Life as I see it.

Unlocking Human Potential.

An individual’s existence transcends mere ties to family, community, or ideology. Each person must navigate life akin to a CEO, shaping their own destiny. This journey isn’t solely about impacting the community or serving oneself or others; it’s about finding personal fulfillment, happiness, and contentment.

Boundaries born of insecurity stifle growth and detract from the inherent duty to evolve. While groups like clans, communities, nations, or religions may assert influence, it is the individual who ultimately bears the responsibility for navigating life’s complexities.

Choosing to confine oneself within these boundaries is akin to living in a pond while the vast ocean beckons beyond. To be truly human means striving for boundless potential, transcending limitations imposed by social constructs.

Our society’s progress towards equality and freedom has been marred by resistance and conflict. Despite advancements, we remain shackled by the politics of belonging, unable to fully embrace our shared humanity.

True evolution necessitates shedding layers of personal and collective insecurities. The politics of division, fueled by allegiance to family, community, or nation, undermines our collective progress.

Individually, we must embody the synthesis of spiritual ideals and physical action. Despite technological advancements, our inability to resolve conflicts peacefully underscores our spiritual stagnation.

Achieving balance, whether at the individual or collective level, is fraught with challenges. The top-down approach to social change has historically favored the few at the expense of the many. However, the rise of democracy and advocacy for equal rights signal a shift towards bottom-up reform.

As individuals become more empowered to challenge entrenched power structures, the potential for meaningful change grows. By questioning societal norms and engaging in civil discourse, we can dismantle barriers to progress.

The path forward is uncertain, but our capacity for growth and adaptation remains boundless. As an evolving species, our potential evolves alongside us. It’s up to us to shape our collective destiny and chart a course towards a more enlightened future.

The cell connection

Picture an outline of a human body made up of cells. The brain cell says, “I am better than the colon cells because I run the body.” The heart cell responds, “I beat to keep the blood flowing so all cells can live.” The lung cell claims, “I am the one who brings in oxygen.” The colon says, “I am the one who supplies the nutrients—without me, you’re all dead.” The liver adds, “I am crucial; without me, you would all perish.” The skin remarks, “If I weren’t here, you’d all die from infections.” Then, the arm or the leg might say, “I don’t like living in this chaos; I don’t belong here.”

The idea is that the body consists of all kinds of cells and isn’t complete unless it works as a whole. The same applies to humanity—we are the cells of humanity, or I would even go as far as to say, of God. Just as the body relies on the harmonious functioning of all its cells, God and humanity cannot function without human beings.

If one particular group of cells claims to be better because of its job, it’s absurd because the job is only possible through the functioning of the body as a whole. Therefore, every cell is important, regardless of its kind.

If any individual claims to be better than others because they belong to a certain nation, race, or religion, it is just as ridiculous. The day a human being is born, they belong to humanity, not to any nation, race, or religion—they are simply a human child. Now, how do you pass the test to become a true human being? What allows you to graduate from the class of chimps and baboons? Why don’t we focus more on how to become human beings? When will we be able to overcome our darker side?

The number one qualification to be a human being is one’s personal character, not their clan, race, nation, or religion. The jewels of compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, and love are what make a person truly human. Otherwise, regardless of the group you belong to, you have the potential to be worse than the worst because you possess both intelligence and, in today’s world, weapons of mass destruction.

Imagine if the arm or leg claimed to be too good to be part of the body, yet all the nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood provided to them comes from the body. If your race, nation, or religion has led you to believe that you are superior, they are not only racist, but they are also wrong, leading humanity—and even God—toward destruction. This is no laughing matter when nuclear weapons exist, and emotionally charged individuals have their fingers on the triggers. In a nuclear disaster, we’re all in it together—no brain cell, heart, liver, lung, arm, or leg can survive without the body.

Ironically, our holy books predict a day of destruction. The question is: Are we going to create or avoid that scenario? Personally, I am an optimist and believe that we will evolve beyond our religions and nationalism to unite as humanity as a whole. It may not happen in my lifetime, but if there are people working against global warming and saving other species from extinction, we should have the common sense to overcome our emotionally dark, animalistic side as well.

