The important sequence.

  Please ignore the English and stay focus on the content.

Today I saw news about the starved children and adults in Syria, which reminds me of the picture of the toddler facing down dead on the Turkish beach. The ugly face of the war is getting uglier as the fifth year come to completion, I don’t feel the need to put the number of deaths but I feel the need to find the words so I can put things in perspectives for the ordinary individual who bares the real damages of the wars.

A few years back someone send me an e-mail, I don’t have the name so I would write as author unknown. A professor was giving a demonstration to teach his students about life, so the jar is the theme of this blog.

He had a jar, some rocks, some gravel, some sand and some water. He puts the rocks in the jar, when he could not put anymore rocks in it, he asked the students if the jar was full?  Students agreed because there was no room for more rocks. Professor said not so, and start to put the gravel, as he shook the jar gravel start to set in the space between the rocks. When ho could not put anymore gravel he asked again, if the jar was full, the students said yes. Professor said not so and carried on to put some sand into the jar which went to the space between the gravel, then he asked the same question the answer was the same, so he proceeded to put water in the jar which went in the space between the rocks, gravel, and sand. Then he told the students think of your life like this jar. Always put the important things first just like the rocks because if you fill the jar with the gravel or sand you may not be able to put the important things in later.

Today’s news made me think that there should be some sequence for our important things, for instance there should be a logical order by the CEO.

Rock number one you, the entity consisting the physical body, yes and that is you, you and your happiness matters because if you are not there or if you are not important nothing works for you, always remember you are mortal.

Family, yes your immediate family or close friends matter because they are the one whom give you birth and cared for you and can be around when you are in need. 

Job, well you have to make ends meet or pay for the things you need so money has to come from some where to pay your bills.  

Community, after your immediate needs are met you would need some social net work, with the built in roads and bridges so you can have some comfort in living.

Country ho yes the nations they are important, you have to have a justice system, police, security related constitution, but not before humanity as a whole.  

God and religion, some may not believe the way I do but I believe we need these two as well, from personal ethics to spirituality and everything in between is important because not only they have brought us up from a beast to human being, we individually need to live peacefully from with in as well so having a belief system helps us live life boldly.

As a CEO if you put God in the jar first or you let him drive your car, spiritually you are unhealthy because you don’t think yourself worthy of your potential. You want someone other than you to run your life. It’s a sign of weakness, not strength. God created man with the free will, thus responsibilities. You take charge become a CEO but understand that God is there to help; even it seems a placebo effect. A good CEO would keep God as an important rock in the jar or on a passenger seat while he/she drives his/her life. If you believe in God or not, it does not hurt you physically, emotionally or psychologically but spiritually it is another thing.

If you fill up your jar with God because of your religious persuasion, you just have to think logically. If you did not have food or water for several days, it threatens your survival, so with extreme hunger or thirst God would be on the back seat or altogether out of your car. Another example is the death of a family member can give you deep sadness, grief and real sense of loss. As a CEO you have to put everything in perspective, God comes after the self and family. If you put God first you are trying to live your life against the order of God. Even Buddha had to learn about it the hard way by the extreme starvation. Only physically healthy individual can think beyond the immediate needs, you don’t have to go to the length of Buddha to find out the simple logical knowledge.

Filling up the jar with the right things is a tricky business for the individual. Sense of belonging play’s a big role in individual’s choices that is why it is important to become a CEO. Most of the unhappiness is related with the internal imbalances related with the sense of belonging. You can fill the jar of your life with sand or gravel just because you are told to do so, but later in life you start to question your behavior and decisions. It can be too late for some because every one of us has a limited time to live so it’s crucial for the individual to get a right kind of education to decide what rock should go in the jar first.

If you fill the jar with non-basic things, you can’t fit in the important things, thus you will live life as unfulfilled by choice.

Personally I see there is struggle for the justice, no one individual, family, gang, community, gender, race, nation or religion should be above the law of humanity and spirituality. It is time that we should give some teeth to the united nations so it can do its job, if it runs like a governing entity it should be able to stop and intervene all conflicts. The united nations is an organization of the name with few countries having special treatment with veto powers. Imagine some families having special powers in a country are considered above the law. Injustice is the reason why the nations or organization like united nations is an impotent entity. This day and age with our technology we can find a bug deep in the ocean and can’t bring some on to justice. If an individual commits a crime he/she needs to face the justice so does the special family or any other entity like a nation or religion. No one should be able to hide behind the sense of belonging to any one particular group, if they are human they should be brought to the justice for committing crime against humanity. How can it be done if everyone seeks sense of belonging in a group and our united nations is ineffective? The solution is to join the humanity as a whole and make a justice system which protects the human individual regardless of where he/she lives or belongs to because injustice is injustice.

When the individual is weakened by the politics of the religions he/she can’t find God nor him/herself, because he/she can get lost as an individual. One of the most overlooked cause of emotional, psychological thus physical health problems is the spiritual deficiencies.   

Personally I believe the mullah, priest or a rabbi should be like a family physician or a social worker with credentials. When a spiritually ill individual goes to the religious leaders for spiritual healings, they should be looking for the healing help from all angles. They should do everything whatever it takes. If you just look for the help in your respected holy books written thousands of years ago, it is just like the modern day doctors who just prescribe a pill because the pharmaceutical representative had told him so. If that is what a doctor knows he is a drug pusher not a healer. Religion and medicine should not be limited to one way of healing exclusively.

Human body and spirit is not that simple, its a complicated puzzle, if you are not open to more knowledge you limit and compromise the healing so we all should come out of our pigeon holes and accept our evolutionary nature with changing times and knowledge.

You can’t just say ho Prophet Mohammad or Jesus will save you. You have to let them know their abilities, potential, limitation, power and politics of sense of belonging and sense of freedom. If they have been given falls hopes, there will come time that they will lose hope yes even in God. It will not be the God it will be the wrong advice or I should say the wrong prescription form the script.

To begin with man has been belittled by the religions, so the individual feels vulnerable and weak, which inhibits him to take charge. His/her hopes are dashed when Mullah Priest and Rabbi send him his way with the high hopes that God will be there for you. God has always been, is and will be there, but after our true efforts because we are created as a CEO.


When I saw the documentary about the bears in season, males were walking with their legs apart to make them look bigger and tougher; it reminded me of young human male trying to impress not only the girls but the guise as well.

We have to connect, understand and shed some of our animalistic traits and evolve to the next level. Our elders knowledge, whom were not as evolved, our militaries and the leaders of terrorist organizations always prey on the young people by influencing them with all means. Young people get involve with the influences of youth. It’s like getting drunk with the chemical concoction, so the young adults make their decisions under the influences. It is not that simple to blame somebody’s actions.

When we look for security in our belonging groups, it is not just the individual weakness; there are other physical and emotional factors like sense of belonging, hormones, the desire to fit in,  to impress, be admired and the most of all is to protect our own kind. It appears natural but our knowledge takes us or at least it should take us beyond our nature. We talk about God and spirituality, but do we really understand God, or our actions are just under the influences. So what is wrong with all that? The individual strength and human rights are the foundation of the inner and external peace, if you can put things in perspectives, personal sense of freedom and sense of belonging to a humanity as a whole can be important rocks but still not the first one because first one is you the CEO who puts the rocks in the jar.

There is a need for the CEOs in all over the world so no government or entity is above the law, if the people start to question their belonging groups behaviors the politics would change. It is time so we don’t have to see the starving faces and bodies of the suffering innocents….

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