This discussion is about individual faith, which can vary greatly in meaning from person to person. For me, when it comes to God and spirituality, faith is something that cannot easily be denied. In religious settings, people may openly discuss their faith, but unfortunately, the power dynamics of politics and the sense of belonging can be so overwhelming that for many, it overrides everything, including their faith. They may profess belief in God and spirituality, but when it comes to the politics of their groups, they can easily be influenced to commit spiritual offenses in the name of belonging.

My simple motto is that if you don’t know about something, place it in the metaphorical basket of unknowns. Interestingly, as human beings, we have some political issues related to a sense of belonging, and we dislike accepting that neither we nor our ancestors know everything. Not acknowledging that our knowledge is incomplete can not only lead us to remain ignorant but also to be proven wrong collectively. If we continue to rely on egotistical assumptions, they may eventually turn into political falsehoods and distorted truths. In the scientific realm, things must be clearly and logically explained; otherwise, there is a high chance they will be debunked. Since we as individuals and as a society are continuously evolving, none of our knowledge can remain stagnant. Individually, when we encounter something we don’t know, we can seek clarification from leaders who can address our concerns by explaining our collective accepted truths. Unfortunately, our ignorance isn’t limited to individuals; collectively, we can ignore facts because of the politics of belonging. Admitting and saying, “I don’t know,” is not as humiliating as being proven wrong collectively, so we continue to assert that our knowledge is correct. Whether it is scientifically proven wrong or not is beside the point—it’s because our ancestors said so. Now, the question arises: why do we persist in fighting egotistically, even though we have been evolving and changing throughout our history? You can fight over a piece of land, collectively, but when you fight and kill each other over who is right about matters beyond our cliff of faith, it’s all about fighting over our non-physical realities. Having differing opinions in areas of human life while we are alive may be acceptable, but killing each other over matters beyond the cliff of faith simply doesn’t make any sense, especially from a spiritual standpoint. Politically, well, that’s an entirely different ballgame of our religions. Even acknowledging that it is not spiritual should be sufficient for individuals to adopt moderate belief systems. How can religion stand by while politics of belonging override spirituality? They can twist and manipulate it to the extent that it becomes an accepted truth for their members. This is happening, and eventually, we will evolve enough to recognize the political biases in our belief systems. Individually, as a CEO, we can see it all, but speaking out against our own belief systems is another matter entirely.

If you choose to spend your life following in the footsteps left by your ancestors or preached by your Mullah, Priest, or Rabbi, go ahead, but don’t envy or become upset by those who don’t follow the path you’re on. Following in the footsteps of your ancestors has been shown to be prejudicial and discriminatory in the era of equal human rights, so continually adhering to prejudice and discrimination in today’s world doesn’t cut it.

Thinking that the meaning of prejudice and discrimination ends with racism would be oversimplifying, as it permeates deep into one’s belief system as well. Learning and feeling, under the hormonal influence, that your ancestors were right and others were wrong is actually based on the politics of belonging to your respected groups. Assuming that we are right and they are wrong with evolving knowledge would be a logical nightmare.

If you believe that right and wrong will be determined after you die, that would be incorrect on two fronts. Firstly, you would have to die first, and secondly, when you don’t know, you don’t kill each other over uncertainties. Spending your living years where you can actually make a difference for yourself, but believing exclusively in your path as right means you are living with prejudice and discrimination. Spiritually speaking, that’s nothing to be proud of, because it’s actually a spiritual flaw. Remember, you can’t involve God in your assumptions. If it is spiritually wrong, how will you justify it when your atom of autonomy, sitting right within you, judges everything you do?

Placing all your eggs of right and wrong in the basket of life after death or the cliff is unproven one hundred percent. Not by any religion nor by any other system of knowledge like science. I’m not trying to sow doubt in anyone’s individual faith, but I am urging people to stop killing each other over scenarios of life after death. One of the most politically charged or successful aspects religions have in common is instilling fear in the hearts of human beings, especially since people are terrified of their mortality. They want individuals to be fearful, weak, vulnerable, insignificant, unimportant, and even feel guilty for sins they may not have committed. Politically, it is easier to control individuals lacking in self-esteem. This strategy has worked in the past, so politically savvy people still employ these tactics. If you still live in your past and are passionate about the knowledge of your groups, you want to latch onto anything bigger and stronger than yourself simply to feel secure. Whether the assistance is visible or invisible, your weaknesses will make them even greater. Your loyalties to your personal spirituality over your belonging group are clear signs of your internal conflicts. You would rather be politically prejudiced and discriminatory than at peace with your atom of autonomy. Understanding who and what you really are can help you deal with your political sense of belonging from within.

If you believe that God lives physically through you, you would look at others as yourself. But if you are taught that you are good and others are bad, you have learned prejudice and discrimination. Yet the worst thing is believing that God Almighty is just like you as well. I hold God in a spiritually higher place than that, so to me, prejudice and discrimination are religious, but not spiritual.

Look at the physically functioning God, then look at the good people helping others in your opposing groups—what do you see? If you can’t see God working in all human societies, you are blinded by the political side of your religion. To me, God and spirituality are physically functioning in all human societies, meaning all ancestral footprints lead to the cliff of faith. When you put each other down, call your group good and godly while labeling others as bad and evil, it is clearly political. Learn to introspect about yourself and your group through your spiritual self.

You can nitpick and compare your belonging groups, believing your way is the right way and expecting everything to be cleared up by God after you die, but you continue living with the politics of prejudice and discrimination. That means, spiritually, you have it wrong. For instance, if you mispronounce God’s name because it was in a different language, it ultimately comes down to your intention, as God is within you as your atom of autonomy. It’s not a big deal. But if you commit a spiritual crime like being prejudicial and discriminatory against God’s people, even in your deeply private thoughts, your atom of autonomy knows it all. Remember, you don’t have to die to find out about your rights and wrongs if you listen to your atom of autonomy. How does your atom of autonomy let you know about right and wrong during your living years? If you do to someone what you don’t like done to you or your loved ones, it is a spiritual crime. Especially if you don’t want to be on the receiving end of prejudice and discrimination, think about how your atom of autonomy would take it, yet you commit this crime willy-nilly in the name of your belonging groups. Remember, every right and wrong needs your physicality, so it’s not about the afterlife but about your living years. Your atom of autonomy easily lets you know if you are in tune with it. If you ask about the guilt-related invisible pain, it is real; just ask war veterans.

Pick a religion, follow their footprint-related path, and without even going into the details of differences, you will end up on this metaphoric cliff of faith where footprints vanish. This is where it matters most: how you have lived your personal life, regardless of any religious faith. It all boils down to spirituality, not the politics of belonging groups. Since it is exclusively between God and the individual, you will personally have to either jump in with the hope of finding whatever your religion preached to you or create your own footprints by making sense of it all. Spiritually, if you are reciprocating and in sync with your atom of autonomy within, you have nothing to worry about—not about the religion you were born into, impressed by, or attracted to, or even doubts about what lies beyond the cliff of faith. You have to think about the main thing: your reciprocation during your living years. You have done your job during your living years. If reciprocation is what it’s all about, then understanding would be a big plus in dealing with your fear and lack of faith about the cliff of faith. Remember, it’s not about bowing down to God or fasting; it’s all about turning spirituality into physical actions to help the needy. Everything else is just to make you irrelevant so you can be controlled politically. What happens inside you is not a problem for the belonging groups, but it is up to you how you deal with your mortal life. If your sense of belonging and sense of freedom are out of sync, you could be in trouble from within, so it is essential for you to become a CEO and assume your responsibilities.

When we disrespect, bicker, argue, fight, and kill each other over our differences, individual faith is usually in question. Some of us put everything on God and believe blindly but still don’t agree to live with each other’s differences. Some of us don’t even believe in anything but shamelessly carry on living with the help of the unknown without acknowledgment. They don’t even bother to logically put things together to make sense of their life. For instance, we have absolutely no control over our life-giving oxygen and the functioning of the most complex organisms, like our bodies. Here we are, constantly functioning until the day we die, but we don’t think or respect the help we can’t live without. Ever wonder why? If you don’t even believe in God, how would you know the purpose of your life? Believe me, we are not like other creatures; we don’t just breathe, eat, excrete, reproduce, get sick, age, and die. Converting good and bad into physicality is a major job for a major player, but that major player is still at the mercy and within the control of our unknown realities.

Proof is in the pudding: we can’t just will our way to live; otherwise, none of us would die. Some of us don’t even give a second thought to acknowledge our blessings of being alive or the life-giving oxygen without which we cannot survive. Without spirituality, there can’t be a sense of responsibility for reciprocation, yet we have many people in all nations and religions who believe that giving or paying taxes is not their responsibility. They literally believe God would take care of the needy, but they don’t bother asking how things get done by God. Everything we do involves the help of the unknown, but we still think we are doing everything. Especially when it comes to answering questions about the origins and purpose of life. A non-faithful answer would be that we are just a random fluke of life and death with no purpose or meaning, but with faith, there are meanings. Yes, the purpose of our life is the duty of reciprocation, and that is converting spirituality into physical actions.

To me, faith is what it means: if there is help for me to breathe and even exist, that thought alone should make me humble. Personally, I should have some kind of faith and trust in that unknown I openly call God. Since there are people who believe there is no God, logically, they should not have faith in anything. Yet, looking at their life critically, you will see that they do have faith. They don’t think twice about their ability to take that next breath, plan their day, or even their life, yet they trust and have no doubt in the supply line of the oxygen they take in. Otherwise, they would die of the stress from hopelessness and uncertainty. Do you think that is happening? Just look around and even within yourself to find spirituality-related problems. If you think you suffer from spiritual deficiencies related to physical, mental, and emotional health, find that missing faith, which can have the power to give you hope and optimism. No, I am not talking about the faith our political religions preach.

Since I don’t believe that a religion or related God should have any kind of political agenda, I advocate for the love of faith, not the fear or greed of the carrot-and-stick philosophy. This means doing good not for the promise of heaven or the fear of hell, but for the duty of reciprocation as a physical being to a spiritual God. You are not irrelevant, unimportant, meaningless, or a born sinner. You are the main character in your life, regardless of what you have been told or preached. Always remember that spiritually good or even bad things and thoughts don’t just happen without your physical hands, shoulders, and back. Sure, you can believe in miracles, but don’t bet all your eggs in that basket. You can be a reasonably spiritual individual who knows their place in the grand scheme of life; you just have to become the CEO of your life.

Since we all think differently, we can have our opinions, but living a life with help yet denying the source of your help is actually denying certain unknown realities of faith with arrogance. It’s not what is, but how you look at it, and what faith means to you. If you openly deny the help itself, how can you even understand the spiritual responsibilities of reciprocation? If you do understand reciprocation, you already know spirituality. One does not have to be a religious person to be spiritual because spirituality is universal in humanity. There are many religious beliefs, so regardless of being religious or not, anyone can be spiritual.

Religions and nationalism may have a monopoly on the politics of a sense of belonging, but they can’t make all their followers good people. Spirituality is not in anyone’s control, nor does anyone have a monopoly over it.

We have been claiming that our knowledge is better and complete, yet we keep evolving to learn more and more. Believing that other people who don’t think like us are bad or inferior is absurd. Just as the good aspects of spirituality are universal, arrogance is one of the universal bad things in humanity.

Our ancestors were smart enough according to their era but believed in their group superiority. Although this is not rare in today’s world, we should not take pride in being prejudiced and discriminatory. It is our moral obligation not to deny anyone their equal human rights.

We have evolved from our bush and cave times when we used to kill each other just for belonging to different groups. As we have evolved, we made different communities, cities, nations, and religions with all their marked boundaries. Today, we are evolving to make our melting pot societies with thriving equal human rights. Regardless of the hard journey of civilization or, I should say, evolution, we still can’t get around killing each other. Just look around, and you will still find people who use the same bush and cave time philosophy. We claim that we are evolved and civilized, yet we still suffer from prejudice and discrimination-related killings as we did in bush and cave times. So, did we really evolve, or are we going in circles of the politics of belonging?

Why can’t we stop killing each other to take the next step of evolution? Why is our politics of belonging to our group so powerful? It is all about what goes on within the individual. If we accept our evolutionary nature, learn to understand our mortality, become the CEO of our lives, and practice spirituality-related equal human rights deep in our hearts individually, we can work together as human beings to embrace humanity as a whole.

Remember, our potential is evolving. So where are we going, and what can we do with all that potential? It’s like the ocean and space, all rolled up in one within a single cell or, I should say, one single human being. Now, look at our politics of belonging, which puts us in a pond with boundaries, making us feel exactly the opposite of what God meant for the human individual.

Religions claim that we are made in God’s image, but when it comes to practical life, they put us down so far and elevate God and the Devil so far ahead of us that we ourselves become insignificant and irrelevant. If we believe everything religions have been saying, we would all feel small, inferior, and even sinful with no self-esteem. We have been brainwashed and trained to be controlled for so long that we need courage to even question it all.

They resist everything a rule-breaker comes up with but shamelessly follow and use those technologies and medicines to live modern-day life. Yet interestingly, they still put down people who don’t believe in their religion. Their politics of belonging to groups shouts so loudly that a questioning individual’s voice is suppressed at all costs, even to the point of killing people just because of political loyalties to their belonging groups. The politics of belonging not only makes them dance against spirituality but also makes them hypocrites.

On the other hand, if you look at the success of Western societies, you will see that they have been encouraging and promising better lives to attract talent from all over the world for centuries. This has made them far more sophisticated and advanced, yet they still can’t overcome the turmoil related to prejudice and discrimination in their populations.

Personally, I believe no one can be better than others just because of belonging to a certain group, race, gender, skin color, nation, or religious beliefs. Spiritually, each and every one of us carries an atom of autonomy within from before birth. We may look different, but we are all literally one organism, like a coral reef. Physically, we are all made of the same things (ask a scientist), we are born the same way (ask a doctor), we all need food to live, we need sleep to function, we reproduce, get sick, age, and die the same way. So what is the problem with adopting a spiritual principle like equal human rights? Our problems are simply related to our politics of belonging to our groups.

Regardless of the good education of religion to be a good person, there is a disconnection. They preach compassion and all the good spiritual things, but in practical life, they are the worst enemies of each other. They literally separate the “com” from the “passion.” They bring God to boost their believers with passion, and both God and the individual get politically used. They kill each other with passionate wars yet preach compassion. The politics of belonging to groups has infiltrated all aspects of the human individual.

The real answer to our politics of belonging is to strengthen the individual so that in today’s societies we can have our modern-day solutions. Since equal human rights work against prejudice and discrimination, one has to become a CEO to be able to even understand the cause of our problems. Equal human rights make perfect spiritual sense because you and your loved ones personally don’t want to be on the receiving end of prejudice and discrimination. If you are spiritually inept, you will look at life as a creature who is still in bush and cave times, marking territories and killing each other for resources. If that is still your game, understand yourself as an evolving entity and evolve, for God’s sake.

Personally, how far have you evolved on the scale of spirituality? Answer yourself honestly because you have that ability within you. Your atom of autonomy is sitting right inside you—a powerful entity. However, if you are deeply insecure due to thousands of years of brainwashing, your politics of belonging can override everything you think. This can lead you to a place where you have clashing forces within you, which is not a good place for a mortal being with a short time to live.

Regardless of which side dominates you, you will end up in trouble if you don’t become the CEO of your life. Since you have the potential to go either way, suppressing your atom of autonomy will make you a puppet for your belonging group, putting you at odds with your inner autonomy. That atom of autonomy is like God within you, so going against it would not be a good place to be. If you become the CEO by liberating yourself from the politics of belonging to your groups, you can join and accept humanity as a whole. This is the worst nightmare for political groups because they lose power and become irrelevant. Understand that it is not God who made you insignificant, irrelevant, unimportant, or a born sinner. Other human beings have made you lose your self-esteem so you can be politically controlled.

In reality, you are the third equation of the whole spiritual picture. Any thought cannot be good or bad until it becomes a physical action. Remember, the human individual is responsible for getting things done. We all carry an atom of autonomy related to free will, which makes us choose to do good or bad. Without you, God and the Devil lose their physical ability to help or hurt. Take pride in being that important. Evolve spiritually and become a CEO so you don’t get used politically by other human beings to do devilish things. Sure, your belonging group would back you up even if you commit spiritual crimes in their name, even if your belonging group is your religion.

People with political interests do not want you to become a CEO and reach your evolving potential. They want to keep you trapped in a pond philosophy, which keeps weaker individuals seeking visible boundaries. Remember, these boundaries are artificially created for you to feel secure. Your sense of security is related to your imagination, which cuts both ways: it can trap you and make you stop your expanding potential, or it can liberate you to believe that there is life beyond those boundaries. It will all come down to you and how you use your faith and imagination.

A spiritually weaker individual can’t become the CEO of their life. Being weak forces the individual to seek security by attaching to belonging groups. Not only do you seek security because of insecurity, but your self-esteem would also have taken a hit. The lower the self-esteem, the higher the desire to belong to something majestic. Believing in God is one thing, but believing in other human beings as security is absurd because they can’t even be secure for themselves. How can they provide to others what they don’t have for themselves? The politics of belonging is a living, breathing example. You kill and die for other human beings in the name of God. Give your head a shake because politics and spirituality simply don’t mix. Religions often get God involved in human emotional actions, giving God a bad name.

If you believe that you belong to the best group of people, it means you believe you are better than others just because of belonging. Think about it with a clear head and see where your prejudice and discrimination are coming from. One can only be better by building a good spiritual character through reciprocation. I personally don’t believe that believing in any one particular religion is the key to eternal heaven. It’s all about your personal spirituality and related physical action based on reciprocation.

Belonging to a family of a prophet does not give you a license to be good. Your physical actions are the only thing that has the power to make you a good or bad person. If you want to talk about heaven, talk about the one you have at hand while you are living and breathing, where you are still in charge of your actions and choices. If you are creating hell for others, you are setting yourself up for hell. If you are creating heaven while you are living, you have nothing to worry about in this life or after death.

You might say, “I am always suffering in this life because my desires are never fulfilled, and my life is a failure. Since I suffered in my living years, I should go to heaven after I die.” This is a good excuse for hope and optimism, but it’s not good enough. Personally, I believe there is nothing wrong with having a hopeful scenario about the afterlife, but if you are suffering because you want too much and are not putting in the matching effort, remember that God has done the godly job of providing you with a functioning body and free oxygen. Now it is up to you to create your happiness by counting your blessings. You are personally responsible for the reasons for your unhappiness. A while back, I wrote a blog about the ladder of horizon, where I discussed how we compare ourselves with others to create or lose our contentment. The idea was to look up to the people above on the ladder for inspiration and look below you for appreciation. If you build a habit of being unhappy, even if you end up going to heaven, you may still be unhappy. That literally means if you don’t compare yourself with both sides, even God would not be able to make you happy.

Spiritual awareness encourages gratitude for the things already provided to you, like oxygen and a functioning body. Be sure to appreciate your blessings instead of criticizing everything you have. Common complaints such as “I am not rich,” “I am not strong,” “I am too fat,” “too thin,” “too short,” or “not so good-looking or lucky” should be reconsidered. Always remember that dissatisfaction is ingrained in our DNA because of our evolving nature. We have to keep evolving, but as individuals with free will and potential CEO status, we all have a major problem with our mortality. Harnessing all the unhealthy imagination-related “what ifs” is not easy, especially in modern-day living, so assuming the duties of a CEO is in order.

Becoming a CEO can help us look at life with a healthy outlook; otherwise, we have the potential to spend our whole allotted time on a platform waiting for a train that never comes (back to the pond philosophy).

Human beings have proven time and again that there is life beyond our insecurity-related boundaries. Interestingly, it was always done by people who did not accept living within accepted boundaries.

From the belief in a flat earth to space exploration and recognizing the earth as round, from discovering land beyond oceanic horizons to advances in medicine like genetic code breakdowns, stem cells, or even test-tube babies, to developments in science and technology, evolution has been a journey that is just beginning. So, where are we going? Only time will tell, but the way we treat each other with prejudice and discrimination will be looked down upon by future generations.

Today we know the path of storms; we prepare and save lives, so we no longer have to throw virgins over cliffs just because our religious leaders say God is mad at us. Even this coronavirus has brought humanity to its knees, but most people, regardless of their religious background, are still looking to our scientists for answers. No matter what happens or how far we have evolved, we still kill each other over our prejudiced and discriminatory politics of belonging groups. Just look at our wars. Even a common enemy like the coronavirus, which did not discriminate against anyone, could not unite us to the point that we could stop killing each other in the name of our belonging groups. After all that, I can safely say that our work to evolve is by no means done. We not only have to learn to work together but also have to deal with the politics of belonging. We individually have to get out of our ponds and learn to belong to the ocean of humanity so we can bring equal human rights to overcome the politics of our belonging groups. If we let our groups—race, gender, nations, or religions—decide for us, they have not solved our problems in thousands of years. Would you wait for another two thousand years for humanity to solve its social problems? Personally, I don’t have that much time left, so I have to take this off my chest and say what I believe is correct.

As an individual born in a scientifically and technologically advanced era, I feel deeply responsible to critically think and examine everything we do individually. I encourage and suggest everyone do the same because the stakes are way too high to merge our ancestral knowledge-related memories with constantly evolving war weaponry. With our modern-day weaponry, the potential to kill each other over our incomplete and politically divisive knowledge should not be acceptable.

We already have hundreds of nations with different races, colors, and even religions and their sects. With our politics of belonging in the forefront and passionate loyalties to religions in the background, we are heading towards nuclear conflicts to create the predicted day of judgment.

Let’s look at our old and politically biased knowledge with clear eyes. With equal human rights flourishing all over the world, we are individually being torn apart between a sense of belonging to our groups and someone asking for equal human rights.

Newer and modern-day questions of humanity are hard to answer for individuals under the influence of the politics of belonging. If your sense of belonging has you under its influence, but you somehow end up on the receiving end of prejudice and discrimination, you would love to have equal human rights, not only for yourself but for your children as well. No one desires to be treated as a second-class citizen just because of their background, belief systems, or skin color.

We all need to be able to question everything because, as humanity, we have evolved and are evolving rapidly, especially in the last fifty or sixty years. Our outdated constitutional or religious rules do not comply with or are not practical according to the progress or evolution of society. Sure, not all individuals evolve at the same rate, but as societies, we should get our act together before it’s too late.