Potential of the evolving entity.


Equal human rights, civil achievements, and racial, national, and religious freedoms are all connected to humanity’s march toward its full potential. From human sacrifice to the persecution of homosexuals, from racism to all forms of prejudice and discrimination, these issues have been gradually improving, but progress has not been fast enough. Personally, I believe we are evolving and progressing in many areas, but our religions seem to lag behind.

Unfortunately, every achievement has come at the cost of human lives, as there has always been strong resistance to progress from our own kind. The lessons of history teach us that if you want to gain something, you have to fight for it. Even when something is beneficial for humanity, we still have to struggle against our conservative fellow human beings. Despite our ability to discuss and debate, we somehow fail to recognize or choose to ignore our incomplete knowledge. Unfortunately, we are often unable to stray from our ancestral beliefs, even when they have been proven wrong. As human beings, we are taught not only to believe that our ancestors couldn’t have been wrong but also that we must protect their traditions, customs, rituals, and rules. We are educated to respect, protect, and sacrifice in loyalty to our sense of belonging. Even in this day and age of equal human rights, the news is still filled with stories of racism and prejudice-related injustices.

For humanity, change has never been easy. Reaching our potential or advancing in our journey of evolution requires peeling away layers of personal and collective insecurities. Our politics, driven by a sense of belonging to a particular family, gang, community, nation, or religion, has been our downfall. If we are born into the human family as human individuals, we automatically belong to humanity, but our politically influenced education teaches us otherwise. If we learn to belong to humanity, we would realize that, in reality, humanity is one, beyond all the politics of division.

Individually, we all need to become evolved spiritual beings who can and do convert spiritual thoughts into physical actions. By now, with all our understanding of evolution and civilization, we should be able to peacefully debate and discuss our way to change, but we are far from it. Our political and religious wars are clear evidence of this. We cannot continue this way because, on one hand, we have been evolving with nuclear weaponry, but on the other, we have not evolved spiritually. An insecure individual with a strong sense of belonging to their group, yet with their finger on the powerful and destructive nuclear trigger, can be a deadly mix. Our evolution is unbalanced because we not only dismiss each other’s knowledge but also carry along our ancestral disputes. Humanity has never been able to live in peaceful times; even after all this civilization and evolution, we still can’t discuss and debate our differences in a civilized manner.

Achieving balance is not easy, even at the individual level, let alone collectively. Our disputes have largely been the result of the politics of belonging. Our social changes have never been without the influence of the politics of belonging. We have become accustomed to changes brought about by a top-down philosophy, which seeks to keep power concentrated in the hands of a few, often by force. As a result, the individual has always been a weaker participant—until recently. Today, we live in an era of democracy and equal human rights. Individuals are being educated to be CEOs of their own lives, capable of seeing and understanding the politics of power behind every tradition, custom, ritual, and societal rule. These changes will bring about a shift from the bottom up, allowing for debate and discussion, so decisions can no longer be made by a select few who have been holding special political and personal interests, using power to fulfill their personal and group-related agendas.

How and what will change in the future will depend on the awareness of ordinary individuals. Where will this take us as humanity? Will we continue to go back and forth, or will we change everything, including our ancestral differences, disputes, and related wars? Can we change and evolve from our present level of civilization? What is our potential? Since we are an evolving entity, our potential will continue to evolve with us—so where are we headed?



One of the pillars of Islam emphasizes the gathering of resources and efforts to defend and fight for the group one belongs to. However, if the group in question is humanity itself, then the spiritual jihad should be directed towards combating issues such as hunger, poverty, racism, prejudice, nationalism, and religious extremism.

Various groups employ the concept of jihad, though they may not use the same terminology. For instance, in the past, Christians conducted crusades, and figures like Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, and even modern entities like NATO have pursued similar endeavors. When resources are pooled for the benefit of one’s own group or like-minded individuals, it ceases to be a humanitarian effort. Rather, it becomes inherently political. Thus, claiming such actions to be spiritual in nature is erroneous.

By now, we should possess enough evolution to discern these distinctions. Politics primarily revolves around gains, whereas spirituality does not entail collateral damage such as the loss of innocent lives. Even the loss of a single innocent life tarnishes humanity’s image.

