(Najes) The Real Dirt.

You can wipe or wash your behind, or you can wear a nice suit and tie, a turban, a cap or any kind of religious clean cloths, those clean clothes are not the real gauge of you being spiritually clean.

The cleanliness is not from the out side, in spiritual terms if you wear the four jewels like compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love you are clean, without them regardless of the religion, nation race or ancestry, you can’t be spiritually clean.

If you wash regularly before the prayers, have a rosary in your hand and say God’s name all the time that still does not guarantee you, that you are clean at the soul level. That is the reason following just a religion alone can’t provide spiritual satisfaction to all. In order to reach in the spiritual world you have to personally understand the practical prayers, which means you don’t just pray to God by going to mosque, church or temple, you help and do God’s work like serving the humanity to feel deep happiness and satisfaction for yourself and spread what you feel inside.

The spiritual cleanliness of the soul has been talked about in all religions to a degree but some how the politics of the sense of belonging always manage to over power and rob the individual of his/her personal jewellery of compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice and love. Just look at the passionate religious wars and related spiritual crimes.

Spiritual cleanliness has the understanding and it believes that the whole humanity works like one individual body. The body has all different kind of functioning cells, yet they can’t function unless they all are working together for a living healthy body.

If you feel that you some how are better than others, spiritually you are going against the natural wisdom because human beings are the entity whom have to work together to create a healthy God. All human make the humanity and they are all contributing in God’s work to continue a functioning humanity or I should say God.

A brain or a heart cell just can’t claim that they are running the body because they too are dependent on the nutrients supplied by the colon cells, meaning if you believe you are better than other human beings you are full of it.

The word (Najes) comes to mind from my native language, our Mullahs use that word quite generously when they talk about the others whom are not clean. They believe before praying you have to be clean, yet I believe you can be a lover of God and say God’s name regardless of where you are whether physically clean or unclean. Just look at the birth, we all come from the najes yet it can be life saving new research says the baby born in natural ways gets exposed to the bacteria which builds the immune system thus saves life. This introduction to bacteria is essential for health, If you believe that certain religious practices are more important than life then we are at different pages of life. I believe religion is a thing which belongs to a full stomach and survival should take priority and supersede a belief system. There is a group of people in Christianity they don’t believe in blood transfusion, to me saving a life is like saving God himself because I believe or at least it makes sense to me that God and a ghost town has one thing in common and that is, that they both need human individual to be valuable physically clean or not. Sure we need to understand the importance of cleanliness but connecting it to strict rules from God is questionable.

My reasoning is that our religion started in the desert where water was not freely available so physical cleaning would be hard to achieve if not impossible. A mullah is using the words like najes to make the individual feel bad so he/she try harder to follow the strict rules of the religion. Just like the Christians have been told by their priests that you are all sinners regardless so they work hard to follow the rules.

Making the individual feel inferior and robing his/her self esteem is an old habit of the religions to control the individual. They want the individual to think that their belonging  religion is spiritually clean yet it is promoting prejudice and discrimination right from their educational foundation.

Personally I believe the real najes or the dirt of the modern day humanity is the prejudice, which is deeply ingrained in all human societies by all of us. Somehow we all believe we are better than others by being a part of religion, nation, race, gender or even in sports. It will take a lot of efforts to change and evolve for us to the next level. Where the individual becomes a CEO and crosses the lines of the sense of belonging, from the belonging groups to the humanity as a whole.

You can wash up all you want from the out side, and pray all you want, if you have any prejudice against any human being regardless of religion, race, gender or nation you are in reality a najes, so start cleaning yourself up first.

One individual at a time we can change the world, it already is happening all over the world. Equal human rights would compel all societies to change their constitutions, even religious leaders like pope has been speaking against the discrimination. I would like to see all religious leader come out and speak against the prejudice and discrimination even if they have to speak against their own belonging religions.

A religion should teach the spirituality which is the real understanding of humanity and equality, but it is strange that the closer to the religions you are more prejudice and discrimination you use. What gives? Ever wonder why this phenomenon still exists? Just look at our religious wars, passionate killings, burning even small kids alive and suicide bombings are clear sign of the spiritual crimes.