What should be done about that? Should we let people fight and rob each other’s love as they have been doing with their ancestral knowledge? Today’s era belongs to equal human rights, so we can’t be fighting and killing each other over our ancestry-related prejudicial and discriminatory education. We should simply enforce equal human rights as the rule of law all over the world. Remember, it is not the demands of the times that have to change; it is our previously popular rules that are no longer popular and will have to change. If you like to keep the status quo as it was thousands of years ago, you are the one who is going to be in trouble from within yourself because you can’t be happy if things don’t go your way.

For instance, our politics of belonging calls for prejudicial and discriminatory behavior against each other, but that does not match or suit our equal human rights era, especially with our war weaponry. We all have to sober up from the intoxicating sense of belonging to our groups. Remember, in today’s era, if you are a racist, religious extremist, or nationalist, you are considered a prejudicial and discriminatory individual. This is not, and should not be considered, a compliment for modern-day human beings.

Due to our evolutionary nature, evolution has been, is, and will always be a fact of humanity. Especially in today’s era, if you look at our science, technology, medicine, and even social liberation, no one in their right mind can deny these realities. If you want to stay hundreds or even thousands of years behind, do so, but don’t expect everyone else to stay with you.

Today, you just can’t kill your way to the top like it has been done in the past. In today’s world, if you try to force your ancestral ways of living on others, you will be met with force you can’t bear, especially when your own kids and family stand against you.

It would be like trying to put all the worms back in the can, but you literally just can’t. You try to put one in, and another one escapes. Unfortunately, your choices can create not only external hardship for you and others, but you may also suffer in other known and unknown areas as well. Remember, what goes on within yourself can eat you alive. If you are a controlling individual and don’t like changes around you, life can become hard. Especially when even your family and friends are changing with time, and you have no control over them. The feelings from within can make you angry and frustrated all the time, so spare some energy for living life with compassion and acceptance.

We all individually need to take charge of our thoughts related to emotional health. Long story short, in a nutshell, what I am trying to say is to understand your place as a CEO. Do your part to keep your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health in check and remove your self-created harms before you seek help.

Religious rules, traditions, customs, and rituals can be important to you, but as a mortal, your health should supersede everything. It should be a personal priority because if you are not well, you simply can’t be happy. If you are not healthy and happy, your religion has not done its job in helping you in the ways it should.

If mortality is a fact of human life, our personal input into the quality of life is our choice. That means we individually can choose how to live our mortal life. If faith can help an individual live a mortal life with some spirituality-related hope and optimism, then why not? At the end of the day, creating problems by following the prejudicial and discriminatory rules of certain groups—whether it is religious extremism, nationalism, or racism—is a choice, and a choice is a choice no matter how you look at it.

Sure, our religions talk about unquestionable and blind faith, but our spirituality-related religious education often gets buried under the politics of belonging to our groups. Interestingly, even our prophets could not stay clear of group politics because they preached for and against philosophies, not accepting humanity as a whole. So, what does this really mean? It means even God Almighty takes a back seat when it comes to the politics of our belonging groups. Whether it is about our race, nation, or religions and their sects, their politics calls for group domination over everyone else.

Regardless of what I say, you can still benefit from religious education because it does preach and talk about spiritual jewels like compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, helping the needy, and above all, hope and optimism. Unfortunately, the real and powerful problem is again the politics of belonging to our groups. Our sympathies and loyalties are limited to our groups because we have been taught from a tender age to be loyal to our groups. We have been and are still taught a lot more about the politics of belonging than real spirituality.

God and spirituality preach everything universally and should not be limited to a group of people. If we look at life through the lens of any one particular religious point of view, it teaches prejudice and discrimination, not only against other groups but against the followers who don’t adhere as well. That means even God and spirituality become politically tainted, which I don’t believe represents the real God or real spirituality.

This is where I find things have gone wrong in our religions. If your religion claims that you can only go to heaven by following the path of that particular religion, you have been sold the politics of belonging. If that received education is overwhelming for you and you have put it above all of your education, they have succeeded in brainwashing you to grow up biased, prejudiced, and discriminatory. Yet you were born with spiritual jewels like a personal sense of justice, compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, and love ingrained within your DNA, with a choice for all humanity, not limited to a group of people.

Remember, politics and spirituality can’t be mixed because one is simply nothing but the truth, and the other is there to twist the truth to benefit one particular group of people over everyone else. That political intervention has had and still is robbing us all of our personal spirituality. Regardless of what you have been told that your religion is the only favorite religion to God and no one can go to heaven if they are not part of it, politics aside, you have to understand the importance of personal spiritual character before you accept God as a biased, prejudiced, and discriminatory entity.

When you want to do good things for others but only for your belonging group exclusively, you are being political. If you do it for all human beings equally, that would be clearly spiritual. I am not going to use any name of religion, but I am going to try to make my point.

Say you belong to one religion, and you know that you are in a position to help, but the needy belong to another religion. If you try to convert the needy into your religion, you have crossed the spiritual lines and clearly have become a politician. If you avoid helping because you want to help only the needy who believe in the same religion you do, it means you are under the influence of the politics of belonging. Yet, the act of helping is spiritual, and spirituality is unquestionably universal and blind to any faith, just as need is blind to all faiths.

Regardless of who you are, what color, gender, nation, or religion you are born into, you should clearly understand and always remember that as a human being, you can’t deny your mortal nature. Your faith-related quality of life is still your personal prerogative, but remember your spiritual actions always fall into the realm of optional, even if they are your reciprocation.

Let’s look at it this way: What does Hu mean to you? In my opinion, Hu represents our spiritual side, which is mixed with our physical bodies deep inside our DNA long before our conception. When you mix Hu with a man or woman’s body, then and only then do they become human beings. So the question is, do you consider yourself a man or a woman exclusively, or a human first? If you call yourself a human being, you automatically consist of God or a spiritual side from within. Since we can’t survive or live separately, our choices should be made as whole human beings.

I don’t want to slip too far into assumptions, so I’ll try to keep it simple. In a nutshell, I am talking about the atom of autonomy, which is carried by each and every living, breathing human being. Regardless of belonging groups, our atom of autonomy makes everyone part of humanity and God simultaneously.

If you consider yourself just a man or a woman, you disregard your Hu, which exclusively makes you a body or just a physical being. Being without the Hu makes a man live like a creature who marks territories more like animals. Always remember, being just a man is actually less than being a human being, so you can’t take pride in it.

You can have all the scientific and technological knowledge or even religious knowledge, but if it is without spirituality, you simply don’t pass the test of being a spiritual human being. Simply, spirituality is what makes or breaks you; it can take you apart from God or make you a physical and crucial part of God Almighty.

If you are born into a group of people who don’t really value or possess spiritual jewels like a personal sense of justice, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, sacrifice, and love for others, they usually would not believe in programs like social work and related assistance, universal health care, and other community help for the weak and vulnerable. It simply is not healthy itself, so it is spiritually bankrupt. As individuals, if we are blessed with more than we need, it is our duty to reciprocate for the free oxygen and a functioning body. If we take, take, and take, the idea of humanity carrying on dies. You may ask, what can go wrong if I don’t pay my dues or taxes? Well, the one percent and ninety-nine percent-related problems are already here. I am no fan of socialism because it is not spiritually just for the individual, but when humanity becomes spiritually bankrupt and people die of hunger while some have more than they can consume, I will speak against all kinds of hoarding.

People like to go to mosques, churches, and temples because of religious duties or to attend rituals and pray, but they ignore the essence of religious knowledge. Yes, I am talking about spirituality-related practical prayers. If you are a religious individual but don’t believe in social programs because you have been taught or personally believe that they come from socialism, you need to wake up and smell the spiritual roses. To me, if spiritual things are not physically practiced in worshiping places like mosques, churches, and temples, they are made for political purposes, not for spiritual fulfillment. Personally, I believe all religious places should be exclusively spiritual so they can help the needy beyond their religious beliefs.

Always remember, a religion without spirituality is just a political system, or I should say a spiritually impotent political organization, which is there to conform the individual into a puppet. Individually, focus on the practical prayers like helping the needy or simply believe in paying taxes as part of your reciprocation for free oxygen and a functioning body. As human beings, we need to understand that reciprocation is not only limited to God and the community but within our relationships as well. If you share, pull your load, and help each other to make each other’s life easier, the world would be a lot more peaceful in all aspects of life.


Regardless of all the accumulated knowledge we have gathered throughout our history of evolution and civilization, we still kill each other like our wild counterparts in the bush. Whether our knowledge stems from religion, science, mathematics, technology, or simple social advances, it remains in constant evolution. Common sense tells us that our knowledge isn’t final. Since we continue to evolve, constantly learning and discovering new things every day, claiming to know everything would clearly be false.

Not only are we learning new things, but we’re also discovering new fields of knowledge with conflicting experts. There are things we can physically see and know, and then there are unseen unknowns that are still factual. For instance, you can see, sit in, and drive a car to various places; then there are intangible entities like air, life itself, thoughts, emotions, imagination, love, compassion, and God. These aspects lead us to places where we can learn about our unseen and unknown by understanding the deeper feelings of our soul. From love and belief systems, you can generate tangible and genuine feelings of satisfaction, happiness, and contentment, or you can construct the most intricate and technologically advanced things simply from your imagination.

Happiness, a state of mind, can be gained or lost, yet it has real and physical impacts on an individual’s life. You can create a state of calm and relaxation through thought processes alone or become miserable and anxious seemingly out of thin air, all from your thoughts. For example, if I swear at you in a language you don’t understand, especially if I’m smiling, you won’t physically respond with anger. However, if you understand my words, you’ll hear them, process them, and within milliseconds, feel genuine anger rising as a physical reality. How can a thought have such a profound physical impact? Asking why your feelings are tied to your thoughts can unveil a whole new world within yourself. As human beings, we need to further explore ourselves, particularly why we escalate minor issues to the point of killing each other, especially concerning our belief systems and politics of belonging.

In reality, our experiences extend beyond our visible and known world. We are extremely complex and continuously evolving entities, so our mathematically and scientifically correct world is merely one branch of our knowledge. This isn’t enough for us mortal human beings to feel completely fulfilled. We must not only nourish our bodies but also our souls, believing in the spirit within and the entire spiritual realm of the unseen and unknown. Whether fully understood or not as individuals, we must still make choices within our allotted time. By doing so, we can achieve deeper happiness and contentment, becoming fulfilled as healthy souls. Our responsibility is to experience and fully live a temporary life in all dimensions of wellness, including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health, especially as beings aware of our mortality. We should all be cautious of the power of our politics of belonging. Our sense of belonging can alter even our knowledge. Remember, it’s not just about knowledge; it’s about the politics and related biases, prejudices, and discriminations that concern us.

Consider the power of our belief systems and how they can even change an individual’s biology to create placebo effect-related healing. Interestingly, our politics of belonging affects us in similar ways. History shows that we are emotionally swayed by political speeches to the extent that we willingly go to war and face death in the name of our groups. Even the most revered figures, like our prophets, couldn’t exclude prejudice and discrimination from religious beliefs. Interestingly, as ordinary individuals, we can be emotionally influenced to the extent that hormonal changes after winning or losing a sports match can be measured.

Some time ago, I wrote a blog titled “Inferiority Complex: The Dirty Truth of Humanity.” Personally, I sought to understand why our politics of belonging is so potent that even the most intellectual people can act like puppets. Scientific evidence suggests that some of us are governed more by our chemicals, where our animal side dominates our spiritual side. Religious or not, some people fail to recognize the distinction between these internal facets, a balance that each of us must achieve.

I Googled and found this quote:

“Spectators’ testosterone levels at the World Cup final. Bernhardt et al. (1998) conducted a study at the 1994 World Cup final (played between Brazil and Italy). They collected salivary samples from fans of both teams before and shortly after the game. Brazil won this otherwise extraordinarily boring final on penalty kicks. The researchers observed a statistically significant effect on testosterone levels: Brazilian fans showed an increase, while Italian fans exhibited a decrease. This is remarkable, demonstrating that we can experience a vicarious endocrinological response. As social creatures, our brains can identify our favorite sports teams as part of our in-group, despite never having met the players we care so deeply about.”

Wear your spiritual jewelry with pride, as it brings our unseen and unknown aspects to light. Our spiritual jewelry, such as personal justice, compassion, sacrifice, forgiveness, prioritizing others over ourselves, and love, isn’t taught through mathematically and scientifically correct knowledge alone. We don’t merely possess these gifts from birth; we also learn them from knowledge beyond science and math. This aspect of human beings is connected to a different realm of knowledge, which we can access by believing that there’s more to us than what science and technology tell us. Without stepping beyond our scientifically and mathematically correct knowledge, we can’t comprehend the power of our imagination or learn about love and God.

This is the realm where discrepancies hold the right answer. It’s where spiritually unaware individuals become baffled, dismissing others as ignorant while failing to acknowledge the importance of a spiritually fulfilled mortal life. Regardless of science and religion, we must all nurture this spiritual side to claim that we’re well-rounded, evolved human beings. Remember, our good and bad deeds aren’t automatic; that’s why if intoxication was in the alcohol, the bottle would dance. As human beings, we consume that alcohol and choose whether to dance for better or worse, depending on the strength of our nurtured side.

Here is where God merges with the human individual and emerges as a physical entity to make spiritual occurrences physically real. This is where we, as human individuals, differ from all other creatures, with our atom of autonomy. Unfortunately, this same process also breathes life into the devil, depending solely on the choices made by us as individuals.

Certainly, we encounter problems with our physical side due to insecurities and actions stemming from free will. Our politics of belonging is the real devil in the details. This is why most religions preach severe consequences during life and even beyond, hoping to control our animalistic side. They employ a carrot-and-stick philosophy of heaven and hell, treating those who disobey as animals and rewarding obedient ones with incentives. To me, this still reduces human individuals to animals, whether they comply with orders or not. The true politics behind this is to train individuals to be responsible for their actions. Unfortunately, regarding ourselves as animals and striving not to succumb to our animalistic side can be confusing, necessitating conscious thought and choice. This animalistic aspect is legitimate and essential for converting spirituality into physicality, making it impossible to eradicate the physical side and live solely spiritually. Remember, one cannot function without the other, so spiritual existence depends on physicality. Without spirit, one cannot physically survive, compelling us to function as human beings, not mere spirits or physical animals.

Lack of belief and insecurity are closely related, shaping our behavior through the politics of our sense of belonging. Unfortunately, removing rewards and fears may lead individuals to revert to animalistic behaviors unless we evolve internally. If we individually believe that we are more than mere animals, we can achieve inner balance. Our spiritual side is suppressed by those who perceive God and the Devil as external entities, permitting them to commit spiritual crimes with minimal consequences, as punishment only awaits in an imagined afterlife. Since God doesn’t intervene before spiritual crimes are committed, individuals with a suppressed or absent spiritual side may live like animals. To me, the responsibility for this falls on our education about God and the Devil doing everything.

The purpose of instilling fear of God is to encourage goodness, with good intentions; however, leveraging fear for political gain, making individuals weaker and more fearful, is entirely different. Being good requires fearlessness, yet driven by a loving faith in God. Interestingly, our atom of autonomy within us understands the motivations behind our goodness. For instance, when a disobedient son is punished and an obedient one rewarded by a father, it relates to the father’s human nature. Associating human traits with God is a clear strategy of control. However, since God Almighty or our personal atom of autonomy transcends all human insecurities, understanding the reasons behind obedience or disobedience renders thoughts of punishment or reward inconsequential.

If we believe in and nurture our personal spiritual side, we can see ourselves as God-like entities who need neither bribery nor fear to do good. Unlike animals, human beings are naturally good worldwide. Ever wonder why? It’s because we carry our spiritual jewelry from birth, driven by our godly nature like a preexisting condition. That’s why we aren’t like other animals; we understand delayed gratification and even sacrifice. Human societies have incorporated God since the dawn of civilization.

Interestingly, deep individual happiness, contentment, and satisfaction in mortal life can’t be attained solely through physical means. Since we aren’t merely physical bodies, spiritual satisfaction and contentment arise from a spiritually integrated life. Living with spiritual values not only makes our mortal lives easier but also enhances our ability to find happiness and contentment along the way.

When a scientist discovers something that significantly benefits others’ lives, they experience deep satisfaction in their work—thanks to our spiritual nature, irrespective of our beliefs. Examining the reasons behind these feelings, akin to scrutinizing scientific knowledge, can lead scientists toward spirituality themselves. It’s natural for us to desire aiding others, so behind our knowledge-driven discoveries lies a desire to advance humanity as a whole. However, our group politics can corrupt us as individuals. Despite our awareness of being temporary beings, our personal sacrifices of time and energy are spiritually fruitful.

While our drive and desire to achieve aren’t always driven solely by personal gain, motives like fitting in, impressing, or seeking admiration from our groups still stem from a desire to belong. Breaking down these reasons reveals personal unknowns, prompting us to delve into why our genetics drive us physically. Despite what we know or do, exploring these mysteries can consume our entire allotted time. Thus, there’s more to being human than adhering to mathematical and scientific correctness.

Since each of us is born as the CEO of our lives, with decisions being our prerogative, acknowledging others in the same boat necessitates accepting differing opinions. Remember, if you possess unseen and unknown yet physical realities, your knowledge isn’t complete. With incomplete knowledge, you can’t assume others should conform to your beliefs or face repercussions.

Incomplete knowledge is a reality for evolving entities like human beings. Believing that our ancestors or prophets knew everything can be scientifically or mathematically disproven. That’s why scientists don’t always agree with religious knowledge. Personally, I believe claiming religious knowledge is nonsensical, just as dismissing scientists as uninformed is disputing each other under the influence of group belonging.

Reflect on history and current group politics to see how many have succumbed to our unknown knowledge. Will we ever possess complete knowledge to justify or cease our killings? Our expanding brains still leave us with unseen and unknowns. As human beings, killing each other over evolving knowledge has always been, is, and will remain absurd. If you believe your group possesses ultimate knowledge, you must delve deeper into being human. The politics of belonging can undermine our free will and inner God, prompting us to explore our spiritual or godly side beyond group influences.

Superior weaponry, advanced scientific and mathematical knowledge shouldn’t deem one group right, compelling everyone to join their cause. As mortal, evolving human beings, we don’t merely live physical lives; we require spiritual nurturing and equal treatment for happiness and contentment. Otherwise, not just individuals but entire nations can fall prey to depression. It’s time to evolve from our animal nature to spiritually dominant human beings, overcoming the urge to deprive each other of love.

Throughout history, acknowledging the importance of unseen and unknowns has been as vital and potent as what’s known and seen. Our imagination opens doors to discovering mathematical and scientific correctness. I assert that all mathematical and scientifically correct knowledge has evolved from our unseen and unknowns. When fulfilling our mortal responsibilities, we must consider not only branches of human knowledge but view life as a living, breathing tree with all its branches. You can’t be solely religious, believing blindly that God controls everything. In this day and age, you risk being left behind by those who either don’t believe in God or understand humanity’s true place in the larger scheme of life.

Choosing to be subservient while spiritually fulfilled but lagging behind physically is an individual human choice, just as being exploited by others who benefit from your subservience in the name of God is equally wrong. To me, it’s wrong because God has blessed us all to be CEOs of our lives. Our evolving nature demands growth in all aspects of life. As CEOs, it’s our individual responsibility not to neglect any area of life, as doing so undermines the purpose intended by God. If we allow this to happen, our CEO status becomes meaningless, contradicting the importance of religious teachings. Being deemed unimportant, irrelevant, or a sinner would hinder us from reaching the potential God intended for us. In essence, I’m saying that no individual human is insignificant or naturally subordinate. We are all CEOs with God-like abilities, yet our politics of belonging often reduces us to being used by others. Our relevance isn’t dictated by God or the Devil; nature treats us all equally. Therefore, it’s our individual choices that determine our significance. Why would anyone choose to be irrelevant? If you seek answers, first free yourself from the constraints of group belonging. Once you do, your clouded thinking will clear. Remember, evolving comprehensively as a CEO not only makes you more valuable to God but also more beneficial to yourself.

In today’s technologically advanced world, you need not be left behind, riding horse buggies in a world of fast transportation. You can maintain your spiritual values regardless of the path you choose. Ultimately, you must strive to be a decent human being, a status that cannot be achieved if you forfeit your CEO status. If you decide to specialize as a department head, whether in science and technology or in religious matters like the unseen, unknown, and unexplained, you undermine your CEO status.

Unfortunately, despite our evolution, many of us fail to achieve CEO status because we cannot speak out against the politics of our belonging groups. From a young age, we’re conditioned to belong to groups rather than to humanity as a whole. This early indoctrination can even reshape our biology to suit our group mentality. Consider this: if everyone is taught to fervently support their nation, religion, or sports team, how can we teach future generations to transcend these political realities and unite as humanity? The days when group identity provided sole security are long gone. Today’s challenges demand collective solutions for collective problems. Climate change, infectious diseases, and internet-related crimes were once unknown; now they compel us to evolve and unite as humanity. The COVID-19 pandemic should serve as a lesson, yet our group politics remain a major obstacle. Despite these challenges, we manage to harm each other within the same nation. Addressing modern-day problems requires us to embrace humanity as a whole, not just as an aspiration but as a present-day necessity.

Breaking free from such mental chains is no easy task, especially when dissenters face ostracism or worse from their groups. Personal loyalties to groups present another dilemma, especially for those enlightened enough to recognize their universal humanity. Consider the Great Wall of China; similarly, we each have mental, emotional, and spiritual barriers erected by our groups. As CEOs, it’s our prerogative and eventual duty to comprehend and overcome these internal barriers to unite with humanity. Being human is our fundamental identity; everything else is politically imposed data. While group affiliations are subsidiary identities, they’re crucial steps toward realizing our potential. Only a CEO can navigate an identity crisis. Remember, God, humanity, and our spiritual essence are unaffected by politics; it’s your personal responsibility to maintain a spiritually intact life.

If you scrutinize this issue closely, you’ll see that your problems stem from a lack of spiritual awareness. However, group politics often blind us to this fact, as all groups fear individual empowerment.

Observing humanity as a whole, you’ll notice that our collective knowledge—from transportation and the internet to science, technology, and medicine—benefits everyone. Look at our smartphones, cars, planes, and medications; they’re products of collective human endeavor. The point is clear by now.

When adhering to the traditions, customs, rituals, and rules of any society—be it religious or scientifically and mathematically sound—consider the purpose and objectives behind these practices.