Passionate love Instinctive love

Universal love

This progression signifies the transition from animalistic behavior to human consciousness. An evolved human is characterized by their capacity for love, sacrifice, and compassion. Conversely, without embracing these qualities, one remains akin to a primitive creature, prepared to kill or die for land, resources, or ideological differences. Despite our mortality and expanding knowledge, our understanding remains incomplete, and we cannot possess anything permanently; we must eventually relinquish all possessions.

The loss of love can be profoundly challenging, irrespective of material possessions. Therefore, causing the death of a loved one for political purposes perpetuates the constant warfare and conflicts endured by humanity.

While coping with loss is difficult, the degradation of humanity is a greater tragedy than emotional turmoil or subsequent revenge. Revenge only further stains the reputation of evolved individuals.

Overcoming these tendencies is easier said than done. However, as we continue to evolve, we must shed the baggage of our past, which is rooted in our animalistic nature. While modern individuals would reject being labeled as animals, our actions often disgrace us, especially when innocent children are deliberately targeted in the name of religion.

Love Triangle (Part 1)

Human life depends on and revolves around love; we strive for it, and try to protect it at all cost. The biggest reason for worries and stress along with food and survival is the loss of love. When children are out of sight, parents not only worry about their well-being; they fear the loss of love as well.

Since everyone feels and knows about the pain of love loss, opposing groups try to get at each other where it hurts, so killing each other’s belonging individuals is an ongoing process along with the causes of prejudiced related hatred regardless of civilization and evolution of humanity in all other departments.

This raw core is the one where the human individual is equally divided with the potential to be good or bad, so all people surrounding the individual with love have to be responsible. If you are nurtured with love or rob of love would set the foundation. Belonging families, communities, nations and religions are just as responsible for an individual’s bad behavior as a grown up individual would be. Harsh punishments may tame people with fear but as human beings we bring along a potential to be good so we need education based on love. If you look at the crime rate in the nations where they have harsh punishments is not lower than the ones where they are not as strict. If it is not the harsh punishments then what would be the reason to have a lower crime rate. Common sense says that love triangles make sense. If we all are responsible and play a role in raising good and bad people then we all should take initiative to be responsible.

This animal core is where one can decide to choose and this is where we are highly influenced by the love we receive or don’t. Love, whether it’s universal, passionate or instinctive, love is what makes us separate from the other animals and makes us the work horses of God.

As humans we have free will, which makes us personally responsible for our actions during our living years, how it should be lived, and whether we are focusing on finance, love, health, or any other areas. Making a decision for anything in the future, such as going to school for a better job or sacrificing our life in the army, is first and foremost dependent on the individual to use his/her free will. Our actions and reactions are our decisions, regardless of emotional pressures. In a court of law you just can’t say “my God told me to kill so I should not be charged,”  so regardless of the demands of the belonging groups, an individual is still responsible for his/her actions.

Let’s look at it this way, if each and every one of us has a life story written as a  musical sheet: where you as an individual are a musical note and the empty space between the notes is God. So, when it’s your turn to speak, you speak, and when you are required to stay quiet, you stay quiet. In order to create a good harmonious melody out of your mortal life. You have to follow the rhythmic system for your personal and individual life.**********************************

If you choose to grab a drum and beat the hell out of it for a few hours without any break, you will become exhausted. Likewise, if you say everything is done by God and do not speak even if it is your turn, you would have a blank sheet.  Human progress and evolution would come to a screeching halt. Either extreme is wrong and works against the individual and God simultaneously, because human beings are God’s work horses. We have to save lives and reproduce so God can exist to fulfill people’s prayers. Since man is the third equation in the triangle of God and the Devil, he judges the good and the bad. If man is not there to judge, the good and the bad lose its importance or disappear altogether. It is man’s job to understand his/her importance in the larger scheme of life and live his/her life with justice to himself and all others around.

There comes a time when love starts to compete; it can tear the individual apart, so it is important for us to learn to become a CEO of our lives. You can’t just choose your society over your loved ones, or your lover over your children or family or society.

