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I have made some triangles to explain my philosophy. The dominating and starting triangle is about the man with God and the Devil inside.
In the heart of the main triangle of Man God and the Devil there is a perfect triangle which if you divide gives you equal portion of good and bad or as an intelligent life. There are several intelligent assumptions, called organized and unorganized religions, belief systems isms or even democracy. Since they have not been able to progress to explain anything about God any further, even after thousands of years have passed. I have strong assumptions that we will still be at the same place for the next thousand years if we don’t start to question the authenticity of the unchangeable knowledge of our sense of belonging.
What came first chicken or the egg? This is an age old question and I am adding something to that as well, what came first seed of the tree or the tree, or what came first Man or God? If you have big ego you will know the answer, but I think we will know more as we start to use more of our brain power because if you come out and answer with your limited knowledge you will end up using your personal assumptions or the knowledge what has been passed on to you. Until we are able to use our untapped brain powers fully, we can’t just claim that we know what there is to know.
There have been and are assumptions and now I am adding another intelligent assumption. Man is the source of intelligent life and intelligent life is the source, we can call God thus we can’t really tell that God is some out door entity, yet every good and bad has been connected to God and the Devil. What does that mean? if I say every good action or the bad action has a man written all over it, just think about, atom bomb was created and dropped by the man on man, all the humanitarian actions including helping the endangered species are done by the human beings as well. Can you find God or the Devil with your intellect other than the holy books or the modern day special effects of the movies? the best one is that you will meet God when you are dead you will know after you are dead, thus follow the religious teachings and kill the innocents or starve them to death in the name of God, give me a break I don’t care what religion you belong to if you kill an innocent on the name of God you are out of line and committing spiritual crimes because you are robbing some one of their precious gift of life, which is directly given to them by God. All in all, It just does not sit right with me.
If you look at the religions as concepts, God and the Devil emerge as foreign entities, which makes man an insignificant part of the picture. It gives power to some people who use God and the Devil for the political purposes to control the ordinary man or general population. If you observe the man’s abilities, potential, free will and the real standings, the whole religious picture seems flawed, because it makes the politics real and the spirituality a fake front.
Man may not have control on his next breath, but nothing gets done without the man either. That makes Man; if not the most important, it makes him/her equal to both polarities. What is in the heart of this triangle is another perfectly balanced triangle, as I mention above is the intelligent life.
If you carry an intelligent life within you, you can only experience it by first recognizing your status of being the third equation, if you believe that you are insignificant sinner you got some spiritual deficiencies regardless of what religion you belong to. You can look out side all you want with the best of your spiritual knowledge you just can’t find both of them because they both are your own sides thus you have to look inside to create the inner peace so you can be a better human individual who is not an extension of any ideology. You are you a CEO who balances good and bad.
Your importance is like a seed which has the potential to become a whole majestic tree which produces billions of seeds himself. Millions of years old human remains have been discovered, and religions don’t seem to agree with the evidence. God created Man is their main theme, so question is that if God created man just few thousand years ago then how do you explain the millions of year old human remains.
Whichever came first is not the issue here because it will be an assumption regardless. The fact is that we don’t really know, not religiously ,not scientifically, so where do we stand? I would say don’t assume and respect the living human beings because God is existing through them and yes including yourself respect yourself as well and don’t get consumed or used by the politics of the sense of belonging. If you are hurt and want to take revenge, say so, if you seek justice because someone has taken your land say so, don’t bring God into it for the politics of sense of belonging or even personal purposes for instance revenge to satisfy the animal side.
Personally I look at the religions with the expectations to fulfill the individual’s spiritual needs. If it fulfills your needs then there is no one particular religion or its sects is any better than other. Politics of sense of belonging keeps people in the lower level of evolution. If the individual grows spiritually, which I think we would have done by now, if the religions were not so politically tainted. We all can learn to live together; the proof is in the melting pot societies. Becoming tolerant towards each other and surpassing the differences is in the human genes, just put the different babies together and watch them interacting with each other without discrimination. They are not going to band together with their color, gender, nation or religion.
It’s the knowledge we install into them is divisive, so the knowledge has to change even if it is coming from the religions. Spirituality related knowledge has been consistent even we have been evolving. If we don’t use our personal ego which belongs to our sense of belonging, we will have no trouble accepting that our knowledge is not complete. It will be a lot easier to accept that, we still don’t know anything about God, before birth and after death. We heavily depend on the knowledge provided by our holy books. Thousands of years have passed and we are still stuck in this particular area, we believe that ours is better, which is according to Dr. Wayne Dyer level two in the spiritual evolutionary level. If every religion says our way is the only right way you are going to God, where and how do you fit into the level four where you can say, what can I do for you.
So what is God? God is the intelligent life force, the one we all carry inside of us, what makes our brains to think and give ideas. This unseen power collectively creates a majestic God that is why we don’t see God and have not been able to see for thousands of years. We are able to see and feel the acts of God and the Devil’s as well but we can’t see them because we are the one who is doing the deeds, whether they are good or bad. We are the villains and the heroes at the same time. The understanding of one individual can be different than the others because of the knowledge we all grown up with. The stories of our religions, our parent’s efforts to rap us up with our ancestral religious knowledge and our personal efforts to keep the stories alive, play a big role in everyone’s individual life. If we buy everything what is for sale even it’s by force, what happens to our belief system?
