The human life depends on and revolves around love; we strive for it, and try to protect it all cost. The biggest reason for worries and stress along with food and survival is the loss of love. When children are out of sight, parents not only worry about their well-being; they fear about the loss of love as well.
Since everyone feels and knows about the pain of love loss, opposing groups try to get at each other where it hurts, so killing each other’s belonging individuals is an on going process along with the causes of prejudiced related hatred regardless of civilization and evolution of humanity in all other departments.
The love triangle…
This raw core is the one where human individual is equally divided with the potential to be good or bad, so all people surrounding the individual with love have to be responsible. If you are nurtured with love or rob of love would set the foundation. Belonging families, communities, nations and religions are just as responsible for individual’s bad behavior as a grown up individual would be. Harsh punishments may tame people with fear but as human beings we bring along a potential to be good so we need education based on love. If you look at the crime rate in the nations where they have harsh punishments is not lower than the ones where they are not as strict. If it is not the harsh punishments then what would be the reason to have lower crime rate. Common sense says that love triangle make sense. If we all are responsible and play a role in raising good and bad people then we all should take initiative to be responsible.
This animal core is where one can decide to choose and this is where we are highly influenced by the love we received or don’t. Love, whether it’s universal, passionate or instinctive, love is what makes us separate from the other animals and makes us the work horses of God.
As humans we have free will, which makes us personally responsible for our actions during our living years, how it should be lived, and whether we are focusing on finance, love, health, or any other areas. Making a decision for anything in the future, such as going to school for a better job or sacrificing our life in the army, is first and foremost dependent on the individual to use his/her free will. Our actions and reactions are our decisions, regardless of emotional pressures. In a court of law you just can’t say “my God told me to kill so I should not be charged,” so regardless of the demands of the belonging groups, individual is still responsible for his/her actions.
Each and every one of us has a musical sheet: you are a note and the empty space is God; if it’s your turn to speak, you speak, and when you are required to stay quiet, you stay quiet. In order to create a good harmonious melody out of your life, you have to follow the rhythmic system for your personal and individual life.
If you choose to grab a drum and beat the hell out of it for few hours without any break, you will become exhausted. Likewise, if you say everything is done by God and do not speak even if it is your turn, you would have a blank sheet. The human progress and evolution would come to a screeching halt. Either extreme is wrong and works against the individual and God simultaneously, because human beings are God’s work horses. We have to save lives and reproduce so God can exist to fulfill people’s prayers. Since man is the third equation in the triangle of God and the Devil, he judges the good and the bad. If man is not there to judge, the good and the bad lose its importance or disappear altogether. It is man’s job to understand his/her importance in the larger scheme of life and live his/her life with justice to himself and all others around.
There comes time when love start to compete; it can tear the individual apart, so it is important for us to learn to become a CEO of our lives. You can’t just choose your society over your loved ones, or your lover over your children or family or society.
Learn to balance all the corners of your triangles to be spiritually healthy, especially when it comes to the love triangle…
You can’t just disregard your kids whom are your instinctive love, if you find a new passionate love. You can’t just live your life for the community and disregard your family or vice versa. Balancing is not easy especially when you are brought up with the strong sense of belonging to your belonging group, but remember as an individual you are created with the free will thus you are the CEO of your life and that is your job, so make the right decisions to stay away from spiritual crimes.
These evolutionary love corners are the human being’s jewels and we should be proud of our accomplishments, but the fact is that they all depend on the existence of that core. Without being physically alive there is nothing you can feel, enjoy, or react to, our belonging religions may have certain visions of after life but we as groups don’t agree those visions so it all depends on the individual to keep the balance between living years and the disputed belief systems. We have acquired this jewelry with a long journey of evolution, but regardless of evolution, mortality is a fact of life and is still considered a loss. Sometimes this loss comes from natural causes, accidents, or war-related circumstances. They all have the potential to strip man from these Godly gifts and we can end up in a pit, where the negative and evil reactions arise from. This pit is our animal side where we are naked of love and have the potential to be fearless and potentially barbaric beings, even if we are born raised as a gentle soul.