Learn to balance all the corners of your triangles to be spiritually healthy, especially when it comes to the love triangle…

You can’t just disregard your kids who are your instinctive love, if you find a new passionate love. You can’t just live your life for the community and disregard your family or vice versa. Balancing is not easy especially when you are brought up with the strong sense of belonging to your belonging group, but remember as an individual you are created with the free will thus you are the CEO of your life and that is your job, so make the right decisions to stay away from spiritual crimes.

These evolutionary love corners are the human being’s jewels and we should be proud of our accomplishments, but the fact is that they all depend on the existence of that core. Without being physically alive there is nothing you can feel, enjoy, or react to, our belonging religions may have certain visions of afterlife but we as groups don’t agree with those visions so it all depends on the individual to keep the balance between living years and the disputed belief systems. We have acquired this jewelry with a long journey of evolution, but regardless of evolution, mortality is a fact of life and is still considered a loss. Sometimes this loss comes from natural causes, accidents, or war-related circumstances. They all have the potential to strip man from these Godly gifts and we can end up in a pit, where the negative and evil reactions arise from. This pit is our animal side where we are naked of love and have the potential to be fearless and potentially barbaric beings, even if we are born raised as a gentle soul.

I talk about the triangle because I believe everything should be in balance; if love is out of balance, man is capable of committing spiritual crimes. A child robbed of love in his early years may grow up with issues and wound up a criminal or unfit to have healthy, loving relationships later in life.

When universal love is stripped, some people are willing to kill their own children. The example here is honor, ego, and pride. There has even been a documentary about a Sikh family who got their own daughter killed because she married someone who they disapproved of.

Passionate love can destroy instinctive love and instinctive love can do the same thing to passionate love.

There was a girl who drowned  her two sons because her boyfriend did not want children. When kids come along, some couples can’t balance the love, and end up splitting.

When couples break up, they feel the loss of passionate love, but if kids are involved the loss is twofold, because you are not only losing passionate love you are losing instinctive love as well thus the potential for spiritual crimes increases. What would we do without love? If we are capable of committing spiritual crimes in spite of love?

Wars often rob all kinds of love, and spiritual crimes can evolve to all sorts of war crimes and human rights violations. In my opinion, the cause of our terrorism and heavy-handed revenge bombing is the stripping of love, which turns the individual into a loveless raging revengeful animal.

Lack of understanding about the human being is responsible for these perpetual spiritual crimes. We know a lot about other creatures but still we can’t figure out how to deal with our own kind, the disputes all over the world are clear signs of this misunderstanding. We use propaganda and politics to put each other down and blame the atrocities but forget that we all are human beings. We use God and religions in the name of politics, yet there is nothing clear about our past and future, which I mean before birth and after death, other than the assumptions we make with our evolving and constantly changing knowledge.

For millions of years we have been around, and for thousands of years God has been in our lives. Where did we come from? Science and religions both don’t provide more than assumptions.

Whether the chicken or the egg came first, God created man or man created God is not as important as the chicken which lays the eggs and feeds human beings, or the human individual who is doing all the Godly work. What came first has never been clear nor is it important, so we look for evolution theories. Still the world would argue about it because of the different schools of thought. I am not going to dig into the past or the science to create argumentative assumptions just to find out how and what happened. I am going to stay in the present and see what is happening right now. My question is, why are we still killing each other regardless of our civilization?

Using common sense and logic has always worked for me, so I am going to follow that and explain how I think about what is and how it should be. If it makes sense to you and you like it, then keep reading; evolve from the pond philosophy and broaden your horizons to live this life as a third equation, not subservient to any ideology which keeps you exploring the space and the ocean where you belong. Today the individual is connected to the Internet, and living in the pond with boundaries is like using a computer without having a connection to the Internet.

Don’t just follow whatever your belonging group is calling for: question the political motives and make your choices as an independent entity who has free will to explore the inner and external space. Remember that using free will is a privilege and your human rights at the same time.

Spiritual justice has been and usually takes a back seat when it comes to security. Since there is no ultimate security for the mortal, we should put and keep everything in perspective. Living with justice to all including yourself brings inner peace to the individual, thus it should theoretically create universal peace as well.