For instance, if a tradition requires peeing while seated rather than standing, it shouldn’t invoke God or prophets; instead, it should promote cleanliness and hygiene. If the objective is to prevent urine from soiling clothing or the body, the method of achieving this goal shouldn’t matter. If urinating while standing achieves cleanliness, then it should be acceptable. However, some individuals oppose this due to tradition. In today’s world, modern urinals are designed with this objective in mind, yet they’re still intended for standing use. Understanding the origins of such traditions clarifies the issue. If you urinate on sand or a hard surface, everything changes. Thus, our responsibility should be to achieve the objective, irrespective of tradition. Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene can be straightforward or challenging depending on your mindset. If indoctrination compels you to uphold outdated traditions in this progressive era, you miss the purpose behind the tradition.


I view life as a personal and individual journey; some of us venture to distant lands. One place my journey took me was Iraq, shortly before the Iran-Iraq War broke out, so most of our work remained uninitiated. We resided in trailer homes, where our showers and toilets were also housed. As I could converse in English, Japanese management personnel often communicated with me. One day, a department head asked about an issue I was unaware of. Consulting our Pakistani labor leader, I learned that toilets were clogged due to people disposing of dirt or stones, used for drying after urinating—a tradition among religious adherents since time immemorial. Although this occurred long ago, it continues to impact modern-day toilets, despite Japanese attempts to introduce modified designs. Although water basins and toilet paper were available, toilets still clogged. Common sense should have prevailed; unfortunately, not everyone values religious traditions, customs, rituals, and rules similarly. Personally, I advocate adapting and adjusting to address contemporary challenges, but not everyone shares this view. Consequently, I found myself explaining these traditions to Japanese individuals, who were perplexed by my explanations. Unlike those who aren’t very religious, they struggled to grasp the potent ritualistic and traditional significance of religion. If we adapt to our era and make necessary amendments, we can resolve issues as they arise.

Another event worth mentioning is my curiosity-driven journey to the north, where I experienced twenty-four-hour daylight. My purpose was to critically examine sun-based prayers and fasting rituals. Once again, I sought the rationale behind religious traditions, customs, rituals, and rules. Despite accommodating religious beliefs, I emphasize the importance of rationality. Even seemingly minor religious rules should be explained, not blindly enforced. When it comes to believing in God, explanations should be clear and accessible to all. Through this blog, I aim to elucidate and simplify these concepts.

Returning to the topic of twenty-four-hour daylight, our daily prayers begin before sunrise, at midday, early afternoon, before sunset, at sunset, and after dark. Fasting involves consuming meals before dawn and breaking fast at sunset; thus, the sun plays a crucial role in our religious practices. However, what happens when the sun doesn’t rise or set? In such situations, we must adapt to our era while retaining our religious beliefs. For example, using toilet paper for hygiene is more practical and effective than clogging toilets. Failure to adapt to contemporary circumstances can lead to confusion regarding the purpose of prayers. Respecting ancestral knowledge in similar eras is one thing, but blindly adhering to traditions, customs, rituals, and rules after centuries of evolution is another. As a CEO of your life, you must evolve and make adjustments along the way. If influenced by individuals resistant to change, you may resist evolution and struggle with self-esteem issues. For instance, riding a horse-drawn carriage in today’s world pales in comparison to faster modes of transportation. My point is clear: observe the prevalence of cell phones. If you don’t question trends as a CEO, you may find yourself stuck in the past, perpetuating conflicts even after societal evolution. Consider the Shia-Sunni conflict, where groups continue fighting an ancestral war that defies logic.

God has blessed humans not only with an evolving nature but also with the ability to heal in all aspects of life. Physically, our bodies can heal cuts, wounds, and diseases. So, what excuse do we have for not healing from our past, especially when it pertains to our religions? Shi’as, for example, keep wounds fresh by reopening them annually to pass down to future generations—all due to the politics of group belonging. If we learn to belong to humanity instead, we could direct our energy towards evolution and healing rather than fighting and perpetuating thousand-year-old disputes.

Humanity, God, and spirituality call for healing and evolution, yet the politics of group belonging often cause us to defy these spiritual imperatives, ironically in the name of God. Go figure.

A modern-day individual, particularly a CEO, can easily grasp this concept. However, for most of us, our strong sense of group belonging prevents us from thinking beyond our group loyalties. Even a CEO must conform to religious traditions, customs, rituals, and rules. Not too long ago, examples like the Iranian Revolution and ongoing political influences in America illustrate this. With firearms in nearly every household, America could implode due to the politics of racial or political group belonging. If we could question our sense of belonging and redirect it towards humanity, circumstances could drastically change. The real question is: would our groups allow such a shift? Throughout history and civilization, this transformation has never occurred. It can only happen when an ordinary individual takes charge, assumes the role of CEO, puts groups in their place, and embraces humanity as a whole. They would need to transcend group politics and recognize the humanity in every race, gender, color, nationality, religion, and even in differing opinions.

As a collective, we often cling to ancestral knowledge, yet the world continues to change before our eyes. If everyone were to introspect and discover their inner CEO, they would easily grasp one of the most spiritual concepts: treating others as they wish to be treated and not perpetuating actions they find objectionable to themselves or their loved ones. When your group calls upon you to support their agenda or cause, you must use your personal sense of justice, prioritizing it over the politics of group belonging.

Just because we’ve historically waged wars and committed spiritual transgressions in the name of our groups doesn’t mean we should continue doing so indefinitely. We must evolve to thrive in the era we inhabit, shedding our ancestral skin annually rather than reopening old wounds to justify perpetuating conflicts. Always remember, as evolving spiritual beings, we don’t need to fuel prejudice and discrimination.

If Americans fail to see each other as fellow Americans, how can any individual see the humanity in others? America was supposed to be a beacon of democracy, attracting the best and brightest from around the world. If we prioritize our spiritual side over our baser instincts, there would be no need for individuals to change their nation or religion. Physically, we may appear different, but spiritually, we are a unified entity. If you wonder why people commit harm against each other, the answer lies in individual choice. We all have the equal opportunity to choose good or bad, but some remain in survival mode, viewing themselves solely as physical entities or animals. This perspective limits their understanding of life to its surface, ignoring its deeper spiritual dimensions.

Being alive is typically associated with being a physical entity, akin to animals marking their territory in the wild. Similarly, humans establish hundreds of political boundaries on Earth, and some even advocate creating more in the name of group identity. As unique beings, we must be physical to embody spirituality and be spiritually attuned to excel physically. Our virtuous thoughts stem from our spiritual side, typically when our basic needs, like sustenance, are fulfilled. If you doubt this, try fasting for a couple of weeks and then attempt to read the Qur’an or Bible while adhering to its teachings. You’ll likely find yourself prioritizing food over spiritual devotion, even to God. Remember, your identity is that of a human being, not merely a spirit or animal. To be wholly human, both facets must coexist; you cannot separate them except in death.

Your existence relies on the external and internal functions of the universe. Moreover, you do not operate solely on your volition; you depend on oxygen and favorable conditions. If everything were subject to your will alone, conquering mortality would be your first achievement. Ultimately, you need assistance even to contemplate, so is it fair to claim all your achievements as exclusively yours? Unfortunately, this spiritual flaw extends beyond individuals; collectively, we often make this assertion.

Disregarding oxygen and favorable environments as aid from the unknown is disingenuous. Trillions of personal cells and non-self bacteria collaborate intricately to sustain us. Yet, those who deny external aid while asserting sole responsibility for their existence overlook these complexities. Personally, I acknowledge this aid as fact and do not take sole credit for my survival. Although perspectives on life vary, failing to recognize the contributions of unknown forces denies spirituality. Overcoming our egotism is crucial for spiritual awareness. We function only after drawing that essential breath; why then do we justify our accomplishments as solely ours? Perhaps, we are unwilling to accept simplicity, or we collectively indoctrinate others to believe it’s entirely individual effort. To me, denying this assistance while shamelessly disregarding it is not just incorrect but spiritually deficient.

When you view yourself solely as a physical entity, your capacity to question is hampered by early education. You recognize the body’s significance but overlook your fundamental essence of being alive. You witness death daily, yet despite this awareness, we choose to overlook our mortal nature. We suppress this awareness, conditioned not to confront it until old age. Living as a physical body is distinct from living as a soul or spirit; we’re taught to stifle our spiritual side until it withers, robbing us of our true human potential. While our living body is purely animalistic, needing oxygen, water, and food, as complex human beings, mere survival does not suffice. True happiness and contentment demand alignment with our deeper nature.

If you equate happiness and contentment solely with physical existence, you’ll be drawn to materialistic pursuits, awakening abruptly to the realization that abandoning everything awaits, without ever achieving deeper joy and contentment. This profound satisfaction arises from adorning your soul or spirit with spiritual virtues like compassion, sacrifice, forgiveness, and love—themes espoused by most religions, yet violated fervently in the name of group politics.

As CEOs of our lives, we should transcend the politics of manipulation and control. Emotional upheavals and political influences can compromise one’s rationality, justifying morally wrong actions. People hide behind their group affiliations, shielded and even celebrated for heinous deeds. Yet, as individuals, we must answer to our inner, God-like conscience. Those tormented by guilt for wartime atrocities can attest to the immense personal responsibility they bear.

Reflect on your personal history; where do you stand as an individual? Have you been so indoctrinated that you’re now merely an extension of an ideology? Or do you see yourself as an independent entity, accountable for your actions? Can you grasp the responsibilities of living in your era?

Once the proverbial can of worms has been opened for millennia, civilization and evolutionary progress cannot be undone. Returning to discriminatory days of religious glory is neither practical nor feasible in an era championing equal human rights. Embrace evolution as God’s will. If it was not meant by God, it would not have come to pass. Decide clearly whether you accept God’s will. Only then can you discern the politics of group identity hidden in plain sight. Respecting ideologies is one thing, but wielding nuclear weapons to kill over them is quite another. We must evolve, for God’s sake, to appreciate the advancements of the smartphone and equal human rights era we inhabit.


Security, law, and order are crucial to us both individually and collectively. Even observing other creatures reveals they too have established systems for safety. In our early days in the bush and caves, survival relied on strength, bravery, and numbers, emphasizing the advantages of social cohesion. Today, our inclination toward belonging groups has evolved into nationalism, religions, and governmental bodies. Over time, we’ve moved away from individual strength systems, racial superiority, kingdoms, and imperialism, yet tribalism remains deeply rooted, fostering distrust and pervasive stress.

This distrust impedes global collaboration, critical amidst today’s challenges—climate-related extremes, pandemics, and cybercrimes—which transcend national borders. Our world has shrunk with technological advances, rendering physical walls ineffective for security. Embracing unity as one entity is imperative. Crime rates within societies pose a significant challenge; notably, crimes are often committed by members against one another. Our tendency to trust our own groups over others stems from historical experiences, ingrained deeply within us. As a result, we prioritize our groups over humanity as a whole.

Humanity must evolve beyond historical conflicts and adopt new approaches suited to our technological era. Persisting with outdated divisions risks self-imposed catastrophe, hindering progress. Maintaining awareness of our mortality provides courage, enhancing our journey with fulfillment and contentment. Denying or hiding from our realities undermines our quality of life and contributes to various health issues, highlighting the futility of attempting to control mortality.

Recently, I came across a thought-provoking statement by Neil deGrasse Tyson, a prominent figure in astrophysics and an atheist. Despite his disbelief in God, his words resonated deeply with my spiritual beliefs. To me, spirituality transcends religious affiliation and personal beliefs; it encompasses reciprocity and selfless contribution to humanity:

“‘On my tombstone, I want it to say, ‘I would not want to live if humanity did not benefit from my existence.’ I think that’s a more interesting position than ‘Here lies so and so, who had such and such position and such and such wealth.’”

We receive and continue to receive from the universe without control over basic necessities like oxygen or our bodily functions. Aging and mortality remain beyond our command. Tyson’s reflection on mortality, altruism, and non-transactional living exemplifies spiritual enlightenment. His viewpoint challenges traditional religious frameworks, yet embodies spiritual depth and ethical integrity, illustrating the universal essence of spirituality.

Baba Bulay Shah, long ago, addressed character:

“All the religious preachers have aged saying God’s name,

Yet no one has found God clearly, despite prostrating and praying.

God resides within, the Quran states,

Bulay Shah found God by mastering his inner self.”

Spirituality transcends religious affiliations; every individual, regardless of creed or background, contributes to spiritual expression through noble actions. Good and bad deeds influence generations to come; even negative experiences can yield positive outcomes in the long run. The notion of godless individuals facing damnation while believers ascend to paradise fosters prejudice, discrimination, and judgment based on assumptions. Such viewpoints are often rooted in political and group biases, overshadowing the profound essence of spirituality.

Consider individuals who benefit from life-saving medications invented by atheists, or who enjoy modern technologies developed by those who deny God’s existence. True spirituality acknowledges and reciprocates such contributions, whereas political biases may disparage non-believers. Discrimination based on race, religion, or nationality reflects a false sense of superiority instilled by group affiliations, obscuring the moral debt owed to these innovators.

Determining one’s fate in the afterlife transcends human judgment—it’s a spiritual matter beyond our mortal realm. Assumptions about the afterlife breed conflicting opinions, leading to needless conflicts and strife. Instead of arguing or harming each other over spiritual beliefs, we should prioritize unity, empathy, and respect for all individuals’ contributions to humanity.

If people can confront personal prejudice and discrimination internally and embrace the unknown as a realm of assumptions, they would not only recognize God within themselves but also see God in others, even if they consider non-religious individuals as godless.

Logically, as entities, human beings are cells of humanity as a whole, functioning and existing physically as living, breathing beings. Therefore, dividing into “us” and “them” makes no spiritual sense. Physically, however, our politics of belonging has deeply divided us, even at our spiritual core. Ironically, as self-proclaimed stewards of God and spirituality, religions have zealously engaged in mutual destruction for millennia. If you perceive yourself merely as another creature or animal and deny your spiritual essence, you fail to grasp the full complexity of being human. A human being connects to humanity as a whole, both physically and spiritually, so favoring one over the other denies our complete humanity. Being human entails a unique amalgam of God and physicality, making us a crucial element in the spiritual equation. Besides miracles and natural disasters, every instance of good and bad hinges on our choices—each of us individually. Remove human agency, and all that remains is silence; no concepts of life, progress, or conflict. We alone are responsible for the political killings in the name of belonging, not God or the Devil. We must awaken to our responsibilities as humans, forsake our factions, and unite under the banner of humanity before we face utter silence.

Debates about God, the Devil, heaven, and hell can wait for the afterlife. In our present physical existence, let’s prioritize goodness and leave the concerns of the afterlife for later. Our real-life consequences stem largely from our politics of group identity, preventing us from seeing the goodness or God within ourselves and others.

If you fail to exercise your atom of autonomy, you forfeit your God-given free will and cannot truly claim spiritual status. Allowing others to dictate your choices denies your maturity and evolution as a human being. Unlike genetically programmed creatures like warrior ants or worker bees, we possess the capacity to decipher and manipulate our genetic code. This autonomy elevates us above even angels, who lack such choice. If you reduce yourself to a programmable entity, you defy God’s intent for you.

Your choices of good and bad impact not only others but also your own spiritual well-being. Acting virtuously can bring inner peace and fulfillment, while spiritual neglect can lead to internal turmoil—a living hell for mortals seeking happiness and contentment. Remember, if you believe in goodness and God, refrain from using your hands, back, or shoulders—gifts from God—to harm others. Adhere to the first spiritual rule: do not inflict upon others what you find injurious to yourself or your loved ones. Our downfall lies in blind allegiance to group doctrines, wherein religious agendas co-opt God to absolve guilt. By doing so, we relinquish our autonomy and deny both our free will and God. Above all, harming others in the name of God betrays not only our responsibilities but also God, who resides within us. Such actions stem from group loyalty and political indoctrination, not spiritual enlightenment.

My blog theme isn’t to denigrate any religion or viewpoint but to emphasize the significance of individual humans and their spiritually motivated actions. Regrettably, religions frequently exploit God and individuals to advance political objectives. Anyone asserting their religion as apolitical should reconsider and adopt a CEO mindset in their life decisions. Buddhist monks, until recently, claimed apolitical stances—yet, how could a monk become a political extremist? The true essence of a monk, as defined, contradicts such involvement. Our politics of group identity persistently corrupts and diminishes the spirituality inherent in devout individuals.

Ultimately, every human group operates politically. They ensure mutual security and exhibit unwavering loyalty, yet when forced to choose between politics and spirituality, they often favor the former due to their sense of belonging. Their faith becomes a security blanket, akin to a grub under a rock. However, should that rock shift, their purported security can become a deadly trap. Unlike grubs, humans possess the intellect to contemplate the realities of our “rocks” and their literal implications.

Since nothing is more important than life, happiness, and contentment as mortals, we need to maintain a crucial balance between our security and mortal nature. The burdens of our security rocks can lead us to harmful effects like mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health issues, and even premature death. Overthinking and living in a constant state of fear can continuously release harmful stress hormones. Scientifically proven, these chemicals can cause physical ailments. Being mortal, causing oneself these physical ailments is self-destructive. As you are on borrowed time, you cannot afford to live under your imaginary security rocks. It will kill you prematurely, and it would be by your own choices.

It may not be scientifically proven, but personally, I believe our diseases are not just connected to our genetics. Our lifestyle and clear imagination have the power to override an early death or bring it on. A religious individual may believe our time is fixed, and scientists may say they believe in genetics, but there are some factors we critically need to consider. If our imagination and our ways of thinking have the power to release physical chemicals, they have the power to dictate our health and quality of life as well.

How long we are going to live is in the same realm as judging who is going to hell or heaven, so if you do, it would be all assumptions. Personally, I don’t like making assumptions, but sometimes you have to carry on to string the beads of life. We can be proven wrong, but that is part of our evolution, as long as we don’t become extremists and become entrenched in our ancestral and present knowledge.

A joke comes to mind:

“Someone asked George Burns, ‘Hey George, do you smoke?’ ‘Yes, I have my cigar every day,’ said George. The next question was, ‘Do you drink?’ George replied, ‘Yes, I have my martini every day.’ The last question was, ‘What does your doctor say?’ George thinks for a while as if trying to remember. Then he says, ‘Well, he died a long time ago.’ So, no one, and I mean no one, can predict without resorting to assumptions how long one is going to live. The whole idea is to understand the importance of balance, even in our knowledge, whether it is related to science, religions, or anything else.

That is why, despite our scientific advances, we hold onto our exclusive belief systems, even if they were passed down to us thousands of years ago. We cling to our installed data and believe that it is our true identity. We ignore all signals of our spirituality, which keeps insisting that we are connected to something bigger—like humanity as a whole and God—not just with the people around us.

This organism-like entity has been and still is suffering from the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups. Our universal spiritual nature is still intact and functioning, but there has been and still is a constant battle for the individual to choose. Our security rock has always been and still is created and influenced by the politics of belonging to groups, so we can individually feel insecure and stay with them.

An individual’s overthinking of imaginary scenarios makes them not trust beyond the politics of belonging, even if our own group is responsible for our individual demise. Our individual insecurities not only cause us to stay in unacceptable circumstances, but they are also the foundational cause of committing spiritual crimes against each other. Since we don’t carry or have the concept of our personal identities, we believe killing each other in the name of our groups is fine, so there is no personal remorse or guilt. Interestingly, these days, we can’t easily fight off or disregard the strength of our spiritual side with the politics of belonging. There is a new phenomenon called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) emerging, and no one can deny its realities and connections to individual spirituality.

Regardless of religions, nationalism, race, gender, or even belief in God, logically, if you take down the workhorse of God, it is a loss for God. You, as an individual, are a computer of God, just as you have your body and brain as your personal computer. When humanity is strong, more computers are working, but our viruses, as our realities and malfunctions, are also present. Our main and biggest malfunction is virus-related; this virus is related to our politics of belonging to our groups. This virus can make the computer runner feel and think that they don’t exist themselves and they are just the data and memory. The problem with the sense of belonging is memory-related virus because real relation for the human individual is to belong to God and humanity, not to politically installed data and memory. Our politics of belonging to our groups always revolves around an individual’s state of mind. If the individual is weak and vulnerable, they would seek belonging and gladly give up their powers for the group. No political group would want to let that go, so they initiate politics to make the individual feel weak and vulnerable. A free-thinking individual who believes in belonging to humanity as a whole is politically harmful to group survival, so they are discouraged, sometimes even by force. That is why groups always preach mass over individual rights, even religions—the beacons of spirituality—become political when it comes to individual rights. Our politics of belonging make sure to suppress spiritual justice, even in our so-called spiritual religions. This has been discussed throughout our history, but individually, human beings would usually pick personal sufferings over belonging to a group because of spiritual and mortal nature.

Now the questions are: What do you personally believe, and why? Do you think you have the input of a CEO, or do you feel you are just an unimportant, meaningless, and irrelevant puppet?

One of my themes is that we are not all born sinners, nor are we irrelevant. We are born as CEOs of our lives, contrary to our religious beliefs, yet we depend on oxygen and functioning bodies to live. Without that help, our CEO powers dissolve, and we cease to exist physically. Our dependency on that external help should make us question everything we do, but unfortunately, not thinking about our mortal nature keeps us in a state of fear and insignificance. Our religions don’t help because they are there to make us feel insignificant, so they can easily control us politically. They don’t want us to gain self-respect and self-esteem, so they preach that everything is done by God and the Devil, and human beings are just meaningless. That is where our political belonging takes hold of us. Our groups preach that we should remain insignificant and irrelevant, so they can have total control over us.

Instead of being a workhorse for God, you become a workhorse for some of the smart and powerful people. You neglect spirituality, God, and your personal importance, becoming a puppet of people who have power over you. Unfortunately, regardless of religious beliefs, your realities don’t change, so you still suffer from fearful living, which can potentially harm you. Remember, your belonging groups can only pray for you; they can’t keep you from death and disease, so understand where you stand. Where does your group stand? Where does God and your personal relationship with God stand in your mortal life?

Where does this oxygen come from? Who provides it? Why are we able to think about it? Obviously, it is beyond the powers of your belonging groups, so what is keeping you from connecting to your real source? Scientifically, you may have people telling you all the facts about space and technology, but it’s all about your ability to imagine, think, envision, and achieve with your atom of autonomy. However, your mortality overrides everything. Shouldn’t your personal understanding be there to know that you and your belonging groups are alive from the help you have no control over? Shouldn’t you be reciprocating to that source instead of a group of people? Sure, your belonging groups would tell you about it all, but their political strings or chains would never let you be free from the politics of belonging.