Instead of getting confused about your belief system, you need to think like a CEO so you can look at yourself as someone meaningful and important. If you carry God inside of you or if the God exist because of you, not only you would respect yourself you would respect other people as well. It is like we all carry Godly powers but the worth varies with the individual, but basic value is just about five dollars. (read five bucks) This five dollar power is the free will we are all blessed with, which makes us the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of our lives. Just like by going to school we can get a better job and make more money, there is a potential in all of us to excel so each and every one of us can be more helpful for the humanity and God. It is not just limited to the prophets, you may not be prophet but you are carrying on or paly a big role in existence of God.
After all the evolution we did in our intellectual areas of human life, why don’t we have control on our nature? By now we should have stopped killing each other, but we have gotten worse ever wonder why?
The answer is simple that we are genetically programed to be human being, who is just like all the other creatures, programed to reproduce, get hungry or get hurt by the love loss, seek revenge and desire to inflict the same pain to the people whom cause the unbearable pain of love loss. (Read the love triangle).
Just like our own body cells everything renews to look after the body. We as whole humanity are looking after the body, yes, the body of God.
Most social systems and religions of human societies usually allow the people to reproduce because, if they try to control the human sexuality, it always blows up on their faces, it is just too powerful to control so they give in just like the alcohol could not be controlled thus legalized and today pot is being legalized. If you can’t control you have to join in the crime rate goes up and otherwise law abiding perfectly normal human being act crazy, for instance the Roman Catholic priests abuse of children.
Our traditions and customs show a clear connection between religion and social rules. They believe that traditions and customs have to be embraced, even if it causes the devaluing of the individual. For instance a virgin girl is respected regardless of other characteristics. If you value the individual because of his/her obedience to the belonging society not only its unfair to the individuals whom don’t conform, it discourages him/her to explore and grow even spiritually thus it keeps the society behind.
The idea or the technologies of the abortion and pornography was not even around when the holy books were written. As new problems arise religious leaders have to come up with for or against standing. Most of these new problems are dealt with the religious books in mind. People use to go to wars with spears and swords by the hundreds but today it by the millions, with the modern day weaponry which is lethal equally to all guilty or innocent, so lot more spiritual damage is done in today’s wars.
If the holy books have a system to control the society by force then even today’s mullahs, priests and rabies will be forced to believe in it and will be, for the force to control the society, so following these extremists would take everybody to the living hell. The good or bad is judged by the education of the holy books, that is the reason these people have understanding that control is only achieved by force and fear.
I believe the real power is held by the individual who chooses to control or not too, so the best way to have control on self- behavior is the knowledge that makes sense, instead of following an order. If the controlling force is not present the behavior may change rapidly. Just like in today’s society with secular governing systems rules have changed, even the government can be taken to the court for the violations against the individual or human rights.
Religions have lost their luster because of their out dated and not up to the par rules with the advancement of the human societies. If there was any room left for the evolution or religions would have at least just stuck with the spirituality, instead of politics, we would still respect God and religions whole heartedly.
In today’s society individual is losing not only the God and religions, we are losing respect for ourselves as well. One of the main causes of self-esteem issues is our expectations, we grow up watching other people have great things in their life, so automatically we expect to have them as well, and we are told that God is the only one who gives, so we expect God to give us whatever we want as well. When we don’t get regardless of our prayers and being good, we feel resentment so we look down at God and ourselves simultaneously.
The individual would go and adopt wherever he/she is respected and valued. Thousands of years of brain washing of the individual has done the damage to the individual’s self-esteem so the change and transitional period is difficult. As more people rise to the CEO level they would change the way we have been treating ourselves and we will eventually be able adopt to the changes vote for the different ways of governing our societies.
From Arab springs to the fall of kingdoms and dictatorship style of governing systems everything is going through the changes, while in the process we will have to go through some hard times but eventually the individuals will change the societies they belong to because of the internet and the information highway.
Since the times have changed, we need to learn to stand on the right side of the changes other wise we will keep fighting the losing battles thus keep committing spiritual crimes. This day and age when you see the starvation riddled bodies of children it is a black mark on the name of all religions and including their sects regardless of who is right or wrong. The non religious people are just as guilty because they are not standing up against the wars either. As a spiritual being we all need to stand up and dich the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups so we can find the justice for the individual sufferings. Burn someone alive, shoot someone in the back of their heads or starve them to death has nothing to with any religion, it is a spiritual crime and the ugly side of the politics of the sense of belonging to a particular group. If we don’t change it into the belonging to a humanity we would never evolve to reach our potential what God had installed into us. The time is calling for us to change and take charge as an individual so we all can influence our belonging groups belong to humanity. You as an individual carry both sides of good and bad recognise yourself and find that inner triangle so you can choose good, and evolve from the revengeful animalistic behaviors, and yes even if it takes you to denounce the politics of your own belonging group.