The essence of human life is intertwined with love; we seek it out and safeguard it at all costs. Loss of love, alongside concerns about sustenance and survival, ranks among the greatest sources of worry and stress. When children are out of sight, parents fret not only about their physical well-being but also about the potential loss of affection.

Given the universal experience and understanding of the pain caused by losing love, opposing factions often target each other’s vulnerable spots. Consequently, the ongoing cycle of violence persists, fueled by prejudices and animosities, despite advancements in civilization and human evolution in other aspects.

At the heart of this dynamic lies what can be described as a love triangle – a complex interplay of emotions and motivations. This core represents the innate duality within human nature, capable of both benevolent and malevolent acts. Surrounding individuals who nurture with love or deprive of it play a crucial role in shaping this foundation. Families, communities, nations, and religions bear responsibility for fostering either positive or negative behaviors in individuals. While harsh punishments may deter wrongdoing through fear, true transformation requires an educational approach rooted in love. Crime rates in nations with severe penalties do not necessarily differ significantly from those with more lenient systems, suggesting that fostering a culture of love and understanding may be more effective in reducing crime.

Love, whether universal, passionate, or instinctive, distinguishes humans from other animals and serves as the cornerstone of our spiritual development. Endowed with free will, individuals bear personal responsibility for their actions and decisions, regardless of external pressures or affiliations. While belonging groups may exert influence, each person ultimately remains accountable for their conduct.

Maintaining balance in the various facets of life is essential for spiritual well-being, particularly in navigating the complexities of romantic relationships and familial obligations. Striking this balance requires conscientious decision-making and a steadfast commitment to upholding spiritual values.

Tragically, the absence or distortion of love can lead individuals to commit grave spiritual crimes, resulting in profound societal repercussions. Whether through acts of honor killings, crimes of passion, or neglect of familial duties, the erosion of love jeopardizes the fabric of human relationships and communities. War, fueled by the absence of love and understanding, engenders further atrocities and human rights violations, perpetuating a cycle of violence and suffering.

Addressing these spiritual crises necessitates a deeper understanding of human nature and a commitment to fostering empathy and compassion. Propaganda, politics, and religious dogma often exacerbate divisions among people, overshadowing our shared humanity. By embracing reason, empathy, and a commitment to justice, individuals can work towards creating a more peaceful and harmonious world, transcending the boundaries of ideology and belief. Ultimately, it is through the pursuit of spiritual justice and universal love that humanity may aspire to lasting peace and fulfillment.

If you possess and exercise your free will, you stand at the apex of the triangle, thus it is you who can rectify the situation.

Politics and individual insecurities lie at the root of both personal and societal unrest. If you perceive yourself merely as an extension of an ideology, you fall victim to your own internal imbalance, which I view as a human flaw rather than an asset. True assets include the capacity for independent thought, the use of free will, and the ability to administer justice to all, including oneself.

I contend that humanity occupies the highest position in this hierarchy, not the lowest. If you believe contentment lies in being devoid of opinions, consider examining yourself under a metaphorical microscope; you will discover much about yourself. You might not hesitate to harm an innocent for the sake of your group, develop an eating disorder, or contemplate suicide due to societal judgment. Always remember, you have been endowed with free will for a purpose; if God created humans, it was with the intention that they evolve into godly beings.

Humanity has descended to a lower status due to personal insecurities, which serve to mask the underlying politics of belonging, cloaked in the guise of nationalism and religion. I advocate for the restoration of humanity’s rightful position—and yes, each individual is the CEO of their own life. Regardless of logical deductions, humans must occupy the highest corner; even if religions espouse otherwise. It is a twisted logic that all religions impose stringent rules and punishments. If they genuinely believed that God orchestrated every action, they would exhibit more forgiveness and grant individuals greater leniency. Our legal systems would lose their significance if every human action were attributed solely to God.

Every societal transformation begins with an idea originating from an individual, as we adapt to the changing landscape. The inception of religions, or ideologies such as socialism, communism, or democracy, serves as examples. Every change elicits a reaction; while one religion may suit certain individuals, it may not be applicable to others, hence the perpetual need for new ideologies, even within existing religions, as evidenced throughout history.