Your ability to think and question has inherent potential, and that potential has the capacity to evolve. So, who is guiding this questioning mind? Obviously, it’s not just the brain itself, because from birth, a baby possesses more than just genetic predispositions. While groups may impart data, you also possess the ability to store memories and operate your mental processes at will. Your data and memories serve you, but they do not define your identity—though they are significant, they are not synonymous with you. Highly influential, they are also influenced by the politics of belonging to your groups. This explains why infants are not inherently prejudiced or discriminatory towards others. Ultimately, it is you who makes choices.

Thousands of fans may watch a game, yet when someone throws a beer can or other objects at players of the opposing team, they have succumbed to their data and memories, relinquishing their CEO status. If left unchecked individually, this can lead to prejudicial and discriminatory behavior, even to the point of committing spiritual offenses in the name of group belonging. It’s crucial to reclaim your CEO status now, so you don’t get swept up in violent acts against innocents in the name of group allegiance. Self-defense is one thing; targeting opposing teams is entirely another. Whether you identify as Canadian, Pakistani, Black, White, Muslim, Christian, or any gender, these are all aspects tied to data and memory, and only a CEO can see through the haze of political group identity. Personal justice is a virtue we should all uphold and take pride in because without individual action, no group can achieve it. Just as God, the Devil, ideologies, nations, or religions depend on individuals for their physical existence, group entities cannot enact justice without individual participation.

Personal ethics, morals, and a sense of justice are founded on simple, spiritual principles—you reap what you sow, treating others as you wish to be treated and protecting your loved ones. While pain and suffering are inevitable parts of life, the choices we make can alleviate or exacerbate them. Regardless of personal beliefs, whether in God or a greater purpose, these beliefs can provide comfort and even placebo benefits in mortal existence. If life is fleeting, we should not confine ourselves to the limitations of our learned behaviors but also nurture our compassionate nature, benefiting both ourselves and others. Just as a computer is essential and cannot function without it, every life lost impacts the greater whole, one individual at a time.

Our awareness of mortality naturally steers us towards acts of spiritual goodness, distinguishing us as beings capable of valuing quality of life over mere longevity, a perspective not shared by other creatures. While we may desire long lives or even immortality, our spiritual awareness reminds us of our physical limitations, fundamentally altering our outlook. Some interpret this spiritually, others pragmatically, but if your life is consumed by securing, hoarding, and fearing death, your spiritual health is likely imbalanced. Conversely, finding joy in moments and not fixating on death is living a fulfilling human life.

We often desire more than we need, accumulating for a rainy day, yet perpetual accumulation without end is futile and leads to inner conflict, undermining happiness and contentment. Ultimately, regardless of scientific or mathematical rationale, believing in reciprocity and practicing generosity enhances our well-being. Science and math may explain many phenomena, but they do not encompass spiritual virtues like love, compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, acceptance, equality, justice, or basic decency—essential aspects of our human experience. Embrace diverse knowledge, for only then can you effectively steward your life as its CEO. Despite advancements in science and technology, personal responsibility for ethical conduct remains paramount, especially for mortals. We carry more responsibilities than we are often taught; while religions may emphasize decency, scientific facts and figures alone cannot define our existence.

At day’s end, it’s not about being right or wrong but about managing your personal affairs, both inwardly and outwardly, within the context of your era. Have you achieved the most fundamental aspects of mortal life—happiness and contentment—or have you spent your days waiting on a platform that never bore your train, running out of time to gather all the scientifically correct answers?

Governments cannot operate like businesses, just as individual lives cannot be reduced to numbers and formulas, nor can existence hinge solely on the promise of afterlife scenarios. Our spiritual truths transcend personal satisfaction and success; while mortality is undeniable, our personal evolution and contributions to collective progress constitute our true reality. Serving others while enjoying the gift of life connects us to a deeper understanding where clarity prevails over assumption.

Remember, our spiritual journey begins with introspective questioning. The first questions—why and what—address our purpose and existence. Seeking these answers through science alone leads astray, as evolving knowledge cannot provide definitive answers. Persisting in this pursuit may leave one confused, neither fully animal nor fully spiritual.

Attempting to reconcile scientific knowledge with spirituality often results in identity confusion, exacerbated by the politics of group identity. If we aim to authentically uncover our purpose without succumbing to confusion, we must confront and transcend the politics of group belonging. Overcoming this allows us to reclaim our role as individual CEOs, possessing autonomy and free will, capable of discerning our true identity.

As human individuals, we embody autonomy, holding the reins of free will—essential attributes that affirm our status as CEOs. Yet societal narratives often reduce us to seeds, failing to recognize the majestic potential within each of us. Whether viewed as seeds or as fully realized beings, our perception dictates our vulnerability. The politics of group identity perpetuate a narrative of weakness and vulnerability, enforcing beliefs that perpetuate inner conflicts.

Constantly urged to pray for forgiveness as inherently flawed beings, we’re conditioned to remain as seeds, never blossoming into our full potential. Only through personal exploration can individuals uncover their purpose and meaning, challenging the notion that group identity supersedes personal quest. What do you believe is your purpose here? As autonomous beings, free from physical dependency, our sense of freedom should be as robust as our sense of belonging. Yet, our internal journey reveals a different truth.

Forces aim to keep you in seed form from the very beginning of your life, conditioning you to believe that the song of your belonging group is your own. This means you lack personal identity and are merely an extension of your group. You can’t delve within to discover your own potential; instead, you believe in the glory of your group, even over God Almighty. If you believe that God gives life and takes it, why is the group more important than God? Why can’t you have a direct connection to God? Why does your belief system make you feel irrelevant, unimportant, and insignificant?

Personally, I believe human individuals have always been, are, and will always be essential in converting spirituality into physical reality. This means even God depends on human individuals to get the job done. Our groups seek political power and, in their pursuit, not only use human individuals but also politically manipulate God. We owe it to ourselves to understand and recognize our importance in the true picture of spirituality.

Sure, we feel weak and vulnerable because of our mortal nature, but understanding spiritual realities can help us see how important a human individual is within the right-side-up triangle. It can boost our self-respect and self-esteem, but we must learn and understand the politics of our sense of belonging to our groups.

God provided us with things beyond our control: a functioning body and a supply of oxygen, symbolizing the direct connection between God and the human individual. Groups may pray for you, but they can’t assist in your direct connection to God. Your life and death clearly show that our belonging groups cannot help the individual.

Every physical action and thought depends on these two realities. If our physicality and imagination depend on being alive, you can’t say, “I am doing everything.” Sure, you are doing it, but you need help to do so. Remember, it’s not your group helping you; it is direct help. It doesn’t matter how you view life, whether you believe in God or not. It remains your responsibility to understand your why and what.

Don’t go nuts or bananas by digging in the wrong direction. Understand your mortal nature, your importance in the larger scheme of life, your dependencies, your ability to evolve, and what you owe to God for keeping you alive and functioning to evolve further.

Where do you feel you stand? If you still feel weak, vulnerable, unimportant, or irrelevant, break free from that sense of belonging and become what God intended for you. You owe it not only to God but also to yourself to understand your importance. You are the one doing things, not just for yourself. Those groups keeping you in seed form are not Godly; they are politicians exploiting your weakness.

Your realities transcend politics, discussed for centuries, yet the politics of belonging have always undermined individual importance due to insecurity. As long as the politics of belonging is your refuge for security, you remain a compromised spiritual entity.

A quote by Kabir fits here:


Allama Iqbal says:

“Khudi ko kar buland itna kay her taqdeer say pehlay

Khuda banday say khud puchay bataa tari raza kyaa hay.”

Translation: “Raise your ego so high that when God writes your fate, God will come down to ask for the approval of the human individual.” (End Quote).

Niel deGrasse Tyson says:

“Many people look for meanings in life, and I think to myself, you have more power than that. You have the power to create meaning in your life rather than passively looking for it. For me, I create meaning. Meaning is, do I know more about the world today than I did yesterday? That enhances meaning for me.” (End Quote).

Regardless of their personal beliefs, they highlight the importance of the human individual. The politics of belonging keep us from realizing our potential, so even today, we suffer from the politics of insignificance. A simple way to see this is to identify who benefits from it, and I can bet it’s not God. God clearly shows us every day that the human individual creates miracles in all aspects of life. Every spiritual thought becomes a physical reality through the hands, backs, and shoulders of human individuals.

It’s not nuts or bananas; it’s simple and logical. As a human individual, your why is that without you, God loses significance, and even the Devil becomes irrelevant. Your presence gets the job done, good or bad, depending on your choices. Why are you here? To give life to good and bad. What is the purpose of your life? Reciprocation. You are blessed with the gift of life, so your purpose is to reciprocate. Since God needs nothing material, it’s all about serving humanity, not just a group that harms others.

What is your reciprocation? You must delve into yourself to find that CEO. If you meet that CEO, you will have the help to understand everything and open that door. Otherwise, you will remain one of the seeds, feeling secure in the jar of belonging, staying in that form until you die. You can’t blossom in the jar; you must break free from the political jar of belonging to become a CEO. Understand that your security is important, but not at the cost of staying a seed and never reaching your potential, torn apart by the desire to be secure. You are not a grub; know who resides within you because your spiritual, emotional, mental, and even physical health depends on it. As a mortal, happiness and contentment should be your goal. If you have lost them, you’re not in a good place because you can’t afford to lose the only treasure that should matter to a mortal. If the politics of your sense of belonging is your rock for security, remember it keeps you from becoming the CEO of your life, helping you achieve the potential God intended for you. Our mortality is a fact, so logically, there is no real security for us. Paying the price of our potential for security is fear-based and makes no sense.


You can hide behind your nation, religion, or God, as you have been taught to believe, but you cannot evade the demons and God within.

Your dual nature as both physical and spiritual beings makes you a unique entity. You are not merely an animal nor can you exclusively be a spirit; rather, you are a human being who embodies both. The critical question then arises: who is truly in charge? Is it God, the Devil, or is it you? Logically speaking, if God were controlling your life, it would be akin to genetic programming. Similarly, if the Devil held sway, it too would be genetically programmed, with no room for the survival of opposing entities. As human beings, we oscillate between good and bad throughout our lives, often conflicted not just over our lifetimes but from moment to moment. Upon introspection, you’ll realize that you are the third equation, choosing to breathe life into either God or good, or into the Devil by choosing evil.

Now, the crucial question falls to you: who do you believe calls the shots in your life? Is it God? Is it the Devil? Is it you, or perhaps a fourth entity like your social group or a higher authority? From my perspective, the answer is unequivocally you, though unfortunately, for a significant portion of the population, it’s not that straightforward. If an individual possesses an atom of autonomy to exercise free will, then we all have God-like powers to make decisions, without exception. Each of us navigates daily decisions, effectively functioning as CEOs of our own lives. It should be a no-brainer, but the realities of political conformity and religious indoctrination complicate matters.

As human individuals, we are inherently social creatures, compelled to live within societies. Yet, despite our atom of autonomy and unique makeup, we bear personal responsibility for our actions. Imagine if everyone believed that God and the Devil controlled all actions; what chaos would ensue within our justice systems? There would be social anarchy, as no one would be accountable for their deeds. Even so-called godly and highly conservative societies maintain justice systems. On one hand, they preach belief in God, attributing all to Him, while on the other, for political control, they punish severely and hold human individuals accountable. This contradiction is profoundly political and demeaning to individuals, promoting the belief that they are insignificant, irrelevant, and born sinners.

Personally, I contend that it is the human being who ultimately dictates events, both as individuals victimized by irrelevance and collectively as manipulative political powers. God and the Devil are integral to our essence, or we are integral to theirs. Regardless, without living, breathing human beings, no spiritual or diabolical actions can manifest. Whichever way you interpret it, the human being stands as the central figure. Therefore, our political and religious degradation of the individual does not stem from God but from those who seek political control. Remember, if you introspect, you are neither insignificant nor a born sinner.

Even as our sins evolve with our development, one spiritual constant remains: our personal sense of justice. If you treat others as you would not wish to be treated, or as you would want your loved ones treated, you are committing a sin, plain and simple. This includes prejudices, discriminations, and all related offenses, whether taught religiously or politically, for which you, spiritually and individually, bear responsibility.

As individuals, we possess the capacity for self-regulation, owing to our inherent makeup. Logically, our societies need not assign a police officer to every citizen. Self-regulation stems from our spiritual side, as we naturally refrain from actions we find objectionable when applied to ourselves or our loved ones. To comprehend this, consider why people often treat others in ways they themselves detest. The dominance of our animalistic side necessitates education to maintain a balance with our spiritual side. If you cannot govern your desires, you persist in believing life remains confined to the bush or cave. While aggression and dominance were once assets in the wild, in our established communities—our mega-cities or what I term urban jungles—our laws and orders now prioritize civility and progress.

If fear of eternal damnation must coerce you into virtuous behavior, your spiritual side is weak and vulnerable. Likewise, if you perform good deeds solely for the promise of heaven, you need a deeper understanding of spirituality. If heaven and hell govern your morality, you’re not genuinely moral. You act out of political motives, needing external incentives to inspire goodness. Understanding human nature means recognizing that we possess both polarities within us; thus, achieving balance, rather than wielding power over others, becomes the objective.

Reciprocating to God for the gift of a functioning body and oxygen as the purpose of your life constitutes your mortal game. While alive, breathing, and functioning as a human being, you are of utmost importance—not after you have passed. Embracing your role as CEO, your spiritual awareness dictates how you inhabit your mortal vessel. If you experience discomfort and lose happiness and contentment during your lifetime, you effectively experience a living hell. Mortally speaking, the loss of happiness and contentment signifies losing everything, yet our belonging groups are determined to ensure this outcome. Religions propagate the notion of innate sinfulness, urging adherents to supplicate five times daily for offenses they have not committed. Total submission suggests God orchestrates everything, demanding the suppression of the Devil within, with the individual’s significance and agency ignored. In my view, if you harbor no guilt or reason for perpetual supplication, you experience internal comfort and dwell in heaven—whether in life or in death.

Consider it in this light: imagine you are a tape recorder, capable of receiving and conveying identical messages, yet you are not. Spirituality must burgeon from within, not through fear of hell or desire for heaven, as though God were a politician wielding the carrot and stick. Such philosophies are inherently human, proving ineffective outside the animal realm. I wish to be regarded as a human, not as an animal. Our belief systems should treat humans as humans, not as animals. Distrust in our intellect implies a disbelief in human potential, with beliefs imposed as justice systems. Beliefs cannot function as enforceable rules, subject to questioning and judicial review. No one can expound upon God with absolute logic, which accounts for the myriad beliefs and the existence of deniers. If God were truly in control, spiritual crimes would not transpire. Blind adherence achieves nothing, stunting human evolution, which aligns with divine order. Neglecting divine order for religious conformity can result in spiritual crimes, as evidenced by acts of terrorism. While one may learn that religiously motivated homicide is permissible, it remains a political issue, nothing more. If you embody goodness out of fear of hell or desire for heaven, how do you fare when fear and desire fade? This scenario occurs routinely, as people traverse various stages throughout their lifetimes. God does not watch over us as an external overseer; rather, He resides within each individual, an internal matter.

Our spiritual essence is the God within us, but unfortunately, we also harbor our animalistic side. Ultimately, it boils down to us as individuals: which aspect dominates within us and how we exert control over our choices. Can you strike a balance between these two sides to shape your character? Remember, it is you who commits spiritual transgressions in the name of your affiliations. If you are kept feeling weak, vulnerable, irrelevant, and branded a sinner, your group will dictate what is right and wrong for you. In some societies, killing someone can lead to harsh punishment, yet committing the same act against someone sanctioned by your group may earn you praise. This conflicting indoctrination is purely political; deep down, you recognize it, where you simultaneously embody both animalistic instincts and spiritual awareness. Living in such conflict can potentially leave you in a personal, burning hell, especially if your spiritual side is stronger and recognizes the concepts of personal morality.

Consider our belief systems—such contradictions are simply astounding. Take, for instance, religious punishments: stealing might result in having your hand chopped off, while adultery could lead to stoning to death, all while insisting on ultimate submission to God’s authority. These frightening and archaic laws aim to deter crime and enforce obedience to rulers, all in the name of God. Now, imagine the perspective of a crime victim who prays for divine protection but receives no divine intervention. What effect does this repeated experience have on their faith? Two outcomes are likely: some victims lose faith in God, while criminals see no divine retribution despite their actions, undermining their fear of God over time. Logically and practically, the fear of God fails to deter wrongdoing. Consequently, more individuals lose faith in God due to the political entanglements within religious belief systems.

When your personal belief system is in turmoil, you suffer spiritually and personally, and the belief system itself becomes a victim of political manipulation. To witness the repercussions of political interference in belief systems, look no further than nations where religion governs state affairs, often resulting in chaos, especially in light of global efforts towards equal human rights. Internationally, these countries are viewed as rogue states because their laws do not align with universal human values.

Since belief systems are rooted in the unknown and often defy comprehension by evolving minds attempting to grasp God, or while our cognitive capabilities remain incomplete, enforcing belief systems as legal frameworks is impractical. Not everyone interprets God similarly, and some may not even acknowledge His existence.

The amalgamation of fear of God and social punishments within belief systems is misguided; punishments, like everything else, are administered by humans. A belief system cannot function as a governing system; when it assumes that role, it becomes a political apparatus. This approach manipulates ordinary individuals under the guise of blaming God or an individual’s faith, but never the politically dominant authorities. Even if an individual loses faith in God, it is not solely the fault of their affiliation.

Some religious authorities expect absolute adherence to beliefs, claiming that even a leaf cannot stir without God’s will. While such absolute faith is rare, it sets expectations. Paradoxically, these same authorities may label, blame, and punish a child born out of wedlock. Personally, I find these actions not only contradictory but spiritually criminal, as the child bears no responsibility or say in their birth. If a leaf cannot move without God’s consent, how can an entire child be born outside His will? These contradictions are rarely openly debated because they defy spiritual logic. Blindly following the dictates of a mullah or priest without critical thought leads to rash actions driven by passion. Remember, we are all accountable for our actions; you cannot justify violence, such as targeting doctors who perform abortions. If you blame a child born out of wedlock, you are contradicting your belief in God. You cannot have it both ways; you either take responsibility or surrender it to God and trust in His plan. It’s akin to carrying a gun for self-defense while advocating for a police force and law enforcement for everyone else.

Watching leaves move on a tree is an experience. As living individuals, we can observe and understand this phenomenon. If you believe that God keeps you alive by providing oxygen, then you must also accept that the birth of every human child happens by God’s will.

If you choose to believe that nothing is possible without God’s will, then commit to that belief fully. Don’t halfway believe and blame an innocent child who had no say in how they were born. If you believe you’re doing everything within your power, remember that you still cannot commit injustices against the innocent. No one is better or worse purely because of where they are born, especially regarding whether they are born into a religion that permits wedlock or not.

It shouldn’t matter when or where you are born, your skin color, gender, beliefs—whether you believe in one God, many gods, or none at all—your level of education, the type of schooling you received, or the country where you were educated. What truly matters are your actions. If your actions harm an innocent person, then your actions matter.

Our actions and character define our spirituality. It’s not about how often you pray, the language you speak, or whether you believe in reincarnation, heaven, or hell. Spirituality is defined by your actions—they determine whether you are a good person. Your belief system, nationality, gender, or race do not limit your capacity to be good or bad. This is why I believe spirituality transcends the boundaries of all human societies.

When someone dies, it’s often poetic to say they’ve gone to the sky to become a star, a comforting idea though not necessarily logical. These stories permeate our belief systems and traditions, becoming part of everyday life. Ancient Egyptian tombs, for instance, were filled with treasures for the afterlife, reflecting similar beliefs in Chinese culture. Personally, I leave these mysteries about the afterlife for after death; I prefer not to dwell on assumptions that might lead me to commit spiritual crimes against others.

Many pretty stories and assumptions exist in our societies, but a living, breathing human being is a tangible, logical reality. Should we kill each other over these stories?

Always remember, a living, breathing human being can demonstrate spirituality through physical actions. Killing in the name of God makes no sense; spirituality becomes wisdom only when embodied in actions, not just when written, taught, or preached. God’s existence is real when humans engage physically with spirituality. Otherwise, it holds little relevance, existing perhaps only in the realm beyond this physical world (and we are not there yet).

With optimism, we may one day evolve to recognize humanity as a single organism, where differences in color, race, nationality, religion, gender, or sexuality do not divide us. This evolution is already evident in melting pot societies where people learn to live beyond these divisions, despite conservative rhetoric today.

Humanity has always been evolving and will continue to do so. No religious beliefs, constitutions, or laws should be set in stone like the Ten Commandments or pillars of any belief system. Our knowledge must evolve alongside us. Consider the internet: before its advent, physical crimes were policed locally; today, we face threats from afar that challenge traditional jurisdictions. Humanity must unite as one organism to address these challenges.

If you find that you’re not giving your 100% effort, you should also consider giving yourself—and especially God—a break. As mortals, seeking perfection and absolute control is a deadly sin against our personal happiness and contentment. Those who are guilty of this will suffer its ill effects. Praying to God without putting in your personal 100% effort is unfair to both God and yourself. Excessive fear and control can potentially paralyze you in your personal life, leading to profound failure and robbing yourself of happiness and contentment, especially with the knowledge of mortality.

I believe that our happiness and contentment are the most valuable treasures in mortal life. Failing to achieve these means failing ourselves, even if we’ve adhered strictly to religious doctrines. I firmly believe in personal responsibility. Spending your life trying to fit in, impress others, or sacrificing yourself for admiration is a clear sign of personal failure. Judging success solely by material gains ultimately reveals that it was all done for others, not for oneself. Regrets stemming from neglecting your true self can lead to more than just physical health issues. That’s how significant you are. It’s essential to look at yourself logically and remember this because you are a crucial factor in the spiritual equation.

All spiritual entities, including God, are impotent without human intervention. Humans translate spiritual thoughts into action, giving meaning to spirituality and God, especially in their personal lives. This raises the question: Is God impotent without human involvement? This spiritual and physical interaction cannot function in a one-sided relationship. Therefore, credit must be given to living, breathing humans for their spiritual actions. Sadly, controlling authorities have disrespected humans for political gain in the name of God. Individual human contributions have been undervalued and discredited for political reasons. Every human has been labeled a born sinner, regardless of their significance in the grand scheme. I find this offensive and consider it a spiritual crime to blame an innocent person as a sinner. Applying common sense alongside religious beliefs ensures that spirituality prevails while the politics of belonging fail.