I talk about the triangle because I believe everything should be in balance; if love is out of balance, man is capable of committing spiritual crimes. A child robbed of love in his early years may grow up with issues and wound up a criminal or unfit to have healthy, loving relationships later in life.
When universal love is stripped, some people are willing to kill their own children. The example here is honor, ego, and pride. There has even been a documentary about a Sikh family who got their own daughter killed because she married someone who they disapproved of.
Passionate love can destroy the instinctive love and instinctive love can do the same thing to passionate love.
There was a girl who drowned her two sons because her boyfriend did not want children. When kids come along, some couples can’t balance the love, and end up splitting.
When couples break up, they feel the loss of passionate love, but if kids are involved the loss is twofold, because you are not only losing passionate love you are losing instinctive love as well thus the potential for spiritual crimes increases. What would we do without love? If we are capable of committing spiritual crimes in spite of love?
Wars often rob all kinds of love, and spiritual crimes can evolve to all sorts of war crimes and human rights violations. In my opinion, the cause of our terrorism and heavy-handed revenge bombing is the stripping of love, which turns the individual into a loveless raging revengeful animal.
Lack of understanding about the human being is responsible for these perpetual spiritual crimes. We know a lot about other creatures but still we can’t figure out how to deal with our own kind, the disputes all over the world are clear signs of this misunderstanding. We use propaganda and politics to put each other down and blame about the atrocities but forget that we all are human beings. We use God and religions in the name of politics, yet there is nothing clear about our past and future, which I mean before birth and after death, other than the assumptions we make with our evolving and constantly changing knowledge.
For millions of years we have been around, and for thousands of years God has been in our lives. Where did we come from? Science and religions both don’t provide more than assumptions.
Whether the chicken or the egg came first, God created man or man created God is not as important as the chicken which lays the eggs and feeds human beings, or the human individual who is doing all the Godly work. What came first has never been clear nor is it important, so we look for evolution theories. Still the world would argue about it because of the different schools of thought. I am not going to dig into the past or the science to create argumentative assumptions just to find out how and what happened. I am going to stay in the present and see what is happening right now. My question is, why are we still killing each other regardless of our civilization?
Using common sense and logic has always worked for me, so I am going to follow that and explain how I think about what is and how it should be. If it make sense to you and you like it, then keep reading; evolve from the pond philosophy and broaden your horizons to live this life as a third equation, not subservient to any ideology which keeps you exploring the space and the ocean where you belong. Today the individual is connected to the Internet, and living in the pond with boundaries is like using a computer without having a connection to the Internet.
Don’t just follow whatever your belonging group is calling for: question the political motives and make your choices as an independent entity who has free will to explore the inner and external space. Remember that using free will is a privilege and your human rights at the same time.
Spiritual justice has been and usually takes a back seat when it comes to security. Since there is no ultimate security for the mortal, we should put and keep everything in perspective. Living with justice to all including yourself brings inner peace to the individual, thus it should theoretically create universal peace as well.
Here, another triangle which has been flipped and needs to be put right-side up:
If you have and use your free will, you are on the top of the triangle: thus it’s you who can make it right.
Politics and individual insecurities are the fundamental causes of individual and social turmoil. If you believe you are nothing more than an extension of an ideology, you are the victim of your personal and internal imbalance, which I believe is a human flaw—not an asset. The real assets are the ability to think independently, use free will, and do justice to all, including yourself.
I believe human is on the top of these senses, not on the bottom. If you feel that you are happy being opinion-less, just look at yourself with a microscope viewpoint; you will find a lot more about yourself. You would not hesitate to kill an innocent individual for your belonging group, become anorexic or commit suicide over how people view you. Always remember you are given free will for a reason; if God created human, human was intended to evolve to be a Godly man.
