Don’t neglect the present.
I want to emphasize that if you understand my content, please overlook any mistakes in my spelling or English in general. If something isn’t clear and needs further explanation, let me know by referencing the post title, and I’ll provide clarification.
It’s my fervent wish that individuals can lead fruitful lives, benefiting not only themselves but humanity as a whole. If everyone grasps the importance of reciprocity, we can evolve to the next level, transcending the boundaries of belonging to a particular group and embracing humanity as a whole.
Let’s view things with clarity. I’ve been advocating for peace, both on an individual and global scale. My writing focuses on assuming the role of CEO in one’s life to cultivate inner peace, which can then radiate outward, permeating the world from the grassroots to the summit.
If you’ve been following my posts, you’re likely aware of the potent influence of the sense of belonging, as well as the equally potent force of free will. With free will, one can taste freedom and create balance amidst opposing forces. Ultimately, it’s the individual who makes the decisions.
You’re a mortal CEO crafting your own story or composing the melody of your life, with the guidance and reverence for the empty spaces.
Not only are you a CEO, but you’re also the bravest cat, capable of distinguishing between the pearl and the water.
Personal wisdom should be a pursuit for each of us. We can’t remain shackled to the knowledge of our ancestors. Every era brings new realities, and our understanding of human knowledge must evolve accordingly.
We must break free from the confines of pigeonholes and the boundaries imposed by religion and constitutions to reform humanity as a unified entity, if we truly wish to address modern-day challenges.
There’s a relationship between you and yourself. Who do you truly believe you are? Understanding yourself, connecting with yourself, and delving deeper into your identity are vital.
Consider why you possess the ability to think as a separate entity. Why can you achieve whatever you set your mind to? The answer lies in your direct connection to God, not in any man-made governing systems.
Even if you exercise free will and a sense of freedom, you must still understand, meet, and connect with yourself on a deeper level.
Why exert so much effort to be different? It’s closely linked to the knowledge instilled in you as you grew up. Now, as an adult, it’s your duty to understand that everything you do is your responsibility. You must transcend the boundaries of learned knowledge and graduate to become an evolved human being.
(Back to the title)
If one foot is in the future and the other in the past, that’s fine. But be kind to your present and refrain from ruining it. Metaphorically and literally, this life is our present. By fixating on the future or the past, you’re neglecting the present. Consider your life—it unfolds one day at a time. If you squander it, each day adds up, shaping your entire life.
You can’t live frugally to save money and leave billions behind (A few years ago, a man left eighteen point nine billion dollars behind while leading a modest life in Toronto). It’s not about what you accumulate but what you consume or share throughout your lifetime.
Focus on the present to make each day livable, as it’s the only place where you have control to choose. If your choices are influenced by others, you lose your individuality. Take charge and be a CEO. Don’t let any kind of politics dictate your life because, naturally, you’re a free entity with free will. All conflicts and wars are purely political, and as a CEO, you must rise to make your own decisions.
So, do you still want to neglect your present for the sake of the future or the past? Consider this: the future is unknown, whether in this life or after death, as no one returns to tell us about it.
There are many assumptions, so you shouldn’t neglect the present based on assumptions. By no means am I denouncing the spiritual aspects of religions. I’m merely expressing my assumptions about the politics within all religions.
If my perspective resonates with you, embrace it. If not, continue with what you’ve been doing, but acknowledge that we can coexist with differing opinions. Atheists and religious people have lived together in Western countries for a long time.
I may not fit into either category, but I respect humanity and hold my personal views. I certainly don’t believe in squandering my living years pondering scenarios about what happens after death.
Your life is a melody written by both God and yourself. You have a purpose. If you understand it, it’s a pearl; otherwise, it’s just water. If you’re influenced in any way, you risk ruining your melody at best and neglecting your entire life at worst.