From communism to socialism, from religious sects to atheism, we witness unmistakable signs of progress. Humans naturally gravitate towards progress, whether gradual or rapid; we inherently pursue our potential. Human opinions have, do, and will always rest on shifting ground due to our continually expanding knowledge base.

We err, rectify our mistakes, and press forward, only to realize that our corrections require further refinement. From medical advancements to societal norms and everything in between, change has been, is, and will remain a constant. Given our ongoing evolution of knowledge, impassioned extremes have no place in our journey of progress. We are all born human first, thus our primary allegiance should be to humanity.

All human groups, be they defined by race, gender, nationality, or religion, are inherently political entities, as they are rooted in the politics of belonging. Religions ought to remain focused on spirituality, which has always been and should remain the bedrock of service to humanity. When religions intermingle with politics, or when individuals conflate the two, it breeds a toxic concoction that not only disrupts personal peace but also foments warmongering tendencies. Emotionally charged individuals may believe they are fulfilling divine mandates by committing spiritual transgressions. Throughout history, countless lives have been lost due to religious extremism; from the Crusades to contemporary religious conflicts, all are manifestations of prejudices propagated by religion.

The underlying catalyst behind religious discord is not God or the doctrines themselves, but rather the politics of belonging. This sense of belonging intertwines the individual with their respective group. Since groups are unlikely to deviate from their political agendas, it falls upon the individual to effect change. If you exercise your free will in decision-making, you possess the potential to be the CEO of your life (a role inherent to each of us).

A CEO may opt not to adhere to the politics of their group or uncritically accept the status quo. Western societies provide a pertinent example, wherein individuals of diverse religious beliefs coexist harmoniously while adhering to the rule of law. The cornerstone of this harmonious cohabitation is the constitution, which safeguards individual rights irrespective of religion, race, or background.

Understanding the dynamics of belonging and freedom is paramount, particularly in an era marked by weapons of mass destruction. Political elites, nations, and religions are disinclined to reconcile their differences, as such discord perpetuates their respective power dynamics. Our collective history reveals a litany of conquests, subjugation, genocide, and dehumanization. A candid reflection on our past reveals the blemishes of our ancestors; it is time to pardon and forget them, recognizing that they acted to the best of their knowledge or in accordance with their inherited wisdom. Today, global interconnectedness via the internet enables individuals to connect with one another across geographical divides, transcending the constraints of belonging.

Balancing the realms of belonging and love fosters inner peace and enables its dissemination to others worldwide. If person-to-person connections materialize, it will mark the inception of change from the grassroots level. The top-down approach has proved ineffective for millennia and will likely remain so in the foreseeable future, given the entrenched politics of belonging to our respective groups. As individuals, we must prioritize our allegiance to humanity over color, race, gender, nationality, or religion.

Historically, our governing structures have been instituted from the top down. It is time for genuine democracy, flawed though it may be. Each of us is blessed with the capacity to make choices; we are all born CEOs of our own lives. However, our sense of belonging often enslaves us to our respective groups. It is time to transcend these boundaries and embrace humanity in its entirety, acknowledging and empathizing with the pain of love loss not only within ourselves but also in others. It is time to propel humanity to the next stage of evolution, wherein we no longer resort to violence in the name of God or nation.



 The love triangle…

triangle within triangle

Here, another triangle which has been flipped and needs to be put right-side up:

triangle man

triangle man2

If you have and use your free will, you are on the top of the triangle: thus it’s you who can make it right.

Naked humanity

Humanity stands exposed beneath the shadow of our sense of belonging.

Killings, particularly those of children, carried out intentionally and with disregard for collateral damage, serve as stark indicators of regression to primal instincts, shedding the veneer of civilization that cloaks us.

Today, instead of adorning humanity with the garments of civilization, our allegiance to belonging groups strips away the true essence of being human.

Religions provided us with spiritual attire and adorned us with jewels of pride, aiding our evolution beyond mere groups or nations. Yet, we remain ensnared in the politics of belonging.

We’ve transitioned from packs to clans, races to nations, and religions, but now it’s time to take the next leap—a leap into humanity as a unified entity, while still honoring individual human rights. Ultimately, our collective desire for justice, whether at the individual or national level, unites us. Our pursuit of equality has led to acceptance of our differences and coexistence in Western societies—a model that can be replicated globally.