Human fell to the bottom because of the personal insecurities which helps cover up the naked politics of sense of belonging, dressed and disguised in nationalism and religions. I believe man has to get his real status back—and yes, he is the CEO of his own life. No matter which way you cut it logically, human has to be on the top corner; even if religions believe otherwise. It is twisted logic that all religions have strict rules and punishments. If they really believed that God was doing everything, they would be a lot more forgiving and give human individual a break. Our court systems would be meaningless if God was to be credited or blamed for everything a human individual does.
Every social change starts with an idea from the human individual as we adopt to the changes faced in society. For instance, the start of a religion, or an ism like socialism or communism, or even democracy. There is a reaction to everything; if one religion works for some it does not necessarily work for others, so the need for new ideologies even within the same religions, like sects are almost always present in every human history.
From communism to socialism to sects of religions to the completely opposite atheism, we see clear signs of progress. We as human beings follow the progress whether it’s a slow change or a rapid one; we naturally follow the progress regardless of the speed. We are in the pursuit of our potential. Human opinion has, is, and will always be on a shaky ground because of our constantly evolving knowledge.
We make mistakes, correct them and keep going just to find out our corrections need corrections. From our medicine to social rules and everything in between has been, is, and will always be changing. Since our knowledge always evolves, we can’t have passionate extremes in our journey of evolution. We are all born as human first so we have to belong to humanity first as well.
All groups of human beings, whether we look at race, gender, nation, or religion, are political entities because it’s all about the politics of sense of belonging. Religions should stay with spirituality which always was and is the foundation to serve humanity. When religions enter into politics or when an individual mixes them together, it becomes a lethal mixture which, not only disrupts inner peace of the individual, it is the cause of our war mongering tendencies as well. The emotionally-charged individual thinks and really feels that he/she is doing God’s work by committing spiritual crimes. If you look at history, there is no way anyone can count the death toll of religious extremes; from crusades to today’s religious wars, all are related to prejudice created by religions.
The real fire under all the religious differences is not God or the way of living itself, it is the politics of sense of belonging. This sense of belonging is intertwined between the individual and the belonging group. Since the group is not going to stray from their politics, it is up to the individual to make the difference. If you use free will to make decisions, you have the potential to be a CEO of your life (which makes all of us without the question).
A CEO can choose not to follow the politics of the belonging group or follow the status quo without questioning. Western societies are a good example, where everyone can have their religious beliefs with differences yet be able to live in harmony and follow the law of the land. The foundation of this harmonious living is the constitution which allows human individual rights regardless of religion, race, or background.
The understanding of sense of belonging and sense of freedom to counter is crucial, especially in this day and age because of our weapons of mass destruction.
Political elites, nations, and religions would not want to settle their differences, because that is what keeps them in power as groups. Our history shows that we have conquered each other, bought and sold, killed, exterminated, and treated each other inhumanly. If we honestly look at our past we will all be able to see the black marks of wrongdoing of our ancestors, so it is time to forgive and forget the ancestors because they did the best according to the best of their knowledge or with whatever they had learned from their ancestors. Today the world is connected with internet so the individuals can connect with each other from all over the world regardless of the belonging.
Balance the triangles of sense of belonging and love, and you will find inner peace for yourself and will be able to spread the same to others in the world. If the individual to individual connection happens, it will be a start of the change from the bottom up. The top down philosophy has not worked in thousands of years and it would not work in the next thousand year in the presence of the politics of sense of belonging to our groups. As individuals we need to belong to humanity instead of our color, race, gender nation or religion.
In the past, our governing systems have been constructed from the top down. It’s time for real democracy, regardless of its imperfections. Each and every one of us is blessed to be able to make choices and we are all born CEOs of our own lives, but our sense of belonging keeps us enslaves to our belonging group. It’s time to belong to the whole of humanity, respect and understand the pain of love loss not only for self but for the others, it’s time to bring humanity to evolve to the next level, so we can’t kill each other in the name of God or even our nation.