Do you still believe humans are unimportant? Or worse, do you still believe yourself to be worthless? Your knowledge is key. You must examine yourself from a different perspective. Are you brainwashed into believing you’re worthless and a sinner, or do you crave godlike powers and feel overwhelmed because you lack them? Achieving balance requires an understanding of mortality, which provides clarity.

Practice makes perfect. If God’s work cannot proceed without you, what more validation do you need to feel worthy? By connecting the dots, you can break free from the chains of materialism and political power struggles to discover yourself. If these things make you feel important because you want to fit in, impress, or gain admiration from your group, remember: Being directly connected to God and having the ability to reciprocate is among the most significant roles one can have. Work is a form of helping others, even if it comes with payment—it means you’re also receiving assistance. Mutual aid sustains the divine world or humanity, making your work or assistance a practical form of prayer with deeper meaning to God than mere worship without reciprocation. Reciprocation fits perfectly because you must appreciate your healthy body and oxygen supply.

As an atom of autonomy and free will, each human is the CEO of their life, directly linked to God within. We are each a cell of the Almighty. However, when taught that we’re mere extensions of our groups and must be defined by them because we lack the ability to define ourselves, our identities become politically tainted. Worse still, we accept whatever our group dictates as our personal reality, becoming unwitting pawns in political games. Instead of being a department within a group, strive to make your group a department of your life. Recognize that within you lies an entire universe—ocean and cosmos combined—not merely a drop in the ocean.

Our individual uniqueness is extraordinary. Yet, when we seek approval from our groups and fight against our true selves in the name of politics, our personal realities become obscured. In reality, each of us is born and dies as an independent entity. Each person has potential akin to a state-of-the-art computer, but many fail to reach their full capacity due to personal limitations, not divine decrees. Our identities are often shaped by pre-installed data, leading us to believe we’re mere machines limited by political affiliations and boundaries set by our groups. We fail to recognize that, as computers endowed with free will and autonomy, we control our destinies—not our groups.

Understanding the depth of free will is crucial to self-discovery. As the CEO of your life, you make decisions based on the knowledge accumulated from analyzing installed data. Look around and see how our politics of belonging limit individuals, convincing them they are insignificant—a mere drop in the ocean. It’s all about perspective. If you’re led to believe you’re born a sinner, how can you cultivate self-respect and comprehend God’s nature and actions? Even God’s work requires your assistance. If you continue believing in your pre-installed beliefs, you’ll never fully utilize your potential.

If you allow conservative ideologies to dominate, they could regress us to eras where people sacrificed virgins to appease God. Reflect on the contributions and advancements made by individuals throughout history. While I acknowledge the role of divine providence—even our next breath is beyond our control—I also recognize the crucial importance of human agency. Spirituality alone lacks efficacy, just as physicality, devoid of spiritual purpose, lacks substance. Both must collaborate for spiritual manifestations to occur physically. Thus, I cannot discount the significance of individual human contributions. While God provides the operating system and the oxygen, it’s up to us to utilize these gifts, explore their potential, and evolve. We can either fulfill our potential or fall victim to group politics that diminish our sense of worth, convincing us of our irrelevance or inherent sinfulness, leading us to seek perpetual forgiveness without understanding our true worth.

Embrace your role as a CEO—this is our intended purpose by God. Our affiliations and group identities often oppose God’s intent, reducing our sense of worth. Where do you stand? Are you merely an extension of a group or ideology, or are you fulfilling your role as CEO?

If you still feel insignificant, irrelevant, or burdened by unearned guilt (SNAP OUT OF IT AND DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF), find the inner strength that encompasses the vastness of space and oceans.

Begin by shedding politically imposed identities. These layers of identity obscure and restrict our true selves. Remember, above all else, we are human beings—this fact is fundamental.

The autonomous atom, the CEO of our being, exists simultaneously within humanity and in spiritual alignment with God. It transcends race, gender, nationality, and religious beliefs—every group falls short of this standard.

Refuse to accept claims that you are worthless or inherently sinful. You hold meaning not only for yourself but also for God. Everything, including prayers, finds fulfillment through your existence. Value yourself at every moment, as your actions—even passing knowledge to improve lives—contribute to fulfilling prayers, embodying practical love. In reality, love requires practical expression, not mere verbal affirmation.

As a mortal, you cannot separate your body from your spirit. Therefore, it’s illogical to view yourself solely as a physical being or as a mere spirit. Uncover the decent human buried beneath politically imposed identities. Though challenging, it’s achievable through a spiritual process involving three steps: Firstly, understand your mortal existence and identity. Secondly, embody the capable CEO with an innate sense of compassionate justice. Thirdly, uphold this role by treating others as you wish to be treated, irrespective of political or religious pressures. As autonomous entities with free will, we are accountable for our actions, advocating for equal human rights without succumbing to the politics of belonging.


If you delve into the reasons behind our conflicts, especially religious ones, they are mostly tied to the politics of our group affiliations. Despite millennia of civilization, humanity continues to grapple with religious differences. Interestingly, these differences have little to do with individuals or humanity at large; the primary culprit is the politics of belonging to our groups. Even today, amidst democracies and various ‘isms’, we often fail to question our group allegiances and willingly engage in their politically dubious activities, regardless of our personal spiritual awareness.

We not only commit spiritual offenses in the name of our groups, but we also allow individuals within these groups to escape accountability for crimes they would otherwise face within their own societies. We sweep everything, including spiritual offenses, under the rug and often twist narratives to glorify those involved. This political prejudice and discrimination inflict suffering upon individuals on both sides; as political entities, groups blame each other, perpetuating a cycle of robbing each other’s members of love. The pain of losing love cuts deep into the soul of individuals, leading enraged persons to desire the infliction of similar pain upon those who caused their suffering. Thus, the cycle continues indefinitely, with people willingly becoming fodder for the flames of conflict. Sometimes, such conflicts persist for centuries, as seen in the Shia-Sunni dispute.

Consider our enduring conflicts of modern history, like Palestine and Kashmir, or the Shia-Sunni divide; they all point to the same conclusion: these conflicts transcend religion and nationality. They are united by loyalty to the politics of group affiliation. The primary factor perpetuating prolonged conflicts is the loss of individual love and the resulting pain. This loss profoundly impacts individuals, leading them to forsake personal compassion and justice to serve the political agendas of their groups. These conflicts are rarely about appearance, background, or religious practices; they are fundamentally about political maneuvering.

Evidence lies in the Shia-Sunni conflict: despite sharing the same religion, the wound inflicted by group politics remains unhealed. Leaders on both sides perpetuate this wound annually, manipulating individual emotions and hormones to keep memories of lost love alive, regardless of how long ago the losses occurred.

Belonging to humanity as a human being is a natural state. However, our leaders often incite us to channel our individual energies into passionate allegiance to groups rather than fostering compassion. Most of our identities are politically constructed and instilled from a young age, shaping our belief that our group’s actions are inherently right. This entrenched belief makes it difficult for individuals to stand up and embrace their humanity independently. Today, we define ourselves by color, gender, nationality, religion, sect, and more, yet in reality, we should all identify as true human beings belonging to humanity as a whole.

People continue to suffer the consequences of crimes they did not commit. For instance, being born into a particular group cannot be a crime, as no one chooses their birth circumstances. Punishing individuals for political conflicts they did not cause constitutes spiritual injustice. Our politics of group affiliation blinds us to these spiritual crimes, as we’ve been indoctrinated to prioritize group loyalty.

Since identities like Shia or Sunni are politically constructed and false, there is an urgent need for us all to first identify as human beings. These groups have not only fought and killed each other over political differences for far too long but also prevented their members from adapting to the dangers of today’s nuclear age. Personally, I believe this defiance against the evolutionary and spiritual order for humanity is clear.

It is our inherent nature and responsibility as individuals to evolve spiritually. Failing to do so goes against our nature. By now, humanity should have united to overcome its differences. Issues ranging from global warming to infectious diseases and the perils of warfare all demand humanity’s collective action. Unfortunately, the politics of group affiliation continue to obstruct progress, serving as a metaphorical wall preventing our next evolutionary step.

Equal human rights are a life-saving remedy for humanity, universally embraced because they engage both individuals and humanity as a whole. Through the information age, humanity has grown closer, rapidly transcending political boundaries worldwide. Would you still harbor prejudice or discriminate against someone who looks or believes differently? Would you take a life if your group asked? Will you prioritize humanity over group politics? If not, why not? Do you possess enough spiritual awareness to treat others as you wish to be treated and to prevent spiritual crimes?

As I’ve stated before and will reiterate, it is the individual who suffers from the loss of love, driving them to extremes. Our groups manipulate us to stoke the fires of conflict continuously. Belonging to humanity poses no loss for the individual, but for groups, it signifies a potential downfall. In conservative societies, such transformation is actively suppressed; not only are loyalties preached, but individuals are also threatened with ostracism and worse. These nations often preach against equal human rights to maintain individual vulnerability. Every group operates under an ‘us versus them’ philosophy, inherently tainted with prejudice and discrimination. The solution to individual suffering lies within the individual: treat others as you wish to be treated, or as you would want for your loved ones.

If you seek freedom, do not request it as a political entity or as part of a group, because any appeal made in such a manner is inherently political and can be countered from the opposite perspective. Instead, advocate for equal human rights as an individual, so that you may be respected wherever you are and whoever you belong to. Strive to align yourself with humanity above and beyond the realm of group politics. Logically, by this point in our evolution, we should have left our tribal strength behind in the bush or cave. However, our politics of belonging have prevented us from evolving to meet the demands of modern times. Though we remain the same creatures, we now face the perilous reality of nuclear and biological weapons. As creatures with both group politics and access to such weaponry, our current struggles and victories can have devastating consequences for humanity. Consider, for example, the Shia-Sunni conflict, which has persisted for centuries. Often, when one group prevails, it seeks revenge, much like an aggrieved individual suffering from the chemical imbalances of lost love.

To me, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not rooted in religion or territorial disputes; rather, it revolves around the politics of belonging to respective groups, given that these groups coexist harmoniously in Western nations. If coexistence is possible elsewhere, why not in their own lands? This conflict is driven by politically installed identities and a sense of belonging.

Israelis, or rather Jewish people, should heed the lessons of history, particularly their past interactions with Germany. They must avoid subjecting others to what they themselves endured. This issue is not about states; it concerns equal human rights for all individuals, transcending religious or political affiliations. Kashmir faces a similar predicament: individuals suffer not for any crime of their own, but simply for being born into opposing groups, which constitutes an open spiritual crime of prejudice and discrimination. In today’s world, Palestinian cries should serve as a reminder to Israelis of their historical experiences, urging them not to perpetuate injustices they once suffered. However, the powerful politics of belonging can foster generational amnesia.

I do not write this to align with any particular ideology; rather, I aim to awaken individuals to take charge of their lives and become CEOs, embracing their humanity. Those who value equal human rights should actively support them on an international scale, especially when it comes to personal beliefs in belonging; individuals should prioritize personal justice.

If you are politically aligned with a group and view yourself as an extension of that group, you might see questioning individuals as problematic. Conversely, as an independent thinker, you would welcome questions. Personally, I question everything to uncover the root causes of our problems, enabling informed discussions.

In this day and age, humanity should have transcended the problems that originated in our tribal past. Every individual should ask themselves why we cannot overcome our politics of belonging if we are an evolving entity. Failing to ask this question denies humanity’s potential for evolution as willed by God. If you believe your group’s knowledge is complete, step out of that political pigeonhole and face reality. Look around and assess humanity’s current state. Considering complete knowledge as political is incompatible with the inherent human nature bestowed upon us by God.

Lack of optimism and trust in God or nature reflects personal weaknesses. The benefits of faith, like reducing stress-related illnesses, are akin to placebo effects—scientifically unproven yet individually influential. Similarly, imagination and ego both serve as double-edged swords, capable of both healing and harming. By nurturing its positive aspects, we can harness imagination to heal, or let imaginary demons consume us. The dichotomy between negativity and positivity not only defines life but also distinguishes humans from mere animals. Interestingly, the choice to nurture the spiritual side ultimately lies with the individual. Both negativity and positivity are owned and strongly influenced by the individual. Thus, making choices due to the politics of belonging remains an individual decision. Politically influenced individuals may be weaker, whereas CEOs of their lives are inherently stronger—why would anyone choose weakness, especially in this day and age?

Diverse schools of thought constitute the fabric of humanity; therefore, as thinking beings, we must all assume responsibility and become CEOs of our lives. As we mature into adulthood, no one, and I mean no one, should possess the authority to make decisions for us, particularly when such decisions are politically motivated. With equal human rights, each of us should have a voice in our own lives because, as entities, we are not genetically programmed.

The age-old debate continues: how much control does an individual truly possess? Many blame external forces for their predicaments rather than assuming responsibility. While I acknowledge the role of God in our lives to a certain extent, our decisions—whether spiritual or physical—are driven by free will. God and the Devil should not be held accountable for an individual’s actions due to our capacity for free will. Except for miracles, every act—whether godly or diabolical—requires human intervention to manifest physically. Failing to acknowledge human responsibility undermines the entire framework of justice systems, akin to toppling dominoes.

A quote resonates here, and I quote:


“If the soul is left in the darkness, sins will be committed. The guilty one is not he who commits the sin, but the one who causes the darkness.” — Victor Hugo. End quote.

While this quote sounds profound, I personally disagree with it. I believe that each and every one of us possesses an atom of autonomy that allows us to exercise our free will and personal sense of justice. With this power, every human individual becomes an independent entity responsible for their choices. Our task is to nurture our spiritual side to become CEOs of our own lives, embracing individual responsibilities.

Certainly, God and spirituality are integral to our mortal existence. However, removing human responsibility distorts the entire spiritual framework because humans do not fit the mold of other creatures. Unfortunately, our politics of belonging often overshadow our individuality. Religious doctrines emphasize human insignificance, elevating God and Devil to prominent positions, yet it is the living, breathing human individual who gives substance to all good and evil deeds. Choices driven by free will are exclusively made by individual humans, demonstrating that these choices are owned by the living, breathing individuals.

Education about what is right and wrong is largely influenced by our belonging groups and is therefore predominantly political. This education tends to favor specific groups over humanity as a whole, serving as a flaw built into nurturing these groups. Individuals are deliberately subjected to different scenarios where they are made to believe they are extensions of an ideology rather than central and significant characters.

Consequently, they perceive themselves as merely physical entities, feeling small, powerless, and irrelevant. This belief disconnects them from recognizing their direct connection with the source or their inherent worth. Religions play a significant role in this disconnection by promoting subservience, submissiveness, irrelevance, and dependency. They position God and the Devil at the top of the hierarchy, perpetuating the belief that individuals are born sinners who must continually seek forgiveness through prayer.

To understand why the placebo effect persists, why our hormone levels fluctuate with group successes and failures, why we are mortal, and why we do not possess all-encompassing knowledge, one must acknowledge our ongoing evolution. Each one of us possesses the capacity for imagination—an immensely powerful and deeply personal tool for navigating a successful mortal life. Authoritarian groups seek to stifle individual thought and imagination, preferring that individuals relinquish control to their groups. Leaders, whether political or religious, deliver impassioned speeches before sending their followers to kill and die for the group’s cause, thereby robbing individuals of their ability to assume the central role in the spiritual narrative or become their own narrative. Such actions stem from a fear of losing political power.

Within each of us lies all the components of humanity, encapsulated as a drop within the ocean. One can actively engage their imagination to perceive themselves as part of, or within, the ocean. One perspective offers a true reflection of our spiritual essence, while the other deprives us of that essence, integrating us solely into the ocean of physical existence. This transformation is driven by the political maneuvering of nationalism and even religion. Both aim to rob individuals of their spiritual worth and self-sufficiency, fostering the belief that they are insignificant entities born into sin and perpetually in need of absolution.

Recognizing reciprocation as practical prayer could diminish the political power wielded by belonging groups, motivating them to oppose individual liberation and equal human rights. Their political strategy is to keep individuals weak and vulnerable, ensuring that they feel insignificant and irrelevant, thereby compelling them to cling to their groups for security.

The politics of division serves as another potent tool wielded by our groups, founded perpetually on prejudice and discrimination. As an individual, you can either accept this reality or choose to assume the role of CEO in your life, relegating your belonging group to a subsidiary position rather than an extension of yourself. When you disagree with your group’s policies, stand your ground, thereby avoiding internal conflict and preserving your inner sense of autonomy. Although you may face punishment or ostracization from the group, internal conflict can constitute a far harsher penalty for a mortal being. Assuming the responsibilities of a CEO requires leveraging your imagination, while also maintaining a watchful eye on your mortal nature. Balancing these factors ensures that you do not inadvertently fall victim to the politics of belonging while nurturing your ego, thereby maintaining harmony with your inner spiritual self.

As human beings, our existence has always, and will always, embody an evolutionary process requiring personal effort. If we fail to invest this effort in our lives, we not only impede our own evolution but also perpetuate lasting harm onto future generations.

I recall watching Dr. Wayne W. Dyer on television, offering the metaphor of a butterfly struggling within its cocoon to strengthen its wings and fly. This analogy holds relevance for humanity, as we develop stronger muscles through resistance training. Without struggle, a caterpillar cannot develop wings and metamorphose into a butterfly. What lies ahead for humanity? Why do we grapple with our politics of group belonging, squandering resources through conflict and bloodshed? If these resources were redirected toward addressing poverty, disease, and hunger, humanity’s spiritual evolution would advance significantly.

I contend that our next evolutionary step entails transcending our barbaric and destructive politics of group belonging, abandoning prejudiced and discriminatory practices that foster violence. Logically, as human individuals, we should all belong to humanity as a whole. The politics of group belonging serves as our cocoon; unless we break free from its constraints, we risk succumbing to global warming or nuclear warfare. Consider the prophesied Day of Judgment described in religious teachings: we possess the agency to avert such a fate. Those who eschew personal growth and evolution attribute their stagnation to divine will. My question to them is: why not emulate the struggling caterpillar within its cocoon? God has provided us with oxygen and a functional body; now, we must leverage these gifts to evolve physically and spiritually, thereby fulfilling our potential. If a caterpillar can transform into a butterfly, what heights can humanity achieve?

From the moment of birth, and even as a newborn, we endeavor to move and facilitate the flow of oxygen to our cells, fueling growth and functionality. Each individual cell harbors the potential to evolve into what God intended. Consider why we perceive ourselves as insignificant, why we attribute everything to God and the Devil, and where we truly stand in reality. By posing such questions, we unearth our significance, positioning ourselves as an essential component alongside God and the Devil. Remember, these entities are mere sides, reliant on our physical existence. Without us, their relevance fades. If we neglect our evolution and continue obstructing our natural progression, we erect obstacles in our own path.

The politics of group belonging seeks to maintain our worm-like status to prevent us from independently taking flight. By learning to soar, we elude their control—a concept that political groups find intolerable. Whether religious or secular, this issue grows increasingly convoluted for groups striving to assert dominance over humanity. Aligning with humanity grants individuals wings. Thus, should we remain cocooned as worms? Ponder this query rationally: wouldn’t you, as a rational individual, prefer to discover your potential and understand your natural inclinations? Always remember that God wills humanity to evolve as entities requiring personal effort. We are not meant to remain ensnared in the cocoon of politics. Period.


As human beings, we are not just ordinary animals; our dual nature makes us unique entities endowed with a divine atom of autonomy. Our spiritual side is clearly evident in our everyday lives. Societies have justice systems, and individually, we hold our own spiritual values related to personal justice. Both our logical and spiritual sides prevent us from committing injustices against the innocent because universally, we do not accept punishment for crimes we have not committed.

If you are born into a particular race, gender, nation, religion, or group, logically, you cannot be punished for that because you have no control over it. You are not responsible for your birth, regardless of your color or gender. We have evolved from cultures of division. Some religious people claim that you are born a sinner, making even God appear spiritually wrong because punishing the innocent is wrong in all courts. Our political biases, prejudices, and discriminatory actions are spiritual crimes committed by our nations and religions with pride.

The world of divisions may not see it this way, but any punishment or suffering of an individual in the name of political belonging has nothing to do with spirituality and God.

Since God has blessed us with our individual atom of autonomy and personal sense of justice, all our actions’ responsibilities fall on our individual shoulders.

If we were like bees or warrior ants, it would be different. However, as human beings, we are not genetically programmed and controlled. Many do not realize that, even if it feels right to follow our groups, it is not an evolved human behavior.

The bottom line is that, as creatures, we may look different, but spiritually, we have no differences. We all have the same makeup; we are genetically compatible and share the same needs: oxygen, water, food, and love. We live, age, get sick, and die the same way. We experience the same hurts and pains. Our journey from birth to death is the same. Our differences stem from our acquired knowledge, which promotes the idea that life is exclusively physical. While this is important for other creatures, human beings have spiritual needs. Without fulfilling them, human life is incomplete. Our differences are related to our animal side. We fight and kill each other to meet the physical needs of our mortal existence. Resources, housing, and a comfortable life provide physical fulfillment. If we were ordinary creatures, we would think only of ourselves, but we possess a powerful spiritual side, our atom of autonomy, which allows us to think and act individually and respect our spiritual side equally to our physical side. This reciprocity with God provides us with spiritual comfort and fulfillment. Living solely as animals leaves our spiritual needs unmet, potentially tearing us apart from within.

Even if the whole world desires your position, you can feel unfulfilled. You may suffer from disorders that doctors cannot understand, but you feel a pain that cannot be explained. Despite all blessings, your life may not feel fulfilling if you are spiritually unfulfilled. This is a significant loss for an individual due to our mortal nature, but it also affects the community. Unhappy and discontent individuals contribute to ongoing conflicts and wars, stemming from a loss of love.

With today’s weaponry, things can go wrong at any moment. Humanity faces collective problems like global warming, extreme weather, fires, and viral infectious diseases like COVID-19. These require collective attention, acceptance, and solutions. For instance, no wall can protect against fires and rising oceans, and no nation can be safe until everyone is free from COVID-19.

The politics of belonging is an old way of living, but new problems require new and collective solutions. Group politics can lead to issues like vaccine nationalism. Today’s problems are not related to groups; they are humanity’s problems. Groupism plays into old, damaging policies.

