groups and join together before it’s too late. I hope it is a start of something big, we are starting to join the humanity. Space station, internet, collective action against the infectious diseases like Ebola crisis and now global warming is bringing us together.  

Such a large number of religious books means God created a competitive environment, so that we can come to an understanding that it is the path we are following leads to destruction thus we can use the free will to come together as an entity or I should say as humanity. 

Armed with incomplete knowledge, we have been killing one another for thousands or millions of years to prove who is right. This should teach us that there is more to understand in this life. It is time to change and climb higher on the ladder of potential. Following group politics and falling for it has brought us to a crossroad: of choice. We can either stay in our pigeon holes and keep killing each other or come out of our insecurities and change the course of our journey and its outcome. God will love to see his creation finally ‘get it’.

Human power individually and collectively is beyond human imagination and understanding, until the human being reaches his/ her potential.

Imagine a street bum with five dollars becomes a billionaire. We are in the process of gaining power and understanding. So we cannot claim that our knowledge is complete.

God is writing a new book with human help. How it ends is a mystery. So we cannot see everything as doom and gloom. We have to be optimistic and hopeful. If we understand that there is more to learn, we will become humble about the existing knowledge.

If we are humble, we will believe in tolerance, acceptance and harmony. At that stage, we can go beyond the boundaries of religions, and deep into the territories of spirituality, where God is not a monster, who punishes, burns and kills. There is no carrot and stick in spirituality; there is no politics of right or wrong. There is only the truth, raw and simple, that a human being is the third equation who can make decisions with God-given free will to choose God or the Devil inside to change his/her destiny.

Does that mean we can change the day of qayamat, if we get our act together and stop digging a grave for humanity by making and using weapons of mass destruction then yes.

In my understanding human emotions are not completely understood. We need to work hard to evolve in this area to understand more of Godly man so we can learn to put things in perspective. We love our loved ones, we love people around us and we love God through our religions. The politics of sense of belonging is way out of control, individual feels trapped and helpless without sense of freedom. We need to find the free will which can balance out the sense of belonging with sense of freedom.

Put some Hu into your manhood.

 Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

If intoxication is in the alcohol, then the bottle should dance.’

It’s me who drinks to get drunk.

I take these lines to my understanding to expand and explain about the dead dog of our problems.

These lines are from a poem I read in Pakistan as growing up, at that time I never paid attention to whom it was written by but now I feel the need to know. I would mark as Author unknown. 

I take it this way the alcohol (of God) was meaningless in a bottle it is the human being whom believes in God and gets drunk over it. Thus I am the dancing bottle or I should say we all are the dancing bottles depending on the degree. If you have a tendency to get drunk on the knowledge you can be drunken prejudice simply by having a degree of the university, believe you are better than others just because of the color of your skin or religion. So be aware of the intoxication there is a big difference between a social drink and being drunk. Yes even if it is the alcohol of the God you can’t just get drunk over it.  If only spiritual side of God makes things happen, then God will be everywhere and the purpose of the human  individual’s free will and even the mankind’s existence would be seized into meaninglessness.

God has been is and will always be elusive to us until we reach our potential.  When we would be able to use the full capacity of our brain powers we will have the understanding. Until then humans have to  dig deep, struggle and evolve to reach that potential. Now, it is up to us to learn how to drink without getting drunk, because too much of anything is bad, and yes even if it is God.

If I believe that I am directly connected to God and take God as a social drink to serve humanity, it benefits me as well the humanity. But by getting drunk on God as the fact as I assume and see, I don’t only harm myself and others I harm and give God a bad name as well.

By giving us free will, God made us the Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) of our lives, who make their choices, but by making human beings meaningful, God does not become meaningless. It just shows how God and humans are intertwined in making things happen. Like it takes two to wires light up a bulb, you can try it but it would not light up unless there is negative and positive together. I believe God is our spiritual side and we are God’s physical side.

Prophets were persons of miracles. Without them, would there have been organized religions? Organized religions, all isms, democracy or any other kind of governing systems of human societies have been are and will always be stepping stones or mile stones of our evolution. We have been experimenting and learning throughout our history, we rob tombs of the dead whom believed that they need the stuff after death so they got buried with their stuff. I don’t deny anything what religious people believe but I am in favor of using the free will to be a CEO whom makes the decisions with the personal justice system based on the philosophy of don’t do to anyone what you don’t like done to you.      

If you don’t believe what I am stating just look around and pick any area of our progress and decide for yourself. We are evolving in all departments of our life except our religions, since  everything we do is evolving with us, our journey to reach our potential continues, thus we are not a finished product. When we reach our potential only then we can claim that our knowledge is complete or right, so until then we should lay off from the high horses of being correct and be a human being so we can evolve to the next level. The next level is when we all can live without the politics of the race, gender, nation and religions. 

The hu is a must for the man if we ignore or dismiss the hu we just are not complete, regardless of our evolution. This hu is a ripening factor in the individual evolution and even for the human societies.

Do you consider yourself a man or a human?  Are you a human first? And I mean before you are being black or white, Male or female, Pakistani, Canadian, Muslim, Christian or any other identity you have been given by your belonging groups. 

Have you ever asked this question to yourself and I mean literally why your sense of belonging is able to overpower your sense of freedom. Everyone of us has been wrapped up with our identities to the point that we even forget we are human being first and then anything else. Our real identity is human whom belongs to the humanity first, yet we are acting as if we are just the extensions of our ideologies, race or nation without the status of a CEO.