What qualifies us as human beings? Are we truly superior to chimps or baboons?

Compassion, sacrifice, forgiveness, and love adorn us like jewels. Stripped of these, we’re left as mere animals. True humanity isn’t about subscribing to a particular path to God; it’s about practicing spirituality and acknowledging the limitations of our knowledge. Killing in the name of righteousness stems not from spiritual enlightenment but from ego.

Murder is murder, whether committed for personal gain or in service of a group, nation, or religion. Becoming a hero in your group by taking a life is a spiritual offense—a theft of love from the victim’s family and humanity at large.

Self-defense and vengeance are feeble justifications for perpetrating spiritual crimes in the name of belonging.

Understanding oneself and one’s sense of belonging can help individuals discern the politics that pervade their lives, enabling them to pursue justice for themselves and others.

When individuals are taught to perceive themselves as different or superior, it’s the ego at play—a byproduct of belonging to a specific group.

As long as groups prioritize collective interests over individual autonomy and responsibility, wars and spiritual transgressions will persist, regardless of religious teachings.

Embracing individuality and assuming the role of CEO of one’s life can empower individuals to transcend group boundaries and become part of the broader human fabric.

Religions have historically steered individuals away from their groups to foster belief and security within defined boundaries. Today, nations follow suit, inevitably leading to conflict. Group politics incite clashes on a larger scale, perpetuating the same problems.

By transcending the political boundaries delineated by communities, nations, or religions, humanity can unite with spirituality and embrace the collective human experience. Politically dividing the globe impedes peace, as population growth fuels territorial disputes.

The path to heaven may be one thing, but living a peaceful life on Earth is another. Ask the victims of violence which they prefer—I choose peace, particularly inner peace, over any semblance of hell or heaven. I’ll keep my spiritual hijab on, regardless of belonging to any specific group, and advocate the same for all. Strive to reach your potential before passionately pursuing knowledge. If you’re learning something new every day, you’re far from a finished product.

Practical help vs. prayers

There isn’t any facet of human knowledge immune to the need for updates as we progress; whether it’s religion or a national constitution, nothing should remain stagnant. Over time, we must adapt to life’s changes—consider how recently concepts like computers and the Internet emerged, now nearly indispensable for social interaction. From scientific advancements to technological innovations to sociological shifts to medical breakthroughs, every field continuously evolves to meet societal needs, or rather, humanity’s needs.

The marvel of a cellphone exemplifies this evolution—consider its multifaceted utility. Our aircraft transport hundreds with autopilot technology; cars park themselves and soon may drive autonomously. We’ve decoded the genetic blueprint, engineered ships to navigate icy waters, and forecast weather patterns, among countless other feats.

Socially, strides toward equality and human rights counteract racism and prejudice, from gender parity to sexual liberation. Yet, religion often lags in adapting to contemporary contexts due to entrenched biases from religious teachings.

If we annually unveil newer models of inventions, why can’t our religious understanding also adapt to modern exigencies?

The answer lies in the power dynamic: man is governed by religion, not vice versa. This underscores that religious systems are fundamentally political—a far cry from spirituality.

Our minds resemble oceans, absorbing information ceaselessly from birth. As we mature, we navigate from simple arithmetic to grappling with existential concepts like life and spirituality. Unlike straightforward arithmetic, spirituality isn’t binary—it’s akin to composing an individual’s unique symphony, varied for each. Yet, our limited understanding leads to assumptions, often proven erroneous. Despite evidence, individuals and groups vehemently defend their assumptions, sometimes to the point of violence.

To me, spirituality isn’t about mere prayers but tangible assistance to those in need. Helping humanity or other beings is akin to prayer—fear-driven prayers devoid of tangible aid hold no value, for we’re all interconnected facets of the divine.

Spirituality encompasses humanity at large and individual experiences, not exclusive to any group. Sacrifice and prayer must yield to practical assistance for those in need. Prioritizing prayer over aiding others signifies a disconnect between religious obligations and spirituality.

There’s no selective afterlife; prioritizing group allegiance over empathy and compassion is a political allegiance to one’s religion.