This is not just about compassion and spirituality; it is about humanity’s survival. If we do not work together, we will need a new planet, and we are not ready for that. Humanity, God, and our atom of autonomy signal the need for global equal human rights and opposition to racism, inequality, prejudice, and discrimination. Unfortunately, we remain entangled in divisive ancestral knowledge. Moderates should oppose the universal loss of love caused by religious extremists. Racism exists within individuals, so solutions must also come from within. Treating it as a group problem is like putting a band-aid on an infected wound.

Politics of belonging is deeply rooted in individual insecurities. Change must come from within, learning to belong to humanity rather than a group.

Supporting your group’s politics, right or wrong, makes you prejudiced against those born into opposing groups. There is no control over one’s birth, so punishment for it is non-spiritual and entirely political. Even monks are not immune to this politics, so how can an ordinary person fight this political infection to their spirituality?

Regardless of your group’s teachings, as an adult, you are responsible for your actions. If you live life exclusively as an animal or spirit, it is learned behavior. Your responsibility is to balance the two sides blessed by God. Extremes in either direction result in consequences. If you are physically fulfilled but feel something is missing, explore spirituality as a remedy, not political religion. Humans are not designed to be angels, so exclusive spirituality is not for us. We need to nurture both sides equally, regardless of religion, to live a balanced life. Enjoying physical life is our right, as long as spirituality is integrated into it. The bounties of physical life are essential for mortal beings, regardless of religious teachings.

Socialism and religions have similarities but often lack spiritual justice, favoring mass over the individual. True spirituality ensures equal justice for everyone, even against ruling authorities. Most religions choose politics over spirituality because controlling populations politically is challenging without it.

When I mention the “dead dog,” I refer to the root of our problems. If you have been following my blog, you know I use this term frequently. If you are new, let me explain:

There was once a community that dug a well for water and lived around it. One day, a dog fell into the well and died. When the water started to stink, the community was worried. They sent someone down the well to investigate, and he found the dead dog. He yelled, “There is a dead dog in here!” The people looked to the mayor, who said, “Take about fifty barrels of water out, then start using it. But make sure to remove the dead dog first.”

Today, we live in a world that continues without addressing the root problems. From medicine to social systems and religions, we look for temporary solutions instead of removing the dead dog. We take aspirin for headaches without addressing the cause, allowing problems to persist and evolve into major issues. From health problems to social issues, international conflicts, and spiritual deficiencies, we do not treat these as serious problems. We rush through life, ignoring these issues until they become critical. Our attitude of sweeping everything under the rug does not solve problems; they must be addressed head-on.

As a self-employed individual, I see the need for consistent support for poverty, beyond charity. A global poverty tax could ensure continuous help, preventing donations from drying up due to individual insecurities. Charities alone cannot solve poverty; collective action is needed to prevent hunger and other humanitarian crises.

Religions preach helping the poor but often do so with political strings attached. Any human social system is inherently political. Politics starts whenever people gather, including in religious groups. Religions cannot claim to avoid politics because their nature involves political dynamics, evidenced by religious wars.

While I believe in spiritual living, humans cannot survive on spirituality alone. Political systems are necessary for governance, but religious beliefs should not interfere with politics. We cannot cap or freeze evolving knowledge in the name of religious beliefs. Political systems must adapt to the times we live in, and exclusive systems catering to particular groups lack spirituality and are unjust. Spiritual fulfillment is necessary for peace, both inner and societal.

We have tried to achieve peace through group politics without spiritual justice and equal human rights. Compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, and love have been missing from our governing systems, leading to failure in finding peace.

Today, we have the United Nations, but veto powers and political divisions hinder effective action against human rights violations. Several hotspots exist where people suffer under oppressive regimes, unable to receive help due to political divisions.

Democracy, though better than past systems of kings and dictators, is still flawed. Politicians often prioritize party rules over personal ethics or constituent interests. This system, while better than previous ones, is far from perfect.

The root cause of these issues is the politics of belonging. Religions claim exclusivity with God, condemning others to hell, as if God shares human prejudices. An individual should have a personal ethical protocol, crediting where it is due and balancing group belonging with personal freedom. Free will is a divine gift, meant for us to manage God’s affairs responsibly.

Humanity is a genetic mix. You could be white with black ancestry or a Muslim with Mongolian genes. It is not color, gender, race, nation, or religion that defines humanity; genetics and spirituality do. We share the same genes, and recognizing this can bring us together as one humanity. Organ recipients, regardless of the donor’s race, gender, nation, or religion, can testify to this shared humanity. Start by removing the dead dog of group belonging.

Climate change is real, and rising oceans will displace people. Higher land countries must decide whether to accommodate displaced people or protect their borders. Humanity’s face has been changing, and our political ways must evolve to embrace global unity over group mentality.

Legends tied to specific clans, races, nations, or religions hinder global unity. Optimistically, if we can live as melting pot societies in the West, we can achieve this on a global scale. We need to evolve to the next level, thinking individually while belonging to humanity as a whole. Internet, global warming, gender liberation, sexual freedom, space exploration, and equal human rights are all signs pointing to necessary changes. If we fail to change our ways, we risk severe consequences. Let’s remove the dead dog of divisive politics and focus on unity and global justice.

If we exhaust all our resources fighting each other, how will we manage the real problems looming in the near future? Every ounce of autonomy will soon become crucial.

We rob each other of that autonomy by targeting individuals from opposing groups, but the true loss is to humanity, which holds us back and slows our progress. This leads to widespread suffering while concentrating wealth excessively in the hands of a few.

Imagine if all of humanity pooled their resources to build bridges. I firmly believe we can protect ourselves from global warming, just as we survived the ice age. Today, our challenges stem from the choices we make, allowing us to alter the course of events. We can eradicate poverty and hunger, and cease killing each other in the name of nations and religions, if we can overcome our sense of belonging as a barrier.

Consider our prejudices—not necessarily hatred, but often tied to personal beliefs or group affiliations that make us feel superior simply because of our background or education, reinforcing that our ancestors and groups are always right.

If you’ve been taught that your family or group is superior, it’s time to reconsider, as we now recognize equal human rights. Remember, being human means belonging to humanity as a whole—whether black, white, brown, yellow, red, male, female, homosexual, straight, Pakistani, Arab, American, Canadian, European, Russian, Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Sikh, believer, non-believer, prayerful, or not. Every individual belongs to the greater humanity. Superiority lies in compassion, sacrifice, forgiveness, and love for humanity, not in mere group affiliation or activities.

Countless medical discoveries have saved millions of lives. I believe each life saved honors God, as it’s the work of living, breathing human beings. Yet, while many rely on life-saving medications like insulin, they may not even know the inventors. Conversely, they might passionately defend their religious leaders but disregard the creators of life-saving drugs.

We must transcend our differences by embracing universal human rights and the spiritual principle of treating others as we wish to be treated. The primary cause of our social issues and wars is prejudice and discriminatory group policies. Since change begins within individuals, then communities, nations, and religions, we must critically examine and challenge this mindset.

It’s time to surpass the boundaries our ancestors couldn’t cross. Our wars begin and end with individuals—it’s the individual who decides to participate, regardless of the cause. At that critical moment, one must question why they would harm innocents for their group’s sake. If the answer is yes, seeking inner peace through spirituality rather than blind adherence to religion may be necessary. Ultimately, you are accountable for your actions, not politics—an excuse often stemming from personal insecurities.

As the CEO of your life, take charge before acting as an extension of a group, nation, or ideology. Personally, I view our sense of belonging in politics as an outdated impediment to societal progress. Our education in prejudice and discrimination continues to perpetuate violence. Until each of us evolves to become the CEO of our own lives, we’ll remain extensions of groups rather than integral parts of the whole picture. Do you believe in being the CEO of your life?

Humanity suffers from the ancient “us versus them” philosophy, inherited from our ancestors. Sooner or later, we must evolve from this curse—for the sooner, the better. Today, we acknowledge racism, gender bias, prejudice, and discrimination as plagues inherited from our past. Equal human rights not only correct these wrongs but also serve as antidotes to these societal infections. Until we address this “us versus them” mentality on an individual level, we’ll suffer both individually and collectively. We must convince each individual that they are more than mere extensions of an ideology—that they are CEOs, with greater responsibilities to effect positive change. Even dictators are victims of this unchecked sense of belonging, committing spiritual crimes against others. Democratically elected governments and self-proclaimed religious nations are equally guilty, perpetuating division in the name of belonging. Until we recognize that there is no “us versus them” in humanity, spirituality, or before God, true enlightenment will evade us.


I believe we are all the CEOs of our lives, but many of us can be swayed by the politics of our sense of belonging to various groups. I have been addressing this topic in my blog posts for years because I believe most of our prejudice and discrimination-related problems stem from our individual weaknesses. As CEOs of our life projects, we need to understand the importance of balancing all aspects of life, especially our sense of belonging and sense of freedom. Living a mortal life individually is our personal responsibility, especially if we feel strong influences being imposed upon us. Our belief systems, nationalism, and racial belonging can hold sway over us. Everything, including our learned knowledge, ingrained data, and political affiliations, falls under our individual responsibilities. Living comfortably in our mortal skin is not only an individual right but also a personal responsibility, above all taught knowledge. If your politics of belonging lead you to commit spiritual crimes in the name of your group, creating prejudice and discrimination, it’s time to reject that divisive education.

Examine your fiber or atom of autonomy critically, and consider whether your umbilical cord is still intact. As you seek answers to these questions, you will find that being free makes you a foundation of physical humanity and simultaneously a thread in the spiritual fabric of God. Without you, everything falls apart, contrary to our false and accepted truths. This is not blind faith; it is logical because without the individual, there is no group, nor the need for good or evil, rendering God and the Devil irrelevant.

Our belonging groups, especially political ones, work hard to discredit this truth. Religions are notorious in this area, discrediting evident human legitimacy in the larger scheme of life. We all have to learn to respect the little godly part within us. This respect is not limited to individuals; groups must also value the individual. If we are unhappy individually, we lose self-esteem and become insecure. As a collection of insecure and spiritually inept individuals, we openly accept prejudicial and discriminatory political policies and aggressively participate in conflicts, seeing ourselves not as independent spiritual entities but as physical extensions of a group. The politics of belonging robs us of self-esteem and our spiritual side. Political religions are no exception. Even monks, who ideally care only about spirituality, have had their spirituality robbed by the politics of belonging. This is why I discuss the politics of our sense of belonging to groups.

Our divisive social education creates unhappiness and spiritual discontentment for individuals and leads to crimes against humanity. We become aware of death as we reach adulthood, adding to our insecurities and leading us to adopt controlled lifestyles—the opposite of what a mortal should do. We accumulate literal clutter and metaphorical infections in our thinking as we grow up. Clearing this clutter and looking at life as a child allows for a worry-free life, but our realities are that we are grown-ups and mortals. A child is no longer a child, not because of physical growth but due to accumulated flawed knowledge. We all have a responsibility to question and seek solutions for our flawed ancestral knowledge, yet we egotistically defend it. Is our problem flawed knowledge, chemistry, lack of spiritual awareness, or all of the above? We need soul-searching. With the rise of equal human rights, it is time for individuals to question the roots of our problems.

Personally, I don’t need respect from my belonging group if they demand blind obedience to them or God. I value self-respect more, achieved by doing the right things, living spiritually, and connecting with God through practical prayer and practical living. If I am fulfilling my responsibilities, I should not fear God or hell nor be greedy for heaven. By staying comfortable in our mortal skin, we can create heaven in our lives by eliminating fear-related stresses and guilt. Stress and guilt rob us of happiness and contentment. This leads to a living hell driven by guilt, a reality you can experience without dying. Ask a spiritually damaged war veteran who committed spiritual crimes in the name of their nation and religion about the real hell on earth.

Physicality is necessary for spirituality to be real; without it, spirituality has no value and is as intangible as God and the Devil. To live a spiritually happy and content mortal life, one must be physically functional to receive spiritual rewards. All promised heavenly things require a physical body to be enjoyed. If we get another chance at heaven, why waste this one killing each other to earn a spot and make others’ lives a living hell?

No matter what religious leaders have taught you, since the shell must crack to start and end life, the physical shell is traditionally discarded when there is no spirit. As a human individual, you can’t value physicality exclusively, nor spirituality without physicality. This unique spiritual clap requires both hands to make a difference for a mortal being, individually, collectively, and even for God.

Our real fears are related to not accepting our mortal nature. If you know you have a temporary life, shouldn’t you be humble enough to value yours and others’ lives? Living life as a CEO should reduce your fear because you understand and believe in life’s realities without political influences.

You should also understand and separate politics from spirituality. Heaven, hell, and grave punishments are realities you only discover after death. No one returns to tell you about these religious truths. You must believe in them blindly. When it comes to this, you are expected not to think or question, becoming a submissive and irrelevant follower. As a CEO, you must recognize the politics of fear and control behind all traditions, customs, and rules of authority.

A political group intending to keep the individual weak can tell you that you are meaningless, unimportant, irrelevant, and a born sinner, regardless of its long-term impact on your self-esteem, mental, physical, and spiritual health. To me, being human is about being relevant in the grand scheme of life, so much so that without you, everything, even God and the Devil, becomes irrelevant.

One group expects you to submit entirely to be forgiven for sins you haven’t committed. The other tells you you’ll go to hell and be punished in the grave if you don’t submit. Personally, I place God on a higher level because even a reasonable person would not punish an innocent due to hidden political agendas.

Remember, your fiber or atom of autonomy is valuable to you and all groups because it is the foundation of any powerful entity. It is the thread that makes the fabric of God meaningful. Whether it is a nation or a religion, if they don’t respect the individual’s importance, they fall into the political category. Logically, if you remove individuals, the entire group falls apart and loses integrity. Groups fear losing power. If the individual is fearful, insignificant, irrelevant, and has no self-esteem, the politics of fear strengthens the group to the point that the individual does the group’s dirty deeds.

The politics of fear has been used for thousands of years without opposition until the recent equal human rights movement. Now, questions are asked, even the Pope has politically accepted homosexuality and abortion along with other pressing issues. Even if you are a passionate follower with blind faith, it is your individual responsibility to see through all the politics.

They want your fiber but want you to believe you are worthless and insignificant. If you believe this, you are easier to control and can be herded like sheep for the group’s dirty deeds. The group gains power over your life. So, if it’s not you, who benefits from all that politics? Why do group leaders seek control, and why is the individual kept weak and vulnerable? Why are questioning people disliked by religious leaders, and why do they get upset when someone calls them out for asking questions? They tell you that you are worthless, yet they want your fiber. Look at the majestic buildings and money laundering of religions; you still can’t find God there. Recently, in northern Ontario, a church building was on sale for one dollar. What is happening? Why can’t God pay Godly bills? It’s because God is within people, not in man-made buildings.

As Bullay Shah said:

“Masjid tah they munder tah they tah they jo kuj tehenda

Dil na kisay da tahwin bundya Rub dillan vich rahnda.”

“Demolish the mosque, demolish the temple, demolish anything you can and want,

Don’t demolish someone’s heart because God lives there.”

Instead of demolishing hearts, by killing each other, we rob each other of everything, including love and life, in the name of our religions, yet God lives in people’s hearts.

Groups first rob individuals of self-esteem by making them dependent on the group, then install false self-esteem by preaching that their group is the strongest and best. This means an individual’s self-esteem can fluctuate with the group’s success or failure. Religions claim their way is the only way to God. Again, this is political because weak individuals seek to attach themselves to something majestic like a stronger group, nation, or God. If individuals can’t find strength within, they join groups and believe God is on their side, making prejudice and discrimination inevitable.

If God doesn’t show up when needed, their self-esteem and inner spirituality, which were false to begin with, fall apart. Their problem is not just their belief system but how they view themselves. They always seek to join something majestic and never see themselves as majestic. If individuals think of themselves as part of a group instead of being a crucial part of the godly picture, they become worthless to themselves, internally and externally. This foundational problem allows political groups to sway and use us. We look down on ourselves with disrespect. Physically, we may feel inferior, but realizing our spiritual side helps us tame the largest internal and external beasts. So, while we may be a drop in the ocean, with internal spirituality, we are an ocean in a drop.

Regardless of how you view yourself, as mortals, we need a belief system to spend this temporary time with confidence, self-esteem, and comfort in our mortal skin. This comfort comes from a belief system, not necessarily in any one political religion, but in spirituality that crosses religious lines.

Flexible potential of humanity.

Humanity has accumulated vast knowledge yet remains ensnared by ancestral ideologies rooted in an “us versus them” mentality. It’s crucial to realize that we must evolve beyond this curse to progress further, especially as our technological prowess outpaces our emotional and primal instincts. Today, we understand that our primal dominance correlates with issues such as racism, gender bias, and prejudice—plagues inherited from our primitive past. Despite modern civilization, conflicts persist, making it impossible to tally the casualties of our divisive mindset.

Consider our so-called elite spiritual leaders from religious backgrounds; even monks are not immune to the politics of group identity. Worldwide, religious groups preach compassion and spiritual wisdom, yet their internal politics often betray these ideals. Religious zeal often trumps genuine compassion; they speak of spirituality, justice, and judgment day, yet don’t hesitate to commit atrocities in pursuit of their political agendas.

Belief in God should not justify extremism in ideology. Each person must address life’s challenges as an independent entity, guided by the golden rule of treating others as you wish to be treated.

There’s no need to defend God from non-believers—it’s purely political. Trust that God can manage divine matters without human intervention. Asserting God’s omnipotence while committing violence in God’s name raises fundamental questions. Ask yourself, what drives the need to act as God’s defender? Is it truly a desire to protect God, or a compulsion to conform, impress, and gain approval from your group? Punishing others for not adhering to religious rules reflects a lack of trust in God’s will.

Causing harm or damage—whether to property or life—is a spiritual transgression, as no one desires to suffer from others’ actions.

It’s our personal responsibility to distinguish spirituality from politics and to resist joining mobs that harm innocents. The urge to belong is deeply ingrained in human psychology, driven by chemical reactions, yet individuals must exert control over these impulses. Refusing to join a cause may be seen as weakness by your group, but resisting primal urges requires greater strength. While we cannot deny our animal instincts, our spiritual side should guide our actions as evolved beings. Being human is a privilege endowed with godlike abilities for each of us.

When religious leaders prescribe prayers for material gain, they manipulate believers’ faith and jeopardize their belief in God’s existence. Adhering faithfully and finding prayers unanswered can lead to doubt and even atheism. Such disillusionment with spiritual guidance should not be taken lightly.

Humanity has yet to evolve beyond the curse of political group identity because we often fail to recognize it as a fundamental issue. From childhood, we are indoctrinated with identity politics, which becomes ingrained in our minds and influences our hormonal responses.

Critically assessing this mindset with logic can seem illogical unless we teach children from an early age to identify as part of humanity as a whole, rather than solely by color, race, gender, nationality, or religion.

The most effective remedy humanity has devised so far is equal human rights. These rights not only correct past wrongs but also serve as logical antidotes to the prejudices passed down through generations. Our “us versus them” mentality is the root of the problem and poses a significant barrier to human evolution.

As individuals, we can begin correcting this from within, one person at a time. If we continue on our current path, we will never achieve the elusive peace humanity has sought for millennia. Nationalism and extreme religious allegiance have ultimately failed because they impose politics from the top down, whereas true change must start from the bottom up. We must understand and change ourselves individually to combat the powerful influence of group identity, which affects us hormonally. No matter how you analyze it, humans must evolve spiritually to belong to humanity as a whole; otherwise, we will remain entangled in prejudiced and discriminatory politics tied to group identities.

Until we collectively convince individuals that they are more than extensions of race, gender, nationality, or ideology, we will suffer both individually and collectively. Each person must realize they are the CEO of their own life and bear the responsibility to effect positive change.

Let’s begin by posing this question: I encourage each of us to ask ourselves this in private, devoid of political or emotional bias. Think deeply and logically before responding.

Ask yourself: What would be the ultimate injustice committed against you or your loved ones? Opinions may vary, but to me, being punished for something you are 100% innocent of is the ultimate crime. Look back through human history and even into today, and observe how we and our ancestors have treated each other. At the top of the list is the killing of innocents based solely on appearance, beliefs, or affiliations.

When I say innocents, I mean those born into a particular race, color, nation, or religious belief without any choice. They are innocent until proven guilty of a crime or sin against others. Imagine if our justice systems punished people simply for resembling or sharing religious beliefs with a wrongdoer—it would be grossly unjust, given the millions who share similar appearances or affiliations. True justice dictates that only the individual who commits a crime should be held accountable, a principle upheld by every religion: we are responsible for our own actions and will face consequences accordingly, be it heaven or hell.

So where does this logic vanish when it comes to the politics of belonging? Our justice systems and individual spiritual beliefs should oversee our actions, but instead, nationalist and religious indoctrination often dominate early education in society—highly politicized.

If we fail to recognize the strength of our personal sense of justice and spiritual nature, our ignorance can harm us individually. Politics is a concept taught by our groups, but spirituality and personal integrity are innate to us from birth. When these clash, inner conflict can lead to loss of motivation, happiness, and life satisfaction—luxuries we as mortals cannot afford to lose.

As mortal beings, we shoulder immense responsibility. Not only must we navigate external political pressures, but we must also harness our internal critic effectively. Failing to balance these demands may lead to dependence on others and a loss of true identity, potentially driving us to commit crimes or sins in the name of group affiliation—all observed by the critic within us.

Just as each food has its own taste and chefs often combine ingredients to create new flavors—if it’s good, it sells; if it’s bad, it doesn’t. Some tastes become so popular that people enjoy adding their own twists. From traditional foods to the customs of human societies, to governance and worship, our world is rich in diversity, yet the quest for improvement never ceases. We don’t merely follow the evolution of tastes; we have been and still are striving for better outcomes in all aspects of our lives—it’s an ongoing journey.

Human societies have continually sought better governance, which naturally leads to differing opinions. Initially, this pushes people out of their comfort zones. Clash of cultures, defensive resistance, and wars may ensue, but eventually, people learn to coexist. They blend and mix, similar to foods; sometimes it’s a poor mix leading to perpetual conflict. Other times, the new blend tastes better than their old ways of living, especially when spiritual tolerance and acceptance replace the politics of group belonging. Society benefits from blending knowledge and a higher level of individual autonomy, fostering transformative change.