You pray, you feel the people whom don’t pray some how become inferior to you, you fast and brag about the sacrifice you are making for God, you give money to charity, you make sure others notice it. Instead of becoming humble you become arrogant with the religious knowledge, why is this common to be confrontational when it comes to the religions?

Is it because you are doing it to fit in, impress or be admired by the people around you, if that is the case, it is all about the sense of belonging, it has nothing to do with your personal spirituality.

In religions it is all about the heaven, hell, obedience and control. Just like the carrot and stick philosophy which is founded totally on the politics of control, yet in spirituality it is about the humanity and God boundless and free yet whole heartedly helpful.

You can dress up religiously, look and feel good and respectful but deep down inside of you there is the real person who knows about the reality of the front you put up. That real you can let you know about the right and wrong you do,  so connect with him/her honestly to understand that it is all about the humanity and God not about the sense of belonging to certain group of people.

Remember the right side up triangle where the man is on the top and the God and the Devil on the bottom. If you draw a straight line in the middle to divide equally, God is for your good side and the Devil is for your bad side. God can’t do any bad and the Devil can’t do good. The reality is that you can’t have one or the other because it is you, who has to choose the good, bad and judge to feel the benefits or harms.

They both are the sides of the man, and only the man can choose which side to pick. The man can choose to do some bad things in early or sometime in life yet do lots of good things in the same life time. It should be good enough as a proof for the sides of the individual to some but it may never be good enough to some.

The other reality is if the mankind is not there the good and bad disappears with mankind, so God and the Devil is on the shaky ground if the man start to lose ground.

God created man or man created God is not an argument it is the existence which is most important. I wrote  this as a reality a long time ago about the negative and positive wires you just can’t lite a bulb to with one unless it is a miracle and how often you see miracles happens.

Would you believe God’s work is done by the man and without the man it is called a miracle and how many miracles do you see at regular bases. If you believe God’s work is done by the man then you have to believe that Devil’s work is done by the man as well or you just have to  believe it is the man or a woman who just simple chooses his/her sides.

As I said before if you dig deeper every good action has a man’s hand behind it, so does the bad action.

If you say God did it, look at the person behind all the actions, you will always find the man or a woman. If you say Devil did it, simply look behind you will always find the man or woman.

If the big bomb falls and kills a lot of people, you can say that Devil did it, well think about it again, who made the big bomb and who decided to drop it. A Devilish act but committed by the  man.

The question is why God did not stop it? That is where the real problem starts, because it is not the God, it is the man’s good side could not control the bad side.

Why do you assume that God himself is a man and has feelings, just like you and me, ever wonder why we think that  way? why do we connect God with heaven and hell? What is the wisdom behind it.

Conventional wisdom says it is all about keeping a free willed man to be a subservient. Who will willingly sacrifice his/her life over something unknown and unclear. That is where  the religious knowledge becomes tricky. It becomes political and loses its spirituality, thus we have to start questioning.

My expectation of the man is to evolve to take charge and become a CEO, which I believe is a man’s destiny and responsibility at the same time.

You can put the expectations the way you want to, or if you have been taught by your ancestral knowledge, that God is good and the Devil is bad and man is a puppet. Well I believe man is the third equation thus is completely responsible to picking and choosing and changing his/her mind at different times in the same life time to be good and bad.

If the God and the Devil are the two sides of the man then only man can start or stop the good and bad individually. Believing good should happen all the times is wrong as well because if the bad never happens how would we know what good is? It is all about having the feelings to feel about the good and bad.

Only the man or a woman is capable of feeling not only personal emotional pain, man or a woman is spiritually ripened and can feel others or even other creatures pain as well. We all are capable of cleaning ourselves with or without the water so najes is our action which makes us buy into our belonging groups politics to look at others as najes.

Ironically bad happens all the time, we still discover the mass graves created by the recent history. Why can’t we learn and change? This question can only be answered when man learns about him/herself, understand emotions, revenge, eye for an eye, love loss to love robing philosophy and decides to use his/her CEO powers to choose the good Godly side and control the Devilish side of himself.


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