Where how and why the rapper became our identity. The real essence is the hu which is rapped up with love or stripped off of love, without love a human is just a man, our social evolution came with our love.  Being just a man is less than being a human, you can have all the scientific technological or religious knowledge but without the hu, love or spirituality, you just don’t pass the test of being a human being, especially if you kill over the knowledge you don’t even understand or have comprehension of.

Some one commits an act of violence, we all still response as a man, we want the other side to feel the same pain we have experienced from their actions. For instance if you drop the bombs indiscriminately on any place where the bad people live, you are acting just like the people whom actions has harmed or hurt you, that kind of actions don’t solve our problems. As the Gandhi said eye for an eye makes us blind. Dropping bombs indiscriminately kills even the people whom don’t agree with the people whom had committed the violent act. Love loss is the main cause of our emotional problems, it does not only create more killings it is an actual cause of our social problems as well. We need to understand our emotional responses, it is bad enough we have crimes and social problems in the society from the individuals whom have had love loss during the childhood. When we have nations whom don’t think and response emotionally we probably would not be able to reach our potential after all. If the saccular societies response just like the religious societies we may end up in the predicaments of the religious predictions of the holy books.     

If you are learning something new everyday you just don’t know everything, and believe me there is a lot of room to learn and evolve for us, we have a long way to go yet. You need to know one thing and that one thing is your free will, why do you have it? It is there for you to be a CEO who can do the justice, beyond the politics of sense of belonging to an exclusive group.

Understanding yourself as being part of God is not only liberating form the inferiority complexes, it puts a hu in a man as well. If you look at the governing systems of different societies you can see things are done differently. You can pray, be generous and help others because your religions have been preaching and teaching you the way of living. There is nothing wrong with that, until you put others down and claim that your way of living is the only right way to live, your knowledge is complete and God is on your relative. I see people praying by the millions, yet chanting God’s good name and killing each other. Prayer is not only bowing down, reciting God’s name and worshiping, in my point of view helping the one in need is a real and practical way of praying and appreciating God. 

 For instance, social work, assistance, health care and other kind of helpful programs are the real praying system and practical worshiping. The real mosques, churches and temples are inside the human beings where actually God resides, and when human helps the others whom need help we are doing God’s work. The buildings are made by the man for the man, especially if the needy can’t get help regardless of the ability of the others to help.

Interestingly conservatives and republicans are against these programs because of their politics, yet they are mostly religious people. Democrats or liberals have been called as Godless people yet they insist on these programs. If you are a religious individual but are against these programs you are standing on the wrong side. These are the real practical prayers and you are against that, which can only means you are the victim of the politics of the organized yet political religion. If you can see, you will see the real and practical worshiping and the spirituality is in helping the needy. If you can the way I see it any religion without the spirituality is an impotent worshiping system. So put some hu in your man hood by focusing on the practical prayers. Paying a little tax in your living years to help the others is the most spiritual thing to do, if your political system is against it, then you have to look at it with a little hu in it. It is all about the reciprocation we come in this life get help, give help and pass to complete the circle of life so the humanity can carryon. You have to want to appreciate and reciprocate, be helpful if you can, because if you can and don’t the purpose of your life needs to be looked at spiritually. The alcohol of the political religion is quite strong and a little can brain wash you which can take you in the different direction from the spirituality, one takes you to get drunk and the other just makes you enjoy being useful to the whole humanity instead of just the belonging group and puts some hu into you.     


Pond of sense of belonging and human identity

Please  ignore my English and stay focus on the content and message.


What are you trying to make me afraid of the limits and boundaries of a pond.

By making seven oceans into a one drop.

That limitless has made me limitless as well.

Think you unvalued, understand the value of your value.

Think in the dead of the night and get to know your true self, the real and meaningful knowledge is within you.

You yourself and God, Are you looking for what is this all about.

You have been robbed by your race, nation and even religion, They all made you inferior with a complex.

You have lost the real connection and even personal happiness.

You have been and become a dancing bottle with the alcohol of sense of belonging. The wrong brew,

Free yourself from being drunk and enjoy a sip of home brew.

Look inside with the eyes of God, you got the direct connection with the changing good and bad.

On the name of Science and Religion, Ego of the half knowledge has driven you mad.

When would you understand you are not a complete and finished product.

Why kill and get killed over the Egotistic intoxication of the half knowledge.

Nation, Race, Gender, Political Religion even Democracy is man made.

Your being drunk has given a bad name to God and humanity.

Your free will is the essence to supersede all your man made knowledge.

If you decide, you fly beyond.

If not you are herded like a sheep by the sheepdogs.

You kill and get killed on the name of the politics of sense of belonging.

Awake, Recognize the value of your identity.

God and you are the two wires, one alone can’t light up, The evolution of the physical realities.

You are the physical expression of that limitless, nothing gets done without you.

Appreciate, because you are one breath away, Nothing you can do without God within you.

Your identity is the human being who is blessed with the free will. Your umbilical cord has been cut.

Its not the family, race, color, gender, nationality or the religion.

God lives in the humanity one person at a time, Not in the mosques, churches, temples or in space.

Ego of the half knowledge has driven you crazy, You have lost your identity.

You became naked by striping your self of compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love.

You are the dancing bottle of God, humanity and spirituality.

Turn around, dress up and seek your potential, the boundaries and limits are fear related. Not meant by God.

You, a mortal should be fearless because you connect to the source directly.

Don’t rob love because it hurts and strips the man from what makes an animal into human being.

Rise up and claim your identity, be a human before the titles of the sense of belonging.