Some Western societies are described as melting pots because they encompass people from all corners of the globe, with diverse colors, nationalities, and belief systems. With democracies and equal human rights, they tend to thrive, despite current waves of protectionism. They have cultivated a taste for equal human rights that appeals to a broad spectrum of people. If group politics prevail and they compromise on equal human rights, they risk losing the benefits gained from attracting talent worldwide.

Having benefited from brain drain worldwide, these societies have evolved faster and farther than their counterparts, necessitating the preservation of their values. People desire to move to Western nations not only for financial reasons but also for freedom and security. With the internet, change happens swiftly; today, news spreads instantly.

Every war and conflict sends waves of refugees from war-torn areas to Western societies. These nations serve as sanctuaries, especially for those fleeing oppressive regimes. When individuals migrate, they bring their contributions to enrich their adopted societies.

When I express my opinion, it acknowledges the possibility of error. In my view, those leaving oppressive societies are often courageous individuals, sacrificing their current conditions for a chance to improve their futures and change their living circumstances. It’s beneficial to have success-oriented people congregating in one place because a higher concentration of driven individuals not only enriches themselves but also enhances the societies they join.

However, being alpha can bring personal challenges. Where alphas gather, social issues may arise, such as establishing dominance even in personal relationships, contrary to the principles of equal human rights. Job dissatisfaction can lead to unacceptable subordination, causing individual discontent, which ultimately affects society. Progress in certain areas may create deficiencies in others; alpha parents may raise alpha children, leading to interpersonal dominance struggles.

The pursuit of happiness should be paramount in every mortal’s life. While wealth may bring one form of happiness and popularity another, true self-awareness helps determine what truly matters.

Consider living in an oppressive society where expressing oneself freely is restricted—regardless of wealth, true happiness may remain elusive. Conversely, having freedom without the means to enjoy it may also leave one discontented. Therefore, the pursuit should always prioritize happiness. Understanding the type of wealth that brings satisfaction guides the path one should take.

Ideally, individuals achieve inner and outer peace, happiness, and contentment. Regardless of life’s successes, the ideal package remains incomplete without physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual health and happiness. Believing that financial freedom alone solves everything may prove untrue for some individuals. Sacrificing other areas for financial success may not be a viable strategy; eventually, one must leave it all behind.

If one believes that life is predetermined, it may alleviate fears and stresses, but it’s crucial to recognize that we have agency in our decisions. From healthy habits to life-altering choices, such as suicide, individuals exercise their autonomy. Believing otherwise may provide comfort, but reality dictates that choices impact health and lifespan.

As individuals, we hold significant importance in our lives; our decisions influence our daily experiences, regardless of belief systems. This begins after inhaling our life-sustaining oxygen, highlighting our shared powers. Despite God’s invisibility, our beliefs shape our significant realities—they should aid in living a high-quality life.

Excessive fear can lead to a slow death from stress; recklessness can hasten one’s demise. Mortal life isn’t just about survival—it’s about living with quality. Regardless of beliefs, if a belief system enhances life quality, it’s the right one. If it diminishes quality, one must responsibly amend or change it. Changing religion or embracing atheism won’t necessarily solve individual problems. Incorporating spiritual health into daily life may foster inner peace. Regardless of difficulty, striving for quality is essential in mortal life.

In society, equality and rights are essential, necessitating oversight by a robust system of rules, justice, and law enforcement—no longer are we in primitive times. Security ensures dignity for all. Problems arise when politics supplant justice to favor specific groups.

Given our evolutionary nature, adhering to outdated justice systems worldwide proves challenging. Evolution requires evolving alongside it. Practices like homosexuality, once contentious in Western cultures, are now less so. Today, government oversight extends to alcohol, gambling, and cannabis. Yet, not long ago and even now, police pursue those selling these substances. Such shifts reflect how group politics reshape crime as society evolves.

Humanity is currently navigating a rapid and transformative era. Societies vary greatly in their evolutionary stages, shaped by our regulations and empowered by the internet, which dissolves boundaries.

This fast-paced period is sparking conservatism and protectionism, fueling conflict. Once the Pandora’s box is opened, it’s impossible to reseal, prolonging this ongoing clash. How far will our differences take us? Can we continue on the path of evolution? Much of this hinges on education, which is why conservatives fear widespread access to education. They oppose free education, often associating it politically with socialism, much like healthcare and social assistance. In my view, an educated person tends to become more moderate and peaceful than their uneducated counterparts. Education spans various facets of life—some excel emotionally, financially, physically, or in a well-rounded manner. Yet, regardless of the level of formal schooling, we all share the common physicality of existence, with needs for sustenance and love. Individual education ranks as the second most crucial factor after health, happiness, hunger, and love.

The curtailment of individual human rights by those in power is evident worldwide. Each person needs the freedom to be equal to maintain self-esteem; without it, we devalue ourselves and succumb to mob mentality, a primary driver of wars and societal issues after the erosion of love.

The education of individuals forms the bedrock of a thriving society. Rather than treating education as a commodity, it should be mandatory and freely accessible. While this may sound socialist, it transcends politics. Bring students from across the globe, educate them to become teachers, and send them back so they can propagate education. Better yet, leverage the internet for widespread, free education, allowing people to pursue their dreams without leaving loved ones behind.

I believe all developed nations should implement a global poverty, health, and education tax, fostering solutions to extremism, promoting collective evolution, and nurturing harmonious coexistence as humans. To combat terrorism effectively, make education universally accessible, fostering a shift in individual allegiance from exclusive groups to humanity.

Regarding free education, Fidel Castro’s recent passing sparked conflicting opinions, with some lauding him as a hero and others condemning him as a villain. Even Justin Trudeau faced criticism for praising him. Despite any dictatorial actions or atrocities, Castro prioritized educating his people. While I don’t condone dictatorships, monarchies, or authoritarian regimes, including socialist ones that disregard individual rights, all aspects—race, color, nationality, or religion—should adhere to the principles of equal human rights. One of the key themes of this blog is that individuals should align with humanity as a whole rather than narrow groups. Canada provides a good example: a diverse populace united as Canadians, living harmoniously under shared regulations. The next step is embracing humanity collectively. Imagine the potential if everyone contributed their unique talents and lived under equal human rights.

Even groups like drug cartels can foster loyalty. Dictators like Hitler, Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Bashar al-Assad, or Fidel Castro often attract followers who view them as providential leaders, while others regard them as malevolent.

How can we change this dynamic? Democratically elected leaders can also commit spiritual crimes under the guise of group loyalty. This phenomenon stems from the politics of identity. While deposing them hasn’t historically advanced humanity, scrutinizing their actions reveals their motivations. If they fail to benefit humanity as a whole, their policies are purely political. While such leaders may benefit their group, they’re prone to committing spiritual crimes in the name of group loyalty.

Reflecting on human history, the English, French, Roman Empires, and figures like Genghis Khan, as well as contemporary entities like the Russian and American Empires, oscillate between heroism and villainy in the name of group loyalty. The solution lies in embracing humanity as a whole, refraining from depriving others of love in the name of nationality or religion.

I admit I’m an idealist, hoping technology, especially the internet, will facilitate global education dissemination. Educated individuals who know how to fish no longer need perpetual aid. Hate, division, and security walls aren’t solutions to our problems; love is. Attempting to rob others of love has failed us for millennia.

Rather than treating reciprocity as a tax game, our tax system should promote spirituality, allowing people to see the tangible impact of their contributions. They should witness firsthand the positive outcomes of their reciprocal actions.

Reciprocity shouldn’t be a burden or exploited by the able-bodied. Charities ebb and flow with financial insecurity; hence, a steady stream of goodwill is vital. If implemented as a tax, some may resent it, yet understanding the impact of their contributions for humanity is as crucial as it’s needed. Non-reciprocating individuals, regardless of their capability, breed resentment among taxpayers. Therefore, tax collectors and spenders must implement programs ensuring able-bodied individuals work and comprehend reciprocity.

Generational reliance on social assistance indicates systemic flaws overlooked due to education gaps. We must acknowledge and address root causes such as mental health or systemic abuse. Each person has a duty to reciprocate, constituting the game of life—a balance of physical and spiritual existence where we fulfill our purpose as God’s cells. We’re tasked with sustaining the larger organism, ensuring its vitality.

As individuals and groups, we must adhere to the golden rule: if it hurts you, it hurts all humanity. Thus, refrain from actions against others that you’d dislike for yourself or loved ones.

When politics intertwines religion with justice systems, it halts evolutionary progress, as many religions uphold ancient, immutable doctrines. The associated politics absolve enforcers, attributing any wrongdoing to the absence of divine intervention. Thus, human group politics prevail unchecked. If God entrusted us with responsibility, then our actions and governance shape perceptions of divine justice. To fathom God’s wisdom, we must evolve, assume responsibility, and maximize our ever-expanding potential.

If we shirk responsibility, forsake potential, and avoid assuming accountability as individuals, we’ll never unlock our expansive potential. Humans, not God, undermine individual endeavors. We’re endowed with evolutionary traits and boundless potential by our Creator, empowering us to fulfill our intended purpose.

We have the capacity to inflict immense harm, burning someone alive or annihilating entire cities or countries, irrespective of innocence. A spiritually evolved being cannot afford even a speck of innocent blood on their conscience. In contrast, political fanatics often commit spiritual crimes in the name of their groups. However, the evolution of humanity isn’t dictated by a small segment of the population—it’s a collective responsibility. This is what God intended for us, compelling us all to evolve to a higher level and embrace humanity as a whole. It’s time to overcome the insecurities sown by our political groups. Let’s unite globally through the internet to aid each other, regardless of geographic location. As humanity, we should extend a helping hand wherever needed. Our fundamental issue lies in the politics of group identity.

Today, it’s imperative to recognize that we share one planet. Global challenges, like climate change, pandemics, cybercrime, and business demands, necessitate global coordination for justice and equal human rights. International efforts have eradicated practices like human sacrifice, promoted marriage equality for LGBTQ+ individuals, and abolished sati in India. While progress is evident, political obstacles slow our advancement, particularly in terms of group identity politics.

Traditional beliefs clash with modern global realities. Our challenges stem from the human psyche—from hormonal influences to nationalist politics, religions, and personal struggles.

With trillions of cells and bacteria, our individual complexities are profound. Mastering even basic life tasks can feel like assuming a CEO’s role. While ancestral wisdom simplifies life, it may overlook the intricacies of human existence, leaving one submerged in the politics of group identity.

Questioning is essential for learning and growth. Humanity’s questioning nature has driven our progress. Unfortunately, some individuals claim absolute knowledge or follow such claims blindly.

As humans, our innate curiosity compels us to evolve. Nationalism and religion haven’t stifled our quest for knowledge and growth. Our potential for learning knows no bounds, expanding through generations. Therefore, questioning is intrinsic to our nature.

Fear of the unknown and allegiance to group identities are unnatural. Staying confined within group boundaries is unsustainable. Criticizing others based solely on philosophical differences, rather than factual bases, is inherently political.

Individually addressing personal issues or seeking help from trusted professionals aligns with our evolutionary path. As evolving beings, our understanding continually evolves, encompassing diverse fields like science, medicine, and religion. Embracing our questioning nature ensures we evolve in harmony with our innate potential, rather than adhering blindly to ancestral traditions.

Dictators are victims of unchecked group loyalty, committing spiritual crimes against dissenters. Yet, democratically elected governments and purportedly religious nations also perpetrate injustices in the name of group identity. Until individuals recognize our common humanity, spirituality, and connection to a higher purpose, enlightenment will elude us in addressing humanity’s challenges.

Humanity’s dark secret of Chemical dependencies.

Do you see yourself primarily as an intellectual entity or more as a physical entity?

Asking yourself this question opens your personal Pandora’s box, but I’d like to delve into the Pandora’s box of humanity. Personally, I discovered powerful chemical influences in my life—from everyday emotional entanglements and the politics of group identity to internal conflicts between spiritual and animalistic tendencies. I sought scientific and physical explanations for these thoughts, uncovering unsettling truths about human nature.

Some time ago, I wrote a blog titled “Inferiority Complex: The Dirty Truth of Humanity.” It aimed to explore why our politics of group identity wield such power, often reducing even the most intellectual individuals to mere puppets. Scientific evidence suggests that our behavior is influenced by chemicals, highlighting how our animalistic side can dominate our spiritual side. Regardless of religious beliefs, some struggle to reconcile these internal conflicts.

I found this quote via Google, which I’ll share:

“Researchers measured testosterone levels during the 1994 World Cup final (Brazil vs. Italy). Saliva samples were taken from fans before and after the game. Brazil won on penalties in an otherwise dull final. The study found a significant increase in testosterone levels among Brazilian fans, while Italian fans showed a decrease. This illustrates how we experience a vicarious endocrinological response. As social creatures, our brains can interpret our favorite sports teams as part of our in-group, despite most fans never meeting the players they idolize.” End Quote.

As humans, we embody a unique blend of spirit, physicality, and mortality. Controlling our animalistic desires improves our humanity, but the perception of this control varies among those we associate with. Whether right or wrong, your true identity remains human—not exclusively spiritual or animal. Attempting to prioritize one over the other only offers a partial understanding, particularly for mortals. Things get complicated when internal chemical influences come into play.

Understanding yourself requires perspective as a mortal being, acknowledging the limited time available. The best approach involves questioning everything you do.

Firstly, ask yourself: Do you lean more toward your animalistic or spiritual side? If your responses are influenced by uncontrollable chemical changes, nurturing your spiritual side is essential for internal balance. Remember, it’s not an either-or scenario—our humanity derives from our animalistic nature. Regardless of belief in God, we enter this life as humans, not purely spiritual or animalistic.

Given that you and those around you may be influenced by group identities, their opinions can be prejudiced and discriminatory against dissenters.

Your life is your personal endeavor, with responsibility resting squarely on your shoulders. Understanding life’s realities—mortality, personal happiness, contentment, guilt, and regret—requires acknowledging your autonomy and free will.

If you act out of honor, ego, or pride, it’s crucial to trace these motivations to their roots. While these traits have their place, individuals bear personal responsibility for their actions. Actions driven by ego, pride, or honor often stem from group identities, shaped by the politics of belonging. Participating in mob mentality and committing spiritual crimes demands constant vigilance against succumbing to chemical influences and subsequent regrets.

Following chemical impulses might seem natural for animals, but as spiritual beings, we hold ourselves to higher standards. Spiritual discontent can profoundly affect mortal life, and addressing inner turmoil becomes a personal journey. Neither community nor God can absolve you of internal conflicts—our autonomy and free will compel us to make thoughtful decisions.

Understanding personal responsibility early on helps prevent accumulating guilt and regrets in service to group identities. If you don’t experience guilt or regret over group affiliations, chemical influences likely overshadow your spiritual side, possibly due to lifelong indoctrination hindering self-understanding.

Being fully human entails assuming personal responsibility. Life isn’t solely about dependency on parents or community—it demands self-reliance and informed decision-making. Amidst competing internal forces, how do we navigate mortal existence?

If you happen to kill someone, you have also extinguished a part of God or the Devil. Whether you perceive them as a bad person or an innocent being, each life taken diminishes a part of the divine. Just as cells cannot comprehend the body they constitute, humans struggle to understand God, making God and the Devil elusive realities. Killing over these unknowns stems from ignorance or unawareness of the chemical influences shaping us.

Understanding these chemicals and the political dynamics of group affiliation requires spiritual growth. Throughout history, humanity’s penchant for violence has normalized such acts under various justifications. Political interests perpetuate group dynamics, yet individual evolution is essential to recognize personal responsibility and spiritual awareness.

Suppressing our spiritual sides does not erase them; denying this facet for group loyalty may backfire, as you transcend mere cellular limits. You embody the essence of the body or God within yourself, with autonomy over your actions and the attendant responsibilities. Genetically wired for autonomy, aligning with humanity as a whole makes more sense than identifying solely with smaller groups. Choosing your identity—be it arm or leg—defines your allegiance to humanity.

Amidst good and bad apples, there exists a decent and spiritual core, often buried under education, circumstances, or animalistic instincts. Never underestimate the allure of group politics deeply rooted in our chemical makeup; it has historically overridden intellectual pursuits, hindering humanity’s elusive quest for peace. Integrating intellect with physicality unveils the human psyche, fostering both internal and external peace.

As we continue to explore human potential and identity, we confront the unknown beyond our established identities. The saying by Kabir resonates: “The drop in the ocean, everybody knows; the ocean in the drop, a rare one does.” Individually, we potentially embody oceans within drops—where does our evolving potential lead us?

Today, face-to-face communication spans the cosmos, forecasting storms to save lives, a far cry from sacrificing humans in antiquity. Blood transfusions, artificial insemination, and stem cell research coexist with space stations, global transport, and instant communication. Education is now virtual, yet cybercrime remains unchecked. These advancements stem from human imagination; adapting to change is imperative.

Respecting diverse forms of knowledge, including spirituality, is vital. Disparaging spiritual insights while embracing scientific rigor—or vice versa—disrupts balance. Good doctors comprehend that negative imaginings induce stress, influencing disease. Our evolving understanding remains stunted by political and chemical biases, marring educational systems. Historical conflicts, driven by group politics, obstruct progress despite advocating equal rights and combating prejudice.

COVID-19 exposes this dichotomy: some seek divine intervention, while others trust in science to resolve crises. Scientists, with antibiotics, have doubled human life expectancy, yet scientific contributions face skepticism. Our penchant for blaming God or politicians obscures the messages conveyed. Despite persistent calls for unity, chemical-induced group affiliations impede our evolution.

From infectious diseases like Corona, Zika, Ebola, and AIDS to technological advances such as the internet, space stations, cybercrimes, and surgeries, to the emergence of mixed-race generations and the pursuit of equal human rights, these are noteworthy aspects of our times. Yet, our urgent need to combat global warming stands atop them all. This imperative won’t dissipate; with only one Earth, we must collectively care for it not just as a group but as one humanity. However, people are often blinded not only by political motives but also by chemical impulses, making it challenging for individuals to resist internal pressures. Hence, I refer to this as the chemical dependencies of humanity.

Now, consider it from an individual perspective. Do you ever wonder why you feel inclined to harbor prejudice and discrimination against those different from your own group? It’s crucial to understand these impulses independently, as your group may not impart this spiritual insight.

As spiritual beings, we must neutralize our potent, compelling chemical urges to achieve inner balance and true humanity. Our desires are frequently driven by our animalistic nature, particularly in confronting the unknown. While our instinctual side guides our actions for self-preservation, our spiritual side compels us to seek fulfillment within ourselves. Understanding and achieving this balance is essential wisdom for human existence, particularly given our mortal nature.

Whether contemplating life, life after death, the existence of God, chemical influences, or politics, our personal journey is solely our responsibility. We must not only be accountable for our actions but also for our own happiness and fulfillment. If concerns about the afterlife hold greater sway, scrutinize your political and chemical influences before deciding, for God relies on our physicality to enact the good necessary for humanity.

Consider the advancements benefiting humanity, from prolonging average lifespans to enhancing survival amidst natural disasters. Reflect on your personal stance. How do you value yourself? Are you inherently flawed, forever needing penance for imagined sins? Engage in self-inquiry not only about political and chemical influences but also about everything, including your affiliations and even beliefs about God. Without such introspection, humanity remains stagnant; progress has always stemmed from questioning individuals like yourself. Reflect on how long it will take for you to realize that you are an individual human, not merely an extension of emotionally charged ideologies rooted in chemicals and politics. Remember, your spiritual essence must also be strong to complete your humanity. With thousands of years of civilization behind us, we should evolve beyond animalistic behaviors.

Original Sin.

Our belonging groups have been preaching to us to live as part of the group, be loyal, and fight others if the group goes to war against other human beings. Killing other human beings for belonging groups has been, is, and will always be a sin for a long time to come. I have been using a term called ‘dead dog’ for a long time; a dead dog is the cause of the problem. Personally, whenever I look for the cause of humanity’s major problems, I always end up and stop at prejudice and discrimination. I call them the original sins because they can be found all over humanity. From individuals to collective groups, we have all been guilty of them. Some discriminate by color, some by gender, some by status, and some suffer from nationalism and religious biases. I emphasize ‘suffering’ because as human beings, we all suffer from our problems caused by our original sins. We often don’t even realize our sins because they are passed down to us by our families, communities, nations, and religions. All of them are authorities to us because we are born into them. Personally, I believe humanity is still not taking these dead dogs seriously enough and is not putting in enough effort to remove them. If you have been reading my blog for a while, you are already familiar with my dead dog story, but if you are new to it, I think you need to know it first before we go any further.

There once was a community that dug a well for water and lived around it. One day, a dog fell into it and died. When the water started to stink, everyone became worried. They gathered together, and one of them went down into the well to investigate. He found a dead dog and yelled from the well, ‘There is a dead dog in here!’ People looked at the mayor with questioning eyes. He said, ‘Take out about fifty barrels of water and then start using it, but make sure you remove the dead dog first.’

Today, we live in a world that continues to function without removing the dead dog, so we have several dead dogs in our wells. From medicine to social systems, everyone is looking for band-aid solutions to buy time, which can be fine, but as humanity, we should understand the causes and solutions to our problems.

If you have a headache, you take an aspirin, regardless of the reason. Our problems persist and evolve into major issues in our lives, from health problems to local social issues to international conflicts. We have developed an attitude of sweeping everything under the rug and continuing on, hoping that one day the problems will resolve themselves or that we can leave them for future generations. There is nothing inherently wrong with this approach for some, but for me, problems do not go away on their own; we have to take action.

Some may believe that God will intervene, but to me, humanity is more responsible for its issues than we are taught to believe. God has done a godly job or is still doing so by providing us with a living, breathing, thinking body and spirit. God is still taking care of bigger things, like ensuring that space does not collapse on us, whether internally or externally, or dealing with things over which we have no control as human beings. As humanity, we must work towards removing the dead dogs from our personal and communal wells.

Since our propensity to kill each other starts with the education of prejudice and discrimination, I refer to prejudice and discrimination as the original sin or dead dog. Any problem that can span or give birth to bigger problems for humanity is an original sin. Our prejudice and discrimination against others has been, is, and will continue to give birth to future problems.

Currently, Americans are protecting their citizens from prosecution by the International Criminal Court. Automatically, you might believe there is nothing wrong with this; it feels natural if you strongly believe in the politics of belonging to your group. To me, the sense of belonging is the dead dog of prejudice and discrimination, and prejudice and discrimination are the dead dogs of most of humanity’s problems.

Discrediting or penalizing the International Criminal Court is a clear sign that our politics of belonging to our groups is strong and still out of control.