As an individual, you’re the CEO of your life—prioritize spirituality over religious dogma.

Survival and the responsibility

Regardless of our evolution, we still instinctively try to kill a fly if it buzzes around our food. Where one should draw the line is highly individual. I believe that when it comes to safety and survival, a person has the right to protect themselves and their loved ones.

We have passed our knowledge to new generations, yet we come from generations who ate food despite flies being a part of life. Now, we know the harm flies can bring, so we react strongly to ensure cleanliness.

Some extremists go so far as to avoid killing anything, even if there is a threat to themselves or their children. Personally, I have not completely evolved in that way, but I am willing to change as needed. I don’t believe in limiting my knowledge.

I would not fast for religious purposes if I had diabetes that could cause dangerously low blood sugar levels, potentially leading to a coma or death. As a human being, survival is my first duty; everything else comes second. Hypothetically or in reality, every social duty depends on being alive and able. If someone has physical difficulties, they should amend the rules accordingly.

Firstly, I believe God would not put someone in a situation where they suffer and die while following religious rules. Secondly, I understand that fasting or prayer involves some sacrifice, so I would seek alternative ways to fulfill that obligation. All laws, orders, and religious beliefs in human societies are products of a full stomach. If you are starving to death, your duty is to alter the rules and survive first.

If someone is starving in a society that enforces strict rules, then that society has not fulfilled its responsibility. For people to follow the rules, they must have enough to eat. I am not a socialist, but I believe in equal responsibility for everyone, whether it’s the individual or society collectively.


The concept of reciprocation entails giving back in response to receiving. Often, we petition God for wishes to be fulfilled, and then take actions in the name of God. When we label someone as generous, it typically signifies their response to blessings received. They might not hold beliefs in God but are engaged in what could be considered godly deeds.

Even for an atheist doctor or scientist, a lack of understanding of the placebo effect indicates an incomplete knowledge base. In the face of such knowledge gaps, it’s unwise to outright dismiss phenomena that surpass current comprehension.

Each individual retains the right to their beliefs. Personally, I interpret God as the provider of the life-sustaining oxygen, which I rely on uncontrollably. This interpretation extends to the care my parents provided during my vulnerable years and actions that benefit humanity, such as charitable donations or efforts to preserve endangered species. Acts of saving lives through medical breakthroughs or preventive measures against natural disasters can also be seen as manifestations of God through human endeavors.

Acknowledging the interdependence between humans and the essential elements for life, like oxygen, underscores the presence of a divine force in our existence. Our educational systems often diminish the significance of humanity within the larger picture, sometimes portraying God as an external entity detached from human involvement. Yet, in reality, the sustenance of any divine concept relies on human existence, similar to how the human body’s survival depends on cellular functions.

Reflecting on a piece I wrote in Punjabi, it illustrates the inherent connection between individuals, akin to the positive and negative charges of electric wires. The absence of one negates the existence of the other. Similarly, if light fails to illuminate my nights, darkness envelops not only me but also the other side.

Health, Happiness and Success.

If you were to buy into everything that’s sold to you, you’d essentially be adhering to the dictates of your belonging group. In today’s societies, there’s a prevailing notion that life resembles a mountain, and individuals are encouraged to keep climbing. The higher you ascend, the more respect, admiration, and envy you’ll garner, regardless of any personal suffering you endure along the way. However, if you persist in climbing despite your unhappiness, poor health, and awareness of mortality, your sense of belonging becomes uncontrollable, necessitating a balance with the sense of freedom.

This triangular dynamic revolves around Man, the Sense of Belonging, and the Sense of Freedom, which I’ll delve into later. For now, let’s focus on Health, Happiness, and Success. Following the philosophy of the triangle, a competent CEO should possess the skill to manage and harmonize their life with free will. You might excel as a CEO of a company, but if you can’t maintain equilibrium in your personal life, you’re failing as the CEO of your own life. Don’t sacrifice your well-being and joy because without them, success is hollow, and as a mortal, you must relish the journey. In life’s brevity, happiness stands as the most precious treasure one can amass. No matter how high you ascend, it’ll never suffice, as time is finite.