Humanity is already divided enough to engage in such open rhetoric, but our politics of belonging is so powerful that even our educated people are blind to its consequences. Not speaking out against prejudice and discrimination is one thing; putting hurdles in the way of humanity’s evolution is another. Naturally, it is in human DNA to evolve; God and religion aside, this process will not stop. Therefore, anything done to unite humanity belongs to our evolutionary nature; putting hurdles in the way is purely political, aimed at maintaining power for a group of people.

Our civilized nations should participate in combating our upcoming problems, not fueling further divisions. The general population of groups is usually inspired by their leaders’ politically charged speeches about belonging, believing they are superior in the world or in humanity. Despite our progress and civilization, we are still entrenched in old group politics, yet nature continues to call us to evolve and work together as humanity.

Ignoring humanity’s needs is plain ignorant and unwise, but our politics of group belonging overrides even the most logically sound and scientifically backed explanations. There is always a segment of people among us who resist even the most beneficial technologies. From blood transfusions to test tubes to stem cell research, conservatives have historically resisted these advancements, yet these same resistors have a history of embracing new technologies when it suits them; remember, they were the ones who once threw virgins off cliffs to appease God.

Nevertheless, humanity is evolving in all areas of life. The popularity of equal human rights is a clear sign that humanity is about to take the next step towards joining hands as one entity.

Our older generations are losing their grip on what they have always believed in; these contractions are signs that new changes are being born. Not long ago, racism and slavery were not only accepted but also a way of life not openly questioned. Today, a racist or slave owner would be scorned and punished by most human societies. We have evolved to the point where as individuals, being labeled racist would be embarrassing.

Being prejudiced or discriminatory is now recognized and becoming criminalized in most societies. To me, it is an original sin that most of us do not pay attention to because it is often preached even by our nations and religions.

If it were up to proponents of division, they would work against every intellectual effort to unite humanity. Just look around and see how our politics of group belonging is damaging our evolution and civilization. We have spent more resources on killing each other than on solving humanity’s real problems. If people were not fighting each other, what would the financial state of humanity be today? If the ‘dog-eat-dog’ philosophy had not been carried on from our primitive times, where would the world be spiritually?

If you do not believe in God and are against religious extremism, I would not try to convince you otherwise, but I would encourage you to take responsibility for your actions, just as I do for religious people as well.

If you are Muslim and find spiritual fulfillment in visiting someone’s tomb, I would not oppose it, even though I believe we should not own land after death, while many living human beings are homeless. We should all be buried to become recycled material for nature, benefiting future generations, regardless of our importance in life.

If you believe in beating your chest or self-flagellation for spiritual reasons, I would not oppose your spiritual satisfaction, but I would suggest that if your blood is needed to save someone’s life, you should donate it rather than waste it.

If you live in the far north where daylight or sun makes prayer and fasting hazardous to your health, I still would not oppose your spiritual fulfillment, but I would suggest adjusting your prayer and fasting times to those of the equator, so you do not suffer physically while trying to fulfill yourself spiritually.

If you do not believe in God and are fully committed to scientific knowledge, you can still find spiritual satisfaction in accepting the incompleteness of human knowledge and striving for humility. For a mortal being, spiritual satisfaction is not a trivial matter. With any belief system, being alive as a mortal is not a losing battle; it’s about understanding reciprocity, which helps us achieve inner peace. Otherwise, trying to control everything takes its toll by robbing you of happiness and contentment.

Our inherited and divisive political knowledge is the cause of our current problems. Therefore, working together as one humanity, with equal human rights, can help us achieve not only inner peace but also outer and elusive peace. Our problem lies in following politically tainted religious knowledge of our groups and believing it to be God’s word.

Power has the ability to corrupt us individually and collectively, leading us to desire our race or religion to dominate the world, much like empires of the past. Unfortunately, even our history shows countless religions and a graveyard of empires, yet we still fail to learn from our mistakes. While some kingdoms still exist, humanity has evolved enough to understand the importance of equal human rights. Personally, I believe the days of these remaining kingdoms are numbered.

A crime is still a crime, regardless of who commits it. Prince Andrew is implicated in sex crimes and may be proven guilty. Powerful people cannot escape the criminal justice system; even police officers who commit crimes can be penalized. Therefore, Prince Andrew as an individual, the police as an organization, and American unrest as a nation are all signs of humanity evolving and undergoing painful contractions to give birth to something entirely new. Since the water has already broken, there is no way racism, prejudice, and discrimination-based politics can survive the birth of equal human rights. Even religions have taken a hit; the Pope has deviated from long-held beliefs of prejudice and discrimination, stating, ‘Who am I to judge?'”

We must establish equal human rights globally; otherwise, it will not work because we need a global rule of law. An international criminal justice system is crucial for an effective United Nations. We need a stronger, democratically governed, and united United Nations, along with an equally powerful International Criminal Court. The idea of blind justice implies freedom from politics.

Just look around and see what’s happening these days. Even the bastions of democracy rejecting the International Criminal Court clearly indicate their reluctance to face future repercussions, akin to what religions experienced.

The real picture of the controversial International Criminal Court underscores humanity’s current imperative to collaborate. While we possess the capability and intellect, we hesitate to take progressive steps. The necessity for international systems has been evident, but their success has encountered numerous obstacles, even from well-established democracies.

Real issues like global warming, infectious diseases, and cybercrimes, such as international phone scams originating from India, underscore the need for global systems. Despite our civilization, why can’t we unite as one humanity? Our primary obstacle is the politics of group identity. Even educated individuals struggle to embrace global systems due to entrenched group identities.

For instance, our long-standing United Nations employs a veto system, which logically contradicts democratic principles. If advanced nations aren’t treated equally, the system becomes politically skewed, eroding blind trust. This situation is evident in the challenges facing the International Criminal Court.

I believe in pure spirituality and a politics-free justice system. Introducing politics into these spheres dilutes their essence. The politicization of group identities has turned everything political, tarnishing the respect accorded to religions in recent history. If we’re not careful, our justice system’s respectability will suffer next.

Our terrorists already dismiss Western court systems as illegitimate; soon, every nation may view each other’s courts similarly. Law and order should be impartial. Whether it’s an individual, a gang, a community, a nation, or a religious group committing a crime, higher authorities must scrutinize them. As humans, we should all be accountable to a respected higher authority. By now, humanity should have evolved enough to implement equal human rights globally. Yet, even in our well-established democracies, achieving this remains a struggle. Despite popular support and pressing global needs, our groups resist joining international efforts. They fear losing their identity, relevance, and status, refusing to adapt.

A crime is a crime, regardless of the perpetrator. Politics poisons our justice systems. If we hold individuals accountable for crimes, it’s logical to hold groups accountable as well. Why should it be different for nations or religions? According to equal human rights, each individual should be equal to a group, irrespective of size, especially concerning blind justice.

Since justice and spirituality are intertwined, they should remain free from political influence. Human insecurities linked to group identity are so ingrained that even otherwise honest and spiritual individuals turn a blind eye to political truths. If you set ethical standards for others, you must exemplify them first. Equal human rights are widely accepted and indisputable. Yet, every group openly practices prejudice and discrimination in nationalist and religious politics.

Today’s reality demands attention, echoing loudly worldwide for equal human rights, regardless of location, identity, or affiliation. Outdated group politics persists, threatening to drag humanity back into the Dark Ages, as prophesied in our sacred texts.

To avoid this fate, combat global warming, nuclear warfare, and biological threats, we must individually advocate for one humanity’s cause. If we fail to evolve and unite, humanity will remain divided, treating each other as inferior beings, squandering resources on internecine conflicts instead of combating real crises like infectious diseases, global warming, poverty, and health emergencies.

As social creatures, humans naturally gravitate towards one another, valuing essentials like oxygen, water, food, shelter, health, love, freedom, and security. Our innate needs compel us to coexist peacefully, trusting in our governing systems. Our greatest challenge lies in recognizing our commonalities amid our differences. Critically, most crimes are committed by our own kind, regardless of where we live, undermining our collective security.

Our individual mortality teaches us all of the above, yet somehow, we often ignore the messages from beyond. A dying human does not need resources; instead, they need love and care. They can and do leave their unneeded assets to the coming generation. This raises a question: if the next generation moves on to value something different from what previous generations held dear, or if those values are no longer relevant, not only does the individual die but the community dies with them as well.

Unfortunately, our politics of belonging often overrides our logical thinking about mortality. If more people die than are born in a community and the community fails to address looming future problems, if people don’t work to pay taxes for communal support, problems don’t just vanish; they are created. Running a business is not akin to running a country, so passionate individuals can sometimes cause more harm to a community than they can help. Hence, politics alone cannot sustain a successful nation.

A significant component of a happy and successful nation is spirituality-based principles, and no, you don’t need a religion-based governing system to uphold spiritual values. Politically, some criticize spiritual values as socialism to intimidate people, yet when examining the happiness rankings of nations, cutthroat competitive nations do not rank higher. Socialism becomes problematic when it contradicts equal human rights. Treating individuals equally, whether compared to corporations, nations, or religions, is spiritually correct, enhancing both individual happiness and communal values.

From advocating for equal human rights to establishing welfare systems, from ensuring access to education to providing universal healthcare, these rights embody the hallmarks of spirituality-based principles, yet politically, they are often associated with socialism. Interestingly, they contribute to community thriving and higher placement in the happiness scale of nations.

If other creatures can be trained and tamed with love, it suggests that human beings themselves have been tamed by love. Raising a child without love leads not only to individual but also communal problems, so blame should not solely rest on the child and their parents but should be shared by the community. This is evident in national crime rates; a caring community should ideally exhibit lower crime rates over time, whereas in fiercely competitive environments, jails are often overcrowded.

The concept of a “love triangle” provides perspective, as love humanizes us. Humans, as spiritual beings, are surrounded by love from all directions to maintain spiritual balance. If deprived of any aspect of love, there is potential for humans to behave like beasts, even towards their own kind—a state contrary to human desires.

A cunning and intelligent animal can be more dangerous than a predictable hungry creature, so if our capacity to love is diminished, we can kill and be killed without remorse. This underscores the importance of raising children with love, surrounding their inner beings with affection, as a human being is meant to embody a sphere of love.

For whatever reason—whether due to a loss of instinctual love, erosion of passionate love, or even hurt from a loss of universal love—it can potentially transform a loving individual into a dangerously intelligent animal. This transformation can be particularly profound if love is lost at a tender age, potentially turning all of us into defensive creatures. Intriguingly, humans are among the most dangerous creatures due to our intelligence and literal weaponry.

As social creatures, we reside in societies where healthy and balanced individuals are crucial for creating healthy societies. Without love, trust is the first casualty; without trust, there can be no relationship or sacrifice for others, thereby diminishing compassion. Our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being as human beings hinges on established trust; lacking it, we can suffer both individually and collectively.

An education system that promotes dog-eat-dog self-preservation may have been suitable in our primitive history but in today’s societies, it can be viewed as an animalistic trait of human beings. Such systems potentially foster discrimination based on factors such as color, gender, nationality, or religion, and may even perpetuate reverse racism. This represents a serious flaw within our community education systems.

From parents to communities, nations, and religions, they all discuss compassion-related virtues and the challenges faced by humanity, often deflecting blame away from their flawed education on prejudice and discrimination. Few are willing to critically examine their own education systems, which are influenced by exclusive group affiliations.

If a religion preaches a specific way of life exclusively for its followers, it is outright prejudiced and discriminatory towards others, including its own members who don’t adhere to those rules. When disputes arise, they not only show willingness but actually strip each other of love, a quality that distinguishes humans from animals, thus reducing even reasonably evolved individuals to a primal state.

Acting on behalf of their groups to deprive others of love has been a widespread practice across all human groups, possibly stemming from their own experiences of love loss. Being deprived of love may be the foundational cause of, and connected to, humanity’s perpetual conflicts.

Individuals who exploit God for political agendas mistakenly turn otherwise peaceful and loving human beings into aggressive creatures. While they may believe they are following religious directives, they neglect the compassion advocated by all religions, thereby denying themselves true spiritual fulfillment. Religious practice can be spiritual, but understanding the distinction between politics and spirituality is crucial—akin to assuming the role of a CEO in one’s spiritual journey.

A logical question arises: why would God exclusively revert to a spiritual form? It makes no sense for God to retreat to mere irrelevance, akin to beauty in the forest. God’s physical existence and the fulfillment of ordinary human prayers depend on living, breathing human beings; therefore, logically, God cannot be intent on destroying humanity. The freedom of individual human will is what drives conflicts and wars, as each person has the choice to engage in such actions.

Since we are blessed with free will and understand how to wield it, we inherently know it comes with a package deal. We can either benefit from it or harm others and ourselves in the process. The key lies in understanding why we choose as we do—a journey that begins with taking the reins as CEO of our own lives.

To delve deeper, we must acknowledge our evolutionary nature, still entangled in the politics of group belonging, struggling to unite as a single humanity. What drives our evolutionary potential, boundless and adaptable? Answers remain tentative amidst our evolving understanding.

Now is the time for us to grasp our individual significance on a grand scale and embrace the uncertainties of humanity’s unfolding future without succumbing to fear. We must boldly step forward, envisioning a future where the primacy of religion, nationalism, racism, gender, or sexual biases diminishes, while the importance of God, the individual, and spirituality ascends.

As Rumi eloquently posited, God’s intent for humanity was to create an ocean within each of us, not to drown as insignificant drops in a vast sea. The politics of group identity, stripping individuals of their worth, cannot stem from God; if not divine, where does it originate? The answer lies with those who manipulate God and people for their political agendas—ordinary humans like us.

Endowed with the atom of autonomy, we possess free will, compassion, a personal sense of justice, and the capacity for guilt. The true existential threat lies not in an external God, but in the internal turmoil within ourselves. Fearing a distant God while ignoring the divinity within can lead to spiritual transgressions, even amid one’s living years.

Consider the testimony of a war-weary veteran: individually, we possess the power not only to deprive ourselves of happiness and contentment but also to harm ourselves. Understanding our personal makeup is imperative for each individual.

Navigating a dog-eat-dog world as spiritual beings housed in physical bodies presents a profound challenge. Ultimately, our free will imposes immense responsibilities upon us. Negotiating a world dominated by group identities can transform even the most resilient individuals into compliant sheep, herded by political agendas. We must critique not only others but also ourselves, harnessing this godlike ability to scrutinize our actions before they unfold.

Every society maintains a criminal justice system in accordance with its constitution, yet rapidly evolving societies struggle to meet contemporary demands, especially when hindered by conservative forces impeding progress. Lagging or opposing societal needs can render their justice systems prejudiced, discriminatory, or outright unjust.

Even in modern societies, biases and prejudices—both traditional and customary—persist as daily norms. A critical self-examination often reveals such biases thriving in our own communities.

Our predicament lies in the rarity of self-critique among those infected with the politics of group belonging. For passionately committed individuals, group allegiance seems infallible, leading many to remain silent even when their groups err or commit original sins.

Conversely, speaking out can result in hatred, threats, and harsh treatment from these groups. From ostracism to death, such extreme social injustices remain overshadowed by the cacophony of group politics. From nationalism to religious and cultural extremes, dissenting opinions are not merely voiced but shouted, drowning out individual voices regardless of their validity.

To me, if adhering to religious traditions, rules, rituals, or prayers makes one feel superior to those who don’t, or to opposing groups, it risks fostering prejudice and discrimination. This phenomenon constitutes an original sin—a departure from spirituality into the realm where one believes they are doing good while judging others as inferior. This path contradicts modern trends like equal human rights.

All people are vessels of one God, much like cells are integral to our bodies. No single cell can claim superiority; each serves to preserve the body’s integrity while alive. Similarly, we are part of God’s body, where those perceived as inferior may prove superior in character. If religious teachings breed prejudice and discrimination, distinguishing between religion and spirituality becomes crucial. Learning to prioritize spirituality over religious affiliation fosters humility, especially given historical issues with religious extremism.

Remaining within your birth religion while shedding the politics of group belonging leads to a spiritual realm. Most religions espouse spirituality but struggle to divorce it from their political agendas, tainting their spiritual systems. A politically tainted spiritual system remains tainted, regardless of religious reverence. Thus, respecting one’s religion should never justify killing others—a consequence of politics, not spirituality.

In the quiet of night, shedding each bestowed identity unveils the true self. This introspection reveals our shared essence amid politically influenced differences. All political maneuvers aim to fortify and secure group belonging, stemming from insecurity, mistrust, and faltering personal beliefs. Regardless of feelings or assertions, examining personal life with logical scrutiny reveals irrefutable truths.

Consider that you emerged against odds of one in four hundred million, developing from a cell invisible to the naked eye. You arose from seemingly nothing, sustained by the same air that feeds your ten trillion cells and hundred trillion bacteria, enabling your existence. If you still believe this all occurs solely by your will and intent, perhaps it’s time to face reality with a clear mind.

The reality ahead is clear: you will grow old and eventually die. Knowing this should foster appreciation for your living years with humility, yet many strive to control and secure even their mortality. Viewing life as a mountain, they climb solely to secure, missing the scenery and journey, only to fall. No matter how high you climb, security remains elusive; the fact of mortality persists.

Genghis Khan consumed silver to safeguard himself, only to die with a blue hue. Our efforts to preserve often yield side effects that compromise our health—physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health intertwined with our souls. Even our thoughts may impact our expiration dates. Health is vital for accumulating genuine rewards: reciprocity, happiness, and contentment. Yet both extremes—living solely in sacrifice as religions advocate, or obsessively securing material gains—fail the mortal condition.

Reciprocity resonates with a spiritual belief system; without it, climbing, hoarding, and consuming every moment to secure oneself leads to stress and leaving all behind. It’s a choice—whether in life’s living years or beyond, I’d rather relish the visit while fulfilling my duties.

Whether heaven, hell, God, or Devil exists or not, I focus on this life, as an atom of autonomy within. Doing justice to all, including myself, defines my path. Others may choose differently, but enforcing personal beliefs on me invites my dissent. As we evolve, we must embrace learning, unshackling from millennia-old systems; human knowledge remains unfinished, open to amendments and adaptations to the times.

Doctors prescribe medications to heal, yet some succumb to side effects—like Genghis Khan and his silver. While drugs are lifelines, perpetual use challenges quality of life, emphasizing the imperative of quality over quantity.

Fear and control consume us, jeopardizing health and happiness; without these, measuring success in mortal life is futile. Climbing life’s mountain impresses others but means little if personal happiness and health falter.

Those sacrificing happiness for material gain often lose hope and optimism, aging fearfully, seeking solace in group affiliations. Ironically, crimes against peers within these groups persist despite religious teachings. Original sins—prejudice and discrimination—remain ingrained, perpetuating societal woes despite harsh religious penalties.

Observe firsthand: religions, while punishing crimes, don’t guarantee crime-free societies; instead, they foster original sins.

How do we mend and resolve problems solely through political truces and ceasefires without addressing the root issues of original sins? Peace must begin at the individual level; those seeking healing must start with themselves. Sometimes, compromise may feel like betrayal to loved ones, but evolution demands a price. Our personal evolution is key to both internal and external peace. If our education system obstructs this evolution, we must adapt with the times.

Today, the tide is rising with the aid of the internet, ushering in a new era for humanity and human rights. A global village emphasizing equal human rights should supersede extreme nationalism, while spirituality should replace the political exploitation of religions. While we respect religions, granting them tax-free status, this respect should be solely for their spiritual fulfillment, not when they intertwine with the politics of belonging.

If you seek causes to champion, begin with equal human rights—a profoundly spiritual and vital cause for humanity, combating original sins. Hunger, poverty, and universal healthcare for all are additional causes, for unlike other creatures, our dog-eat-dog philosophy reflects our animal instincts from ancient times. Our spiritual essence compels us to live not as mere creatures, but as spiritual or godly entities; therefore, exclusive physical living does not fulfill our spiritual potential.

Religions often preach goodness and helpfulness, yet they frequently align with conservative political platforms, contradicting the spiritual values promoted by democratic political parties. As we evolve, unbiased knowledge across all facets of existence becomes essential. If your political affiliation promotes a dog-eat-dog philosophy, it falls upon you to align your personal life with your spiritual values.

If your principles clash with political parties, evolve spiritually and align with whichever promotes spiritual values, as they too will evolve over time. Despite religious differences, humanity progresses with spiritual values; witness the global push for equal human rights. While our need for group belonging persists, the new era demands a shift from old problem-solving methods. Imperfect as it may be, the United Nations endures due to its advocacy for equal human rights, offering a path beyond group politics to embrace humanity as a whole.

Whether viewed scientifically or through staunch religious belief, remember: you are human first. Before passing judgment, engage your personal sense of justice, which transcends group politics. It’s not solely about science or religion, but about embracing your entirety as a human being. Ask yourself: are you a puppet whose strings are pulled by political or religious leaders, or are you the CEO of your own life? Use your innate sense of justice, common sense, and decency—treat others as you wish to be treated or as you would treat your loved ones.

Today, spirituality and equal human rights embody decency and are challenging to uphold even during peaceful times. In times of war, when love is scarce, humanity loses its spiritual essence, allowing ordinary individuals to revert to animalistic behaviors, endorsed by groups against opposing factions—making the international criminal court contentious. Our global political disputes underscore pervasive prejudice and discrimination.

I once watched a documentary where a terrorist educated young students, asserting that early indoctrination molds them—reminiscent of Roman Catholic nuns’ attempts to convert Native children. Strangely, this links to individuals’ unbridled sense of belonging to their groups. If religious groups have long recognized this, why can’t individuals see or comprehend group political strategies? Despite claiming to be evolved, we still see attempts to brainwash others for group allegiance. Religions persistently preach their path to God, exacerbating societal divides and perpetuating war crimes.

Humanity continues to suffer due to divisive politics and social ills, including war crimes. Thus, opposing international courts implies readiness for future war crimes. Every republic aspires to empirehood, while weaker individuals seek refuge under a stronger entity, even at the expense of their spiritual values. A spiritually evolved individual, also the CEO of their life, advocates for equal human rights, an effective United Nations, and an international criminal court—rejecting group politics that compromise personal spiritual values and sense of justice.

If you believe dominance by your group would bring peace to humanity, history has proven otherwise. Races, nations, empires, and religions have failed to unite humanity over millennia. Equal human rights resonate because they address individual concerns, dismantling prejudice and discrimination. By eradicating these, you’ll find clarity in your convictions.